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Exp. No.




Traffic light control using PLC


WPL software.


 PC
 PLC hardware kit


The operation of standard traffic lights which are currently deployed in

many junctions, are based on predetermined timing schemes, which are fixed
during the installation and remain until further resetting. The timing is no more
than a default setup to control what may be considered as normal traffic. Although
every road junction by necessity requires different traffic light timing setup, many
existing systems operate with an over-simplified sequence. This has instigated
various ideas and scenarios to solve the traffic problem. To design an intelligent
and efficient traffic control system, a number of parameters that represent the
status of the road conditions must be identified and taken into consideration.

Three types of LED’s have been used, red,yellow and green. Green light glows to
allow crossing, yellow to make alert and red does not allow crossing.
The following traffic control states are for the experiment:

State 1: Vehicles allowed from DIRECTION 1.

(Y0 (GREEN) = 1, Y5,Y10,Y13 (RED) = 1)

State 2: Caution to stop vehicles from DIRECTION 1.

(Y1 (YELLOW) = 1, Y5,Y10,Y13 (RED) = 1)

State 3: Vehicles allowed from DIRECTION 2.

(Y3 (GREEN) = 1, Y2,Y10,Y13 (RED) = 1)

State 4: Caution to stop vehicles from DIRECTION 2.

(Y4 (YELLOW) = 1, Y2,Y10,Y13 (RED) = 1)

State 5: Vehicles allowed from DIRECTION 3.

(Y6 (GREEN) = 1, Y2,Y5,Y13 (RED) = 1)

State 6: Caution to stop vehicles from DIRECTION 3.

(Y7 (YELLOW) = 1, Y2,Y10,Y13 (RED) = 1)

State 7: Vehicles allowed from DIRECTION 4.

(Y11 (GREEN) = 1, Y2,Y5,Y10 (RED) = 1)

State 8: Caution to stop vehicles from DIRECTION 4.

(Y12 (YELLOW) = 1, Y2,Y5,Y10 (RED) = 1)

Repeat from State 1 to State 8.

 Switch ON (start button) X0=1, output M0 energised.
 As M0 gets energised, Timer T0 starts running for maximum value
of 30 secs, output Y0 (GREEN) glows.
 After Timer T0 stops, Timer T1 starts running for value of 5 secs,
output Y1(YELLOW) glows. (M0=1, Y0=0)
 Timer T1 stops, Timer T2 starts running for maximum value of 30
secs, output Y3(GREEN) glows. (M0=1, Y0,Y1=0)
 Timer T2 stops, Timer T3 starts running for value of 5 secs, output
Y4 (YELLOW)glows.(M0=1, Y0,Y1,Y3=0)
 Timer T3 stops, Timer T4 starts running for maximum value of 30
secs, output Y6 (GREEN) glows. (M0=1,Y0,Y1,Y3,Y4=0)
 Timer T4 stops, Timer T5 starts running for value of 5 secs, output
Y7 (YELLOW) glows. (M0=1,Y0,Y1,Y3,Y4,Y6=0)
 Timer T5 stops, Timer T6 starts running for maximum value of 30
secs, output Y11(GREEN) glows.
 Timer T6 stops, Timer T7 starts running for value of 5 secs, output
Y12 (YELLOW) glows. (M0=1,Y0,Y1,Y3,Y4,Y6,Y7,Y11=0)
 TIMER T7 stops, Timer T8 starts running for value of 2 secs,
output M1 to reset. (M0=1,Y0,Y1,Y3,Y4,Y6,Y7,Y11,Y12=0)
 To reset all the timers we will use M1, when M1=1, reset will
 To glow output Y2 (RED), then Y3, Y4, Y6, Y7, Y11, Y12 any
one of the outputs should be in ON state. Hence outputs are
connected in parallel.
 To glow output Y5 (RED), then Y0, Y1, Y6, Y7, Y11, Y12 any
one of the outputs should be in ON state. Hence these outputs are
connected in parallel.
 To glow output Y10 (RED), then Y0, Y1, Y3, Y4, Y11, Y12 any
one of the outputs should be in ON state. Hence these outputs are
connected in parallel.
 To glow output Y13 (RED), then Y0, Y1, Y3, Y4, Y6, Y7 any one
of the outputs should be in ON state. Hence these outputs are
connected in parallel.


Thus, the traffic light control using PLC is successfully verified in hardware.

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