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A. Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences:

1. She _____ from home today. (works/is working)
2. Leave me alone- I _____ to work. (try/am trying)
3. I ____ what she’s saying. (don’t understand/am not understanding)
4. ‘What's the weather like?’ ‘It ____.’ (rains/is raining).
5. What ____ he do? (do/does).
6. She usually _____ to work by car. (come/comes/is coming)
7. He _____ believe in God. (isn’t believing/don’t believe/doesn’t believe)
8. It ___ me twenty minutes to get to work most days. (take/takes/is taking)
9. His company closed so he ____ for work. (look/looks/is looking)
10. _____ your meal? (do you enjoy/are you enjoying)
B. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verb in
1. We usually _____________ (have) lunch at two o’clock.
2. Listen! _____________ the phone _______________ (ring)?
3. I ____________ (sit) in the park today.
4. ________ people ________________ (put) trees in their houses at Christmas?
5. My brother always ______(watch) tennis on TV.
6. My friend _____________ (not visit) me every day.
7. The boys ____________ (study) at the moment.
8. Bill _________(not play) outside now.
C. Underline the correct verb in each sentence (Present Simple or Present Continuous)
1. We learn / are learning grammar at the moment.
2. Helen is wearing /wears blue jeans and a T-shirt today.
3. I always stop / am stopping the car at a red light.
4. In summer we are going to / go to beach.
5. Tom and I watch / are watching a good film at the moment.
6. Dad washes / is washing the car now.
7. The gardener comes / is coming to our house every Saturday.

D. Make Positive Sentences in Simple Present!

1. I/ to go/ to school _________________________________
2. We/ to visit/ Spain/ every year _________________________________
3. Anne/ to drive/ a red car _________________________________
4. They/ to like/ music _________________________________
5. She/ to be/ friendly _________________________________
6. I/ to love/ football _________________________________
7. The sun/ to shine/ everyday _________________________________
8. Australia/ to be/ a warm country _________________________________
9. John/ to work/ as a trainee _________________________________
10. You/ to be/ nice _________________________________
E. Make Negative Sentences in Simple Present!

1. He/ to go/ to work/ everyday _________________________________
2. They/ to travel/ to France _________________________________
3. Anne/ to drive/ a bike _________________________________
4. She/ to like/ football _________________________________
5. He/ to be/ a friend of John _________________________________
6. I/ to play/ tennis _________________________________
7. The sun/ to shine/ everyday _________________________________
8. Sydney/ to be/ in the United States _________________________________
9. Mike/ to watch/ TV _________________________________
10. Peter/ to read/ magazines _________________________________
F. Make Sentences in SIMPLE PRESENT!
1. He/ to write/ a book _________________________________
2. They/ to visit/ Spain _________________________________
3. Anne/ to call/ John every evening _________________________________
4. They/ to hear/ music _________________________________
5. She/ to go/ to the market _________________________________
6. He/ to play/ football in the garden _________________________________
7. Mike/ to watch/ show _________________________________
8. Australia/ to be/ a warm country _________________________________
9. John/ to work/ as a trainee _________________________________
10. He/ to be/ nice _________________________________
G. Make Sentences in PRESENT CONTINUOUS!
1. I/ to go/ to school _________________________________
2. We/ to visit/ the museum _________________________________
3. Anne/ to drive/ with her red car_________________________________
4. They/ to listen/ to the music _________________________________
5. She/ to help/ Peter _________________________________
6. I/ to play/ football _________________________________
7. The sun/ to shine _________________________________
8. Mike/ to talk/ to Peter _________________________________
9. John/ to work today _________________________________
10. I/ to watch/ the show _________________________________
H. Simple Present or Present Continuous?
1. He (go)_____________________ to work everyday.
2. Anne (listen)_____________________ to the music at the moment.
3. They (talk)_____________________ right now.
4. I (jog)_____________________ every morning.
5. He (help)_____________________ friend this week.
6. Mike (sit)_____________________ in the meeting.
7. We always (help)_____________________ you.
8. You (learn)_____________________ for your test.
9. Sometimes Mike (eat)_____________________ pizza.
10. He (live)_____________________ in New york this year.

I. “simple present” or “present progressive”?
1. Jane usually ____________________ (to get up) at 8 o’clock. She ____________________ (to go) to
the bathroom, ____________________ (to have) breakfast and then ____________________ (to walk) to
school. Today it ____________________ (to rain) and Sarah ____________________ (to get) all wet.
2. My friends are on the beach. Becky ____________________ (to make) a sandcastle. She ___________
(to take) the bucket and then ____________________ (to go) to the water. The boys _________________
(to have fun), too. Mark ____________________ (to swim) in the water and Simon __________________
(to look) for crabs under the rocks.
3. David’s Grandma ____________________ (to work) at the Twinning Office in Nottingham. She always
______________ (to write) a lot of letters to Germany. This morning she ___________ (to write) a letter to
a school.
4. Jenny is at the shop. She ____________________ (to talk) to the clerk. Now an old lady ___________
(to come) into the shop. She always ____________________ (to buy) a pint of milk on Mondays, but today
it’s Wednesday and she ____________________ (to buy) a pound of apples and a bar of chocolate. She
____________________ (to like) chocolate very much.

Answer Key
1. is working
2. am trying
3. don’t understand
4. is raining
5. does
6. Comes
7. doesn’t believe
8. takes
9. is looking
10. Are you enjoying

1. have
2. Is/ringing
3. am sitting
4. Do/put
6. doesn’t visit
7. are studying
8. isn’t playing

1. are learning
2. is wearing
3. always stop
4. we go
5. are watching
6. is washing

7. comes

1. I go to school
2. We don’t visit Spain every year
3. Anne drives a red car.
4. They like music
5. She is friendly
6. I love football.
7. The sun shines everyday.
8. Australia is a warm country.
9. John works as a trainee.
10. You are nice.

1. He doesn’t go to work everyday.
2. They don’t travel to France.
3. Anne doesn’t drive a bike.
4. She doesn’t like football
5. He isn’t a friend of John.
6. I don’t play tennis.
7. The sun isn’t shining everyday.
8. Sydney isn’t in the United States.
9. Mike doesn’t watch TV.
10. Peter don’t read magazines.

1. He writes a book.
2. They visit Spain.
3. Anne calls John every evening.
4. They hear music.
5. She goes to the market.
6. He plays football in the garden.
7. Mike watches show.
8. Australia is a warm country.
9. John works as a trainee.
10. He is nice.

1. I am going to school.
2. We are visiting the museum.
3. Anne is driving with her red car.
4. They are listening to the music.
5. She is helping Peter.
6. I am playing football.
7. The sun is shining.
8. Mike is talking to Peter.
9. John is working today.
10. I am watching the show.


1. goes
2. is listening
3. are talking
4. am jogging
5. is helping
6. is sitting
7. help
8. are learning
9. doesn’t eat
10. is living

1. gets up-goes-has-walks-is raining-is getting
2. is making-is taking-going-are having fun-is swimming-is looking
3. works-writes-is writing
4. is talking-is coming-buys-is buying-likes

1. Has he got a red bag?
2. Can they spell their names?
3. Must he go to bed at nine O’clock?
4. Do they go to beach?
5. Is Sarah repairing her sister’s bike?
6. Does David want to eat ice cream?
7. Has he got a broken leg?
8. Is the beach a dog-free zone?
9. Does Becky like dogs very much?
10. Can they take the third train to Izmir?
11. Do crabs live under rocks?
12. Is Mr Yılmaz listening to news?
13. Must they take a poster for the competition?
14. Does Jenny usually do the washing up?

1. When is her birthday?
2. What does he read?
3. Why does Becky like dogs?
4. Where is she repairing the bike?
5. Where does my aunt work?
6. How does David feel?
7. What do I have got in the garage?
8. What time does the last train leave to Nottingham?
9. Why isn’t Mrs Croft angry?
10. What does she want to make?
11. When must David learn the alphabet?
12. What can they play in the park?
13. Where does Sarah buy a pint of milk?

L. Students’ own answers.

N. Complete each sentence. Use the words in brackets. Use present simple or present continuous.

1. Richard (always, get up) ................... ................... before 7.00.

2. Hurry up! The bus (wait) ........................................................................ for us!
3. Where (we, go) .......................................................... ? This is the wrong road!
4. My friends (not believe) .................................................................... my story.
5. Please be quiet! I (read) ............................................... a very interesting book.
6. (like, Susan) ................................................................................. horror films?

O. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.

1) ‘Someone ........... for you outside.’ ‘Who is it?’

A) waits B) is waiting C) waiting

2) ‘What ..... of this book?’ ‘I think it’s fantastic!’

A) do you think B) is you think C) you do think

3) ..... in ghosts?
A) Are you believe B) Are you believing C) Do you believe

4) Kate is busy. She ..... for a test.

A) is study B) is studying C) is studies

5) ..... a great time at the moment!

A) We are have B) We’re have C) We’re having

6) Tina usually ..... at 7.00.

A) get up B) is getting up C) gets up
P. Correct each sentence or question.
1. I doesn’t likes this film. _________________________________
2. What do you wants? _________________________________
3. Jim walk sometimes to school. _________________________________
4. When the lesson begins? _________________________________
5. I don’t gets up early on Saturdays. _________________________________
6. Tina not like computer games. _________________________________
7. Figen watchs television every night. _________________________________

Q. Put one word in each space. Contractions are one word. (/does/ doesn’t/ do/don’t/
1. What ______________you usually eat for lunch?
2. George and Terry ______________ speak Portuguese. They speak English.
3. It’s 9.30 and the children ______________ sitting at their desks.
4. Ken______________like tea. In fact, he hates it.
5. When it rains, ______________ you take an umbrella?
6. What ______________ it say on the board? I can’t see from here.

R. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.

1) What time ........ to bed?
A) usually do you go B) do usually you go C) do you usually go

2) Every day, Frank ..... to work.

A) goes B) is going C) go

3) Stop it! ..... it!

A) I’m not liking B) I don’t like C) I not like

4) What ..... ? Is it an orange?

A) you are eating B) are you eating C) do you eat

5) Zeynep feels ill, so she ..... basketball.

A) doesn’t play B) isn’t play C) isn’t playing

6) Pay attention, Yunus! ..... ?

A) Do you listen B) Is it listening C) Are you listening

7) Excuse me. ..... to Hadımköy?

A) This road goes B) Does this road go C) Is this road go
S. Change each sentence. Use the words in brackets.
1. Jo goes to school by bus. (usually) _______________________________
2. I’m working hard. (not) _______________________________
3. Sara likes sport. (not) _______________________________
4. I get up at 6.30. (always) _______________________________
5. We speak German. (not) _______________________________
6. Pierre goes to the beach. (often) _______________________________
7. George drinks beer. (never) _______________________________
8. We’re having a good time. (not) _______________________________

T. Present simple or present continuous? Correct the mistakes.

1. Are you having a motorbike? _______________________________
2. I’m staying in a hotel near the sea. _______________________________
3. I’d like to buy this coat. How much is it costing? _______________________________
4. What you doing? _______________________________
5. I’m usually getting up at 6.00. _______________________________
6. This book is difficult. I’m not understanding it. _______________________________
7. Excuse me. Are you knowing the way to the museum?_______________________________

B. Fill in the blanks with the present simple of the verb in brackets.
John Fields _____ _________ (be) a farmer. He ______________ (get up) at 5 o.clock in the morning. He
______________ (wash), ____________ (dress) and ______________ (have) breakfast. He
_____________ (put) on his coat and ______________ (go) outside. He ______________ (milk) the cows
early in the morning. His wife and children ______________ (not/get up) so early. They ______________
(get up) at seven o.clock. His wife ______________ (feed) the chickens and then she ______________
(make) some tea. They usually ______________ (drink) milk. At 7.30 John ____________ (take) the
children to school. His wife ______________ (do) the housework and John ______________ (work) on the
farm. At 4 o.clock the children ______________ (come) home from school. Mrs. Fields ___________ (cook)
dinner. John ______________ (not/help) his wife with the cooking. In the evening John and his wife
______________ (watch) TV or ______________ (listen) to the radio. The children _____________
(not/watch) TV. They ______________ (do) their homework. They all ____________ (go) to bed at 9 p.m.
They ______________ (be) all very tired.

C. Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct place in the sentences.

1. She is late for work. (always) She is always late for work.
2. George eats meat. (never) ______________________________________________________
3. Does Tim go to school by taxi? (usually) _________________________________________
4. We spend the summer in France.(usually) _________________________________________
5. Kate doesn.t go to the cinema. (often) ____________________________________________
6. Simon does his Maths homework. (never) ________________________________________
7. I dance at discos. (seldom)_____________________________________________________

D. Fill in the blanks with the present continuous of the verb in brackets.
1. Look! Lulu ______________ (have) a bath.
2. Barbara ______________ (stay) in a hotel this week.
3. Where is Cleo? She ______________ (wash) her hair.
4. What.s Mum doing? She ____________ (cut) up the vegetables for dinner.
5. Miss Brown ______________ (teach) us this week because Mr Edwards is ill.
6. Listen! Those birds ______________ (sing) in our garden again.
7. Look! Chris ______________ (light) the fire for the picnic.
8. They are on the beach. Harry ______________ (teach) Irene how to swim.
9. The twins ______________ (wear) warm clothes today.
10. Archie ______________ (sleep) in the dining room this week because they ______________ (paint) the

E. Write sentences as in the example.

1. The man is sleeping. (fish) No! The man isn’t sleeping. He’s fishing.
2. The two boys are lying on the sand. (swim) _______________________________________
3. The fat boy is laughing. (cry) ___________________________________________________
4. The dog is eating. (drink) ______________________________________________________
5. The two girls are water-skiing. (read) ____________________________________________
6. The young man is reading. (listen to the radio) ____________________________________

F. Fill in the blanks with the present continuous of the verb in brackets.
This is London airport. Many people are waiting (wait) to go on holiday. The woman at the check-desk
______________ (take) the passengers. tickets and she ______________ (ask) them some questions. At
Passport Control a man who ____________ (wear) a uniform ______________ (look) at everyone.s
passports. Some people ______________ (sit) on chairs and while they ______________ (wait) they
______________ (read) books ormagazines. There is a bar where a man ______________ (serve) tea and
coffee. Outside, a plane ______________ (take) off and another one ______________ (come) down. Some
men ______________ (put) the passengers. bags into another plane. A man who ______________ (leave)
____________ (say) goodbye to his family.
H. Fill in the blanks with the present continuous or the simple present of the verb in brackets.
1. He often ______________ (go) to the cinema.
2. They ______________ (watch) TV at the moment.
3. John is outside. He ______________ (wash) the car.
4. Nina usually ____________ (drive) to work.
5. Father ______________ (sit) on the chair now.
6. Claire ______________ (not / like) pizza.

I. Fill in the blanks with the present continuous or the simple present of the verb in brackets

Dear Laila,
Here I am (be) in sunny Greece. The weather ___________________ (be) fantastic. We
__________________ (have) a wonderful time. At the moment I ___________________ (lie) beside the
swimming pool with my friend James. We___________________ (swim) every day and at night we
__________________ (eat) in a restaurant and then we ___________________ (dance) in the disco.
See you next week. Love,

J. Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the correct tense.
Mr Simon is travelling by train. He ______________ to work. He ______________ in a shop. He
____________ video games. He ______________ the newspaper at the moment and he ______________
because he ______________ at a funny cartoon. He ______________ a hat and he ______________ an
umbrella with him because it ______________ today.


Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form using the words in brackets.
Example 1. Mrs. Warren drinks coffee at night.(tea)
Mrs Warren doesn’t drink tea at night

2. They eat a big breakfast every day. (lunch)


3. The buses always stop at the supermarket. (bank)


4. Dan speaks Spanish very well. (French)

5. I like fresh vegetables. (fruit)


6. We own a new car. (motorbike)


7. George practises the piano every afternoon. (in the morning)


8. Sally’s brother and sister ride their bicycles to school. (to the beach)

B. Use the appropiate wh-question to ask about the underlined words.

1. What do you study?

I study English.

2. ________________________________________________________________
They finish school at one o.clock.

3. ________________________________________________________________
She visits her grandmother every Friday.

4. ________________________________________________________________
The last bus leaves in five minutes.

5. ________________________________________________________________
The dog eats meat.

6. ________________________________________________________________
She lives in Seville.

7. ________________________________________________________________
They go to the beach every Tuesday.

8. ________________________________________________________________
John and Bill like eggs for breakfast.

B) PRESENT CONTINUOUS Fill in the blanks with the present continuous of the verb in brackets.
1. We are waiting (wait) for the bus now.
2. They ______________ (go) to the beach today
3. The dog is hungry. It ______________ (bark) at the moment.
4. Peggy is tired. She ____________ (lie) on the grass.
5. Stop! You ______________ (drive) too quickly!
6. Mother ______________ (bake) a chocolate cake.
7. Billy ______________ (clap) his hands.
8. I ______________ (try) to play the piano.
9. They ______________ (dig) a big hole.
10. The child ______________ (jump) up and down.

C) PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS Fill in the blanks with the present continuous or the simple
present of the verb in brackets.
1. I ______________ (do) my homework right now.
2. What is she cooking now? I ______________ (smell) something good.
3. They ______________ (play) football at the moment.
4. We ____________ (belong to) a video club.
5. This exercise is easy. I ______________ (understand) the rule.
6. He ______________ (write) a letter to his grandparents at the moment.
7. They ______________ (want) to go to the new film now.
8. I ______________ (hear) a noise. Someone is coming.
9. The bell ______________ (ring) right now.
10. They ____________ (seem) angry.
11. I ______________ (believe) he’s working today.
12. She ______________ (taste) the cake mixture. It needs more sugar.
13. I ______________ (know) my mother’s favourite colour. It is blue.
14. The dentist ____________ (see) my sister at the moment.
15. Don’t talk to him now. He ______________ (think).
16. I ______________ (hear) the train coming.
17. Helen ______________ (prefer) the pink blouse.
18. I ______________ (like) this macaroni. Please give me some more.
19. This is my book. It ______________ (belong) to me.
20. The nurse ____________ (weigh) the baby at the moment.

B. Fill in the blanks with the present continuous or the simple present of the verb in brackets.
1. I ______________ (go) to town right now. I ______________ (want) some groceries.
2. He ______________ (write) a letter to his family now. He ____________ (never) forgets to
3. He ______________ (not think) it is a good idea. He ______________ (want) to do
something else.
4. She ______________ (talk) to her friend at the moment. She ______________ (not listen)
to the teacher.
5. I ______________ (read) an interesting book now. I ____________ (enjoy) it very much.
6. We ______________ (watch) the news on television every morning.
7. He ______________ (teach) his friend how to play chess now. His friend ______________
(not know) how to play.
8. I ____________ (believe) you. You ______________ (not need) to explain.
9. The film ______________ (begin) right now. Please be quiet.
10. The sun is shining. It ______________ (not rain).


Fill in the blanks with the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. A:______________ (he / write) a letter of praise or one of complaint?
B: Oh, I.m sure he ______________ (not write) a letter of praise, he ______________ (never praise)
2. A: ______________ (he / take) milk and sugar in his coffee?
B: Well, he ______________ (take) milk, but he ______________ (not take) sugar. He _______ (prefer)
sweetener if there is any.

3. A: How often ______________ (you / change) your car?

B:We ______________ (usually / change) it every five years, but that ______________(depend) on the
condition of the car.
A:______________ (you / sell) your Fiat by any chance? If so, I’d like to buy it.

4. A: ______________ (Daniel / leave) for Scandinavia tomorrow morning?

B: Well, he has his tickets, but he ______________ (not have) his visa yet.

5. A: ______________ (your sisters / study) ballet this year?

B: No, they ______________ . Miriam ______________ (study) music while Rachel______________
(prefer) painting.

6. A: Roy hasn’t been doing very well at school lately. What ______________(he / usually do) every
afternoon after school?
B: He ______________ (play) basketball, ______________ (help) teach small children and ___________
(visit) his friends. He ______________ (not have) much time for homework.

7. A: At what time ______________ (Eve / come) home every day?

B: Well, she’s a very hard-working person; she ______________ (not come) home until about 9 p.m.

8. A: Why ______________ (Mike / stand) in the corridor when he should be in the classroom?
B: Well, his teacher ______________ (punish) him because he ______________ (not know) how to

9. A: ______________ (you / understand) the difference between these two tenses?

B: Not yet, but I ______________ (do) best. Maybe you can help me.


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