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Portfolio Output No.

17: Reflections on Personal

Letter from Mom

1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe?

The letter described the relationship of a family, specifically between a mother and her daughter
who seems to have a hard time in talking and expressing herself to her mother.

2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.

The persons involved in the relationship are Shane and her mother. Basing form the letter, her
mother is the type of mother who loves her daughter very dearly but is unable to express it
properly. Shane, on the other hand, was described by her mother to be someone who often feels
alone and down. She also feels conscious about herself and what other people think about her.
She also likes procrastinating.

3. What roles does each character play in the relationship?

The mother plays the role of a mother who wants her daughter not to feel alone and realize the
things that she did wrong. Shane plays the role of the daughter who keeps her problem from her
mother and does not seem to be very good in communicating and expressing her own feelings
with her.

4. Are you satisfied with this type of relationship? Explain your answer.

No. It is because, from the letter, they lack proper communication. They also do not express
their selves to each other that is why they do not know what the other person really feels or
think. I am also not satisfied with this kind of relationship because I and my mother have a
strong bond. I feel comfortable sharing things to her and I can say that she also feels the same. I
also think that children should be more open to their parents because I believe that parents are
the ones who are always there for their children and are the first one to help them whenever they
need it.

5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your answer.

Yes, I agree that this type of relationship can still be improved. I believe that they can still realize
their mistakes and shortcomings in terms of connecting with each other and fix it. They can still
talk to each other and ask/know how they will be able to communicate more openly and

6. In what ways can the characters show they are responsible to maintain a good relationship?

In order to have and maintain a good relationship between two people, both people should put an effort
to have it. They can show that they are responsible by being a good listener. Listening to them (children)
can show great support and let them know that they are not alone. According to an article by Johnson in
2016, some of the characteristics of a healthy relationship are trust, respect and being open. The mother
can also be responsible by respecting and supporting Shane in a way that she understands and respects
Shane’s emotions and tells her what she can do to fix or manage it. Shane can also be responsible in
maintaining a good relationship by trusting her mother and communicating openly and truthfully to her
mother. In this way, her mother will also know how she can help Shane and give advices that can really
help and encourage her.

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