Book Review: Health Promotion: Planning and Strategies

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Health Promotion: The authors provide an impressive analysis of the

Planning and Strategies role of systematic programme planning as the key
Keith Tones and Jackie Green to effective health promotion practice.
Sage, London, 2004 Some of the other chapters of the book, although
376 pp, ISBN 0-7619-7449-0 comprehensive in content, could have been strength-
ened by improving presentation, layout and style.
For example, I am not sure why the chapter on
Keith Tones and Jackie Green’s book provides an Mass Communication is twinned with Community
essential and timely contribution to the evolving Action/Development. Beyond them being important
literature on health promotion theory and practice. tools for health promotion, their linkage is not clear
The book is important as it seeks to provide and no rationale sufficiently provided. The same
a ‘distinctive voice for health promotion’ at a applies to the chapter on Settings and Methods,
time when conceptual, policy and organizational which again lacks a sufficient rationale, with various
changes in some countries are resulting in nu- setting areas discussed together without any clear
merous interpretations and often misconceptions establishment of commonalities. This chapter then
regarding its definition and practice. goes on to cover methods for facilitating learning
The strengths of the book lie in its comprehen- with no links to the previous discussion of settings.
sive and logical coverage of the core issues in The authors themselves though highlight the limi-
health promotion theory and practice, supported by tations of attempting to discuss all methods and
careful and consistent referencing. The latter estab- strategies in health promotion interventions (‘a task
lishes it as an important and up-to-date resource of encyclopaedic proportions’) and they therefore
tool for students and experienced professionals. It attempt to draw out the key principles.
sets out by highlighting the need to understand The Evaluation chapter covers many of the
health ideologies and discourses, and focuses on the essential key issues, but I would have liked to have
key process of empowerment. It covers approaches seen a stronger conclusion.
to assess health status and its determinants. Tones’ Although the authors provide a rather brief
Health Action Model is revisited, and his long- paragraph at the end of each chapter, they could
standing interpretation of health promotion as the have provided more substantive linkage sections
synergistic interaction between health education between chapters, which would have strengthened
and healthy public policy is described and dis- the overall context and framework of the book by
cussed in depth. These two phenomena lie at the pulling together many of its essential arguments.
heart of the book and Tones and Green’s interpre- In many ways, in terms of ideology and values,
tation of health promotion. They clearly see power research and practice, Tones and Green have suc-
and politics as centrally important. Following this ceeded in capturing the ‘distinctive voice’ of health
route they argue consistently throughout the book promotion. They have also highlighted its weak-
that the process of empowerment underpins their nesses and limitations; in particular, are intervention
understanding of health promotion. programmes related specifically to health promotion
The challenge they see health promotion facing or could they be seen as health improvement or
is how to operationalize health promotion at a prac- public health programmes? Many limitations they
tical level. They provide an excellent discussion of argue are due to the lack of appropriate theoreti-
empowerment in relation to determinants of health cal bases underpinning many health promotion
actions, health promotion planning and healthy programmes.
public policy. They also provide an excellent There are several contemporary issues in relation
chapter on the latter. to the distinctive voice of health promotion which I
Parts of the book cover well-trodden paths in would have liked to have seen included in the book.
rehearsing the health promotion discourse. The effects of current policy and organizational

Health Education Research Vol.20 no.3, Ó Oxford University Press 2004; All rights reserved doi:10.1093/her/cyg115
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on 11 September 2017
Book review

changes in the British NHS and the omission of social and political change. They leave specific
health promotion and health education as terms, mention and discussion of the ‘New Health Edu-
with preference given to multidisciplinary public cation’ until the final pages of the book and, in
health and terms such as ‘health improvement’; the particular, its 2-page Epilogue. I would have liked
growth of interest in population health and its to have seen a discussion of the future role of the
relationship to health promotion in Canada; discus- new health education form a more substantive part
sion of health promotion as a discipline and as of the book; in particular, to clarify its relationship
a profession; implications of the work in many to the future role and direction of health promotion.
countries on health promotion competencies in This book forms a substantive and comprehen-
relation to workforce development and capacity sive resource, and I would strongly recommend it to
building; and finally the role of academic health policy makers, researchers and practitioners who
promotion in relation to these and related issues. are interested in the promotion of health. I would
The major innovation in the book, which is in also recommend it as a seminal text for students
itself a reawakening, is that Tones and Green re- specializing in health promotion and related areas. I
appraise and reflect on a new role for health educa- will certainly be including it as required reading for
tion as the central feature and distinctive voice my post-graduate students.
of health promotion. They argue strongly for John Kenneth Davies
education having a key role in healthy public International Health Development
policy; influencing the conditions of learning; Research Centre Faculty of Health
influencing policy makers, politicians and profes- University of Brighton
sionals, and by being overtly political, achieving UK

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by guest
on 11 September 2017

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