270 Questionaire - SAD

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AMA Computer College

Cavite Campus

Ara Vista Village, Brgy. Biclatan,

General Trias, Cavite

System Analysis and Design

2nd Trimester S.Y. 2019-2020

Background of the Company

1. What is the nature of the company?
3. When did the company started?
4. What is the mission of the company?
5. What is the vision of the company?
6. Who is the owner of the company?
7. What is the main goal/objective of the company?
8. What main services/education does the company offering?
9. Does it have target markets?
10. Does the company have branches?
11. If yes, how many? If just an estimation?
12. Where is the main branch located?
13. Where is this extension branch located?
14. What marketing strategies does the company use to improve their services?
15. For how long does the company been running?
16. What is the organizational structure of this company?
17. What are the skills needed to qualify as a worker in this company?
18. How do you handle such negative feedback about the services of the company?
19. How do you advertise or make the company relevant to the people?
20. Does it have international Branch?
21. What does the company do to foster creativity and innovation?
22. What is the status of the company right now?
23. How does the company show the values to its employees?
24. What are the strengths of the organization?
25. What are the weaknesses of the organization?
26. Does the weaknesses of the organization hindrances or give a loss on the
27. Does the company following some code of ethics for employees and employers?
28. Does the company implementing strict, yet essential rules for each members of the
29. Do they follow those rules? How very often?
30. Does the company considering acquiring new innovations and technology-based
devices, systems, and machines to ease the doings of the business?
31. Are they open to have a partnership with some vendors providing them with these
kinds of technology and innovations?

About the Documentation:

32. What are the documents and form of your current system?
33. Do you use any application software in encoding those forms?
34. How efficiency does the system adds new document?
35. Do you implement security measures to secure those documents? If yes? what are
those security measures?
36. Do you encounter any problems when it comes to processing the forms? If yes, give
37. Do you choose software or office suite to encode your documents? If yes, what
software or office suite do you use?
38. Do you have any difficulty of doing the paper works?
39. Do you encounter problem on file retrieval?
40. What security measure do you impose to make sure that the files are kept well?
41. How often does the personnel/department generate this report/forms or documents?
42. Who keeps all the files?
43. Are there any cases of files/form being lost misplaced or destroyed?
44. If yes does this event happen often?
45. Do you have any cabinet for storing files?
46. If it’s still a draft and soft copy, how do you manage to store it safely and properly?
47. What ways do you produce your forms/document into a hard copy?
48. How many are you in documentation team?
49. Does each of your members have assigned roles in the documentation team?
50. What are those assigned roles?
51. Is your documents/forms following a prescribed format?
52. Who prescribe the format?
53. What kind of format did you use?
54. Do all of you print the files using your own printer?
55. If not, do you all contribute to the expenses of printing to the printing shops?
56. Do you follow what the system’s features and functions when documenting it?
57. Is there any complication or error when all of you try to develop your documents
same as the pace of your system development?
58. Do you have also a user’s manual on your documents?
59. How efficient and factual your documents/forms when you are about to defend your
60. Is there any sensible or confidential data on your documents?
61. If there is, how will you deliver it to the panelist without sacrificing its confidentiality?

About the System:

62.Does the system standalone or needs third party apps to run?

63. Would the system in need of viewing report of all transactions happened?
64. Does the system should have the ability to print necessary documents?
65. Does the system would need a high level of security?
66. Would the system run in numbers of browsers?
67. Would the system available to owner/admin only?
68. If the system is available for buyers, would there be some additional ability like
online ordering?
69. If users/admin would have a need for login too, does anonymous or unregistered
account/people wouldn’t be allowed to see which data is relevant?
70. Would it run on offline mode too?
71. Does the system have to have the ability to logout due to inactivity, like...for 15
72. Does it have any special/extra function from prototype version?
73. In nonfunctional requirement, does the system has good scalability?
74. Would the design/functions/processes of system run in the same manner as
expected or not?
75. How long(seconds) should system back to its normal operation if somehow it
76. If there is a registration form, is it necessary to fill up?
77. Should the system must be in favor to end-users and/or clients taste or focus more
on quality of system?
78. Would doing the system feasible for all members within the given/left timeframe?
79. Would the system be having something like a recycle bin?
80. Would the system be using some high technologies like biometrics?
81. Does the system need to know the full identity of the user/admin?
82. Is there some way to retrieve password/login credentials if ever the admin has
forgotten her password?
83. If there are several admins, would the reports/transaction will be in one place or
separated per admin?
84. Will the system be needing or necessary to have an update options in terms of
upgrading the system?
85. Will the system necessary to have flashy design?
86. What could be the best database to use along with the making of the system?
87. Would there be a FAQs section in the system?
88. Would there be a private message function amongst users and admin?
89. If there would be a private message option, should the system automatically delete
a conversation/message/chat box that’s inactive or last for 5 days?
90. If a user has filled up a form in registration in the system, does the sensitive
information like phone number and residency are just limited to admins/owner?
91. If there’s a registration form to fill up, would the customer need a Gmail account?
92. Would the system be understandable also for middle aged?
93. Does the system would need a calendar?
94. Would the system necessarily in need of homepage?
95. Would the system will have some kind of automation?
96. If the system would have an automation thing, what would it be?
97 What model would be followed in implementing the system?
98. Does making the system would make the work more efficient for the employees?
99. For registration form, in password field, should it be something complex before
system accept it?
100. Should the system or app in need of extra space for Ads?
101. Should the system have its separate database for sensitive information?
102. Should the system in need to have a notifications/notifying option for admin/user
when there’s a new change or a new input came, and the likes?
103. Would the work will be paperless once the system gets implemented?
104. Does the employees/owner are tech savvy enough to understand simple business
processes in forms of technology?
105. What important transactions should we put int the system like (inventories,
misconception between the inputs of admin and user)?
106. Should an admin/user put his real name in registration form, or a username/screen
name would just be fine?
107. Does the system should save/ask a photo per admin/user?
108. What is the operating system used for the system?
109. Does the system use minimal software resources?
110. Do you still use a manual system?
111. Are you aware of the viruses that spread on the world wide web?
112. Is the software security reliable?
113. Does the software do what is required for it?
114. Is the system user user-interface friendly?
115. Where does the data to be processed come from?
116. Do you use password for security?
117. How is the prototype of your system?
118. Is there any problem or bugs you have faced when you develop its stages?
119. Can you give the most error or bugs you have faced?
120. How is it very complicated for you to resolve that error or bugs?
121. Does that bugs, or error takes you too long to resolve it?
122. Would the site need large database?
123. Should the employee and the owner/admin and user must have different functions
in their respective admin account?
124. Should logging in site would have the typical “OK or login button” or “once a user
enters username/ID and password correctly, it’ll direct the user to the second form/page
of the system”?
125. For every modules/function/operation in the system, should it be written and
visually printed on manual/documentation?
126. Should the mission and vision or sayings/quotes of the company be included in the
site too?
127. Should the system be available online or just within local area network (within the
128. If admin 1 made the test_number_1, does it mean he’s the only one can access it?
129. If question 147 answer is no, how can someone access the said test to modify it for
future modification?
130. If question 2 answer is yes, is it necessary for new admin/admin 2 to at least view it
(read only)?
131. Should the system show necessary action of each user? (like a log system, such
as showing who delete which files/test)
132. Should your system have an active user panel to see who recently or currently
active on the site?
133. Is your system should have interaction or collaboration within the users and admin
with regards of assessing themselves about their inputs on the system?
134. What will be the mechanism of your system?
135. Is the algorithm of your system efficient? Rate it from 1 to 10.
136. Does the inputting of questions/type of questions with corresponding answer by the
users and admin have limitations or number of limitations?
137. How will be the random works on generating the questions for a competency test?
138. Does the questions inputted by the users would never have a same question
inputted by the other users once the random generating of it will occur?
139. How would you going to avoid of having the same questions or answer to the
random generating question for competency test?
140. Is the functions/features of the user will also be the same as the admin?
141. Does this will have also an adding a category for any type of exam/test?
142. Does the system will be feasible for future redevelopment?
143. Can users also interact to the admin within the system with regards to the activity
that the users had done on inputting questions (like checking, evaluating, revising and
the likes)?
144. Is the system will be app based or web-application based?
145. What programming languages would you use to program the system?
146. What are the other languages would you use for the other areas of your system
(User Interface Design, Database, etc.)?
147. Does the system have a feature of deleting the added inputs (like questions,
answers, type of questions or test) once the user made an error on the inputs?
148. How will be the functions of deleting the added inputs (like questions, answers,
type of questions or test) once the user made an error on the inputs?
149. Does the admin will also have a full control over the activity of the users?
150. Could the users also have a moderate control to full control over the activity of the
151. If yes, is there would be a permission first (a feature for a system) by the admin to
allow the users?
152. Is there will be a feature like an on-click guideline tour on the system?
153. Is your system can also generate a list of answers separated from the randomly
generated list of questions for a test/exam?
154. Does your system can also do/produce a printed version or can also be able to
print a hard copy version?
155. Does your system can produce also a soft copy in any document file
(.docx, .doc, .pdf, .pages) format?
156. Is your system can also randomly generate set of tests (like set A and set B)?
157. How will you manage if you encounter inputted questions that will end up having a
bonus point on a printed one?
158. Is there will be a complexity to the part of admin and user once they reach the
deepest part or areas of your system?
159. How will be the consistency will last for your system once the admin and user will
use it for a long time?
160. Is there will be any transaction feature that can be added on your system aside
from the existing development?
161. What will be the benefits of this system to your target client?
162. Does this system can be also be used outside to the nature or environment of your
target client?
163. In a scale of 1 to 10, how will you rate the efficiency of your system?
164. In a scale of 1 to 10, how will you rate the user-friendliness of your system?
165. Is your target client/market have limitations to the system?
166. Is your system have also limitations to the target client/market?
167. How much time will you take in order to create the program of this system?
168. What part of the system are you most going to defend its functions and features?
169. Is your client willing to test your system under the time of your defense?
170. How are you going to deploy your system once it reaches the final stage?
171. Are you satisfied with the development of your system?
172. Do you have to update your system?
173. Does your system website can be accessible across all devices?
174.How does this system can generally help the clients and the future markets?
175. Does the system work more than what it is supposed to do?
176. Does the system have information that can be easily understood by the
177. Is the system can be usable once it undergoes system maintenance?
178. Is the data from the system are not redundant and can handle increasing data
179. How do you maintain the security of the flow of data with regards to your system?
180. For how long does the admin and the user can interact with the system?

On the Faculty Members:

181. How’s the teachings as a faculty member?
182. Does the teachings a hassle at some point or certain areas?
183. What parts or areas of your teachings is somehow a difficulty?
184. Could you give some experiences about that teaching difficulty?
185. Does it affects the lessons/lectures you prepared for your students?
186. On what procedures you prepared the lectures for your students?
187. Do you can accomplish to teach every lecture to your students at some enough
timeframe given?
188. Do the students get the exact questions and scopes of their test to every lecture
you gave?
189. Do you add random questions to their test that are not part of the lecture?
190. How do you prepare their test?
191. Do you also give pointers to review for their test?
192. Are those pointers to review had accomplished the lectures you gave to them?
193. Do you also put Categories or Types of Test to their test?
194. What are those categories or types of test you use?
195. What are the most categories or types of test you often use?
196. Do you give bonus points on their test?
197. Do you also get questions error or typo error on some part of the test you
198. Do you also give them bonus point on that certain error of the test?
199. Do you manually type the test for your students?
200. Does it have a soft and secured copy?
201. Do you also have a hard copy?
202. Do you sometimes photocopy it to ease the workload of producing a test?
203. How do you handle some errors on the test before and after you prepared it?
204. How many items you often prepare for producing a test?
205. Do you also give special exams, set A and B to the test of your students?
206. Do you follow on a school’s prescribed format/template of encoding, printing a test
207. May we get a copy of that format of that template?
208. What are the limitations you have as a faculty member?
209. How do you handle those limitations?
210. What is your main position inside of a faculty?
211. What are those subjects you handle?
212. On what school department/strand/track are you assigned?
213. What Courses/Strand or Tracks does your school offer?
214. What are the processes involved with your current system?
215. Do you use application software in encoding those tests?
216. What security measures do you implement to secure those documents?
217. Does the professors’ questions are relevant to the syllabus of the subjects?
218. Do you follow the school’s curriculum/syllabus guide?
219. Do you somehow give types of assessments for the students?
220. Do you give levels of competency for the students?

On the Dean:
221. How the faculty members communicate with you as an admin?
222. Does the faculty members reach out with you with regards to the test they
prepared or something else about that?
223. Do you encounter any problems when it comes to the faculty members raising
issues about the test?
224. Do you set/give limitations to the faculty members when it comes to the lectures
and test that they give to the students?
225. How many computers does your company have?
226. Do you use Internet connection for your company’s transactions?
227. If yes, what type of Internet connection do you have?
228. Do you have existing system software being used by your company?
229. If yes, what kind of system software do you use?
230. Is the faculty members having a hard time preparing for the test papers for their
231. Do you also help them ease their workloads of preparing their test papers?
232. Do you also monitor the faculty members about the tests and lectures they
233. How do you manage those problems arising inside of a faculty particularly on the
academics they give to the students?
234. Does your current system rapidly aid it and solve any issues?
235. Do you have any control to those lectures and test questionnaires that the faculty
236. Do you give them any rules to make it or do you give them their way to make it on
their own?
237. Do you help the faculty on producing their test paper for their students?
238. Do they need your approval when they produce and prepared the test papers
before they deploy it to the students when the exam week comes?
239. Do the faculty members asking you about a system to ease their work on making
test papers/exams?
240. Do you approve or disapprove the test that the faculty prepared?
241. Does your school following a template for the appearance of the test
242. What is the process or control you are monitoring for the test they prepared?
243. Do you also evaluate the quizzes they prepared?
244. Do the faculty always accomplished to finish all the lectures per Prelim, Midterm,
245. Do the faculty ask a permission to you first before they decide what kind of
assessment they want to give to the students?
246. Do they determine the competency levels of the students and give you the info?
247. If you will be an admin of the system, would you like to have a faculty moderator to
also monitor faculty activities within the system?
248. If you will be an admin of the system, would you like to create them an account or
would you like to let them create their own account?
[ ] Create them an account (just their name, username, and password, to be able to
control the number of existing and incoming faculty members) but you will let them add
their info once they start to do their first log in.
[ ] Let them create their own account (and approve their account to control the number
of existing and incoming faculty members)
249. Would you like to have a quiz generator as an add up feature to the system we are

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