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Coca cola were approaching 100 years without changing the recipe or the taste in any major way,

it was
the taste that everyone loved and had become accustomed to. But just before they hit that 100 year
mark. they decided to make one change and that was to change the recipe in a way that made it taste
completely different . the coca cola company pulled the traditional soda from all North American
shelves and replaced it with new cola. So now all the people that were loyal to this soda for even 100
years could no longer buy it, their only option was this new offering from coke or pepsi or another
competitor . Now the idea became insane , coca cola abandoned their recipe and their customers were

What was their story, as most companies do coke was conducting taste tests for their products the kind
of thing where you place two unmarked sodas in front of someone and ask them which one they prefer .
Through these tests they were able to create something that people actually liked more than coke ,
they would give someone one cup with coke and one cup of the new drink and most of the time they
would prefer the new drink, they would also compare both of these drinks with Pepsi and the winner
was usually this new soda . The fact that coke created something people like more than pepsi and their
old drink . But this new coke was a big failure when the custumers had many bad reactions. Why ?

The new drink was sweeter and maybe good in small amounts like they would given the tests but after
a while people get tired of that, this idea is possible but that’s not real issue. The real issue is the new
drink was probably better tasting but it just wasn’t coke. It’s a perfect example of how people like
something that they’re familiar with rather than something that’s new and better . I’m sure all of you
can relate to this I’m sure there’s a movie out there that you love just because you watched it as a kid
you would prefer it over a new better movie ( Gaoranger ). It’s doesn’t matter how good or bad old
product was the point is that’s the product they wanted . Ater that Coke realize how important their
product was to some people and it made people realize it as well. I suppose you don’t realize what you
have till it’s gone and when it was gone people realize what they had it made the public better
appreciate the original coke. In total, there are three months in 1985 where it was impossible to get a
regular coke in North America after that they realize their error reintroduced it and as you would expect
it returned to high sales. ( Don’t understand custumer ).

Pollute the environment and have problem in quality it’s harm to company image

Coca cola was success in India in middle 19 century, however, it became undoing. As successive
goverments learned ever further towards the left, coca cola became public enemy no.1 in the eyes
of India politicians . A favorite statistic of theirs was the fact that while only 10% of India’s vilages had
safe drinking water, 90% had access to coca cola. In the eyes of a protectionist government, Coca cola
being more accessible than water was very bad sign, but overthrowing the powerful American company
would not be easy. Coca cola had indeed become entranched in Indian society and it would took a very
severe crisis to bring it down . In 1970s, when India was actually on the brink of revolution, to deal with
that Gandhi issued a state of emergency between 1975 and 1977. It also presented a great opportunity
for government to finally throw coca cola out of India . Faced with little choice , Coca cola left India in
1977 . They re-entered India in 1993, then they grow up very fastly today their share has risen to just
over 60%, with its only real competitor being pepsi at round 35%. In 2003 and 2006 coca cola was under
investigation because of some report about their product.

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