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SAS AVIATION TRAINING METOROLOGY PAPER NO. 1 Q1 An Isothermal atmosphere is :- \4aT™ Stable (b) Unstable (c) Neutral Q2 — Tropopause is lowest over (La Polar region () — Mid-Lattudes (c) Tropics Q3 The rate of fll of pressure at height in warm air mass will be - (a) ‘same as in cold air mass (b) __-more than in cold air mass {6} less than in cold air mass 4“ Inacyclone in NH, around the low pressure centre:- Uar ‘Wind blows in an anticlockwise direction (o) Wind blows in a clockwise direction (c) Winds are calm, Q5 Ian altimeter reads aerodrome elevation when ac is on ground, then the sub-scale must have been set to.- la) NH ib) ONE (c) OFF @ FE 2% Density of moist air as compared to dry air under the same conditions of pressure and temperature a) __higher a Ub lower ese (©) equal 7 Lines of constant wind speed drawn on weather charts are called :- (a) __sobiars br Isotachs ic) tsogons C6 tn ggestrophic wind, the following forces are important 6) Pressuire Gradient Force and coriolis force (b)P.G force and centrifugal force (c) Centrifugal force and Coriolis force 9 The average height of the tropopause varies from approximately :- \Liai 9 kms at poles to 16 kms at the equator (b) 12 kms at equator to 9 kms at poles (c) 16 kms at the poles to 9 kms at equator 0.10 Solar radiation received by earth is called = (a “insolation (©) convection (c) instability Q11 Earth radiation isin the form of la long waves (b) short waves () very short waves "Stbd side” your actual altitude will be (vis-3-vis indicated altitude) a} tower (®) same (© __ higher Q_ 13. Inthe Tropasphere; air density (a) _increases with height \ (0) decreases with height (c) remains nearly constant Q.14 Major constituent of the atmosphere by weight is - (2)_—-Orygen u Nitrogen (©) Carbon dioxide sR 0.18 The temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated, i called (2) wet bulb temperatué \{b}~ dew bulb temperature (c) virtual temperature Q.16 The atmosphere may be taken to be nearly dry if the difference between the dry bulb temperature (1.7) and dew point (Ta Ta) is _ (OC be (b) eC 20°C Q.17 A squall is a phenomena characterizing :- K (2) heavy rainfall and downdrafts in a thunderstorm (b) ‘the sudden and frequent lightening discharge observed in a thunderstorm Ue the sudden rise of surface wind satisfying the specified criteria of wind speed and duration associated with a thunderstorm. R Q.18 Duststorm usually occurs over NW India during :- (@) post monsoon period (0) winter period pre monsoon period aon Q.19 “The stetosphereis- (a) a ayer of atmosphere where most of the weather activity occurs (b) lighest layer of atmosphere ‘upper atmosphere layer characterized by temperature inversion and stably. (d) _asweather tree layer extending fom Tropopause to about 40 km wherein temperature is ‘more or less constant throughout. 20 Line joining places having equal sunshine (a) “Isotherm. (b) _-Isotech Teohel Qt ie a ntent of the atmosth £5, ea throughout day, the relative water vapour content of sphere fs Constant throughout on a sunny day, Se humic wil vany2s follows = Leatey RH rose vn “ay Max in the morning hours, minimum inthe aterncon, rises again, “18 cry A re fre) (0) Mirimumin the morning, makin the afternoon, then again asso Jv ilig.DPE > omy fp Beas (©) Since, there is no change in water vapour content, the relative Humiity will also not have ‘any variation during the day. . Q.22 A level of 500 mbs exists in ISA at RHE . ala aN yt saecig s Topese bp eed 2 Gone Meschar 4 9 om os : cant ts fg bi mews =, CSA % ears oy YK 54 () 30000" (a) 12000" Q23 Gradient wing is the wind which is a balance between Pressure Gradient, Coriolis Force and Cyclostrophic Force and which flows :- Ua} Parallel to the curved isobars (b) Parallel to the straight isobars {c) Across the isobars from high pressure to low pressure against the pressure gradient. 0.24 Altostratus (As) is (a) cloud of sheet type ‘A medium cloud of sheet type (c) Acloud of large vertical growth (d) A high cloud of sheet type Q.25. Free air temp, wet bulb temperature and dew point temp are equal when :- er \lae Rel humidity is 100% Fah. (©) Free air temp equals 0°C / (6) Free airtempis not below 0'C a2. nares is usually associated with fine weather (b) thunderstorm (6) strong winds Q27 SPECI is a weather report issued :- (2) _whenever special requested for (0) — only when thunderstorm is expected ) as soon as the specified criteria ofa met condition is satisfied 0.28 Flin the blanks: (2) Aircan hold more moisture when itis... aes (©) Evaporation takes place... (morning, afternoon, atall Wmésy on ( {c) Heat's released inthe process of... isation/evaporation) (d) Local wind which is set up when the ai is, cook by contest wth ground, sas flowing down hills called (Anabatic, Katabatic) a (2) A slow, down-ward motion of ait over a large atea is called (subbien convection) 7 (9 The most variable gas in the atmosphere is (water Yépour, carbon-dioxide, Oz) ©.29 Two ac A & B in different parts ofthe world are fing at the same indicated altitude with their sub- scale of the altimeter set to 1013.25 hpa. One of the ac (ac A) fies in ‘Cold Air Mass’ while the other (ac B) over a very ‘Warm Mas’. Which ac A or B fies with a greater True Alitude ?-2ve. wate acc, @ A lving over cold air mass ‘Ac B flying over warm ai mass 2.30 ~Ac flying from High to Low pressure area with a constant setting. The altimeter will read with respect to Trueititude he Nir Too high eT (b) Too low (©) Same G31 An atitude in ISA at which the prevailing density exists is termed :- (a)_-Pressure attitude le Danan altitude () — Fiightlevel Q.32_ Surfaces of constant atmospheric pressure which are related to standard atmospheric pressure of 1013.2 mbs and are separated by specific pressure intervals called:- (a) Pressure altitude (bo) Density altitude er Fight ive 2.33 In summer, the wind on Easter coast during night is:- (2) Easterly fs Q Westerly FS tn (c) Northerly “plies (4) Southerly 034 Nomwesters occur during (a)_-dan-Feb Oy MareMay (©) Jun- Sep () — OctDec 035 Cloud base is reported in:- Ke (a) ters UD Feet (c) Kilometers (Miles Q.36 _Vis-is reported in: ‘Km: (SM (d) Feet Q37 Abad weather could be associated with:- {c) Col High pressure is known as - Anticyclone (0) Trough () Col 39 The wind that blows from land to sea during night = (2) ‘Sea Breeze tee (6) Anabatic wind S 0.40 In'NH, alc experiences port drift, altimeters reads @ 7 LH Lew. i ‘Q.41 While fying in SH; you experience stbd dri, alc is fying room ota . (4) Low to High. vy 4 042 Lines drawn through Dises of equ temperature are called (a) Isobars.(o)\—“‘Tsotherms —(c)_—_‘Isogonal(d) —_tsocinals 2.43 The rato in % between the amount of water vapour present inthe given sample of air tothe R amount of water vapour that this sal sican hold at the same temperature is: (2) Humicity(b) \_tefative humidity (c) Dewpoint (d)-—=— Wet bulb 44 Conditions fr radiation fog (tick the right answers) = (2) _Low'elative humidity Ab) High relative humidity Clear skies (d) Overcast skies Light winds (2-7 ts) () — Calmwinds RK Rex RK 8) reduce; reduce C1 8% C)inrease; increase Sle 1 Dreduce: increase Pte] RVR observation are taken when visibly falls below :- (a) 500m (b) 1000 m Wo 1500m (2) 2000m 48 Fogiis defined when - RK (2) Visibility is reduced to 2200 yds but not less than 1100 yds and dust, smoke or water particles present n\_(0)-~_Vis is reduced to less than 1100 yds due to presence of water particles in atmosphere and Telative humidity is greater than 75% (c) Vis is more than 2200 yds but less than 3900 yas. 47 Mists defined as (filin the blanks) (a) ' Visibility... eneee = (b) Rel Humidity... antes) r0e// peo hak: (c), Presence of smoke, dust... YesNo—~ ('& Puy ool ste rg hase Sy ne 48 ua lowest fight level above transition altitude is called - (a) Transition atitude \ 0 Transition level (6) Transition layer 49° The transition alttude may be defined as 1-2 The altitude in the vicinity of an aerodrome, a or below which the vertical positon of an ac is coniroled with reference to QNH (0) The lowest fight level above the transition at. (6) The airspace between transition alttude and transition level 50 Mist may be defined as - ‘When visibility is reduced to less than 3000 m but not less than 1100 yds due to presence of water. (0) When visibility is reduced to less than 3000 m but nt less than 1000 m due to presence of dust particles inthe Atm (¢) When visibitt is reduced to less than 1000 m due to presence of water particles inthe atm 51 Advection fog forms: (2). During night only. During day time only. () te During any time of day or night. 52.” Anabetis wind occurs ar reg ay only (b) Anytime of day & Night (0 Atnight only 53 Monsoon weather may aso be known as = (2) _—-Nély monsoon weather fea ‘monsoon (c) SE monsoon 54, The presence of wind will... maximum day temperatures and. right temperatures: A) increase; reduce '55.Airis less denser in Ze Orege A) High Altitudes weed a ue 8) Warm Air pe —_ C) High Humidity \DYAll These 58. Diurnal variation of temperature over A) More then land ae 8) Above 3% Less than 1°c - 57. The difference between air temperature and de " | i owegiteeee each Jew point temperature is popularly called the " spread”. As fecreases, 5 8B) stays the same Depp C) increases ; 5 ‘58 If the depth of the troposphere increases, the temperature at the tropopause must: SHR A) impossible to say, cna a. \ Bpdecrease. C) stay the same, 1D) increase. 59.rea te...» Of west Ghats f nda eran shadow eas: ) . : B)S 4 60. A significant inversion at low height is a characteristic of: A) advection fog. ycturnal radiation. C) cumulus clouds. D) the passage of cold front. 1 Fog and cloud formation takes place by: A) Sublimation 8) Evaporation 10} Condensation ‘D) None of the above. 62. Gale is: Row AA) Persistent strong winds with mean speed 44 kt, associated with thunderstorm, B)M increased in wind speed lasting few minutes associated with CB or duststorm. \ ersstent strong winds exceeding 33 Kt, associated with depression. ‘63Which cloud type may extend from low to high level (vertical development ye AAC cus ee \ i 3 cl ‘ oo. D)NS = Fs nes 64. How could you visually identity a jet stream? AA) Impossible without radar. \BySireaky crus. () Contras 0) Cirus stratus. Advéktion fog. S: B)\Over Lakd C) Both over sea and Yend ___-$@:Instrumpent used for measuring vsibilty is calle: [5° AVisiorieter 0 ) 3) Fransmissometer -S8eThe density of air on the earth surface increases from Equator to pole while it follows reverse order trom 20,000 feet to 40,000 fet. a3 f aie qanph Aelneesy deel, / ) False Ce h ~€§.Coriois force arises due to the er i deat a) Revoltion of the Earth \\_ by Rotation ofthe Earth ¢) Circulation ofthe wind 70, Generaly the air ieds to cool atleast to \La)The dew point . ° ') The frost point orc 7 you are approaching an area tha is reporting tick low clouds, stable conditions, poor surface visibly, ; and continuous rain/drizzle, the type of clouds you would expect are . tice 7 a) Allocimulus and cirocumulus en nem tol gre coh : ‘Stratus and nimbostratus ws Sumulus and cumulonimbus 72 Gradigpt wind is the wind which is a balance betwgen Pressure Gradient\ Corio is Force and CyclostropNc Force and which flows (@\\ Parallel to the curvdd isobars (o) \, Parallel to the straight isobars before fog formation anninat the nvallenre aradiant

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