Challenging Mobile Learning Discourse Through Research: Student Perceptions of Blackboard Mobile Learn and Ipads

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In recent years, there has been an increase in the usage of technologies by students in schools

and universities (Woodcock, B., Middleton, A., Nortcliffe, A., 2012). School heads and

administrators found a way to incorporate the use of technologies to their studies, the e-

Learning. Previous research has widely surveyed students, all of whom had access to gadgets

with Blackboard app did not demand e-Learning and were mostly neutral about the experience.

The students also did not perceive any notable improvement to their learning. The students did

not oppose mobile learning or Blackboard app, instead accepting it as a natural and yet non-

extraordinary part of their unIversity experience. However, educators are encouraged to use e-

Learning in their suite of approaches to quality teaching and learning in higher education in

order for the students to be more active and motivated in using the Blackboard (Kinash, S.,

Brand, J., Mathew, T., 2012). With this, there arises a need to study and analyze the factors

affecting the way of learning on Blackboard and how it can be improved to cater the needs of

the students as well as the comfortability(?) of the educators in using digital technologies to

teach students. (Di ko sure if mao na atong ginapangita hahaha)

Kinash, S., Brand, J., Mathew, T. (2012). Challenging Mobile Learning Discourse through

Research: Student Perceptions Of Blackboard Mobile Learn And Ipads, 28(4), 639-655.

Retrieved from Retrieved on October 10,


Woodcock, B., Middleton, A., Nortcliffe A. (2012). Considering the Smartphone Learner:

developing innovation to investigate the opportunities for students and their interest. Retrieved

from Retrieved on October 10, 2019.

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