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ISSN 0869-5938, Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2018, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 234–241. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2018.
Original Russian Text © V.G. Ganelin, Yu.B. Gladenkov, 2018, published in Stratigrafiya, Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya, 2018, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 115–123.

Geohistorical Stratigraphy and Stratigraphic Guides

V. G. Ganelin* and Yu. B. Gladenkov
Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii per. 7, Moscow, 119017 Russia
*e-mail: vigdal@yandex.ru
Received March 1, 2017; in final form, March 23, 2017

Abstract⎯A different understanding of the stratigraphic science methodology is considered. The classical
geohistorical content of stratigraphy is set against the latest formal classification approach recorded in the
International Stratigraphic Guide. Some provisions of the Stratigraphic Code of Russia and the International
Stratigraphic Guide are studied. The described confrontation between the two concepts can be expressed by
a formula: stratotype or limitotype.

Keywords: methodology, stratigraphy, stratigraphic code, classification, reconstruction, geohistorical stratig-

raphy, stratigraphic scales, stratigraphic unit, stage, zone
DOI: 10.1134/S0869593818020028

“In fact, stratigraphy is a mirror image of geological (3) What is the nature of the main stratigraphic
history of a particular area or basin.” procedure?
V.V. Menner (1962, p. 302) (4) What is the subject of stratigraphy?
(5) What are its objectives?
(6) What is the goal of stratigraphy?
INTRODUCTION (7) Is stratigraphy an independent science or is it
Recently, two All-Russian stratigraphic meetings merely an applied discipline serving the needs of geo-
were held in Moscow (2013) and in St. Petersburg logical practice?
(2016). They were devoted to the problem of the Gen- Opinions concerning the listed questions are
eral Stratigraphic Scale of Russia, methodological diverse, but major differences lie between two strategi-
issues of the development of regional scales, and the cally different concepts. The first of them is the con-
relationship to the General and International Scales cept of numerous stratigraphies, originating from the
(Obshchaya…, 2013, 2016). The reports that were read American Stratigraphic Code. It is the basis for two
at these meetings are a kind of inventory of the com- editions of the International Stratigraphic Guide
prehensive stratigraphic material accumulated in (hereinafter referred to as the Guide) edited by
recent years in the vast geologically heterogeneous ter- H. Hedberg (International…, 1976) and A. Salvador
ritory of Russia. In addition, the meetings showed a (International…, 1994). A shortened version of the lat-
relatively diverse range of methodological opinions in ter edited by M.A. Murphy and A. Salvador (Interna-
dealing with both more general and local stratigraphic tional…, 1999). Another concept of “unified stratigra-
problems. Suggestions were made to discuss further phy” is most fully considered in two editions of the
improvement of the Stratigraphic Code of Russia Stratigraphic Code of the USSR (Stratigraphic...,
(2006), as it celebrated its tenth anniversary last year. 1977, 1989) and in the Stratigraphic Code of Russia
Meanwhile, it has turned out that the ideas of the sci- (1992) (hereinafter referred to as the Code) edited by
ence methodology are drastically different. The desire A.I. Zhamoida (2006). Recently, Zhamoida (2011)
to understand the origin of these differences has once examined in detail and summarized the theoretical
again raised the question: What is stratigraphy science, foundations that contributed to the creation of the
what are the points of view concerning it, and what Russian code.
idea most adequately corresponds to the actual stratig- Despite the seemingly opposite view of stratigra-
raphy? The answer to this question is hardly possible phy, both concepts are similar in one thing, in a tradi-
without answers to a number of more particular ques- tional idea of the basic stratigraphic procedure as a
tions, namely: classification procedure. This fact indicates the full
extent for the formal and logical nature of the Interna-
(1) What is the stratigraphy field of research?
tional Guide exerting simultaneously the similar
(2) What is its object? influence on many statements of the Russian Code,


which generally reflects a genetic rather than a formal some integrity. The difference between the concepts
logical approach to resolving the stratigraphic antino- “element” and “component” is important for under-
mies. standing the essence of the stratigraphic procedure, in
When studying different interpretations of stratig- which the classification is by no means its main con-
raphy, it seems that their content largely defines a par- tent. It can also be added that Salvador’s logic likely
ticular author’s understanding of the subject (subjec- does not differentiate the concepts “classification
tive factor), rather than analysis of deep logic of this object” and “classification unit.” The specific forma-
science (objective factor), such as it has developed over tion such as Assistens is not a classification unit, a
its long history. taxon, as one might think from the proposed defini-
tion, but is a classified object from a variety of strati-
In the Guide by Murphy and Salvador (Interna- graphic objects referred to the class (taxon) of “litho-
tional…, 1999, p. 256), “Stratigraphy, from Latin stra- stratigraphic units.” The question concerning the
tum + Greek graphia, is the description of all rock bod- essence of this classified stratigraphic object will be
ies forming the Earth’s crust and their organization into considered below.
distinctive, useful, mappable units based on their inher-
ent properties or attributes in order to establish their dis- The notion of numerous stratigraphic classifica-
tribution and relationship in space and their succession tions hardly comes from thorough analysis of the
in time and to interpret geologic history.” stratigraphic procedure. Rather, it is a course of logical
In contrast to Hedberg (International…, 1976) inferences being, unfortunately, far from the logic of
defining stratigraphy as the science of rock layers real stratigraphy. Meanwhile, the authors’ logic is fun-
(which is important!), Murphy and Salvador (Interna- damentally contradictory. In particular, lithostratigra-
tional…, 1994) do not mention any layers at all. Instead, phy in the second and abridged editions of the Guide
it turns out that stratigraphy, in addition to organization (International…, 1999, p. 259) is defined as “the ele-
of the rocks into distinctive mappable units, describes ment of stratigraphy that deals with the description
these rocks. And “all the different classifications… are and nomenclature of the rocks of the Earth based on
used to achieve the same goals of stratigraphy: to their lithology.” This part of the definition again
improve our knowledge and understanding of the causes bewilderment, because it is known that rock
Earth’s rock bodies and their history” (International…, description and nomenclature is a scope of another
1999, p. 256). These statements are surprising, because science such as lithology. As Zhamoida (2011, p. 44)
the knowledge of rocks and their formation history is a fairly said, “the rock properties proper are not of inter-
field of other sciences such as petrography and sedi- est to us if they do not suggest anything about the spa-
mentology, rather than stratigraphy. tiotemporal relations. All (absolutely all) rock proper-
ties are refracted by stratigraphy through the prism of
Systematic organization of rocks on the basis of their spatiotemporal relations ….” This fact is
characteristics that can be used in stratigraphic work is acknowledged by the authors of the Guide, adding to
considered by both Salvador and Hedberg as the strati- the above-mentioned part of this definition the fol-
graphic classification, while the stratigraphic subdivi- lowing phrase: “… and their stratigraphic relations”
sion is considered as a classification unit. According to (International…, 1999, p. 259). This addition is very
these authors, the stratigraphic unit is “a body of rock significant. However, the authors overlook the fact
established as a distinct entity in the classification of that, according to their definition, stratigraphic rela-
the Earth’s rocks based on any of the properties or tions are “relationship in space and succession in
attributes or combinations thereof that rocks possess” time” (International…, 1999, p. 256). Forgetting it,
(International…, 1999, p. 257). Meanwhile, both edi- they postulate a multitude of classifications one of
tions of the Guide affirm the existence of many differ- which (“chronostratigraphy”) considers temporal
ent classifications depending on an attribute taken as relationships as the basis, while the others consider
the basis. stratigraphic relationships as the basis. Hence, the
The classification is known to be a procedure for authors quite successfully confuse the reader and,
subdividing a set of objects into classes on the basis of apparently, themselves. A while back, this very cir-
their common properties. The classification unit is a cumstance rightly horrified Schindewolf (1975), who
taxon. In biology, in particular, species is a set of indi- pointed out to the authors that the term “chronostra-
viduals (reproductive individuals), while genus is a set tigraphy” was a horrible pleonasm. It should also be
of species, etc. If the stratigraphic subdivision is a clas- noted that temporal relationships are identified with
sification unit (class, taxon), then a fair question the help of the geohistorical reconstructions (superpo-
arises: How many objects does this subdivision unite? sition principle), paleontological data, etc., so that the
What multitude of stratigraphic objects is represented, real identification of so-called “lithostratigraphic
for example, by the Assistens Formation in the Cana- units” (International…, 1999, p. 259) is related to the
dian Arctic region? Mineral grains? Numerous layers? use of comprehensive stratigraphic methods, which,
Mineral grains or layers can hardly be considered as its generally speaking, is reflected in the definition of
components. A layer in the formation is not an ele- local stratigraphic units in the Stratigraphic Code of
ment of the classified multitude, but is a component of Russia.



When considering definitions and statements of the only a nomenclatural type (Lazarev, 1997; Krassilov
Guide, it is hard to get rid of the impression that the 1977). In this respect, we should pay tribute to the
compilers of the manual, first of all, proceeded from Stratigraphic Code of Russia, where the classification
the fact that the main stratigraphic procedure was a covers only subordinate categories (categories!) of
classification implemented by a formal logical stratigraphic units. In this case, the stratigraphic unit
approach, without involvement of any genetic recon- is not considered as a taxonomic unit, in contrast to
structions. It can be assumed that the authors ruled the International Guide. In itself, a particular strati-
out such theoretical reconstructions in favor of the graphic unit is an individual. Indeed, the horizon is
“scientific rigor,” believing them to be a source of sub- not a set of formations, because it can include both the
jectivism. This is a frequent erroneous point of view whole formation and its part. Similarly, the stage is not
neglecting the fact that our vision is initially theoreti- a set of horizons, etc. Specific bodies of the simultane-
cal, and the attempts to drive theory out of science do ously subordinate categories, according to the logic of
not make the science either rigorous or objective and the Code, are not taxa of classified sets, but represent
often still contain genetic reconstructions, but only in systems and their components. The stratigraphic clas-
a hidden, implicit form. In particular, Steno’s funda- sification only distributes these objects: the strati-
mental principle of stratigraphy (superposition princi- graphic units are subdivided into classes, i.e., catego-
ple) originates from the geohistorical reconstruction: ries. The stratigraphic unit categories of the Code form
from the notion that the layers overlying each other are a hierarchical taxonomic scale uniting the taxa: main
two successive stages of sedimentogenesis, and for this and special stratigraphic units. These taxa are subdi-
reason, the higher layer is younger. vided into subordinate categories such as general,
In the Stratigraphic Code of Russia, there is no regional, and local; special units are subdivided into
definition of stratigraphy. However, an attempt was many other categories considered further. The main
made to give such a definition in the draft of the sec- stratigraphic units are classified by geohistorical
ond edition of the Code (Stratigraficheskii…, 1989). approach. In particular, regional stratigraphic units
According to this definition, stratigraphy is a “geology are considered as “the rock bodies formed at certain
division that studies a formation sequence of normally stages of the geological history in a large area of the
layered rock units.” The following questions arise with Earth’s crust, reflecting the sedimentation features
regard to this definition. What does “normally layered and the succession of fauna and flora that inhabited
rock units” mean? What are the criteria for determina- this site.” This statement, as well as the entire taxo-
tion of whether they are normally layered or not? After nomic structure of the Code, defines in general geo-
thorough investigation, it turns out that there are no historical understanding of the stratigraphic research,
other criteria, except for the genetic geohistorical fea- in contrast to the formal classification approach of the
ture. In simple terms, normally layered rock units are International Guide.
those that reflect the sedimentogenesis staging (super- Still, the compilers of the Code did not avoid the
position principle). It also turns out from the proposed formal classification confusion reflected, in particu-
definition that the rock units, whose formation lar, in their definition of the term “stratigraphic unit”:
sequence is studied by stratigraphy, exist as if a priori, “the body of rocks making up a definite unity and dif-
or they should be identified by another discipline, not ferent in features being indicative of their spatiotem-
stratigraphy. The basic procedure of stratigraphic poral relations, i.e., the formation sequence and posi-
research as identification of these very rock units (for- tion in the stratigraphic section” (Stratigraficheskii…,
mations, horizons, layers, etc.) is omitted in this defi- 2006, p. 14). The criterion of “definiteness” of this
nition. If identification of these rock units is still a “unity” is not indicated in this case. This definition
stratigraphic procedure, then the following question fully corresponds to the American concept of multiple
arises: What are these rock units? The rocks may be stratigraphy. It is ill-considered not only in relation to
subdivided into units according to different features, the fact that an intrusive body can also be attributed to
which means that we again come to the American con- a stratigraphic unit. (Indeed, identification signs of an
cept of multiple stratigraphy?! Obviously, the drafters intrusive dike are indicative of the fact that it was
did not mean it and removed the above-mentioned formed later than the layers it intruded and before the
definition, having probably considered it to be inade- layers subjected to overlapping.) This is not the main
quate. Meanwhile, the lack of a definition of this kind, point. The considered definition is operational in its
a holistic vision of the discipline considered in the essence, because it defines an object using the identi-
Guide, is a serious disadvantage of the Code. fication procedure. It is like defining time as some-
The view that classification is a main procedure of thing that we measure by hours. This definition con-
stratigraphy is common in Russian stratigraphy. The tains no essential characteristic of the object. Out-
terms “stratigraphy” and “stratigraphic classification” wardly, this definition is strict and formal and
are occasionally taken for synonyms. The mistake ostensibly does not use any historical genetic recon-
becomes so profound that the authors propose to con- structions. Yet, the latter are present here in a hidden
struct a stratigraphic typification in the manner of a form, because it is impossible to determine whether
biological classification and to consider a stratotype as the given feature makes it possible to determine the



formation sequence or not without involving the pri- units as of integral natural historical complexes—the
mary geohistorical reconstructions such as Steno’s memorial protocols of unique rare events of the geolog-
layers, the superposition principle, and sedimento- ical past—is fundamental, and, perhaps, there is a rea-
genesis staging. son for the fact that spelling of the names of the regional
If a particular stratigraphic subdivision is not a and derived common units in the English literature
classification unit (taxon), but it is an individual, then begins with a capital letter, just as in proper names. Per-
what is the essence of this individual? The correct haps, it is not accidental that the stage and the stratum
answer to this question can be obtained only by careful are designated by one word in English and French
consideration of the logic of real stratigraphy, the one (English, stage; French, etape). From these points of
that has been formed over the long history of its devel- view, the stratigraphy object—a stratigraphic unit—can
opment, the one that can be called classical in contrast be defined as an integral natural historical body of rocks
to the current trends in stratigraphy, which will be dis- reflecting the stage (epoch) of development of a system of
cussed below. This consideration leads to the conclu- basins, a basin, or its part, which corresponds to the cat-
sion that stratigraphy is based on the geostrategic prin- egory of the main stratigraphic units of the Stratigraphic
ciple beginning with Steno’s principle. According to Code of Russia.1 And the main scientific procedure of
this principle, stratigraphy is a division of geology stratigraphy is identification and reconstruction of
which studies a stratified structure of the Earth’s crust these historical rock bodies and their spatiotemporal
(stratisphere) to reveal integral natural historical rock relations. In this regard, it will be appropriate to recall
units, to establish their spatiotemporal relations, and to the statement of Leonov (1974, p. 482): “In terms of the
construct on this basis the stratigraphic scales: local, stratigraphy objectives, identification of natural geo-
regional, and general (substrate) being the essential stratigraphic units with a full geohistorical content is the
basis for reconstruction of the relative geological time. main goal of investigation. These units are of interest to
Divisions of these scales serve as the basis for spatio- a stratigrapher, first of all, in terms of their own specific
temporal localization of any objects of the geological features such as boundaries, composition, structure,
past. The proposed definition indicates as follows: paleontological characteristics, mineral deposits, for-
(1) a stratigraphic area such as stratisphere; (2) a stra- mation setting, and, finally, their geological age.” The
tigraphy object such as integral natural historical rock geohistorical content of main stratigraphic units defin-
units; (3) a main stratigraphy procedure such as iden- ing the spatiotemporal localization of any bodies of the
tification of these natural historical rock units (i.e., geological past inevitably requires a comprehensive
geohistorical reconstructions); (4) a stratigraphy sub- methodology of their identification using the entire set
ject as spatiotemporal relations of these rock units; of geohistorical reconstructions, as stipulated in the
(5) a stratigraphy objective as construction of the Stratigraphic Code of Russia.
stratigraphic scales serving as the substrate basis for
the time reconstruction; and (6) a stratigraphy goal as The stratigraphic unit is also understood to be any
reconstruction of the past geological time, defining other rock body of the stratisphere separated by the his-
stratigraphy as an independent science. The proposed torical principle. These special stratigraphic units of the
definition originates from analysis of real stratigraphy Code, identified by means of certain methods, reflect
created by the classical science that developed the periodization in development of an individual constit-
orderly concept of relative geological time. According uent of the geological process, the temporal compo-
to it, the stratigraphic unit gives an idea of correspond- nent of which is or is not coincident with the basin
ing segment of the past geological time. This fact pre- development stage in general. These units are based on
determined creation of the geohistorical basis as a any one group of characteristics yielding many groups
whole. And it is surprising that the compilers of the of units, the most important of which include biostra-
International Guide did not notice it. tigraphic, magnetostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic,
etc. They are often used as auxiliary subdivisions in
Indeed, at the dawn of stratigraphy, the classics of addition to the main units in the sectional layering. It
geology distinguishing the Silurian, Devonian, Perm- is important to understand that these special strati-
ian, and other systems created the basis for ideas of rel- graphic units are not independent. They are derived
evant segments of the global relative geological time. from the main stratigraphic units, because they are not
These ideas finally took shape in Renevier’s chrono- able to function without reference to the latter. Special
graph at the end of the nineteenth century. Analo- units provide the need for relevant disciplines in the
gously, when justifying the regional stratigraphic units, historical aspect of the study of their objects: historical
for example, Omolon, Gizhigin, and Khivach, we re- biology (evolution), historical lithology, mineralogy,
create the past regional geological time. It can be said
that the goal of stratigraphy as a science is search for the 1 According
to the proposed definition, an intrusive body, which
past geological time and its reconstruction. And, thus, is a natural historical rock complex, is not a stratigraphy object,
we understand that stratigraphy is a really important because it does not belong to the stratisphere and does not serve
as a basis for reconstruction of the geological time. Meanwhile,
independent science studying such a phenomenon as the рreconstructed natural historical stratigraphic complexes
time through investigation of the memorial protocols of provide the basis for spatiotemporal localization of this intrusive
the past geological events. The idea of stratigraphic body, as well as many other geological bodies.



etc. In addition, some special units such as biostrati- large geological regions and includes all coeval sedimen-
graphic and magnetostratigraphic play a crucial role in tary deposits irrespective of their material composition
general stratigraphy, being a major tool for temporal and paleontological content.
correlation of spatially separated main stratigraphic
units. These units also have an applied meaning, occa- The discussion of whether the GSS units are natu-
sionally acting as a geological mapping object, for ral or conditional is well known. Taking into account
example, biostratigraphic subdivisions under litholog- the fact that their prototypes are regional units, they
ical monotony of the rock strata, lithostratigraphic are integral natural historical complexes and, conse-
units when lithostratigraphic factors are ore-con- quently, natural units. In the global aspect, these are
trolling, etc. selected substrate carriers of the notion of global geo-
logical time. In this aspect, they are natural to the
This comprehension of stratigraphy gives grounds same extent as Greenwich Mean Time. As in everyday
for the logic of its further definitions, in particular, life, in geology, depending on the circumstances and
understanding of the relationship between regional targets, we use local, regional, or universal (global)
and general stratigraphic units. Subdivision of the geological time, but these time varieties are all derived
main stratigraphic units into general, regional, and from regional stratigraphic units, and their role in stra-
local is an important feature of the Russian Strati- tigraphy is paramount.
graphic Code, which follows logically from the stratig-
raphy geohistorical concept. However, the definition The difference in understanding of the essence of
of a common stratigraphic unit in the Code almost the General Scale units is well defined in definitions of
repeats that in the International Guide (Interna- the term “stage.” In the first and second editions of the
tional…, 1999, p. 266), where “chronostratigraphic” International Guide, stage is the main “chronostrati-
unit2 is considered as follows: “chronostratigraphic graphic” unit. But if in Hedberg (International…,
units are bodies of rocks, layered or unlayered, that 1976) the stage defines its geochronological equivalent
were formed during a specified interval of geologic such as the age, then in Murphy and Salvador (Inter-
time.” This definition in no way reflects specific fea- national…, 1999), vice versa. In their definition, stage
tures of the General Scale units. First of all, this is is something that includes all rocks of the age. No
because a criterion of “specificity” of this time period Guide edition explains what is the age defining the
remains unclear. The proposed definition is not spe- stage or what is the stage defining the age. Meanwhile,
cific to the General Scale units and can be attributed it is indicated that the stage scope is defined by strati-
equally to regional stratigraphic units and paleomag- graphic units of its boundaries. This latter provision
netic zone, as well as to any other so-called “chronos- requires special examination, which will be considered
tratigraphic” subdivision. The indication in the Code in detail below.
to the fact that these units are potentially global does
not explain much and can be attributed to any regional According to the Stratigraphic Code of Russia
unit or paleomagnetic zone. (Stratigraficheskii…, 2006, p. 21), the stage is “estab-
lished by the biostratigraphic data reflecting evolu-
Owing to the fact that the units of the classical tionary changes and (or) staging of the organic world,
General (International)3 Stratigraphic Scale are based and it is a set of chronozones united by some feature.
on regional prototypes, geohistorical in their nature, The stage should have a stratotype and a limitotype.”
the general stratigraphic unit can be defined as follows: It is unclear why the stage, in addition to a stratotype,
it is a member of a hierarchically constructed consoli- should also have a limitotype. A stratotype of the unit
dated stratigraphic scale (General Stratigraphic Scale, is its stratostandard defining stratigraphic and,
GSS) developed by synthesis of different regional scales accordingly, temporal volume of the unit. Obviously,
in such a way as to provide a continuous basis for recon- the stratotype’s function as a standard disappears if its
struction of the planetary geological time. Each unit is boundaries are not defined. For this reason, the rec-
based on a selected regional stratigraphic subdivision of ommendation to have a limitotype, in addition to a
2 As
stratotype, needs additional explanation. It could be
for the note by Schindewolf (1975) that the term “chronos- concluded from the definition proposed for the stage
tratigraphy” is a horrible pleonasm, we should note that the
derivative term “chronostratigraphic unit” causes a lot of confu- that the stage is a biostratigraphic unit, if there were no
sion, because it is used in different senses. It is both any subdivi- small-print note from which it follows that the stage
sion with isochronic boundaries and a synonym to the Interna- includes all coeval deposits, which is generally import-
tional (“Chronostratigraphic”) Scale unit; in addition, the ant, because this very fact defines the stage status as
regional “chronostratigraphic units” are also indicated. Mean-
while, the “chronozone” in the Guide is not a member of the the General Scale unit. Meanwhile, it follows from the
“chronostratigraphic hierarchy” of the International Scale, stated definition that an identification criterion of the
whereas in the Russian Code, “chronozone” is an elementary stage is a biostratigraphic unit. Hence, it is logical that
GSS member. the stages may be classified by different fossil groups.
3 Hereinafter, the term “General Stratigraphic Scale” (GSS) is
used as a consolidated scale which includes both the “Interna- And it should be noted that the attempts to identify
tional Stratigraphic Scale” (ISS) and the Russian “General such units—Brachiopoda stages, Ammonoidea stages,
Stratigraphic Scale” owing to their functional identity. etc.—find a place in the literature.



The definition proposed by the Code ignores the pendent scales that are not subordinate to the stages
true essence of the stage laid in the classical scale of and that have their own specific objectives and goals.
the global relative geological time, where the age is Only the smallest local geohistorical complex of
determined by the stage based on the regional strati- deposits, characterized by its specific biota, can form
graphic unit. From this point of view, the following the basis of the General Scale zone. In general, such
interpretation of the stage would be correct. Stage is a understanding of this stratigraphic unit is traditional
unit of the General Stratigraphic Scale of the Phanero- for Russian stratigraphy; it is enough to recall the
zoic, subordinated in its rank to series. The stage is works by Stepanov (1958, 1967), Menner (1962),
based on the selected regional subdivision of a certain Rauser-Chernousova (1967), Leonov (1974), and oth-
basin or a system of basins identified on the basis of the ers. Later, this problem was considered by the authors
comprehensive methodology of geohistorical recon- of this paper (Ganelin, 1992; Gladenkov, 1980, 2004).
structions. Being a member of GSS, the stage includes The term “lona” was introduced for a regional analog
all coeval deposits regardless of their material composi- of this unit in the second edition of the Code
tion and paleontological content. The stratigraphic vol- (Stratigraficheskii…, 1992), which did not fully corre-
ume of the stage is dependent on its stratotype, which spond to the original author’s (G.Ya. Krymgolts)
serves as a unit stratostandard. meaning of this term. For this reason, “lona” was
In the Code, the stage volume is defined as a “body fairly transferred to the category of biostratigraphic
of chronozones,” which causes confusion, because the units. Along with that, the idea of regional zone disap-
category of “chronostratigraphic” units in the Code, peared from the Russian Code, which can hardly be
thank God, is not indicated at all. We might think that considered as correct. The corresponding unit should
the term is borrowed from the International Guide. be revived in the regional category. The term “rena”
However, in the Guide, where this category is basic, offered by Gladenkov (1980) for regional zone would
“chronozone” is not included in the taxonomic hier- be appropriate for units of this type. In accordance
archy of “chronostratigraphic” units (ISS subdivi- with the above-stated considerations, the following
sions), and understanding of “chronozone” is quite definition of the General Scale zone can be proposed.
different therein than in the Code. In the Russian Zone is an elementary unit of the General Phanerozoic
Code, the General Scale zone named “chronozone,” scale, subordinate to stage. It is based on the regional
as opposed to the Guide, is an elementary component stratigraphic unit with the smallest volume in the typical
of this scale. According to the Code, it “is established distribution area of the stage. The zone is characterized
by the biostratigraphic data and reflects a certain by a fossil community that is characteristic only of a
development stage of one or more groups of fauna or given stratigraphic interval. Its name is given with
flora.” Meanwhile, it is indicated again in the note respect to the name of the most characteristic taxon (or
that the chronozone includes all coeval units regard- taxa) in the zonal community. The zone includes all
less of their material composition and paleontological coeval units regardless of their spatial distribution and
characteristics. Hence, according to the Code, “chro- paleontological characteristics. The zone should have a
nozone” is a derivative of the biostratigraphic zone, stratotype being its stratostandard.
and the Russian Guide considers five types of such
zones. It is not indicated in the Guide which of them
should be the basis of “chronozone.” Owing to the fact CONCLUSIONS
that zones make up stages, stages make up series, etc., it Thorough analysis of the logic of classical stratigra-
can be assumed that the entire General Scale of the phy suggests that stratigraphy is infused with and based
Phanerozoic is basically biostratigraphic. Since zones on geological history starting from the fundamental
are independent in different fauna groups, continuing principle (Steno’s layers superposition principle) to
this logic further, we can arrive at the possibility of the final product (regional and general scales).
numerous General Scales, which is obviously nonsense. Although stratigraphy is not identical to historical
The zone is a fundamental, elementary strati- geology, it is hardly possible to draw a line between
graphic unit subordinate to the stage. However, as them, and, perhaps, it is not worth trying. This unex-
B.S. Sokolov wrote over thirty years ago (1980), the pected conclusion may seem unusual, because
substitution of concepts is common, and a role of according to the still existing notion of absolute New-
main zonal subdivision is attributed to biostratigraphic tonian time, events occur in time which does not
zone, while such is only Oppel zone. According to Ste- depend on anything. According to this idea, the stra-
panov (1958), who proposed the term “Oppel zone,” tigraphy objective is to ascertain temporal relations
A. Oppel’s zone classification was based on horizons between features of the geological past in this absolute
of local schemes, whose paleontological characteris- time, the physical astronomical time in this case.
tics was based on a complex of species belonging to dif- However, everything fits together if we recall that his-
ferent groups. According to the absolutely fair note by tory produces the time, but does not occur in the time.
Sokolov, biozones based on orthogroups, introduced Geological history generates the geological time and
into the stage scale, just destroyed its integrity. Bio- serves as the basis for classical stratigraphy, which cre-
zonal sequences in individual groups are a set of inde- ated the idea of relative geological time. This relativis-



tic principle, implicit in stratigraphy, was developed by with rock complexes, and these complexes carried the
it independently, regardless of physics. In this aspect, historical content. The authors did not understand
it is ahead of the modern natural science by more than that removal of the historical basis from stratigraphy
a century, and it laid the historical basis of geology in resulted in removal of the historical basis from geology
general. Relativity of the “relative geological time” in general and simultaneous detachment of stratigra-
and time relativity in the special theory of relativity is phy from geology. This is unacceptable from both the-
one and the same relativity, which is the time relativity oretical and applied points of view. Stratigraphy is not
to the events that produce it. This relativistic principle a thoughtless aimless rock classification, but is a scien-
has long been a part of modern natural science, but, tific geohistorical analysis.
unfortunately, was hardly noticed by the geological The necessity of introducing the physical time into
community, as evidenced by the latest stratigraphic the spatiotemporal architecture of stratigraphy is obvi-
trends. ous, because it provides the corresponding construc-
Unfortunately, these tendencies of modernist stra- tions with metric characteristics. However, it should
tigraphy are fixed in the recommendations of the not destroy the historical framework of this building.
International Stratigraphic Guide and are actively put The current practice of referencing the dates of physi-
in practice. The main antithesis of the concepts of cal time to the levels of paleontological and isotopic
classical and modernist stratigraphy could be put in a transformations can compose the independent scale of
formula: a stratotype or a limitotype. According to the so-called priority metric levels, not necessarily con-
first one, the interval of geological time (regional or fined to boundaries of the GSS units. The number of
universal) is derived from the formation time of the these levels will multiply with time. This scale will
regional stratigraphic unit, whose temporal volume is serve as a measuring ruler, without destroying the his-
specified by its stratotype, which serves as a standard torical framework of the stratigraphic building created
for the temporal volume of the unit. According to the throughout the centuries.
second concept (“golden nails”), the stratigraphic
(“chronostratigraphic”) unit is derived from the time
interval located between the levels of two neighboring REFERENCES
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