PerDev PO#15

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Portfolio Output No.

15: Reflection on “Exploring Emotions” and “I Am”


Emotion What was happening when you felt this emotion?

I often get nervous and feel cold. I also cannot think properly and
I tend to be very sensitive and get irritated easily. I try to also
Angry keep myself alone to calm down because I might do or say
something that might hurt others and that I will regret later on.
I keep quiet and try to reflect to what I did and what I should have
I feel more energetic and excited to do something because I know
that I can do it.
I ask someone to clarify it to me or explain it in a more specific
Just like when I am angry, I also tend to be quiet and more
serious. It is also hard for me to laugh or even smile at jokes.
I try to hide myself. Sometimes, I just try to laugh it off if it is not
that serious.
I tend to be very active and do something that I need to do. I see
this as an advantage for me to do the things that are needed to be
Energetic done. Whenever I feel that I am more energetic than usual, I try to
do my assignments or other works/activities because I tend to
finish it faster and better.
Whenever I get excited, I keep on looking forward to what is
going to happen next. I also feel somewhat nervous and afraid as
sometimes, just as what most of us believe and say, our
expectations are different to what really happens.
Unlike when I am sad, I can easily laugh at simple things or jokes
and be very outgoing.
I feel sad but I always try to push it away or remove it and just be
happy to what they achieved.
I start thinking negative thoughts for a while but then I try to
Lonely change it into a positive one whenever I feel that it is becoming
more serious.
I feel light and happy but I preferred not to talk about it to avoid
I feel different. It is because most of the time, there are a lot of
things to do that for example, there are no assignments, I keep on
thinking whether there is really no assignment or I just forgot
about it.
My mind becomes disordered and I keep on switching the things
that I do. Before exams, I usually become stressed
thinking/knowing that I still haven’t finished reviewing other
Stressed subjects. While reviewing, I cannot focus on reading or reviewing
one subject. I keep on switching the notes that I read that
sometimes, I mixed up the things that I read on one subject to


I am more relaxed when there is an assignment and I already finished it

I feel most secured when I am with my family, thinking that nothing bad will happen
whenever we are together

I think of happy moments about my family or friends whenever I feel that I am getting
sad or when I am alone and doing nothing,

I am confused when I have to do a lot of work (assignments and projects), I am

thinking of many things, or whenever I am stressed.

I feel embarrassed when I do something that is different to what most of other people

I think of negative thoughts about myself when I know I did something wrong and I
did hurt someone.

What you learned through these exercises and how you can use these learning to
improve you emotional development?

From these activities, I learned that there are different emotions that a person
can have. He/ she might have not realized (unaware) that he/she is already having
these emotions. Just like me, I know that sometimes, I am experiencing these
emotions but I just don’t know/realized it until I think or reflect about it. Since not all
people are aware of their emotions and sometimes do not how to manage their
feelings, I need to always remember and be careful of what I am doing and saying to
them or even, how I react to the things they do or say. In this way, I will also be able
to practice managing my emotions and feelings in different situations and encounters
with people showing different emotions.

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