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Venice THE MIDDLE, AND RENAISSANCE In the peaear matte ees Venice developed site w city-state and a major commecial cimpire. < Di its poston wt the hint Sem mca of val power and commana comerce, the city flourished avd hecame n trade center and main hu of neqetia- tions between Western Europe, the Middle East, and ia. The architecture of Venice had more in common with the Byzantine style he~ cause of its strong trading tes with Coastantinople. Venice saw a declinein the toth century. Mansy buildings were made in the classical style with colwmss, tall facades, or namentation, And sumonetry. schurches were alse Puilt in this stule, which was a strong contrast te the flain- Foyant churches mest usually nssecinted with this time perind. URBAN PATTERNS: i ie Se Sacra © ps Waheed pot gis aa Stntion ports, and intemal water navigation, eg thetlnls Venice 1san urban pattern ‘frozen in time’ because of historical conservation. airs Ruring: cats ai Nene 6 tn is defo eared af nd easily Tai Ea meter i Venice. f Block sizes appear larger aid more Sioaneitaila) regular at the outer edges of the island and matter towards the Center of the itastd. Longer, straighter streets. Dee AEs ALT ele tee sare geometrically determined by the cardinal directions and Le Ossi tend tobe shorter by comparison. fhe eater eared ie meee or “sestiene” Gwhile the whole comune Ainsoicipatity) is divided into breughs of which ones compose of ll tastier) sCannaregio entry point for most visitors to Venice. Sarat teste bod sDarsofuro - settlement fowed by fishermen Tare MACre- home of the yolitical And the judicial centers ian Pole has market tails, small shops, ard local bars, Traditionally, this WASH Commercial center for bakers aed brokers rantra Crece -named after the church of Santa Croce, Traversed by the grand, ‘Subnited AK Mabkata Suh canal. ‘Buhne iy Parc Nath T Behe Sem, roca

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