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3rd Meeting of RETUNSEE Oil Refining Secretariat

01/10/2019, Loutraki, Greece

Trade Union Name_________________________________



1. Permit-To-Work (PTW)

Α. Which types of PTW’s are there in your Establishments?

In Petromidia refinery we have 5 PTW types: Fire Work Permit, Cold Work Permit, Digging Work Permit,
Blind/Unblind Work Permit, Special Access Permit

Β.What is the maximum number of PTW’s per Operator?

There no specific number of PTW BUT according with our procedures and practice the PTWs are issued
ONLY if operator/foreman can control the works, the site conditions and have checked all requirements
from PTW procedures

C. What is the maximum number of hot jobs per Operator?

Similar to previous point, there no established maximum number, the PTWs are issued ONLY if
operator and foreman have full and continuous control over repairing/work area

D. Do you have records of accidents at work resulting from issuing too many
No. In our understanding and safety culture we believe that anybody can stop any work if he see an
unsafe action. In our statistics the root cause of accidents is strictly related to human error and high attention
during work

Ε. In which way are PTW’s issued during TURN AROUND periods?

The PTW during T/A are higher in amount but the risks is lower due to equipment conditions which are
emptied, drained, washed. Due to this high number of PTW in T/A part of personnel are stop working at shift
and they are working on daily shift, in order to control contractors and subcontractors

F. Is there a separate department for issuing permits, i.e. for entering into a
confined space?
No. Each unit/section is issuing PTW because only unit operators/foremans/unit managers knows all risks
associated with each unit. Anyhow, the fire and special access PTW are registered by phone to fire brigade
in order to have a full listing of high risks PTW and fast response in case of emergency.

G. Please attach a PTW form Please see on last pages

2. Health and Safety Training

Α. Is training provided to the employees and, if so, how often?

Β. Is training provided for the members of the Health and Safety Committee and, if
so, how often?

C. Is training provided to the contactors personnel and, if so, how often and by

3. Feedback
Α. Are meetings taking place between Health and Safety Committee and a
Company’s representative and, if so, how often?

Β. Is the Union informed by the Health and Safety Committee on any issues that
may arise?

4. Basic Safety Rules

Α.Is the quantity of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) satisfactory?

Β.Is there correct use of PPE?

C. To which extent (%) are basic safety rules observed by the employees?

D. To which extent are there records of accidents at work resulting from insufficient
or inappropriate use of PPE?

5.Intervention by the members of Health and Safety
Α. How often are H/S Committee members present at workplaces?

Β. How frequent are H/S Committee interventions on the field?

C. Are these interventions positive?

5. The specialization of Operator

Α. Is Unit Operator a profession or just a specialization?

7. Retirement
Α. At which age and after how many years of work are Administrative Staff of
Petroleum and Refining Companies entitled to a retirement pension?

Β. At which age and after how many years of work are specialized workforce of
Petroleum and Refining Companies entitled to a retirement pension?

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