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Rectangular Shear Wall Design to ACI code SSE-EXCEL-SECTION

Refs: ACI318-14 Chapter 11 The author will not be responsible for any uses of this software!
Job: Wight v1.02
1. Inputs
b= 0.25 m thickness of wall f'c= 27.6 Mpa Pu= 92 t>0 downward Oxy=plane of wall
h= 5.5 m length of wall >3*b fy= 413 MPa Vx= 53.8 t in-plane shear // length of wall
e= 0.04 m cover to axe My= 633 t.m in-plane moment (plane of wall)
e1= 0.04 m side's cover size= 5 reinf's size Vy= 0 t out-plane shear (normal to wall)
L= 3.65 m current story height of wall Mx= 0 t.m out-plane moment
Ltotal= 16.5 m total height of wall

Reinf': no. dia. As >> CAL >> PDF

TOP 2 16 4.0
MID 10 16 20.1 2.15 1400
BOT 2 16 4.0 1,175
Ast= 48.3 cm2 1200 1,509
spacing= 0.45 m NO 1,175
smax= 0.45 m =min(0.45,3*b) 1000
1.15 1,918
800 904
2. Design:
In-plan shear check (cl.
Φ*vc1= 0.67 MPa =0.75*0.17*sqrt(f'c)
Φ*vc2= 1.23 MPa =0.75*0.27*sqrt(f'c)+Nu/(4*h*b) 0.15 400
vu= 0.49 Mpa =Vx/(b*d) -0.5 0 0.5
b= 0.25 m =b 200
d= 4.4 m =0.8*h
0 92
vs= 0 Mpa =max(0, vu - Φvc) -0.85
Av= 0 cm2/m =vs*b*d/(Φ*d*fy) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Out-plan P+M check (cl. -400
ec= 0 m =Mx/Pu < b/6?
b/6= 0.04 m Results:
OK 0. Av= 0 cm2/m
ΦPn,limit= 1175 t =0.65*0.55*f'c*Ag*(1-(k*lc)/(32b))^2) Av spacing= NO cl.
k= 0.8 =0.8, 1 or 2 Table 2. ec<b/6? OK cl.
Check: OK Pu<=ΦPn? -2.85 Pu<=ΦPn,limit? OK cl.
Asmni= OK cl.11.6.2
ΦMn= 689 t.m OK
Asmin cl.11.6.2:
phmin= 0.25% =(0.20%,0.25%) Ahmin= 6.25 cm2/m =phmin*b*1m Chart (Mu,Pu)
pvmin= 0.25% =0.0025+0.5*(2.5-Ltotal/h)*(ph-0.0025) Avmin= 6.25 cm2/m =pvmin*b*1m 0 0
Av= 8.77 cm2/m OK 633 92

In-plane P+M check: Data Table:

c= 0.51 m avariable in VBA c= 0.55 1.1 1.65 2.2 2.75 3.3 3.85 4.4 4.95 5.5
β= 0.85 =min(0.85,max(0.65,0.85-0.05*(f'c-28)/7)) ΦPn= 92 113 392.8 673.4 904 999.3 1092 1175 1175 1175 1175
a= 0.43 m =c*β a<c ΦMn= 689 736 1301 1731 1918 1765 1586 1509 1355 1123 809
Fc= 253 t =b*a*0.85*f'c
Φ(εt)= 0.9 =min(0.9,max(0.65,0.65+(|εt|-2/1000)*250/3)) Chart
εt= -0.03 =min(εsi) c= 0.55 1.1 1.65 2.2 2.75 3.3 3.85 4.4 4.95 5.5
ΦPn,max= 1175 t =0.65*0.8(0.85f'c*(Ac-As)+As*fy) ΦPn= -179 113 392.8 673.4 904 999.3 1092 1175 1175 1175 1175 1175
ΦPn= 92 t =min(ΦPnmax, Φ*(Fc+sum(Fsi)) ΦMn= 0 736 1301 1731 1918 1765 1586 1509 1355 1123 809 0
ΦMn= 689 t =Φ*(Fc*(h/2-a/2)+sum(Fsi*(h/2-di)) 50 13
equ0= -0 t

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