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Name :

1. Anggraeni Puspita S
2. Bobby Singgih P.
3. Dyah Ayu P.N
4. Syafiudin Milenio
5. Rizqina K.

Air Pollution Comes from Industry

Air pollution is a condition where the air around is contaminated by chemicals or

materials that are harmful for humans and other creature. Air pollution often produces many
negative effects, not only for humans, but also for other creature and the environment.

Air pollution usually caused by vehicle emission, factory emission, and the mountain
eruption. For example in the cement industry we can find a lot of gases that causes air pollution
that comes from the residue of the production process in the cement industry such as Carbon
monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Oxide (SOx), Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), CO2,
CH4, O3, dan NO.

Cement industry is one of the biggest contributors pollutants in the air pollution such as
emissions gases and dust particles. In the production process, the cement industry mostly uses
fossil fuels, thus causing the effects of greenhouse gases.

The government's efforts to solve air pollution problems are by making regulations such
as make the rules that controlling air pollution, wiser in giving the license to establish a factory,
the government prohibits the factories from disposing the waste before processing it.

In preventing air pollution, we can plant trees to reduce the effect of gas emissions from
the factory and giving filters to factory chimneys.

Associated vocabulary :

emissions gases

greenhouse effect

air pollution


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