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Quantum Field Theory-I Problem Set n.

UZH and ETH, HS-2015 Prof. G. Isidori
Assistants: K. Ferreira, A. Greljo, D. Marzocca, A. Pattori, M. Soni Due: 29-10-2015

1 The massive vector field

Consider the following Lagrangian density
1 1
L = − Vµν V µν + m2V Vµ V µ (1)
4 2
Vµν = ∂µ Vν − ∂ν Vµ . (2)

I. Derive the equation of motion for V µ , that is known as the Proca equation. Show that this
equation necessarily imply ∂µ V µ = 0 and that, once this condition is imposed, it is equivalent to
a set of massive Klein-Gordon equations, one for each of the non-vanishing components of Vµ .
II. Provide a solution to the equations of motion for V µ via a Fourier decomposition analog to
the one adopted for the photon field, introducing three polarization vectors µ (~k). Show that a
convenient basis for these polarization vectors, in the reference frame where ~k = (0, 0, |~k|), is given

(1) = (0, 1, 0, 0) (3)

(2) = (0, 0, 1, 0) (4)
1 ~
(3) = (|k|, 0, 0, Ek ) (5)
where Ek = |~k|2 + m2V . Using these explicit expressions show that
~ (λ) ~ kµ kν
µ (k)ν (k) = −gµν + (6)

III. Impose standard bosonic commutation relations for the coefficients (→ operators) introduced
in the decomposition of the field:

[aλ (~k), aλ0 (~k 0 )] = [aλ (~k)† , aλ0 (~k 0 )† ] = 0

[aλ (~k), aλ0 (~k 0 )† ] = δλλ0 (2π)3 δ 3 (~k − ~k 0 ) (7)

Using these relations, in close analogy to the derivation of the propagator of the scalar field, verify
d4 k kµkν
h0|T [V (x)V (y)] |0i = DV (x − y) = µν
g − 2 e−ik(x−y) (8)
(2π)4 k 2 − m2V + i mV

IV. Show that DVµν (x − y) is a Green function of the Proca equation:

(g µν ∂ 2 − ∂ µ ∂ν + m2V g µν )DVνσ (x − y) = ig µσ δ (4) (x − y) (9)

Analyze the mV → 0 limit of this propagator and compare it with the m → 0 limit of the
propagator of the scalar field. Compare the high-energy behavior (|~k| → ∞) of D
e µν (k), i.e. the
massive vector propagator in momentum space, with that of the photon propagator in momentum
space in a generic gauge ξ.

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