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Short film final idea

The short film will follow two characters both of which are teenage
boys around the age of 17. The story will start by following the
first boy, it will show him on an average day from waking up to go
to bed but obviously cut into the main events of his day. This will
show him having a loving family and a good school life with good
friends and good grades. However when walking home from
school it will have him picking on another kid his age, he will then
start to attack the kid by pushing and shoving him. the kid being
picked on is then going to snap and he punches his bully which
ends up knocking him unconscious and the bully hits his head on
the curb which kills him. You will then see the seconded kid who
just threw the punchy looking around scared and then running
home, while this is happening it will have a close up of the bullies
face on the ground and it shows him bleeding and then shows all
his movement stop and his eyes stay wide open just staring into the
sky and the screen fades to black. it fades in with a shot of the
second kids face and he is in bed and he wakes up. it then goes
through his account of that day and shows him struggling at home
in the morning and having bad parents and then it shows him at
school with no friends and doing bad in his work and on the way
home he is very angry when he starts getting bullied which causes
him to snap and just lose it. Then it shows him at home later that
evening and he is watching the news and it shows a picture of the
kid which will convey to the audience that he passed away the
seconded kid will then be seen packing a bag and leaving his
house. The final shot will have him walking down the street and
then screen will fade to black as the credits being to start.
Title of production - “The end of the line”


I n t h i s p ro j e c t w e h a v e b e e n a s k e d t o c re a t e t w o v i d e o
p ro j e c t s o u t o f a m u s i c v i d e o , a s h o r t f i l m o r a n
a n i m a t i o n . I h a v e

decided to work with George as I'm good friends with
him and will be able to have similar ideas with him. We
also have worked together in the past and we have
w o r k e d v e r y w e l l a n d a g re e d o n m o s t d e c i s i o n s . w e h a v e
chosen to do a short film and a music video, we made

this choice as I have a lot of experience creating short
films, and Geor ge has a lot of experience with music
videos so I think that will both be able to work together
to create a professional short film and music video.
Why are you producing this production?

This production is being produced as a task for creative media

production. We have been asked to create a short film and a
music video that tell a story and follow a narrative without the use
of any dialogue.


Thursday 22nd November 2019

Target audience is:

When creating a short film or music video it is import to

have a tar get audience, this makes it so that you have
a u d i e n c e t o a i m t o w a rd s s o t h a t y o u c a n c re a t e y o u r
p ro d u c t i o n i n a w a y t h a t m o s t p e o p l e w i l l l i k e a n d
understand. By researching your tar get audience it gives
you better understanding of their views, opinions and
l i v e s m a k i n g i t e a s i e r   t o k n o w a n d c re a t e s o m e t h i n g t h e y
w o u l d l i k e .


Production schedule

Description of visuals

Henry is lying on the floor with a pool of blood slowly
leaking out of the back of his head as his lifeless eyes
stare into the camera.
The camera pans out and upwards slowly into the sky.

Fades to white

EXT. the camera pans down from the sky and down onto the
street where one kid is walking down the street.

Wide angle shot of henry sat on the wall. He is acting


A side angle shot of henry and then a pull focus to joe

walking towards him further down the street.

A wide angles hot of henry looking at joe and then standing


Over the shoulder shot from Henrys shoulder looking at joes

face. Joe then gets pushed to the floor.

Close up low angle shot of Henry’s face followed a high

angle shot of joe on the floor.
Joe then scrabbles away and runs off while crying
Shaky cam tracking shot of him running back home.

He then goes back to his house and you see him walk through
his house passed his dad who is passed out.
Side angle shot in his room at his house of him pacing up
and down after he walks in and slams the door.

It then switches to Henrys house and shows him walking

through house. He takes off his jacket and throws it on the
ground and then you see his mother pick it

Location Recce

Type of room/area: Out side

Location Address:

Sl7 2JN

West View

Nearest Train Station:
Marlow Train Station

Nearest Bus stop: Spin-filed
lane Bus stop

Lighting Information: very well lit and we Solutions: film in the early afternoon for
will be filming at around three o’clock in good light.
the afternoon so there should be strong sun

Sound Information: There is not my traffic Solutions: N/A

on the road so there is minimal noise.

Power Information: There is power sockets Solutions: N/A

in the house and in the garage is we need
power outside.
Location Recce

Type of room/area: outside

Location Address:

103 Oxford Rd

Sat Nav details: SL7 2PL

Nearest Train Station:
Marlow Train Station

Nearest Bus stop: Marlow
Platt's Bus Stop

Lighting Information: there is a reasonable Solutions: film on the section of the wall
amount of light but it is under a large tree where the light hits.
so it is always in the shade but there is a
higher section over the wall which isn’t in
the shade so we can film there for more

Sound Information: It is on a reasonably Solutions: attempt to film when there Is no

busy road so there will lots of road noise. traffic.

Power Information: there is no power Solutions: bring extra batteries.

outlets available.
Location Recce

For (Joes) House

Type of room/area:

Location Address:

10 Stewarts Way

Marlow SL7 3QL

Nearest Train Station:N/A

Nearest Bus stop: Marlow
Bottom Bus stop

Lighting Information: well lit outside sun Solutions: N/A

light we will also be shooting at around 1
o’clock in this location so there will be lots
of sun light.

Sound Information: Quiet street not much Solutions: N/A

traffic at all.

Power Information: there are power Solutions: N/A

sockets in the house and in the garage if
we need power out side.

Props List For Short Film

Item Item Description Who uses it When it is used

Empty Beer Tin can Joes Farther When Joe

Cans walking in from

Rope Thick rope Joe When he is in

his room

Cardboard Cardboard box Joe When he is in

box his room

Computer Desktop pc Henry When he is in

his room
Actor confirmations

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