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Genre Analysis Task 1

Name of Activity: Genre and language Analysis of a text

Class: English 9B

Find an article in your field of study and analyze it using the following elements.
● Context (Where would you find this text?)
● Audience (Who might read it?)
● Purpose (Why was this text written?)
● Format (What are the visual features of the text? Are there tables, visuals, numbers,
number of paragraphs, references, type etc…?)
● Structure/Organization (How is the article divided and organized? Length of each section
(number of paragraphs, etc…))
● What is the function of each section?

Why are these aspects important?

Continue with an analysis of the linguistic features focusing on the following aspects:
● Elements of cohesion
● Verb tense
● Tone and Register
● Fixed expressions
● Expressions which introduce, conclude, compare, contrast, argue

*This text should contain most of the features that they need to find and be representative of a
frequently occurring text in either Social Sciences/Humanities or Sciences/Engineering

(Adapted from Writing for Graduate Students p. 37)

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