Palabras Tipicas

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PRESENT SIMPLE - Adverbs of frequency: always, usually,

often ,sometimes, never, normally.

- Once/twice a day/a week/a month/a year:
una vez/dos veces al día/a la semana/al
mes/al año
- Three/four…times a day/a week/a month/
a year: tres/cuatro…veces al día/a la
semana/al mes/al año
- On Monday, Tuesday…
- At + hora
- Every day/week/month/year: cada
día/cada semana/cada mes/cada año
PRESENT CONTINUOUS Now, at the moment, today, in this moment,
right now.
PAST SIMPLE - Yesterday
- Last
- Con un año en pasado  In 1948, I bought
a house in New York.
- When  I was doing my homework when
my father arrived.
PAST CONTINUOUS - While  I was doing my homework while
my mother was cooking.
- When  I was doing my homework when
my father arrived.

Verbos que no se pueden poner en present continuous: like, hate, love, prefer, understand,
think, believe, want, know, etc. (Verbos de pensamiento u opinión)

Ej.: I am not understanding the lesson. X

I don’t understand the lesson. ✓

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