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00:00:00:00 00:00:01:13 Previously on Genius...

00:00:01:13 00:00:04:10 This Rontgen fellow, snatched

the credit you justly deserve.
00:00:04:10 00:00:05:19 He's a rat, like the Jews.
00:00:05:19 00:00:07:15 Rats, must be eradicated.
00:00:07:17 00:00:10:06 It's only the very first Nobel,
you will win the next one.
00:00:10:06 00:00:11:17 In this class we will deal only with
00:00:11:17 00:00:12:23 what has been proven.
00:00:12:23 00:00:14:05 The existence of molecules has not.
00:00:14:05 00:00:15:23 Oh you brought us Mr. Besso.
00:00:15:23 00:00:17:06 Such a charming dinner companion.
00:00:17:06 00:00:18:19 I do hope you return sooner
00:00:18:19 00:00:20:07 rather than later Mr. Besso.
00:00:20:07 00:00:22:14 I will find a formula to freeze time.
00:00:22:14 00:00:23:20 You won't even know I'm gone.
00:00:23:20 00:00:25:08 Ah, what a lovely thought.
00:00:25:08 00:00:27:22 Dear Frau Winteler, I write
and ask you to share my
00:00:27:22 00:00:30:01 feelings with your dearest Marie.
00:00:30:01 00:00:32:09 She deserves more attention
than I have to give.
00:00:32:18 00:00:35:12 Mother, you know very well
that I have someone else now.
00:00:35:12 00:00:37:16 Milena, you're the love of my life.
00:00:37:16 00:00:40:00 That creature, she's
just a nasty little witch.
00:00:40:00 00:00:41:21 She's no witch, she's my wife.
00:00:41:21 00:00:43:15 He's very busy, Papa.
00:00:43:15 00:00:45:01 He can't even get a job.
00:00:45:01 00:00:46:17 There is a position I know
of at the patent office.
00:00:46:17 00:00:48:12 I'm a scientist, Marcel.
00:00:48:12 00:00:50:02 I'm better than a clerkship.
00:00:50:02 00:00:52:05 Welcome to the patent
office, Herr Einstein.
00:00:54:00 00:01:00:02 require your login in mx player
for uploading subtitles, please login now
00:01:17:14 00:01:24:02 Subtitle sync and corrections by
awaqeded for <
00:01:40:19 00:01:44:07 May I help you, Mademoiselle?
00:01:44:07 00:01:46:13 You gave me a shock.
00:01:46:13 00:01:50:04 This is an original
piezoelectric meter, yes?
00:01:50:10 00:01:53:02 I'm sorry, but who are you?
00:01:53:02 00:01:57:05 As a rudimentary device,
it's quite effective.
00:01:57:05 00:01:59:09 But it would be far more
precise with the addition of a
00:01:59:09 00:02:03:05 mirrored quadrant electrometer
and an ionization chamber.
00:02:05:04 00:02:06:20 When I built the first model,
00:02:06:20 00:02:11:05 I considered an ionization
chamber but wasn't convinced
00:02:11:05 00:02:13:17 that air would be a
sufficient dielectric.
00:02:14:14 00:02:18:01 You invented the piezoelectric meter?
00:02:18:17 00:02:20:23 Is there something I can
do for you, mademoiselle?
00:02:20:23 00:02:22:14 I'm looking for laboratory space
00:02:22:14 00:02:24:15 to conduct my experiments.
00:02:24:15 00:02:26:15 I'm studying at the Sorbonne.
00:02:26:15 00:02:27:17 Physics?
00:02:27:17 00:02:30:23 Magnetism to be specific.
00:02:31:13 00:02:33:19 You haven't told me your name.
00:02:33:19 00:02:35:15 Marie Sklodowska.
00:02:35:15 00:02:38:21 It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:02:38:21 00:02:41:02 Pierre Curie.
00:03:10:12 00:03:13:18 Here before you sits a
device which purports to
00:03:13:18 00:03:16:12 synchronize clock towers
across Switzerland...
00:03:17:08 00:03:21:17 It sends an electromagnetic
signal at the speed of light.
00:03:21:17 00:03:23:08 A wondrous notion!
00:03:23:08 00:03:26:22 As a patent clerk, however, I
must ask myself if this device
00:03:26:22 00:03:29:01 can actually deliver on it's promise.
00:03:29:01 00:03:31:14 According to Newton, the answer is yes.
00:03:32:09 00:03:35:16 Absolute simultaneity
is possible because,
00:03:35:16 00:03:38:04 well, time is absolute.
00:03:38:04 00:03:40:02 And this all works if
we're sending a signal
00:03:40:02 00:03:42:16 from Bern to Zurich, say.
00:03:43:02 00:03:45:09 But what happens if we're
sending a signal from Bern
00:03:45:09 00:03:47:10 to a clock on a moving train?
00:03:50:06 00:03:52:13 Why is a clock on a moving train?
00:03:52:13 00:03:54:23 You'd have to disassemble it first.
00:03:54:23 00:03:56:01 It's much too large...
00:03:56:01 00:03:57:11 No, that's not the point.
00:03:57:11 00:03:58:20 What is going on here?
00:03:58:21 00:04:01:16 I'm evaluating an application, sir.
00:04:03:12 00:04:04:21 The same device which passed
00:04:04:21 00:04:07:01 across your desk three weeks ago, I see.
00:04:07:01 00:04:09:16 Yes, Herr Haller, although
I'm not convinced it
00:04:09:16 00:04:11:21 can actually do what the
patent application claims.
00:04:12:04 00:04:13:16 If I can make it work properly
00:04:13:16 00:04:14:21 Herr Einstein,
00:04:14:21 00:04:17:20 either a thing works or it does not.
00:04:17:20 00:04:21:04 Your job is not to make it better.
00:04:22:00 00:04:23:18 How are you progressing
with the signal box
00:04:23:18 00:04:25:04 and rail switch applications?
00:04:25:04 00:04:27:05 I, I...
00:04:27:05 00:04:28:16 I see.
00:04:28:16 00:04:31:07 Have them on my desk
by the end of the day.
00:04:31:07 00:04:32:15 Can it wait until tomorrow, sir?
00:04:32:15 00:04:34:14 Please, I have a very
important meeting...
00:04:34:15 00:04:38:04 You also have a wife and
a new baby at home, yes?
00:04:38:15 00:04:40:09 If I were you, I wouldn't
be so cavalier about
00:04:40:09 00:04:43:01 the position that pays to support them.
00:04:50:10 00:04:52:02 Professor Kleiner, Professor Kleiner,
00:04:52:02 00:04:53:11 my sincere apologies.
00:04:53:11 00:04:54:16 I was detained at work.
00:04:54:16 00:04:57:05 Save your breath, Herr Einstein.
00:04:57:05 00:04:59:06 Our time was up an hour ago.
00:04:59:06 00:05:00:08 Sir, please.
00:05:00:08 00:05:01:14 Just give me five minutes.
00:05:01:14 00:05:03:18 I promise my thesis
proposal is unlike anything
00:05:03:18 00:05:04:23 you've ever heard.
00:05:04:23 00:05:07:07 You have one minute.
00:05:07:19 00:05:09:20 One minute, yes, good...
00:05:09:20 00:05:12:23 Well, everyone believes
that light is a wave, yes?
00:05:12:23 00:05:16:14 Well, I can prove that when
a light ray is propagated from
00:05:16:14 00:05:19:22 any point, it consists of a
finite number of energy quanta
00:05:19:22 00:05:24:20 which can be produced and
absorbed only as complete units.
00:05:24:20 00:05:26:23 That only took ten seconds.
00:05:28:08 00:05:29:21 Do you remember Philipp Lenard's paper
00:05:29:21 00:05:31:08 on the photoelectric effect?
00:05:31:08 00:05:33:15 He demonstrated that light
doesn't always act like a wave.
00:05:33:15 00:05:35:07 But he couldn't explain it.
00:05:35:07 00:05:36:11 Well guess who can?
00:05:36:11 00:05:37:09 You.
00:05:37:09 00:05:38:14 No!
00:05:38:14 00:05:40:18 No, well, yes, yes, but, no...
00:05:40:18 00:05:42:00 Max Planck!
00:05:42:00 00:05:44:14 I believe I can use Planck's
constant to demonstrate the
00:05:44:14 00:05:48:01 photoelectric effect and
prove the duality of light.
00:05:48:10 00:05:52:02 You want to argue, for
your doctoral thesis,
00:05:52:02 00:05:54:04 that we have been mistaken
about what has been a
00:05:54:04 00:05:57:02 fundamental law of physics since 1678
00:05:57:16 00:05:59:15 that's 200...
00:05:59:15 00:06:02:01 And 27 years.
00:06:02:01 00:06:05:13 Come back when you wish
to be taken seriously.
00:06:11:07 00:06:14:00 Look, Hans, Papa's home!
00:06:14:05 00:06:16:07 How did it go with the professor?
00:06:16:07 00:06:19:02 Wonderfully, thank you.
00:06:21:02 00:06:23:22 Not even a kiss for your son?
00:06:23:22 00:06:26:20 Do you mind, Mama?
00:06:33:09 00:06:35:08 He shut me out, Dollie.
00:06:35:08 00:06:36:21 He didn't even read my proof.
00:06:36:21 00:06:38:00 Albert.
00:06:38:00 00:06:39:15 I'm right, I'm sure of it.
00:06:39:15 00:06:42:08 But no one will ever know
it if the bloated windbags
00:06:42:08 00:06:45:03 of academia won't even
consider my proposal.
00:06:45:03 00:06:46:22 What are you aiming for, Albert?
00:06:46:22 00:06:49:01 A piece of paper you can
frame and hang on the wall?
00:06:49:01 00:06:50:22 I, I want my ideas to be heard.
00:06:50:22 00:06:52:11 To be acknowledged and discussed.
00:06:52:11 00:06:54:05 To be recognized.
00:06:54:05 00:06:55:22 Then forget Professor Kleiner.
00:06:55:22 00:06:58:21 You must get your work noticed
by more important scientists.
00:06:58:21 00:07:00:00 Publish your paper.
00:07:00:00 00:07:01:05 Who would publish the work
00:07:01:05 00:07:04:03 of a third-class patent clerk?
00:07:05:04 00:07:07:03 I've spent my entire life being
00:07:07:03 00:07:09:15 overlooked and underestimated.
00:07:09:15 00:07:12:00 Giving up is a luxury
I could never afford.
00:07:12:23 00:07:16:10 You can either wait for
those dinosaurs to give you
00:07:16:10 00:07:18:09 permission to engage
in the scientific world,
00:07:18:09 00:07:20:16 or you can show them.
00:07:20:16 00:07:23:18 That your ideas can not
be snuffed out by those
00:07:23:18 00:07:25:00 who lack imagination.
00:07:25:00 00:07:26:09 I have no time to for research
00:07:26:09 00:07:27:14 I'll go to the library.
00:07:27:14 00:07:28:17 And my math.
00:07:28:17 00:07:29:16 I'll proof everything.
00:07:29:16 00:07:31:01 My handwriting is an embarrassment.
00:07:31:01 00:07:32:13 Albert, shut your mouth.
00:07:32:13 00:07:35:02 I'll help you.
00:07:48:11 00:07:50:23 Read this.
00:08:05:06 00:08:06:22 Herr professor?
00:08:06:22 00:08:08:12 Have you read this?
00:08:08:12 00:08:11:06 Some fellow in Bern has used
your discovery of light quanta
00:08:11:06 00:08:12:13 to prove Professor Lenard's
00:08:12:13 00:08:14:22 findings on the photoelectric effect.
00:08:14:22 00:08:15:23 Impossible.
00:08:15:23 00:08:17:19 Quanta are a mathematical construct.
00:08:17:19 00:08:18:20 They're not a real phenomenon.
00:08:18:20 00:08:19:22 Read it, sir.
00:08:19:22 00:08:21:10 Albert Einstein.
00:08:21:10 00:08:23:12 "On a heuristic point of view
concerning the production and
00:08:23:12 00:08:24:22 transformation of light."
00:08:24:22 00:08:26:13 It's a bit lofty, don't you think?
00:08:26:13 00:08:27:22 His proof is quite impressive.
00:08:27:22 00:08:29:10 Well we both know what sort of nonsense
00:08:29:10 00:08:30:14 you can prove with proofs.
00:08:30:14 00:08:31:20 You must admit, it's tantalizing.
00:08:31:20 00:08:33:19 Yes, well I suppose you
have a little bit of space
00:08:33:19 00:08:35:15 in the next issue, but
I'll be rather surprised
00:08:35:15 00:08:38:00 if anyone gives it a second thought.
00:08:39:23 00:08:41:23 Four weeks since I was published!
00:08:41:23 00:08:43:17 Four weeks and not a peep!
00:08:43:17 00:08:45:09 Were you expecting a parade?
00:08:45:09 00:08:46:15 Papa.
00:08:46:15 00:08:48:04 No, no, no, your father's right, Dollie,
00:08:48:04 00:08:49:03 and so were you.
00:08:49:03 00:08:50:12 It was one paper.
00:08:50:12 00:08:52:00 I'll simply write another.
00:08:52:00 00:08:54:04 And if no one takes any
notice, I'll write another.
00:08:54:10 00:08:56:00 They can't ignore me forever.
00:08:56:00 00:08:57:04 We only need to find a problem.
00:08:57:04 00:08:59:14 It seems to me you have
an ample supply of those.
00:08:59:14 00:09:02:15 An incongruence, a paradox
that nobody else sees
00:09:02:15 00:09:05:18 molecular mechanics, the
ether, light, space...
00:09:06:01 00:09:07:21 Ah yes, the whole of physics.
00:09:07:21 00:09:10:19 Shouldn't be too difficult.
00:09:10:19 00:09:12:08 It won't be, Dollie.
00:09:12:08 00:09:14:07 Not with you helping me.
00:09:33:02 00:09:34:17 No, it must be an anomaly.
00:09:34:17 00:09:35:21 Try it again.
00:09:35:21 00:09:38:05 I already have, 20 times.
00:09:38:05 00:09:40:08 It's not an anomaly.
00:09:42:01 00:09:45:03 This sample must contain a new element.
00:09:45:03 00:09:46:13 A radioactive element.
00:09:46:13 00:09:48:07 It would have to be hundreds, no
00:09:48:07 00:09:51:13 thousands of times stronger than uranium.
00:09:51:13 00:09:52:16 We must isolate it.
00:09:52:16 00:09:54:16 Well then, I suppose we're going to need
00:09:54:17 00:09:56:11 our own laboratory...
00:09:56:11 00:09:58:03 Pierre?
00:09:58:08 00:10:00:07 Pierre.
00:10:02:06 00:10:05:10 Do you remember the Curies'
paper on radioactivity?
00:10:05:10 00:10:07:00 Working tirelessly, side by side,
00:10:07:00 00:10:09:09 without heat in their lab or
funding for their research.
00:10:09:09 00:10:11:06 It's romantic, no?
00:10:11:07 00:10:13:08 The Curies spent four
years on that paper.
00:10:13:08 00:10:15:22 I have only three hours
until the patent office opens.
00:10:16:06 00:10:17:06 You should get some rest.
00:10:17:06 00:10:18:20 You can't think properly without sleep.
00:10:18:20 00:10:19:22 I don't need sleep.
00:10:19:22 00:10:22:17 I need more coffee.
00:10:30:18 00:10:33:05 What is it?
00:10:33:05 00:10:35:07 Do you remember our thought experiments
00:10:35:07 00:10:37:12 on gas theory at university?
00:10:38:04 00:10:40:12 Those weeks we spent holed up in my room?
00:10:40:12 00:10:42:20 I remember quite a lot
of experimentation, yes.
00:10:42:20 00:10:45:05 Not all of it to do with science.
00:10:45:05 00:10:47:10 What if we were going about it all wrong?
00:10:47:10 00:10:49:10 What if, instead of studying gases,
00:10:49:10 00:10:51:02 we studied a cup of coffee?
00:10:51:02 00:10:54:15 You really must sleep, Albert.
00:10:55:17 00:10:59:06 Jacobus v'ant Hoff's
Nobel paper from 1901:
00:10:59:06 00:11:02:16 Particles in a solution
behave like a gas.
00:11:02:16 00:11:05:02 When sugar dissolves in coffee,
00:11:05:02 00:11:07:17 water surrounds glucose and tears it
00:11:07:17 00:11:11:02 from the sugar crystal, correct?
00:11:11:11 00:11:15:10 The more sugar I add, the
thicker the coffee becomes.
00:11:15:10 00:11:17:09 If we can calculate the osmotic pressure,
00:11:17:09 00:11:19:09 perhaps we can deduce
the precise number of...
00:11:19:09 00:11:22:12 You want to prove the
existence of molecules...
00:11:22:12 00:11:24:06 Too ambitious?
00:11:24:06 00:11:25:14 No.
00:11:25:14 00:11:28:08 It's brilliant...
00:11:47:15 00:11:50:02 May I ask you, what are you doing?
00:11:50:08 00:11:52:04 I'm about to start work, sir, on a
00:11:52:04 00:11:55:07 fascinating application for a...
00:11:55:07 00:11:57:10 Nickel-zinc battery.
00:11:57:10 00:12:00:07 That battery was patented
last year, Einstein.
00:12:00:17 00:12:01:19 I beg you.
00:12:01:19 00:12:03:00 I'm well ahead of schedule.
00:12:03:00 00:12:05:15 If I could be granted the
smallest parcel of time...
00:12:05:15 00:12:08:23 Time, Herr Einstein, is a
privilege you relinquished
00:12:08:23 00:12:11:06 when you accepted this position.
00:12:16:08 00:12:17:17 He's a tyrant!
00:12:17:17 00:12:19:01 It's unbearable!
00:12:19:01 00:12:21:11 He gives me four times
the work as the other dolts
00:12:21:11 00:12:22:23 in the office because I'm the only one
00:12:22:23 00:12:24:21 who understands mechanical engineering!
00:12:25:05 00:12:26:08 Poor thing.
00:12:26:08 00:12:27:14 A boss who respects your intellect
00:12:27:14 00:12:30:11 and a full time job that
pays twice as much as mine?
00:12:30:11 00:12:32:18 I don't care about money, Marcel.
00:12:32:18 00:12:35:20 I've been toiling in
obscurity for ten hours a day,
00:12:36:06 00:12:38:11 six days a week for the past two years
00:12:38:11 00:12:42:13 and I never see my family,
I never see my baby.
00:12:42:18 00:12:44:11 Albert, you of all people have
00:12:44:11 00:12:46:00 no interest in a baby.
00:12:46:00 00:12:47:07 Now what do you want?
00:12:47:07 00:12:50:09 I want what Lorentz and
Becquerel and Lenard have.
00:12:50:19 00:12:52:21 Whatever they say, whatever they write,
00:12:52:21 00:12:54:00 people pay attention.
00:12:54:00 00:12:56:16 I want to wake up in the
morning to pursue my passions
00:12:56:16 00:12:59:21 instead of being confronted
with a constant sense of dread
00:12:59:21 00:13:01:20 that I, that I'm wasting my life.
00:13:01:20 00:13:05:03 I meant what do you want from me?
00:13:05:23 00:13:07:18 Your father still has connections
00:13:07:18 00:13:09:21 at the patent office?
00:13:10:20 00:13:12:07 I need help.
00:13:12:07 00:13:16:01 Someone to work alongside me,
to ease my load until I can
00:13:16:01 00:13:18:20 make a mark with my ideas.
00:13:19:02 00:13:21:05 Do you have someone particular in mind?
00:13:25:10 00:13:26:22 I'm very lucky.
00:13:26:22 00:13:27:21 It's a good job.
00:13:27:21 00:13:29:04 Second class patent clerk in
00:13:29:04 00:13:30:13 the mechanical engineering division.
00:13:30:13 00:13:33:05 Will you be working with Albert?
00:13:33:07 00:13:34:06 Yes.
00:13:34:06 00:13:36:10 In fact, he was
instrumental in helping me
00:13:36:10 00:13:37:11 secure the position.
00:13:37:11 00:13:39:04 How does it feel
accepting a favor from the
00:13:39:04 00:13:42:06 swine who dishonored
your sister-in-law?
00:13:42:06 00:13:44:08 Julius, please.
00:13:44:15 00:13:47:13 I think it's very kind of Albert.
00:13:48:14 00:13:51:15 Anna, have you found an apartment?
00:13:51:15 00:13:53:02 Why yes, we have.
00:13:53:02 00:13:54:06 We have.
00:13:54:06 00:13:56:12 - It's very modest but...
- I'd check your walls.
00:13:56:12 00:13:57:12 What?
00:13:57:12 00:13:58:05 Your walls.
00:13:58:06 00:14:00:10 You never know what might
be crawling around in them.
00:14:00:14 00:14:03:17 Roaches, mice, Lucifer himself.
00:14:03:23 00:14:05:03 Julius, that's enough.
00:14:05:03 00:14:07:15 No, the devil is conspiring
to turn this world
00:14:07:15 00:14:10:08 into hatred and sin.
00:14:10:08 00:14:13:22 His agents are among us.
00:14:13:22 00:14:16:04 I hear them.
00:14:17:01 00:14:18:22 Open your ears!
00:14:21:06 00:14:23:14 Julius.
00:14:32:01 00:14:34:00 It's growing colder, isn't it?
00:14:34:00 00:14:35:13 I don't mind.
00:14:35:13 00:14:37:02 You never did.
00:14:37:02 00:14:39:09 Do you remember when you
dug a trench in the snow,
00:14:39:09 00:14:42:07 covered it with a canvas and
declared it your winter palace?
00:14:42:15 00:14:43:19 I wanted to sleep there.
00:14:43:19 00:14:45:04 But mama wouldn't have it.
00:14:45:04 00:14:47:12 You were always so independent, Miza.
00:14:47:12 00:14:48:21 So strong.
00:14:48:21 00:14:50:01 You seem happy again.
00:14:50:01 00:14:51:20 I am.
00:14:51:20 00:14:54:12 And what about resuming your studies?
00:14:54:12 00:14:56:09 I'm working with Albert every day,
00:14:56:09 00:14:59:06 exploring the most
fascinating topics in physics.
00:14:59:06 00:15:01:19 I don't need a degree for that.
00:15:01:19 00:15:05:01 And that's really enough for you?
00:15:05:11 00:15:08:19 What's bothering you, papa?
00:15:09:17 00:15:12:19 Your mother and I must go home.
00:15:12:19 00:15:14:17 I don't understand, you said...
00:15:14:17 00:15:17:12 I've been called back to work.
00:15:17:12 00:15:20:07 But Albert and I are
writing an important paper.
00:15:20:08 00:15:22:22 I can't abandon everything
to look after Hans all day.
00:15:22:22 00:15:24:22 He only stops crying when
mother holds him, and...
00:15:24:22 00:15:27:06 Don't worry, Miza.
00:15:27:06 00:15:30:19 I'll make sure you have
whatever you need...
00:15:31:18 00:15:33:16 How could you refuse him?
00:15:33:16 00:15:35:22 I didn't marry you for a dowry, Dollie.
00:15:35:22 00:15:38:04 I married you because I love you.
00:15:38:04 00:15:39:20 It was 20,000 francs!
00:15:39:20 00:15:42:08 Our marriage is not a
business transaction!
00:15:42:08 00:15:44:23 You are not a prized
heifer to be bought and sold.
00:15:44:23 00:15:46:12 That's very noble of you, Albert,
00:15:46:12 00:15:48:23 but your lofty principles
will not help me cook, clean,
00:15:48:23 00:15:52:02 and raise a child all
while midwifing your papers.
00:15:52:02 00:15:53:19 Ow!
00:15:57:01 00:15:59:23 Pick up the baby, Albert!
00:16:04:16 00:16:07:05 How are we to manage?
00:16:07:05 00:16:09:13 Do you think I don't
already have a solution to
00:16:09:13 00:16:11:04 that problem, dear Dollie?
00:16:11:04 00:16:14:03 I will ask my mother to come.
00:16:14:20 00:16:16:20 She knows how to run a household,
00:16:16:20 00:16:18:07 how to care for a child,
00:16:18:07 00:16:20:00 she will make it possible for you and
00:16:20:00 00:16:21:19 I to continue our work.
00:16:21:19 00:16:23:15 She despises me.
00:16:23:15 00:16:25:03 She doesn't even know you.
00:16:25:03 00:16:27:16 And how could she despise
the woman who gave birth
00:16:27:16 00:16:30:13 to her only grandson, huh?
00:16:34:07 00:16:36:12 Look at those cheeks!
00:16:36:12 00:16:39:03 He's the spit and image
of his grandfather.
00:16:39:19 00:16:41:19 Dollie, have you seen my tie?
00:16:41:19 00:16:43:05 I believe I saw it hanging over
00:16:43:05 00:16:44:18 the bathroom door, darling.
00:16:44:18 00:16:48:18 We clean up after our husbands
more than our children.
00:16:50:04 00:16:52:00 That one is terribly wrinkled.
00:16:52:00 00:16:53:09 Don't you have a pressed one?
00:16:53:09 00:16:54:17 It will suffice.
00:16:54:17 00:16:57:07 Good day to you Frau Einstein.
00:16:57:07 00:16:59:19 And to you Frau Einstein!
00:17:06:01 00:17:08:06 Thank you for coming.
00:17:08:06 00:17:09:22 We do appreciate the help.
00:17:09:22 00:17:11:08 Of course, darling.
00:17:11:08 00:17:13:14 I remember when Albert was born.
00:17:13:14 00:17:15:07 Such an exciting time.
00:17:15:07 00:17:17:01 But also a difficult one.
00:17:17:01 00:17:18:20 I had no idea how to care for myself,
00:17:18:20 00:17:20:09 not to mention a child.
00:17:20:09 00:17:21:15 It isn't easy, is it?
00:17:21:15 00:17:24:10 Oh, I made so many mistakes!
00:17:24:10 00:17:28:03 With any luck I can help
spare you the worst of them.
00:17:28:03 00:17:30:01 I appreciate that...
00:17:30:01 00:17:31:12 Of course, darling!
00:17:31:12 00:17:33:01 What else am I here for?
00:17:33:01 00:17:35:22 Now, shall we go to the
market to stock your pantry?
00:17:36:07 00:17:38:00 Oh that's very generous, but I'm afraid
00:17:38:00 00:17:39:21 I've got to go to the library.
00:17:39:21 00:17:41:23 I was hoping you could look
after Hans for a few hours?
00:17:41:23 00:17:44:11 But I've only just arrived.
00:17:44:11 00:17:46:11 Yes, but Albert and I are finishing
00:17:46:11 00:17:47:20 an important paper.
00:17:47:20 00:17:50:07 Mileva, darling, if there's one thing
00:17:50:07 00:17:53:14 my Albert doesn't need
help with, it's his science.
00:17:53:19 00:17:55:09 But with the rest of his life?
00:17:55:09 00:17:57:14 He's quite hopeless.
00:17:57:14 00:18:00:22 Lucky for him, he has a wife.
00:18:12:00 00:18:14:15 Are you working with Stokes' law?
00:18:15:01 00:18:17:16 Michele, Haller despises fraternizing,
00:18:17:16 00:18:19:19 and I'm one misstep
away from being ousted.
00:18:20:00 00:18:21:12 So if you wouldn't mind...
00:18:21:12 00:18:24:22 Albert, I know why I'm here.
00:18:25:04 00:18:27:11 Marcel told me everything.
00:18:27:11 00:18:28:14 It's quite all right
00:18:28:14 00:18:29:18 I don't mind easing your burden,
00:18:29:18 00:18:30:22 and I'm grateful just to have the job.
00:18:30:22 00:18:33:17 But of course, I'm curious...
00:18:35:21 00:18:37:23 I'm trying to prove molecules exist.
00:18:41:01 00:18:42:09 How?
00:18:44:01 00:18:47:13 I'd love to tell you, but
I really need you to review
00:18:47:13 00:18:49:10 those applications.
00:18:49:11 00:18:51:07 Of course.
00:18:51:22 00:18:54:08 It really is good to
have you here, Michele.
00:19:01:15 00:19:03:20 Did you mix in the Castile?
00:19:04:02 00:19:05:09 Castile?
00:19:05:09 00:19:07:03 I, I'm sorry, what is Castile?
00:19:07:04 00:19:10:02 Soap, dear.
00:19:11:07 00:19:12:18 Did you tell your mother why you asked
00:19:12:18 00:19:14:00 her to come?
00:19:14:00 00:19:15:05 Of course.
00:19:15:05 00:19:17:02 I told her we needed help
with the house and the baby.
00:19:17:02 00:19:19:01 She seems to believe
her sole purpose is to
00:19:19:01 00:19:21:15 instruct me how to cook,
clean, and care for the child.
00:19:21:15 00:19:23:17 She's trying to turn me into a hausfrau.
00:19:23:17 00:19:25:08 She's downstairs watching the little one
00:19:25:08 00:19:26:15 right now, is she not?
00:19:26:15 00:19:28:04 You must talk to her.
00:19:28:04 00:19:30:02 Tell her that our work
together is important.
00:19:30:03 00:19:32:06 That my part in it is important.
00:19:32:06 00:19:34:19 I will, but indulge her a little.
00:19:34:19 00:19:36:11 Make her feel appreciated.
00:19:36:11 00:19:38:04 Now...
00:19:38:16 00:19:40:22 Look.
00:19:45:17 00:19:48:22 You used Kirchoff's
hydrodynamic techniques...
00:19:48:22 00:19:52:09 Which you introduced me to at university.
00:19:53:21 00:19:56:22 My God, Albert...
00:19:57:05 00:19:58:21 Heir professor, Einstein has just
00:19:58:21 00:20:00:22 proven the existence of molecules, sir.
00:20:00:22 00:20:02:05 What?
00:20:02:05 00:20:03:11 That cannot...
00:20:03:11 00:20:04:12 Who did you say?
00:20:04:12 00:20:05:16 Einstein.
00:20:05:16 00:20:06:15 The fellow from Bern.
00:20:06:15 00:20:07:21 Bern...
00:20:07:21 00:20:09:18 I lectured there recently.
00:20:09:18 00:20:11:11 I don't recall any Einstein...
00:20:11:11 00:20:12:20 He's not a professor.
00:20:12:20 00:20:14:05 He's a patent clerk.
00:20:14:05 00:20:16:09 A patent clerk.
00:20:16:09 00:20:18:09 It's a brilliant paper, Albert.
00:20:18:09 00:20:21:23 I'm sorry you didn't receive
the response you anticipated.
00:20:21:23 00:20:23:04 Apparently, it's not enough to
00:20:23:04 00:20:24:16 have an original thought.
00:20:24:16 00:20:27:02 The old masters demand data.
00:20:27:02 00:20:29:11 Oh well, perhaps the third
time will be the charm,
00:20:29:18 00:20:30:18 as they say...
00:20:30:18 00:20:31:23 Third?
00:20:31:23 00:20:34:13 My God, Albert, you're
writing another one?
00:20:34:13 00:20:35:23 If I can find another good idea,
00:20:35:23 00:20:38:13 something provable
through experimentation.
00:20:38:13 00:20:40:13 Mileva's doing some research for me...
00:21:20:15 00:21:22:05 Einstein.
00:21:22:05 00:21:24:12 Your mother is here.
00:21:26:13 00:21:29:09 She abandons her boy for hours on end,
00:21:29:09 00:21:31:12 she refuses to be taught how to cook,
00:21:31:12 00:21:33:10 and she leaves all the cleaning to me.
00:21:33:10 00:21:34:17 Now is that fair?
00:21:34:17 00:21:36:05 Mother, we spoke about this.
00:21:36:05 00:21:38:08 And I agreed to indulge the notion that
00:21:38:08 00:21:40:17 you could use some
assistance writing your essay.
00:21:40:17 00:21:42:14 It's a scientific paper, mother,
00:21:42:14 00:21:44:10 published in a prestigious journal.
00:21:44:10 00:21:46:00 But you finished it weeks ago.
00:21:46:00 00:21:48:04 And now I'm writing another one.
00:21:48:04 00:21:50:02 Albert, I don't understand
00:21:50:02 00:21:52:04 I don't expect you to.
00:21:52:04 00:21:53:18 You have a solid position.
00:21:53:18 00:21:55:08 A good income.
00:21:55:08 00:21:57:06 Your father would be very proud.
00:21:57:06 00:21:58:21 That I'd given up my dreams and
00:21:58:21 00:22:00:07 settled for a bourgeois existence?
00:22:00:07 00:22:02:19 Look at me, darling.
00:22:02:19 00:22:04:18 Pursue your dreams if you wish.
00:22:04:18 00:22:07:06 But don't give Mileva false expectations.
00:22:07:06 00:22:09:12 I will not be here forever.
00:22:09:12 00:22:13:04 She must be taught to run a house.
00:22:13:09 00:22:15:19 I have to go back to work.
00:22:20:22 00:22:22:17 It's hypnotic...
00:22:22:17 00:22:25:16 A single pollen particle is
bombarded by water molecules
00:22:25:16 00:22:27:22 ten-to-the-twenty-four
times per second.
00:22:27:22 00:22:29:18 How am I going to predict
that many movements
00:22:29:18 00:22:31:21 per second in a three dimensional space?
00:22:31:21 00:22:34:02 Here, what if you tried using...
00:22:35:22 00:22:37:23 Your child needs you, Mileva.
00:22:39:13 00:22:40:19 Mileva.
00:22:40:19 00:22:41:19 Yes one moment, we're
just in the middle of...
00:22:41:19 00:22:43:17 The baby isn't crying in a moment.
00:22:43:17 00:22:46:04 He's crying now.
00:22:52:23 00:22:55:06 Frau Einstein, I do appreciate
00:22:55:06 00:22:56:13 all you're doing for us.
00:22:56:13 00:22:58:08 But right now Albert needs my help.
00:22:58:08 00:23:00:08 Your boy needs you.
00:23:00:08 00:23:02:11 This home needs you.
00:23:02:11 00:23:05:03 Yes, but at the moment I'm working...
00:23:05:03 00:23:07:17 Frankly, my dear, it is time to put away
00:23:07:17 00:23:09:08 such indulgences.
00:23:09:08 00:23:13:23 I'm not your maid, nor
your child's wet nurse.
00:23:22:11 00:23:25:14 You just sit there, silent.
00:23:25:14 00:23:27:01 What do you want me to do?
00:23:27:01 00:23:30:20 I want you to defend me!
00:23:52:02 00:23:56:16 Early morning or late night?
00:23:58:20 00:24:02:03 I've run away from home.
00:24:02:03 00:24:05:00 Is it really so terrible?
00:24:05:15 00:24:07:15 When my mother and Mileva are not
00:24:07:15 00:24:11:15 at each other's throats, they
take turns lunging at mine.
00:24:13:05 00:24:15:01 Brownian motion.
00:24:15:01 00:24:17:02 Very ambitious.
00:24:17:02 00:24:19:02 If I can prove it mathematically,
00:24:19:02 00:24:22:06 it could be confirmed with the naked eye.
00:24:23:00 00:24:25:10 Well, good luck.
00:24:26:09 00:24:28:06 What?
00:24:28:06 00:24:29:14 What?
00:24:29:14 00:24:30:23 What?
00:24:30:23 00:24:32:23 Nothing.
00:24:32:23 00:24:35:05 What?
00:24:35:22 00:24:37:14 You're making it too complicated.
00:24:37:14 00:24:39:14 It is ridiculously complicated!
00:24:39:14 00:24:42:10 A single pollen particle is
bombarded by water molecules.
00:24:42:10 00:24:44:09 Ten-to-the-twenty-four
times per second, yes.
00:24:44:09 00:24:45:21 And trying to solve those equations
00:24:45:21 00:24:48:19 in three dimensions will drive you mad.
00:24:49:04 00:24:51:22 Why not construct a
one-dimensional model.
00:24:51:22 00:24:54:22 It's much simpler and would
still prove your thesis.
00:24:57:12 00:25:00:12 Would you be willing to
help me solve it, Michele?
00:25:09:02 00:25:11:07 My, the weather is turning.
00:25:11:07 00:25:13:06 The wind nearly threw me off my feet.
00:25:13:06 00:25:14:22 You promised you'd be home an hour ago.
00:25:14:22 00:25:16:15 Well, I suppose we all fall short
00:25:16:15 00:25:18:13 of expectations now and then.
00:25:18:13 00:25:20:03 I'm late for Albert.
00:25:25:11 00:25:27:20 And three-x-by-t-squared equals
00:25:27:20 00:25:29:13 r by t-squared...
00:25:29:13 00:25:30:22 And then apply it back
to three dimensions
00:25:30:22 00:25:32:02 and the coefficient...
00:25:32:02 00:25:33:13 Michele, you're brilliant!
00:25:35:23 00:25:37:18 Michele, what a nice surprise.
00:25:37:18 00:25:38:21 Sorry I'm late.
00:25:38:21 00:25:40:06 One dimension, Mileva.
00:25:40:06 00:25:41:12 Michele's great insight.
00:25:41:12 00:25:43:12 We calculate in one dimension!
00:25:43:12 00:25:44:23 It's so...
00:25:44:23 00:25:45:19 Elegant.
00:25:45:19 00:25:47:03 I'm not sure I understand...
00:25:47:03 00:25:48:18 Here, pretend I'm drunk.
00:25:48:18 00:25:49:21 You don't drink.
00:25:49:21 00:25:51:01 Pretend!
00:25:51:01 00:25:52:09 If I had as much to drink as Michele,
00:25:52:09 00:25:54:05 I'd be staggering everywhere, yes?
00:25:54:05 00:25:56:01 Like pollen wiggling in the water.
00:25:56:01 00:25:57:06 But where am I going?
00:25:57:06 00:25:59:21 To the bar, the toilet, to the street?
00:25:59:21 00:26:00:21 It's impossible to predict.
00:26:00:21 00:26:01:20 We've been over this...
00:26:01:20 00:26:03:07 Precisely.
00:26:03:07 00:26:05:22 Michele helped me see that
we can't predict exactly where
00:26:05:22 00:26:08:11 I'll go, but using simpler math,
00:26:08:11 00:26:12:13 we can calculate how far
I'll go over a period of time.
00:26:12:13 00:26:15:02 Turns out it's six microns per minute.
00:26:15:02 00:26:16:06 Exactly.
00:26:16:06 00:26:17:20 Six microns per minute!
00:26:17:20 00:26:20:09 I proved the existence of molecules and
00:26:20:09 00:26:21:15 nobody believed me.
00:26:21:15 00:26:23:07 And now I've proved how they move,
00:26:23:07 00:26:26:18 and it can be confirmed
with an ordinary microscope!
00:26:28:17 00:26:30:02 That's wonderful...
00:26:30:02 00:26:31:23 To Albert!
00:26:34:17 00:26:37:18 Congratulations,
Philipp, the Nobel prize.
00:26:42:07 00:26:44:04 You don't have to be polite, Max.
00:26:44:04 00:26:46:10 We both know it was only
a gesture of consolation.
00:26:46:10 00:26:48:13 Well you're still not sour about Rontgen.
00:26:48:13 00:26:49:15 Philipp, that was four years ago.
00:26:49:15 00:26:51:13 And yet it still stings.
00:26:51:13 00:26:53:04 Perhaps if I had
received more recognition
00:26:53:04 00:26:54:09 from my colleagues...
00:26:54:09 00:26:56:17 Philipp, you read the journals
00:26:56:17 00:26:59:16 your name is invoked
with great regularity.
00:26:59:16 00:27:02:12 Of course you are right.
00:27:02:12 00:27:04:08 This patent clerk in Bern for instance.
00:27:04:08 00:27:06:10 He's cited both of us in a paper on...
00:27:06:10 00:27:08:05 Light quanta, yes, indeed.
00:27:08:05 00:27:09:17 You see?
00:27:09:17 00:27:11:00 I dismissed him at first.
00:27:11:00 00:27:12:19 But clearly he's an intellect.
00:27:12:19 00:27:15:08 He's very clever.
00:27:15:21 00:27:20:03 I've been in correspondence
with him in fact.
00:27:20:16 00:27:23:16 He wants the footlights,
that much is clear.
00:27:24:10 00:27:26:05 I only hope he doesn't
try to take recognition
00:27:26:05 00:27:29:03 for your work like Rontgen did to me.
00:27:32:17 00:27:35:15 Ein-stein.
00:27:36:01 00:27:37:18 It is fascinating what one can deduce
00:27:37:18 00:27:41:20 about a man just by knowing his name.
00:27:50:17 00:27:52:03 I don't believe it...
00:27:52:03 00:27:53:01 What?
00:27:53:01 00:27:54:06 Lenard.
00:27:54:06 00:27:55:19 They're giving him the Nobel.
00:27:55:19 00:27:57:13 For cathode ray tubes
00:27:57:13 00:27:59:05 a ten-year-old innovation.
00:27:59:05 00:28:00:19 Suddenly you care about awards?
00:28:00:19 00:28:02:21 I care about science living and breathing
00:28:02:21 00:28:05:16 in the present and not
suffocating in the past.
00:28:05:16 00:28:07:15 And yes, I'm not ashamed to say,
00:28:07:15 00:28:11:20 I want some recognition
for my contributions.
00:28:12:06 00:28:14:02 I understand how you must feel.
00:28:14:02 00:28:15:19 But here I am, three published papers,
00:28:15:19 00:28:16:20 and nothing to show for it.
00:28:16:20 00:28:18:10 It's as if I am...
00:28:18:10 00:28:21:02 Invisible?
00:28:29:19 00:28:32:14 Perhaps my mother's right.
00:28:32:14 00:28:35:20 It's time to put away such
indulgences and concentrate
00:28:35:20 00:28:39:13 on what's expected of me.
00:28:53:20 00:28:56:07 Einstein, I need yesterday's...
00:28:56:07 00:28:59:10 Yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's.
00:29:04:23 00:29:06:02 Where are you going?
00:29:06:02 00:29:08:09 I have no idea.
00:29:19:04 00:29:21:00 Albert?
00:29:22:23 00:29:24:06 Albert?
00:29:24:06 00:29:25:13 I'm worried about you...
00:29:25:13 00:29:27:12 I approved a patent for a device
00:29:27:12 00:29:30:03 that's now inside that very clock tower.
00:29:30:04 00:29:33:08 Every minute, it sends a
signal at the speed of light
00:29:33:08 00:29:37:04 to clocks in Geneva, Basel
and Zurich, synchronizing them.
00:29:37:04 00:29:40:05 But what if we sent a signal
to a clock on a moving train?
00:29:40:05 00:29:42:05 Albert, you could use a good sleep.
00:29:42:05 00:29:43:18 Turn your mind off for a bit.
00:29:43:18 00:29:44:17 I can't.
00:29:44:17 00:29:45:14 Now listen.
00:29:45:14 00:29:47:04 A clock is here, stationary.
00:29:47:04 00:29:48:22 And now I attempt to synchronize it
00:29:48:22 00:29:49:22 with one that is moving.
00:29:49:22 00:29:50:21 What happens?
00:29:50:21 00:29:52:00 The clocks would synchronize.
00:29:52:00 00:29:53:14 Because space and time are absolute,
00:29:53:14 00:29:54:14 according to Newton.
00:29:54:14 00:29:55:20 According to everyone.
00:29:55:20 00:29:57:04 But for that to be true...
00:29:57:04 00:29:59:03 Light would have to speed up or slow down
00:29:59:03 00:30:00:18 to keep the clocks synchronized.
00:30:00:18 00:30:02:19 But James Clark Maxwell says that light
00:30:02:19 00:30:04:05 only moves at one speed.
00:30:04:05 00:30:07:04 Now either Maxwell is
correct, or Newton is.
00:30:07:04 00:30:08:13 But it can't be both.
00:30:08:13 00:30:10:00 Well if it's a duel
between Newton and Maxwell?
00:30:10:00 00:30:12:05 I'm afraid poor Maxwell
gets it between the eyes.
00:30:12:05 00:30:13:15 Maybe so...
00:30:13:15 00:30:15:11 Are you considering another paper?
00:30:15:11 00:30:18:19 No I'm just thinking, Michele.
00:30:18:19 00:30:20:02 Come on.
00:30:20:02 00:30:22:04 I'll buy you dinner, and
we can think some more.
00:30:22:04 00:30:24:03 The bloated windbags can't
stop us from doing that,
00:30:24:03 00:30:26:07 can they?
00:30:26:07 00:30:28:05 Maybe the bloated windbags can't stop us.
00:30:28:05 00:30:30:01 But Anna can.
00:30:30:01 00:30:33:02 Never miss a family meal.
00:30:38:11 00:30:39:14 Julius!
00:30:39:14 00:30:40:15 Your eggs are getting cold!
00:30:40:15 00:30:41:21 Must we do this every morning?
00:30:41:21 00:30:44:06 The doctor says routine
is important for him.
00:30:44:06 00:30:46:15 Well, I can't keep my students waiting...
00:30:46:15 00:30:48:10 Julius, come and eat!
00:30:53:07 00:30:55:20 Sit down.
00:30:56:02 00:30:58:22 Eat your breakfast.
00:31:03:02 00:31:04:05 Julius.
00:31:04:05 00:31:05:11 Death to satan's messengers!
00:31:05:11 00:31:06:23 No.
00:31:06:23 00:31:08:05 Julius!
00:31:08:05 00:31:09:09 No.
00:31:09:09 00:31:11:10 My God, what are you doing?
00:31:13:05 00:31:15:02 No.
00:31:20:08 00:31:23:04 O God, who brought us to birth,
00:31:23:04 00:31:29:17 and in whose arms we die, in
our grief and shock comfort us;
00:31:29:23 00:31:33:00 give us hope in our confusion and grace
00:31:33:00 00:31:36:10 to enter a new life;
Through Jesus Christ.
00:31:36:10 00:31:37:13 Amen.
00:31:37:13 00:31:39:05 Amen.
00:31:39:05 00:31:41:01 That poor family.
00:31:41:01 00:31:42:17 I should be at the funeral.
00:31:42:17 00:31:45:00 You are free to go, Frau Einstein.
00:31:45:00 00:31:46:02 No, no, my dear.
00:31:46:02 00:31:49:14 I couldn't possibly leave
you alone with the child.
00:31:50:02 00:31:52:11 If I really am so unfit to be a mother,
00:31:52:11 00:31:55:14 you could have gone to Aarau
and Albert could have stayed
00:31:55:14 00:31:58:08 home with me.
00:31:58:12 00:32:00:04 No, my dear.
00:32:00:04 00:32:04:03 Albert is exactly where
he needs to be right now.
00:32:11:22 00:32:14:06 Do you remember what you promised me...
00:32:14:06 00:32:16:13 When you left for university?
00:32:16:13 00:32:18:09 I...
00:32:18:09 00:32:20:21 I don't, I'm sorry.
00:32:20:21 00:32:22:14 You said you would come up
00:32:22:14 00:32:25:23 with a formula to freeze time.
00:32:28:15 00:32:31:03 I'm afraid I'm...
00:32:31:18 00:32:34:16 I'm not as brilliant
as I thought I was...
00:32:42:10 00:32:45:07 I'm sorry, Marie.
00:32:45:08 00:32:47:04 For everything.
00:32:53:00 00:32:54:14 So sorry.
00:32:55:00 00:32:56:17 Talk to him.
00:32:56:17 00:32:59:21 He misses you.
00:33:08:00 00:33:10:22 Jost, I am so deeply...
00:33:10:22 00:33:16:04 Sorry, yes, everyone says that.
00:33:18:22 00:33:21:21 Is there anything that I can do?
00:33:27:03 00:33:30:03 You are an intelligent man.
00:33:30:10 00:33:33:22 So perhaps you can explain to me this:
00:33:34:14 00:33:39:19 How could my bright, beautiful son
00:33:41:16 00:33:45:06 so suddenly turn into a monster?
00:33:46:21 00:33:50:15 What did I do wrong?
00:33:52:08 00:33:55:20 You musn't blame yourself.
00:33:57:04 00:34:01:00 I wish I could be half
the father that you are.
00:34:01:00 00:34:05:12 Yes, I heard you had a son.
00:34:09:07 00:34:12:08 Hold him tight, Albert.
00:34:12:08 00:34:16:08 You think his childhood
will last forever,
00:34:17:07 00:34:22:20 but I promise you, it will
pass in a fraction of a second.
00:34:44:06 00:34:46:17 You said you'd be home last night.
00:34:46:17 00:34:48:15 I'm sorry.
00:34:48:15 00:34:50:18 By the time it seemed
appropriate to leave,
00:34:50:18 00:34:52:16 I'd already missed my last train.
00:34:52:16 00:34:54:11 Of course you did.
00:34:54:11 00:34:56:23 I'm sure you were terribly
disappointed to have to spend
00:34:56:23 00:34:58:13 the night with your beloved Wintelers.
00:34:58:13 00:35:00:13 Mileva, please, they're grieving...
00:35:00:13 00:35:02:00 I can take him, dear.
00:35:02:00 00:35:04:16 Don't touch my son.
00:35:04:16 00:35:06:05 I'm only trying to help.
00:35:06:05 00:35:07:23 You've been shoving your
'help' down my throat
00:35:07:23 00:35:09:00 since you arrived.
00:35:09:00 00:35:10:13 Mileva, calm yourself.
00:35:10:13 00:35:12:16 That's quite easy for
you to say, isn't it?
00:35:12:16 00:35:14:15 You do what you want,
go where you please.
00:35:14:15 00:35:16:01 And I'm here.
00:35:16:01 00:35:17:08 Not in a laboratory or
00:35:17:08 00:35:18:18 in front of a classroom as I should be...
00:35:18:18 00:35:20:14 Perhaps I'm mistaken,
00:35:20:14 00:35:22:15 but didn't you fail your exams?
00:35:22:15 00:35:23:17 Mother, please.
00:35:23:17 00:35:25:09 The girl needs to face the truth, Albert.
00:35:25:09 00:35:27:01 You need a wife to make
you a home, not a...
00:35:27:01 00:35:29:10 I'm sorry I'm not Marie Winteler.
00:35:29:10 00:35:31:14 So am I.
00:35:34:11 00:35:35:21 Mother, apologize.
00:35:35:21 00:35:38:08 I knew from the moment my son wrote to me
00:35:38:08 00:35:41:14 about you, you would never
make him a suitable wife.
00:35:42:21 00:35:45:14 Albert didn't marry me
because he wanted a housewife.
00:35:47:09 00:35:49:08 We're partners.
00:35:49:12 00:35:51:11 Darling, open your eyes.
00:35:51:11 00:35:52:23 You are not his partner.
00:35:52:23 00:35:55:02 You are his librarian.
00:35:55:02 00:35:57:17 You are his clerk.
00:36:00:03 00:36:02:23 Mother, you should go.
00:36:03:22 00:36:05:13 Go, go where?
00:36:05:13 00:36:08:04 Home.
00:36:09:21 00:36:14:01 If you think this creature
can make you happy,
00:36:14:09 00:36:20:03 then I promise you, son, you
are in for a life of misery.
00:36:41:14 00:36:44:12 He won't sleep.
00:36:44:12 00:36:47:22 I don't know what to do...
00:36:48:06 00:36:51:06 Go to bed, Dollie.
00:36:52:07 00:36:55:02 I can take him.
00:36:55:22 00:36:57:19 Thank you...
00:37:00:06 00:37:03:01 I made you something.
00:37:03:01 00:37:05:01 Choo-choo, choo-choo.
00:37:05:01 00:37:07:05 It's a train, yes.
00:37:07:05 00:37:09:03 I was on one of these this morning,
00:37:09:04 00:37:12:01 and I couldn't wait
to get home to see you.
00:37:12:01 00:37:15:18 Papa Jost told me that time is fleeting;
00:37:16:17 00:37:19:10 we think moments like
these will last forever,
00:37:19:10 00:37:22:16 but in fact they'll
pass in a split second.
00:37:23:20 00:37:27:19 It's a nice sentiment, but
you and I both know that time
00:37:27:19 00:37:30:12 can't move at different speeds.
00:37:47:21 00:37:50:17 Unless...
00:37:52:16 00:37:55:00 Unless it could.
00:37:56:13 00:37:58:22 Oh my...
00:37:59:17 00:38:02:23 Albertli, you've done it!
00:38:09:02 00:38:10:16 I've completely solved the problem.
00:38:10:16 00:38:12:14 What are you talking about?
00:38:12:14 00:38:13:13 Close your eyes.
00:38:13:13 00:38:16:13 Pretend you're overlooking
a train track...
00:38:16:18 00:38:18:20 Imagine a train racing past,
00:38:18:20 00:38:21:09 faster than any train you've ever seen.
00:38:23:04 00:38:26:13 Now, I want you to imagine,
as the train is flying past,
00:38:26:13 00:38:28:17 two lightning bolts
crashing beyond the tracks
00:38:28:17 00:38:30:22 at the same time 100 meters apart.
00:38:34:08 00:38:35:21 So what?
00:38:35:21 00:38:37:06 Patience.
00:38:37:06 00:38:38:23 Now imagine that you're
standing in the middle of the
00:38:38:23 00:38:41:04 train during the exact same scenario.
00:38:41:04 00:38:43:16 Would the lightning
bolts be simultaneous?
00:38:43:16 00:38:45:02 Of course.
00:38:45:02 00:38:47:10 Not if light moves at one speed.
00:38:47:10 00:38:48:10 Close your eyes.
00:38:48:10 00:38:49:10 Albert, this is ridiculous...
00:38:49:10 00:38:51:04 Put yourself back on the moving train,
00:38:51:04 00:38:52:05 and really think about it.
00:38:52:05 00:38:54:20 Do it, Michele!
00:39:00:12 00:39:02:11 Now watch the lightning bolts!
00:39:06:02 00:39:09:07 Were they simultaneous to you?
00:39:09:16 00:39:11:01 No!
00:39:11:02 00:39:13:11 Because you were moving
towards one and away
00:39:13:11 00:39:15:15 from the other.
00:39:16:13 00:39:19:13 To me, standing still,
they were simultaneous.
00:39:19:19 00:39:22:02 How could the two of us experience
00:39:22:02 00:39:23:20 the same event differently?
00:39:23:20 00:39:25:18 We couldn't.
00:39:25:18 00:39:27:12 Unless...
00:39:27:12 00:39:29:22 It's not Maxwell who
gets it between the eyes.
00:39:29:22 00:39:31:21 It's Newton.
00:39:32:02 00:39:33:12 What are you saying?
00:39:33:12 00:39:39:15 Time is not absolute.
00:39:39:15 00:39:41:10 Holy hell.
00:39:41:10 00:39:42:15 I'm writing the paper, Michele.
00:39:42:15 00:39:44:18 I dare them to ignore it.
00:39:47:21 00:39:49:11 Ha!
00:39:57:09 00:39:58:21 Marie.
00:39:58:21 00:40:01:17 Come see what we've found...
00:40:03:00 00:40:05:15 Don't look.
00:40:17:20 00:40:19:17 You believed it would be 1,000 times
00:40:19:17 00:40:21:15 stronger than uranium.
00:40:21:15 00:40:23:16 This element is a million times stronger,
00:40:23:16 00:40:26:15 and it's not even pure.
00:40:26:15 00:40:29:17 It's beautiful.
00:40:29:17 00:40:32:01 What shall we call it, my love?
00:40:36:14 00:40:38:15 Radium.
00:40:40:00 00:40:44:01 Dollie, Dollie, you're awake!
00:40:44:11 00:40:45:22 Thank God.
00:40:45:22 00:40:49:04 Since I first imagined
riding alongside a light beam,
00:40:49:04 00:40:50:18 it's been bothering me.
00:40:50:18 00:40:52:23 How could light freeze in time?
00:40:52:23 00:40:54:16 Well, it couldn't!
00:40:54:17 00:40:57:02 You're gone before I wake,
home after I'm asleep.
00:40:57:02 00:40:59:06 Do I not at least deserve a "hello?"
00:40:59:06 00:41:01:10 Hello, my darling Mileva, now listen...
00:41:01:10 00:41:05:10 300 years ago, Galileo devised
his principle of relativity...
00:41:05:10 00:41:07:22 Now Newton built on these theories
00:41:07:22 00:41:10:19 to devise his own laws;
motion, gravitation,
00:41:10:19 00:41:11:22 and absolute time.
00:41:11:22 00:41:13:03 I know all of that.
00:41:13:03 00:41:15:06 But neither man took into account
00:41:15:06 00:41:16:21 the true nature of light.
00:41:16:21 00:41:20:12 So, I've devised my own
principle of relativity.
00:41:29:00 00:41:30:14 Lorentz transformations?
00:41:30:14 00:41:32:05 Yes.
00:41:32:05 00:41:34:14 He saw time dilation
as a mathematical quirk.
00:41:34:14 00:41:35:23 It's not.
00:41:35:23 00:41:37:15 The faster we move through space,
00:41:37:15 00:41:40:13 the slower we move through time.
00:41:40:13 00:41:42:04 It is extraordinary, Albert...
00:41:42:04 00:41:43:20 It's more than that.
00:41:43:20 00:41:47:14 It's the redefinition of the universe.
00:41:47:18 00:41:48:21 All the work.
00:41:48:21 00:41:49:20 All the late nights.
00:41:49:20 00:41:51:05 This, Mileva.
00:41:51:05 00:41:53:20 This is what we've been chasing...
00:41:53:20 00:41:56:02 Will you proof it for me?
00:41:56:02 00:41:57:17 Am I your clerk?
00:41:57:17 00:41:59:04 Is that it?
00:41:59:04 00:42:01:05 No, of course not, Dollie.
00:42:01:05 00:42:04:01 You're my partner.
00:42:08:06 00:42:10:20 Albertli, you brilliant little man!
00:42:20:23 00:42:22:13 Doctor Lauret.
00:42:22:13 00:42:23:18 Doctor Curie.
00:42:23:19 00:42:26:23 I just received a letter from Stockholm.
00:42:26:23 00:42:31:17 You are to be awarded the 1903
Nobel prize in physics for your
00:42:31:17 00:42:35:10 contributions to the research
of radiation phenomena.
00:42:37:18 00:42:40:11 A hearty congratulations, Pierre.
00:42:42:07 00:42:45:21 Will my wife be given the prize, as well?
00:42:45:21 00:42:49:20 Pierre, we all know madame Curie has been
00:42:49:20 00:42:51:15 a valuable assistant.
00:42:51:15 00:42:54:09 But it's the tools you invented
00:42:54:09 00:42:57:01 that are responsible
for discovering radium.
00:42:57:01 00:43:01:16 No, no, tools don't
make discoveries, doctor.
00:43:02:16 00:43:04:04 People do.
00:43:04:04 00:43:06:13 Madam Curie and I are partners.
00:43:06:13 00:43:08:08 Please inform the Nobel
committee that I will not
00:43:08:08 00:43:11:23 accept the prize if they do
not honor my wife alongside me.
00:43:21:19 00:43:24:08 "The introduction of a luminiferous ether
00:43:24:08 00:43:26:13 will prove to be superfluous."
00:43:26:13 00:43:27:14 Superfluous!
00:43:27:14 00:43:28:21 I love that word.
00:43:28:21 00:43:31:02 I preferred 'idiotic', but alas.
00:43:31:02 00:43:33:09 "In conclusion, I wish to
say that in working at the
00:43:33:09 00:43:35:16 problem here dealt with, I
have had the loyal assistance
00:43:35:16 00:43:39:02 of my friend and colleague M. Besso...
00:43:39:02 00:43:41:12 And that I am indebted to him for several
00:43:41:12 00:43:44:12 valuable suggestions."
00:43:46:07 00:43:48:05 You thank Michele.
00:43:48:05 00:43:49:10 Of course I thanked him.
00:43:49:10 00:43:51:07 His advice was instrumental.
00:43:51:07 00:43:53:10 But I've helped you with so many papers.
00:43:53:10 00:43:55:01 Including this one.
00:43:55:01 00:43:57:23 Of course you have.
00:43:58:00 00:44:01:16 But you never thought to
put my name in any of them.
00:44:01:23 00:44:05:15 Well, I suppose it
never occurred to me...
00:44:07:06 00:44:11:05 No, I don't suppose it did...
00:44:12:06 00:44:15:09 No, because in my heart,
the two of us are one.
00:44:15:09 00:44:16:16 It's our name.
00:44:16:16 00:44:19:18 Einstein, 'one stone.'
00:44:19:18 00:44:24:11 this paper, every paper, it's both of us.
00:44:25:01 00:44:27:04 I couldn't do any of it without you.
00:44:27:04 00:44:29:00 You know that.
00:44:29:00 00:44:31:22 No one else does.
00:44:31:22 00:44:34:12 Mileva.
00:44:40:22 00:44:44:13 You're going to be late for work, Albert.
00:44:51:13 00:44:54:12 'On the electrodynamics of moving bodies'
00:44:54:12 00:44:56:20 by Albert Einstein?
00:44:57:00 00:44:59:09 His fourth paper this year.
00:44:59:09 00:45:00:18 I haven't seen anything like this
00:45:00:18 00:45:02:03 since Newton's annus mirabilis.
00:45:02:03 00:45:04:14 Doctor Laue, are you honestly comparing
00:45:04:14 00:45:06:18 Einstein to sir Isaac Newton?
00:45:06:18 00:45:08:20 Read it.
00:45:10:04 00:45:12:03 He provides no footnotes.
00:45:12:03 00:45:14:05 That's because he has answered a question
00:45:14:05 00:45:16:19 no one was asking.
00:45:27:03 00:45:28:10 Herr Einstein?
00:45:28:10 00:45:30:11 Max Laue, I work for
Professor Max Planck at the
00:45:30:11 00:45:31:12 Prussian Academy.
00:45:31:12 00:45:32:08 A sincere pleasure to...
00:45:32:08 00:45:34:23 I believe you're looking for him.
00:45:36:11 00:45:38:03 I've tried to get him to brush his hair
00:45:38:03 00:45:39:16 and smarten himself up.
00:45:39:16 00:45:42:14 But the man is hopeless.
00:45:48:04 00:45:50:10 Albert Einstein?
00:45:50:10 00:45:52:08 Author of the principle of relativity?
00:45:52:08 00:45:54:13 Well, Galileo is the author
00:45:54:13 00:45:55:21 of the principle of relativity.
00:45:55:21 00:45:58:06 I simply provided a revision.
00:45:58:06 00:45:59:22 My, you are modest.
00:45:59:22 00:46:02:07 He most certainly is not.
00:46:02:16 00:46:06:14 May I ask why you are
working at a patent office?
00:46:06:14 00:46:09:21 History is full of bad jokes, I suppose.
00:46:10:05 00:46:12:02 My name is Max Laue.
00:46:12:02 00:46:15:17 I am here at the behest
of Professor Max Planck.
00:46:16:12 00:46:17:21 Max Planck?
00:46:17:21 00:46:19:05 The father of Prussian physics?
00:46:19:05 00:46:21:10 He greatly admires your
work, Herr Einstein.
00:46:21:10 00:46:23:10 You've achieved more in one
year than most scientists do
00:46:23:10 00:46:24:19 in a lifetime.
00:46:24:19 00:46:27:10 However did you accomplish it?
00:46:27:10 00:46:29:10 Curiosity, I suppose.
00:46:29:10 00:46:30:18 That and he wanted to be noticed.
00:46:30:18 00:46:32:10 Well, you've succeeded.
00:46:32:10 00:46:34:07 We would like to help
you further your career.
00:46:34:07 00:46:36:05 Tell me, are you
working on anything else?
00:46:36:05 00:46:38:03 Uh, yes, in fact.
00:46:38:03 00:46:40:22 I've realized that the
relativity principle,
00:46:40:22 00:46:42:17 combined with the Maxwell's equations,
00:46:42:17 00:46:44:22 requires that mass be a direct measure
00:46:44:22 00:46:47:00 of the energy contained in a body.
00:46:47:00 00:46:49:15 I'm not sure I follow...
00:46:49:15 00:46:52:07 Light carries mass.
00:46:52:20 00:46:55:21 But that's impossible.
00:46:55:21 00:46:56:20 Perhaps!
00:46:56:20 00:46:57:12 For all I know,
00:46:57:12 00:46:59:20 the good lord might be
laughing at the whole matter.
00:46:59:20 00:47:01:15 I believe this theory
could be tested using
00:47:01:15 00:47:04:01 elements whose energy is highly unstable.
00:47:04:01 00:47:06:22 Madame Curie's radium, for example...
00:47:08:22 00:47:11:11 Herr Einstein, it's...
00:47:16:01 00:47:19:17 It's genius.
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