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were prepared and will be discussed elsewhere. The first four pler for his suggestions co_ncerningthe preparation of the manu-
of these derivatives give blue or blue-green colors in strong acid script. A sample of hypophosphorous acid received from the
solution. apparently the specificity of the analytical procedure Oldbury Electro-Chemical Co. is acknowledged with thanks.
depends on the formation of the pyrazinophenazine under the
given conditions. If the derivatives are isolated first ( 2 ) , many LITERATURE CITED
of them form highly colored products in strong acid solution.
(1) Fischer, O., and Hepp, E., Ber., 22, 356 (1889).
(2) Ibid., 23, 841 (1890).
ACKIVOWLEDGMEh-T (3) Kuhn, R., and Hecksher, R., 2. physiol. Chem., 160, 116 (1926).
(4) Kun, E., J. Biol. Chen., 187, 289 (1950).
This work was supported by research grants from the National (5) Ibid., 194, 603 (1952).
Heart Institute and National Microbiological Institute. It is a (6) Neuberg, C., Faiker, E., and Levite, A, Biochem. Z., 8 3 , 244
pleasure to thank Otto Schales for samples of 2,3-butanedione, (1917).
4,5-nctadione, and the ethanedial bisulfite compound and for criti- (7) Steigman, A., Brit. J . Phot., 93, 256 (1946).
cism of the manuscript, Thanks are due to Thomas B. Crum- RECEIVED
for review July 22, 1953. Accepted December 7, 1953.

Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Urea

The University o f Texas, Austin, Tex.

The work described in this paper was done to provide a EXPERIMENTAL

dependable method for the determination of urea in Apparatus. A Beckman Model DU spectrophotometer and
samples containing urea, hydrazine, semicarbazide, matched Corm cells of 1.001-cm. light path were wed for all
transmittancy measurements. The instrument was operated a t
and ammonium ion. This method involves a spectro- constant sensitivity using a slit width of 0.1 mm., corresponding
photometric determination of urea and is based upon to a nominal band width of 2.4 mw a t 420 mp.
the yellow-green color produced when p-dimethyl- Materials. Urea (Baker's C.P. analyzed) was recrystallized
aminobenzaldehyde is added to urea in dilute hydro- twice from methanol, washed with diethyl ether, and dried in
vacuo for 48 hours over anhydrous magnesium perchlorate;
chloric acid solution. This system exhibits a trans- melting point, 132" C., corrected. Hydrazine dihydrochloride
mittancy minimum at 420 mp and shows good agree- (Eastman No. 1117) and semicarbaxide hydrochloride (Eastman
ment with Beer's law at urea concentrations up to 320 Xo. 226) were titrated by the Jamieson method ( S ) , and their
p.p.m. With the instrument and procedure used, a purity was found to be 99.8 and 99.4'%, respectively. Potassium
iodate (Merck +4CS reagent grade) and p-dimethylaminobenz-
relative error of only 1% is realized over the optimum aldehyde (Eastman No. 95) were used asreceived. All other ma-
urea concentration range of 50 to 240 p.p.m. Interfer- terials employed in this work were reagent grade chemicals that
ences investigated include ammonium ion, hydroxyl- were used without further purification.
amine, hydrazine, and semicarbazide; the latter two Standard Urea Solution. This solution was prepared by dis-
solving 0.4 gram of urea in distilled water and diluting to 100.0
interfere, but a procedure for their removal is given. ml. Aliquots of this solution were used to make up the various
Although developed for the analysis of a particular type urea solutions from which different aliquots were used to develop
of sample, this method should be readily adaptable to colored urea solutions within the concentration range 16 to 480
the determination of urea in a wide variety of samples. p.p.m.
Color Development. The color reagent used was the same as
that employed in the method for the determination of hydrazine

I S A recent communication, the present authors described a

spectrophotometric method for the determination of hydra-
zine ( 4 ) that is based upon the use of p-dimethylaminobenxalde-
l o UREA,P.P.M. o t

hyde to develop yellow-colored solutions having a transmittancy

minimum a t 458 mp, In the course of certain studies in which 80 t /
this method was employed for the determination of hydrazine, it
became necessary to analyze numerous samples not only for hy-
drazine, but also for semicarbazide and urea, all in the presence
of appreciable concentrations of ammonium ion. Spectrophoto-
R 0 h
metric determination of hydrazine followed by determination of
hydrazine and semicarbazide by the iodate titration method of
Jamieson (3) permitted the determination of semicarbazide by
difference. However, the existing methods for the determination
of urea were either clearly inapplicable or failed to give satis-
factory results when used in the analysis of samples of known urea
From an inspection of Figure 2 in the previous paper ( 4 ) , it is
evident that the broad transmittancy minimum region exhibited
by solutions containing urea and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
might serve as a basis for the development of a satisfactory
method for the determination of urea. Further experiments have
shown that this system exhibits a reproducible transmittancy
minimum a t 420 mp, which has been utilized in the manner de-
400 1 4 t O WAVELENOTH. M)I

scribed below for the determination of urea in samples of the type Figure 1. Spectral Curves for Urea with
already indicated. p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
V O L U M E 2 6 , NO. 3, M A R C H 1 9 5 4 453
phenolphthalein end point, made ea. 0.4M in hydrochloric acid,
and then color developed as described above. Except within
the limitations indicated above, ammonium hydroxide should not
be used for the neutralization because of interference attributable
to high concentrations of ammonium ion.
Procedure. For the determination of hydrazine, semicarba-
zide, and urea in solutions containing all three of these sub-
stances, the following procedures were employed: An appropri-
ate aliquot was analyzed for hydrazine by the method of Watt
and Chrisp (4). Another aliquot was taken for the determination
of total hydrazine and semicarbazide by the method of Jamiesofl
(3) and the semicarbazide content was obtained by difference.
The residual solution from the Jamieson iodate titration was
treated as follows. Since the iodine monochloride formed during
the iodate titration interferes with the urea determination, it
was removed by titration with standard sodium thiosulfate solu-
tion using the disappearance of the characteristic color of iodine
in the chloroform layer as the end point. The resulting solution
(ca. 4M in hydrochloric acid) was neutralized with sodium
hydroxide to the phenolphthalein end point, after which 2 or 3
drops of 1M hydrochloric acid were added to dissipate the indi-
cator color. The aqueous phase was separated, the chloroform
IO layer was washed once with 10 ml. of water, the aqueous solution
UREA. P.P.Y. and washings were made up to a known volume, and aliquots
were taken for subsequent color development and spectrophoto-
Figure 2. Calibration Curve for Urea with metric determination of urea.
p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde at 420 m p
Six standard samples containing urea, semicarbazide hydro-
chloride, and hydrazine dihydrochloride were thus analyzed for
(4),except that 95% ethyl alcohol was employed instead of abso- urea over the working range of concentration a t 420 mp; the
lute ethyl alcohol. [Although absolute alcohol was specified for
use in the determination of hydrazine (4),
it has since been found relative error in the urea determination did not exceed 4% in any
that 957, ethyl alcohol is equally satisfactory.] This color re- case. In a typical instance involving determination of all three
agent consists of: p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde(2.000 grams), components by the procedures outlined above, a sample was
95% ethyl alcohol (100.0 ml.), and concentrated hydrochloric known to contain 0.187 gram of hydrazine, 0.603 gram of urea,
acid (10.0 ml.). Ten milliliters of color reagent were added to
appropriate urea aliquots, and this mixture was diluted to a total and 0.688 gram of semicarbazide; the value? found by analg-si8
volume of 25.0 ml. with distilled water. Blanks consisted of were 0.185,0.616, and 0.692, respectively.
10.0 ml. of the color reagent diluted with distilled mater to a total
volume of 25.0 ml. DISCUSSIOY
Properties of the Color System. Upon addition of the color
reagent to solutions containing urea, the yellow-green color de- The calibration curve employed in this work is shown in Figure
velops immediately a t room temperature and is stable after 10 2, in which per cent absorbance (100 - per cent transmittancy) is
minutes. Color-developed solutions of urea varying in concen- plotted against the logarithm of the concentration of urea ex-
tration from 80 to 160 p.p.m. showed no detectable change in pressed in parts per million. The inflection point in the curve oc-
transmittancy in 11 days. These same solutions had a tem- curs a t 63% absorbance (urea a t a concentration of 110 p.p.m.),
perature coefficient of 0.6% absolute transmittancy per 1' C. and the slope of the curve a t this point corresponds to a mavimum
over the range 20' to 40' C.; this effect was completely revers- relative error of 2.7% per 1% absolute photometric error, in
ible. (In all of the urea determinations carried out in these agreement with Beer's law ( 1 ) . The working range of concentra-
laboratories, the samples were maintained a t 25" in a thermostat tion of urea is 50 to 240 p.p.m. for a 4% relative error per 1% ab-
attached to the spectrophotometer.) solute photometric error; these limits were determined as de-
\Then 11 ml. of color reagent were used, rather than 10 ml. scribed by rlyres and Young (a). The absolute photometric
for a given concentration of urea, the per cent transmittancy de- error can be kept down to 0.25% with good temperature control;
creased 3.5%. Freshly prepared color reagent and color reagent hence the relative analysis error should not be greater than 1.0%
that had aged for 1 week gave identical results for this concentration range.
If the acid concentration of color-developed solutions (nor- Particular care should be exercised in making up and adding the
mally 0.44.V in hydrochloric acid) is increased by 0.1M, the per color reagent, as significant errors are introduced by small dif-
rent transmittancy is increased 1.5%. Samples having the same ferences in the quantity of color reagent in blank and unknown.
acid concentration showed an average deviation of 0.07% ab- The true optimum quantity of color reagent for use in this method
solute transmittancy for urea concentrations over the range 80 to was not established in the present studies owing to the fact that
160 p.p.m. the color reagent has a maximum absorption wave length a t 415
In Figure 1, the plot of per cent transmittancy versus wave mp. As stated above, however, use of more than the specified
length shows a transmittancy minimum a t 420 mp. The colored quantity of color reagent results in a decrease in transmittancy
system follows Beer's law up to urea concentrations of 320 p.p.m. presumably owing to absorption attributable to the color reagent;
Analysis of Samples of Known Composition. Following nu- the use of lower concentrations of this reagent was not investi-
merous preliminary experiments, five samples of urea weighing gated.
bewteen 0.2 and 1.0 gram w r e used to prepare samplw for analy- Although this method was developed for use in the analysis of a
sis by this method. The urea concentrations were unknown to particular type of sample, the nature of the method is such that it
the analyst; the collective analysis errors were 1.6, -1.0, -0.9, should be readily adaptable to the determination of urea in a wide
-0.3, and 1.1%. variety of samples.
Interferences. A brief study of the extent to which hydroxyl-
amine, ammonium chloride, hvdrazine. and semicarbazide inter-
fere with this determination \<as made by adding known quanti-
ties of these substances to solutions containing urea a t a concen- The authors wish to express their gratitude to G. 'H. Ayres for
tration of 120 p.p.m. when analyzed. As the concentration of his interest and assistance.
hydroxylamine is progressively increased, the transmittancy
minimum is shifted from 420 to 410 mp when the mole ratio of LITERATURE CITED
hydroxylamine to urea is 8 to 1; however, the presence of hy-
droxylamine in a mole ratio as great as 10 to 1leads to only a 1% (1) Ayres, G. H., ANAL.CHEM.,21, 662 (1949).
relative error. Ammonium chloride does not interfere when pres- (2) Ayres, G. H., and Young, F , Ibid., 22, 1280 (1960).
ent in a 10 to 1 mole ratio and introduces only a 1% relative (3) Jamieson, G. S., Am. J . Sci., 33, 352 (1912).
error when the mole ratio is 15 to 1. Urea cannot be determined (4) Watt, G. W., and Chrisp, J. D., ANAL.CHEW,24, 2006 (1952).
by this method when either semicarbazide or hydrazine is present
in EL 1 to 1 mole ratio. RECEIVED
for review November 2, 1953. Accepted December 28, 1953.
Urea solutions that are highly acidic may be analyzed satis- This work was supported by the U. S. S a v y Bureau of Ordnance, Contract
factorily if they are first neutralized with sodium hydroxide t o the S123s-67363, Task Order 2.

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