Deus Field Test Pt.1

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Norfolk Wolf (John Lynn)

Field Test Report XP Deus

he French XP detector revolu-

tion continues and seems to
have taken a giant step for-
ward. But has the page-on old
technology really been turned,
and is this the start of a new chapter in
detecting history?
Who says you really need to have
religion to get god? Not according to XP
with their new wire-free detector.
Its name – Déus (pronounced “Day-
Translated to English it means deity,
or “god”.
Is this new offering from XP really a
miracle machine, or not?

First Impressions & Some

On first sight, you can’t help but be
immediately impressed by the Déus and
its radical futuristic design; when folded
it bears an uncanny resemblance to the
“Starship Enterprise”. So beam me up Déus “Starship Enterprise”.
Scotty and let’s see if what that man Alain
Loubet and his team of savants have to and then brought onto the market; either the wireless link, so every bit of the soft-
offer really is manna from heaven. as a rival to a competing model from ware and hardware for the Déus were
But to begin with, here is a little back- another manufacturer, or as a mark 3, 4 fully developed in house by XP.
ground on the man himself. or 5 to a previous model. In the summer of 2008 I was invited
Not too many people are aware of No, the beginning of the Déus began over to Toulouse in southern France for
the fact that not only is Alain the owner to take place six years ago, way back the chance to meet up with some of the
and manufacturer of XP detectors, but in 2004. Firstly, as a series of thoughts XP staff and try out one of the new Déus
also that he is also an avid (and very formulating in Alain’s head on, “What prototypes – talk about being impressed!
accomplished!) detectorist. When time would be the ultimate and most desirable There was an important caveat though;
and business commitments permit he must haves, for a real kick-ass, user- I gave my word not to talk about it back
looks forward to throwing a tent, food friendly, detector?” (Bearing in mind that in England. No problem, I came off the
and a detector into his canoe and going the Goldmaxx Power or any of the other internet detecting forums! The following
off into the wilderness for a weekend’s mark 2 models in the XP range had yet year I was sent an updated version of
“metalling”. So the reality is that he to be produced at that time!) After lots the Déus prototype to use and familiar-
is not just another faceless boffin, but of brain storming with his team, bounc- ise myself with, so at the very least you
somebody who actually experiences and ing ideas off of each other, and then a will realise that I have had and used the
understands the realities of detecting out lengthy feasibility study, by 2006 things detector long enough to formulate an
in the field. really started moving into a higher gear. informed and unbiased report.
It might also be of some interest, It’s worth mentioning the small, but After all, what good is it to the paying
and add to our understanding, if we can highly talented team of individuals who public to have somebody writing about
peek behind the scenes and delve into worked on the Déus project: Julien, elec- up to the minute technology of a detec-
some of the history to find out just what tronics developer; Jean Louis, analogical/ tor, if that individual hasn’t had it long
it has taken to produce such a radically digital programmer; Cedric, information enough to understand the relative mer-
different and revolutionary world-class programmer; Regis, electronic developer; its, complexities or even have a concept
detector. and Alain (only five people in all) who of why the detector is using that specific
This definitely isn’t one of those were involved in the designing. technology in the first place?
machines that have been rehashed using An engineering team close to XP This happened with the original XP
existing technology, quickly produced worked with them in the development of Goldmaxx. Even today there are some


Field Test Report XP Deus

that still haven’t managed to grasp the When both shafts are fully retracted
thinking behind the original concept, and for easy carrying purposes, the whole
therefore under-rate the model because detector reduces to just 2 feet 2 inches;
of their own failure to understand how less than the length of an average foot
to use it correctly. What chance would assisted trowel! Now ally that to the fact
this or any other manufacturer’s machine that the Déus weighs in at just 875 grams
enhanced with the latest cutting-edge making it just about the lightest detector
technology, stand with a person of such (serious ones, not toys!) on the market
blinkered vision and limited abilities? today.
This is not a cheap detector, but then
neither is a Rolls-Royce or a Ferrari a
cheap vehicle; therefore it will not be in
the financial reach of everyone. How-
ever, for those who aspire to use the
latest technology not available in other Coil.
detectors, and can afford to purchase
top range machines, how big are the Starting with the coil, it is a 22.5cm
bangs you will be getting for your bucks? widescan, which has a built-in ultra-
Background history over, let’s look at the miniature electronic circuit that digitises
detector. and analyses the signals. The data is
then sent to the headphones and remote
Straight from the Box control in real time using a digital radio
link. Using this method, the quality of
The first assembly of the Déus’
the data you receive is greatly improved,
lower shaft to the coil is straightfor-
as the signal is processed at source rather
ward enough when using XP’s improved
than it being sent using the normal coil
attachment system. The patented all new
cable to the control box and then from
XP stem has the combined advantages of
there via more wire to the headphone
being not only S-shaped, but also has a
straight telescopic shaft. By the use of the
Think about that for a minute, a bat-
two cam-locks you can extend or retract
tery, and electronic circuitry in the coil?
the shafts in an instant.
The length of the lower shaft is
determined by the use of the lower Charging the units.
cam-lock, it is adjustable in millimetre
increments to ensure maximum com- How it all works, I will try to keep in
fort when detecting. Changing different a nutshell (hopefully!)
coils in the future will be a doddle. The The coil, remote control and back
upper shaft and cam-lock is an inte- phones each have their own small, high
gral part of the handgrip/three position capacity rechargeable lithium battery
arm-cup support, and when the shaft is and also their recharging points.
fully extended, the sculpted magnet (for This is an important part of the design
attaching the remote control) on the end as it makes each unit independent for its
of the shaft butts up to the handgrip. power source.

Remote control on magnetic

head of shaft.

The remote control is encased in a

robust plastic and rubberised case with
two tiny protuberances at the top which
Handgrip/arm-cup, cam-locks, and shafts. are the antennae for the radio link with


Norfolk Wolf (John Lynn)

the coil; overall it measures 11cm x 6cm x • A constantly measured ground min- connections; the coil is different in that
1.5cm. Come on now, how can you possi- eralisation index it has a butterfly clip connector that only
bly call something the size and thickness • The current ground setting (this part works in one specific position.
of a mobile phone a control box?! Now of the display is also used when This is one area where it is possible to
get this…. especially as you can use ground balancing) demonstrate a simplistic view to appre-
the detector without it! You can actu- • The frequency being used, (4, 8, 12, ciate the original thought, the ensuing
ally use just the headphones to switch 18 kHz) problems, and how the XP team not only
on and make the major adjustments for • At the bottom of the display the three found a solution, but will change the way
detecting without any detriment to per- indicated categories (Option, Menu, we detect.
formance. Whoever heard of a detector GB) denotes the main functions for What do you think takes up the most
working without its control box? the three multi-purpose touch pads space and is also the major weight factor
The remote control also has its own situated immediately underneath the in a control box? Yes, of course, the bat-
black leather and clear plastic case for screen. teries. The accepted norm has been 12
belt-mounting with its innovative “flop The first of these is an option that volts and in the past it has been neces-
down” magnetic flap to view the read- switches the detector on or off and is then sary not only for the power output, but
ings on the LCD screen. (For when it’s used (firstly) for designating whether the also for the longevity of detecting hours.
raining?) Otherwise, without its case, the speaker will operate from either the However, with technological strides
remote control “sticks” on the magnetic remote or headphones. This same button made recently, would it be possible to
head of the top shaft. (It will soon be then deals with configuration (backlight use very compact, high-capacity lithium
available with Velcro straps so as to be contrast, clock etc), coil and accessing batteries? Yes, with an ultra miniature
able to be worn on the sleeve or arm). the installed programs. The option will electronic circuitry. So now the remote,
allow use of the expert settings when the coil and the headphones have their
menu is accessed. own identical power source. But how
The second or middle touchpad long will the batteries last? In the past it
gives access to the menu where you can has generally been the practice of hav-
change the values of the discrimination, ing to charge the batteries for at least an
sensitivity, frequency, iron volume, reac- overnight period of time. Not looking so
tivity, audio response and notch. This good? No, each of the three elements can
touchpad is also used to scroll through also be charged separately if required.
the settings in the menus. Another feature of lithium polymer bat-
The third touchpad is the validate teries is that they can be quickly charged
or return button; it also gives access without developing a memory. Charging
to manual ground balancing, pumping, time for the remote and headphones is
beach and tracking. 2 hours when completely flat, the coil
The two touchpads on the second is just 90 minutes. Looking good, but
row are plus and minus buttons. These how long do they last? Between 9 and 10
are not only used to increase or decrease
values, but are also a quick method for
changing detecting programmes without
having to go into the menu.
The bottom button (with the red cir-
Remote with LCD activated. cle) is employed for non-motion mode
and pinpointing.
This is the difficult bit to describe and At the rubberised base of the remote
harder to understand, but bear with me! are two access points. One has a USB
The liquid crystal display, measur- connection for charging the lithium bat-
ing 500mm x 360mm, gives a whole tery or for updating the software via
host of easy to read information which internet. The other is for corded head-
includes:- phones, or if you have a preference for a
• Alternate displaying of battery condi- favourite set.
tion of the coil and the remote The above description of the remote
• The programme in use control appears complicated in the writ-
• The time ten word, but in practice and by reading
• The analogue scale of the target’s the manual it is very quickly understood.
conductivity (As I will be explaining in greater detail
• A graph indicating fast or slow and later).
deep Both the remote control and the back
• A digital readout of target’s conduc- phones (lightweight headphone) bat-
tivity teries are recharged by way of USB The author with the Déus on a cold day.


Field Test Report XP Deus

hours, or if flat out on TX level 3 about 8 it likes silver coinage – especially the learning the Déus while avoiding
hours. That’s enough day’s detecting for thicker and larger pieces. false signals.
anyone. However, XP not only supply a The third, 12 kHz, is a little more All programmes except the Wet
home charger, but also an in-car charger refined still; we could liken this to a Beach have a default, Ground Balance
and, wait for it, an emergency charger ball peen hammer. This is another good setting of 90 to ensure maximum stability
that runs off one AA battery! So if you all-round frequency, this time at the under most conditions. Wet beach oper-
do forget overnight, this will charge one higher end. Depth of search is very good ates from 00 to 30 and is adjusted either
of the elements in the time that it takes and recovery speed is improved fur- manually or by pumping.
to pour a cup of tea and drink it! It will ther; smaller, thinner sectioned items are
give you another three to four hours easier to find.
more detecting. Simple, but why hasn’t Finally, 18 kHz, which is top of the
it been implemented before? This could refinement tree. This is more akin to a
only have been thought of, I believe, by toffee hammer, and excels on contami-
a detectorist that owns a detector manu- nated sites. It is unparalleled in rooting
facturing company. out the tiny items amongst all the junk.
No one frequency can cover all even-
Frequencies, Programmes tualities and using them all together
& Controls – Accessing doesn’t give you that surgical preciseness
of a single frequency.
Them & Making The Déus has factory pre-installed
Adjustments programmes that are accessed, either
by the plus and minus touchpads or via
options. Always exit using the Validate/
1 BASIC 1 (12 kHz). This is a good
all-rounder for general use. Don’t
disregard this one.
2 GM POWER (18 kHz). Similar set-
tings to the XP Gold Maxx Power
detector, powerful and fast.
3 Déus FAST (18 kHz). Faster than the Screen settings.
Gold Maxx Power excels with small
targets on iron-infested ground. Each programme has its own pre-
4 PITCH (12 kHz). Responsive pitch installed settings and their values,
Sine wave. that varies in frequency and ampli- which can be accessed using the menu
tude according to the signal’s touchpad. These consist of:-
The Déus has four separate frequen- strength; same speed as the Gold • Disc. 00 to 99 allows a target to be
cies that work independently of each Maxx Power. rejected that has a lower conductive
other; therefore each frequency oper- 5 G-MAXX (8 kHz). Similar settings value than that of the setting being
ates as a single sine wave and not as a to those of the XP G-Maxx, medium used.
square wave, which would indicate that speed, particularly effective for large • Sens. 00-99 Increases or decreases
they were working together as multi- masses and highly conductive coins. the detector’s sensitivity to all signals
frequency. Each frequency has its own 6 RELIC (8 kHz). Slower than the including the unwanted ones
characteristics, values and drawbacks G-Maxx, adapted for large, deep • Frequency. 4, 8, 12, 18kHz. Offers
(hence the need for four of them). masses in relatively uncontaminated choice of alternatives to adapt to
The first, 4 kHz, has more of a ground. ground conditions and target charac-
sledgehammer effect (the effect of the 7 WET BEACH (18kHz). Employed for teristics.
electro-magnetic field). Powerful and finding small gold (chains, rings etc). • Iron vol. 0-5. controls the sound vol-
deep on the bigger targets, it works well Tuned to operate more effectively ume and tone denoting iron.
on relatively uncontaminated (free of on wet beaches, although adjust- • Reactivity. 0-5. The speed to recover
nails and junk) sites; excels on the larger ments will be needed for the ground from the effects of one object to sig-
and thicker sectioned objects and coin- effect, either by pumping or manually nal the next.
age. It is most suitable for larger coils adjusting the GB mode. • Audio response. 0-5. Amplifies the
etc. 8 ALL METAL (8kHz). Suitable for volume of deeper signals.
The second, 8 kHz, is a little more deep searching for all targets, an all • Notch. 00-99. Enables specific targets
refined, say a lump hammer. More of metal motion mode. of certain conductive values to be
an all-rounder in the lower end of the 9 BASIC 2 (8kHz). Ease of operation rejected
frequencies, it gives very good depths with settings that give greater sta- All are fully adjustable via the plus
and the recovery speed is a little better; bility; perfect for starting out and and minus touchpads.


Norfolk Wolf (John Lynn)

There are Expert settings that can Level 2. Is the default setting; the
be employed and adjusted when the performance is stable and more than
Menu is accessed. However don’t be in enough for the vast majority of con-
too much of a hurry to play around with ditions.
these for at least a few months! How-
ever, if you are still with me we need to Level 3. Over the right ground condi-
look at these expert settings. Oh, and tions there will be a subtle difference
that thing I wrote about trying to keep to pure performance. This one is not
this section of the report in a nutshell? for the “meddlers” – if you think it
Forget it, I was joking! is going to give you extra depth each
time, don’t touch it!
Expert Settings
Make sure they are the right
conditions, or you won’t want to
use it again in the future. It not only
gives power but it also eats it too
(in terms of battery level). Level 3
is the default setting of the 4kHz
frequency, therefore expert is not
Screen silencer.

When you increase the value of the

silencer you are applying a filter which
eliminates the crackling caused by the
residue of the odd piece of less than100%
discriminated iron. The reactivity will
always over-ride the silencer, therefore
when the reactivity level is changed, this
will also alter the Silencer level; other-
wise it could alter the effectiveness of the

Screen in TX.

The manual states that “This section

covers the advanced settings. You should
ensure that you have studied all the basic
parameters before moving on to this sec-
tion”. Believe me the manufacturers of
XP are not kidding!
Press the menu pad, and the screen Screen frequency.
will display the settings for the par-
ticular programme which is currently in Scroll down to Frequency and then
operation; options now become expert. press Expert. The frequency can be
Scroll down the settings until Sens, press shifted either slightly higher or lower
Expert and the screen changes to show to avoid occasional interference (from
TX Power. another detector).
There are three levels which govern The emitter coil is more closely
the strength of the electromagnetic field:- attuned to the middle frequency so revert
back to that when you can. The 4kHz
Level 1. Is very good for mineralised frequency is fixed so therefore no expert Screen notch.
“naily and fussy” sites. Depth is not settings are available. Obviously there
an issue in these situations, but the is no Expert setting needed for iron vol- Scroll down to notch, and press
high volume of ferrous objects over- ume. expert. This now allows you to widen
powering the detector is; a lower TX Scroll down to Reactivity, press the notch 1 “window” and also bring in
level will definitely improve target Expert, and 4 levels of Silencer are two more adjustable notch windows (n2
recognition. obtainable. and n3).


Field Test Report XP Deus Norfolk Wolf (John Lynn)

ble nor is it generated by the conductivity measures just 62mm in diameter and an
of the target. The strength of the signal incredible 18mm in depth. It is fitted on
generates an audio response that varies a sliding support and can be removed
both in amplitude and pitch. For exam- from the backphones with just a single
ple a shallow (near surface) target will click. The LCD screen measures 20mm
generate a strong high-pitched sound; by 10mm and has the menu, and plus
however, a deeper target will record a and minus buttons beneath.
weaker sound that is low pitched. Pitch When using the backphones you can
can be used as a great aid to pinpointing. turn the Déus on and off (using the plus
The differing amounts of Expert user and minus buttons), select the nine fac-
adjustable choices available aid you in tory programmes using the menu button
making the right decisions and will defi- (these are displayed as P1-P9) or those
nitely be appreciated by the discerning that have been configured by the user.
detectorist. The menu is also used to access the set-
tings adjustments (e.g. Sens, Disc, GB,
Tone, Frequency etc).
By the way, there is no loss in
performance if you are just using the
Screen Disc. So why would you want to use just
the backphones? Well, just off the top of
Scroll down to Disc. Press Expert my head I can think of two good reasons;
to choose multi tones. Chose 2, 3, 4 the first being a discharged battery on
tones, or Pitch. The discrimination scale the remote control. The second is that
is from 00-99 and this system allows you you have made the adjustments to the
to choose the width for each tone; for detector for the field you are working,
example, designate a low tone for 00-10, and it is now absolutely pouring it down
and this will cover iron. Then choose a Backphones controls. with rain. There is mud everywhere but
low medium tone 11-30 for coke and you need to lay the detector down to dig
larger or misshapen iron. The third will XP has been producing wireless the signals; I think that I can safely say
be a high medium tone which can be backphones for a few years and now that we have all been there!
placed arbitrarily at 31-44 for what I they are a common sight at rallies and I have endeavoured to cover the more
call “no-man’s land” (iffy signals). This weekend digs throughout the country; salient points, but obviously there are
covers thin tinfoil; however you are also however, with the Deus they now have one or two minor omissions. Next month
starting to move into the area of tiny an integrated ultra-miniature “control I will be writing about how the Déus per-
coins and objects and also poor quality unit” on the left-side phone pad. formed after taking it out in the fields, on
coins (conductivity-wise). We are talk- It really is hard to believe that the beaches and well, generally throw-
ing about the lower end of gold quarter something so tiny can contain all the ing the kitchen sink at it! Also included,
stater conductivity readings, so care is electronics necessary to detect and in will be how each factory programme
required. The highest tone can be allo- the absence of the remote control they performs, including the incredible “Déus
cated to the numeric readings of 45-99. will take over and act as the “brain” for fast”. (Believe me, it’s going to blow your
Pitch is different – it is neither adjusta- the settings and adjustments. The unit socks off!). TH

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