Technology As A Mode of Revealing: Poiesis Is The Origin of The Word Poetry. Poetry Is An "Art" of Bringing Forth

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Unico, Maria Paula L.

March 07, 2019

BSN 1-2

Technology as a mode of Revealing

According to (Heidegger, 1977) Technology must be understood as “a way

of revealing”. “Revealing” is one of the terms Heidegger developed himself in
order to make it possible to think what, according to him, is not thought
anymore. It is his translation of the Greek word alètheuein, which means ‘to
discover’ – to uncover what was covered over. Related to this verb is the
independent noun alètheia, which is usually translated as “truth,” though
Heidegger insists that a more adequate translation would be “un-concealment.”

Technology as Poiesis

Poiesis is the origin of the word poetry. Poetry is an “art” of bringing forth
into imagery the reality. Like the basic meaning of its etymology, poetry is a
way of “revealing” something.

Enframing way of Revealing in Modern Technology

Heidegger names these things revealed in modern technology as

“standing in reserve.” Things as standing in reserve are not “objects”. Objects,
on the one hand, are things that “stand against us” as things with autonomy.
They are revealed mainly in human thinking and do not allow further
manipulations. Things as standing in reserve, on the other hand, are called to
come forth in challenging and expediting. They are reduced into the
objectlessness of modern technology. Nothing anymore “stands against us” as
objects of autonomy and wonder. Everything is regressed into an interlocking
of things that yield what man wants whenever he demands them to do so. Even
nature is now revealed as standing in reserve and not anymore objects of
Human Person swallowed by Technology

Art as way of Enframing

The world is revealed in modern technology as the interlocking of things

standing in reserve. This is the process in which everything is ordered.
Heidegger calls this “process” that is set into the context of interlocking shown
by standing-reserve as “Enframing” (Ge-stell). For Heidegger Enframing is the
“essence” (process of coming into presence) of modern technology.

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