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Entry test: Answer the following questions:

(1) Name three performative verbs.

(2) Complete the following definition:

A performative utterance is one that ...................... some act and ...................... that act.

(3) Note down the sentence type and the main illocutionary act performed in the following

(a) Man in pet shop: ‘Is that parrot expensive?’

Sentence type: .................................... Act: .......................................

(b) Teacher to class: ‘I don’t want to hear noise at the back of the class’

Sentence type: .................................... Act: .......................................

(c) Man helping a blind man across a road: ‘Watch the step’

Sentence type: .................................... Act: .......................................

(d) Man in argument: ‘Do you take me for a fool?’

Sentence type: .................................... Act: .......................................

Definition: The FELICITY CONDITIONS of an illocutionary act are conditions that must be fulfilled in
the situation in which the act is carried out if the act is to be said to be carried out properly, or

Examples: One of the felicity conditions for the illocutionary act of ordering is that the speaker must
be superior to, or in authority over, the hearer. Thus, if a servant says to the Queen ‘Open the
window’, there is a certain incongruity, or anomalousness, or infelicity in the act (of ordering) carried
out, but if the Queen says ‘Open the window’ to the servant, there is no infelicity.

A felicity condition for the illocutionary act of accusing is that the deed or property attributed to the
accused is wrong in some way. Thus one can felicitously accuse someone of theft or murder, but
normally only infelicitously of, say, being a nice guy, or of helping an old lady to cross the road.

Practice: Given below are illocutionary acts, and for each act there are four suggested felicity
conditions. In each case only two of the felicity conditions are actually correct. Indicate the correct
felicity conditions by circling your choices.

(1) promising:

(a) The speaker must intend to carry out the thing promised. (b) The speaker must be inferior in
status to the hearer.
(c) The thing promised must be something that the hearer wants to happen.

(d) The thing promised must be morally wrong. (2) apologizing:

(a) The speaker must be responsible for the thing apologized for.

(b) The thing apologized for must be (or must have been) unavoidable. (c) The thing apologized for
must be morally wrong.

(d) The hearer must not want the thing apologized for to happen (or to have happened).

(3) greeting:

(a) The speaker and the hearer must be of different sex.

(b) The speaker and the hearer must not be in the middle of a conversation.

(c) The speaker must believe the hearer to have recently suffered a loss. (d) The speaker feels some
respect and/or sense of community

(however slight) with the hearer. (4) naming:

(a) The thing or person named must not already have a recognized

name known to the speaker.

(b) The speaker must be recognized by his community as having authority to name.

(c) The thing or person named must belong to the speaker.

(d) The thing or person named must be held in considerable respect by the community.

(5) protesting:

(a) The speaker and the hearer must have recently been in conflict with each other.

(b) The speaker must disapprove of the state of affairs protested at. (c) The state of affairs protested
at must be disapproved of by the

community generally.

(d) The hearer must be held to be responsible (by the speaker) for the state of affairs protested at.

Truth conditions are conditions that must be satisfied by the world if an utterance (of a declarative
sentence) is true. For example, the utterance

‘There is a cat on the table’ is only true if in the world at the time of the utterance there actually is a
table with a cat on it. Correspondingly, felicity conditions are conditions that must be satisfied by the
world if an illocutionary act is felicitous (or ‘appropriate’).

Practice: Label the illocutionary acts in the following situations felicitous or infelicitous, applying
normal everyday criteria. In each case also name the illocutionary act concerned.





Practice: Name the illocutionary acts carried out in the following examples, and state whether they
are, as far as you can see, felicitous or infelicitous. In each case state the sentence type involved.



Definition: A SINCERITY CONDITION on an illocutionary act is a condition that must be fulfilled if the
act is said to be carried out SINCERELY, but failure to meet such a condition does not prevent the
carrying out of the act altogether.

Example: A sincerity condition on apologizing is that the apologizer believes that the thing apologized
for is wrong in some way. Thus, if John enters a room at a certain time, believing that to do so is
wrong in some way (e.g. impolite, tactless, sacrilegious) and he says ‘I’m sorry to come in here at this
moment’, then he has apologized, and apologized sincerely. But if he says the same thing in the same
circumstances, except that he does not believe that what he has done is wrong in any way, then he
has still apologized, but insincerely.


(1) If Helen says to me ‘Congratulations on passing your driving test’, has she thereby congratulated

(2) If Helen, in the above scene, believes that I only got through my driving test by bribing the
examiner, is her congratulation sincere?

(3) Is it a sincerity condition on congratulating that the speaker believe the thing on which he
congratulates the hearer to be praiseworthy in some way? (4) If I say ‘I bet
you can’t beat my computer at chess’, have I thereby carried out an act of challenging?

(5) But if I know that my computer has actually been programmed to lose at chess, is my challenge
(6) Is it a sincerity condition on challenging that the speaker believe that what he challenges the
hearer to do is difficult in some way? (7) Is it a
sincerity condition on thanking that the speaker approve of the thing for which he thanks the

(8) Is it a sincerity condition on criticizing that the speaker approve of the thing he criticizes?

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