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Types of communication

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Types of Communication
Communication in organization can be studied
A. Channel or Network – 1)Formal and 2)
B. Direction of Message 1) Downward (2)
Upward 3) Horizontal 4)Diagonal
C. Method of Expression :1)Oral
Channels of Communication
 Formal Communication – It refers to the
official communication which takes place
following the chain of command in the
Advantages of Formal Communication

 1)Orderly Flow of Information

 2)Identified Source
 3)Control
 4)Answerability for Actions
 5)Justification of authority
 6)Authentic Information
Disadvantages of Formal
 1)Time consuming
 2)Lack of Personal Touch
 3)Distortion
 4) Expensive
Informal Communication –
Communication between individuals and
groups which are not officially recognised.
Grapevine has the following features

 1.It transmits in every direction

 2.Grapevine is selective with regard to the
person who receives the information.
 3.Grapevine is based on people rather than
 4.Grapevine does not follow a fixed pattern.
 5)Grapevine generally occurs orally.
 6)Grapevine extends beyond the formal
hierarchy system of an organization. It can
occur off the job.
Channels of Communication
 Advantages of Informal Communication
 1)Social Relations
 2)Need satisfaction
 3)Speed
 4)Feedback
 5)Better Human Relations
Channels of Communication
Disadvantages of Informal Communication
 1.Incomplete Information
 2.Distortion
 3.Unrealiability
 4.Lack of Authenticity
 5.Problem in Fixing Responsibility
Types of Grapevine
 Single Strand Network
 Gossip Network
 Probability network
 Cluster
Direction or Flow of Communication
 Downward communication
 Upward communication
 Horizontal communication
 Diagonal communication
Downward Communication
Downward communication
1)Mission and Goals
2)Plans and Policies
3)Duty and authority
4)Job satisfaction
2.Incomplete Information
3.Time Consuming
4.Filteration of Information.
Upward Communication
Upward Communication
Media of upward Communication
 1.Suggestion System.
 2.Grievance Procedure .
 3.Open-door Policy.
 4.Questionnaries
 5.Ombudsperson
Merits of Upward Communication
 Feedback
 Creative Ideas
 Better Relations
 Increased Motivation
 Overcome Resistance to Change
of upward communication
 Fear and Apprehensions
 Filteration
 Time Consuming
 Inattention by Superiors
 Low Morale.
Horizontal or Lateral Communication

 It refers to the transmission of information

among persons of the same level.
Horizontal or Lateral Communication
Merits of Horizontal communication

 It speeds up the flow of work in the organization

 It facilitates problem-solving among members at

the same level and brings about co-ordination.

 It helps in reviewing activities assigned to people

working at identical positions.

 It develops mutual trust and confidence.

 It relieves top managers burden of solving

problems of lower levels.
Limitations of Horizontal
 1.Managers lack knowledge of other
functional areas.
 2.Personal likes and dislikes among different
work group can obstruct free flow of
 3. Differences in perception and attitudes of
functional heads can be counter – productive
in horizontal communication.
Diagonal Communication
 Diagonal communication cuts across different
functions and level in an organization.
Hello lieutenant,patroling
ecxz speaking sir,I’m rite
here at the crime scene
Helo, officer,tell me, is
there an emergency?
 Diagonal communication occurs between
officers who are at different levels of authority
and who serve under different commands.
 This type of communication is common in
tactical situations which require the quick
transfer of information or advice
Diagonal communication is usually

It is a most direct
and fastest
of communication.
 It can destroy lines of authority and formal
chains of command.
 It can lead to conflicting orders and hence to
further confusion

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