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Would you like to get a competitive edge in the workplace? Do you want to stay sharp with your
knowledge and skills? Would you like to develop your leadership, speaking, and writing abilities?
Do you want to have a voice in issues that affect nursing practice, licensure, and other areas? You
can do all of this and more by becoming active in the PNA.

Although many nurses belong to their specialty organizations, many have never joined the
Philippine Nurses Association. I’ve heard all the reasons: “It’s too expensive. They don’t represent
me. What did they ever do for me?” But you don’t join PNA out of a sense of responsibility or
loyalty, but rather out of a desire to be the best nurse you can be. If you find out “what’s in it” for
you, you may be as surprised as I was.

Here are six ways membership in the Philippine Nurses Association can benefit your nursing

1. Belonging. I decided to join PNA because I wanted to be more connected to my profession.

When I received my first PJN publication and read about what was happening nationally, I felt I
was part of a greater whole. Through the years, I have had the opportunity to meet so many nurses
in my chapter and across the country dedicated to improving our workplace, quality of care, and
our environment. I have had the honor of serving on my chapter’s board and a number of chapter
committees. All of these activities opened my eyes to the power nursing. I have been a member of
PNA for 10 years now and I haven’t regretted one penny I spent.

2. Support. You gain an immediate personal and professional support system of others who share
your interests and concerns. I had heard that people in PNA were snobby and aloof but I found
quite the opposite when I got out to local chapter meetings and national gatherings. Of course, I
made an effort to introduce myself and talk to other members. Being connected to a network of
peers and getting out to meetings reminds you that you’re not alone, gives you a chance to let off
steam with others who know your experiences, and even laugh about your situation.

3. Education. PNA offer opportunities for continuing education, often for minimal cost, through
meetings, seminars, and conventions. And while the association don’t require us to be a member
to take CPD unit offerings, as an added bonus, membership often means discounted rates on
continuing education opportunities. Thus, PNA membership can actually help you save money.

4. Personal and professional development. You may be asking yourself, how do PNA
membership fit in with my professional development? The answer is simple: Professional
organization may very well be the backbone of professional development. Working on committees
and holding office are good ways to increase your visibility, develop confidence, and hone your
leadership and communication skills. There is a lot beyond the bedside of nursing and PNA has
given me the confidence to explore every part of it. My role in the chapter has increased my
confidence in public speaking and has polished my organizational skills as well. I have seen the
importance of not being afraid to be the voice of others.
5. Unity. Professional organizations allow nurses to speak in one loud voice. Media, legislative,
and regulatory sources usually turn to PNA when they want information, comments, and experts.
Also, a nationwide association holds clout when attempting to get the attention of important and
influential people. As the old saying goes, “There’s power in numbers.” PNA allocate some
amount of membership dues to lobbying on behalf of nurses and healthcare at the national level.
Let your voice be heard by attending meetings and assemblies, expressing your opinion, and
getting “in-the-know” about important issues that affect your profession. If all nurses contributed
their voice to PNA through membership the collective power to promote our rights and welfare,
the quality of our work life, patient safety and quality care would be enormous.

6. Broadened perspective. Many of us stay isolated in our facility and unit. Getting out and
meeting other nurses is important. When I attended my first PNA convention years ago, meeting
nurses from across the country was exhilarating. I discovered that nurses everywhere had the same
concerns, challenges, and fears that I did. I also discovered that we all shared the same passion for
our profession and patient care and much more. And I made new friends from different parts of
the country with whom I still communicate.

Joining PNA is mandatory for your professional growth and development and a key to career
success. Professional development does not end with graduation from nursing school, rather it
begins with passing the NLE. The progression of professional development is a lifelong process
that requires active participation. Joining PNA is a path to consider as we continue to develop into
a professional nurse. If you want to be a champion in your profession, join PNA today.

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