The Significance of Physical Fitness Test To The Bodykinesthetics of The Grade 6 Pupils of Aaqes: Input To The Academic Performance

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And Its Affiliate Schools for Men and Women

1743 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila, Philippines 1004

School of Education



An Undergraduate Action Research Presented to the Faculty of Philippine Women’s

University-School of Education

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Teaching Physical Education and Health for
The Elementary Grades






Researchers: ACULLADOR, Nicole Anne

AGAO, Angelica May A.
AGUILAR, Faith Joy G.
DONES, Andrea Paula A.
MARIANO, Claudine
MENDOZA, Ma Anne Pauline H.

Degree: Bachelor of Elementary Education

Institution: Philippine Women’s University-School of Education

Year: 2019-2020

Adviser: Prof. Femeller Podador, LPT

Physical fitness pertains to the ability of your body systems to work together
efficiently to allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living. Being efficient
means doing daily activities with the least effort possible (Human Kinetics, n.d.). Hence,
it is needed by many students to be physically active, energized, motivated, and excel in
their academic performances. Being physically active combats many different human
illnesses and virus that disrupts or body systems. In the elementary grades, they are known
as a physically active students due to their activities. However, not all elementary pupils
are always physically fit due to external circumstances. Many of them experiences struggle
in school and at home about their physical fitness that is reflected in their academic

In line with that this study shows the significance of Physical Fitness Test to the
body-kinesthetics of the Grade 6 pupils from Aurora A. Quezon Elementary School in their
academic performance. The researchers aim to explain and verify the need to be physically
active and doing simple exercises and/or work outs helps the students in their academics,
especially here in the Philippines. A self-structured questionnaire in a likert-scale type is
used to see the attitude of the students in relation to being physically fit to their academic
performance. The researchers used the spreadsheet and tables to compute the population
and percentages of the answers of the respondents.
The results shows that there is a significant relationship about being physically fit
to the academic performance of the Grade 6 pupil of AAQES. Most of the pupils aged 11-
years-old are physically active and does exercise that results them to be in class on time,
feel energized at school, motivated to do schoolwork and they excel in class. The
researchers highlighted the need for the educational institutions to further encourage
students to be physically active and do exercise that can help to stimulate the brain of the
pupils in order to unleash their cognitive, affective, and socio-emotional skills.

THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

• Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
• Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
• Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 3
• Review of the Related Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
• Conceptual Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

• Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
• Research Instruments .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 7
• Research Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
• Statistics . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

TABLES AND DISCUSSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

• Tables . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
• Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
• Recommendation . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


Population and Percentage of the Respondents by Age
1 9
on being Physically Fit
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
2 10
being Physically Fit
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
3 10
Doing Sports
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
4 11
Doing Sports
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
5 12
Doing Simple Exercises Learned in School at Home
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
6 13
Doing Simple Exercises Learned in School at Home
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
7 14
Eating on a Balanced Diet
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
8 8
Eating on a Balanced Diet
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
9 16
Feeling Energized by Doing Exercise
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
10 17
Feeling Energized by Doing Exercise
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
11 18
Working Out to have a Good Sleep
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
12 19
Working Out to have a Good Sleep
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
13 20
Daily Workout to Release Stress
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
14 21
Daily Workout to Release Stress
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
15 22
Daily Workout Results to be in Class on Time
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
16 23
Daily Workout Results to be in Class on Time
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
17 24
Working Out to be Motivated to do School Works
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
18 25
Working Out to be Motivated to do School Works
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on
19 26
Simple Workout Results to Excelling in Class
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on
20 27
Simple Workout Results to Excelling in Class


1 IV-DV Relationship 6
2 Distribution of Respondents by Age 8
3 Distribution of Respondents by Sex 8
Overweight and obesity are increasing problems that lead to significant health and
social difficulties in people. There is increase in percentage that overweight and obesity
are not just problems of individuals but also society’s. There are programs in each
community that addresses not just people with obesity but for people who wants to stay
healthy and well. Exercising with people is a basic leadership task but people’s perception
of them reaching their goals in health awareness is hindered by numerous factors. Others
are having difficulty being motivated and consistent, however, consistency in maintaining
active lifestyle provides immediate health benefits. Do you remember the euphoria when
it’s PE day and you get to wear a loose shirt and jogging pants? Do you even know why
you were excited? It’s simply because you get to move freely without worrying if your
under garment will be seen by your classmates. You get the chance to jump and roll around
the school grounds.
Physical education have become one of the most essential part of school curriculum
because it promotes health awareness, physical and mental health. Studies show that 88%
of elementary students are active with PE classes because it also builds cooperative
learning skills. The remaining are increasingly living a sedentary lives, with physical
activity frequently displaced by television, internet surfing, and video gaming.
Physical activity is also related to the development of cognitive performance.
Assessing the relationship between physical education and academic achievement is a
difficult task due to the challenges related to defining and measuring physical education.
Sargent (1921) proposed the vertical jump as a physical performance for men as a part of
assessing physical fitness. According to Bouchard and Shepard (1991) , the concept of
exercise postulates that exercise has a direct influence on fitness such as endurance,
strength, and flexibility.
Engagement in physical activity has been positively associated with numerous
dimensions of psychological and emotional development yet mechanisms through which
these benefits occur are less clear. There are also evidence to suggest that physical activity
can improve children’s concentration and arousal which might indirectly benefit academic
performance. The purpose of this research is to determine the importance of teaching PE
and Health. To discuss the benefits of having an active lifestyle and its connection to the
cognitive development of the students. Physical education and Health also raised
awareness on how to properly take care of our body. It enables the students to develop their
leadership and team work.
PE and Health is more than playing games every time. It’s more than knowing how
to know the basic stuff like holding a tennis racket, or playing volleyball because it’s a
requirement. There are things that need to be accomplished and learnings that can be
applied to our daily lives. In this research, we will also address how teaching PE and Health
can provide individuals with tools to take care of themselves health wise. It can also be a
start of a revolution because it promotes health education. It can increase awareness among
people, thus lead to change in behavior and perspective in oneself and others.
School failure is often a symptom of competing issues and problems that
overwhelm a student’s life. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, chronic or untreated illness,
pregnancy, a disorganized home, substance abuse, or a threatening environment may all
contribute to a student’s inability to cope with the rigorous demands of learning. Poor
health in all its dimensions clearly interferes with school performance (Hechinger, 1992).
Young people from all social and economic levels may experience these problems that
compete for their time, energy, and commitment. While most children and adolescents are
considered healthy using traditional health markers such as disease patterns, an even more
deadly pattern is emerging.
Young males, across all races and age groups, are dying at a consistently higher
rate than young females. Most of these needless tragedies are the direct result of poor
choices resulting in substance use, homicide, or motor vehicle crashes involving the use of
alcohol. These tragedies are preventable (Ozer, Brindis, Millstein, Knopf & Irwin, 1998).
Preventing health-threatening behaviors and instituting health-enhancing ones are crucial
to the prevention of needless death and despair. Empowering young people to make life
enhancing decisions enables them to engage in the work of youth—learning. No longer can
we rely on miracle cures or one-shot measures to solve these very serious problems.
Collectively, we must focus our energies on the prevention of serious and costly health
conditions that impact individuals, their families, the community, and the nation.
According to John Seffrin, chief executive officer of the American Cancer Society, human
health is both an end and a means to an end. For this reason, Dr. Seffrin defines school
health education as education in the art of living (1992, p. 393). Good health is necessary
for effective learning.
Feeling physically and mentally healthy is essential as students face intense
competition, peer and media pressure, and the stresses of daily physical, emotional, social,
intellectual, and work-related activities (Marx, Wooley, & Northrup, 1998). Business and
community leaders now recognize the need for a healthy, productive workforce armed with
critical-thinking skills, problem-solving skills, cooperative and collaborative qualities,
self-management skills, and finely-tuned communication skills (Marx et al.). Many
businesses offer employee wellness programs including fitness programs, preventive
healthcare, and occupational services to ensure the health and productivity of their
employees. Comprehensive health education and physical education play important roles
in the development of citizens who are able to form healthy relationships, use social skills
appropriately, demonstrate a sense of intellectual curiosity, and practice health-enhancing
behaviors in preparation for their role as well-educated, productive citizens.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the relationship Physical Fitness Test to body-
kinesthetics intelligence of the Grade 6 pupils in Aurora A. Quezon Elementary School
(AAQES) to their everyday academic performance.
Specifically, this sought to answers to the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the pupils in form of:
a. Age
b. Sex
2. How may the Physical Fitness Test affect the academic performance of the Grade 6
pupils of AAQES?
3. What is the relationship of being physically active to the academic performance to
the Grade 6 pupils of AAQES?
4. Is there a significant relationship among the attitude of the pupils on being physically
fit to their academic performance?

Review of Related Literature

Schools are representing many important opportunities to promote physical activity
in children. They have captured audiences on the ability to carve out time for physical
activity whether it be recess, physical education or sports.
Physical Education programs in school offers the students opportunities not only to
be physically active but also the opportunity to teach skills and behaviors to maintain
physical activity for lifetime. Students spend half of their day in school, physical education
should teach how to integrate physical activity in their day. It is important to start that habit
at a very young age, if there will be no time for physical education, it should be at least
offered as elective so that students will be given a chance to take that subject.
Being physically fit and the importance of it is very well known, active people are
known to be healthier, live longer, and also have low risk of developing mental disorders.
It is said that having physically active lifestyle usually starts in childhood. However,
generation today are not engaged in the recommended amount of physical activity but
instead, children spends time sitting in the classroom or even in front of the television. This
is a problematic development that reflects the sharp rise of obesity levels among children.
Children are spending a huge amount of their time school. Schools provide perfect
environment for children to be physically active. However, some schools lessen the
opportunity for them to do so. Although this is not surprising because some schools are
focused on improving academic achievement. Some educators believe that academics
should be prioritized rather than physical education.
State-mandated academic achievement testing had an unintended consequence of
reducing opportunities for children to be physically active during the school days which
shifts time in school away from physical education to allow more time on academic
subjects. Some children are stopped from physical education or recess to participate in
enriched learning experiences designed to increase academic performance (Pellegrini and
Bohn, 2005). It is said that a rapid growing body of work suggests that time spent engaged
in physical activity is not related to a healthier body but also to a healthier mind (Hiliman
et al., 2008).
According to US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical
activity has an impact on cognitive skills such as concentration and attention, it also
enhances the classroom attitudes and behaviours which are the important components of
improved academic performance. Also, a study from the University of Ilinois shows that
children who are physically fit are more likely to perform better in school and achieve
higher grades. Children who are participating the study where given
electroencephalograms (EEGs) to measure their brain waves and how fast the brain
responds to a certain stimuli. Researchers found out that the brain synapses of those
physically fit are fired faster and stronger and those children as a result are better in
language skills.
Research confirms that students that are healthier becomes better learners. Quality
physical education is used to describe programs that are catered to a students' age, skill
level, culture and unique needs. It includes 90 minutes of physical activity per week which
fosters the students' well -being and improving their academic success. However,
instructional time for quality phys-ed programs around the world are being decrease in
order to prioritize other subject areas (which includes Math, Science, Social Studies and
English) in hopes to achive higher academic achievement. Research also shows that phys-
ed does not have negative impacts on the student success and it actually offects physical,
social, emotional, and cognitive benefits.
Quality phys-ed helps students to understand how exercise are helping them to
develop healthy lifestyle, to gain skills that help them to participate in the diferent physical
activities and also to enjoy an active lifestyle.
It provides the students opportunity to socialize with others and to enhance their
skills in communication, tolerance, trust, empathy, and respect. It also provides the learning
for positive team skills that includes cooperation, leadership, cohesion and responsibility.
Students who play sports or participates in other physical activities experience different
emotions and learns to cope in stressful, challenging or painful situations.
Quality phys-ed can help improve mental health, it increase activities that provides
psychological benefits including reducing stress, anxiety and depression. It also helps
students to develop strategies regarding how to manage their emotions, it also helps them
to increase their self-esteem.
Research tends to show that increased blood flow that are produced by physical activity
can stimulate the brain and boost mental performance. Avoiding inactivity may also
increase the energy level and concentration in the classroom.
One of the eight types of learning styles is body kinesthetic learning, it is defined
by Howard Gardner in his theory of Multiple Intelligences. Bodily kinesthetic learning
style or intelligence refers to the ability of a person to process information physically
through hand and body movement, control, and expression. It is also known as the physical
learning style or tactile-kinesthetic learning style. People with bodily kinesthetic learning
styles prefer direct involvement with the material rather than worksheets or reading from a
book. Bodily kinesthetic learning style students understands the material longer when they
use it in an active way.
Children who are physically fit were not only better at reading, they are also good
at reading passages with several grammatical errors. Researchers looked at the brainwave
patterns that deal with language and the ability to spot errors in grammar. The fit children
had strong results with both brain wave groups, and also a better understanding of
nonsensical or error-filled sentences.
A study about Kinesthetic Intelligence to Foster Active Learning shows that
kinesthetic intelligence intervention on social science have an impact on the learning
environment of elementary school children. Children tends to be energetic during this stage
of life. The bodily/kinesthetic intelligence have educational activities that have opened new
doors that explores the learning atmosphere of being lively. Results of the study showed
highly significant differences between pre and post-test scores of the experimental group
respondents indicating the influence of kinesthetic intelligence to the learning of the
respondents. It identifies the dominant intelligence among the children and helps them
recognize their own potential and relay teaching as well, encouraging them to learn
accordingly is very important too.
Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

•Physical Fitness Test •Academic Perfromance of
•Bodily-Kinesthetics the Grade 6 pupils of
•Simple daily exercise/work- AAQES
•Physically fit

Figure 1: IV-DV Relationship

In the Figure 1, it shows the relationship of the independent variables—Physical
Fitness Test, Bodily-Kinesthetics, Simple daily exercise/work-out, and Physically Fit to
the dependent variable which is the academic performance of the Grade 6 pupils of

This chapter presents the research design, responded of the study, data gathering
instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The study will be used descriptive correlation design in order to describe the
significance of physical fitness test to the grade 6 pupils of AAQES. Descriptive research
is defined as a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of
a subject without influencing it in any way.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire was used as the main instrument and will be used in assessing
the “Attitude of the students towards being physically fit to their academic performance”.
The instrument is a Likert scale questionnaire which may help in gaining a good
understanding of current and emerging issues impacting on school heads effective
management of school resources. Our research sources questionnaire will be used to
measure and determine how the students physically fit to their managing the academic
which could be positive or negative.

Research Procedure

The first step that the researchers did was to make a request letter to the approval
of the school administrators before doing the testing proper. When the researcher got the
approval of the school administrators, they will now conduct the testing proper through a
random sampling technique to 100 pupils of AAQES upon the guidance of the principal &
teachers. The researchers prepared a likert-scale type of questionnaire that is easy for the
students to understand the questions, so that they can also answer it properly. They were
given enough time to answer it during their free time to avoid distractions to their classes.
After the respondents answered the questionnaire, the researchers tallied it using
spreadsheet where they can arrange it into charts and tables.


The result of the data that was gathered from the students of Aurora A. Quezon
Elementary School was balanced, since there are students who are in favor and those who
are not in favor. There were 100 Grade 6 students who answered the given questionnaire.
To count the results of the respondents, the researchers used spreadsheet, tables and charts.

Analysis and interpretation of the gathered data were summarized in the following

Figure 2: Distribution of Respondents by Age

Figure 1 presents the

2% Age frequency and percentage
5% 2%
distribution of respondents by age.
As shown in the figure, five (5) age
10 yrs. old
groups comprised the distribution.
13% 11 yrs. old One hundred (100) of the total
12 yrs. old respondents involved in this study
13 yrs. old which is equivalent to 78 percent are
78% 14 yrs. old from the age of 11; 13 percent are
from the age of 12; 5 percent are
from the age of 13; 2 percent are
from the age of 10 and 2 percent are
from the age of 14.
Figure 3: Distribution of Respondents by Sex

Figure 2 shows the

Sex distribution of the respondents
according to sex. As presented, of
the one hundred (100) respondents
who indicated their sex, 59 percent
Female are female while 41 percent are
41% Male male.
1. Physically Fit

1.1 By Age

Table 1
Population and Percentage of the Respondents by Age on being Physically

Age N Percentage
10 0 0
11 20 20
Always 12 4 4
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 1 1
11 20 20
Often 12 5 5
13 2 2
14 1 1
10 1 1
11 24 24
I am Physically
Sometimes 12 4 4
13 2 2
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 6 6
Rarely 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 1 1
10 0 0
11 8 8
Never 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 1 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 24% of the
population are sometimes physically fit and 20% of them are always physically fit.
Meanwhile, 20% of the population which are the 11-year-old pupils are often
physically fit. Again, from the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 6%
answered rarely and 8% are not physically fit. For the 12-year-old pupils form the
population, 4% of them are always physically fit, 5% are often physically fit, and
4% are sometimes physically fit. Next, from the 13-years-old pupils, 1% is always
physically fit and 2% is sometimes physically fit. Lastly, 1% from the population
from a 10-year old pupil is often physically fit, and the last 1% is sometimes
physically fit. For the 14-year-old pupil 1% is often and rarely physically fit.

1.2. By Sex

Table 2
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on being Physically Fit

Sex N Percentage
Female 13 13
Male 12 12
Female 18 18
Male 11 11
I am Physically Female 20 20
Fit. Male 11 11
Female 1 1
Male 6 6
Female 7 7
Male 1 1
Total 100 100

The Table 2 shows that most of the female pupils with 20% of the
population are sometimes physically fit and 13% of them are always physically fit.
Meanwhile, 18% of the population which are the female pupils are often physically
fit. Again, from the femalepupils from the population, 1% answered rarely and 7%
are not physically fit. For the malepupils form the population, 12% of them are
always physically fit, 11% are often physicallyfit, and the other 11% are sometimes
physically fit. Again, from the male pupils from thepopulation, 6% answered rarely
and 1% are not physically fit.

1. Doing Sports

2.1. By Age

Table 3
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Doing Sports

Age N Percentage
10 1 1
11 32 32
I do sports. Always 12 8 8
13 2 2
14 2 2
10 0 0
11 14 14
Often 12 1 1
13 0 0
14 0 0
10 1 1
11 26 26
Sometimes 12 4 4
13 3 3
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 4 4
Rarely 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 2 2
Never 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 3 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 32% of the
population are always doing sports and 14% of them are often doing sports.
Meanwhile, 26% of the population which are the 11-year-old pupils are sometimes
doingsports. Again, from the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 4% answered
rarely and 2% are not doing sports. For the 12 year-old pupils form the population,
8% of them are always doing sports, 1% is often doing sports, and 4% are
sometimes doing sports. Next, from the 13-years-old pupils, 2% arealwaysdoing
sports and 3% are sometimes doing sports. Lastly, 1% from the population from a
10-year old pupil is always physically fit, and the last 1% is sometimes doing sports.
For the 14-year-old pupil 2% are always doing sports.

2.2. By Sex

Table 4
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Doing Sports

Sex N Percentage
Female 26 26
Male 19 19
I do sports. Female 10 10
Male 5 5
Sometimes Female 19 19
Male 15 15
Female 2 2
Male 2 2
Female 2 2
Male 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 4 shows that most of the female pupils with 26% of the
population are always on doing sports and 19% of them are sometimes on doing
sports. Meanwhile, 10% of the population which are the female pupils are often
doing sports. Again, from the female pupils from the population, 2% answered
rarely and 2% is not doing sports. For the male pupils form the population, 19% of
them are always doing sports, 15% are sometimes doing sports, and the other 5%
is often doing sports. Again, from the male pupils from the population, 2%
answered rarely and % is not doing sports.

2. Doing Simple Exercises Learned in School at Home

3.1. By Age

Table 5
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Doing Simple
Exercises Learned in School at Home

Age N Percentage
10 1 1
11 32 32
Always 12 5 5
13 3 3
14 2 2
10 0 0
I do 11 19 19
Often 12 4 4
13 1 1
I learned in
14 0 0
school at
home. 10 1 1
11 25 25
Sometimes 12 1 1
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 2 2
12 2 2
13 0 0
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 0 0
Never 12 1 1
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 5 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 32% of the
population do simple exercises that they learned in school at home and 19% of them
are often do the simple exercises they learned. Meanwhile, 25% of the population
which are the 11-year-old pupils are sometimes do the exercises they learned.
Again, from the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 2% answered they rarely
exercises. For the 12-year-old pupils form the population, 5% of them are always
doing simple exercises, 4% are often do exercise, and 1% is sometimes.
Additionally, from the 12-year-old pupils from the population, 2% answered rarely
and 1% never exercises. Next, from the 13-years-old pupils, 3% are always does
the exercises they learned at school at home, 1% is often does the exercises and the
other 1% is sometimes. Lastly, 1% from the population from a 10-year old pupil is
always doing their learner exercise routines, and the last 1% is sometimes. For the
14-year-old pupil 2% are always doing the exercises they learned from school at

3.2. By Sex

Table 6
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Doing Simple Exercises
Learned in School at Home

Sex N Percentage
Female 27 27
Male 16 16
Female 10 10
I do simple Often
Male 14 12
exercises I
Female 19 19
learned in Sometimes
Male 9 9
school at
home. Female 3 3
Male 1 1
Female 0 0
Male 1 1
Total 100 100
The Table 6 shows that most of the female pupils with 27% of the
population are always doing simple exercises learned in school at home and 19%
of them are sometimes doing simple exercises learned in school at home.
Meanwhile, 10% of the population which are the female pupils are often doing
simple exercises learned in school at home. Again, from the female pupils from the
population, 3% answered rarely and % is not doing simple exercises learned in
school at home. For the male pupils form the population, 16% of them are always
doing simple exercises learned in school at home, 14% are often doing simple
exercises learned in school at home, and the other 9% are sometimes doing simple
exercises learned in school at home. Again, from the male pupils from the
population, 1% answered rarely and 1% is not doing simple exercises learned in
school at home.

3. Eating on a Balanced Diet

4.1. By Age
Table 7
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Eating on a Balanced

Age N Percentage
10 0 0
11 17 17
Always 12 3 3
13 2 2
14 1 1
10 1 1
11 13 13
Often 12 1 1
13 1 1
I eat based 14 1 1
on a 10 0 0
balanced 11 27 27
diet. Sometimes 12 5 5
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 1 1
11 5 5
Rarely 12 1 1
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 16 16
12 3 3
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 7 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 27% of the
population are sometimes eats based on a balanced diet and 17% of them are always
eat based on a balanced diet. Meanwhile, 13% of the population which are the 11-
year-old pupils are often eats based on a balanced diet. Again, from the 11-year-old
pupils from the population, 5% answered rarely and 16% does not eat based on a
balanced diet. For the 12-year-old pupils form the population, 3% of them are
always eating based on a balanced diet, 1% are often, and 5% is sometimes eats
based on a balanced diet. Again, from the 12-year-old pupils from the population,
1% answered rarely and 3% are not eating based on a balanced diet. Next, from the
13-years-old pupils, 2% are always eats based on a balanced diet, 1% is often, 1%
is sometimes and the other 1% is rarely eats based on a balanced diet. Lastly, 1%
from the population from a 10-year old pupil is often eating based on a balanced
diet, and the last 1% is rarely eats based on a balanced diet. For the 14-year-old
pupil 1% is always eating based on a balanced diet and 1% is often eating based on
a balanced diet.

4.2. By Sex

Table 8
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Eating on a Balanced

Sex N Percentage
Female 15 15
Male 8 8
Female 12 12
I eat based Male 5 5
on a Female 18 18
balanced Male 15 15
diet. Female 3 3
Male 5 5
Female 11 11
Male 8 8
Total 100 100

The Table 8 shows that most of the female pupils with 18% of the
population are sometimes on a balanced diet and 15% of them are always on a
balanced diet. Meanwhile, 12% of the population which are the female pupils are
often on a balanced diet. Again, from the female pupils from the population, 11%
answered never and 3% is rarely on a balanced diet. For the male pupils form the
population, 15% of them are sometimes eats on a balanced diet, 8% are always on
a balanced diet, and the other 8% is never on a balanced diet. Again, from the male
pupils from the population, 5% answered often and 5% is rarely on a balanced diet.

4. Feeling Energized by Doing Exercise

5.1. By Age

Table 9
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Feeling Energized by
Doing Exercise

Age N Percentage
10 1 1
11 38 38
Always 12 7 7
13 3 3
14 0 0
10 1 1
11 22 22
Often 12 4 4
13 1 1
I feel 14 0 0
10 0 0
every time
11 12 12
because of
Sometimes 12 1 1
exercise (in
13 0 0
school and
at home). 14 2 2
10 0 0
11 3 3
Rarely 12 1 1
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 3 3
Never 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 9 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 38% of the
population are always feeling energized by doing exercise and 22% of them are
often feeling energized by doing exercise. Meanwhile,12% of the population which
are the 11-year-old pupils are sometimes feeling energized by doing exercise.
Again, from the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 3% answered rarely and
3% are notfeeling energized by doing exercise. For the 12-year-old pupils form the
population, 7% of them are always feeling energized by doing exercise, 4% are
often feeling energized by doing exercise, and 1% is sometimes and the other 1%
is rarely feeling energized by doing exercise. Next, from the 13-years-old pupils,
3% are always feeling energized by doing exercise, 1% is often feeling energized
by doing exercise and the other 1% is rarely feeling energized by doing exercise.
Lastly, 1% from the population from a 10-year old pupil is always feeling energized
by doing exercise, and the last 1% is often feeling energized by doing exercise. For
the 14-year-old pupil 2% are sometimes feeling energized by doing exercise.

5.2. By Sex

Table 10
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Feeling Energized by
Doing Exercise

Sex N Percentage
Female 29 29
Male 20 20
I feel Female 15 15
energized Often
Male 13 13
every time
Female 10 10
because of Sometimes
Male 5 5
exercise (in
Female 4 4
school and Rarely
at home). Male 1 1
Female 1 1
Male 2 2
Total 100 100

The Table 10 shows that most of the female pupils with 29% of the
population are always feeling energized by doing exercise and 15% of them are
often feeling energized by doing exercise. Meanwhile, 10% of the population which
are the female pupils are sometimes feeling energized by doing exercise. Again,
from the female pupils from the population, 4% answered rarely and 3% is never
feeling energized by doing exercise. For the male pupils form the population, 20%
of them are always feeling energized by doing exercise, 13% are often feeling
energized by doing exercise, and the other 5% is sometimes feeling energized by
doing exercise. Again, from the male pupils from the population, 2% answered
never and 1% is rarely feeling energized by doing exercise.
5. Working Out to have a Good Sleep

6.1. By Age

Table 11
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Working Out to have a
Good Sleep

Age N Percentage
10 0 0
11 39 39
Always 12 7 7
13 1 1
14 1 1
10 1 1
11 11 11
Often 12 3 3
13 2 2
14 0 0
10 1 1
After a
11 18 18
workout, I
Sometimes 12 2 2
always have
13 2 2
a good sleep.
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 6 6
Rarely 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 1 1
10 0 0
11 4 4
Never 12 1 1
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 11 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 39% of the
population are always working out to have a good sleep and 11% of them are often
works out to have a good sleep. Meanwhile, 18% of the population which are the
11-year-old pupils are sometimes working out to have a good sleep. Again, from
the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 6% answered rarely and 4% never
works-out to have a good sleep. For the 12-year-old pupils form the population, 7%
of them are always working out to have a good sleep, 3% are often working out to
have a good sleep, and 2% is sometimes and the other 1% is rarely working out to
have a good sleep. Next, from the 13-years-old pupils, 1% are always working out
to have a good sleep, 2% are often working out to have a good sleep and the other
2% aresometimes working out to have a good sleep. Lastly, 1% from the population
from a 10-year old pupil is always feeling energized by doing exercise, and the last
1% is often feeling energized by doing exercise. For the 14-year-old pupil 1% are
always and the other 1% is rarely working out to have a good sleep.

6.2. By Sex

Table 12
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Working Out to have a
Good Sleep

Sex N Percentage
Female 29 29
Male 19 19
Female 12 12
After a Male 5 5
workout, I Female 12 12
always have Male 11 11
a good sleep. Female 3 3
Male 4 4
Female 3 3
Male 2 2
Total 100 100

The Table 12 shows that most of the female pupils with 29% of the
population are always working out to have a good sleep and 12% of them are often
working out to have a good sleep. Meanwhile, 12% of the population which are the
female pupils are sometimes working out to have a good sleep. Again, from the
female pupils from the population, 3% answered rarely and 3% are not working out
to have a good sleep. For the male pupils form the population, 19% of them are
always working out to have a good sleep, 11% are sometimes working out to have
a good sleep, and the other 5% are often working out to have a good sleep. Again,
from the male pupils from the population, 4% answered rarely and 2% are not
working out to have a good sleep.
6. Daily Workout to Release Stress

7.1. By Age

Table 13
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Daily Workout to
Release Stress

Age N Percentage
10 1 1
11 34 34
Always 12 4 4
13 2 2
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 11 11
Often 12 5 5
13 2 2
14 0 0
Daily 10 1 1
workout 11 16 16
helps me to Sometimes 12 4 4
release 13 1 1
stress. 14 1 1
10 0 0
11 8 8
Rarely 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 1 1
10 0 0
11 9 9
Never 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 13 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 34% of the
population are always doing daily workout to release stress and 11% of them are
often does daily workout to release stress. Meanwhile, 16% of the population which
are the 11-year-old pupils are sometimes doing daily workout to release stress.
Again, from the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 8% answered rarely and
9% are not doing daily workout to release stress. For the 12-year-old pupils form
the population, 4% of them are always doing daily workout to release stress, 5%
are often does daily workout to release stress, and 4% are doing daily workout to
release stress. Next, from the 13-years-old pupils, 2% are always doing daily
workout to release stress, 2% are often does daily workout to release stressand the
other 1% is sometimes doing daily workout to release stress. Lastly, 1% from the
population from a 10-year old pupil is always doing daily workout to release stress,
and the last 1% is sometimes doing daily workout to release stress. For the 14-year-
old pupil, 1% from the population is sometimes and the other 1% is rarely doing
daily workout to release stress.

7.2. By Sex

Table 14
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Daily Workout to
Release Stress

Sex N Percentage
Female 27 27
Male 14 14
Female 8 8
Daily Often
Male 10 10
Female 12 12
helps me to Sometimes
Male 11 11
Female 5 5
stress. Rarely
Male 4 4
Female 7 7
Male 2 2
Total 100 100

The Table 14 shows that most of the female pupils with 27% of the
population are always on a daily workout to release stress and 12% of them are
sometimes on a daily workout to release stress. Meanwhile, 8% of the population
which are the female pupils are often on a daily workout to release stress. Again,
from the female pupils from the population, 7% answered never and 5% is rarely
on a daily workout to release stress. For the male pupils form the population, 14%
of them are always on a daily workout to release stress, 11% are sometimes on a
daily workout to release stress, and the other 10% is often on a daily workout to
release stress. Again, from the male pupils from the population, 4% answered rarely
and 2% is not on a daily workout to release stress.
7. Daily Workout Results to be in Class on Time

8.1. By Age

Table 15
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Daily Workout Results
to be in Class on Time

Age N Percentage
10 1 1
11 43 43
Always 12 6 6
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 1 1
11 13 13
Often 12 2 2
13 0 0
14 1 1
My daily 10 0 0
workout 11 6 6
helps me to Sometimes 12 2 2
go in class 13 4 4
on time. 14 0 0
10 0 0
11 6 6
Rarely 12 0 0
13 0 0
14 1 1
10 0 0
11 10 10
Never 12 3 3
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 15 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 43% of the
population are always in class on time by daily workout and 13% of them are often
go in class on time because of having daily workout. Meanwhile, 6% of the
population which are the 11-year-old pupils are sometimes in class on time. Again,
from the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 6% answered rarely and 10% are
never in class on time by daily workout. For the 12-year-old pupils from the
population, 6% of them are always in class on time by daily workout, 2% are often
in class on time, and 2% are sometimes and the other 3% are never in class on time.
Next, from the 13-years-old pupils, 1% is always in class on time because of their
daily exercise, and the other 4% are sometimes in class on time by daily workout.
Lastly, 1% from the population from a 10-year old pupil is always in class on time
and the last 1% is sometimes punctual. For the 14-year-old pupil 1% are sometimes
and the other 1% is rarely goes to their classes on time.

8.2. By Sex

Table 16
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Daily Workout Results
to be in Class on Time

Sex N Percentage
Female 31 31
Male 20 20
Female 12 12
My daily Often
Male 5 5
Female 6 6
helps me to Sometimes
Male 6 6
go in class
Female 3 3
on time. Rarely
Male 4 4
Female 7 7
Male 6 6
Total 100 100

The Table 16 shows that most of the female pupils with 31% of the
population are on a daily workout results to be in class on time and 12% of them
are on a daily workout results to be in class on time. Meanwhile, 7% of the
population which are the female pupils are never on a daily workout results to be
in class on time. Again, from the female pupils from the population, 6% answered
sometimes and 3% are rarely on a daily workout results to be in class on time. For
the male pupils form the population, 20% of them are always on a daily workout
results to be in class on time, 6% are sometimes on a daily workout results to be in
class on time, and the other 6% are never on a daily workout results to be in class
on time. Again, from the male pupils from the population, 5% answered often and
4% are rarely on a daily workout results to be in class on time.
8. Working Out to be Motivated to do School Works

9.1. By Age

Table 17
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Working Out to be
Motivated to do School Works

Age N Percentage
10 2 2
11 44 44
Always 12 9 9
13 3 3
14 1 1
10 0 0
11 16 16
Often 12 1 1
13 0 0
14 0 0
After I 10 0 0
workout, I 11 11 11
am motivated
Sometimes 12 3 3
to do my
school 13 0 0
works. 14 1 1
10 0 0
11 5 5
Rarely 12 0 0
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 2 2
Never 12 0 0
13 1 1
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 17 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 44% of the
population are always motivated to do their schoolwork by working out and 16%
of them are often motivated to do schoolwork by working out. Meanwhile, 11% of
the population which are the 11-year-old pupils are sometimes motivated to do
schoolwork by working out. Again, from the 11-year-old pupils from the
population, 5% answered rarely and 2% are not motivated to do schoolwork by
working out. For the 12-year-old pupils form the population, 9% of them are always
motivated to do schoolwork by working out, 1% are often motivated to do school
work by working out, and 3% are sometimes motivated to do school works by
working out. Next, from the 13-years-old pupils, 3% are always motivated to do
schoolwork by working out, and the other 1% is rarely and the other 1% is not
motivated to do schoolwork by working out. Lastly, 2% from the population from
a 10-year old pupil is always motivated to do schoolwork by working out. For the
14-year-old pupil 1% are always and the other 1% is sometimes motivated to do
schoolwork by working out.

9.2. By Sex

Table 18
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Working Out to be
Motivated to do School Works

Sex N Percentage
Female 31 31
Always Male 28 28
After I Female 11 11
workout, I Often Male 6 6
am Female 11 11
motivated to Male 4 4
do my school Female 5 5
works. Rarely
Male 1 1
Female 1 1
Male 2 2
Total 100 100

The Table 18 shows that most of the female pupils with 31% of the
population are always working out to be motivated to do school works and 11% of
them are often working out to be motivated to do school works. Meanwhile, 11%
of the population which are the female pupils are sometimes working out to be
motivated to do school works. Again, from the female pupils from the population,
5% answered rarely and 1% is never working out to be motivated to do school
works. For the male pupils form the population, 28% of them are always working
out to be motivated to do school works, 6% are often working out to be motivated
to do school works, and the other 4% is sometimes working out to be motivated to
do school works. Again, from the male pupils from the population, 1% answered
rarely and 1% is not working out to be motivated to do school works.
9. Simple Workout Results to Excelling in Class

10.1. By Age

Table 19
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Age on Simple Workout
Results to Excelling in Class

Age N Percentage
10 1 1
11 28 28
Always 12 4 4
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 18 18
Often 12 2 2
13 1 1
14 1 1
10 1 1
Because of
11 20 20
my simple
Sometimes 12 4 4
workout, I
13 2 2
excel in class.
14 1 1
10 0 0
11 6 6
Rarely 12 1 1
13 1 1
14 0 0
10 0 0
11 6 6
Never 12 2 2
13 0 0
14 0 0
Total 100 100

The Table 19 shows that most of the 11-year-old pupils with 28% of the
population are always excelling in class by simple workout and 18% of them are
often excelling in class by simple workout. Meanwhile, 20% of the population
which are the 11-year-old pupils are sometimes excelling in class by simple
workout. Again, from the 11-year-old pupils from the population, 6% answered
rarely and 6% are not excelling in class by simple workout. For the 12-year-old
pupils form the population, 4% of them are excelling in class by simple workout,
2% are often excelling in class by simple workout, and 4% are sometimes excelling
in class by simple workout. Again, from the 12-year-old pupils from the population,
1% answered rarely and 2% are not excelling in class by simple workout. Next,
from the 13-years-old pupils, 1% is always excelling in class by simple workout,
and the other 1% is often and the other 2% are sometimes and the other 1% is rarely
excelling in class by simple workout. Lastly, 2% from the population from a 10-
year old pupil is always excels in class due to their simple work-out. For the 14-
year-old pupil 1% are often and the other 1% is sometimes excelling in class by
simple workout.

9.2. By Sex

Table 20
Population and Percentage of Respondents by Sex on Simple Workout
Results to Excelling in Class

Sex N Percentage
Female 22 22
Male 12 12
Female 15 15
Male 7 7
Female 13 13
mysimpleworkout, Sometimes
Male 15 15
Iexcel in class.
Female 4 4
Male 4 4
Female 5 5
Male 3 3
Total 100 100

The Table 20 shows that most of the female pupils with 22% of the
population are always on a simple workout results to excelling in class and 15% of
them are often on a simple workout results to excelling in class. Meanwhile, 13%
of the population which are the female pupils are sometimes on a simple workout
results to excelling in class. Again, from the female pupils from the population, 5%
answered never and 4% is rarely on a simple workout results to excelling in class.
For the male pupils form the population, 15% of them are sometimes on a simple
workout results to excelling in class, 12% are always on a simple workout results
to excelling in class, and the other 7% is often on a balanced diet. Again, from the
male pupils from the population, 4% answered rarely and 3% is not on a simple
workout results to excelling in class.

Based on the results and the findings of the researchers, the following conclusion
were drawn:

1. The population consists of different age range from 10 to 14 years old and male and
female Grade 6 pupils from AAQES. The results based on the survey through
random sampling technique shows that there are more 11 years old pupils with 78%
of the population and they are mostly females with 59% of the population.
2. The Physical Fitness Test done by the students left a high impact on their academic
performance. Hence, most of them are physically fit, and they improved their
academics because of having daily exercise by doing the Physical Fitness Test.
3. The research shows that 32% of the 11-year-old students and 26% for female and
19% for male pupils are always doing sports. For being physically active, 32% of
the population from 11-year-old pupils are doing simple exercises at home.
Meanwhile, 27% of the females are always doing simple exercises. Thus, this is
correlated to being motivated to go on in class on time, motivated to do their
schoolwork, and helps them to have a good sleep.
4. The Grade 6 pupils who has a daily workout routine, do sports, and eats on a
balanced diet; resulted to have a good sleep, having energy all throughout the day,
and they excel in class. Hence, there is a significant relationship of being physically
active by doing the Physical Fitness Test and other forms of exercises such as doing
sports, to the academic performance of the students.


From the foregoing conclusions, the researchers offer the following


1. Based on a study of US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical
activity has an impact on cognitive skills such as concentration and attention, it also
enhances the classroom attitudes and behaviors which are the important
components of improved academic performance. Hence, there should be daily 10
to 20-minute exercise routine with warm-up before the day starts to stimulate the
brain and prepare the bodies of the children in their school activities. Aside from
the activities they do in their PE classes.
2. The researchers highly recommend that there should be a breathing and stretching
exercises before taking-up an exam, it may be written or performance to release the
stress accumulated by the pupil in preparation for the exam. These simple and
breathing and stretching exercises help the students to focus and excel more in class
with the proper guidance of the teachers (Vijayalaxmi and Amitha, 2018). Also,
this also can unleash their other learning skills not only in the cognitive skills, but
also in affective and socio-emotional skills.
3. The teachers, school administrators, and the parents should be an example to their
pupils/children for being physically active and show a healthy lifestyle for their
pupils/children to see and adapt that kind of lifestyle for them to excel also not only
in class, but in their personal endeavors.
4. The Department of Education should promote Physical Education activities more
often and it may included in the Nutrition Month every July annually. This is for
the students to instill the values that they need to exercise if they wanted to be
physically fit, while eating on a balanced diet and stimulate their cognitive skills
through bodily-kinesthetics activities that greatly affects their academic
Amitha, V; and Vijayalaxmi, A.H.M. (2018). Imparting Curriculum with
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence to Foster Active Learning Among the
Elementary School Children. Retrieved from
Bossenmeyer, Zia. (2012, December 6). The Benefits of Physical Activity in
Schools. Retrieved from
How Physical Activity Affects School Performance. (n.d.). Retrieved from
How Physical Activity Can Boost Academic Performance in Primary School. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
Logsdon, Ann. (2019, August 17). Bodily Kinesthetic Learning Style and
Characteristics. Retrieved from
Schaefer, Lee. (2018, June 25). What is the impact of physical education on students'
well-being and academic success? Retrieved from

Philippine Women’s University

And its Affiliate Schools for Men and Women
1743 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila
School of Education

Dear Respondents,

We are the Bachelor of Elementary Education students from Philippine Women’s

University – School of Education. We are currently working on our Action Research Paper
about “The Significance of Physical Fitness Test to the Body-Kinesthetics of the Grade
6 Pupils of AAQES: Input to the Academic Performance”. Our questionnaire is a
student-made Likert scale questionnaire and carefully checked by our professor.

The questionnaire will only last about 5 minutes. Your genuine response for each question
is necessary for successful accomplishment of this study. Rest assured, that the private
information about the study will remain confidential and will be used for academic
purposes only.

For further questions you may e-mail our representative Ms. Kyla A. Fernandez at

Thank you for your kind cooperation, consideration and support regarding this matter.

Sincerely yours,

ACULLADOR, Nicole Anne

AGAO, Angelica May A.
AGUILAR, Faith Joy
DONES, Andrea Paula A.
MARIANO, Claudine
MENDOZA, Ma Anne Pauline H.

Noted by:

Mr. Femeller Podador

Professor, Teaching Physical Education and Health in the Elementary Grades
School of Education
Name (Optional):_________________________ Age: _____
Gender:_ Female _Male Grade and Section: _________________

Directions: Put check on the column for each of the statement that applies to you.

Legend: A – Always
O – Often
S – Sometimes
R – Rarely
N – Never

Attitude of the students towards being

(A) (O) (S) (R) (N)
physically fit to their academic
5 4 3 2 1
1. I am physically Fit.
2. I do sports.
3. I do simple exercise I learned in
school at home.
4. I eat based on a balanced diet.
5. I feel energized every time
because of exercise (in school and
at home).
6. After a workout, I always have a
good sleep.
7. Daily workout helps me to release
8. My daily workout helps me to go
in class on time.
9. After I work out, I am motivated
to do my schoolworks.
10. Because of my simple workout, I
excel in class.

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