Banquet Hall Guidelines

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J&K STATE PULLUTION CONTROL BOARD Parivesh Bhawan, Gladni, Transport Negar, Narwal, Jammu: 180006 ‘Tele/PAX : 0191-24765 for Banquet Halls, With a view to synchronize the establishment and functionin 1 of the Sanquet Halls with laws governing environmental protection and publie life, ‘ollowing guidelines are herby issued for strict adherence by the banquet hall ‘owners with immediate effect, Consent to establish/operate in accordance with Section 25/26 and 21 of! the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act and Wate (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Ac, respectively shall be obtained by the Banguet hall owner which the Boar shall consider only on fulfilment of sub-joined conditions by the applicant {Banquet halls shall not be granted consent to establisoperate if the te Tells within 200 m of Hospitals, Old Age Homes, Nutsing Homes and Silence Zones (detined under Noise Rules). ii, ‘The applicant shall undertake on affidavit that the Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000, shall be followed for handling and disposal of solid waste and shall provide documénte evidencing agreement of Muicipal Corporation / Local Body/Municipal Committee as the case may be, tor lifting, ‘ransporlation and disposal of municipal sold waste generated in the banquet hall in accordance with the Rules including sexrexation of ‘municipal solid waste into bio-degradable and non-biodegradable in “ePanite storage color coded bins ie, Green for Biodegradable and White for Non-biodegradable /Recyelable. Los vii viii The capacity of the Banquet Hall consented by the Board shall be the number of Guests permissible inside the consented premises at fone time and shall not in vde the number of workers ‘or other members of the Event Management am, requirement of which shall also be kept in mind while granting consent, In ease the capacity of the banquet hall is more than 200 persons, the ‘applicant shall provide P/ETP of adequate capacity for treatment of waste water generated ftom different sources. An integrated system of soakage pits of adequate capacity with STP/ETP shall also be installed. Proper public convenience as per the capacity of banquet hall shall also be provided. Use of loud speakeripublic address. system/DJ/drum beating ete. at night time (between 10 PM to 6 AM) in accordance with Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, shall be ensured and ambient air quality standards in the respect of noise shall be stvictly adhered to by the applicant, For utilization of the facility of DG Set, the applicant shall ensue 10 install acoustic enclosure to the DG Set for containment of noise tw the permissible limits and also install stack of the sulci nt height For venting out emissions, The applicant shall also comply to the norms pertaining to DG Sets. The applicant shall ensure cement conerek ment tiled parking space for vehicles to minimize fugitive emissions. The kitchen shall be equipped with air pollution control devices Le hoods, ducting, chimney, exhaust fins ete and emission shall be discharged into the atmosphere through stack height of 2 meter above the building height 20f3 The applicant shou." also ensure adequate plantaion/green bel (minimum 10% of tots plot area) which may also inchude potted Plants inside the premises of the banquet hall % For safety purposes the oppcant shall obtain prior clearance from the Fire and Emergency Services Department, Govt. of J & K and building permission from the competent authority. Norms Pertaining, ‘0 crisis management shall also be adhered t9 by the applicant Xi Violation of the guidelines or any of the provisions of the Aix (Prevention and Contzol of Pollution) Aet, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, and Envieonmental Protection Act shalt entail lega action against the owner of the banquet hall including with drawl of consent “By order” Cy eb — Me SCC Hep Hl lac inagn Copy for information tox 12 Nice sChalrman Srinagar Uevelopment Authority Hinmy Dev, Authority 34 Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation Sing Corporation 56 Regional Director, SPCB Jammu'Kashmie, 79 Keel Advisor Environmental Engineer? AGE SPCB, IW-I1 Nodal officer, Pollution Control Board. Lely ke 12, All Disuiet officers SPC, se Municipal Bors (COMMUNITY CENTERS, With arowing uubamzation, csputsion oF eomneretal activities and ehanae in Hie style of He penple, shortage oF spe has ken place for holding sneial gcuherings ad Fhangist Halls Have heen fosad wach gre mnstly aun om conimesettt basis wherein: the slining, visi, Hing ane other alti fy the people remain availabe, tn some oF the Lanuct Halls vise is playa on Ih pel and D.G, Phayers ave wsed foe this purpose ‘ven though sich Banquet Halls ate necessiry for a given society bun icasires fv eon sad eoateol pollution of sorts are cenainly essenuial Mastly the ovo sich halls iso acesmin 1G Playas 81) sets. so a air and susie polation is concerned, public eanveniences and kitchen wastes so for water pollution & Municipal Waste ts concerted. Lot ol Municipal Waste i nerated by using Aisposable items aaa wanton liter thereat Hs accoringly mecessary fo esas soa stings so that these: Consmaniny Cemers’ Hanguet halls fonction in hanny wit five & public he aud for this purpose following sequivemens of laws and ooems amust be fallongedl by the Commatny Comte ttaaquer Hall ener ged SoS ste 2 Ed $0 ‘soasapmia tna san’ waeation NoaRSPCD-O6IS date 25. {5th shu lo ef oy coset of sgh D.G. Ses which 057 Innty for sting uplopaaon 1 D.6. 3 FS KV apay an above 11 Far hang sa tpt of Stipa Sid Waste, tes governing the shot st he adhe wo nl ena th al Boy mip 5 Sie hay hating fie dca wah the ass 8 por Mpa Sli Wit telmgunca Haig) Hels whol abeays the comidred ti Noise Pelion «Regulation & Contr ales 200, shoul be Sllowed 1 Proper kang armament fo acces mack Banquet all!Commniy (Conters suid also be necessary wk \ SS annie feck Xl

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