Ranchi English Edition 2019-10-25

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ith the BJP emerging as 3;A V^VcXVdRd
W the single largest party
but missing its target of achiev- dZ_X]V]RcXVde
ing majority on its own in
Maharashtra and losing the
numbers it got in 2014, alliance
Shiv Sena is likely to go for a
hard bargain in the ;;Ae`W`c^8`ge
Government formation. Sena
chief Uddhav Thackeray said it 0<8C017B7D:;0Q 270=3860A7
is time to implement “fifty-
fifty” formula for power-shar- t is not the kind of Diwali
Shiv Sena leader Sanjay
which the BJP wanted in
Riding high on the
Raut on Thursday said his slogan of “over 75 this time”
party and the BJP will form the and abrogation of Article 370, 2^]VaTbbbd__^acTabRT[TQaPcTP_PachRP]SXSPcT´bfX]X]cWT0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]X]
next Government in <PWPaPbWcaP2WXTU<X]XbcTa3TeT]SaP5PS]PeXbBcPcT19?_aTbXST]c2WP]SaPZP]c BWXeBT]P[TPSTa0SXchPCWPRZTaPhfXcWWXbQa^cWTaCTYPbCWPRZTaPhUPcWTaDSSWPe the saffron party was reduced :Pa]P[^]CWdabSPh ?C8
Maharashtra, and stressed the ?PcX[P]SA?8RWXTUAP\SPb0cWPfP[TU[PbWeXRc^ahbXV]bPbcWThRT[TQaPcTcWTXafX] CWPRZTahP]S\^cWTaAPbW\XCWPRZTaPhPUcTafX]]X]VcWT0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]bPc to 40 seats with a resurgent
two parties will stick to the pre- X]<PWPaPbWcaP0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]bX]<d\QPX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 BT]P1WPeP]X]<d\QPX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 Opposition gaining strength tured mandate notwithstand- violent Jat protests of 2016 lies
decided “50-50” sharing for- due to agrarian crisis and grow- ing, the party’s Chief Minister shattered to an extent this time
mula. 2014. more seats. “The Opposition ing unemployment. would be sworn in. It will be around.
With the early trends sug-
gesting the NCP and the 3;AD6?2324< 3FED92<6? “I thank the people of
Maharashtra for giving a clear
won many seats,” he said.
Fadnavis also hit out at
In a hung verdict, which
has opened the doors for back-
only after being sworn in that
the backstage managers of the
Barely five months ago in
the Lok Sabha election, the BJP
Congress collectively fairing PAPdcbPXSWXb_PachP]ScWT19?fX[[U^a\cWT]Tgc6^eTa]\T]cX] mandate to the ‘mahayuti’ Nationalist Congress Party door negotiations and new BJP would become active to get had swept Haryana winning all
better than the 2014 polls, <PWPaPbWcaPP]SbcaTbbTScWTcf^_PacXTbfX[[bcXRZc^cWT_aT (grand alliance). No doubt the (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar, political realignments, several support from the JJP, smaller 10 seats. Now its vote share has
Raut ruled out the possibility of STRXSTS°$$±bWPaX]VU^a\d[P next Government will be ours,” stating the veteran leader said new political possibilities of parties and the Independents to dipped by over 20 per cent.
the Shiv Sena joining hands PAPdcad[TS^dccWT_^bbXQX[Xch^UcWTBWXeBT]PY^X]X]VWP]SbfXcW he said. the Opposition parties would Government formation prove majority on the floor of Political observers here felt
with the Opposition parties to cWT>__^bXcX^]_PacXTbc^U^a\cWT6^eTa]\T]c “In fact, it is time to cele- ensure a clean sweep in the emerged and the BJP clearly the House. that after playing the non-Jat
form the Government. brate and not analyse. But if we election. has the advantage with the Given the fractured verdict, card consistently over a period
P>]cWT2^]VaTbbP]S=2?R^[[TRcXeT[hUPXaX]VQTccTacWP]cWT! #
“The BJP and Shiv Sena look at the result, the BJP had “We suffered only because numbers. a section of the BJP is con- of five years and consolidating
will form Government in in 2014 contested 260 seats and of the rebels, they (Opposition) In the new Assembly, BJP templating whether Chief other castes, the dominant
Maharashtra,” he told reporters won 122. This time, we fought need not be happy. We only are remains the single largest party Minister Manohar Lal Khattar caste voted “strategically” in
here. P2WXTU<X]XbcTa3TeT]SaP5PS]PeXb^]CWdabSPhbPXSWXb_Pach³b 164 and are likely to get 105. forming the government, they and would stake its claim to is the best bet at this point of this election giving the
Asked about the possibili- bcaXZTaPcTWPbQTT]cWTQTbcTeTaX]cWTWXbc^ah^UcWTbcPcTTeT] Our strike is rate better, we won are far from being able to do form the Government. time to lead the party. Congress and the JJP signifi-
ty of the Shiv Sena embracing cW^dVWXcf^]UTfTabTPcbR^\_PaTSc^cWT0bbT\Q[h_^[[bX]! # 70% of the seats,” said Fadnavis. that,” he said. However, the biggest riddle His rainbow coalition of cant seats in the Jat belt of the
the NCP and Congress to form Noting that he BJP received Fadnavis’s statement came for the party would be to get non-Jat castes following the State at the cost of the BJP.
Government, Raut said, “No, He noted that NCP chief As per the results, the BJP 28% of the total votes in the minutes after Sena chief the requisite numbers to get a

we fought the polls in alliance Sharad Pawar “using his expe- and the Shiv Sena won 105 2014 Assembly elections, he Uddhav Thackarey said there majority in the 90-member
with the BJP. We will go ahead rience” and fanning parts of the seats and 56 seats respectively. said, “This time we have got was a 50-50 deal with the BJP House. In such a scenario, the
with the tie-up. There will be state also gave some success to The Opposition NCP and 26.5% of the votes despite con- and it should be clear as to who fledgling Jananayak Janata
no change in the pre-decided the Opposition party. the Congress got 54 and 44 testing 164 seats.” should be the Chief Minister. Party (JJP) holds the key.
50-50 formula.” “But we are also winning seats respectively. The BJP contested on 164 In 2014, the BJP had won The JJP — the surprise

He said Shiv Sena president seats in good number,” the In his first Press conference of the 288 seats in the state 122 seats in the state and the package this election and the
Uddhav Thackeray and Chief Rajya Sabha member added. after the BJP emerged as the while its ally, the Shiv Sena, Sena 63 — effectively making true inheritors of the legacy of
Minister Devendra Fadnavis On BJP candidate single largest party in fought on 124. Fadnavis said the Narendra Modi-Amit Jat leader Chaudhary Devi Lal
will hold talks on implement- Udayanraje Bhosale trailing Maharashtra, Chief Minister that 15 Independent and rebel Shah-led BJP the “big brother” — would take a call on extend-

ing the formula. against NCP’s Srinivas Patil in Devendra Fadnavis on candidates are in touch with in the alliance. ing support on Friday.
On the Congress and NCP the Satara Lok Sabha seat Thursday said his party’s strike him. Indirectly hinting at the The traditional alliance Government sources indi-
collectively fairing better than bypoll, Raut said the former rate has been the best ever in Sena’s claim for the Chief between the two has since cated that Governor Satyadev
the 2014 polls in the State, Raut “was to face defeat”. the history of the state even Minister’s post, Fadnavis said been stormy, with the Sena Narayan Arya would invite the
said the Opposition also needs Bhosale quit the NCP though it won fewer seats com- the Opposition had performed repeatedly attacking the BJP on single largest party BJP to form
to be strong in a democracy. recently to join the BJP. pared to the Assembly polls in better and managed to win different fronts. the Government and the frac- %DELWD3KRJDW<RJHVKZDU'XWWELWHGXVW
?=BQ 270=3860A7

ut of the three sporting

O stars fielded by the BJP in
the polls, only one managed to
9P\\d) CWT\PXST]1[^RZ 344?0::D?A4C8Q =4F34;78 where four of the five Assembly secure a victory for the party.
3TeT[^_\T]c2^d]RX[132 seats went to the Opposition, The BJP had fielded
T[TRcX^]X]9P\\d:PbW\Xa he result of the bypolls for but the saffron outfit did com- Commonwealth wrestling
T the 51 Assembly seats in 11
States, including politically
paratively better in Uttar
Pradesh, where it managed to
champion Babita Phogat from
Dadri, Olympic wrestling
P]S?3?Q^hR^ccX]VcWTUXabc important Gujarat, Bihar and retain seven out of 11 seats. medallist Yogeshwar Dutt
T[TRc^aP[TgTaRXbT Uttar Pradesh, came as wake- In Madhya Pradesh, from Baroda and former
up call for the BJP-led NDA on Congress wrested its tradi- national hockey team captain
8=380?0:8=:?02C>= Monday. tional Jhabua Assembly seat Sandeep Singh from Pehowa.
:0AC0A?DA2>AA83>A The BJP conceded ground from the BJP. All three were first-time can-
;PW^aT3TaP1PQP=P]PZ) 8]SXP to the Opposition in Gujarat In Rajasthan also, the didates.
P]S?PZXbcP]^]CWdabSPhbXV]TS and Uttar Pradesh, while its ally Congress increased its tally in Sandeep recorded his
PWXbc^aXRPVaTT\T]c^]cWT Janata Dal(U) suffered a bloody the State legislature by one maiden election victory from
:PacPa_daR^aaXS^acWPcfX[[P[[^f nose in Bihar. after winning the Assembly Pehowa seat in Kurukshetra
8]SXP]_X[VaX\bc^d]STacPZT The BJP lost the prestigious bypolls to Mandawa, while MP district and defeated Congress
eXbPUaTTeXbXcc^cWTbWaX]T^UcWT Satara Lok Sabha bypoll in Hanuman Beniwal’s Rashtriya candidate Mandeep Singh
BXZWaT[XVX^]³bU^d]STa6dad Maharashtra. However, the Loktantrik Party retained the Chathha by a margin of 5,314
=P]PZ3TeX]?PZXbcP] NDA ally LJP retained the Khinwsar seat. votes.
Samastipur (SC) Lok Sabha The BJP and its allies had ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXfXcW3TUT]RT<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWP]S^cWTabPc19?7@X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 In Dadri, Babita could
<0348=278=038F0;8 constituency. held nearly 30 of the 51 secure only third place as an
83>;B70A43>F=C>  In Gujarat, influential OBC Assembly seats, while the Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, Tazeen three seats cornered by the SP. of the Vidhan Sabha polls Independent Sombir won the
=Tf3T[WX) CWTbWPaT^U2WX]P leader Alpesh Thakor, who Congress had won 12 and the Fatima, who is a Rajya Sabha The BSP which contested sep- scheduled next year. While the seat. Sombir polled 43,849
X]cWT3XfP[XXS^[\PaZTcWTaTXb recently joined the saffron rest were with regional parties. member and also wife of con- arately from the SP (unlike RJD won two seats, one each votes followed by 29,319 of 37,530 votes and Krishan
PQ^dc _TaRT]cR^\_PaTSc^ party, lost to the Congress can- Among the States ruled by troversial SP leader and MP 2019 Lok Sabha alliance), seat went to All India Majlis-e- JJP’s Satpal Sangwan and Hooda secured 42,379 votes.
&'_TaRT]cUXeTc^bXghTPab didate. The Congress and the the BJP and its allies, elections from the constituency Azam scored a duck. Itehadil Muslimmeen of 24,502 of Babita Phogat. The most “famous”
PV^PcaPSTab³^aVP]XbPcX^]WPb BJP shared three seats each in were held for 11 seats in UP, Khan, has scored victory over The NDA in Bihar pre- Asaduddin Owaisi, the JD(U), Olympic medallist celebrity candidate of the BJP
R[PX\TSfXcWbT[[TabPbbTacX]V the stronghold of the Prime followed by six in Gujarat, five the BJP candidate. The BJP has sented very poor show in by- and an Independent. Yogeshwar failed to impress — Sonali Phogat — who was
cWPc°<PSTX]8]SXP±WPb Minister and the BJP president. in Bihar, four in Assam and two won seven Assembly seats in elections to five Assembly seg- But, in Samastipur Lok the voters as he was defeated contesting from Adampur
aT_[PRTScWT°<PSTX]2WX]P±cPV The BJP also presented a each in Himachal Pradesh and UP with one going to party of ments of the State, seen by Sabha seat, NDA constituent by Congress’ Krishan Hooda against Congress’ Kuldeep
U^acWT_a^SdRc dismal show in Bihar bypolls, Tamil Nadu.SP candidate from Apana Dal (Sone Lal) and some as the “semi-final” ahead LJP comfortably retained seat. by 4,840 votes. Dutt was polled Bishnoi also lost the election.

_^^ad]STa6^ecbRWT\Tb I
operational at Bundu since the He further added that as
38EH0<>38Q A0=278 last four months has trained per medical research terracot-
four batches of 30 artisans ta products are also very good
n an attempt to revive the each. “The board offers a train- for daily use. By using clay
dying art of pottery and pro- ing package for a month to the utensils the micro nutrients are
ered under the Ambedkar mote the numerous potters of artists. In this package food and saved up to 80 percent which
?=BQ A0=278 Awas Yojana to allot 250-250 the State during the festivals of accommodation are provided are otherwise lost in steel and
houses to the leftover poor at Diwali and Chhath, the free of cost along with a stipend aluminum utensils, hence mak-
hief Minister Raghubar their discretion. If such cases Jharkhand Mati Kala Board has of Rs 4500,” said Jharkhand ing it beneficial for the human
C Das today asked Deputy
Commissioners of all 24 dis-
are more, then the districts,
which have DMFT funds or the
instructed all the district
administration officials across
Mati Kala Board Chairman
Shrichand Prasad.
The board aims to provide
tricts of the State to ensure that amount of aspirational dis- Jharkhand to allow artisans Using state of the art the craftsmen not only a local
the poor and needy families get tricts, should also provide for the sale of earthen diyas, machinery from clay process- market during festivals but
houses under different schemes housing to the homeless.In jugs, washable cups and saucers 0_^ccTa\PZTbTPacWT][P\_bPWTPS^UcWT3XfP[XUTbcXeP[X]AP]RWX^]CWdabSPh
ing to an advanced firing sys- also link them to new markets
run by Centre and the State at this, give priority to widows, and other artifacts at various EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa
tem everything is being devel- including exports and online
the earliest. OBCs, people of primitive trib- crossings and popular market oped and upgraded. marketing.
The CM, while talking to al community,” he said. places. of the State. “Like every year the and Chhath and they will be As a part of the prog- “For training the artisans
DCs through Video Das also asked the DCs to Ranchi Deputy artisans can display their prod- allowed to freely sell their tamme thousands of potters of Jharkhand, master trainers
Conferencing, said on ensure that there should be toi- Commissioner Rai Mahimapat ucts at popular markets. In case products on the road sides. across Jharkhand have been from Gujarat and Uttar
Thursday to organise camps for let in every house. 2WXTU<X]XbcTaAPVWdQPa3PbSdaX]V Ray said, “The potters display they are looking for a specific The Jharkhand Mati Kala given electric ‘chaks’ with an 80 Pradesh have been invited who
the purpose and ensure that no “Send the approval list to 9P]bP\ePS³BTTSWX1PPc´_a^VaP\\TPc their artifacts every year dur- place adequate arrangements Board was formed by the State per cent subsidy at 20 per will provide them with the
one is devoid of a house in the the Chief Minister's Office by BdRW]P1WPfP]X]AP]RWX^]CWdabSPh ing the festival season and this will also be made. government in May 2017. All cent. “Taking cue from other skill to make export quality
State at any cost. October 28. The houses are to EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa year too they will be doing the The administration is also district coordinator, block states like Gujarat, products. At Bundu training
The CM said that the be allotted under the Pradhan same across the City. The direc- appealing to the citizens to buy coordinators and members of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh centre Reshma Dutta provides
Government is working deter- Mantri Awas Yojana, Baba before Chhath,” he said. tive issued will be implement- to use clay diyas for Diwali and Mukhyamantri Laghu & Kutir and Madhya Pradesh and using skilled training to potters,” he
minedly to provide housing to Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar The CM said that to speed ed and the administration will trying to promote this craft,” Udyam Vikas Board are also modern technology, baked added.
poor and homeless people. Yojana, Birsa Awas Yojana and up the work, the cooperation of provide its full corporation.” said Ranjan. Ranchi Municipal involved. earthen products are being The products of these
“This is the reason that the Ved Vyas Yojana. Ensure that Sakhi Mandal, Rani Mistry etc Gumla DC, Shashi Ranjan, Commissioner Manoj Kumar The board has also opened made in Jharkhand and the artists are presently available at
Deputy Commissioners of all the first installment is credited can be taken. said that adequate steps are said that no action will be taken training centres at Gola and demand, for which is increas- the Jharcraft and Khadi Board
the Districts have been empow- in the accounts of beneficiaries Continued on page 4 being taken to promote potters against these sellers for Diwali Dunka. The training centre ing by the day,” added Prasad. outlets.
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( YWPaZWP]S!

A`]]feZ`_3`RcUe`TYVT\_`ZdVa`]]feZ`_ WHPSRUDU\EULGJHV
BTeTaP[PaTPb festival. The survey reports their inclusion in the noise

would be sent to the Central
Pollution Control Board (
CPCB)," he said.
According to CPCB guide-
level monitoring list. Though,
the traditional strategic points
i.e. areas near hospital and
nursing homes will continue to
?=BQ 1>:0A> Kunwar Singh Colony,
lines, in commercial areas, the be on top of the said list. Tallababa Chowk, Bhojpur
\^]Xc^aX]V noise limit cannot exceed 65db The officials at the pollu- has Municipal Corporation Colony, Kailash Nagar, Gandhi
cWXb3XfP[X between 6am and 9pm, and
55db between 10 pm and 2pm.
tion control office said that
Diwali enthusiast’s interest is
C (CMC) has geared up to
prevent any untoward inci-
Chowk including others, he
informed. Several water bod-
In silence zones, the specified gradually shifting towards dents on Chhat festival. ies across the city are left chok-
decibel limit between 6am and lights decoration and owing to Additional Municipal ing on idols, puja parapherna-
?=BQ 90<B743?DA 9pm is 50 decibels, and it is 40 this there is a marginal Commissioner CMC, Sashi lia, plastics and other waste
decibels from 10pm to 2pm. decrease in the bursting of fire- Prakash Jha directed officials to post immersions for Durga
he regional office of the Last year during the sur- crackers. construct temporary bridges on puja.
T Jharkhand State Pollution
Control Board ( JSPCB) will
vey, Sakchi roundabout,
Mango and a residential com-
“There is no scientific data
to substantiate the theory but
water bodies as well as on
swampy Chhath ghats so that
In view of the of devotees
traditionally offering prayers to
monitor noise pollution in plex in Sonari was found to be the current trend suggests that devotees can perform the ritu- the Sun god dipping into the
several areas, two more than the noisiest during Diwali due people are gradually shifting als safely. river the CMC held a meeting
last year, before and on the day to large scale bursting of crack- towards house decoration and “After assessing the condi- in this connection today and
of Diwali. R N Chaudhary, ers. illumination (on Diwali) and tion of the ghats, we have issued a directive for cleaning
regional officer of JSPCB said While monitoring the are spending less money on decided to construct nine tem- it up on a war footing ahead
that apart from decibel check, maximum decibel limit at purchasing firecrackers,” said porary bridges at Garga Rive Chhat which is celebrated with
they would also keep a tab on Sakchi roundabout and Mango an official at the pollution because of the areas have gaiety and fervour.
the ambient air quality on the trol board has identified 18 colonies to the far-flung areas already took readings of the was found to be between 90db control board, which he become swampy and hence The administration has
day of Diwali. points where noise level will be has necessitated the increase in ambient air quality from the and 120db between 6 pm and described as a good sign. dangerous for devotees to per- asked the officials to identify
Given the increase in the monitored to ascertain the the noise level monitoring minitoring stations at Bistupur, 9m on Diwali. Measurement of noise and form the rituals,” said Jha. safe places for Chhat ghats for
density of the population in the level of damage inflicted on points,” said the officer. The Golmuri and Adityapur yes- According to information air pollution levels by JSPCB According to our plan the tem- offering prayers at the water
far-flung areas in the two dis- environment due to large- senior pollution control board terday. “ The readings of noise few places in Baridih, Telco, regional offices will be tabled porary bridges will be con- bodies across the city, said Jha.
tricts over the years the region- scale fireworks. “The increase official went on to say that a pollution and ambient air qual- Gamharia, Sonari and Mango and sent to Central Pollution structed at Gaay Ghat, near Sun “We are working hard to
al office of the pollution con- and spread of residential team from the regional office ity will be compiled after the have been newly identified for Control Board (CPCB). Temple at Ranapratap Nagar, ensure safety for devotees.

4971F8_][QbX_\Tc 2^_baTRTXeT[Tbb^]b^]RhQTaRaX\T^][X]TUaPdSb
?=BQ 90<B743?DA tech, cyber crime cases are
also on the rise. The crime has
oncerned over rising shot up this year, going by the
cases of c y bercrime, increasing number of peti-
?=BQ 30;C>=60=9 Gupta, Surjit Kumar, Vijay busted said one SDPO District police in association tions and complaints that the
Kumar and Shambhu K Singh. Shambhu K Singh quoting the of HDFC Bank on Thursday police are receiving.
ew DIG of police Palamu Homkar has joined here as DIG, who was in the meeting. organised a seminar on cyber- The latest trend in cyber
N A V Homkar, who took
over charge from the outgoing
DIG Palamu just days head of
the imposition of the model
Homkar is learnt to have
stressed on the curbing con-
crime at the conference hall
of Cyber police station in
crime is that of sending e-
mails announcing job offers
DIG Vipul Shukla who has code of conduct by the Election taining and controlling the Bistupur. The district police i.e., appointment letters from
been transferred to Ranchi as Commission of India.Sources interstate border area Naxalites had invited several officials reputed companies wherein
IG police, was on his pre poll said this new man in the hot and their activities. If Garhwa from the HDFC for making the prospective candidates
work. seat days ahead of poll sched- and Latehar districts have its the cops aware about the are asked to responding to the
He held a near two hour ule announcement is first of its borders with Chhatisgarh crime. mail for a job in upcountry
meeting with three SPs kind here in this Palamu police Palamu has a vast porous bor- About 200 cops attended destinations with reputed cor-
Ashwani K Sinha ( Garhwa) range. Homkar has asked the der with Bihar. Sources said the seminar in which officials porates. Jamshedpur is one of
Ajay Linda ( Palamu) and SPs to act tough on organised naxals at present in all these 3 explained about the basics on the most vulnerable cities in
Prashant Anand ( Latehar) criminals and Naxalites. districts are too down but not debit card and credit cards. the country as people here are
along with a batter y of Palamu has a history of orga- out as any aberration by them The HDFC Bank screened generally ignorant.
DSPs/SDPOs namely Sandeep nized criminals and this is to be can change scenario here. video clippings of the cyber- "In the crime like loot,
crime related to the fraudu- robber y murder etc, the
lent withdrawal. offenders have to remain pre-
Superintendent of police sent at the scene of crime and
(Rural) Piyus Pandey inau- there is all possibility of get-
gurated the seminar at around ting caught by the police
noon. Pandey while address- instantly.
ing the gathering said that the But in a case of cyber
cybercrime is getting increas- weapon and their weapons are addressing the gathering. He ing religious sentiments and crime, an offender can com-
ingly as a big challenge for the internet, mobile phone the pointed out to some extent cheating girls by means of mit the crime by sitting at a
police department. netbanking. We call the they are able to detect other Facebook having created distant place. The police are
"Cybercrime is a major cybercrime a big challenge as form of cyber crime like post- Facebook account on fake supposed to detect such crime
challenge today. Unlike the a cyber criminal has not to ing objectionable materials ID, but are behind detecting by making investigation
conventional crime, in cyber come to the field in the open," on Facebook, putting objec- the fraudulent withdrawal. through the cyber technolo-
crime, the criminals use no noted the SP (Rural) while tionable materials for arous- With the city going hi- gy," said an official.

GRQDWHGLQPHJD every household across socio-
economic ladder, a one click
shopping spree has become
es of complex products were
viewed more favourably when
decisions had been made in the

more of a norm for the absence of attentive delibera-
Millenials. tions”. Thus, the oft unplanned
It appears that the part of Diwali shopping is not that bad
India that resides in the oft deal.The Neo classical
away from metros are leaving Economists considered that
no stone unturned to splurge ordinarily people (always)
and be a part of the festival of ceteris paribus make rational
shopping. A recent Redseer economic decisions.
report said that e-commerce However, people become
70AB78:0B8=67 companies have hit a gross irrational when they have
merchandise value of $1.8bil- strong emotions and feel
eople also indulge in shop- lion in just the first three days strongly (in our case on the
P ping for firecrackers. A
point of caution and moment
of the various festive sales
announced by these online
occasion of Diwali). In the
present times of Minimalism
to ponder is however whether shopping platforms. and Marie Kondo theory,
or not to indulge in the shop- More than 90 per cent of Diwali provides an exception-
ping of firecrackers. This def- new customers for these came al occasion to go for maximum
initely calls for a rational think- from Tier 2 and Tier 3 towns shelf purchasing. It is as if the
ing in terms of opportunity cost and cities. India has in fact been festive vibes entangled with
incurred with respect to envi- the fastest growing online retail shopping zest gives the true
ronmental damage vs. some market in 2019 thus far. Such happiness to soul and sparks
instant gratification from light- examples of consumer splurg- the joy. The excessive con-
ing the crackers. This festival ing amidst the RBI reports of sumerism that one often asso-
$d]Xcb^UQ[^^S Speaking on the occasion drenched in consumerism also consumer confidence dipping ciates with the festival of lights
fTaTS^]PcTSc^ATS Kumar said, “Blood donation is gives outlet to each individual to six year low last month is all the more important in the
2a^bbB^RXTchQh the pious work. It saves the life household to think for their fel- ,indeed gives some hope. present times when the econ-
of a person. The donator low earthen lantern sellers on It also proves that this is a omy needs the perfect dose of
ETSP]cP4[TRca^bcTT[ receives many blessings for the road. new online market economics private final consumption
6a^d_ this kind act.” “Donating blood After all it’s a direct com- that transcends the basic expenditure.
is the highest form of service of petition and a market layout boundary of economic theory Whether one agrees or not
?=BQ 1>:0A> humanity. At the same time the wherein these earthen lantern and is here to stay for long. with the basic preposition of J.S
donator gets fresh blood and sellers who work for months to After all, Online world of shop- Mill that demand for com-
ith an objective to save becomes healthier,” said come out with beautiful earth- ping helps to meet the chal- modities does not necessarily
W lives with safe transfusion
of blood during the scarcity of
Mallahan CEO of the compa-
ny. Any healthy individual aged
en lantern and other decorative
pieces faces tough competition
lenges of diverse geography
and provide an outlet for unsat-
leads to demand for labor and
employment or with Keynesian
Blood, the Vedanta- between 18 and 60 years and from the cheap Chinese lights isfied desires and wishes of focus on consumption or with
Electrosteel Group came for- whose weight is above 50 kg and statues which are often Millennials. the tenet of assuming the econ-
ward to donate blood volun- with more than 12.5 dg/ ml seen flooding the Indian mar- This is that time of the year omy to be a car with con-
tarily today at Bokaro. Haemoglobin contain in the kets . In days of globalised when Diwali shopping is an sumption as the steering wheel
A total of 150 units of blood can donate their blood world, such is the choice emotion and excessive reliance or would it be real investment
blood were donated to the Red once in every three months, matrix. Typical Diwali cele- on emotions to make eco- and savings, it cannot be denied
Cross Society by the Vedanta- said Dr S Mohanty of Red bration also includes gift nomic decisions could result in that this Diwali India needs
Electrosteel Group family in Cross Society who present in exchanges amongst family, irrational human behaviour. dose of consumerism.
Mega Blood Donation Camp the camp friends et al .The festival thus This splurging is however So over next two weeks,
organised under Corporate Our motto is to eliminate gives an opportunity to indulge viewed as favourable con- like Becky Bloowood of the
Social Responsibility (CSR) at the myths of blood donation in some sort of “welfarism” and sumption by most. A research Confessions of a Shopaholic
the company’s premises in such as weakness, fear of nee- “humanism” as well. by AP Dijksterhuis, a psychol- don’t cut back on shopping but
association with Red Cross dles and infection. Of late, India has witnessed ogist in Netherlands pointed do indulge in intelligent shop-
Society, said C P Pandey the Refreshments and goodies were a different wave of Online sho- out that “Contrary to conven- ping. Happy Shopping!
Senior General Manager of also provided to the donors in ponomics. The high demo- tional wisdom, it is not always
Vedanta - Electrosteel Steels the camp, said C P Pandey. graphic dividend of the coun- advantageous to engage in Concluded
Limited. Beside others, Amit try spread across metro, non thorough conscious delibera-
The blood donation camp Kumar, K Gupta, S S P Verma, metro, small towns and cities tions before choosing. (The writer is an IAS
was inaugurated by Vijay Praveen Kumar, Dr Rinku are found to be glued to the On the basis of recent Officer of Madhya Pradesh
Kumar BDO Chas, who also Jaiswal, P Sanyal, Dharmendra world of online shopping. With insights into the characteristics cadre, who originally hails from
donated blood along with com- Kumar were present in the the penetration of smart of conscious and unconscious Ranchi and the views expressed
pany CEO Pankaj Mallahan. mega camp. phones in almost each and thought, we find that purchas- in the article are her own.)

A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( RP_XcP["

?=BQ A0=278 to the Government’s notice
through the platform. “This is
f it were not for some of the my last address to the people of
cases related to family dis-
the CM Jan Samvad ini-
Jharkhand from Seedhi Baat
platform. Next year, I will try
tiative may have achieved a 100 and serve the people better as
per cent success rate, Chief a part of the new Government
Minister Raghubar Das said on that comes to power,” Das said.
Thursday. He said that in five years,
Addressing the Seedhi Baat Jan Samvad has solved the
programme at Suchna Bhawan problem of defunct trans-
in Ranchi, Das said that the formers in Jharkhand. Now,
Government has successfully defunct transformers were
solved 92 per cent of cases either repaired or replaced
brought to light through Jan within 24 hours, added Das.
Samwad in the past five years. “Electrification has been one of
“We may have easily our priorities, and Jan Samvad
achieved 100 per cent success has proved to be a handy tool
in solving all the cases that for addressing all problems
came to light through Jan related to transformers,” he
Samvad in the past five years. said.
However, some of the cases Out of the 8 per cent cases
were related to family disputes, that could not be solved, some
and the Government did not are under trial at courts, offi-
wish to interfere in family mat- cials from the Jan Samvad cen-
ters,” Das said. tre in Ranchi said. The Jan
A total of 4,15,000 cases Samvad centre has 24 dedicat-
were lodged with Jan Samvad 2WXTU<X]XbcTaAPVWdQPa3PbP[^]VfXcW?aX]RX_P[BTRaTcPahc^2<Bd]X[:d\Pa1Pa]fP[P]SbT]X^a^UUXRXP[bSdaX]V ed phone lines, one for each
in the past five years and 9P]bP\ePS³BTTSWX1PPc´_a^VaP\\TPcBdRW]P1WPfP]X]AP]RWX^]CWdabSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa district. Each phone rings at
17,73,000 people got to share least 60 times a day, sources
their problems with the chief minister could directly lis- Government and the people. gramme on Thursday. said. When a caller dials 181
Government through the plat- ten to the grievances of the A total of 13 cases, mostly Addressing the programme, and registers a complaint, a reg-
form. CM’s Seedhi Baat was people and redress their prob- related to jobs, pensions, road the Chief Minister congratu- istration number is generated
first held on May 1, 2015. The lems in presence of govern- construction and anomalies in lated the various departments by the software and sent via
2WXTU<X]XbcTaAPVWdQPa3Pb[PhX]VU^d]SPcX^]bc^]T^U3Wd\ZdaXhP1WPfP]Pc:PaP\c^[XX]AP]RWX^]CWdabSPhDaQP] purpose of creating the inter- ment officials concerned - was payment of salary, were heard in Jharkhand for successfully SMS to the complainant for all
3TeT[^_\T]c<X]XbcTa2?BX]VWP]S^cWTabPaTP[b^bTT]X]cWT_XRcdaT APcP];P[k?X^]TTa active platform - wherein the to bridge the gap between the during the Seedhi Baat pro- addressing the issues brought future references.

-00DVNV2SS 6^ecc^]PcX^]P[XiTEP]3WP]bRWT\T)<d]SP 8=1


?=BQ A0=278 Prime Minister Narendra business because as many as CWT=TfY^X]Tab^UBPa[P1Xa[PD]XeTabXchfTaTfT[R^\TSfXcW[^c^U
Modi on April 14, 2018 five harvests are possible in T]cWdbXPb\QhcWTXabT]X^ab

nion Tribal affairs Minister launched the Van Dhan Yojana indoor conditions. Under the
Arjun Munda on from Bijapur in Chhattisgarh. Tribal Cooperative Marketing ²0178=0=30=³^aVP]XbTS
Thursday said that Prime The Van Dhan Vikas Kendra Development Federation Of ^]CWdabSPhB1DAP]RWX
Minister Narendra Modi will was started there with the cost India (TRIFED), Jharkhand fPb^eTafWT[\TSfXcWcWT
soon nationalize the Van Dhan of Rs 25 lakh. This scheme was Tasar Silk Production _aTbT]RT^U?PS\PBWaX
scheme. Counting the benefits announced to increase the Company Ltd will be set up in fX]]Ta<dZd]S=PhPZ
of the scheme, he said that it income of tribal people. which around 1200 tribal peo- 7^bcX]VWX\X]^daRP\_db
will help in the empowerment The establishment of “Van ple will be attached. The min- fPbP\^\T]c^U_aXSTU^a
of tribal society. This scheme Dhan Vikas Kendra” is for ister claimed that under the cWTUaPcTa]Xch^U8]bcXcdcX^]
will benefit 5.5 crore tribal providing skill upgradation scheme self help groups will be P]SbcdST]cb0QWX]P]SP]bcPacTSfXcWPVdbW^UT]TaVhQTX]VX]UdbTSX]
people living in 307 tribal dis- and capacity building training attached which will create cWTPdSXT]RTQhbcdST]cb_TaU^a\X]V^]6P]TbWEP]SP]P?a^U3aB?
tricts of 27 states in Country. and setting up of primary pro- employment opportunities for BX]VWcWTSXbcX]VdXbWTSVdTbc^]cWT^RRPbX^]cP[ZTSPQ^dc°CPZX]VaXVWc
The minister claimed that D]X^]CaXQP[PUUPXab<X]XbcTa0aYd] cessing and value addition youths. STRXbX^]PccWTaXVWc\^\T]c7TUXa\[hbcPcTScWPccWTaTXb]^bdQbcXcdcT
under the scheme there is plan <d]SPPSSaTbbTbP_aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPc facility. On Assembly election c^WPaSf^aZ4SdRPcX^]XbcWTbcT__X]Vbc^]Tc^bdRRTbb7TaT\X]STS
to make 30,000 Van Dhan self PRXchQPbTSW^cT[X]AP]RWX^] The minister claimed that results in Har yana and cWTUPRd[ch\T\QTabc^T]bdaTcWPccWThUd[UX[[cWTXaa^[TfXcWP[[cWTXa
help groups, at the same time CWdabSPh ?=B with an aim to boost forest pro- Maharashtra, Munda MP from RP_PRXch24>^UBPa[P1Xa[PD]XeTabXch?aPSX_EPa\PbcPcTScWPccWTZThc^
one forest wealth development ductivity which includes Tasar Khunti said that the Assembly \P]PVX]V^]TbUPX[daTPaTR^daPVTcWTcaPXc^UcPZX]VSTRXbX^]P]S]^c
centre will be built on every 15 Vikas Kendra. They will be too, a separate body will be cre- election results in these two f^aahX]VPQ^dcUPX[daT
self help group clusters. given working capital to ated which will work on pro- states is in favour of BJP.
?=B Q A0=278 9<<6T]TaP[BTRaTcPahBd_aXh^ Packaging and marketing of the increase the value of their cessing of mulberry cocoons. Munda said, 344?>CB0E0C18C<4BA0
1WPccPRWPahPSdaX]VP_aTbbR^]UTaT]RT forest products made by tribal product gathered from the for- There is immense potential “While in Maharashtra 344?>CB0E! (fPb^aVP]XbTSQh;T^2[dQ1Xa[P8]bcXcdcT^U
harkhand Mukti Morcha Pc_Pach^UUXRTX]AP]RWX^]CWdabSPh societies will be done through est. Training and technical sup- in production of mulberry silk the BJP/Shiv Sena alliance eas- CTRW]^[^Vh<TbaPWTaT^]
J (JMM) said on Thursday
that to ensure defeat of ruling
?=B Van Dhan Vikas Kendra. This
will be done through the exist-
port will also be given. Each
Van Dhan Vikas Kendra will be
in the State.
Rearing mulberry silk-
ily crossed the magic figure, in
Haryana BJP is single largest
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in “The results of State ing retail network. Tribal soci- given financial assistance of Rs worms and production there- party and the parry will form 2WPcdaeTSXP]S0cd[hP0ahP
the upcoming State Assembly Assembly Elections of two ety will be trained at Van Dhan 15 lakh. of will be a highly profitable Government in Haryana too.” 9^bT9PhP]cfPbcWT39U^acWT
Elections, all likeminded par- states- Har yana and ]XVWcP]S_[PhTScWTb^]Vb^]
ties should gathered at one plat- Maharashtra have shown that SP]SXhPcWT\TP]ScWTRa^fS

form with basic issues of the people of the State identi- SP]RTSc^cWT\dbXR399^bT
Jharkhand under leadership fied BJP and time has come cWT]_[PhTS1^[[hf^^ScaPRZb
of JMM. when the party will be wiped cWPc\PSTcWTRa^fSV^bWX\\TaX]Vc^cWTd_QTPc\dbXRCWTaTPUcTaP
It may be mentioned here out from Jharkhand also. In the aP\_fP[ZfPb_aTbT]cTSQhcWTbcdST]cb^UcWTUX]P[hTPaSaTbbTSPb
that recently concluded Lok upcoming State Assembly elec- bdPeT\^ST[bCWThST\^]bcaPcTSR[^cWX]VP]SPRRTbb^aXTbX]UPbWX^]
Sabha election was contested tions the people of the State ?=BQ A0=278 election results in the favour.” However, State BJP gener- The Congress State presi- P]SX]bch[TaT_aTbT]cX]VcWTRd[cdaT^USXUUTaT]c_[PRTb
under Grand Alliance made by have set their mind to teach a The JMM leader said, “The ill- al secretary Deepak Prakash dent said that BJP talks about
almost all opposition parties lesson to BJP,” he added. he Assembly election effects of rising inflation, eco- said, “The Opposition is in day development but the people’s B1?BB78=4B8=103<8=C>=
like JMM, Indian National
Congress, former Chief
“BJP has no issue public
related issues to talk on. The
T results in Maharashtra and
Haryana has left State BJP
nomic slowdown, increasing
unemployment and worsening
dream. In both Maharashtra
and Haryana the BJP will form
anger against government on
issue such as growing unem-
Minister Babulal Marandi led party is misleading the people unit worried in Jharkhand condition of farmers are now the Government as neither ployment and farmers’ dis- :WT[VP^]?dQ[XRbRW^^[
Jharkhand Vikas Morcha and on some futile issues. There are which is going to poll year-end, visible. Congress nor any regional tress were evident in the elec- :WT[VP^]DccPa?aPSTbWP]S
former Chief Minister of Bihar, several burning issues on which Opposition leaders claimed. The misuse of adminis- party is even close to BJP.” tions. Qa^dVWc[PdaT[bCWTh
Lalu Prasad Yadav led people have some serious The Assembly election results trative machinery and money Prakash said that in Jharkhand Oraon claimed that local _PacXRX_PcTSX]cWTd]STa #
Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). At grievances with the in both the states are not as per power by Chief Minister development will be main issue issue too will dominant in the VXa[bRPcTV^ahP]Sf^]cWT
the time of formation of the Government like increasing the expectations of BJP. Raghubar Das only shows his in election. year-end Assembly election bTR^]Sad]]Tad__^bXcX^]
alliance it was decided that the unemployment, suicide cases of While in Haryana, the saf- despair.” The former chief min- State Congress president and people will teach lesson to CWThfTaTUT[XRXcPcTSfXcW
State Assembly Election will be farmers, increasing cases of fron party failed to reach the ister said that year end Rameshwar Oraon reacting Raghubar Das government. Qa^]iT\TSP[bU^acWTXa
fought under same alliance. atrocities against women and magic number, in Maharashtra Assembly election is going to on Assembly elections results The Jharkhand Vikas PRWXTeT\T]cCWTBRW^^[
Some days earlier price rise of essential com- though the BJP, Shiv Sena witness contest between those said that the poll results has Morcha (P) too has predicat- 7TPS?Tab^]]T[0S\X]?aPSX_EPa\PP__aTRXPcTScWTTUU^acb^UcWT
Jharkhand Pradesh Congress modities,” said Bhattacharya. alliance has got two third seats who have fought for separate blown the hallow promises of ed grim picture for BJP in year- _[PhTabP]SfXbWTScWT\[dRZU^acWTXaQaXVWcUdcdaT?aX]RX_P[?PaP\YXc
Committee (JPCC) president, Upbeat after holding a the election results were not as State and those who have loot- development by BJP in two end Assembly election. JVM :PdaR^]VaPcd[PcTSP[[cWT_PacXRX_P]cbP]SbPXScWPcfTT]R^daPVTP[[^da
Rameshwar Oraon had said huge Badlao Rally in the State per the expectations. ed the State, claiming that the States. (P) general secretary, Khalid bcdST]cbc^f^aZWPaSP]SUd[UX[cWTXaP\QXcX^]U^aPaTfPaSX]VUdcdaT
that the party would contest the Capital on Saturday the party The election results in both ground reality in Jharkhand is Oraon said, “In Khalil said that BJP will per-
State Assembly Election under has demanded that the State the states have given hope to very bad and people in State Maharashtra the BJP has given formance win Jharkhand will 82508E2<44CB6>E4A=>A
the alliance with which it had Assembly Election should be Opposition camp in Jharkhand have made up their mind for the slogan of crossing 200 be more poor than Haryana. ?a^U>ABAP^EXRT2WP]RT[[^a^U82508D]XeTabXch9WPaZWP]S
contested Lok Sabha elections. held on scheduled time. that Modi wave can be change. while in Haryana it was abki He said, “In Haryana, the PRR^\_P]XTSQh?a^U0aeX]S:d\PaATVXbcaPa?a^UD:BWPa\P7>3
Addressing a press meet “After the announcement checked. Jharkhand Mukti Reacting on five MLAs baar 70 par, but the voters in BJP has given the slogan of <X]X]V3aAd\]P1WPccPRWPahhP2^^aSX]Pc^a^U<10P]S?W3
JMM General Secretar y, of the results of State Assembly Morcha (JMM) executive pres- from JMM and Congress join- two states have given the man- Abki baar 75 paar, but the peo- ?a^VaP\bP]SE=BX]WP0bbc
Supriyo Bhattacharya today Elections of the two states it ident, Hemant Soren said, ing BJP on Wednesday, the date against BJP’s expecta- ple have shown real pictures to ATVXbcaPa\Tc6^eTa]^a
said that it is necessary for all seems that the elections will be “The Assembly election results former Chief Minister said tions.” He said that in both the BJP as people have under- 3aPd_PSX<da\dP]S
like minded parties to gather at delayed in Jharkhand because clearly indicate that massive that those, who have left their states, local issue dominated as stood the real character of _aTbT]cTScWT0]]dP[AT_^ac
one platform to ensure defeat BJP has no courage to hold the campaign, misuse of adminis- parent parties joining BJP sac- economic slowdown and BJP.” He too said that in P]S0dSXcTS0RR^d]cb^UcWT
of BJP in the State to stop BJP’s elections on schedule,” said trative system and use of rificing their political ideolo- growing unemployment were Assembly elections, people will D]XeTabXchU^acWThTPa! '
autocratic behavior. the General Secretary. money power can never bring gy, have committed suicide. the main issue in the elections. teach a lesson to BJP. (?a^UAP^P[b^WXVW[XVWcTS

?=B=A0=27890<B743?DA Hyundai, Ranchi. However, bookings this year. Despite of 6^eTa]^aP[b^R^\_[X\T]cTScWTD]XeTabXchU^aVTccX]VaP]ZTSP\^]VcWT
Maruti Suzuki, which has the offering discounts and other c^_cT]?aXePcTD]XeTabXcXTbX]4PbcTa]I^]TQhX]ST_T]ST]cPVT]RXTb
The slump in the automo- largest market share among attractive offers, people are not
bile sector across India has automobile companies here, keen to purchase a new car, he E868;0=240F0A4=4BBF44:
dampened the sale of cars on has received bumper bookings added. >]cWT^RRPbX^]^UEXVX[P]RT0fPaT]TbbFTTZ! (EXVX[P]RT
Dhanteras in Ranchi and for Dhanteras. However, Smita Parikh, 3T_Pac\T]c2<?38;AP]RWX^aVP]XiTS4bbPh2^\_TcXcX^]Pc3^aP]SP
Jamshedpur – two Jharkhand Rakesh Kumar, Showroom director of Utkal Kia said that 1P[XZPDRWRWEXShP[PhP
cities that are home to several Manager of Maruti Suzuki despite the slump in auto sec- 3^aP]SPCWTc^_XR^UcWTTbbPh
automobile enthusiasts, includ- Arena on Kanke Road, said that tor the newly launched Kia’s fPb°8]cTVaXchPfPh^U;XUT±
ing former team India captain the showroom is set to deliver Seltos is in demand. She 0Q^dc%bcdST]cb_PacXRX_PcTS
Mahendra Singh Dhoni. around 1000 cars on Dhanteras. informed that Seltos has taken X]cWTR^\_TcXcX^]?dbWZPa
The period between “There was a drop in the sale the Indian market by storm. It 6T]TaP[<P]PVTaEXVX[P]RT
Dussehra to Diwali is often the earlier this year, but Dhanteras has been one of the most suc- EXVX[P]RT3T_Pac\T]c2<?38;
busiest for automobile dealers bookings have made up for it to cessful launches of the year. The PS\X]XbcTaTScWTX]cTVaXch
here as hundreds of car enthu- a large extent. We have to popularity of Kia Seltos can be _[TSVTc^cWTbcdST]cbP]SVPeT
siasts make bookings during deliver 1000 cars in around 24 gauged from the fact that over PfPhcWT_aXiTbc^cWTc^_cWaTT
this period and expect delivery hours and the showroom will 50,000 units of the SUV have _PacXRX_P]cb0a_XcPETa\PHP\X]X:d\PaXP]S0SXcX:d\PaXfTaT
on Dhanteras – a day consid- remain functional 24x7 during been booked till now. PSYdSVTS5XabcBTR^]SP]ScWXaSaTb_TRcXeT[hB:CWPZda2WXTU<P]PVTa
ered auspicious for buying valu- this period,” he said. Dhanteras “As per our understanding ?Tab^]]T[EXVX[P]RT2<?38;P]SAXcdBX]VW0bbXbcP]c<P]PVTa
ables. offers have failed to revive the overall market has been hit 5X]P]RTEXVX[P]RT2<?38;fTaT_aTbT]c^]cWT^RRPbX^]
However, the slowdown in declining demand for automo- due to which people are defer-
the automobile sector this year 0\P][^^ZbX]bXSTPSP\PVTSRPaPUcTaPcaTTR^[[P_bTS^]XcSdaX]VWTPehaPX]]TPaH^VSP0bWaP\2WdcXPX]AP]RWX^] biles in the steel city. According ring purchases. We have D187>;3BE868;0=240F0A4=4BB3A8E4
has led to a depreciation of at CWdabSPh APcP];P[k?X^]TTa to an estimate from car dealers, received feedback from dealers D]X^]1P]Z^U8]SXPD18AP]RWXI^]P[^UUXRT^]CWdabSPh^aVP]XbTS
least 30 per cent in bookings on the advance bookings in the city that the slump in the manufac- EXVX[P]RT0fPaT]Tbb3aXeTPc8cZXEX[[PVTX]cWTBcPcT2P_XcP[^]CWdabSPh
Dhanteras as compared to last bookings can also be attributed Showroom staff at Republic Dhanteras. We expect higher have been low this year. Even turing sector and workers los- 3daX]VcWXbP[^RP[SP]RT_a^VaP\\TP]SbcaTTc_[PhbfTaT^aVP]XbTSc^
year, showroom managers said to the increase in the registra- Hyundai, one of the leading sale during the entire Diwali the sales have registered a ing jobs are the main reasons b_aTPS\TbbPVTPVPX]bcR^aad_cX^]P\^]V_T^_[TbcdST]cbP]SRWX[SaT]
on Thursday. “There is a tion cost of vehicles here, which dealers of Hyundai cars in the week. And this year, the num- decline against last year’s festive for the fall in demand,” said fW^PaT_aTbT]cPccWTb_^cD182WXTUEXVX[P]RT>UUXRTa<EB=<dacWh
depreciation of at least 30 per made cars dearer,” said Rakesh State capital, also admitted that ber of bookings during this season. A marketing executive Bharat Vasani, a senior func- ATVX^]P[6T]TaP[<P]VTa?aPeX]BWPa\PfTaT_aTbT]c^]cWT^RRPbX^]
cent in bookings for Dhanteras. Jena, showroom manager at the demand for four wheelers week has gone down by at of a leading four-wheeler deal- tionary of Singhbhum P]SQ^cW^UcWT\T]R^daPVTS_T^_[Tc^UXVWcPVPX]bcR^aad_cX^]
Besides the slump in the auto Diara Ford, which received 45 has gone down this Dhanteras. least 50,” said Sanjiv Kumar, ership said that there has been Chamber of Commerce and
sector, the fall in the number of bookings for Dhanteras. “We have 75 bookings for sales manager at Republic a 20 per cent decline in advance Industry.
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( ]PcX^]#

?=BQ ;>70A3060

J ust a day after joining

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
instead of oblige Oraon for
inclusion in the party, Bhagat
accused Oraon for his defeat in
the just concluded Lok Sabha
by Lohardaga MLA, Sukhdeo elections. Bhagat forgot that he
Bhagat, Indian National included in the party by Oraon
Congress (INC) expressed hap- and made him an MLA.
piness over the departure of the “Due to direct interference
MLA from the party. of Bhagat in the City Council,
Addressing a press meet on corruption is prevalent in the
Thursday Rajya Sabha MP from Council, the people of
Jharkhand, Dheeraj Prasad Lohardaga are watching every-
Sahu said that departure of thing and understanding
Bhagat will augur well for Bhagat and they have set their
Congress and the party is feel- mind to teach him a lesson in
ing relieved now. the upcoming State Assembly
Sahu said that there is an elections. His dream to
atmosphere of happiness become once again MLA from
among Congressmen due to the the seat will not be fulfilled,”
departure of Bhagat. When said Sahu.
Bhagat was in Congress he was Either Bhagat contest from
never a party worker, he always Lohardaga or Bishunpur he
stayed with his family members, will must bite the dust in the
he added. While criticising the election, Lohardaga was strong
MLA, the veteran Congress APYhPBPQWP<?3WTTaPYBPWdPSSaTbbTbP_aTbbR^]UTaT]RTX];^WPaSPVP^]CWdabSPh ?=B bastion of the party it will
leader and the party MP said remain same and no one can
that Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee (JPCC) president Rameshwar Oraon brought Bhagat in the party take it from the party, he added.
19?fX]b3WPaP\bWP[P 8F2Ib_aTPSb CWdabSPh

?=BQ A0=278 districts, will receive light to ated cyclonic circulation has

moderate rain. The north east- caused an increase in the rain-
he incessant rains from the ern districts like Sahibganj, fall activity,” said the Director.
ZLWKLQKRXUV T last 24 hours is likely to Godda, Pakur, Dumka According to the MET

continue till October 28 and Deoghar and Jamtara will wit- Observatory Center- Ranchi, as

?=BQ 1>:0A>C74A<0; dampen Diwali celebrations ness heavy rainfall on this per the record of the last 24
for the residents of the State. day. hours Ranchi has received 31.4
he Bokaro Thermal police “It is very unfortunate for On October 26 there will mm of rainfall. Ghatshila has
T recovered a stolen hyva
truck within 8 hours of theft ?=BQ B78<;0 deposit as he failed to get even
the potters of the State for
whom this is the main season
reduced rainfall activity at most
of the districts across the State.
received maximum rainfall of
69 mm. Jamshedpur has
near Chhath ghat in Thermal the required one-sixth of total and the showers are very harm- There are chances that the dis- received 66.6 mm, Simdega 61
city. he ruling BJP on Thursday polled valid votes. In the 2017 ful. The non- stop rainfall tricts located in the central and mm while at Saraikela-
According to information
provided by Inspector cum
T retained both
Dharamshala and Pachhad
Assembly elections, the vic-
tory margin of Kishan Kapoor
since October 23 will cause
problems for them,” said SD
southern parts of Jharkhand
will witness light to moderate
Kharsawan 62 mm of rainfall
has been recorded.
Officer in-Charge Umesh seats in Himachal Pradesh in of the BJP over Sudhir Sharma Kotal, Director MET Centre rainfall activity with no heavy “These are not seasonal
Kumar Thakur, at about 2 am the bypolls though the victo- of the Congress was of 2,997 Ranchi. showers. showers but because of the low
on October 23 , a 10-wheeler ry margin got reduced due to votes in Dharamshala. According to the weather As per the weathermen on pressure system there has been
unloaded hyva truck bearing the presence of rebels in the The by-elections to department on October 24 October 27 and October 28 iso- an increase in the rainfall activ-
registration no .JH 10X-3270 fray. Pachhad and Dharamshala heavy to very heavy rainfall will lated areas like Simdega, East ity which is now lying over
on the way to Govindpur CCL In Pachhad, Reena assembly seats were necessi- be experienced at most places Singhbhum, West Singhbhum, north Andhra coast and
project within limits of BTPS Kashyap of the BJP defeated tated after sitting BJP MLAs across the Jharkhand. These Saraikkela, Kharsawan and adjoining areas like Jharkhand,
from Jarandih was intercepted her nearest rival Former Suresh Kashyap and Kishan include Simdega, Gumla, Khunti will have light rain Odisha and Chhattisgarh. The
by two unknown miscreants at Minister Gangu Ram Musafir Kapoor were elected to the Ranchi Khunti, Ramgarh, while the remaining districts showers are not very good for
Konar river Chhat ghat. of the Congress by a margin Lok Sabha. Bokaro, Dhanbad, Hazaribagh, will have clear weather. the agriculture sector. For the
The miscreants took away of 2,742 votes. Rebel BJP can- Meanwhile, Chief and Giridih. However, the “On October 25 and crops which do not require so
the vehicle, leaving the driver didate Dayal Pyari, who con- Minister Jai Ram Thakur north-eastern districts will not October 26 there will be a low much water, farmers will be
and khalasi in a desolate area. tested as an independent, fin- thanked the people of receive any heavy showers. pressure system which is pre- advised to drain out the excess
On the basis of the FIR lodged ished third. Pachhad and Dharamshala On October 25 all dis- sent at the north Andhra water from the fields at the ear-
by owner of the hyva Ziyaul BJP's victory margin came Assembly constituencies for tricts, except the north eastern Pradesh coastline. The associ- liest,” added Kotal.
Rab, the thermal police regis- down as Dayal Pyari got over electing the BJP candidates. ?=B Q 90<B743?DA President of the club

tered a case vide number 11000 votes. He said people of these Reema Adesara said that they
147/2019 under applicable IPC In Dharamshala, BJP's constituencies have expressed s part of Diwali celebra- have been carrying welfare
and the Officer in-charge,
Umesh Kumar Thakur took up
Vishal Nehria defeated his
nearest rival Rakesh Kumar by
faith and confidence in the
policies and programmes of
A tions, Inner Wheel Club
Jamshedpur Zest distributed
activities in the city however, in
order to make Diwali celebra-
the case for investigation. a margin of 6,758 votes. the present BJP government. 100 packets of sweets bringing tion brighter for the needy

During the course of inves- Kumar was a BJP rebel and He also thanked the party smiles to faces of the needy. they decided to distribute the
tigation, the police in-charge contested as an independent workers for relentlessly ensur- Working staff at petrol sweets.
reached the Sikidari in Ranchi candidate. ing the victory of the party pumps, vendors and hawkers in On the occasion, Neeta
after getting a tip off and recov- Vijay Inder Karan of the candidates in these by-elec- surrounding areas of Bistupur Agarwal and Parul Vagadia
er the stolen hyva truck. Congress lost his security tions. and Kadma received the sweets. were also present.
From page 1 they cannot reach DC office and Karmatand of Jamtara. The
“Those districts that have then officers should reach them CM also directed to speed up
19?F>A:4A:8;;431H6A>D? the amount of District Mining
Funds can pass it on the board
and allot them accommoda-
tion,” he said.Das said that in
the work for street lights in all
the districts by sitting with the
>50BB08;0=CB8=60A7F0 and spend it in housing
districts like Simdega, where
there is a lot of poverty officers
nodal officers. “Start the work
of laying pipelines in the villages
Similarly, the aspirational should be sent to backward where tanks have been installed,
?=BQ 60A7F0 er of BJP block unit. The iden- districts should also use the blocks to provide benefits of the so that the goal of delivering
tity of the assailants and the amount received. Under no cir- scheme to the poor. water from door to door can be
BJP worker was murdered motive for the attack are still cumstances the target of 250 He instructed to allot accomplished in the coming
A by a group of unidentified
assailants when he was coming
unknown, police said.
Residents blocked the
should be achieved. Using your
discretion select the needy and
accommodation by setting up
camps in beautiful hills in
Das also directed to focus
from Ramkanda market to his main road at Ramkanda to allocate the house. If there are Godda and asked to set up sep- on cleanliness in view of
house, late evening on Tuesday. protests against the incident more numbers, then take the arate camps for Pahadia com- Deepawali and Chhath.CS DK
To protest against the mur- which lifted after assurance to amount of DMFT or munity in Pakur. He also Tiwari, Rural Development
der, local residents today arrest the culprit by the police Aspirational District amount. instructed to allot housing to the Department Secretary Avinash
blocked the main road. officials. Districts that do not have these poor by setting up camps at Kumar, Principal Secretary to
The deceased has been Police handed over the two should inform the depart- Patna and Barheit in Sahebganj. CM Sunil Kumar Barnwal
identified as Gopal Chaurasia body to the family after post- ment, they will also get the allo- Das asked to allot a house by alongwith other officers were
, 40, who was an active work- mortem today. cation. If people are so poor that placing a chaupal in the Kundhit present during the meeting.
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( ]PcX^]$
=Tf3T[WX) 8]SXPP]SBPdSX0aPQXP ?=B?C8Q =4F province. Kartarpur corridor. Rather
fX[[bXV]PaPUc^UZTh_PRcbc^ 34;78;07>A434A01010 SCL Das, Joint Secretary in these were very difficult and ?=B Q =4F34;78 boundaries of India or Pakistan
bXV]XUXRP]c[haP\_d_cXTbX]bTeTaP[ =0=0: the Union Home Ministry, and tough negotiations (with India) (physical and digital forms), lit-
ZThbTRc^abX]R[dSX]V^X[P]SVPb Mohammad Faisal, Pakistan keeping in view our hostile iFi and broadband erature, media items and
SdaX]V?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP P aving the way for Indian pil-
grims to undertake visit to
Foreign Office spokesperson
and director general (South
relations with it,” Faisal
W devices, flags and ban-
ners challenging territorial
objects including flags and
banners challenging the terri-
<^SX³bcf^SPheXbXcc^cWT6d[U the shrine of the Sikh religion’s Asia and SAARC), signed the He said that Pakistan has integrity of India or Pakistan, torial integrity of India or
]PcX^]QTVX]]X]V<^]SPh founder Guru Nanak Dev in agreement at the Kartarpur stuck to the points it proposed liquor and a host of other Pakistan or potentially dam-
Pakistan, the two countries on Zero Point at the International in the start of the talks on the items have been put in the pro- aging to communal harmony
B2B44:BA4?>AC>= Thursday signed a historic Border, fulfilling a long-pend- corridor. “Under the agree- hibited list for pilgrims visiting in the two countries (both in
CA80;2>DACBE020=284B agreement on the Kartarpur ing demand of the Sikh com- a new low when India revoked Overseas Citizen of India ment, the corridor will remain Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in physical and digital forms) are
=Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T2^dac corridor. The online registra- munity. the special status of Jammu & (OCI) card along with the open seven days a week from Kartarpur across the border. also banned for the pilgrims.
SXaTRcTSP[[!#7XVW2^dacbP]S"% tion for the pilgrimage on por- The agreement will allow Kashmir in August following passport of their country, dawn to dusk. A total of 5,000 Except traditional kirpans, all Any goods for commercial
BcPcTbP]SDCb^]CWdabSPhc^UX[T tal prakashpurb550.mha.gov.in Indian pilgrims access to which Pakistan downgraded according to a statement issued or so Indian Sikhs will arrive sort of knives are in the banned purpose for profit gain or com-
UaTbWbcPcdbaT_^acbVXeX]VSTcPX[b^U started soon after agreement Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in diplomatic ties and expelled the by the Home Ministry in New every day and leave the same list. The pilgrims will not be mercial usage, as per applica-
cWT_a^VaTbb\PSTX]UX[[X]Vd_^U was signed. Pakistan where Guru Nanak Indian envoy. Delhi. Speaking to the media day. They (pilgrims) will have allowed to carry items in the ble laws, radio transmitters
ePRP]RXTb^UYdSXRXP[^UUXRTabX]caXP[ The corridor will connect Dev spent last 18 years of his Indian pilgrims of all faiths after the signing of the agree- to only bring their passport for negative list put on the newly not approved for normal usage,
R^dacbP]SR^]bcadRcX^]^UUPRX[XcXTb the Dera Baba Nanak shrine in life. and persons of Indian origin ment, Faisal said Prime their identity and it will not be launched portal prakashpurb satellite phone, objects made of
[XZTR^daca^^\bP]SSfT[[X]Vd]Xcb India’s Punjab with Darbar The agreement was signed can use the corridor and the Minister Imran Khan had ful- stamped. India will share the 550.Mha.Gov.In, where pil- gold and silver, other than
U^aYdSVTbbX]RT0dVdbc  Sahib at Kartarpur, just 4 kilo- after three rounds of tough travel will be visa-free. Pilgrims filled his promise and com- list of those visiting the grims will have to register ornaments for personal use or
metres from the International negotiations despite bilateral need to carry only a valid pleted the corridor in a year. Gurdwara (Darbar Sahib online. for religious purposes, as per
$9D36414=27C>740A Border, located at Narowal dis- relationship witnessing a chill passport while persons of “It was never simple to Kartatpur) 10 days before their Maps and literature with applicable laws, are also pro-
?;40B>=:0B7<8AA>F trict of Pakistan’s Punjab recent years. The ties touched Indian origin need to carry reach an agreement on the travel plan,” he said. incorrect depiction of external hibited for the pilgrimage.
=Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T2^dac^]


0dVdbc$P]S0acXR[T"$0f^d[S ?=B Q =4F34;78 Production) Subhash Chandra
QTSTP[cfXcWQhXcb$YdSVT and Under Secretar y of 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 Yojana (Char Dham seasons. Besides ephemeral slopes and may give rise to
2^]bcXcdcX^]QT]RWfWXRWXbWTPaX]V n a bid to give a fillip to pro- Defense for Acquisition and Highway Development streams, the major perennial large-scale landslides,” said the
cWT:PbW\Xa\PccTa I mote defence manufacturing
in India through joint ventures,
Sustainment of the United
States Ellen M Lord. E arth scientists from Indian
Institute of Technology
Project) is being exe-
cuted by the Union
stream, including river Ganga
may witness such critical issues.
scientists as they called for its
proper channelization to avoid
B?443;H342834?;40>= the US and India on Thursday Speaking on the occasion, (IIT), Roorkee have raised a red Ministr y of Road Such adverse practices are the build-up of pore pressure.
34C4=C8>=)B2C>9:72 held a review meeting here. It Subhash Chandra said that flag over the Modi Transport and unendurable and violation of The report has recom-
=Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac was held under the aegis of the while DTTI has been an ongo- Government’s C12,000- crore Highways (MoRTH). It rules and regulations of the mended setting up a panel
PbZTScWT9P\\d:PbW\Xa7XVW Defence Trade and Technology ing process, both sides were pet project Char Dham aims to connect four river ecosystem needs to be comprising of locals and
2^dac^]CWdabSPhc^ Initiative(DTTI)and the now poised to actually achieve Mahamarg Vikas Pari Yojana holy towns in assessed.” experts to monitor the project
°Tg_TSXcX^db[h±_Pbb^aSTa^]P Defence Ministry said the two tangible outcomes. The shared (Char Dham Highway Utt ara k hand Similar activities in the for sustainable development in
_TcXcX^]bTTZX]VSXaTRcX^]bc^cWT countries are poised to achieve values that form the bedrock of Development Project) that them. The project is already —Badrinath, Kedarnath, upper reaches of Uttarakhand the region.
PdcW^aXcXTbc^_a^SdRTQTU^aTXc tangible results. stable relations between the two aims to connect the four drawing flak from environ- Yamunotri and Gangotri. will cause siltation problem in To attain safer design dur-
b^\T_Tab^]bX]R[dSX]VP]=A8 Giving details of the ninth sides have led to deepening of pilgrimage in the Uttarakhand’s mentalists, NGOs like Citizen The scientists came to major hydroelectric projects, it ing pre- and post-construction
QdbX]Tbb\P]STcPX]TSU^[[^fX]V round of DTTI, set up some defence ties. The Indian fragile mountainous for Green Doon and locals who know about the violations after said. According to the scien- stages, efforts should be under-
cWTPQa^VPcX^]^U_a^eXbX^]b^U years back to foster trade in Government remains commit- eco-system. too have alleged serious viola- evaluating various stretches tists, no preventive and stabi- taken for better prediction of
0acXR[T"& defence, officials said here a sig- ted to continually engage with In their study published in tion of green norms as well as along NH-58, from Rishikesh lization measures were under- extreme rainfall events and
nificant achievement of the the US Government and facil- the latest issue of Current rampant cutting of hills mak- to Devprayag and took excep- taken after excavation. accordingly planning needs to
B2 >:´B78=3D;8C860=C meeting was the signing of itate cooperation between the Science, the scientists said that ing the area prone to landslides. tion that in order to complete However, in a few road-cut sec- be done, said the report adding
C>58;4FA8CC4==>C4 ‘Statement of Intent’ with defence industries of both the 900-kilometer long all- T Siddique and SP Pradhan the project, the scientific stud- tions, gabion walls have been that the real-time monitoring
=Tf3T[WX) CWTBd_aT\T2^dac^] respect to key deliverables in nations. Ellen Lord said, “the weather road project which from the Department of Earth ies/reports which ought to be constructed for stabilization; of slope movements should be
CWdabSPhP[[^fTSP7X]Sd[XcXVP]cX] the near, medium and long US National Defence Strategy envisages widening of National Sciences, IIT, Roorkee too given topmost priority were but these walls are deformed done along highly vulnerable
cWTSTRPSTb^[SAP\9P]\QW^^\X terms. This will assist in bring- envisages strengthening Highway-58, is being executed echoed similar views warning being ignored. Observing that due to inadequate stabilization and risk sections.
1PQaX<PbYXS[P]SSXb_dcTRPbTc^ ing sustained focus on some of defence alliances and partner- in complete violation of envi- that inadequately performed the excavated materials, includ- measures and maintenance. Also, in rockfall-prone sec-
UX[TPfaXccT]]^cTbTTZX]Vc^STR[PaT the projects and signal com- ships. The DTTI has now ronmental norms with several excavation without proper con- ing massive rock blocks, soil The scientists also tions, rock shed may be
cWT!&&PRaTbXcTPc0h^SWhPPb mitment of both sides towards matured enough where its var- irregularities. sideration of eco sensitive ter- and debris have been dumped expressed concern at authori- designed to overcome acci-
6^eTa]\T]c[P]SXUcWTR^dacW^[Sb continued collaboration on ied activities could be translat- Adoption of unscientific rain may lead to catastrophic in hairpin bends along the ties ignoring scientific norms in dents and frequent blockage of
cWPc]TXcWTacWT7X]Sd]^acWT mutually beneficial issues. ed into accomplishments.” methods, inappropriate dump- events as witnessed during the road, the report cautioned that handling percolation of water the highway and implementing
<db[X\bXSTWPb_a^eTS The DTTI is part of the She added that the inter- ing of tones of mud and debris, Kedarnath disaster in 2013. “these dumps are interrupting which was allowed to be col- preventive measures like steel
^f]TabWX_ India-US Bilateral Defence face of the industry with DTTI excavation at steep angles, Launched by the Prime the natural channel of many lected in a roadside ditch. mesh to retain potential falling
Cooperation and the meeting would provide necessary fillip allowing wrongful collection of Minister Narendra Modi in ephemeral streams and may “Such careless practices are blocks along with flexible bar-
2;40=;8=4BB0;854;>=6 on Thursday was held between to various projects under con- water percolated from the slope December 2016, the Char give rise to an alarming situa- continuously hampering and riers to reduce kinetic energy
455>AC)<>38C>203A4 Secretar y (Defence sideration. to the roadsides were some of Dham Mahamarg Vikas Pari tion in subsequent monsoon endangering the health of of these blocks.
=Tf3T[WX) ?aX\T<X]XbcTa
R^]bcXcdT]Rh^UEPaP]PbX^] 8]SXP)DBWTPaX]V 0_TgR^dacSXaTRcb<PWP6^ec 2T]caTbTTZbcX\Tc^ 7^f[^]VaTbcaXRcX^]bfX[[ &3:' WRRIILFLDOV&RPSLOH
]^c[X\XcTSc^c^ZT]Xb\P]SfPbP ?=B Q =4F34;78
^Ud]STabcP]SX]V³ RXcXTbfXcW_^_d[PcX^]^U$; ?C8 Q =4F34;78 PbZb9:PS\X]XbcaPcX^] earing up to deal with encroachers of Central
?=B Q =4F34;78 New Delhi: Voicing concern over illegal construc-
tions, the Supreme Court on Thursday directed all T he Centre on Thursday moved the
Supreme Court seeking extension
New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday
asked the Jammu & Kashmir administration
G Government land, the Central Public Works
Department (CPWD) has directed its officials to come
ePaX^dbb^RXP[fT[UPaTbRWT\Tb aking exception to some the cities in Maharashtra with population of 50 lakh of time for completing formalities to as to how long they intend to continue the up with a list of unauthorised occupants and the quan-
T US lawmakers raising
doubts about measures to pro-
or more to get geomapping done of the municipal
areas in the city.
transfer Assam
Register of Citizens (NRC)
National restrictions, including internet blockade,
imposed in the Valley following the abroga-
tum of land grabbed by them. The CPWD has asked offi-
cials to submit details by the end of this month. The move
tect people of Jammu & Geomapping, or surveying of land and sub sur- Coordinator Prateek Hajela to Madhya tion of provision of Article 370. comes close on the heels of Union Housing and Urban
=0=>?70A<024DC820;B Kashmir after abrogation of face using GPS, presents a detailed view of a site and Pradesh. The Apex Court, which was hearing a Affairs Ministry deciding to hire a private agency to
=>F?>C4=CC>>;B Article 370 giving special sta- the surrounding area including roads, buildings, The apex court on October 18 had batch of petitions challenging the restrictions protect Government land, bungalows and flats from
=Tf3T[WX) D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^a tus to the State in August, mountains, rivers, estuaries and pipelines. ordered the Centre and the Assam on movement and communication blockade encroachment.
BRXT]RTP]SCTRW]^[^Vh7PabW India on Thursday said ques- The top court held that Geomapping can be done Government to transfer Hajela to his imposed in the Valley, said the authorities According to the official, once the list is prepared,
EPaSWP]^]CWdabSPhaT[TPbTS tioning by the US was a reflec- by satellite, drones or vehicles and once it is done native State Madhya Pradesh within may impose restrictions for national interest a drive will be launched to free the CPWD land from
VdXST[X]TbU^aTeP[dPcX^]^U]P]^ tion of lack of understanding it would be easy to control illegal constructions. seven days. but they have to be reviewed from time to encroachment. “All additional director generals and other
_WPa\PRTdcXRP[bfWXRWPaT about robust functioning of A bench of Justices Deepak Gupta and The counsel for the Centre on time. A bench headed by Justice N V Ramana top officers have been asked to gather details about unau-
T\TaVX]VPb\^aT_^cT]cc^^[bU^a democratic institutions in Aniruddha Bose further directed the Maharashtra Thursday told the bench headed by told Attorney General K K Venugopal and thorised occupants and quantum of land grabbed by
caTPcX]VePaX^dbSXbTPbTb India. government to ensure that sufficient funds are made Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi that Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, who were them. Officials have been directed to submit the same
India said it was regrettable available to the municipal corporations concerned though the government has taken steps appearing for the Centre and the J&K admin- by October 31,” official also said. The CPWD also sought
"30H6;>10;18>8=380 that a few US lawmakers used and the exercise be completed within a year from to transfer the 1995 batch IAS officer istration respectively, to come out with to know what action has been taken to free land from
! (5A><=>E! a Congressional hearing to the date of this order. of Assam-Meghalaya cadre but pro- “clear” reply and find out other methods to encroachment, official added. Earlier this month, the
=Tf3T[WX) 0cWaTTSPh question measures to protect It will be obligatory for all municipal corpora- cedural formalities will take some deal with the issue. Mehta told the bench, also Ministry had directed CPWD to deploy private securi-
X]cTa]PcX^]P[R^]UTaT]RT²6[^QP[ lives of people in Jammu & tions in the State of Maharashtra where the popu- more time. comprising justices R Subhash Reddy and B ty guards, preferably ex-serviceman in Delhi. As per the
1X^8]SXP! (³fX[[QT^aVP]XbTSQh Kashmir. lation is 50 lakhs or more to get geomapping and “You file the application,” the R Gavai, that “the restrictions are being plan, the security agency will have to get their guards ver-
31CP]S288WTaTUa^\=^eT\QTa Ministr y of External geo-photography of the areas under their jurisdic- bench, which also comprised Justices reviewed daily. In around 99 per cent area, no ified from the Delhi Police before their deployment at
! X]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcWcWT Affairs Spokesperson tion done within a period of one year. PTI SA Bobde and S A Nazeer, said. restrictions are there”. PTI vacant Government bungalows, land and flats.
0bb^RXPcX^]^U1X^cTRW;TS Raveesh Kumar said here
4]cTa_aXbTb01;4P]S the US Congressional hear-
ing on Kashmir was a
reflection of lack of 2W^__TaRaPbW)2[^bTbWPeTU^a
understanding about
PaTP^UQX^cTRW]^[^VhP]SWT[_ robust functioning of
QdX[S]Tf_Pac]TabWX_b democratic institutions in
P]SX]eTbc\T]c^__^acd]XcXTb India.
<>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D areas when it suddenly devel- pilot and his co pilot, too
oped a technical snag and force received minor injuries in the
5DMQDWKDSSURYHV2*(/V TopArmy,officers of the Indian
including Northern
landed in Bedar stream”.
A High level inquiry has
crash. All the injured officers
were evacuated to Command


Ranbir Singh, a Major General
heading 25th Infantry Division
been constituted by the
Northern Command head-
quarters to ascertain the exact
Hospital in Udhampur.
Defence Spokesman in
Jammu said, “as army com-
?=B Q =4F34;78 and a Brigadier rank officer of reasons behind the crash land- mander was visiting units in
93rd Brigade had a ‘miraculous’ ing. Poonch sector the ALH devel-
ith the objective of giv- escape along with six others According to official oped a technical snag and crash
W ing a boost to defence
exports and enhance ease of
when their chopper crash land-
ed in Bedar stream, in general
sources, “soon after the heli-
copter crash landed, locals in the
landed”. He said, “all passengers
and crew sustained injuries.
doing business, Defence area of Mandi, around 2.00 p.m area rushed to the spot to help As per medical investigations,
Minister Rajnath Singh on on Thursday. army officers”. all have sustained blunt and
Thursday approved issuance Experienced pilot and his Official sources said, “army superficial injuries but are sta-
of two Open General Export co-pilot saved the day for all the commander escaped unhurt ble”.
Licences (OGELs) for export officers present on board. with minor facial injuries and The army authorities also
of certain parts and compo- According to official was soon up on his feet after saluted local villagers for assist-
nents and intra-company have Import-Export certifi- sources, “the Advanced Light undergoing precautionary med- ing army in management and
transfer of technology to cate, the Defence Ministry Helicopter,Dhruv was returning ical checkup”. evacuation of the injured in BPX]cbP]S^cWTabVXeTUX]P[c^dRWTbc^PaP]V^[XPR^[^aUd[PacU^a\PWTPS^U3XfP[XPcPBfP\X]PaPhP]cT\_[TX]0W\TSPQPS
select countries. said adding “the quarterly after completing tour of forward Other officers including time. ^]CWdabSPh 0?
Giving details of the and end of the year reports
clearance, officials said the on all the transactions done
application for grant of OGEL
will be considered by
under OGELs should be sub-
mitted to DPP for examina- 0bbP\)218R^dacbT]cT]RTb_Pbb_^ac^UUXRT F^\P]cTRWXT³bSTPcW)03<:Ud]RcX^]PahfXcWSaPfbQPX[_[TP
Department of Defence
Production (DPP) on a case-
tion and post-export verifi-
cation.” T\_[^hTTc^#hTPaA8X]R^aad_cX^]RPbT Chennai: An AIADMK func- ing, to permit to withdraw erected for the wedding of district on September 27 after
to-case basis. The OGEL is a The items permitted tionary, arrested in connection them. Jayagopal’s son, was fatally run being on the run for more than
one-time export licence to be under OGEL includes com- Guwahati: A CBI court here on tions of the Prevention of with the death of a 23-year-old Allowing the request, the over by a truck that was com- two weeks since
granted to a company for a ponents of ammunition and Thursday sentenced an employ- Corruption Act, 1988. woman techie here after a judge dismissed the petitions as ing from behind. the death of Subashree, which
specific period (two years fuse setting device without ee of the regional passport office Thakuria was found guilty of hoarding put up for his son’s withdrawn after taking an On October 15, when had triggered an
initially). energetic and explosive mate- to four years rigorous impris- amassing assets worth wedding fell on her, withdrew endorsement of withdrawal Jayagopal pleaded that he had outrage.
The countries allowed rial; firing control and relat- onment while acquitting her C 5 8 , 4 3 , 8 6 0 , his bail petition filed in the from the counsel for Jayagopal no role in erecting the hoard- Jayagopal moved the high
under the OGELs are ed alerting and warning spouse in a disproportionate disproportionate to her known Madras High Court on and Meganathan. ings, the judge had sought to court seeking bail after a lower
Belgium, France, Germany, equipment and related sys- assets case. sources of income, during her Thursday. In a recent hearing, the know why he went absconding court rejected the relief.
Japan, South Africa, Spain, tem; and body protective CBI Special Judge Soneka posting at the regional passport Apparently anticipating court has orally observed that for 12 days after the incident if In his petition, the former
Sweden, UK, USA, Canada, items. Complete aircraft or Bora convicted the lower divi- office here from November 2006 rejection of the plea, counsel for a “daughter lost her life in the he had not done anything councillor of a local body
Italy, Poland and Mexico. complete unmanned aerial sion clerk/junior passport assis- to September 2014. the petitioners Jayagopal and process of welcoming a daugh- wrong. claimed that the banners were
However, export of items to a vehicles (UAVs) and any tant Anjali Das Thakuria in the Her husband Munindra Das, his brother-in-law ter-in-law”. Jayagopal, booked by put up by his party cadres along
‘Special Economic Zone’ is components specially case filed by the central agency’s who was acquitted, was accused Meganathan, who are co- On September 12, police on charges of attempt to the arterial road for
not permitted. designed or modified for anti-corruption bureau in 2016. of instigating and aiding accused in the case, requested Subashree, who fell on the commit culpable homicide not his son’s marriage out of ‘love
For acquiring the licences, UAVs are excluded under He also slapped a fine of Thakuria in acquiring the Justice C V Karthikeyan before road after being knocked off amounting to murder, and affection’ and that he had
the applicant is mandatory to this licence. C50,000 on Thakuria under sec- assets. PTI whom the petitions were pend- her two-wheeler by a banner was arrested in Krishnagiri no role in it. PTI
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( ]PcX^]%

< 0 7 0 A 0 B 7 C A 0  ! ' '  B 4 0 C B 

6($76 6($76 6($76 6($76 6($76
3;ADV_RecZf^aYVUSfe_`e`_ViaVTeVU]Z_Vd C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 Bhegade from Maval (Pune),
and Parinay Fuke from Sakoli
ailing to live up to the hype (Nagpur) who was trounced by
F and hoopla created by it in
the run-up to the election that
Congress leader from eastern
Maharashtra Nana Patole.
it would post a thumping elec- The Shiv Sena ministers
toral victory, the BJP-Shiv Sena who were defeated in the polls
alliance on Thursday man- are: Vijaybapu Shivtare from
aged to retain power in Purandar (Pune) and Arjun
Maharashtra by either winning Khotkar from Jalna and
or leading in 160 seats out of Jaydatta Kshirsagar from Beed.
the total 288 seats in the State Most of these ministers,
Assembly polls. including Pankaja, had faced
From a combined tally of allegations of involvement in
185 seats that the BJP and Shiv scams made by the Opposition
Sena had won when they con- parties in the past five years.
tested the 2014 polls separate- 19?P]SBWXeBT]Pf^aZTabRT[TQaPcTcWTXaeXRc^ahX]<PWPaPbWcaP0bbT\Q[h The major victors in the
ly, the ruling saffron alliance T[TRcX^]bPc0VaX:^[X1WPeP]X]=PeX<d\QPX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 Assembly polls were: Devendra
partners were to set end up Fadnavis (BJP, Nagpur South
with a winning tally of a max- victory. Lok Sabha polls, which saw the West), Aditya Thackeray (Shiv
imum of 160 seats, which is 25 As was expected, the rebels BJP, Shiv Sena and their ally Sena, Worli), Ajit Pawar (NCP,
seats fewer than the two parties belonging to both the ruling win 42 out of 48 seats. Baramati), Prithviraj Chavan
had won in the previous BJP and Shiv Sena played a Interestingly, in the current (Congress Karad South), and
Assembly polls. spoilsport for the two parties in Assembly polls, the BJP secured Ashok Chavan (Congress,
On its own, the ruling BJP the polls. Admitting that the 25.69 per cent of total votes Bhokar), Santosh Raosaheb
was poised to win a maximum presence of rebels in the fray polled, while the Shiv Sena Danve (BJP, Bhokardan),
of 104 seats out of the total 164 had affected both the saffron mustered 16.50 per cent votes. Ganesh Naik (BJP, Airoli),
seats it had contested, while the alliance partners, a senior BJP The younger Opposition party Dilip Walse Patil (NCP,
Shiv Sena was expected a max- leader said in the evening that NCP polled higher percentage Ambegaon) and Chandrakant
imum of 56 seats out of the he was in touch with at least 15 (16.72 per cent votes), while the Patil (BJP, Kothurd).
total 124 seats it had contested winning rebels. Sonai Gandhi-led party secured Amit Deshmukh and
in the polls. On his part, Chief Minister 15.76 per cent votes. Dhiraj Deshmukh, sons of late
From the Opposition, the Devendra Fadnavis sought to In what came as embar- Chief Minister Vilarasrao
NCP — which fared relatively play down relatively unimpres- rassment for the ruling saffron Deshmukh, were elected on a
BWXeBT]P[TPSTa0SXchPCWPRZTaPhbW^fbeXRc^ahbXV]PUcTaPaaXeX]VPcBT]1WPeP]X]<d\QPX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 better than it was expected sive performance of the BJP in alliance, at least eight BJP- Congress ticket from Latur
thanks to mainly to the exten- the polls. “On the contrary to Sena Ministers in the Devendra city and Latur rural con-
sive campaigning done by its the perception sought to be cre- Fadnavis Government bit elec- stituencies respectively.

founder-president Sharad Pawar ated, our strike rate is much bet- toral dust. While Amit was elected for
— had either won or was lead- ter what it was in the 2014 The biggest jolt that the the third time from Latur city
ing in 54 seats out of the 121 Assembly. At that time, BJP had BJP-led Government suffered constituency, Dhiraj — making
seats it contested in the polls, contested 260 seats and won was the defeat of late senior BJP his debut — won the polls from
Mumbai: Shiv Sena leader The Yuva Sena leader is big win. by allowing malls and restau- while its senior ally Congress 122 seats which was 47 per cent leader Gopinath Munde’s Latur rural by a margin of
Aaditya Thackeray, who made now likely to make his party, A pass out of the Bombay rants to be open all night. The was set to end up with a win- strike rate. In this election, we daughter and State Minister 1,18,000 voters – that too over
history by becoming the first which was rooted in the 'sons Scottish School in suburban Shiv Sena-ruled ning tally 45 seats in the polls. contested 164 seats and won Pankaja Munde who was an interesting rival 'None Of
member of his family to take of the soil' agenda and later Mahim, Aaditya is a graduate Brihanmumbai Municipal Among the smaller parties 103 seats which is 70 per cent trounced by her estranged The Above' option.
poll plunge, has marked his embraced the Hindutva ide- in English Literature from St Corporation has approved the and independents, the Bahujan strike rate,” Fadnavis said. cousin and NCP’s Leader of Dhiraj Deshmukh secured
arrival in Maharashtra politics ology, more inclusive and Xavier's College and has a proposal, which is now pend- Vikash Aghadi (BVA) had won The strike rate projected by Opposition in Legislative around 1,31,000 votes, while
with a bang and is likely to broad-based. law degree from KC College. ing with the Chief Minister for one seat and was leading in two Fadnavis notwithstanding, the Council Dhananjay Munde in 26,800 votes were cast for
play a key role in the next State In run up to the polls, he He has always managed to clearance. seats, while the All India BJP leaders, including BJP Parli constituency of Beed dis- NOTA. Shiv Sena’s Sachin
Government and help expand conducted several roadshows, keep himself abreast of civic The young politician also Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen national president Amit Shah trict in Marathwada. Deshmukh, Maharashtra
his party. foot marches and raised issues issues and concerns of youth sports a creative side like his bagged two seats. and the chief minister himself, The BJP’s other losing Navnirman Sena’s Arjun
The 29-year-old next-gen like cutting of trees in Aarey in the State. The Maharashtra grandfather, father and uncle. The Prahar Janshakti Party had gone to town saying that ministers include: Anil Bonde Waghamare, and 12 other can-
Thackeray, whom his party Colony and Mumbai's Government's decision to ban His grandfather, the late won 2 seats, while Krantikari the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance from Morshi (Amravati), Ram didates forfeited their election
wants to be the Deputy Chief nightlife and said he wants to plastic is partly credited to his Bal Thackeray, who founded Shetkari Party, Samajwadi Party would win more 220 seats in Shinde who was defeated by deposits.
Minister in the BJP-Sena make the constituency a campaign against the wide- the Shiv Sena in 1966, was a and Swabhimani Shetkari Party the State Assembly. The NCP President Sharad Pawar’s Interestingly, 18 of the 35
alliance Government, won "model of development". spread use of the material. cartoonist, an art shared by his bagged one seat each. Among premise was based on the fact grandnephew Rohit Pawar in sitting MLAs and Congress-
with a thumping majority He also reached out to In a bid to attract young estranged uncle Raj Thackeray, the independents five emerged that the saffron alliance part- his maiden election from NCP leaders who had switched
from Mumbai's Worli con- non-Marathi voters in the followers, he also proposed the the chief of Maharashtra victorious, while at least eight ners had established leads in K a r j a t - J a m k h e d over either the BJP or the Shiv
stituency. constituency to romp home a revival of Mumbai's nightlife Navnirman Sena (MNS). PTI independents were heading to 227 Assembly segments in the (Ahmednagar), Sanjay ‘Bala’ Sena were defeated in the polls.

=8C4B7=0A0H0=A0=4 :P]ZPe[X 19?F>=
Mumbai: Former Maharashtra nominee in Ajit Pawar, nephew of NCP
270=3A0:0=C?0C8; :^cWadS 19?F>= deputy Chief Minister and NCP the elections president Sharad Pawar, polled Mumbai: NCP leader
E8:74?0C8; BWXaSX 19?F>= leader Ajit Pawar on Thursday held on 1,95,641 votes, while his nearest Dhananjay Munde on
?0=:0906>?8=0C7A0><D=34 ?Pa[X 19?;>BC won from the Baramati October 21. rival, Padalkar, bagged just Thursday said he was both
Assembly constituency by A j i t 30,376 votes. "joyous and pained", as he
098C00=0=CA0>?0F0A 1PaP\PcX =2?F>= defeating his nearest rival by Pawar won The 60-year-old NCP leader took an unassailable lead over
0<8CE8;0BA0>34B7<D:7 ;Pcda2Xch 8=2F>= over 1.65 lakh votes — the the seat in was followed by Vishwajit his cousin and Maharashtra
270E0=?A8C7E8A093098B0741 :PaPSB^dcW 8=2F>= highest victory margin record- Pune district Kadam, who is the State BJP Minister Pankaja Munde in
ed by a candidate in this election. for a sixth Congress working president, in Parli Assembly seat, which saw
0038CH0D3370EC702:4A0H F^a[X B7BF>=
On the other hand, Shiv consecutive term. terms of victory gap. the two engage in recrimina-
270E0=E0B0=CA0> =PXVP^] 8=2;>BC Sena candidate Dilip Bhausaheb According to the Election Kadam defeated his nearest tion in a high-voltage contest.
10;F0=CA0> Lande won from the Chandivali Commission (EC) data, Ajit Shiv Sena rival Sanjay Vibhute He also thanked the people
?0=:09277060=17D910; =P]SVP^] =2?;>BC constituency in north Mumbai Pawar defeated the BJP's by a margin of 1,62,521 votes in for his "unprecedented victory".
?A0344?A0<4B7F0A =P[Pb^_PaP B7B;>BC by just 409 votes — the lowest Gopichand Padalkar by a mar- Palus Kadegaon in Sangli district On the other hand, Pankaja
B70A<0 victory margin posted by a gin of 1,65,265 votes. of western Maharashtra. PTI Munde dubbed her defeat was in the State Legislative Council someone in the family has
"unexpected and inscrutable", said he contested the election been defeated," he said.

but said she accepted the peo- on the issue of development, The NCP leader also said
ple's mandate humbly. but, without naming anyone he will fulfil all the develop-
According to the trends one, he added that "dirty poli- ment-related promises made to
made available by Election tics" was played by the ruling people in the next five years.

Commission so far, the NCP party. Meanwhile, reacting to her
leader secured 1.22 lakh votes He also observed that peo- defeat, Pankaja Munde said, "I
as against 91,413 votes bagged ple of Parli backed him despite accept the mandate humbly.

by his BJP opponent. Prime Minister Narendra This is an inscrutable result. I
"The people of Parli have Modi, BJP chief Amit Shah and did not expect the result, given
given me an unprecedented Chhatrapati Shivaji's descen- the developmental works car-
victory. I thank them. Heavenly dant Udayanraje Bhosale cam- ried out during the past five
Anna (referring to his father) paigning against him. years and the response I
wanted to see me winning. "I am happy. But I am also received from people."
How do I tell him that his son sad somewhere, being the elder The BJP leader, who was a
has won and that too in Parli?" in the family. Whether they Minister in the first Devendra
an emotionally-charged consider me as part of the fam- Fadnavis Government, said she
Dhananjay Munde said. ily or not, the blood relation will analyse reasons behind
The Leader of Opposition never breaks. I am pained that her defeat. PTI

=PcX^]P[Xbc2^]VaTbb?Pach=2?f^aZTabQda]UXaTRaPRZTabPbcWThRT[TQaPcTcWTXa_Pach´bV^^SbW^fX]<PWPaPbWcaP 5PS]PeXbfX]bUa^\=PV_da µ?@E2XVed#_U

?C8_W^c^ 0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]b^dcbXSTcWT_Pach^UUXRTX]<d\QPX^]CWdabSPh ?C8
Mumbai: In the newly-elected B^dcWFTbcQdc\PaVX]UP[[b 2ddV^S]jdVRe
Varsha Gaikwad (Dharavi-
288-member Maharashtra Mumbai) also retained their
Legislative Assembly, there seats. Nagpur: Maharashtra Chief
would be only 23 women, NCP MLA Suman Patil Minister Devendra Fadnavis Latur: The NOTA option has
eleven of them sitting legislators. too retained her Tasgaon- defeated his nearest rival, secured second slot in the

It is still an improvement over Kavathe Mahankal seat. Congress' Ashish Deshmukh Latur rural Assembly segment,
the previous Assembly which The newcomer women leg- by a margin of 49,344 votes from where late Maharashtra
had 22 women legislators. islators are Saroj Ahire (Devlali) from the Nagpur South West Chief Minister Vilasrao
The sitting legislators who of the NCP, Lata Sonavane constituency, election officials Deshmukh's son Dhiraj is set to
were elected on Thursday were (Chopda) and Yamini Jadhav Mumbai: Some prominent Pichad had joined the BJP few the Shiv Sena before the polls, said on Thursday. went to None Of The Above register a handsome victory in
Manda Mhatre (from Belapur), (Byculla) of the Shiv Sena; Opposition leaders who had days before the election. He lost namely, Pandurang Barora and Fadnavis won from this (NOTA) option. his maiden poll outing.
Manisha Chaudhari (Dahisar), Shweta Mahale (Chikli), joined the ruling BJP or Shiv to Dr Kiran Lahamate of the Nirmala Gavit, also lost the constituency for the third time, Fadnavis had won twice According to the trends
Vidya Thakur (Goregaon), Meghana Bordikar (Jintur), Sena, including Cabinet NCP by 57,689 votes from elections from Shahapur and but with a reduced margin. from Nagpur-West seat in 1999 available till late Thursday
Devyani Farande (Nashik Namita Mundada (Kaij), Mukta Minister Jaydutt Kshirsagar, Akole seat. Igatpuri, respectively. He had won from the seat and 2004. Following delimita- evening, Dhiraj Deshmukh,
Central), Seema Hiray (Nashik Tilak (Kasba Peth); and have bitten the dust as the Interestingly, Lahamate Barora was an NCP MLA by 58,942 votes in 2014. tion in 2009, he contested and the Congress candidate, has
West), Madhuri Misal (Parvati), Congress' Pratibha Dhanorkar Maharashtra Assembly poll was a BJP worker for many and Gavit a Congress legislator. Fadnavis secured 1,09,237 won from Nagpur South-West secured 1,35,006 votes (67.64
Monica Rajale (Shevgaon) and (Warora) and Sulbha Khodke results came in on Thursday. years and had been in the Former Minister votes while Ashish Deshmukh in 2009 and 2014. per cent).
Bharati Lavhekar (Versova). (Amravati). Kshirsagar, fighting on Shiv camp opposed to the Pichad Harshvardhan Patil, who got 59,893 votes. Ashish Deshmukh had The 'None of the Above'
All eight MLAs are from Two independents — Geeta Sena ticket, was defeated by his family. Irked with State BJP's switched sides from the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi fought the 2014 Assembly elec- (NOTA) has clinched 27,500
the BJP. Jain (Mira Bhayander) and nephew and NCP candidate decision to induct Vaibhav, Congress to the BJP so that he candidate Ravi Shende bagged tions on BJP ticket from Katol votes (13.78 per cent), rele-
Congress MLAs Praniti Manjula Gavit (Sakri) have also Sandip Kshirsagar. Lahamate joined the NCP and could contest from his home 8,821 votes and BSP candidate and defeated his uncle, NCP gating other candidates in
Shinde (Solapur City Central), won. Among 3,237 candidates, Vaibhav Pichad, son of for- won the election. turf, Indapur, lost to the NCP's Vivek Handle secured 7,646 leader Anil Deshmukh. He fray from the seat to inferior
Yashomati Thakur (Teosa) and there were 235 women. PTI mer NCP Minister Madhukar Two MLAs who had joined Duttatray Bharane. PTI votes. As many as 3,064 votes later quit the BJP. PTI positions. PTI
A0=278kC7DAB30H k>2C>14A!#! ( ]PcX^]&



W`c^ReZ`_Z_>RYR9cj &RQJUHVVLQ+DU\DQD CR^afcdVRe ?=BQ =4F34;78 ity and there is a significant drop in its said. Sonia had appointed Hooda the
vote percentage. Claiming that the ver- Congress Legislative Party (CLP)
he Congress-NCP alliance put up dict of Haryana is against the BJP, he leader which proved to be a game
T a good show in Maharashtra while
the grand old party surprised the rul-
also said all parties opposing the BJP
must come together.
changer for the party in Haryana
which was struggling to maintain the
ing side in Haryana by giving it a tough In Haryana, the Congress, which party's ground which ruled for maxi-
fight and coming up with an increased failed to bag even one seat in the Lok mum number of years in the Jat dom-
tally. As trends started pouring in, Sabha polls, won or was ahead in 31 inant state.
Congress leaders started discussing of the 90 seats at stake compared to its While former Congress chief
that had the party not given up mid- previous tally of 15. The BJP, which had Rahul Gandhi campaigned in both the
way apprehending the loss to yet 47 seats in the outgoing 90-member States, leaders lost hope after the only
another apparent 'Modi wave', it would house, won or was ahead in 40 seats. rally scheduled for Sonia to address
have made a comeback in Haryana and The half-way mark is 46. was cancelled on the penultimate day
together with regional parties wrested In Maharashtra, the BJP-Shiv Sena of elections early this week.
power in Maharashtra. coalition was on course to retain Following the impressive results,
In the first Assembly elections after power albeit with a reduced majority senior Congress leader P
the BJP's triumph in the Lok Sabha with the opposition Congress-NCP Chidambaram said party workers Lucknow: Samajwadi Party on Thursday
polls in May, the ruling party's electoral alliance putting up a good show. must believe that the BJP can be retained its Rampur assembly seat, which
juggernaut met with some resistance Haryana Congress chief Kumari defeated in elections as calm and fell vacant after Azam Khan successfully
in Maharashtra and Haryana with a Selja said people has rejected the rul- quiet patriotism can defeat muscular fought the Lok Sabha polls with his wife
resurgent Congress performing cred- ing BJP and was ready to "embrace a nationalism. Taking a swipe at the BJP, emerging victorious by a margin of over
itably in the northern State. new dawn of justice". Selja was Chidambaram, who is in ED custody 7,000 votes.
"It is for the first time in five years appointed couple of months before the in a corruption case, said that miracles Khan's wife and SP candidate Tazeen
?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXQTX]VVPa[P]STSQh7^\T<X]XbcTa0\XcBWPW3TUT]RT<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VW19?F^aZX]V that people have voted against BJP in assembly elections when former Chief can happen if people shed their fear. Fatma won by defeating her nearest rival
?aTbXST]c9?=PSSPP]SD]X^]<X]XbcTa=XcX]6PSZPaXPUcTacWT_PachbeXRc^ahX]Q^cW7PahP]PP]S<PWPaPbWcaP0bbT\Q[h_^[[b Assembly relying more on local issues Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda had "Congress workers must believe BJP candidate Bharat Bhushan.
Pc19?7@X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 concerning them. BJP tried to mis- threatened to quit the party if Selja's that the BJP can be defeated in an elec- While Tazeen secured 79,043 votes,
guide the voters in local elections by predecessor Ashok Tanwar is not axed tion. Calm and quiet patriotism can Bhushan got 71,327 votes.
?=BQ =4F34;78 "Devendra Fadnavis ji and Shah said "I want to congratu- pitching national issues like Article 370 as party chief. defeat muscular nationalism," he said on Congress candidate Arshad Ali Khan
Manohar Lal ji both were first late party workers across the and triple talaq. But onions selling at A confident Hooda said he will Twitter. He said he had asked his fam- got 4,182 votes while BSP's Zubair Masood
espite the BJP's showing time chief ministers, they did country as in Modi-2, the first C70-80 per kg weighed more on the soon meet Congress president Sonia ily to tweet on his behalf. Khan secured 3,441 votes.
D not upto the expectations
in Maharashtra and Haryana
not even have the experience as
ministers. And for 5 years they
two elections have been won by
the BJP. The BJP-Sena yuti
electorates' minds than Article 370,"
quipped a senior Congress leader.
Gandhi and top party leaders to strate-
gise on forming the Government in the
Elated over the party's perfor-
mance in the assembly polls in
In Gangoh, the BJP retained the seat
with its candidate Kirat Singh defeating his
Assembly polls, Prime Minister kept working for people's wel- (alliance) has full majority in The party said the poll verdict in state. Sonia already spoke to Hooda Maharastra and Haryana, the leader of nearest rival Congress candidate Nooman
Narendra Modi and BJP pres- fare and as a result people have Maharashtra and we won 3 per Haryana and Maharashtra is a moral and given him the go-ahead to work Congress in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Masud.
ident Amit Shah on Thursday again put their faith in them," cent more votes and emerged defeat of the BJP and what it stands for. towards forming the Government, Chowdhury Thursday said the so While the BJP candidate secured
sought to outline the key pos- Modi said. as the biggest party in Congress' senior spokesperson they said. called "Modi magic" is fast waning. The 68,300 votes, Masud got 62,881 votes.
itives even while asserting to "The political pundits who Haryana." Shah also referred to Anand Sharma said that BJP chief Amit "Former Haryana CM Hooda is result of the assembly polls in the two Samajwadi Party candidate Inder Sain
form the Governments in both are analysing today's election various decisions of the central Shah's claim of victory in Haryana does already in touch with JJP and states will help to rejuvenate Congress got 57,374 votes while BSP candidate Mohd
the States despite Haryana results, Haryana in itself is an government like ending special not hold as the party is short of major- Independents," a source close to him in the days to come, he said. Irshad got 32,276 votes. PTI
throwing up a fractured man- exceptional win since these status to Jammu and Kashmir,
date. days there have been less criminalizing instant Triple
Addressing BJP workers
at the party headquarters in the
evening, Modi pointed out
instances of winning again
after completing a 5-year term..
Moreover, BJP's vote share in
Talaq and giving rights to 40
lakh residents of unauthorized
colonies in Delhi, indicating 3;A4`_XhZ_eYcVV
how the party scripted history Haryana went up to 36 per cent that the BJP's latest wins were
in Maharashtra, where "for the from 33 per cent; it shows peo- an endorsement of these steps.
first time in 50 years, a Chief ple's endorsement of Govt's Earlier, in his tweet, Shah
Minister completed his full work," Modi said. said the (Manohar Lal) Khattar
five-year term" and the return
of the party to power shows
people reposed faith in the
Devendra Fadnavis-led State
Earlier, Modi tweeted: "I
thank the people of Haryana
for blessing us. We will con-
tinue to work with the same
government in Haryana has
made every effort for people's
welfare under the central lead-
ership of (Narendra) Modi. "I
Government. "Political stabil- zeal and dedication for the thank people for making the Ahmedabad: The Opposition comeback after trailing in initial
ity is a must for a state like state's progress. I laud the BJP the single-largest party Congress and ruling BJP won rounds, and defeated the BJP's
Maharashtra," he added. efforts of hardworking and giving it another opportu- three seats each in the bypolls to Jivraj Patel by over 6,400 votes.
"Even before Diwali, the @BJP4Haryana Karyakartas nity to serve them," Shah tweet- six assembly constituencies in In Kheralu seat in Mehsana,
way people of Haryana and who toiled extensively and ed. He congratulated Chief Gujarat, the results of which the BJP's Ajmalji Thakor defeat-
Maharashtra have put their went among the people to Minister Khattar and state were declared on Thursday. ed the Congress' Babuji Thakor
faith in BJP, I want to thank elaborate on our development party chief Subhash Barala. The Congress managed to by 29,000 votes.
them from the core of my agenda.". Shah said: In Maharashtra, wrest one seat away from the In Radhanpur seat, the BJP's
heart," he maintained. BJP president Amit Shah BJP-Shiv Sena is going to form BJP. Alpesh Thakor was defeated by
Modi said the people have said the BJP has won the first the govt once again with major- Congress turncoat MLAs the Congress' Raghu Desai by
reposed faith in leadership of two elections in Prime Minister ity. We'll work even harder in Alpesh Thakor and Dhavalsinh over 3,800 votes.
Fadnavis and Haryana chief Narendra Modi's second term. both states for the welfare of the Zala, who contested on BJP In Lunawada, BJP candidate
minister Manohar Lal Khattar. Addressing the party workers, people. 19?[TPSTa9PVSXbW?PcT[RT[TQaPcTbWXbfX]X]0\aPXfPSXR^]bcXcdT]RhX]6dYPaPcQhTT[TRcX^]X]0W\TSPQPS^]CWdbaSPh?C8 ticket, lost. Jignesh Sevak won against the
The results take the Congress' Gulabsinh Chauhan

Congress' tally in the 182- mem- by over 11,000 votes.
ber House to 72, and that of the In Amraiwadi, the BJP's
BJP to 103. Congress's Jashu Jagdish Patel, who was trailing
Patel defeated Zala from Bayad behind Congress' Dharmendra
seat in Arvalli district by a mar- Patel initially, managed to come
gin of over 700 votes. back and won by over 5,500
Lucknow/Patna: The BJP and one by the Congress. AIADMK in Tamil Nadu wrest- 27,804 votes, defeating BJP's But the ruling party suf- constituency, reserved for Before the results were votes.
its allies on Thursday won 26 of Among the states ruled by ed two seats from arch-rival Bhanu Bhuria. fered a setback as SAD's Scheduled Tribes, in declared, Zala had accepted his Prior to the by-elections, the
the 51 assembly seats at stake in the BJP and its allies, bypolls DMK and its ally Congress in The Congress lost the seat Manpreet Singh Ayali defeated Chhattisgarh with Rajman defeat and left the counting Congress held Radhanpur and
the bypolls across 18 states were held on Monday for the the bypolls. AIADMK won by to BJP in last year's assembly its nominee Sandeep Singh Benzam defeating Lachhuram centre. Bayad seats while the other
and the Congress emerged vic- maximum 11 seats in Uttar impressive margins in polls with G S Damor defeating Sandhu by 14,672 votes in Kashyap of the BJP by 17,862 In Tharad seat of four were with the BJP.
torious in 12 constituencies Pradesh, followed by six in Vikravandi and Nanguneri con- Kantilal Bhuria's son Vikrant Dakha. votes. Banaskantha, Congress candi- Congress snatched Tharad
while Asaduddin Owaisi's Gujarat, five in Bihar, four in stituencies. Bhuria by 10,437 votes. The ruling TRS in BJD candidate Rita Sahu date Gulabsinh Rajput made a seat from the ruling party. PTI
AIMIM tasted its maiden elec- Assam and two each in In Kerala, the Congress-led However, the BJP fielded Telangana won the Huzurnagar won the Bijepur Assembly seat
toral success in Bihar. Himachal Pradesh and Tamil UDF tasted defeat at the hands Damor in the general elections seat with its nominee S Saidi in Odisha defeating Sanat
In bye-elections to two Lok Nadu. of the ruling LDF headed by the from the Ratlam-Jhabua seat, Reddy defeating Congress's N Gartia of the BJP by 97,990
Sabha seats, Prince Raj of the The other states where CPI-M in its strongholds of which he won by defeating Padmavati Reddy. votes, which is the highest-ever
Lok Jan Shakti Party won in bypolls were held are Punjab (4 Vattiyoorkavu and Konni, while Kantilal Bhuria. The BJP in Assam won margin in the history of the
Samastipur (SC) in Bihar seats), Kerala (5), Sikkim (3), it retained two seats and won The Congress now has 115 three seats with its candidates state's assembly polls.
defeating Ashok Kumar of the Rajasthan (2) and one seat from the Marxist bastion of members, one short of simple Bijoy Malakar (Ratabari), Rajen Sikkim Chief Minister
Congress, while Shriniwas each in Arunachal Pradesh, Aroor. Thiruvananthapuram majority in the 230-member Borthakur (Rangapara) and Prem Singh Tamang aka PS
Dadasaheb Patil of the NCP Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Mayor V K Prasanth won from house. It enjoys the support of Nabanita Handique (Sonari) Golay won from Poklok
emerged victorious in Chhattisgarh, Puducherry, Vattiyoorkavu against his near- 4 Independents, two BSP MLAs defeating their respective Kamrang seat by 8,953 votes.
Maharashtra's Satara con- Meghalaya and Telangana. est Congress rival K and one SP MLA. Congress opponents. All India The Sikkim Krantikari Morcha
stituency over Udyanraje The BJP and its allies held Mohankumar. The ruling Congress in United Democratic Front's (SKM) founder defeated Moses
Pratapsinhmaharaj Bhonsle of nearly 30 of these seats, while Another UDF bastion, Rajasthan increased its tally in Rafiqul Islam prevailed over Rai of the Sikkim Democratic
the BJP. the Congress had won 12 and Konni, went to the LDF kitty the state assembly by winning Congress's Shamsul Hoque in Front.
The Samajwadi Party the rest were with regional with its candidate K U Jenish the bypoll to Mandawa seat Jania. The SKM's alliance partner
turned out to be a major gain- parties. Kumar defeating P Mohanraj while MP Hanuman Beniwal's The by-election was neces- BJP tasted its first electoral
er in Uttar Pradesh, wresting a Assembly elections were (Cong). Rashtriya Loktantrik Party sitated after sitting BJP MLAs victory in the northeastern
seat each from the ruling BJP also held in Maharashtra, where However, the LDF tasted retained the Khinwsar seat. and ministers Pallab Lochan state winning the Martam
and the BSP, while the NDA got the BJP-Shiv Sena coalition defeat at Aroor, a CPI(M) Congress's Rita Chaudhary Das (Rangapara) and Tapan Rumtek and Gangtok seats.
eight, one less than it held. retained power albeit with a stronghold where UDF's won from Mandawa by a mar- Gogoi (Sonari) and Deputy Sonam TSH Venchungpa
The SP wrested Zaidpur reduced majority, and in BJP- Shanimol Usman, who had gin of 33,704 votes while RLP Speaker Kripanath Mallah won from Martam Rumtek,
seat from the BJP and Jalalpur ruled Haryana which appeared unsuccessfully contested the candidate Narayan Beniwal (Ratabari) besides Congress defeating his nearest rival Nuk
seat from the BSP, while retain- headed for a hung assembly April Lok Sabha poll from won Khinwsar by 4,630 votes. MLA Abdul Khaleque (Jania) Tshering Bhutia of the SDF by
ing Rampur. The BJP won with JJP chief Dushyant Alappuzha, won by a margin of Now the Congress tally in were elected to the Lok Sabha. 6,150 votes while Yong Tshering
seven seats and its ally Apna Dal Chautala holding the key to 2079 votes. the 200-member assembly has Lepcha beat Delay Namgyal
(S) bagged one. government formation. Usman defeated her near- increased to 107, including six In Himachal Pradesh, the Barfungpa of the Sikkim
The BJP retained Balha, In the Gujarat bypolls, rul- est rival Manu C Pulickal of the those who had defected to the ruling BJP retained both the National People's Party by 1,010
Gangoh, Manikpur, Ghosi, ing BJP and Congress shared LDF. party from the BSP last month. Dharamshala and Pachhad votes in Gangtok.
Iglas, Lucknow Cantt and the spoils winning three seats The UDF won the The BJP has 72 MLAs and the seats. In Pachhad, Reena Former Indian football
Govindnagar, while Apna Dal each. OBC leader Alpesh Manjeshwaram seat where M C RLP three. Kashyap defeated her nearest team captain Bhaichung Bhutia,
(S) retained Pratapgarh. Thakor, who switched sides Kamaruddin (IUML) won by The ruling Congress con- rival, former minister Gangu who contested from Gangtok
The ruling JD(U) suffered from Congress to BJP, lost from 7,923 votes against BJP's solidated its position in Punjab Ram Musafir of the Congress, seat on a Hamro Sikkim Party
a setback in Bihar managing to Radhanpur by 3,807 votes to Raveesh Thanthri Kuntar. winning three assembly seg- by 2,742 votes. ticket, managed to bag only 579
win only one of the four seats Congress's Raghubhai Desai. It retained the Ernakulam ments while opposition Vishal Nehria defeated votes.
it contested. Bypolls were held Congress candidate Jashu seat as its candidate T J Vinod, Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) Independent Rakesh Kumar The ruling SKM's tally in
in five seats of which RJD won Patel defeated BJP's Dhavalsinh deputy Mayor of Kochi corpo- won one seat. by 6,758 votes in Dharamshala. the 32-member House has now
two and AIMIM one. The Zala in Bayad, while in Tharad, ration, defeated his nearest Raminder Awla defeated In Puducherry, the ruling gone up to 19 while the BJP's
remaining seat was won by an Congress nominee Gulabsinh rival advocate Manu Roy, the SAD nominee Raj Singh Congress retained the Kamaraj strength in the House is 12. Ten
Independent. Rajput prevailed over BJP's LDF-Independent candidate by Dibipura by 16,633 votes from Nagar Assembly seat with its SDF legislators had earlier
The results gave the once Jivraj Patel. over 3,750 votes. Jalalabad, considered an Akali nominee A John Kumar defeat- switched to the BJP.
mighty RJD a reason to smile, In Kheralu seat, BJP's The LDF's strength has bastion. ing his nearest AINRC rival S United Democratic Party
while Hyderabad MP Owaisi's Ajmalji Thakor beat Congress's now gone up to 93, while that Earlier, the segment was Bhuvaneswarane. candidate Balajied Kupar
AIMIM gained a toehold in the Babuji Thakor. of UDF 45 in the 140-member represented by SAD chief With this win, the Synrem won the bypoll to
state clinching Kishanganj, a In Lunawada, BJP's Jignesh house. Sukhbir Singh Badal, who was Congress's strength in the Shella constituency in
Muslim-dominated con- Sevak beat Congress's The defeat in Vatiyoorkavu elected to Lok Sabha in May. assembly has been restored to Meghalaya by over 6000 votes.
stituency. BJP rebel candidate Gulabsinh Chauhan while in and Konni comes as a rude In Phagwara, which fell 15 in which the Congress enjoys The bye-election was necessi-
Karnjeet Singh won the Amraiwadi, Congress's shock for the UDF which had vacant after sitting BJP MLA the support of the DMK, its tated due to the death of UDP
Dharaunda seat as an Dharmendra Patel lost to BJP's won 19 of the 20 Lok Sabha Som Parkash was elected to Lok alliance partner, from outside. president Donkupar Roy, who
Independent. Jagdish Patel. seats in the Lok Sabha polls in Sabha, Congress candidate and The bypoll was necessi- had represented the seat for a
The JD(U) could win only Prior to the bypolls, the May. former IAS officer Balwinder tated after incumbent legisla- record seven times, earlier this
Nathnagar where its candidate Congress held Radhanpur and In Madhya Pradesh, the Singh Dhaliwal defeated BJP's tor V Vaithilingam (Cong) year. Synrem is Donkupar
Laxmi Kant Mandal beat Rabia Bayad seats while the other four Congress wrested back its tra- Rajesh Bagha by 26,116 votes. quit following his election to Roy's son. In Arunachal
Khatun of the RJD by little over were with the BJP. ditional Jhabua assembly seat Congress's Indu Bala won Lok Sabha from the lone seat Pradesh, Independent candi-
5,000 votes. In a morale booster after from the BJP. Congress candi- from Mukerian by defeating here. date Chakat Aboh, wife of
Four of these five seats the Lok Sabha poll drubbing date and former Union minis- BJP's Jangi Lal Mahajan by The ruling Congress won National People's Party (NPP)
were held by BJP ally JD(U) and months ago, the ruling ter Kantilal Bhuria won by 3,440 votes. the Naxal-affected Chitrakot leader Tirong Abo. PTI
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( ]PcX^]&



W`c^ReZ`_Z_>RYR9cj &RQJUHVVLQ+DU\DQD CR^afcdVRe ?=BQ =4F34;78 ity and there is a significant drop in its said. Sonia had appointed Hooda the
vote percentage. Claiming that the ver- Congress Legislative Party (CLP)
he Congress-NCP alliance put up dict of Haryana is against the BJP, he leader which proved to be a game
T a good show in Maharashtra while
the grand old party surprised the rul-
also said all parties opposing the BJP
must come together.
changer for the party in Haryana
which was struggling to maintain the
ing side in Haryana by giving it a tough In Haryana, the Congress, which party's ground which ruled for maxi-
fight and coming up with an increased failed to bag even one seat in the Lok mum number of years in the Jat dom-
tally. As trends started pouring in, Sabha polls, won or was ahead in 31 inant state.
Congress leaders started discussing of the 90 seats at stake compared to its While former Congress chief
that had the party not given up mid- previous tally of 15. The BJP, which had Rahul Gandhi campaigned in both the
way apprehending the loss to yet 47 seats in the outgoing 90-member States, leaders lost hope after the only
another apparent 'Modi wave', it would house, won or was ahead in 40 seats. rally scheduled for Sonia to address
have made a comeback in Haryana and The half-way mark is 46. was cancelled on the penultimate day
together with regional parties wrested In Maharashtra, the BJP-Shiv Sena of elections early this week.
power in Maharashtra. coalition was on course to retain Following the impressive results,
In the first Assembly elections after power albeit with a reduced majority senior Congress leader P
the BJP's triumph in the Lok Sabha with the opposition Congress-NCP Chidambaram said party workers Lucknow: Samajwadi Party on Thursday
polls in May, the ruling party's electoral alliance putting up a good show. must believe that the BJP can be retained its Rampur assembly seat, which
juggernaut met with some resistance Haryana Congress chief Kumari defeated in elections as calm and fell vacant after Azam Khan successfully
in Maharashtra and Haryana with a Selja said people has rejected the rul- quiet patriotism can defeat muscular fought the Lok Sabha polls with his wife
resurgent Congress performing cred- ing BJP and was ready to "embrace a nationalism. Taking a swipe at the BJP, emerging victorious by a margin of over
itably in the northern State. new dawn of justice". Selja was Chidambaram, who is in ED custody 7,000 votes.
"It is for the first time in five years appointed couple of months before the in a corruption case, said that miracles Khan's wife and SP candidate Tazeen
?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXQTX]VVPa[P]STSQh7^\T<X]XbcTa0\XcBWPW3TUT]RT<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VW19?F^aZX]V that people have voted against BJP in assembly elections when former Chief can happen if people shed their fear. Fatma won by defeating her nearest rival
?aTbXST]c9?=PSSPP]SD]X^]<X]XbcTa=XcX]6PSZPaXPUcTacWT_PachbeXRc^ahX]Q^cW7PahP]PP]S<PWPaPbWcaP0bbT\Q[h_^[[b Assembly relying more on local issues Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda had "Congress workers must believe BJP candidate Bharat Bhushan.
Pc19?7@X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 concerning them. BJP tried to mis- threatened to quit the party if Selja's that the BJP can be defeated in an elec- While Tazeen secured 79,043 votes,
guide the voters in local elections by predecessor Ashok Tanwar is not axed tion. Calm and quiet patriotism can Bhushan got 71,327 votes.
?=BQ =4F34;78 "Devendra Fadnavis ji and Shah said "I want to congratu- pitching national issues like Article 370 as party chief. defeat muscular nationalism," he said on Congress candidate Arshad Ali Khan
Manohar Lal ji both were first late party workers across the and triple talaq. But onions selling at A confident Hooda said he will Twitter. He said he had asked his fam- got 4,182 votes while BSP's Zubair Masood
espite the BJP's showing time chief ministers, they did country as in Modi-2, the first C70-80 per kg weighed more on the soon meet Congress president Sonia ily to tweet on his behalf. Khan secured 3,441 votes.
D not upto the expectations
in Maharashtra and Haryana
not even have the experience as
ministers. And for 5 years they
two elections have been won by
the BJP. The BJP-Sena yuti
electorates' minds than Article 370,"
quipped a senior Congress leader.
Gandhi and top party leaders to strate-
gise on forming the Government in the
Elated over the party's perfor-
mance in the assembly polls in
In Gangoh, the BJP retained the seat
with its candidate Kirat Singh defeating his
Assembly polls, Prime Minister kept working for people's wel- (alliance) has full majority in The party said the poll verdict in state. Sonia already spoke to Hooda Maharastra and Haryana, the leader of nearest rival Congress candidate Nooman
Narendra Modi and BJP pres- fare and as a result people have Maharashtra and we won 3 per Haryana and Maharashtra is a moral and given him the go-ahead to work Congress in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Masud.
ident Amit Shah on Thursday again put their faith in them," cent more votes and emerged defeat of the BJP and what it stands for. towards forming the Government, Chowdhury Thursday said the so While the BJP candidate secured
sought to outline the key pos- Modi said. as the biggest party in Congress' senior spokesperson they said. called "Modi magic" is fast waning. The 68,300 votes, Masud got 62,881 votes.
itives even while asserting to "The political pundits who Haryana." Shah also referred to Anand Sharma said that BJP chief Amit "Former Haryana CM Hooda is result of the assembly polls in the two Samajwadi Party candidate Inder Sain
form the Governments in both are analysing today's election various decisions of the central Shah's claim of victory in Haryana does already in touch with JJP and states will help to rejuvenate Congress got 57,374 votes while BSP candidate Mohd
the States despite Haryana results, Haryana in itself is an government like ending special not hold as the party is short of major- Independents," a source close to him in the days to come, he said. Irshad got 32,276 votes. PTI
throwing up a fractured man- exceptional win since these status to Jammu and Kashmir,
date. days there have been less criminalizing instant Triple
Addressing BJP workers
at the party headquarters in the
evening, Modi pointed out
instances of winning again
after completing a 5-year term..
Moreover, BJP's vote share in
Talaq and giving rights to 40
lakh residents of unauthorized
colonies in Delhi, indicating 3;A4`_XhZ_eYcVV
how the party scripted history Haryana went up to 36 per cent that the BJP's latest wins were
in Maharashtra, where "for the from 33 per cent; it shows peo- an endorsement of these steps.
first time in 50 years, a Chief ple's endorsement of Govt's Earlier, in his tweet, Shah
Minister completed his full work," Modi said. said the (Manohar Lal) Khattar
five-year term" and the return
of the party to power shows
people reposed faith in the
Devendra Fadnavis-led State
Earlier, Modi tweeted: "I
thank the people of Haryana
for blessing us. We will con-
tinue to work with the same
government in Haryana has
made every effort for people's
welfare under the central lead-
ership of (Narendra) Modi. "I
Government. "Political stabil- zeal and dedication for the thank people for making the Ahmedabad: The Opposition comeback after trailing in initial
ity is a must for a state like state's progress. I laud the BJP the single-largest party Congress and ruling BJP won rounds, and defeated the BJP's
Maharashtra," he added. efforts of hardworking and giving it another opportu- three seats each in the bypolls to Jivraj Patel by over 6,400 votes.
"Even before Diwali, the @BJP4Haryana Karyakartas nity to serve them," Shah tweet- six assembly constituencies in In Kheralu seat in Mehsana,
way people of Haryana and who toiled extensively and ed. He congratulated Chief Gujarat, the results of which the BJP's Ajmalji Thakor defeat-
Maharashtra have put their went among the people to Minister Khattar and state were declared on Thursday. ed the Congress' Babuji Thakor
faith in BJP, I want to thank elaborate on our development party chief Subhash Barala. The Congress managed to by 29,000 votes.
them from the core of my agenda.". Shah said: In Maharashtra, wrest one seat away from the In Radhanpur seat, the BJP's
heart," he maintained. BJP president Amit Shah BJP-Shiv Sena is going to form BJP. Alpesh Thakor was defeated by
Modi said the people have said the BJP has won the first the govt once again with major- Congress turncoat MLAs the Congress' Raghu Desai by
reposed faith in leadership of two elections in Prime Minister ity. We'll work even harder in Alpesh Thakor and Dhavalsinh over 3,800 votes.
Fadnavis and Haryana chief Narendra Modi's second term. both states for the welfare of the Zala, who contested on BJP In Lunawada, BJP candidate
minister Manohar Lal Khattar. Addressing the party workers, people. 19?[TPSTa9PVSXbW?PcT[RT[TQaPcTbWXbfX]X]0\aPXfPSXR^]bcXcdT]RhX]6dYPaPcQhTT[TRcX^]X]0W\TSPQPS^]CWdbaSPh?C8 ticket, lost. Jignesh Sevak won against the
The results take the Congress' Gulabsinh Chauhan

Congress' tally in the 182- mem- by over 11,000 votes.
ber House to 72, and that of the In Amraiwadi, the BJP's
BJP to 103. Congress's Jashu Jagdish Patel, who was trailing
Patel defeated Zala from Bayad behind Congress' Dharmendra
seat in Arvalli district by a mar- Patel initially, managed to come
gin of over 700 votes. back and won by over 5,500
Lucknow/Patna: The BJP and one by the Congress. AIADMK in Tamil Nadu wrest- 27,804 votes, defeating BJP's But the ruling party suf- constituency, reserved for Before the results were votes.
its allies on Thursday won 26 of Among the states ruled by ed two seats from arch-rival Bhanu Bhuria. fered a setback as SAD's Scheduled Tribes, in declared, Zala had accepted his Prior to the by-elections, the
the 51 assembly seats at stake in the BJP and its allies, bypolls DMK and its ally Congress in The Congress lost the seat Manpreet Singh Ayali defeated Chhattisgarh with Rajman defeat and left the counting Congress held Radhanpur and
the bypolls across 18 states were held on Monday for the the bypolls. AIADMK won by to BJP in last year's assembly its nominee Sandeep Singh Benzam defeating Lachhuram centre. Bayad seats while the other
and the Congress emerged vic- maximum 11 seats in Uttar impressive margins in polls with G S Damor defeating Sandhu by 14,672 votes in Kashyap of the BJP by 17,862 In Tharad seat of four were with the BJP.
torious in 12 constituencies Pradesh, followed by six in Vikravandi and Nanguneri con- Kantilal Bhuria's son Vikrant Dakha. votes. Banaskantha, Congress candi- Congress snatched Tharad
while Asaduddin Owaisi's Gujarat, five in Bihar, four in stituencies. Bhuria by 10,437 votes. The ruling TRS in BJD candidate Rita Sahu date Gulabsinh Rajput made a seat from the ruling party. PTI
AIMIM tasted its maiden elec- Assam and two each in In Kerala, the Congress-led However, the BJP fielded Telangana won the Huzurnagar won the Bijepur Assembly seat
toral success in Bihar. Himachal Pradesh and Tamil UDF tasted defeat at the hands Damor in the general elections seat with its nominee S Saidi in Odisha defeating Sanat
In bye-elections to two Lok Nadu. of the ruling LDF headed by the from the Ratlam-Jhabua seat, Reddy defeating Congress's N Gartia of the BJP by 97,990
Sabha seats, Prince Raj of the The other states where CPI-M in its strongholds of which he won by defeating Padmavati Reddy. votes, which is the highest-ever
Lok Jan Shakti Party won in bypolls were held are Punjab (4 Vattiyoorkavu and Konni, while Kantilal Bhuria. The BJP in Assam won margin in the history of the
Samastipur (SC) in Bihar seats), Kerala (5), Sikkim (3), it retained two seats and won The Congress now has 115 three seats with its candidates state's assembly polls.
defeating Ashok Kumar of the Rajasthan (2) and one seat from the Marxist bastion of members, one short of simple Bijoy Malakar (Ratabari), Rajen Sikkim Chief Minister
Congress, while Shriniwas each in Arunachal Pradesh, Aroor. Thiruvananthapuram majority in the 230-member Borthakur (Rangapara) and Prem Singh Tamang aka PS
Dadasaheb Patil of the NCP Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Mayor V K Prasanth won from house. It enjoys the support of Nabanita Handique (Sonari) Golay won from Poklok
emerged victorious in Chhattisgarh, Puducherry, Vattiyoorkavu against his near- 4 Independents, two BSP MLAs defeating their respective Kamrang seat by 8,953 votes.
Maharashtra's Satara con- Meghalaya and Telangana. est Congress rival K and one SP MLA. Congress opponents. All India The Sikkim Krantikari Morcha
stituency over Udyanraje The BJP and its allies held Mohankumar. The ruling Congress in United Democratic Front's (SKM) founder defeated Moses
Pratapsinhmaharaj Bhonsle of nearly 30 of these seats, while Another UDF bastion, Rajasthan increased its tally in Rafiqul Islam prevailed over Rai of the Sikkim Democratic
the BJP. the Congress had won 12 and Konni, went to the LDF kitty the state assembly by winning Congress's Shamsul Hoque in Front.
The Samajwadi Party the rest were with regional with its candidate K U Jenish the bypoll to Mandawa seat Jania. The SKM's alliance partner
turned out to be a major gain- parties. Kumar defeating P Mohanraj while MP Hanuman Beniwal's The by-election was neces- BJP tasted its first electoral
er in Uttar Pradesh, wresting a Assembly elections were (Cong). Rashtriya Loktantrik Party sitated after sitting BJP MLAs victory in the northeastern
seat each from the ruling BJP also held in Maharashtra, where However, the LDF tasted retained the Khinwsar seat. and ministers Pallab Lochan state winning the Martam
and the BSP, while the NDA got the BJP-Shiv Sena coalition defeat at Aroor, a CPI(M) Congress's Rita Chaudhary Das (Rangapara) and Tapan Rumtek and Gangtok seats.
eight, one less than it held. retained power albeit with a stronghold where UDF's won from Mandawa by a mar- Gogoi (Sonari) and Deputy Sonam TSH Venchungpa
The SP wrested Zaidpur reduced majority, and in BJP- Shanimol Usman, who had gin of 33,704 votes while RLP Speaker Kripanath Mallah won from Martam Rumtek,
seat from the BJP and Jalalpur ruled Haryana which appeared unsuccessfully contested the candidate Narayan Beniwal (Ratabari) besides Congress defeating his nearest rival Nuk
seat from the BSP, while retain- headed for a hung assembly April Lok Sabha poll from won Khinwsar by 4,630 votes. MLA Abdul Khaleque (Jania) Tshering Bhutia of the SDF by
ing Rampur. The BJP won with JJP chief Dushyant Alappuzha, won by a margin of Now the Congress tally in were elected to the Lok Sabha. 6,150 votes while Yong Tshering
seven seats and its ally Apna Dal Chautala holding the key to 2079 votes. the 200-member assembly has Lepcha beat Delay Namgyal
(S) bagged one. government formation. Usman defeated her near- increased to 107, including six In Himachal Pradesh, the Barfungpa of the Sikkim
The BJP retained Balha, In the Gujarat bypolls, rul- est rival Manu C Pulickal of the those who had defected to the ruling BJP retained both the National People's Party by 1,010
Gangoh, Manikpur, Ghosi, ing BJP and Congress shared LDF. party from the BSP last month. Dharamshala and Pachhad votes in Gangtok.
Iglas, Lucknow Cantt and the spoils winning three seats The UDF won the The BJP has 72 MLAs and the seats. In Pachhad, Reena Former Indian football
Govindnagar, while Apna Dal each. OBC leader Alpesh Manjeshwaram seat where M C RLP three. Kashyap defeated her nearest team captain Bhaichung Bhutia,
(S) retained Pratapgarh. Thakor, who switched sides Kamaruddin (IUML) won by The ruling Congress con- rival, former minister Gangu who contested from Gangtok
The ruling JD(U) suffered from Congress to BJP, lost from 7,923 votes against BJP's solidated its position in Punjab Ram Musafir of the Congress, seat on a Hamro Sikkim Party
a setback in Bihar managing to Radhanpur by 3,807 votes to Raveesh Thanthri Kuntar. winning three assembly seg- by 2,742 votes. ticket, managed to bag only 579
win only one of the four seats Congress's Raghubhai Desai. It retained the Ernakulam ments while opposition Vishal Nehria defeated votes.
it contested. Bypolls were held Congress candidate Jashu seat as its candidate T J Vinod, Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) Independent Rakesh Kumar The ruling SKM's tally in
in five seats of which RJD won Patel defeated BJP's Dhavalsinh deputy Mayor of Kochi corpo- won one seat. by 6,758 votes in Dharamshala. the 32-member House has now
two and AIMIM one. The Zala in Bayad, while in Tharad, ration, defeated his nearest Raminder Awla defeated In Puducherry, the ruling gone up to 19 while the BJP's
remaining seat was won by an Congress nominee Gulabsinh rival advocate Manu Roy, the SAD nominee Raj Singh Congress retained the Kamaraj strength in the House is 12. Ten
Independent. Rajput prevailed over BJP's LDF-Independent candidate by Dibipura by 16,633 votes from Nagar Assembly seat with its SDF legislators had earlier
The results gave the once Jivraj Patel. over 3,750 votes. Jalalabad, considered an Akali nominee A John Kumar defeat- switched to the BJP.
mighty RJD a reason to smile, In Kheralu seat, BJP's The LDF's strength has bastion. ing his nearest AINRC rival S United Democratic Party
while Hyderabad MP Owaisi's Ajmalji Thakor beat Congress's now gone up to 93, while that Earlier, the segment was Bhuvaneswarane. candidate Balajied Kupar
AIMIM gained a toehold in the Babuji Thakor. of UDF 45 in the 140-member represented by SAD chief With this win, the Synrem won the bypoll to
state clinching Kishanganj, a In Lunawada, BJP's Jignesh house. Sukhbir Singh Badal, who was Congress's strength in the Shella constituency in
Muslim-dominated con- Sevak beat Congress's The defeat in Vatiyoorkavu elected to Lok Sabha in May. assembly has been restored to Meghalaya by over 6000 votes.
stituency. BJP rebel candidate Gulabsinh Chauhan while in and Konni comes as a rude In Phagwara, which fell 15 in which the Congress enjoys The bye-election was necessi-
Karnjeet Singh won the Amraiwadi, Congress's shock for the UDF which had vacant after sitting BJP MLA the support of the DMK, its tated due to the death of UDP
Dharaunda seat as an Dharmendra Patel lost to BJP's won 19 of the 20 Lok Sabha Som Parkash was elected to Lok alliance partner, from outside. president Donkupar Roy, who
Independent. Jagdish Patel. seats in the Lok Sabha polls in Sabha, Congress candidate and The bypoll was necessi- had represented the seat for a
The JD(U) could win only Prior to the bypolls, the May. former IAS officer Balwinder tated after incumbent legisla- record seven times, earlier this
Nathnagar where its candidate Congress held Radhanpur and In Madhya Pradesh, the Singh Dhaliwal defeated BJP's tor V Vaithilingam (Cong) year. Synrem is Donkupar
Laxmi Kant Mandal beat Rabia Bayad seats while the other four Congress wrested back its tra- Rajesh Bagha by 26,116 votes. quit following his election to Roy's son. In Arunachal
Khatun of the RJD by little over were with the BJP. ditional Jhabua assembly seat Congress's Indu Bala won Lok Sabha from the lone seat Pradesh, Independent candi-
5,000 votes. In a morale booster after from the BJP. Congress candi- from Mukerian by defeating here. date Chakat Aboh, wife of
Four of these five seats the Lok Sabha poll drubbing date and former Union minis- BJP's Jangi Lal Mahajan by The ruling Congress won National People's Party (NPP)
were held by BJP ally JD(U) and months ago, the ruling ter Kantilal Bhuria won by 3,440 votes. the Naxal-affected Chitrakot leader Tirong Abo. PTI
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! (

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7 >daTSdRPcX^]bhbcT\\dbcQTX]cTVaPcTSUa^\cWTU^d]SPcX^]bcPVTfWXRWfX[[
T something entirely new. It has been
enshrined in our ancient heritage
and has made significant contributions to
the development of Indian philosophy. For
ing truth and falsity. Sutarka and kutarka
Such critical thinking, along with its
It is a well-known historical fact that
Nalanda. Besides impacting us political-
al system became a victim of the colonial
PRVWEDFNZDUGRIGLVWULFWVDWUDOOLHVLWLVDUHDOLW\FKHFNWKDWKHVKRXOGPHDQUXUDOHPSRZ more or less alien to the system we inher- in the career of an individual, a sudden agogy. Hence, the need is for a new look the draft National Educational Policy
ited from them. The entire emphasis was change and a different pattern of educa- towards training of teachers. (NEP) has also drawn inspiration.
HUPHQWZLWKVSHFLILFSODQVIRUGURXJKWVIORRGVDQGFURSIDLOXUHVDQGUHVSHFWWKHJUDYLWDV on rote learning. Despite the realisation tion at that level may become difficult for Simultaneously, it has been observed Appropriate modifications to the curricu-
RIORFDOLVVXHVDWOHDVWLQKLVSXEOLFVSHHFKHV)DUPHUVFDQVWLOOJLYHDQ\ERG\DUXGHMROW of the deficiencies in the system and mea- absorption. It is, therefore, essential that our that at higher levels, following an approach lum have been suggested. According to
7KH&RQJUHVVZRXOGIHHOPRUHWKDQEOHVVHGVROXOOHGLWLVE\VWURQJRSLQLRQVRILWV sures suggested by various experts and education system be integrated from the which integrates arts, linguistics, and research findings of a US-based partner-
education commissions over the decades, foundation stage onwards, in certain spe- humanities besides mathematics along with ship for 21st century, communication, col-
PDUJLQDOLVDWLRQWKDWLWKDVDOPRVWVWDUWHGEHOLHYLQJLQWKHP+DGLWZRUNHGVHULRXVO\DQG change has been very slow. Even the per- cific core areas, which would encourage science and technology, leads to a deeper laboration, creativity and critical thinking,
VWUDWHJLFDOO\VLQFH0D\LQVWHDGRIWKHODVWGD\VWKDWLWGLGWKLQJVFRXOGKDYHEHHQ centage of gross domestic product (GDP) thinking and inculcate a sense of enquiry learning. This promotes critical thinking known as the 4Cs, will be the core skills
GLIIHUHQW7KLVLVVLJQLILFDQWFRQVLGHULQJWKDWWKHVHSHUIRUPDQFHVKDYHKDSSHQHGGHVSLWH invested in the education sector has and inquisitiveness. and one of higher order. Besides, it also required for 21st century education. It has
been abysmally low. Scientific evidence shows that 80 per leads to the development of problem-solv- been established that at the college and uni-
LWEHLQJDZDVWHGDQGVSHQWRSSRVLWLRQIRUFH,WVFDGUHVZRUNHGORFDOHYHQWKRXJKIRUPHU Nevertheless, change was inevitable cent of the brain is fully developed by the ing and communication skills. Such a holis- versity levels, habits of mind, such as analy-
FKLHI5DKXO*DQGKLPDGHWKHWDFWLFDOPLVWDNHRIVFUHDPLQJ5DIDOH$OVRZLWK%KXSLQGHU and it became more than visible during the age of six, which indicates importance of tic approach for acquisition of knowledge sis, interpretation, precision and accuracy,
6LQJK+RRGDEHFRPLQJWKHQH[W$PDULQGHU6LQJKWKH&RQJUHVVVKRXOGFRQVLGHUUXQQLQJ first two decades of this millennium. child care in an appropriate environment would be relevant in present-day context problem-solving and logical reasoning can
Today, we can compete with the best with stimulus to the brain. Here lies the as well as future. be as important as content knowledge itself.
WKHSDUW\OLNHDFRUSRUDWLRQD&(2PRQLWRULQJQRWPHGGOLQJLQUHJLRQDOXQLWVDQGSURIHV nations in the world in areas of electron- importance of school as well as pre- Work being done at the PMF for the At the same time, the question before
VLRQDOLVLQJJUDVVURRWVOHDGHUVLQVWHDGRIUHZDUGLQJVXSLQHOR\DOLVWV$QGLI'XVK\DQW&KDXWDOD ics, space technology, atomic energy, com- school education. Emphasis on foundation- acquisition of knowledge shows that mem- us is that with the advent of the fourth
KDVSURYHGWKDWKHLVQRWMXVWDG\QDVWEXWZRUNVWKHJURXQGWKHQ&RQJUHVVVKRXOGORRN munication and digital technology — in al literacy and numeracy at the school as orising is like carrying the burden of books; industrial revolution and the arrival of the
its reach as well as penetration — besides well as pre-school levels is known to aid it does not have much meaning and does Internet of Things and Artificial
DWLWVRZQ\RXQJOHDGHUVKLSZKRDUHUHDG\WROHDGWKHLU6WDWHV6DFKLQ3LORWLQ5DMDVWKDQ such like other indicators of development. healthy growth of the cerebral cortex, an not even add to one’s knowledge unless one Intelligence (AI), what would be the
DQG-\RWLUDGLW\D6FLQGLDLQ0DGK\D3UDGHVK2QHZRQGHUVLI&RQJUHVVLQWHULPSUHVLGHQW There are, however, areas of serious con- area associated with such skills within the comprehends the content. In today’s class- future of critical thinking? In fact, a
6RQLD*DQGKLZRXOGKDYHOHIWSROOPDQDJHPHQWWR+RRGDKDGKHQRWWKUHDWHQHGDVSOLWLQ cern as these positive developments can be brain. In this context, the most important rooms, so much of information is already restructured curriculum with focus on 21st
attributed to the success of a handful of factor is the teacher, who has to be ade- available with the students that they do not century skills would be even more impor-
WKHVWDWHXQLW1RZKHKDVHYHQEHHQJLYHQDIUHHKDQGLQDSRVWSROOVFHQDULR$WWKH institutions while a majority of them con- quately equipped with the latest pedagog- expect it from the teachers. Instead of tant for a comfortable interface with the
6WDWHOHYHOWKH-DWDQG'DOLWYRWHGULIWIURPWKH%-3SURYHVWKDWWKHFDVWHLVWSODQNVWLOOZRUNV tinue to lag behind. ical techniques so as to ensure appropri- “what”, they need to be explained “why” fourth industrial revolution technologies.
3DZDU·VUHVXUJHQFHDVWKHRQO\0DUDWKDVWURQJPDQLVIXUWKHUSURRI7KH\HDUROGFDQ With more than 50 per cent of India’s ate development of the cognitive skills and “how”, which can satisfy curiosity of Emphasis on collaboration and team work
population being in the younger age among youngsters in a sensitive manner. students and stimulate critical thinking. would still be essential so that in the hi-tech
FHUVXUYLYRUGHVHUYHVDQRYDWLRQIRUQHYHUGHVHUWLQJKLVODQGDQGSHRSOHGHVSLWHWKHODUJHVFDOH group, we can be termed as the world’s Accordingly, text books and exercises, The link between critical thinking and future, one can think critically as well as
FURVVRYHUVE\SDUW\PHQDQGDVOHZRI('FDVHVVODSSHGRQKLVNLQ7RGD\KHKDVHYHQ most youthful nation. As we talk of demo- which encourage correlation of concepts education is obvious as one cannot learn independently and not become entirely
WUXPSHGWKH&RQJUHVV+HKDVDVPXFKQXPEHUVDVWKH6KLY6HQDDQGUHPDLQVDSULPH graphic dividend, we should also assess the besides thinking and questioning, will have without thinking well. For comprehension subservient to AI. The draft NEP, with ref-
FDWFKHYHQIRUWKH%-3IRUDQXQGHUVWDQGLQJVKRXOGWKH6HQDEHREVWUXFWLYH$VLQFRQ extent we are equipping the youth to face to be designed. of content and clarity of concepts, it is, erence to school education, has made no
the world and adding to the strength of the A report published by the International therefore, important that students ask ques- mention either of a reduction in the weight
WHVWVRIWKLVQDWXUHPDQ\ZRXOGZDQWWREHNLQJPDNHUVWKDQWKHNLQJ7KH6HQDLVDOUHDG\ country rather than converting them into Labour Organisation (ILO) recently found tions. This is where lies the importance of of school bags or any happiness classes. On
PDNLQJQRLVHVRIDURWDWLRQDOFKLHIPLQLVWHUVKLSDQGSRZHUSOD\WKDQMXVWEHFRQ a burden. For some reason, education at that India had a disproportionately low critical thinking. It consists of techniques the positive side, it has alluded to the use-
WHQWZLWK$DGLW\D7KDFNHUD\EHLQJWKHGHSXW\&0$IWHU%DODVDKHEWKH\VHHDFKDQFHRI all levels could not be given the priority it number of teachers for school-going chil- of sound and systematic reasoning as well fulness and introduced the concept of crit-
deserved. It is good to see that it is now dren. While we do need quantity, the qual- as arguments and counter arguments, ical thinking in higher education. It is to
WKHVDYY\$DGLW\DDVDZRUWK\OHJDF\NHHSHU%RWKWKH%-3DQG&RQJUHVVDUHOLQLQJXS being realised and rectified. Our youth have ity of teachers is perhaps even more besides elements of deductive logic. Work be hoped that the final NEP will take into
EHIRUH'XVK\DQWDQG,QGHSHQGHQWVWRJHWSROHSRVLWLRQ)RUDOOWKHFRPPLWPHQWWRLGHRO to be strong personalities backed and devel- important. The ILO report also revealed books are now available, which help pro- account and focus on some of the issues
RJ\6WDWHOHDGHUVDUHVWLOOQRWLPPXQHWRWKHSROLWLFVRIFRQYHQLHQFHLIWKH\ZDQWWRLPSOH oped by a holistic educational system, that elementary school teachers have a crit- mote critical thinking skills. Irrespective of mentioned here so as to improve the lot of
which is capable of giving them sufficient ical impact on the earning capacity of stu- the subject, the usefulness of such tech- our youth, so that they can significantly
PHQWZKDWWKH\EHOLHYHLQ7KHE\SROOVKDYHDOVRVWULSSHGWKH%-3RILWVDXUDWKHSDUW\ confidence and making them comfortable dents and, hence, the economy. Recent pro- niques has been tried and tested by contribute towards nation building.
GRLQJEDGO\LQ%LKDUEXWZLQQLQJHLJKWRIVHDWVLQ83ODVWPLQXWH,Q*XMDUDWLWLVWKUHH with latest and futuristic technologies. nouncements, that we have a large num- experts in the stimulation of the brain. (The writer is a former Governor and
HDFKIRU%-3DQG&RQJUHVVWKHIRUPHU·VDFTXLVLWLRQRI$OSHVK7KDNRUIURPWKHODWWHUD But universities and institutions of ber of educated unemployables, may be a In the contemporary scenario, the a Senior advisor at the Pranab Mukherjee
higher education being the very last rung result of poor quality of teachers and ped- importance of critical thinking in view of Foundation)

S^Rc^abcaTPcX]V_PcXT]cbS^]^cfP]c cWTRPdbT^UWd\P]aXVWcb\^aT :PbW\XaXbPaTU[TRcX^]^UP[PRZ^U
c^bTTcTPabX]cWTThTb^U_T^_[T1dc bTeTaT[hcWP]Xcb\XbdbTPbP d]STabcP]SX]VPQ^dca^Qdbc
cWP]Z6^SU^a^daPdSXT]RTfW^[^eT STR^hc^SXeTacPccT]cX^]Ua^\ Ud]RcX^]X]V^UST\^RaPcXR
c^bTTcTPab^]bRaTT] cWTaTP[XbbdTb X]bcXcdcX^]bX]8]SXP


¯BWPa\X[PCPV^aT ¯?Pd[^\XCaX_PcWX ¯APeTTbW:d\Pa

>UgY^^Y^Wc 1SQWUT`Qbb_d

KDYHWRGHSHQGRQWKH1HZ'HPRFUDWLF3DUW\ 1'3 Sir — Former Indian cricket Sir — After 61 days in jail, the
captain Saurav Ganguly is b^\T^UcWTZThR^aTeP[dTbU^aP_dQ[XR[XbcTS Supreme Court’s Bench said
ZKRVHOHDGHU-DJPHHW6LQJKKDVHPHUJHGDVDSRZ among the highly successful R^\_P]h c^ Te^[eT X] P R^\_TcXcXeT \PaZTc that the findings of the Delhi
HUIXO6LNKYRLFHLQ&DQDGDZLWKKLVSDUW\EDJJLQJ cricketers India has had. He has Tb_TRXP[[hX]8]SXPCWTaTRT]cfWXbc[TQ[^fTaaTeT High Court, which had denied
FUXFLDOVHDWV,W·VQRWDVHFUHWWKDW6LNKOHJLVODWRUVKROG played in different forms, for- [PcX^]hTcPVPX]¯Pb_aTbd\TSc^QTaT[PcTSc^X]bXS former Finance Minister P
mats and positions. Dada’s TacaPSX]VaPXbTSPccWTQ^PaS[TeT[¯XbPQ^[cUa^\ Chidambaram bail on the
WKHEDODQFHRISRZHUIRU7UXGHDXDVKLVRXWJRLQJ&DELQHW presence on the field used to cWT Q[dT c^ P[[ cWT bcPZTW^[STab X]R[dSX]V ZTh ground that the likelihood of
KDGIRXURIWKHP³,QIUDVWUXFWXUH0LQLVWHU$PDUMHHW6RKL give cricket lovers the maxi- X]eTbc^abCWTaTXb]^fP]daVT]c]TTSc^bcaT]VcW him influencing witnesses can-
,QQRYDWLRQ6FLHQFHDQG(FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW0LQLVWHU1DYGHHS%DLQV'HIHQFH0LQLVWHU mum opportunity to not just T][PfbUaP\TSd]STacWTP\QXc^UR^a_^aPcTV^e not be ruled out, were not sub-
enjoy the game but also be Ta]P]RTc^bPUTVdPaScWTX]cTaTbc^UX]eTbc^abCWT stantiated by any material evi-
+DUMLW6DMMDQDQG7RXULVP0LQLVWHU%DUGLVK&KDJJHU1RZZLWK7UXGHDXKDYLQJWRWUHDGD hopeful of a possible victory of bTRaTcPaXP[bcP]SPaSbQ^PaSfWXRWWPbUaP\TSQ^PaS dence and they were just a gen-
WKLQOLQHJRLQJIRUZDUGWKH6LNKLQIOXHQFHZLOOEHGHHSO\HQWUHQFKHGDV-DJPHHWZKRKDV the Indian side. His boundaries a^^\ aTVd[PcX^]b U^a [XbcTS R^\_P]XTb ]TTSb P] eralised apprehension. The UN
DYDVWIROORZLQJDQGZDVKLPVHOIDSULPHPLQLVWHULDOFRQWHQGHULVDPELWLRXV were a treat to the eyes as he X\\TSXPcT^eTaWPd[c^Pe^XSbdRWaT_TPcTSX]bcP]RTb c^f^aZX]cP]ST\fXcW6^eTa]\T]cbX]R[dSX]VcWT International Covenant on Civil
played with charm and verve. P\XS_dQ[XRV[PaTCWT]TTSc^X]]^ePcTPdSXcX]VbcP] <X]Xbcah^U2^a_^aPcT0UUPXabcPgaTVd[Pc^abP]S and Political Rights clearly states
VLJQDOVDVLJQLILFDQWVKLIWLQWKHEDODQFHRISRZHULQDFRXQWU\ZKLFKKDVDYDVWSRSXOD Board of Control for Cricket in UaP\Tf^aZXbcWT]TTS^UcWTW^daQh_^[XRhRdbc^ 4gRWP]VT1^PaS^U8]SXPB418c^U^a\d[PcTPbX\ guilty. India is not an exception.
a different turn altogether. 7T]RTaT[TeP]cbcPZTW^[STabP]S_aX]RX_P[Rdb fX[[cWdb_PRXUhX]eTbc^abP]S^cWTabcPZTW^[STab Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is
ERWK1HZ'HOKLDQG15,VLQ&DQDGDDUHZDU\DWWKHWKRXJKWRIKDYLQJ-DJPHHWDVWKH Helming the cricket body’s c^SXP]b]P\T[h20bP]SR^\_P]hbTRaTcPaXTbPXS fW^ WPeT X]eTbcTS WTPeX[h X] cWTbT R^\_P]XTb unable to produce a charge-
IXWXUH30EHFDXVHRIKLVDOOHJHG´SUR.KDOLVWDQLµOHDQLQJV$VLWLV,QGLDEHOLHYHVWKDW7UXGHDX·V affairs, it is to be hoped that X]VcWTR^a_^aPcTV^eTa]P]RTUaP\Tf^aZ]TTSc^ cWa^dVWcWTcaPSX]VPRcXeXch sheet even after three years.
leadership to the gentleman’s aTb_TRcXeT\P]SPcT?^[XRhRdbc^SXP]bP[b^]TTS 1T]VP[dad which Chidambaram was arrest-
6LQJKZHQWRQUHFRUGWREUDQGWKHRXWJRLQJ'HIHQFH0LQLVWHU6DMMDQD´.KDOLVWDQV\PSD across the country and make the investigating authority unable to
3bQS[Ub\Ucc4YgQ\Y now. For over half a century, At a time when more and produce a proper chargesheet in
SDUW-DJPHHWKDVEHHQDYRFDOFULWLFRIWKH,QGLDQ*RYHUQPHQWDQGWKHFXUUHQWVLWXDWLRQ the world. He is, in fact, the per- the inhabitants have not fired more people are advocating a the case even after two months?
son Indian cricket administra- a single cracker because of ban on crackers, we must Why does it have to bow down
LQ.DVKPLUPDNLQJKLPDSDULDKIRU1HZ'HOKL7UXGHDX·VUHOLDQFHRQWKH1'3·VVXSSRUW tion needs now. He has rightly Sir — It is heartening to know their love for the birds in the appreciate the consistent to the political bosses?
FRXOGPHDQWKDWKHKDVWRGRDGHOLFDWHWLJKWURSHZDONZLWK,QGLD-XVWOLNH863UHVLGHQW said that he is in a position that villagers of Sivaganga dis- Vettangudi bird sanctuary. efforts of the people of Bidyut Chatterjee
'RQDOG7UXPSZDQWHGWREHVHHQZLWKKLV´IULHQGµ3ULPH0LQLVWHU1DUHQGUD0RGLWRDPS where he can make a change. trict, Tamil Nadu, have Deafening sounds, daz- Sivaganga for celebrating a Faridabad
Our best wishes to him. abstained themselves from zling lights and fireworks may soundless Diwali.
XSWKHGLDVSRUDYRWH7UXGHDXKRSHVKLVFDPDUDGHULHZLWK-DJPHHWZLOOKHOSVWHHUWKH6LNK Manzar Imam bursting firecrackers during enthrall people but they are no Tushar Anand BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
YRWHLQKLVIDYRXUWKHQH[WWLPH%XWVHOISUHVHUYDWLRQPD\FRVWKLPGLSORPDF\ New Delhi Deepavali for several decades less than a nightmare for birds. Patna [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! (

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he goal of crafting a $5 trillion economy
T by 2025 is only achievable if rural India
grows by 12 per cent per annum. In spite
of increasing urbanisation in the last decade, the
rural economy still contributes about 46 per cent
SRUDULHVZHUHDJDLQVWKLVLGHRORJ\+RZHYHUKHVDZLWDVDZD\ agrarian economy, now rural India is more diver-
WKURXJKZKLFK,QGLDQVRFLHW\FRXOGPDNHPDMRUDGYDQFHPHQWVDV sified, with the non-agricultural sector contribut-
The reports of farmers’ distress, slow growth in
DUVRIKLVHUD6LU6\HGVDZKRZWKH%ULWLVKHPSLUHZDVWDNLQJVKDSH has affected rural parts of the country more than
DQGWKH(QJOLVKHGXFDWLRQDOVW\OHZDVWDNLQJFKDUJH urban areas. However, the recent heavy-lifting
3URIHVVRU 7DULT 0DQVRRU WKH 9LFH&KDQFHOORU RI $OLJDUK on providing fiscal stimulus with corporate tax
0XVOLP8QLYHUVLW\ZKLOHDGGUHVVLQJWKHVWXGHQWVDQGIDFXOW\PHP cuts, repo rate slashes and cheaper loans to facil-
EHUVUHFHQWO\VDLG´6LU6\HG$KPDG.KDQDJUHDWWKLQNHUDQGDPDQ itate recovery in the beleaguered property
PRGHUQLVDWLRQSURJUHVVDQGGHYHORSPHQWµ urban India, rather than rural India, as the econ-
6LU6\HGDOVRKDGIRUZDUGORRNLQJYLHZVRQZRPHQDQGWKHLU omy there is mainly informal and transmission
is not direct.
India’s economic recovery depends on omy efficient, it also creates consumption
QLVHGWKHLUSRWHQWLDOWRFRQWULEXWHWRVRFLHW\ZKLFKZDVXQKHDUGRI translating fiscal stimulus measures to enhanced demand in the short run, by putting money in tant aspect is the quality of jobs. A majority of
DWWKDWWLPH consumption; investment; employment; output the hands of construction workers, painters, elec- the people working in agriculture have low pro-
+HZDVWHUPHGDVD´FROOHFWLYHLQGLYLGXDOµE\)UHQFKVRFLROR and exports in the rural areas. A good recov- tricians, masons and so on. As the private sec- ductivity, resulting in low incomes compared to
JLVW3LHUUH%RXUGLHXDV6LU6\HGVXFFHVVIXOO\PDQDJHGWRKDQGOH ery strategy is identification of growth engines tor is reluctant to invest in rural areas due to low 8=380³B42>=><82 non-farm incomes. There is an urgent need to
and concentration on a few actionable points to
fuel them. The four engines of rural economic
profitability, it should come directly from
Government investments in construction of A42>E4AH create more productive jobs and ensure skill
development to truly benefit from India’s
ment and exports.
rural roads and housing in terms of the viabil-
ity gap in funding and housing subsidies.
34?4=3B>= demographic dividend.
Export push: Most of the SMEs, livestock
W\QHHGHGLQRUGHUWRPDWFKVWHSVZLWKWKHUHVWRIWKHZRUOG+HDOVR Consumption growth at the bottom of the Public investment in rural infrastructure will CA0=B;0C8=6 and horticulture sectors have a huge export
pyramid: The Indian economy is consumer-dri-
ven, with consumption contributing about 60
in turn attract private investment with the
expected increased profitability being a major 58B20;BC8<D;DB growth potential, which also provides high pro-
ductive employment for the rural youth and gen-
per cent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
As per a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report
incentive. Budget announcements like the
planned C100 lakh crore investment in infra-
<40BDA4BC> erates more profits for the private sector. These
sectors also provide quality employment and
EHLQJKHDYLO\LQYROYHGLQSROLWLFVDQGEHLQJDQDFWLYHVRFLDOUHIRUPLVW titled Going for Gold, that was released in structure need to be placed on the fast track, with 4=70=243 absorb educated youth with higher labour pro-
February, the consumer market in the country
was estimated at C110 lakh crore in 2018.
special geographical targets within rural areas.
A big push in investment in rural infrastructure, 2>=BD<?C8>=* ductivity in the post-harvest units, food process-
ing industry and export sectors.
DQGVFLHQFH Domestic consumption has grown at the rate even at the cost of a higher fiscal deficit, is worth 8=E4BC<4=C* There is a need for identification of bottle-
+HIHOWWKDWWKHIXWXUHRI0XVOLPVZRXOGEHLQMHRSDUG\LIWKH\ of 13 per cent in the last decade and although taking to thwart the negative sentiment in the necks in the export of these products — with a
FRQWLQXHGWRDYRLGPRGHUQVFLHQFHDQGWHFKQRORJ\7KDWLVZK\KH it slowed recently due to the deceleration in the private sector. This investment as a share of the 4<?;>H<4=C* focus on logistics, food safety, global standards
the near future, given the bottom of the pyra-
GDP has reduced to 29 per cent now from about
40 per cent in 2008. In addition to public financ-
>DC?DC0=3 and quality issues — on a war footing to take
advantage of the vacuum created in the global
mid population transition from the low-income ing, the Government has to provide a congenial 4G?>ACB supply chain by the trade war between America
to the middle-income class. atmosphere and tax holidays in rural areas to and China. India needs to achieve 19-20 per cent
6RFLHW\RI$OLJDUK+HJDWKHUHG0XVOLPVFKRODUVIURPGLIIHUHQWSDUWV Putting cash into the hands of these lower attract private investment. 8=ADA0; export growth to be able to achieve its $5 tril-
and middle-income families, together compris-
ing 76 per cent of the households in the coun-
Employment intensive sectors: The rural
economy is facing a serious structural problem.
0A40B06>>3 lion economy dream.
This means the country has to export a tril-
IRUGLIIHUHQWHGXFDWLRQDOFDXVHV7KHSXUSRVHRIWKLVVRFLHW\ZDVWR try, is one of the surest ways to pump-prime the Although the rural non-farm sector’s contribu- A42>E4AH lion dollar worth of goods and services in the
economy, with large multiplier effects spread-
ing across all sectors.
tion to the rural NDP (Net Domestic Product)
increased over the last two decades, its contri- BCA0C46H8B next five years. Although it is a big goal, but this
is doable if consistent efforts are made to make
to removing implementation bottlenecks of
bution to employment creation is slow. The share
of the non-farm sector in rural NDP was 61 per
834=C85820C8>=>5 the economy competitive.
India contributes to less than 2 per cent of
PHQW+HIRXQGHGWKH0RKDPPDGDQ$QJOR2ULHQWDO&ROOHJHLQ direct money transfer schemes. For instance, the cent, but its share in the rural workforce was just 6A>FC7 the world’s exports despite its 18 per cent share
Prime Minister Kisan scheme, which aimed to
transfer C6,000 each to 14.6 crore farmers (who
36 per cent, as per the latest Central Statistical
Organisation (CSO) data. This resulted in 4=68=4B0=3 in the global population and the added advan-
tage of the largest youth population in the world.
are mainly lower-middle income households)
has been able to reach just 7.35 crore farmers
increased unemployment among the youth. This
structural problem has to be addressed with tax
2>=24=CA0C8>= India has to use this population dividend to
increase its economic power and to make it
0XVOLPVLQDOOSDUWVRIWKHFRXQWU\6LU6\HGPRGHOOHGWKLVFROOHJH as of now. The low-income households can be sops for employment-intensive industries in >=054F export-competitive through the use of technol-
targetted through more emphasis on MGNRE-
GA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
rural areas. The Government should identify and
promote at least one employment-intensive sec- 02C8>=01;4 ogy, enhanced productivity and upgraded value
crore households are actively seeking employ-
tor like textiles, leather, jewellery and food prod-
ucts in each of the 731 districts in cluster mode
?>8=CB Overall, the Government and the private
sector have to re-focus on rural areas to get out
SRHWU\WRDPRUHFXOWXUDODQGSROLWLFDOPLQGVHWZKLFKLQIOXHQFHGWKH ment under this, as per the latest figures of the to provide necessary land, infrastructure and C>5D4;C74< of the current economic slowdown and push the
FRPPRQOLIHRI,QGLDQ0XVOLPV$OLJDUK0XVOLP8QLYHUVLW\LVDFUH World Economic Forum, 2019 India report. logistics to attract the private sector to come and next decade of growth.
Investment: Pumping money into invest- invest and create employment. (The writer is agricultural economist, ICAR-
DWLRQRIWKLVPRYHPHQW ments in rural infrastructure not only creates Apart from the large quantum of jobs that Central Research Institute for Dryland
7KHZULWHULVDZHOONQRZQOLQJXLVWDXWKRUDQGFROXPQLVW durable assets in the long run to make the econ- need to be created (eight million per year, Agriculture)

lasting pro-Government impression quality healthcare. senior Government officers and He was taken to Max Hospital the medical bureaucracy to monitor
on the minds of poor families in both Though, the Government’s Ministers sitting in the State capital. where some preliminary treatment the effectiveness of the scheme.
urban and rural areas before the 2019 endeavours to provide affordable For instance, recently, a tubercu- was done. Also, this incident happened
general elections. The result was that healthcare to the needy are laudable, losis patient from Uttarkashi district But when the family was told because the health and sanitary infra-
the NDA Government returned to the success of any welfare programme became critical and started vomiting about the cost of the treatment, they structure of the State has collapsed
power at the Centre with a thumping depends largely on the role played by blood. He was rushed to a hospital in approached me for advice. I contact- resulting in a dengue epidemic. The CAD<?;>F4A8=6
While speaking on the first
the bureaucracy and in this case, the
honesty of private hospitals and ben-
Vikas Nagar but it did not have the
infrastructure to handle the case. He
ed Vijay Dhasmana, Vice Chancellor
of Jolly Grant Medical College, and
hospitals are full of dengue patients
and many people have died. This has
anniversary of the AB-PMJAY on efit seekers. was then taken to the Doon Hospital, apprised him of the situation. happened due to the negligence of all AT_dQ[XRP]b_dbWcWTQPa
F; 107D6D=0 October 1, the Prime Minister flagged In the past, many such welfare which is part of the Government Consequently, the patient was admit- agencies concerned and the chief cul- TeTa[^fTaCWXb?aTbXST]c
it as an employment generation tool schemes were ruined by graft and the Doon Medical College. Unfortunately, ted to a special room in the Jolly Grant prit is the Dehradun Municipal bcX[[RP]]^cR[TPaXc0\^]cW
for the next five years as it is expect- best example of this is the deep-root- he could not be admitted there as the Hospital, despite it being full of Corporation.
o make a country of 130 billion ed to create around 11 lakh jobs for ed corruption that unfolded in almost Emergency as well as Intensive Care dengue patients also. Its sanitation employees don’t PV^3T\^RaPcbbcaTbbTS

T people a happy and healthy

nation is a mammoth task that
requires access to a robust healthcare
the youth. The Government’s endeav-
our is to make AB-PMJAY the best
healthcare scheme in the world with
all States in the National Health
Mission. A huge amount of money
was looted by the medical fraternity
Unit (ICU) were both overflowing
with dengue patients.
He was then rushed to the
Shockingly, the AB-PMJAY card
was not accepted by any of the private
hospitals in Dehradun, including the
collect garbage on a regular basis, the
staff remains on strike on one pretext
or the other and senior officers do not
system, education, employment and the registration of 46 lakh people. Out and the bureaucracy all over the coun- Indresh Hospital and Medical College, Jolly Grant Medical College. The bother.
industrial infrastructure. The other of this number, around 50,000 peo- try. which is a private hospital but was hospital staff told me that as per the Hopefully, the Central and State fWTcWTa^a]^c3^]P[S
element which is very vital in today’s ple have availed of the benefits of the Another case in point is the turned away due to the crowd of Uttarakhand Government’s guide- authorities concerned will take note Cad\_WPS^UUTaTSP`dXS
scenario is the state of our environ- scheme outside their home districts. complete collapse of the health and dengue patients at the facility. At this lines (this is a BJP-ruled State), they of this and revamp the healthcare sys- _a^`d^c^cWTDZaPX]XP]
ment and the stability of natural There are two facets to the sanitary infrastructure in Uttarakhand juncture, his hapless family informed are not authorised to accept the card tem so that the beneficiaries of AB- ?aTbXST]cCWTaTfPbP
resources like water, air and soil. scheme. The first is to bring more due to the arrogance and lackadaisi- me and I contacted the Agriculture unless the patient was referred by a PMJAY do not have to rush from pil- _aX]RX_[TSaTPb^]U^acWXb
A few of the NDA Government’s than 10 crore poor and vulnerable cal attitude of Government officers Minister of Uttarakhand Subodh Government hospital. lar to post to get treatment. There is
pro-poor initiatives like the Pradhan families within its ambit by providing and public representatives. The prob- Uniyal, who arranged the man’s My question is, why the red also a crucial need to control the bur- Cad\_P]SWXbbd__^acTab
Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), a cover of C5 lakh per family per year lem there is of systemic failure. First admission to the Doon Hospital’s tapism in emergency cases? All geoning population of the country as bW^d[S]^cQTP[[^fTSc^
better known as Ayushman Bharat for secondary and tertiary hospitali- bureaucratic guidelines run counter emergency section late in the night. empanelled hospitals should be free no amount of welfare schemes and _aTbT]ccWT\P]X_d[PcX^]^U
(AB), the Ujjwala Yojana for provid- sation. Second, the Government is to the objectives of the scheme and As he continued vomiting blood, the to admit patients because it is only facilities will be sufficient unless the DBSX_[^\PRhU^a_aXePcT
ing LPG connections and the Swachh going to upgrade 1.5 lakh primary bury the patient in mounds of red hospital staff told his family that he then that the objectives of the AB- numbers are effectively controlled. X]cTaTbcbPb]^a\P[_aPRcXRT
Bharat Mission (SBM) under which health centers by 2022 so that the tape. Second, is the insensitivity and needed intensive care as he was crit- PMJAY scheme will be achieved. (The writer is a retired civil
individual toilets were built, made a needy can get comprehensive and lack of integrity among the doctors, ical. The Government could better use servant) CWT6dPaSXP]TSXc^aXP[
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! (

?C8Q F0B78=6C>==4F34;78

ings is a shot in the arm for the “In starting business, India
government that is battling to has improved just one rank
ndia climbed 14 rungs in the engineer a quick turnaround in (from 137 to 136) and starting
World Bank’s Ease of Doing the economy buffeted by weak business is very critical in a
ranking to stand at the
63rd position and figured
among the world’s top 10 most
consumer demand and muted
investment activity. GDP
growth had slumped to a six-
cycle of an industry. I will
make sure that the (finance)
ministry and other govern-
improved countries for the year low of 5 per cent in the ment departments will make ?C8Q =4F34;78 The other parameters business, enough effort will be
third consecutive time on the April-June quarter. enough effort to improve on where the country has done made to improve on this scale,
back of faster bankruptcy res- In five years of the Modi that scale as much as we have inance Minister Nirmala well include trading across as it is a “very critical” in a
olution and issuance of con-
struction permits.
government, India’s ranking
has improved 79 places —
done on insolvency,” she told
reporters in New Delhi.
F Sitharaman on Thursday
said efforts will be made to fur-
borders, registering property,
paying taxes, getting electric-
cycle of an industry.
“In GST, it is an ongoing
The rise, which comes on from 142 in 2014 to 63 in 2019, India saw the biggest jump ther simplify Goods and ity connections and starting a process to understand where
the back of a 23-spot jump last which is a record for a major in ‘resolving insolvency’ cate- Services Tax, and expressed business. the difficulties are...We are
year, underscored the reformist economy. It has improved its gory, to 52nd rank from 108th, hope that it will help in further However, the improve- also looking at what were the
credentials of the Modi gov- rank by 67 positions in the last on the back of implementation improving India’s ranking in ment in the remaining three glitches in using online filing
ernment that is hard pitching three years. of the Insolvency and the World Bank’s ease of doing parameters — getting credit, of returns. So, GST is an ongo-
India as an alternative invest- Prime Minister Narendra Bankruptcy Code, while its business index. protecting minority investors, ing process in improving. Even
ment destination to China. Modi had last year set a target ranking improved substantial- India has jumped 14 places enforcing contracts — are not now for the next meeting, as
“India put in place four to break into top-50 countries ly in ‘construction permits’ (to to rank 63rd out of 190 coun- impressive. Sitharaman said and when it happens, we want
new business reforms during by 2020. 27th from 52nd) and ‘trading tries in the World Bank’s Doing that the effort will be now to to make sure that several steps
the past year and earned a place The ranking is topped by across corders’ (to 68th from Business 2020 report on achieve the target to reaching are taken to simplify compli-
in among the world’s top ten New Zealand. India’s ranking 80th). account of significant improve- within top 50 rank. ance,” she said.
improvers for the third con- was behind Asian peers On registering property ment in resolving insolvency She added that as there is On income tax front, she
secutive year,” the World Bank Singapore (2nd ranked), Hong India figured among the property where it was 154th. and paying taxes, India was and obtaining construction just one rank improvement in said: “At this stage, there may
said in its ‘Doing Business Kong (3rd), Korea (5th), top 10 performers on the list for Meanwhile, Finance ranked a lowly 154th and 115th permits. the parameter of starting a not be much to say”.
2020’ report released on Malaysia (12th) and China the third time in a row. India Minister Nirmala Sitharaman respectively, though these were
Thursday. (31st). The US was placed 6th is the only large country this said some categories such as improvements over the previ- two parameters — protecting result, reorganization has enhancing the country’s over-
The improvement in rank- on the list. year to have achieved such a resolving insolvency, con- ous year’s ranks of 166 and 121. minority investors (from 7th to become the most likely proce- all competitiveness, the World
significant shift. struction permits and trading The finance minister said 13th position) and getting elec- dure for viable companies as Bank said in its report.
The economies that across borders, have shown a there can be an improvement tricity (from 22nd to 25th) — measured by Doing Business, While the competition to
:_UZR_VVUdWcVdY 8]SXP³bYd\_X]TPbT showed the most notable
improvement were Saudi
lot of improvement.
She, however, said the
in registering property and
getting electricity connections
and remained unchanged in
‘enforcing contracts’ at 163rd.
increasing the overall recovery
rate from 27 to 72 cents
move up the ladder would
increase and become much
cVW`c^de`SVZ_ ^US^X]VQdbX]Tbb Arabia, Jordan, Togo, Bahrain, ranking based on a survey of which are done at the state “Despite some challenges on the dollar,” the World Bank tougher, India is on the track to
e`a&!+H`c]U aP]ZX]Vc^PccaPRc
Tajikistan, Pakistan, Kuwait,
China, India and Nigeria,
two cities (Delhi and Mumbai)
in such a vast and diverse
Promising to remove any
in the implementation of the
reform - particularly regarding
Prime Minister Narendra
be within top 50 of the Ease of
Doing business in the next year
3R_\`WWZTZR] X]eTbc\T]cbb_daY^Q according to the World Bank.
World Bank said India still
nation may not be adequately
representative and so in the
hitches, she also said the gov-
ernment is working on improv-
court operations and the appli-
cation of the law by multiple
Modi’s ‘Make in India’ cam-
paign focused on attracting
or two, Simeon Djankov,
Director of Development
Washington: India needs a
fresh set of “bold reforms” in RaTPcX^])8]Sdbcah lagged in areas such as enforc-
ing contracts where it was
coming year Kolkata and
Bengaluru will be added to the
ing the GST regime.
Compared with last year,
stakeholders - the number of
reorganizations in India has
foreign investment, boosting
the private sector, manufac-
Economics at the World Bank,
told PTI in an interview in
the next three to four years if New Delhi: India’s jump to the ranked 163rd and registering list of surveyed cities. India’s ranking deteriorated on been gradually increasing. As a turing in particular, and Washington.
it wants to be among the top 63rd position on the World
50 countries with ease of Bank’s ease of doing business
doing business, a top World
Bank official said.
The official’s remarks
ranking is a testimony to the
remarkable improvement in the
country’s business climate owing
0dSX[Pd]RWTbTXVWcWVT]TaPcX^]0%X]8]SXP 28CgVcUZTe]Rde
came as India jumped 14
places to take the 63rd posi-
to the series of reforms under-
taken by the Narendra Modi-led
=`_XeVc^2fUZR^SRddRU`cGZcRe<`Y]Zf_gVZ]deYVTRc e`Z_Ufdecj¶d <070A0C=0BC0CDB2>=54AA43>=?>F4A6A83
=Tf3T[WX) ?^fTa6aXS2^a_^aPcX^]^U8]SXP;X\XcTS?>F4A6A83WPb
tion on the World Bank’s ease
of doing business ranking.
government, industry bodies
and experts said on Thursday.
:DB70=<8CA0Q <D<108
UZdecVdd+4@2: QTT]R^]UTaaTSfXcWcWTR^eTcTS<PWPaPc]PBcPcdbQhcWT6^eTa]\T]c
^U8]SXP^]!" ! (CWXbfPbP]]^d]RTShTbcTaSPhQh7^]³Q[T
With the current reform Enthused by India’s 14- erman luxury carmaker ?C8Q =4F34;78 D]X^]<X]XbcTa^UBcPcT82U^a?^fTa=TfP\_*AT]TfPQ[T4]TaVh
agenda that the bank is watch-
ing like Insolvency and
notch jump on the World
Bank’s ‘Doing Business’ report,
G Audi today took the wraps
off the eight generation of its ndustry body COAI on
Banking Code, enforcing con-
tracts, tax reforms being com-
industry leaders as well as star-
tups said it will prove to be a
executive sedan, the A6 in
India. The carmaker which
Thursday expressed deep
over SC ruling
pleted next year or the year shot in the arm for the coun- has suffered from the negative on telecom revenue definition, 2?B4X]8]SXPXbP[b^cWTcWXaS[PaVTbccaP]b\XbbX^]R^\_P]hV[^QP[[h8c
after, India can get within the try by attracting foreign invest- fallout of the “Dieselgate” scam and termed it the last straw in WPbQTT]aTR^V]XbTSPb²5PbcTbc6a^fX]V4[TRcaXRDcX[XchX]0bXP?PRXUXR³
top 50, Simeon Djankov said. ments, augmenting business that engulfed its parent contributing to the sector’s bdRRTbbXeT[hU^acWT[PbcbXghTPabbX]RT! #0b^]BT_c"! (Xcb
PTI opportunities. PTI Volkswagen has only launched financial distress. caP]b\XbbX^]]Tcf^aZX]R[dSTS\^aTcWP] %("RZ\^UcaP]b\XbbX^]
the vehicle in a 250hp petrol The Cellular Operators’ [X]Tb!#'BdQbcPcX^]bfXcWcaP]bU^a\PcX^]RP_PRXch^U\^aTcWP]
variant featuring a ‘mild Association of India (COAI) "'"!&<E0^]PR^]b^[XSPcTSQPbXb
hybrid’s that improves fuel said in a statement that it
economy. Speaking at the remains to be seen whether the
launch alongside Virat Kohli,
Indian cricket team captain
industry — which is reeling
under a daunting debt of about 7\_RQ\QTc`U^Td_Wb_g&
C4 lakh crore and is
d_&%&R^Y^" " *BU`_bd
and Audi India brand ambas-
sador, Balbir Dhillon, Audi in dire financial straits — will
India’s new Head, said that car be able to recover from this
penetration is still very low in against the Mercedes Benz E- telematics app and new lught setback. 80=BQ B0=5A0=28B2> “Within this climate, our
India at just 22 cars per 1000 Class and BMW 5 series which technology both at the front “The Supreme Court’s forecast of six percent growth
and thus he expected demand were both launched last year, and behind. Speaking at the judgment is the last straw in riven by rising spend on in global advertising invest-
to pick up in the next few
months even for the luxury
and the range for the new
vehicle starts at C54.2 lakhs. It
launch, Virat Kohli described
himself as an Audi fanboy and
contributing to financial dis-
tress and it remains to be seen
D Google, Facebook and
Amazon, global ad investment
ment may seem optimistic,
but these projections are in line
since there was still a lot of features several new digital said that it was great to be asso- whether the industry will be will grow six per cent to $656 with those
pent-up demand. technologies including touch- ciated with a brand able to recover from this set- billion in 2020, according to a from the IMF (International
The new A6 goes up screen controls, a new Audi that he loved. back. forecast by market research Monetar y Fund) and
firm WARC. Euromonitor for GDP and
The report, however, also consumer spend, respectively,”
:?7@DJDH@6D warns of the possibility of a
global recession next year.
McDonald added.
With global growth of six

“Weak macroeconomic per cent, 2020 is expected to see
indices, waning business con- a marked uptick from the 2.5
fidence and rising geopolitical per cent growth in 2019 but is
tensions have increased the down on the 7.3 per cent rise
?C8Q =4F34;78 (NFRA) — which is part of the matter. The company will mous complaints. “The com- possibility of a recession in recorded last year,
Corporate Affairs Ministry — cooperate with the SEC’s inves- pany intends to defend itself 2020,” James McDonald, according to the report titled
roubles continue to mount has been asked to look into the tigation,” Infosys said. vigorously in such a lawsuit,” it Managing Editor, WARC Data, “WARC’s Global Advertising
T for Infosys as US market
regulator SEC has initiated a
matter. Leading exchange BSE
on Wednesday also asked
Also, Sebi has requested
additional information from
US-based Rosen Law Firm
said in a statement. Trends”.

probe on whistleblower com- Infosys to explain why it did the company concerning the had previously said it was
plaints that alleged “unethical not make a disclosure about the anonymous complaints, and preparing a class action lawsuit
practices” by top management whistleblower complaint. Infosys will provide the infor- to recover losses suffered by
of the Bengaluru-based IT “The company has been in mation as per its request, it Infosys investors in the US.

major. touch with the Securities and added. Following reports of
Back home, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Infosys said it is also “aware whistleblower allegations on
and Exchange Board of India regarding the anonymous of a securities class action law- Monday, Infosys had informed
(Sebi) has also sought addi- whistleblower complaints suit” that has been filed against stock exchanges of having
tional information from the (anonymous complaints) and the company in federal court in received anonymous whistle- ?C8Q =4F34;78 sponding quarter a year ago.
company, while the National has learnt that the SEC has ini- the US, based on the gener- blower complaints alleging cer- “Gross revenue for the
Financial Reporting Authority tiated an investigation into this alised allegations in the anony- tain unethical practices. TC on Thursday reported a quarter stood at C11,750.16
37.06 per cent rise in con-
net profit at C4,173.72
crore, representing a growth of
6 per cent, driven mainly by
AVec`]UZVdV]acZTVdWR]]RXRZ_ crore for the second quarter
ended September 30, driven
paperboards, hotels and
FMCG-others (excluding the
RWeVcRURj`W_`TYR_XV mainly by paperboards,
hotels and FMCG-others
lifestyle retailing
business),” ITC said in a
New Delhi: After a day of no Thursday in Delhi, Kolkata, business. statement.
change, the prices of petrol and Mumbai and The company had posted a Total expenses for the
diesel fell again on Thursday, an Chennai to C73.17 per litre, net profit of C3,045.07 crore in quarter under review rose 4 per
Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) C75.82, C 78.78, and C75.99, July-September quarter a year cent to C8,455.16 crore from
data revealed. The oil market- respectively. The diesel prices ago, the FMCG major said in C8,129.19 crore a year ago.
ing companies reported no also fell in the four major met- a regulatory filing. Revenue from FMCG busi-
change in the price of petrol ropolitan cities. It fell to C66.06 Its net sales rose 6.16 per ness grew 5.78 per cent to
and diesel on Wednesday. per litre in Delhi, C68.42 in cent to C12,759.44 crore during C9,138.13 crore from C8,638.60
According to the IOC web- Kolkata, C69.24 in Mumbai, the quarter under review from crore in the September quarter
site, the price of petrol fell on and C69.77 in Chennai. IANS C12,018.61 crore in the corre- a year ago.
A0=278k 5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( \^]Th

>Rc\Vedd]Za`_3;A¶d^ZiVUdY`hZ_X <PadcX@!]Tc
Z_deReVa`]]d,:_WjcVdf^Vdd]ZUV "(c^ Xc`heYW`cVTRdee`&&aT
C "( Ra
?C8Q =4F34;78 (NBFCs).” economy said that assuming
?C8Q <D<108
on the government’s flagship Earlier this month, the sluggish pace of lending is
‘Make in India’ scheme and itch Ratings on Thursday Moody’s Investors Service maintained throughout the
enchmark indices ended other reforms attracting foreign ?C8Q =4F34;78 F slashed India’s GDP growth slashed its 2019-20 GDP year, total new lending will

B marginally lower after a

choppy session on
Thursday, dragged by IT and
New Delhi (PTI): The mutual fund industry has added 3.45 lakh
However, Fitch Ratings
slashed India’s GDP growth T he country’s largest car-
maker Maruti Suzuki India
forecast in the current fiscal to
5.5 per cent saying a large
credit squeeze emanating from
growth forecast for India to 5.8
per cent from 6.2 per cent ear-
lier, saying the economy was
amount to only 6.6 per cent of
GDP in the fiscal year 2019-
2020, down from 9.5 per cent
bank counters, amid mixed investor accounts in September, taking the total tally to 8.56 crore, forecast in the current fiscal to on Thursday reported 38.99 shadow banks has pushed eco- experiencing a pronounced in the previous fiscal year.
results for the ruling BJP in amid volatile market conditions. In comparison, the industry had 5.5 per cent, saying a large per cent decline in consolidat- nomic growth to a six year low. slowdown which is partly relat- While an array of factors
state polls. Lacklustre macro- added 4.8 lakh new folios in August and more than 10 lakh folios credit squeeze emanating from ed net profit at C1,391.1 crore Fitch, which had in June this ed to long-lasting factors. have contributed to the Indian
economic cues and an adverse in July. Folios are numbers designated to individual investor shadow banks has pushed eco- in the second quarter ended year put India’s GDP growth at Moody’s had attributed the slowdown - including a down-
judicial ruling against the tele- accounts. An investor can have multiple folios. nomic growth to a six-year low. September 30. 6.6 per cent for the fiscal year deceleration to an investment- turn in world trade, Fitch
com sector also sapped risk According to data from Association of Mutual Funds in India, “Looking at the stress in the The company had posted a that began in April 2019, said led slowdown that has broad- believes that the severe credit
appetite, brokers said. the number of folios with 44 fund houses rose to 8,56,26,244 at balance sheets of telecom play- consolidated net profit of the recent government mea- ened into consumption, driven squeeze has taken a heavy toll.
After gyrating over 486 the end of September, from 8,52,81,222 at the end of August, reg- ers, it seems that government C2,280.2 crore in the same sures to boost economy includ- by financial stress among rural “NBFCs have faced a
points, the 30-share BSE Sensex istering a gain of 3.45 lakh folios. The total folio count stood at 8.48 would likely step in and come period a year ago. ing a cut in corporate tax rates households and weak job cre- severe tightening of funding
settled 38.44 points, or 0.10 per crore in July, 8.38 crore in June, 8.32 crore in May and 8.27 crore out with a practical solution Revenue from operations will gradually nudge growth. ation and said the growth will conditions over the past year
cent, lower at 39,020.39. The in April. Market experts said the addition of folios suggested that either by waiving the penalty in the second quarter stood at The projection is lower pick up to 6.6 per cent in 2020- and a half. They have in turn
broader NSE Nifty slipped 21.50 investors were undeterred by the market volatility. Besides, it indi- and interest or else extending C16,123.2 crore as against than 6.1 per cent that the 21 and to around 7 per cent sharply reduced the supply of
points, or 0.19 per cent, to cated their understanding of the market risks associated in the mutu- payment over a period of time. C21,553.7 crore in the year-ago Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had over the medium term. credit to the commercial sector.
11,582.60. Telecom and bank al fund schemes. If not, then banks will be star- period, down 25.19 per cent, forecast in early October. GDP Last month, the Asian The auto and real estate sectors
stocks came under selling pres- The number of folios under the equity and equity-linked sav- ing at more incremental stress MSI said in a regulatory filing. expansion will pick up to 6.2 per Development Bank and the have been particularly hit by
sure after the Supreme Court ing schemes rose by 2 lakh to 6.18 crore at September-end as com- in their loan books from the sec- Sales volume during the cent in the next financial year Organisation of Economic NBFC credit rationing,” it said.
allowed the Centre to recover pared to 6.16 crore at the end of the preceding month. The debt tor,” said Paras Bothra, president quarter under review stood at (2020-21) and to 6.7 per cent in Cooperation and Development Data from the RBI show
dues of about C92,000 crore oriented schemes folios count went up by more than 92,000 to 67.67 of Equity Research, Ashika 3,38,317 units, down 30.2 per the year after, Fitch said. lowered 2019-20 growth fore- that the flow of new lending
from telcos, increasing the lakh. Within the debt category, liquid funds continued to top the Stock Broking. cent as compared with same The Indian economy decel- cast for India by 50 basis points from non-bank sources was
financial burden on them and chart in terms of number of folios at 17 lakh, followed by low dura- Sectorally, BSE bankex, period last fiscal. erated for the fifth consecutive and 1.3 percentage points to 6.5 down 60 per cent year-on-year
their lenders. Interestingly, tion fund at 9.25 lakh. finance and telecom indices Net profit for the first half quarter in April-June, with per cent and 5.9 per cent, between April and September.
Bharti Airtel emerged as the top Overall, mutual fund schemes witnessed a redemption of C1.52 fell up to 1.16 per cent. Energy, of the fiscal ended September GDP expanding by a meagre 5 respectively. Rating agency In contrast, banks’ lending has
gainer in the Sensex pack, spurt- lakh crore last month as compared to an inflow of C1.02 lakh crore realty, consumer durables and was at C2,767.9 crore as against per cent, down from 8 per cent Standard & Poor’s has also low- held up well in recent months,
ing 3.31 per cent. in August. The massive redemptions could be attributed to debt- healhcare indices gained up to C4,295.3 crore, down 35.55 per recorded a year earlier. This is ered its India growth forecast to mitigating some of the overall
Other winners were RIL, oriented schemes, which saw an outflow of C1.58 lakh crore. Besides, 1.57 per cent. Broader BSE cent. the lowest growth outturn since 6.3 per cent from 7.1 per cent. credit supply shortfall.
HCL Tech, Asian Paints, Tata equity mutual funds witnessed a net inflow of around C6,489 crore midcap and smallcap indices fell Revenue from operations 2013. On October 15, the However, bank lending could
Steel and Tata Motors, which in September, the lowest in the last four months, due to profit-book- up to 0.39 per cent. in the first half stood at C34,862 “Weakness has been fairly International Monetary Fund not prevent a sizeable credit
rose up to 3.12 per cent. ing by investors after a rally in markets following a reduction in Elsewhere in Asia, bourses crore as compared to C43,367.5 broad-based, with both domes- (IMF) slashed India’s GDP crunch in the first half of 2019.
Top losers included Yes corporate tax. in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul crore in the corresponding tic spending and external growth rate projections to 6.1 Fitch said the success of the
Bank, SBI and IndusInd Bank ended on a positive note, while period last fiscal. demand losing momentum,” per cent from the 7 per cent in inflation-targeting framework
that cracked up to 5.76 per cent. Exchange Commission initiat- Meanwhile, India jumped those in Shanghai settled in the Sales volume in April- Fitch said. “The Indian econ- July, while World Bank had its adopted by the RBI in 2016 in
Shares of Infosys also ended ed probe against the firm fol- 14 places to the 63rd position on red. Equites in Europe were September period stood at omy is being held back by a estimate for India’s GDP reducing inflation has been
2.36 per cent lower after Sebi lowing whistleblower com- the World Bank’s ease of doing trading higher in their respec- 7,40,911 units, down 24 per large squeeze in credit avail- growth for 2019-20 to 6 per associated with sharply rising
and the US Securities and plaints. business rankings, riding high tive early deals. cent as against same period of ability emanating from non- cent. real lending interest rates since
2018-19. bank financial companies Fitch in a note on Indian mid-2018.

NIFTY 50 11661.65 11679.60 11534.65 11582.60 -21.50 Script Open High Low LTP CEATLTD 973.75 990.00 926.00 945.20 BEML 959.35 961.80 931.95 942.85 KTKBANK 72.00 73.40 71.40 73.15 SCHNEIDER 71.40 72.50 70.35 70.75
BHARTIARTL 353.95 376.35 325.50 372.00 11.65 AUBANK 695.95 697.75 661.00 679.85 IOC 144.95 144.95 141.00 141.35 DEEPAKNI 344.80 347.80 336.10 342.90 VGUARD 242.55 246.50 238.70 240.00 JCHAC 2090.00 2090.00 1950.35 1966.55
RELIANCE 1401.00 1441.40 1386.55 1434.60 42.20 BHARTIARTL 355.05 376.25 325.60 372.45 ISEC 310.50 351.50 310.50 335.10 FORTIS 137.55 140.65 136.00 138.70 MASFIN 742.75 764.00 715.00 725.00 JYOTHYLAB 177.35 177.65 172.00 174.30
EICHERMOT 20640.00 21188.55 20521.15 21129.00 607.80 INFY 650.70 653.10 632.05 635.40 LTTS 1509.85 1511.00 1442.00 1451.75 EQUITAS 101.10 101.20 97.00 97.65 MOIL 144.00 145.85 141.10 142.35 IFBIND 702.95 720.35 677.25 699.10
HCLTECH 1155.10 1159.00 1110.50 1118.90 23.75 YESBANK 51.20 52.60 47.45 48.30 M&M 591.90 595.00 579.00 582.50 SUNTECK 415.00 415.00 397.25 409.80 INDHOTEL 151.00 152.00 149.80 151.75 FINCABLES 376.00 383.25 374.50 376.75
TITAN 1364.00 1379.00 1350.65 1377.00 28.35 SBIN 277.00 277.65 248.80 262.70 LICHSGFIN 378.45 378.45 366.25 370.75 JAICORPLTD 85.25 86.00 82.00 83.90 IEX 146.30 146.30 136.95 143.00 EIDPARRY 167.35 169.40 165.05 167.65
ASIANPAINT 1778.00 1794.95 1753.05 1792.25 24.85 IBULHSGFIN 210.00 218.75 196.15 200.00 MPHASIS 925.10 962.00 830.00 932.90 BAJAJCON 247.00 250.00 233.75 238.20 MMTC 18.10 18.70 17.60 17.70 ALLCARGO 101.00 101.85 99.00 99.00
TATAMOTORS 133.00 135.15 130.50 134.15 1.50 MARUTI 7450.00 7480.00 7275.00 7390.40 BRITANNIA 3307.90 3340.60 3261.10 3298.70 RITES 290.05 291.80 274.50 276.35 RADICO 314.95 317.25 309.45 311.50 KRBL 230.50 230.85 226.75 230.50
ULTRACEMCO 4265.00 4330.00 4243.75 4292.95 41.65 RELIANCE 1400.05 1441.00 1386.75 1436.25 JUSTDIAL 647.40 660.65 640.00 642.50 SRF 2895.00 2895.00 2835.85 2846.70 JSWENERGY 68.00 68.20 66.70 68.00 CHENNPETRO 155.75 160.10 155.75 156.40
ICICIBANK 456.50 458.80 451.05 455.10 GODREJPROP 950.85 992.50 942.60 988.60 CADILAHC 246.30 250.35 243.70 243.90 METROPOLIS 1350.00 1370.00 1328.15 1341.55 MAHLOG 362.00 363.80 355.00 361.45
TATASTEEL 356.05 362.00 353.80 359.65 3.45
INFRATEL 257.15 258.00 234.55 237.45 UNIONBANK 54.10 54.40 50.50 51.45 APOLLOHOSP 1513.00 1540.80 1513.00 1535.00 GODFRYPHLP 1087.15 1090.00 1062.00 1072.30 DHANUKA 291.10 294.95 290.80 290.80
JSWSTEEL 215.20 225.10 215.20 224.05 1.35
BPCL 526.15 526.50 501.00 513.95 PVR 1800.00 1854.95 1790.80 1798.80 NMDC 108.00 108.20 105.05 105.35 GESHIP* 309.70 316.85 303.30 315.10 MAHABANK 11.55 11.55 10.60 10.72
ADANIPORTS 399.00 401.45 393.35 398.30 2.20 RBLBANK 264.40 266.70 246.80 251.90 ADANIPOWER 62.45 64.50 62.40 63.40 NATIONALUM 43.80 44.00 42.50 43.15 WESTLIFE 341.00 351.40 341.00 346.00 MAHSCOOTER 4472.00 4611.00 4470.00 4589.50
HINDUNILVR 2141.00 2150.00 2118.05 2143.90 10.65 IDEA 5.61 5.67 4.10 4.33 PFC 105.00 105.30 103.20 104.35 FORCEMOT 1052.30 1087.80 1050.00 1062.90 SHANKARA 331.40 331.45 331.00 331.45 BLISSGVS 140.00 140.00 137.10 138.60
UPL 600.00 606.50 595.10 599.95 2.95 RNAM 343.90 354.90 304.35 318.90 DRREDDY 2828.00 2850.00 2770.20 2825.60 RELINFRA 27.70 27.70 27.70 27.70 CCL 217.00 219.75 196.95 199.20 ITDCEM 40.95 43.60 40.95 42.60
TCS 2084.00 2099.00 2061.30 2078.35 8.25 TCS 2075.10 2099.00 2062.00 2082.20 SBILIFE 989.10 992.60 955.00 969.30 SHREECEM 19900.00 20443.95 19872.00 20310.95 GUJGAS 184.00 184.00 176.70 179.70
LT 1460.00 1467.00 1426.35 1435.95 4.15 HDFCBANK 1248.00 1254.55 1227.50 1235.95 HINDALCO 186.00 186.45 180.65 181.30 TATACHEM 618.00 621.00 607.70 612.65 SUDARSCHEM 388.00 388.00 375.00 376.80
BAJAJ-AUTO 3165.00 3201.00 3143.45 3171.40 8.75 BIOCON 249.90 250.40 241.35 244.95 GAIL 128.80 129.20 123.30 123.90 PFIZER 3270.00 3421.00 3266.90 3393.30 MAHLIFE 400.90 412.60 400.90 410.45
BAJAJFINSV 8129.95 8200.00 8035.00 8089.00 18.05 TATAMOTORS 133.50 135.10 130.70 133.45 NESTLEIND 15022.00 15022.00 14626.00 14677.20 BALRAMCHIN 160.05 161.70 155.70 158.10 GSKCONS 9087.05 9087.05 8978.00 9062.00
SUNPHARMA 405.00 407.75 398.70 406.10 0.90 INDUSINDBK 1332.15 1346.70 1272.25 1282.20 HONAUT 28964.30 29000.00 28828.40 29000.00 TORNTPOWER 280.70 281.80 274.25 278.40 GODREJAGRO 504.00 514.10 498.50 504.90
HDFC 2150.00 2174.20 2141.35 2146.00 3.05 LT 1459.00 1466.00 1426.80 1431.90 CONCOR 612.00 613.30 582.85 586.45 ITDC 350.00 355.20 339.05 341.00 RALLIS 165.00 166.90 161.00 162.95
KOTAKBANK 1619.90 1629.90 1597.55 1614.00 0.35 TATASTEEL 356.00 362.05 353.85 359.85 NAVINFLUOR 789.80 833.00 783.95 826.60 EDELWEISS 94.45 94.45 87.15 87.15 ENDURANCE 1004.40 1025.75 989.50 1002.65
DRREDDY 2839.75 2849.95 2770.00 2825.20 -1.50 AXISBANK 717.60 722.80 702.20 707.45 ABBOTINDIA 10906.35 11200.00 10906.05 11169.00 RAYMOND 599.00 612.25 594.10 600.50 WHIRLPOOL 2158.35 2181.00 2154.70 2155.00
TECHM 730.00 745.00 724.40 725.55 -1.05 GRASIM 743.10 743.10 668.15 706.55 BALKRISIND 838.00 853.00 831.90 835.35 WOCKPHARMA 269.95 276.00 264.00 268.60 ZYDUSWELL 1701.00 1755.00 1676.80 1694.00
VEDL 147.00 148.60 145.00 146.00 -0.25 HCLTECH 1160.00 1160.00 1111.90 1118.55 AMBUJACEM 198.45 199.05 194.50 197.40 TRENT 527.00 549.00 513.00 538.15 LAXMIMACH 3718.95 3783.45 3615.00 3633.00
JSWSTEEL 214.70 224.85 214.70 223.05 JUBILANT 573.75 578.20 545.40 569.60 EXIDEIND 183.70 183.70 175.20 176.20 ADVENZYMES 159.45 161.85 159.10 160.10
BAJFINANCE 4062.00 4080.00 4012.55 4029.80 -8.55
AUROPHARMA 478.00 483.20 466.70 469.15 GLENMARK 302.50 314.60 300.95 302.95 UBL 1351.00 1355.30 1326.00 1352.65 JSLHISAR 64.80 64.90 63.10 63.10
ICICIBANK 457.40 459.00 451.00 453.85 -1.25
JINDALSTEL 101.55 103.90 99.05 102.85 DMART 1905.00 1917.70 1878.30 1892.00 COCHINSHIP 343.45 360.00 341.40 357.40 KPRMILL 617.20 632.20 606.85 628.30
BRITANNIA 3312.00 3342.00 3260.25 3285.55 -9.15
NCC 56.30 56.70 53.25 53.55 LTI 1644.95 1669.30 1642.70 1659.25 ADANIGAS 147.00 148.45 145.15 145.60 UFLEX 196.30 201.20 193.45 195.30
MARUTI 7460.00 7475.00 7271.00 7399.40 -40.85 UJJIVAN 300.65 303.75 288.30 289.00 DISHTV 13.00 13.30 10.75 11.10 RVNL 24.25 24.25 23.40 23.60 CHAMBLFERT 160.20 160.50 156.35 158.80
ONGC 141.90 142.20 139.05 140.95 -0.95 BANKBARODA 92.95 93.55 88.00 89.90 ACC 1526.00 1539.90 1504.50 1520.00 SPARC 130.25 130.40 125.20 127.50 CUB 210.00 210.20 207.65 207.65
HDFCBANK 1248.00 1254.15 1226.35 1233.05 -8.55 TATAELXSI 720.00 761.95 718.05 756.45 SRTRANSFIN 1084.30 1092.25 1062.00 1069.70 KANSAINER 537.00 539.80 520.00 538.70 TATACOFFEE 77.40 79.10 76.95 77.40
NTPC 122.00 122.00 119.20 120.20 -0.85 PEL 1755.50 1759.00 1670.00 1723.70 SIEMENS 1651.10 1678.65 1624.00 1634.70 GICRE 250.00 255.05 242.75 248.45 NILKAMAL 1245.00 1245.00 1194.00 1198.85 STARCEMENT 94.25 95.00 93.55 94.95
HEROMOTOCO2730.00 2749.75 2650.00 2691.50 -21.40 ASHOKLEY 75.50 77.20 74.80 75.85 COROMANDEL 453.90 472.20 453.90 466.00 BOSCHLTD 14650.00 14822.10 14486.80 14500.00 MAHINDCIE 145.20 151.00 142.40 148.70 ASTERDM 125.00 125.45 124.10 125.10
ITC 252.60 254.00 247.95 249.05 -2.00 ADANIPORTS 399.95 401.35 393.65 399.35 SUNTV 519.40 523.50 514.00 520.30 CHOLAFIN 290.00 297.50 286.35 291.00 GSPL 215.00 215.00 208.00 208.70 ORIENTCEM 81.25 81.25 76.00 78.00
AXISBANK 719.95 723.00 701.55 708.85 -6.00 TV18BRDCST 23.55 24.25 22.50 22.85 PIDILITIND 1347.70 1367.00 1332.85 1363.05 KAJARIACER 563.00 563.00 543.00 547.95 LINDEINDIA 534.90 546.95 534.20 539.40 UCOBANK 11.98 12.00 11.61 11.72
POWERGRID 206.40 207.25 203.60 204.20 -2.05 HDFC 2146.00 2174.00 2141.10 2143.00 DELTACORP 197.90 198.95 192.50 196.35 DBL 405.55 419.75 402.00 406.30 SHK 147.95 147.95 136.35 138.85 HAL 712.05 721.40 712.00 717.90
CIPLA 455.00 456.00 443.55 447.95 -6.30 BAJFINANCE 4050.05 4081.45 4014.10 4024.25 GMRINFRA 19.95 20.45 19.60 19.90 GPPL 79.50 82.00 78.55 80.00 FINEORG 1929.35 1950.00 1901.00 1910.00 DBCORP 157.95 157.95 155.25 156.95
M&M 592.00 595.50 578.60 582.00 -9.85 ITC 252.80 253.95 248.05 248.95 POWERGRID 206.80 207.05 203.55 203.55 NOCIL 116.75 116.90 109.95 110.30 SUNDRMFAST 463.75 475.00 460.00 472.90 INOXWIND 36.20 36.90 34.50 34.85
ZEEL 245.00 245.50 236.30 237.95 -4.15 HDFCAMC 3118.20 3140.00 2981.05 3000.65 TATAGLOBAL 278.05 284.90 278.05 280.70 ASTRAZEN 2542.90 2573.20 2434.00 2454.60 ASHOKA 108.35 108.70 103.50 103.50 AEGISLOG 176.20 177.65 169.00 170.45
WIPRO 253.90 254.20 249.20 249.75 -4.60 PIIND 1375.00 1448.80 1375.00 1425.90 IRB 84.90 84.90 78.25 82.35 IPCALAB 945.25 983.30 944.55 969.55 WABAG 196.20 198.45 193.35 195.55 SHOPERSTOP 386.00 389.70 375.50 375.50
COALINDIA 210.00 210.00 204.40 205.00 -3.80 ZENSARTECH 186.35 191.05 185.20 188.55 STRTECH 149.00 149.20 143.20 145.30 APOLLOTYRE 184.15 184.40 180.85 181.85 IBULISL 61.50 63.60 60.90 60.90 SHILPAMED 269.00 280.90 269.00 277.00
BHEL 54.00 54.30 50.50 51.25 ORIENTELEC 184.45 190.30 178.50 185.50 ORIENTBANK 51.80 52.00 50.10 50.25 SYNGENE 334.45 334.45 326.35 330.00 HERITGFOOD 319.15 321.05 310.00 312.10
NESTLEIND 15019.00 15048.00 14625.85 14665.00 -318.00
EICHERMOT 20555.00 21188.00 20518.15 21080.95 INOXLEISUR 359.00 386.45 357.65 365.30 HIMATSEIDE 158.55 166.00 155.00 157.00 PERSISTENT 610.00 621.80 603.30 614.50 CENTRUM 23.00 23.05 22.50 22.95
IOC 144.65 144.95 141.00 141.35 -3.15
SANOFI 6119.00 6219.00 6119.00 6180.00 REDINGTON 119.90 122.15 112.20 113.35 IBVENTURES 96.90 99.40 93.60 94.65 JKTYRE 66.30 67.50 65.55 66.10 NETWORK18 22.90 22.90 21.45 21.65
HINDALCO 186.25 186.65 180.70 181.00 -4.10
VEDL 148.00 148.55 145.10 145.65 PNBHOUSING 459.85 470.00 440.50 446.70 GSFC 79.50 80.60 77.40 78.35 MINDAIND 356.00 372.00 353.95 371.40 TATAMETALI 591.00 591.00 564.90 572.20
INFY 650.00 653.20 632.00 635.00 -15.60 DLF 175.25 180.45 174.75 176.50 BATAINDIA 1784.00 1792.20 1771.50 1786.00 GHCL 223.00 224.50 212.00 213.05 TVTODAY 323.45 324.90 313.25 321.15 BAYERCROP 3375.00 3421.70 3327.55 3340.00
BPCL 525.90 525.90 500.65 512.90 -14.20 ESCORTS 656.30 667.30 643.00 648.90 GODREJCP 718.00 725.00 707.60 714.00 DCMSHRIRAM 399.45 411.15 387.70 394.45 HATHWAY 20.15 21.15 19.20 21.10 APLLTD 545.00 551.00 531.45 546.95
INDUSINDBK 1340.20 1347.85 1272.00 1285.00 -47.60 RAJESHEXPO 683.00 683.00 671.50 674.35 GLAXO 1500.00 1512.85 1459.80 1472.10 FINOLEXIND 609.70 614.95 599.00 602.25 NBVENTURES 74.65 75.60 72.75 74.40
GAIL 129.10 129.10 123.35 123.85 -4.80 JUBLFOOD 1521.00 1553.85 1521.00 1541.95 NAUKRI 2371.25 2371.25 2300.40 2313.55 VBL 626.70 643.00 623.70 628.60 CENTRALBK 17.00 17.55 16.95 17.10
SBIN 276.00 277.65 248.65 263.15 -12.30 ADANIENT 175.50 180.00 173.95 179.05 PRESTIGE 311.40 319.40 301.50 304.25 JINDALSAW 86.15 88.25 85.40 85.60 TAKE 112.65 112.85 110.10 110.80
YESBANK 51.20 52.55 47.45 48.45 -2.75 SAIL 35.40 35.75 34.20 34.35 PARAGMILK 157.50 157.65 145.60 148.60 BALMLAWRIE 182.10 184.05 181.90 183.00 RATNAMANI 915.00 915.20 908.65 910.00
GRASIM 743.00 743.00 663.45 695.85 -47.30 NBCC 36.05 36.25 34.25 34.45 AIAENG 1762.90 1762.90 1644.00 1647.65 BAJAJELEC 401.95 401.95 381.00 382.30 APLAPOLLO 1415.00 1415.00 1393.05 1393.90
INFRATEL 255.00 258.30 234.40 238.65 -20.70 HEROMOTOCO 2725.00 2746.80 2652.00 2696.50 OBEROIRLTY 496.00 502.60 487.05 499.45 NHPC 23.60 23.95 23.30 23.35 CENTURYPLY 165.00 166.00 161.30 161.45
TORNTPHARM 1685.05 1797.00 1685.05 1766.95 3MINDIA 21500.00 21887.45 21214.00 21214.00 NESCO 560.00 571.65 558.00 561.00 VSTIND 3925.00 3957.00 3888.55 3888.55
1,)7<1(;7 ZEEL
244.00 245.60
404.30 407.60
433.00 433.00
17.05 17.35
133.05 133.85
73.90 76.20
DIVISLAB 1737.00 1769.65 1737.00 1767.00 ABFRL 209.45 209.45 202.00 202.85 KEI 540.95 542.00 535.45 538.30 TIMETECHNO 60.00 60.50 58.20 58.30
HDFCLIFE 610.00 619.10 608.20 615.75 HINDZINC 210.05 214.55 210.05 211.45 ESSELPRO 117.35 117.35 107.40 109.80 UNITEDBNK 7.43 7.46 7.00 7.10
NIFTY NEXT 50 28220.75 28291.60 27932.95 28045.25 -95.20
POLYCAB 803.25 837.00 795.00 823.00 GILLETTE 7888.35 8060.00 7808.95 7810.00 J&KBANK 32.40 32.40 30.75 30.95 CGPOWER 14.80 14.80 14.50 14.72
MOTHERSUMI 109.15 111.80 107.85 111.30 3.70
BAJAJ-AUTO 3185.00 3200.95 3145.90 3169.00 DCBBANK 181.05 181.95 175.05 176.50 SOBHA 436.55 447.60 430.25 432.00 CORPBANK 15.00 15.00 14.40 14.40
PIDILITIND 1335.00 1367.95 1331.50 1365.80 40.55
COALINDIA 208.00 209.80 204.45 205.20 SWANENERGY 106.10 106.90 104.00 104.10 NATCOPHARM 576.25 586.90 575.05 583.00 ERIS 420.00 434.95 418.00 429.55
SHREECEM 19888.50 20449.00 19791.90 20370.00 605.05
KOTAKBANK 1616.00 1629.50 1598.00 1613.40 THYROCARE 520.45 585.70 517.35 557.00 TIINDIA 370.00 373.00 369.15 370.00 INDOSTAR 183.25 192.00 181.15 182.00
ICICIGI 1322.90 1350.00 1319.45 1349.60 37.80
BANDHANBNK 558.40 586.00 558.40 570.45 LALPATHLAB 1461.10 1500.00 1460.00 1490.00 JMFINANCIL 74.65 74.65 73.05 74.25 SREINFRA 7.61 8.30 7.61 8.09
BANDHANBNK 561.00 585.80 559.50 571.00 15.30
NIITTECH 1495.00 1529.95 1426.00 1491.85 HINDCOPPER 39.45 39.70 37.10 38.00 JPASSOCIAT 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.28 SKFINDIA 2157.60 2162.10 2139.65 2140.75
DIVISLAB 1736.00 1779.05 1735.35 1766.80 31.45 INDIGO 1632.00 1690.80 1632.00 1668.00 WELCORP 145.45 146.85 143.20 143.70 INTELLECT 186.20 186.55 179.80 181.25 JKLAKSHMI 288.45 289.75 281.00 282.80
PAGEIND 22530.00 23098.95 22522.90 22914.50 391.60 TITAN 1362.00 1379.00 1351.00 1378.00 AMARAJABAT 662.10 668.00 653.15 656.10 MRPL 50.50 50.65 49.10 49.20 IOB 9.80 9.85 9.69 9.70
UBL 1338.50 1356.70 1324.00 1352.35 19.35 STAR 342.20 359.00 342.20 344.45 IDFC 32.80 32.80 32.00 32.35 IFCI 7.34 7.34 6.76 7.17 TCNSBRANDS 728.70 741.35 714.30 741.35
L&TFH 88.00 90.15 87.50 88.85 1.20 BAJAJFINSV 8128.30 8200.00 8045.00 8090.00 RCOM 0.67 0.70 0.67 0.68 CARERATING 543.00 560.00 540.00 544.55 GEPIL 702.50 713.30 695.20 705.75
HDFCLIFE 609.90 618.90 607.60 615.65 7.80 HINDUNILVR 2137.35 2149.60 2118.65 2144.50 PHILIPCARB 123.75 125.00 119.95 120.35 MEGH 51.40 51.40 49.75 50.00 APARINDS 509.00 529.15 501.00 523.00
DLF 176.05 180.45 174.70 176.55 1.60 TECHM 730.10 744.80 724.90 726.10 RPOWER 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 DHFL 18.50 18.60 18.45 18.45 KALPATPOWR 452.75 452.75 445.00 446.90
PGHH 11905.00 12000.00 11850.00 11989.20 84.05 HINDPETRO 306.30 309.00 298.10 299.80 NIACL 136.05 137.20 128.00 128.60 TRIDENT 59.00 59.70 58.75 59.05 ANDHRABANK 16.45 16.55 16.05 16.20
HINDZINC 210.00 214.90 210.00 211.40 1.40 ULTRACEMCO 4251.00 4329.15 4248.05 4314.55 SUZLON 2.71 2.79 2.58 2.60 SONATSOFTW 310.10 315.70 309.00 310.85 QUESS 466.00 473.60 461.00 461.00
ASHOKLEY 75.40 77.25 74.75 75.70 0.40 MANAPPURAM 158.70 169.40 157.30 165.05 BAJAJHLDNG 3680.00 3734.00 3657.85 3658.00 RELCAPITAL 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 REPCOHOME 285.50 288.50 276.05 276.05
GICRE 250.00 255.20 242.55 248.35 1.30 FEDERALBNK 84.00 84.00 80.40 81.00 OIL 169.60 169.60 163.40 167.50 SJVN 24.90 25.05 24.65 24.90 LAURUSLABS 352.65 352.65 344.65 344.65
INDIGO 1658.70 1692.35 1637.45 1661.65 7.10 MCX 1176.00 1184.95 1123.50 1127.55 ENGINERSIN 108.95 110.60 108.75 109.70 HSCL 75.00 75.95 74.00 74.15 SYMPHONY 1231.85 1240.50 1215.45 1221.70
MARICO 395.80 398.75 387.15 395.35 1.60 UPL 600.30 606.00 595.05 598.05 MOTILALOFS 620.00 623.00 601.00 615.50 FRETAIL 386.45 391.10 380.15 380.50 MAXINDIA 66.35 66.55 65.75 66.05
OFSS 3069.70 3080.00 3040.00 3065.65 10.35 BEL 114.95 116.25 112.70 116.00 FSL 51.50 51.50 49.40 50.25 KEC 272.05 273.90 270.40 270.45 BLUEDART 2361.20 2366.35 2288.00 2296.00
COLPAL 1565.00 1569.65 1540.95 1564.05 3.85 ASIANPAINT 1777.00 1794.80 1753.90 1790.75 HUDCO 35.60 35.90 34.85 35.40 RELAXO 529.20 541.85 529.00 541.85 JKCEMENT 1113.75 1118.10 1113.05 1113.10
PETRONET 270.00 270.95 266.05 269.75 0.55 MOTHERSUMI 109.50 111.80 107.85 111.45 LEMONTREE 56.35 61.05 55.95 58.45 SHRIRAMCIT 1338.00 1338.00 1322.65 1322.65 TVSSRICHAK 1798.00 1823.50 1771.80 1784.00
PFC 105.00 105.40 103.15 104.60 0.15 VOLTAS 710.40 721.00 696.15 706.70 DCAL 141.20 145.75 127.55 131.05 AKZOINDIA 2000.00 2042.90 1991.00 2000.00 WABCOINDIA 6127.15 6140.00 6085.00 6140.00
BAJAJHLDNG 3662.00 3734.00 3650.00 3666.65 4.10 CUMMINSIND 579.50 590.20 538.75 546.25 VIPIND 486.00 494.15 482.20 492.95 TIMKEN 790.00 794.15 767.55 767.55 FLFL 403.00 410.00 392.70 405.70 SOLARINDS 1050.15 1080.00 1050.15 1060.00
BERGEPAINT 491.35 494.60 486.25 488.90 0.55 ATUL 4225.00 4320.00 4188.40 4310.35 BBTC 1217.45 1235.75 1178.60 1185.45 CANFINHOME 390.25 393.00 385.10 385.50 NLCINDIA 57.40 57.45 56.00 57.15 CERA 2576.25 2583.60 2525.25 2535.65
AMBUJACEM 198.00 199.45 194.50 196.85 0.05 PNB 61.50 61.85 59.20 59.75 CIPLA 457.00 457.00 444.00 447.65 CROMPTON 264.70 265.20 251.10 254.50 SUPREMEIND 1204.95 1220.50 1204.95 1211.05 GMDCLTD 58.85 58.85 57.55 58.00
PEL 1755.00 1759.80 1668.55 1720.90 0.15 CASTROLIND 135.40 145.45 135.35 144.55 RCF 52.50 55.25 50.55 54.60 GAYAPROJ 123.05 129.00 123.05 129.00 PGHH 11975.00 12025.45 11909.00 11958.75 FDC 158.05 161.55 158.05 159.75
DMART 1911.10 1918.90 1878.20 1899.00 -1.75 NTPC 121.80 121.80 119.30 120.05 PCJEWELLER 35.65 35.75 33.80 34.40 JISLJALEQS 11.95 11.95 11.60 11.95 TTKPRESTIG 6139.90 6262.00 6051.75 6128.95 MAGMA 52.45 53.00 50.90 51.10
HAVELLS 660.00 678.65 655.00 671.05 -2.10 L&TFH 88.10 90.10 87.50 88.40 IGL 366.85 377.35 366.30 374.35 GODREJIND 405.00 407.95 400.00 402.95 PHOENIXLTD 730.00 735.55 728.00 733.35 CHOLAHLDNG 460.00 460.00 451.00 452.00
GODREJCP 718.00 725.80 707.55 712.70 -2.70 CANBK 194.70 194.70 184.30 187.60 RECLTD 138.00 138.10 133.25 134.15 AAVAS 1665.00 1670.90 1621.90 1625.00 CREDITACC 631.40 634.00 622.40 624.75 SUPRAJIT 182.00 186.30 180.40 180.75
DABUR 472.05 479.00 464.30 469.75 -2.00 ICICIGI 1323.45 1350.00 1321.65 1349.90 RAMCOCEM 753.60 759.75 740.00 759.25 DEEPAKFERT 98.45 104.00 98.45 100.60 TEAMLEASE 3009.20 3063.65 2964.70 3011.30 GET&D 186.80 186.80 182.25 182.50
ACC 1536.00 1539.85 1504.30 1519.35 -6.85 BANKINDIA 67.10 67.20 63.10 64.20 IBREALEST 50.95 51.75 49.45 49.85 ITI 83.35 83.75 80.65 81.15 BIRLACORPN 570.70 593.00 570.70 574.00 CARBORUNIV 307.85 307.85 299.15 299.60
BOSCHLTD 14620.05 14900.00 14500.00 14519.55 -81.60 M&MFIN 336.50 341.55 325.30 331.40 DABUR 473.45 478.75 464.55 469.15 JBCHEPHARM 358.40 358.80 321.70 331.40 VINATIORGA 2151.00 2153.85 2105.20 2115.90 SIS 930.00 948.50 924.20 940.10
LUPIN 736.50 741.70 723.65 730.65 -5.50 WIPRO 254.35 254.35 249.05 249.55 MGL 952.20 959.85 940.70 947.00 JAMNAAUTO 42.75 44.00 41.90 42.40 SADBHAV 140.00 140.00 134.70 136.45 LAKSHVILAS 16.30 16.30 16.30 16.30
NHPC 23.60 23.95 23.25 23.40 -0.20 TATAMTRDVR 59.50 60.50 58.60 59.75 VENKYS 1820.00 1824.65 1747.00 1753.65 BLUESTARCO 872.00 872.20 821.00 832.25 HEIDELBERG 188.05 189.60 186.50 189.40 SOMANYCERA 192.25 194.75 188.10 189.50
SRTRANSFIN 1086.00 1093.75 1060.00 1067.60 -9.95 HEG 1026.00 1049.00 991.05 997.40 PETRONET 269.20 270.70 266.00 269.05 DALBHARAT 815.00 842.40 806.10 809.75 CAPPL 379.05 383.00 375.70 379.10 EIHOTEL 175.15 179.00 174.35 174.35
ICICIPRULI 486.00 488.80 477.00 479.90 -5.30 HAVELLS 664.00 678.15 655.10 670.00 BOMDYEING 79.50 81.20 77.55 78.50 PGHL 4355.00 4438.00 4355.00 4416.35 FCONSUMER 24.25 24.30 23.30 23.45 GDL 94.15 94.15 93.00 93.25
AUROPHARMA 479.05 483.00 466.45 470.05 -6.00 PAGEIND 22550.00 23030.10 22550.00 22900.00 MARICO 394.85 398.00 387.45 394.65 ASTRAL 1140.00 1145.65 1130.00 1130.00 GUJALKALI 456.25 457.90 444.00 444.00 JSWHL 2762.00 2781.75 2750.00 2774.15
CADILAHC 245.90 250.35 243.50 244.70 -3.15 SPICEJET 117.45 118.00 114.00 114.55 INFIBEAM 43.50 46.75 43.50 45.70 ABB 1547.70 1547.70 1507.65 1517.70 ALKEM 1967.30 1975.00 1960.00 1975.00 GRINDWELL 602.30 605.40 600.00 605.30
NMDC 107.85 108.00 105.00 105.50 -1.70 INDIANB 142.00 142.00 121.00 123.70 BERGEPAINT 493.60 494.40 486.35 487.55 GALAXYSURF 1515.15 1549.00 1513.05 1535.85 VARROC 489.75 490.00 455.00 457.15 JAGRAN 58.00 58.20 55.25 56.70
MCDOWELL-N 621.50 624.80 606.20 609.70 -10.35 TVSMOTOR 462.95 467.40 450.65 460.20 MINDTREE 721.50 723.25 704.05 715.10 THOMASCOOK 116.50 119.15 115.05 116.00 TNPL 188.15 190.80 185.70 185.70 ECLERX 424.20 431.90 424.20 424.25
SBILIFE 991.40 993.95 954.65 967.60 -18.35 GRAPHITE 295.50 302.50 285.10 286.55 GNFC 200.65 210.00 199.50 209.10 CYIENT 425.95 425.95 400.00 406.10 OFSS 3047.25 3073.20 3040.20 3073.20 GULFOILLUB 875.45 875.45 851.00 851.00
IBULHSGFIN 210.00 219.00 196.05 201.70 -4.45 SCI 55.75 56.00 52.40 52.95 ADANIGREEN 87.90 87.90 85.20 86.10 IDBI 31.00 31.00 30.30 30.45 ALBK 26.30 26.40 25.55 25.90 MHRIL 220.00 220.00 214.40 215.50
SIEMENS 1673.50 1680.95 1623.00 1633.00 -40.20 GRANULES 117.50 125.80 117.00 124.35 CRISIL 1378.00 1403.00 1345.00 1351.10 IRCON 410.90 417.10 400.00 404.30 TATAINVEST 810.00 819.50 803.35 815.00 LAOPALA 174.60 176.25 173.85 174.45
PNB 61.60 61.85 59.15 59.80 -1.50 HEXAWARE 368.00 368.00 342.05 346.25 LUPIN 736.50 741.30 723.80 729.25 COFFEEDAY 31.00 31.00 29.00 29.00 SCHAEFFLER 4034.75 4034.75 3969.00 4000.00 VTL 918.00 918.00 903.00 903.00
BANKBARODA 92.70 93.60 87.95 90.00 -2.45 ONGC 140.10 142.10 139.05 140.70 OMAXE 197.95 197.95 185.65 185.80 PTC 56.65 56.70 55.45 55.85 SYNDIBANK 25.35 25.35 24.65 24.70 KNRCON 228.00 228.00 223.20 224.60
HDFCAMC 3130.00 3139.00 2985.00 2997.80 -88.25 COLPAL 1560.35 1568.90 1542.00 1564.80 MUTHOOTFIN 687.15 687.15 667.00 669.75 WELSPUNIND 53.55 54.35 52.50 53.05 VMART 2000.00 2006.10 1930.25 1932.25 CHALET 339.05 339.05 339.00 339.00
HINDPETRO 306.00 309.50 298.15 299.25 -9.45 TATAPOWER 61.90 61.90 58.55 59.10 SUVEN 288.05 298.90 283.65 293.70 GICHSGFIN 164.05 168.00 160.00 160.00 MINDACORP 82.00 85.75 82.00 83.55 MAHSEAMLES 353.65 358.15 353.45 353.45
CONCOR 609.00 613.80 582.85 585.20 -27.85 MRF 64463.50 64660.00 63162.05 63275.00 ABCAPITAL 83.20 84.00 79.60 80.90 SOUTHBANK 10.40 10.46 10.21 10.25 PRSMJOHNSN 77.75 77.80 74.50 74.75 PNCINFRA 172.15 175.25 170.90 174.75
NIACL 136.65 138.00 128.00 128.30 -6.25 INDIACEM 83.05 83.25 80.75 81.95 ADANITRANS 264.00 279.50 260.00 265.35 EMAMILTD 336.20 338.40 331.00 336.00 NH 241.10 246.00 241.00 246.00 LUXIND 1234.00 1234.00 1198.55 1210.00
BIOCON 249.60 250.90 241.20 244.75 -13.55 BHARATFORG 455.40 470.55 450.00 451.10 AVANTI 455.00 460.10 436.70 445.95 AJANTPHARM 1009.10 1012.70 987.30 993.75 THERMAX 1149.65 1150.00 1102.00 1105.35 EVEREADY 45.60 45.60 45.60 45.60
IDEA 5.60 5.65 4.10 4.20 -1.45 IDFCFIRSTB 39.80 40.25 38.25 38.85 ICICIPRULI 487.00 487.00 477.30 479.80 RAIN 94.80 94.80 92.10 92.70 BASF 973.40 975.60 958.95 959.50 IIFL 117.65 120.90 117.00 117.70
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( f^a[S !
CA>CC8=6 Efc\VjµYVRUZ_XZ_hc`_X 2WP^cXRbRT]TPb "(STPSX]
UZcVTeZ`_¶`gVcDjcZR+FD X\_TPRW\T]cST_^bXcX^]
London: The 39 people
STb_XcTcWT>__^bXcX^]\^d]cX]V Cad\_[XUcbbP]RcX^]b^]CdaZThPUcTaXc on the trend back to being the
strong reliable ally of the past,” he Washington: Republicans after roughly four hours.
found dead in a truck in
Britain were Chinese nation-
said. briefly brought the Democrat- As a series of diplomats als, British media outlets
cWT]TgcfTTZ³b_[P]]TS\TVP The issue of Turkey’s mili- led impeachment investigation have been interviewed in the reported on Thursday, citing
bXcX]PbPVT]SPSaXeT]bPhX]VXc tary offensive in Syria is set to to a halt when around two impeachment probe, many sources.
WPbbT]cPfPeT^UY^hX]8]SXP dominate the two-day NATO dozen GOP House members Republicans have been silent The victims were dis-
TeT]PbWTR[PX\TScWPccWTPa\h Brussels: Turkey is “heading in with the US in the fight against meeting, with diplomats in the stormed into a closed-door on the president’s conduct. But covered in a container on the
QPRZbWX\ the wrong direction” with its the Islamic State group, Esper organisation saying “frank” dis- deposition with a Defense they have been outspoken back of a truck in Grays, east
incursion into Syria and its deal told a conference in Brussels cussions with Ankara’s repre- Department official. about their disdain for of London, on Wednesday,
BDD:H814<>0=B;02:>5 with Russia to jointly patrol a ahead of a NATO Defence sentatives have already taken Democrats said the move Democrats and the impeach- shortly after arriving by ferry
5>2DB>=A0:78=4³D;CA0B´ “safe zone” there, US Defense Ministers’ meeting. “I think the place.A subsequent arrangement compromised national securi- ment process, saying it is unfair from Belgium.
HP]V^])<hP]\Pa³bRXeX[XP] Secretary Mark Esper warned incursion’s unwarranted,” Esper with Russia to clear Kurdish mili- ty because some of the to them even though they have The local Essex Police
[TPSTa0d]VBP]Bdd:hXWPb Thursday. said. tia that Turkey regards as “ter- Republicans took electronic been in the room questioning force, which is working with
QT\^P]TScWT[PRZ^UV[^QP[ “Turkey put us all in a very The onus was on Turkey’s rorists” linked to the outlawed devices into a secure room. witnesses and hearing the tes- immigration officials,
bRadcX]h^]TgcaT\Xb\P]S terrible situation” by sweeping NATO allies to now “work PKK group on its soil has also The protest by Republican timony. said their initial priority
°cTaa^aXbcb±X]bXSTAPZWX]TBcPcT into northern Syria this month together to strengthen our part- raised hackles. lawmakers on Wednesday cap- “The members have just was to try to identify the vic-
fWTaTWTaR^d]cah³bPa\hbcP]Sb to fight Kurdish militia allied nership with them, and get them Yet, while isolated in NATO, tured national attention, draw- had it, and they want to be able tims, thought to be 38 adults
PRRdbTS^UR^\\XccX]VVT]^RXST Turkey’s strategic position ing the focus away from the tes- to see and represent their con- and one teenager.
PVPX]bcA^WX]VhP<db[X\b between Europe and the Middle timony of a top U.S. Diplomat stituents and find out what’s The truck was moved

=0C>b[P\bCdaZTh^eTaBhaXP East is seen as too important to
jeopardise, so the other alliance
who told lawmakers just a day
earlier that he was told
going on,” said Ohio Rep. Jim
Jordan, the top Republican on
Wednesday to a more secure
location at the

members have limited them- President Donald Trump was the House Oversight and nearby Tilbury docks so the
?XccbQdaV)3^]P[SCad\_WPb selves to criticism only.Esper withholding military aid from Reform panel. bodies could be
\PSTQdX[SX]VPQPaaXTac^bc^_ defended the US decision to pull Ukraine unless the country’s That committee is one of removed.
\XVaP]cb^]cWTDB<TgXR^ Brussels: Turkey’s military condemn Turkey, saying it has US forces out of northern Syria, president pledged to investigate three leading the investiga- Essex Police and the
Q^aSTaPRT]caP[_[P]Z^UWXb operation in Syria will provoke “legitimate security concerns” effectively opening the path to Democrats. tion, and its members are Chinese embassy in London
_aTbXST]RhQdc^]FTS]TbSPh “forceful” discussion at a along its border with Syria. the Turkish operation. The maneuver delayed a allowed into the closed-door did not respond to requests
WTRP\Td_fXcWP_dii[X]V]Tf NATO defence ministers’ On arrival Thursday, he “The US decision to with- deposition with Laura Cooper, hearings.Lawmakers described for comment.
cfXbcc^cWTX]XcXPcXeT)PfP[[X] meeting Thursday and Friday confirmed the meeting “will draw less than 50 soldiers from a senior Defense Department a chaotic scene. Rep. Debbie In 2000, the bodies of 58
2^[^aPS^CWT_a^Q[T\. but Ankara risks little from its address the situation in the zone of attack was made after official who oversees Ukraine Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., clandestine Chinese immi-
2^[^aPS^[XTbfT[[fXcWX]cWT allies because of its strategic northeast Syria” where he said it was made very clear to us that policy, until mid afternoon. said she had just walked into grants were discovered in a
D]XcTSBcPcTbcW^dVWXcb[PaVT position, diplomats said. a Turkey-US “ceasefire” accord President (Recep Tayyip) The inter view began the room when the Republican Dutch truck at the
b^dcWTa]]TXVWQ^da=Tf<TgXR^ The issue looks certain to struck last week had Erdogan made the decision to roughly five hours behind lawmakers blew past Capitol southeastern English port
S^TbQ^aSTa<TgXR^ overshadow the meeting in reduced fighting. come across the border,” he said. schedule, after a security check police officers and Democratic of Dover. Two people
Brussels, with Turkey isolated Diplomats, however, described US President Donald by Capitol officials, and ended staffers. AP survived. AFP
58A44AD?CB*20;85>A=80=B among the 29 member states exchanges with Ankara’s Trump has lifted all sanctions on
78CF8C71;02:>DCB because of its incursion this representatives as Turkey after Ankara agreed to a
month against Kurdish fight-
ers, considered “terrorists” by
Ankara but which were key in
But they admitted that
Turkey’s location at the gates of
permanent ceasefire in Syria as
the American troops left the
“blood stained sand”, allowing
%VXeT]STPcW =^3XfP[X:PbW\Xa_a^cTbc
fX]ShfTPcWTa_a^\_cTScWT the fight against the Islamic the Middle East and next to the Russian and Turkish forces
State group in Syria.
NATO Secretary General
Jens Stoltenberg has refused to
Russia gave it a strategic value
than the
to take over the territory con-
trolled by America and the
Kurdish military. AFP
VXa[bcdST]c Pc8]SXP]\XbbX^]X]D:
London: A march planned by The route of the march
pro-Pakistani separatist will now reportedly end up at
.XUGLVKIRUFHVVWDUW6\ULD Dhaka:Sixteen people includ-
ing the head of a madrasa
groups on Kashmir to coin-
cide with Diwali on Sunday
Trafalgar Square instead, a
requirement imposed due to

were sentenced to death by a has been denied permission concerns of violence in the
Bangladeshi court on Thursday by the UK authorities to wake of clashes at a previous
for burning alive a teenage assemble outside the Indian demonstration by similar
Qamishli (Syria): Kurdish US President Donald girl student for refusing to High Commission here. groups on August 15.
forces in northeastern Syria left Trump has praised the agree- withdraw a sexual harassment A day after Prime The Metropolitan Police
several positions along the ment reached in Sochi by complaint against him. Minister Boris Johnson told is yet to confirm the details of
long border with Turkey Turkey and Russia and rejoiced The gruesome murder MPs in the House of the restrictions, but it followed
Thursday, complying with a that US personnel were took place in April when a gang Commons that any kind of various interventions over the
deal that sees Damascus, leaving the “long of killers poured kerosene over violence during such demon- last few days, including a
Ankara and Moscow carve up blood-stained sand” of Syria, 18-year-old Nusrat Jahan Rafi strations was “wholly unac- diplomatic “note verbale”
their now-defunct autonomous leaving just a residual contin- and set her on fire on the roof ceptable”, it emerged on from the Indian High
region. gent behind “where they have of the madrasa in the south- Thursday that the groups Commission expressing safe-
Russian forces have started the oil”. eastern Feni, some 162 kms behind the protest will have to ty concerns.
patrols along the flashpoint The deal signed in the outside the capital Dhaka. steer clear of the Indian mis- On Wednesday,
border, filling the vacuum left Black Sea resort by Syria’s two “They (convicts) will be sion area of Aldwych in cen- Conservative Party MP Bob
by a US troop withdrawal that main foreign brokers gives hanged by neck until their tral London. Blackman had raised his fears
effectively handed back a third Kurdish forces until Tuesday to death,” Women and Children “They will not be allowed of violence during the
of the countr y to the withdraw to a line 30 Repression Prevention Tribunal to assemble outside the High weekly Prime Minister’s
Moscow-backed regime of kilometres (19 miles) from the Judge Mamunur Rashid pro- Commission,” a mission Questions session in
President Bashar al-Assad. border. AFP nounced the judgement. PTI spokesperson confirmed. Parliament. PTI

Helsinki:The likelihood of the EU told reporters during a visit to
extending the UK’s Brexit deadline Helsinki.
“looks good”, after which Britain EU member states on Wednesday
should put forward a candidate for the backed a plan to postpone Brexit
European Commission, its incoming beyond October 31, after British
president said on Thursday. prime minister Boris Johnson was
“The question of granting an compelled to send an extension
extension, that looks very good,” EU request under a law passed by rebel
president-elect Ursula von der Leyen MPs. AFP
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! (
Tg_[^aT "
its 108 little shrines and the stunning albeit
florid Rani Ki Vav with images of the avatars
of Vishnu are not just impressive because of
the stonework but also because they sur-
vived. The irony was that many of the
masons were from lower castes and could
WKHSLRQHHU not visit the temples to admire their own
Not just time but keeping in mind
human destruction, one cannot help but
praise the Archeological Survey of India for
doing such a great job. The Rani Ki Vav in
particular, which is also a UNESCO World
Heritage site, has been extensively and
painstakingly cleaned although maybe pro-
tection for all the sites we visited from mod-
ern-day humans can be improved.
In addition, while the ASI has done a
great job restoring the sites, it is extremely
difficult for visitors to find information about
BcPcdT>UD]Xchk 8]RaTSXQ[T8]SXPk /7hd]SPX8]SXPk /b^dX]SXP their different aspects, particularly those
related to ornate ones. The technology exists
today for the ASI to make apps that can
)URPWKH6WDWXHRI explain individual parts of monuments to
visitors whether they are the intricate jalis
8QLW\WRWKH on the windows at Champaner’s Jami
Masjid or the depictions of the avatars of
Vishnu at Rani Ki Vav. Also, it might not be
WDNLQJLQ*XMDUDW¶V a bad idea to have proper cafes where visi-
tors could grab a tea or a cold-drink as well
LQFUHGLEOHKLVWRULFDO as a snack. Earlier this year, I had travelled
to the Alhambra in Spain, the grand fort at
KHULWDJHLQEHWZHHQ Granada, the capital of Andalus the once
Islamic part of the Spanish peninsula and
7KH3LRQHHUJRHVRQ while it is impressive, coming from India,
you know that there are equally good sites
DQLQFUHGLEOHYR\DJH in our country. In just two days I saw three
amazing sites but clearly, also, pathetic mar-
RIGLVFRYHU\WKURXJK keting. Putting the Rani Ki Vav on our new
C100 note might make some more people
,QGLD¶VZHVWHUQPRVW familiar with it, despite the awful lilac tinge
VWDWHZLWKWKLV\HDU¶V of the note but nothing prepares you for the
three-dimensional brilliance of the site
EHVWVHOOLQJQHZ6SRUWV itself. But even Ahmedabad residents I met,
who had travelled the world on holidays and
8WLOLW\9HKLFOH talked about visiting the (quite lovely)
temples of Angkor, hadn’t bothered to take
a two-hour drive down to see what sur-

rounds them.
Day three would be Talish’s last day with
us. Until now we hadn’t found a great
Gujarati food place as most highway restau-
rants served Punjabi food and at Patan we
had tried a quite hideous Cheese ki sabzi,
with actual chunks of Amul Cheese, I kid

you not. But those who know Ahmedabad
will tell you that if you want Gujarati food
you go to Swati Snacks. And while this chain
began in Mumbai 60 years ago, it has
become a staple of Amdabadi life in the 15
years it has been around in the city. Shaan

towns and in villages, it doesn’t seem to deter Jhaveri who runs the restaurant in the city
rulebreakers. Reaching late in the evening, told me that the restaurant is a place where
we checked into our hotel, as the next day multiple generations can sit and enjoy
was going to be a busy one. food together. After all, it is an important
Our second day was to take us to part of culture. Sure, Gujarati food as we
Modhera and Patan, sites around the indus- know it is primarily vegetarian but there is
trial city of Mehsana. Several years ago, while also a vibrant eating culture in the city. And
working for another publication, I had vis- there is some very good ice-cream too par-
Patel, India’s first Home Minister and the ited the McCain foods factory where the ticularly at Shankar’s Ice Cream Library
man who effectively formed the Union by Canandian company processes potatoes which in the humble opinion of a sweet-
bringing in the 500-plus princely states into grown in the region into the french fries you toothed Bengali makes possibly the best of
the nation. This 182-meter tall statue over- love to eat at fast-food restaurants. Again, this cold dessert in the country.
looks another engineering marvel of mod- the fact that spectacular historical sites and Before that we had gone to the Patang
ern India, the Sardar Sarovar Dam and it’s high-tech factories can exist a few kilome- Vali Gali in Ahmedabad’s Jamalpur district
reservoir. tres apart is something that really makes in the old city. This area which was devas-
The first thing you have to understand This brings us to the sites we visited, India unique, much more so than any other tated in 2002 still houses some of India’s
1H :DB70= =9DB1 about Gujarat is that it has always played a starting with Champaner. The major country in the world. Both the sites we vis- finest craftsmen, in this case kite makers.
pivotal role in the history of the subconti- remains come from pre-Mughal times, ited — Modhera Surya Mandir and the jaw- Unfortunately in this lane, like so many other
ujarat is hardly the first state in India nent. The Indus Valley Civilisation existed making them younger than some of the droppingly spectacular Rani Ki Vav — were such places across the country, the trade is

G you think of when you consider his-

tory, culture and tourism. Sure, it
runs an impressive advertising campaign
here and evidence of that is found in the
ruins of Lothal, a port city in the Gulf of
Khambhat. Goods from India were traded
other sites. But the location, particularly the
Pavagadh hill, is important as it is the only
mountain for miles around, giving com-
built during the reign of Bhimdeva, the great
Solanki king, the latter for his queen
dying out. Disinterest by the next genera-
tion and being swamped by Chinese imports
is killing the profession. Watching a master
with no less than Amitabh Bachchan pro- to European civilisations such as the Grecian manding views all the way into the fertile While Bhimdeva was to become a great kitemaker make a kite is amazing and while
moting the Rann of Kutchh. It indeed grabs states, Egypt, Rome and crucially the plains of the Malwa region. This makes it conquering king later in his reign and the that narrow lane is not somewhere even an
eyeballs but it is only while driving through Phoenicians, the major traders of the an obvious site to build a city and garrison. Solanki empire was to rule a swathe of west- urban warrior like the Hyundai Venue can
the state that you recognise its historical and Mediterranean. The very existence of Lothal The hill has had a Kali temple that has been ern India comprising parts of modern enter, it is a place that you must visit in
cultural significance. So when Hyundai is proof that the people of Gujarat have around in one form or another since even Gujarat, Sindh, Maharashtra and Madhya Ahmedabad, just like Rani Ni Hajiro near-
invited The Pioneer to participate in the always been traders, thanks to the state’s vast before recorded history. The site was first Pradesh, his reign had an inauspicious start by where you find merchants selling hand-
Great India Drive, the area that we were shoreline and sheltered ports. It is by no developed by the Chavda dynasty and it’s with the first raid of the notorious Mahmud made cloth and trinkets from all over the
given to explore — Ahmedabad — was a bit means a recent occurrence. We discovered king, Vanaraj Chavda. He apparently named was inspired from Gujarat which was final- of Ghazni and the destruction of the first state.
puzzling. I was disappointed since we were later that the great wealth of the Solanki the fort after his general Champaraj, ly conquered by Akbar and effectively Somnath Temple. On a side note, the colo- On the last day, I decided to bookend
being flagged off from the Statue of Unity, empire and the Gujarat Sultanate came from although there are sources that say that the became part of India thereafter. nial British believed that the doors of the the trip by visiting the site of another famous
which is a two-hour drive from Vadodara, trading. It led to the stunning architecture area got its name from the champa flower After visiting a strangely empty Somnath Temple adorned Ghazni’s grave Gujarati, but one who belongs to every
hardly an ‘epic’ route. in the classical and medieval era. endemic to the region. The site, as we see Champaner, strange since the site is a and to curry favour with Gujarati merchants Indian. So much so that we all know him
How wrong I was! During this drive, I The state got its name and identity from it today, is from the Gujarat Sultanate and UNESCO recognised World Heritage Site, they went to Ghazni’s gravesite, stripped the as the ‘Father’ of the modern nation state of
discovered so much about the state. This the Gurjar tribe. There is genealogical evi- then known as Mohammedabad. It was the we drove to Ahmedabad past Vadodara. doors and brought them back to India only India. Once on the outskirts of the city, the
tour reaffirmed the fact that driving isn’t just dence that they moved in from Central Asia capital of the region though it was moved Avoiding the new Expressway connecting to discover that the wood on the doors was- Sabarmati Ashram is now surrounded by the
about the journey, it is a voyage of discov- or present-day Iran. Of course, genealogy back to Ahmedabad before Mughal Gujarat’s two largest cities and sticking to the n’t the sandalwood that they expected but city. Yet it remains an island of peace and
ery. And the Great India Drive opened my is a very controversial path to take in today’s Emperor Humayun sacked the city (after his old highway, which is as fast and an equal- teak. These doors apparently still lie in the serenity in the midst of urban chaos. It is the
eyes to a lot about Gujarat. I hope that my hypersensitive times but the Gurjars did give defeat by Sher Shah Suri and the loss of ly smooth road, the Venue’s great ride and Agra Armoury. The entire story of that and place where Mahatma Gandhi spent a
journey of discovery lives up to its name and the state its name. The great wealth of the Delhi). The attack meant that the city was a good music system made the three-hour how Sardar Patel ordered the rebuilding of majority of his time from its inception in
reaches the readers. region attracted immigrants and invaders for abandoned and today remains as the only drive quite comfortable. That said, I have the Somnath Temple can be the topic of 1917 and also the location from where he
Joined by lawyer and amateur histori- millennia, not just Turkic and European example of a standing pre-Mughal Islamic come to believe that poor driving habits are another story. But maybe as penance for the began the famous Dandi March to protest
an, Talish Ray, our route discovered histo- ones in the medieval and pre-modern city in India. This allows us to see how the what unify Indians, and with Gujarat destruction of the temple or simply as a show the Salt Tax the British had imposed. This
ry, food and craftsmanship. It is wonderful times but also several kingdoms under the Islamic rulers of Gujarat incorporated the bizarrely not notifying the new Motor of might, Bhimdeva constructed some of the protest began the steady decline of the British
to see the way that history and modernity Gupta clan. Although the first major skills of the state’s master craftsmen, show- Vehicles Act, helmet compliance by two most spectacular Hindu monuments in the Raj. It is a place, that I believe, every Indian
can exist next to each other in India. We ‘Gujarati’ state was that of the Khichi ing a continuity to sites of the Solanki wheeler drivers was abysmal. While there eleventh century C.E which have survived should make a pilgrimage to once in their
were flagged off from the Statue of Unity, Rajputs but historians doubt that the Rajput Empire three-four centuries older as well as were a disconcertingly large number of The intricately constructed sites, the lives. It was a great site to end the Great India
the giant monolith of Sardar Vallabhbhai clans were identified as such back then. displaying how grand Mughal architecture CCTV cameras across the state, both in stepwell outside the Modhera temple with Drive at the home of the Greatest Indian.

270<?0=4A on the windows, the column BC0CD4>5D=8CHB0A30AB0A>E0A30< E8=C0640DC><DB4D<

structure in the prayer halls
he Vintage Auto Museum located in a farmhouse
T he only extant example of
a pre-Mughal Islamic city
that survives in India,
and arches give a great idea
of how Islamic architecture in
India evolved. The Nagina
W ork on the Sardar
Sarovar Dam was
begun in 1961 and the dam’s
of Unity of Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel was announced by
Narendra Modi as Chief
ue at a height of 182 metres
(240 meters including plinth)
is the tallest in the world and
T on the Ahmedabad ring road is a fascinating col-
lection built up by an avid car collector and cloth
Champaner was founded in Mosque on the edge of the reservoir that fills in a vast Minister of Gujarat in likeness was designed by Ram merchant Pranlal Bhogilal. He acquired many vehi-
the 10th century by Vanaraj site with its open topped area between the Vindhyachal October 2013. It took five Sutar. Visitors can travel in cles from India’s erstwhile princely states after the
Chavda. But it was only after cenotaph is particularly bril- and Satpura ranges only years to complete and was high-speed elevators to a older Rajas died or when they fell on hard times fol-
the capture of Champaner by liant. When Mughal Emperor topped out in 2017. The dam inaugurated on October 31, height of 135 metres and lowing the abolition of the privy purses. Even though
Mahmud Begada in the Humayun sacked the city, is the worlds third-largest 2018. It is covered by 6,500 have commanding views of most of the vehicles might seem in decent condi-
1420’s that the city, as we several concepts were noted concrete dam and the water unpolished bronze plates that the dam and reservoir. An tion, but after Bhogilal’s demise, a few years ago,
know it today, came into by his advisors. Aspects like from the reservoir provides are expected to oxidise over estimated 25,000-35,000 vis- many of the cars are not in a working condition.
being. Mahmud renamed the the lattices became central irrigation to vast swathes of time to give it a ‘green’ look itors visit the statue daily, even However it is an amazing collection that any car buff
city Mohammadabad and concepts of Mughal architec- Gujarat, Rajasthan and like the Statue of Liberty in though it is two hours drive will like and includes some very rare Rolls Royce,
went on a construction spree ture as evidenced in sites like Madhya Pradesh. The Statue New York harbour. The stat- from Vadodara. including one in the ‘boat tail’ shape, a Hispano-
building several mosques, Fatehpur Sikri. Champaner- Suiza extended wheelbase hunting vehicle that
the four most notable ones Pavagadh has several other belonged to the Alwar royal family, several vintage
that survive to this day are the interesting sites and local vil- <>374A0BD=C4<?;4A0=8:8E0E Mercedes and some stunning American vehicles
Sheher Ki Masjid, Kevada lagers still call it home. The from the 1950’s and 1960’s that Bhogilal personal-
Masjid, Nagina Masjid and Sat Kaman fortification on oth these sites were built by stepwell with 108 shrines. The ly used and drove.
the Jami Masjid. The last is
one of the most spectacular
the Pavagadh hillside offers a
great overview of the site and
B the Emperor Bhimdeva, a
ruler of the Solanki empire and
Rani Ki Vav as the name suggests
was built for (and according to
old mosques surviving in the also great views of the plains considered examples of the legend, by) the royal consort,
subcontinent. Begada of Malwa beyond. The site Golden Age of Gujarati rule in the Udaymati. It is one of the most
used local Hindu was declared a UNESCO middle of the 11th century C.E. spectacular archaeological sites in
and Jain artisans World Heritage Site in 2004. Even though some historians India and by far, the most stun-
to build the speculate that both sites were built ning example of a stepwell in the
mosques. as penance for the destruction of country. The walls are adorned
The lattice the Somnath Temple by Mahmud with sculptures of the avatars of
work of Ghazni early in Bhimdeva’s Vishnu and other Hindu Gods
rule. The Modhera site also has an and Goddesses. The site was sand in what many believe was and visitors do not have access
archaelogical museum that main- remarkably preser ved and a deliberate act. This meant that to the full site. It was declared a
tains several of the fallen sculp- remained untouched by any of the site was only discovered UNESCO World Heritage site in
tures of gods from the pantheon the armies that raided the lands after independence and fully 2014 and an image of the Vav
as well as other carvings. The sig- over the next 800 years because excavated only in 1958. Much features on the reverse of the
nature of the site is it’s unique the Vav was covered by mud and restoration work is still ongoing new C100 note.
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( eXePRXch #

even the ragpickers, who, during the fes-
tival, are busy sweeping up the streets and
picking the refuse outside people’s homes,
instead of celebrating.
Ironically, #MyAsliConnection cam-
paign by Reliance Digital, conceptualised
by 21N78E Creative Labs, nudges people
to spend quality time with their loved ones
during Diwali rather than spending end-
less hours on social media or binge-watch-
³CP[T]cbW^d[S]´cQT ing web-series.

There are also some campaigns that are
QPbTS^]VT]STa´ not just promoting an idea to initiate it
among people but are acting upon them
0Rc^a=0F0ID338=B8338@D8 too. A social campaign by 93.5 RED FM
WPbf^aZTSfXcWbTeTaP[cP[T]cTS in collaboration with Feeding India, a
development organisation that works on
UT\P[TUX[\\PZTabX]WXbRPaTTa issues like hunger, malnutrition and food
=P]SXcP3PbRP[[TScWTbW^cb wastage in the country, is making efforts
X]5XaPP`P]S<P]c^ATT\P to curb hunger during this festive season.
:PVcXSXaTRcTSCP[PPbW Under their #IssDiwaliNoPaetKhaali cam-
P]SaTRT]c[h paign, RED FM will ask its listeners to
nominate their localities to host ‘happy
CP]]XbWcWP2WPccTaYTT fridges’ which will be installed by Feeding
fXT[STScWT\TVP India free of cost.
_W^]TX]cWTU^acW Nisha Narayanan, COO and director,
R^\X]VA^P\ RED FM and Magic FM, says, “Our coun-
A^\T<TX] try is dealing with serious issues of food
wastage and hunger. With festivities
BXSSX`dXbPhbPbP] around the corner, it’s an opportunity to
PRc^aWTS^Tb]^c realise that there are many among us who
SXUUTaT]cXPcT are deprived of one of the basic necessi-
QTcfTT]cP[T]cb ties. We are proud to announce our cam-
QPbTS^]VT]STa paign, where we will create awareness
about this community refrigerators pro-
°FWT]8f^aZfXcW gramme and help them with leads to install
R^]RTa]TSPQ^dccWT Srishti Jain, co-founder, Feeding India,
VT]STa5^a\TfWPc WKHPHVVDJHRIKXPDQLW\RYHUULWXDO%\7($0 9,9$ says, “We have set up free fridges in resi-
dential and commercial complexes to
\PccTabcWT\^bcXbRaT facilitate communities in providing imme-
PcXeXch±=PfPidSSX]bPXS he festivities might be around but the mind before the Diwali safai — many of diate, anonymous and dignified access to

T world still remains a dark place for
some. Economic disparity, gender
inequality, food shortage, hunger, unem-
them have hit just the right chord with their
highly emotional appeal. We analyse the
trend this Diwali. 5aTTUaXSVTbX]
food, to those in desperate need. Each
fridge serves between 1,500 to 2,000
meals a month. Anyone who is hungry can
ployment, illiteracy, pollution, climate
change and numerous other problems are
The Delhi Government, through their
community laser light show, has urged the
aTbXST]cXP[P]S take food from the fridges.”
The campaign is on across 21 cities —
CWTUXabcXbc^ some issues that the world is confronted citizens to visit Connaught Place during R^\\TaRXP[ Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chandigarh,
with each day. And the worst affected are Diwali and enjoy the show with an aim of Amritsar, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Lucknow,
\PZTPUX[\ the ones who have to bear the brunt rather moving beyond bursting crackers and in R^\_[TgTbfX[[ Kanpur, Varanasi, Bhubaneswar, Siliguri,
CWT]cWT\^bc than the ones who observe or talk about turn, reducing pollution. The hour-long UPRX[XcPcT Jamshedpur, Patna, Dehradun,
WTRcXRY^QXbc^ these issues. So how can more people be shows will be staged between October 26 Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Nasik, Aurangabad,
_a^\^cTXcFTWPeT made aware and empathetic to these and 29. Special parking arrangements and R^\\d]XcXTbX] Bhopal and Indore.
problems? It is not for nothing that cause battery-operated vehicles will also be #BurnTheBhedhBhaav (instead of
S^]T^daaTb_^]bXQX[Xch marketing has become the trend of the pressed into service. _a^eXSX]VX\\TSXPcT burning crackers), a campaign by
FTWPeTcaXTSc^\PZT decade as several brands are creating space Some campaigns also focus on pro- P]^]h\^dbP]S &Pictures is inspired by the film and Article
<PSTX]2WX]P W^]Tbc[h for inclusivity in the society through their moting the idea that Diwali is special for 15 of the Indian Constitution that prohibits
8WPeTbTT]cWTUX[\P]S ad campaigns. everyone — Diwali toh sabki hoti hai! SXV]XUXTSPRRTbbc^ discrimination on the grounds of religion,
Be it the advertisement of Saregama Much like the race, caste, sex or place of birth. It reflects
8aTP[[h[XZTXcFTPaT Caravan music player aimed at avoiding #TuJashnBanKisiKiZindagiKa, Umeed Ka knocks at your doorstep. U^^Sc^cW^bTX] on how in our day-to-day lives, we come
_a^dS^UXc=^fXcbP[[ noisy crackers that adversely affect senior Diya campaign by HP that surfaced on the Indiabulls home loans unveiled their STb_TaPcT]TTS across instances where discrimination
X]h^dacWTPdSXT]RT citizens and animals during Diwali; the Indian internet last year, breaking records campaign #SwatchDiwali, wherein the peo- takes place in which either we are the ones
WP]Sb8P\_aTcchbdaT Snapdeal #CelebrateTheHeroes festive with its simple message and a great exe- ple of a housing society, after enjoying the 4PRWUaXSVTbTaeTb initiating it or we may be unknowingly a
collection that focussed on commemorat-
ing the efforts of army officers and police-
cution of an important idea.
‘Yeh Diwali sabke saath manatey hain.
festival and feeding on multiple delicacies,
clean up all the mess on their ramp. The QTcfTT] $c^ part of it.
So this year make sure that the wish
fPcRWcWTUX[\h^dfX[[ men which guard the nation while we Khaali haath kisi ko wapas nahi bhejte next morning, when the society sweeper !\TP[bP\^]cW ‘Happy Diwali’ is not just confined to your
WPeTP[^c^UUd] engage in making merry; or the hain!’ campaign by Swiggy has again won arrives with his broomstick, he looks at the immediate surroundings as you spread the
#SaareMaelDhoDaalo campaign by Ghadi many hearts as it promotes the idea of just area, which doesn’t have even a hint of cheer far and wide beyond even perhaps
°APYZd\\PaAP^ Detergent, aiming at cleaning one’s own giving and catering to every person who garbage. It aims to make Diwali special for your pale of influence.

e it baking donuts, clemen-
B tine and almond cake or
making fennel, grapefruit and
feta salad or coastal cooking,
for Irish chef Rachel Allen
cooking and baking are equal-
ly important. Brought up in
Dublin, at the age of 18, Rachel 8aXbWRWTUA0274;0;;4= bPhbcWPc8]SXPPSSbP[^c^UR^[^daP]SU[Pe^dac^cWTV[^QP[U^^S\P_
left to study at the Ballymaloe
Cookery School. After gradu- QTRPdbT^UXcbbca^]VRd[cdaTP]SWXbc^ah1hC40< E8E0
ating she worked in the
kitchens at Ballymaloe House Though every profession
and then returned to work at carries its own risks but cook-
the cookery school where she ing involves a higher possibil-
found her passion in teaching ity of mishaps. Talking about
and where she continues to her most stressful situation
teach each week. Rachel said, “I’ve set fire to
Rachel recalled that the pans a couple of times. I
most memorable part of her remember once I was doing
journey was meeting the my cooking show live on
Queen of England at stage and the pan caught fire.
Buckingham Palace. “Apart There were 300 people watch-
from this, the extraordinary ing me and I was helpless. I
places that I have travelled for was not able to put it out. AE9>?13?3?>ED ● FWT]cWThWPeTR^^[TS
work are also special. I love the Then, someone came to help 3BE=2<53ECD1B4 S^f]Rad\Q[TP]Sbc^aTX]
contribution I make towards me and we eventually laughed @E449>7 PXacXVWcR^]cPX]Tab
food,” she added. about it.” F70CH>D=443
Rachel, celebrity chef and The chef feels that the 5^aRdbcPaS_dSSX]V\Xg)
an author is the show presen- inclusion and knowledge of 5^a`dX]^PRad\Q[T)
● BXTeT`dX]^PX]P\TbW
ter at the BBC Natural Unit vegan and keto diets in a ● 2^^ZTS`dX]^P) 'V\
and has appeared on many chef ’s life is very important as R^[P]STaAX]bTcW^a^dVW[h
cookery shows. Talking about loved the place, the people, the it’s interesting to learn about ● >Pcb)(V\ fXcWR^[SfPcTaP]SP[[^fc^
her remarkable findings and food and the colours. I’d also different foods with different ● 2X]]P\^]_^fSTa)"V\ SaPX]
experiences she said, “I loved love to make the paratha health properties.
● 0_X]RW^UbP[c ● 8]P\TSXd\bXiTS_^c\Xg
all the different kinds of food breads like they do in New Do you believe in the sci-
and producers. The variety Delhi. They were delicious. I ence behind food or should `dX]^PR^R^]dc\X[Z\P_[T
● 1a^f]bdVPa)"V\
they offered was tremendous. hope to go back soon.” one just follow passion and bhad_eP]X[[PTgcaPRc
Not only the food but even the Talking about her work around the taste factor? ● 2W^__TS]dcb) !V\ RX]]P\^]W^]ThP]SbP[c
scenery was breathtaking all favourite destinations in “Well, when it comes to bak- ● 2^R^]dcU[PZTb)&$V\
the way up the coast. I adored terms of the food preferences ing one has to believe in the ● 1^X[Xc^eTa\TSXd\WTPc
flying over the cliffs of Moher. kulfi, naan, poori and chapat- and flavour to the global food with the food, the chef has vis- she said, “I love Italy for the science because a lot of it is ● ;PaVTTVVb)! ATSdRTWTPcP]SR^eTa
It was my favourite one.” tis. She explains that in kulfi map. She expresses her fascina- ited India only once. When pasta, Middle East for their scientific, but once you under- 5^aRdbcPaS_dSSX]V\Xg) [TPeX]VcWT[XSRaPRZTSb^cWPc
Though an Irish, Rachel is you have to boil the milk with tion for the strong food culture asked about her experience she mezze, Paris for the pastries, stand that, then it’s fun to fol- b^\TbcTP\RP]TbRP_T
familiar with Indian dishes the cardamom and sugar for and history which our country said, “I went to Kolkata, New Japan for the rice, fish, sushi low passion,” she said. ● @dX]^P) 'V\
too. In fact, she adores Indian hours. Rachel agrees to the fact has. Delhi and Mumbai five years and sake and Sri Lanka and (Rachel’s Coastal Cooking ● D]bfTTcT]TSR^R^]dc\X[Z)
food. She loves making curries, that India adds a lot of colour Despite her fascination ago. I’m longing to go back. I India for their divine curries.” was aired on Sony BBC Earth.) bcXaaX]VTeTahUXeT\X]dcTb
(%V\ ● AT\^eTcWT[XSP]S
● <P_[Tbhad_) "V\ R^]cX]dTbX\\TaX]VU^aUXeT
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● AT\^eTUa^\cWT^eT]CWT _TcP[bP]SUaTbWU[^aP X]RWcWXRZ]Tbb ● <XgcWTaTbc^UcWT 2^dacTbh)4gTRdcXeT?Pbcah2WTU
2^dacTbh)4gTRdcXeT2WTU<P]^Y ● 1PZTU^a $c^!\X]dcTb
bXSTbbW^d[SQTQTV^[ST]Qa^f] 2^dacTbh)2WTUCPad]BXQP[3XaTRc^a>]T ● 1PZTXcX]P_aTWTPcTS X]VaTSXT]cbP[^]VfXcW ● 1PZTU^aP]^cWTa  BP]cWP]P\BAPSXbb^]1[d0caXP
APfPc7X[c^]6PaST] P]S[TcXcR^^[
P]ScWTc^_bW^d[SWPeTPRadbc 5X]T<TP[ ^eT]U^aPa^d]S $ QdccTa \X]dcTbPc!!STVaTTb 8]]6dadVaP\ 1T]VP[dad
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( b_^ac $

05?Q 64=:?A06D4
iverpool and Chelsea QTccTaQdcB[PeXPc^^ZaXbZb
L clinched impressive victo-
ries on the road in the
Champions League on
¯ 4A=4BC>E0;E4A34 
BX]RTcWTbcPac^UcWT! & 'bTPb^]
Wednesday as Lionel Messi, ^cWTa_[PhTa 

Dries Mertens and teenage sen-
sation Erling Braut Haaland °8c³bPbWP\Tc^[^bTfXcWPV^P[
claimed impressive goal-scor- bR^aTcf^V^P[bUa^\^dcbXSTcWTQ^gX]P
[XZTcWXbCWT^_T]X]V\X]dcTb 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTVP\TbX]RT;X^]T[<TbbXX]
ing landmarks. fTaTSaTPSUd[QdcXU8[^^Z
Defending champions
Va^d_VP\T*<TbbX<TacT]b7PP[P]SbTcV^P[baTR^aSb 0_aX[! (PVPX]bc<P]RWTbcTaD]XcTS

Liverpool defeated Genk 4-1 QTh^]ScWTUXabccfT]ch\X]dcTb 4a[X]V7PP[P]SXbcWTUXabcTeTa_[PhTac^bR^aT
which saw Alex Oxlade- 8\dbcbPhcWTQ^hb_[PhTSP Pb\P]hPbbXgV^P[bX]WXbUXabccWaTT
Chamberlain score twice while UP]cPbcXRVP\T± 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTP__TPaP]RTb

Michy Batshuayi gave Chelsea a ¯ 98=3A827CA?8B>EB:H 4a[X]V7PP[P]SXb^][hcWTbTR^]ScTT]PVTaX]
1-0 win at Ajax. B[PeXP?aPVdTR^PRW 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTWXbc^ahc^bR^aTX]TPRW^U
Elsewhere, Messi became WXbUXabccWaTTP__TPaP]RTbX]cWTR^\_TcXcX^]
the first player to score at least °8c³bPUP]cPbcXR PUcTa:PaX\1T]iT\P

once in 15 successive Champions 3aXTb<TacT]bbR^aTSWXb %cWV^P[
League seasons as Barcelona dbQdcfTbcX[[
U^a=P_^[XPVPX]bcBP[iQdaV¯ ^]T
beat Slavia Prague 2-1. WPeTc^QTPc \^aTcWP]3XTV^<PaPS^]P

Napoli defeated Salzburg 3-
2 in a game which saw Mertens ^aSTac^`dP[XUh± bTeT]_^X]cbX]cWTUXabccWaTTVP\Tb^UcWT
go past Diego Maradona’s 115- ¯ 20A;>0=24;>CC8
goals tally for the Italian club 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTVa^d_bcPVT

while Haaland’s two strikes for ATS1d[[BP[iQdaVfPbX]e^[eTSX]!V^P[b
the Austrians in the same game °8³\b^WP__h8fPbPQ[Tc^WT[_ X]XcbUXabc"\PcRWTbcWXb2WP\_X^]b
made him the first player to score cWTcTP\fXcW\hV^P[CWT ;TPVdTbTPb^]fWXRWXbcWTWXVWTbcc^cP[^U
six times in his first three cWaTT_^X]cbR^d]c\^aTcWP] P]hcTP\PUcTa"\PcRWSPhb^UcWTVa^d_bcPVT
Champions League games. U^a\TaaTR^aS<P]RWTbcTaD]XcTS (('((P]S
England international C^ccT]WP\7^cb_da! (!fXcW '
¯ <0A24;B018CI4A

Oxlade-Chamberlain, who B[PeXP?aPVdTWPeTQTR^\TcWT""aS
missed almost all of last season A1 ;TX_iXV\XSUXT[STa
due to injury, opened the scor- °8c³b]^fPQ^dc bR^aTSP2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTV^P[PVPX]bc*
ing in the second minute at the \PZX]VbdaTfT Y^X]X]VQ^cWAPd[P]S2aXbcXP]^A^]P[S^PbcWTcWaTT
Luminus Arena and scored _[PhTabc^WPeTbR^aTSPVPX]bccWT\^bcSXUUTaT]c
Liverpool’s second just before the VTccWTaTbd[cfT

hour mark. 1PaRT[^]PU^afPaS;X^]T[<TbbXWPb
Sadio Mane and Mohamed 1PaRT[^]PP]S
3^ac\d]SPaT QTR^\TcWTUXabc_[PhTaX]2WP\_X^]b
Salah then set up each other for ;TPVdTWXbc^ahc^bR^aTPc[TPbc^]RTX] $
late goals to wrap up the victo- UPe^daXcTbX]cWXbVa^d_QdcXc³b

ry before substitute Stephen
Odey pulled one back for Genk. ¯ 0=>C=8>2>=C4 <PaR0]SaTcTaBcTVT]WPbbPeTS !^UcWT
Liverpool remain a point 8]cTa<X[P]\P]PVTa 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTcWXbbTPb^](!"
behind Napoli in Group E.

“It’s a special tournament to °FTRP]]^cTg_TRcc^WPeTcT] BX]RTcWTbcPac^UcWT! % &bTPb^]<XRWh
play in. It was great to see the RWP]RTbPVPX]bccWXbcTP\8cXb 1PcbWdPhXWPbbR^aTS]X]TV^P[bPbPbdQbcXcdcT
boys do so well last year, being PSXUUXRd[cVa^d_QdcTeTahcWX]V U^a2WT[bTP¯ U^da\^aTcWP]P]h^cWTa1[dTb
on the bench at the end and XbbcX[[_^bbXQ[TfTbcX[[WPeT _[PhTa

watching the boys bring it home,” cWaTT\PcRWTb± 0YPgWPeT[^bcPVP\TX]P[[R^\_TcXcX^]b
Oxlade-Chamberlain, an unused ¯ ;D284=50EA4 U^acWTUXabccX\TbX]RT[^bX]VPVPX]bc
substitute in last year’s final win, C^ccT]WP\7^cb_daX][PbcbTPb^]b
told BT Sport. 3^ac\d]SQ^bb
2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTbT\XUX]P[!\PcRWTbPV^F $
Haaland, 19, and widely °>g³b_TaU^a\P]RT 3#bX]RTcWT]

tipped for a big-money move to fPbTgPRc[h[XZT 0UcTaZTT_X]VU^daR^]bTRdcXeTR[TP]
England or Spain, had the ball in cWPc^UcWTcTP\ bWTTcb0YPgWPeTR^]RTSTSPV^P[X]
the Napoli net after just 10 min-
utes in Austria. However, a VAR ¯ cWTV^P[bfTaT 4da^_TP]R^\_TcXcX^]bU^acWTUXabc
VaTPcQdcP[[cWTaTbc cX\TX]##%\X]dcTb^U_[Ph
review scrubbed off the goal for

offside. R^d[SWPeTQTT]QTccTa± ;PdcPa^<Pac€]Ti!!hTPa%!SPhbXbcWT
The Italians made the most ¯ 9DA64=:;>?? h^d]VTbc_[PhTac^bR^aTX]R^]bTRdcXeT
of their reprieve when veteran ;XeTa_^^[Q^bb 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTVP\TbU^a8]cTabX]RT
forward Mertens converted a >QPUT\X<PacX]b!hTPab 'SPhbX]5TQadPah
cross from captain Jose Callejon 0[Tg>g[PST2WP\QTa[PX]RT[TQaPcTbPUcTabR^aX]V;XeTa_^^[´b^_T]X]VV^P[PVPX]bc6T]ZSdaX]VD450 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdT6a^d_5 \PcRW^]FTS]TbSPh ;XeTa_^^[CfXccTa °8cXbcWTQTbcfX] !$PVPX]bc?^ac^

to score. It was the Belgian’s 8\b^WP__h8 9PS^]BP]RW^QTRP\TYdbccWTU^dacW
115th goal for Napoli and took winning a Champions League time goal gave Lille a 1-1 draw Z]TfW^fc^dVW 4]V[XbW\P]c^P__TPaX] 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdT
him level with Maradona. away fixture after three years and at home to Valencia for whom cWXbVP\Tf^d[S \PcRWTbPbPcTT]PVTaPUcTaCWT^FP[R^cc &
Haaland levelled from the we hope to keep that going Denis Cheryshev had opened the QTC^_[PhP]S CaT]c0[TgP]STa0a]^[S !P]S9PRZFX[bWTaT 
penalty spot in the dying now,” said Napoli coach Carlo scoring just after the hour mark. STbTaeTc^QTPc
moments of the first half. Ancelotti. Valencia are third in the table, cWT\\TP]bfTPaTPQb^[dcT[h
Mertens, however, grabbed two points behind Ajax and c^_P[[^eTacWT_XcRW8fPbb^ their first two games in
his second on 64 minutes, again ‘HUGE’ WIN FOR CHELSEA Chelsea. b^_a^dS^UcWT_TaU^a\P]RT± the group, defeated
with Callejon the provider to Chelsea showed that Barcelona stay top of Group struggling Lyon 2-1.
go past Maradona’s record set their young side is ready F after a 2-1 win at Slavia ¯ 5A0=:;0<?0A3 Rafa Silva was on
between 1984-1991 and for the European stage Prague. 2WT[bTP\P]PVTa hand to make the most
close in on Marek Hamsik’s after Batshuayi’s late win- Messi opened the scoring of a Lyon defensive
all-time club high of 121. ner fired them to a 1- after three minutes, beating of Inter Milan and Borussia mix-up to find the tar-
Haaland equalised 0 win at Ajax. Slavia goalkeeper Ondrej Kolar Dortmund after the Italians got get, compounding the
again but just a minute Substitute with a low left-foot shot to the better of their German vis- misery for a French side
later, Napoli restored Batshuayi struck in become the first player to score itors 2-0 at the San Siro with who are only out of the
their lead through Lorenzo the 86th minute and put Chelsea in 15 consecutive Champions Lautaro Martinez and Antonio relegation zone in the
Insigne in a breathless second level on six points with last League campaigns. Candreva scoring. league courtesy of goal
half. year’s semi-finalists at the top of Barca grabbed a second on Marcel Sabitzer set up a difference.
Haaland at least had the Group H. 57 minutes when Slavia winger goal and scored a spectacular Memphis Depay
consolation of becoming the “It feels huge, which always Peter Olayinka deflected a Luis winner as RB Leipzig came from levelled for the French
first player to score six goals in scares me because there’s a lot to Suarez close-range shot into his behind to beat Zenit St visitors on 70 minutes
his first three Champions League do. We’re entitled to be excited own net. Left-back Jan Boril Petersburg 2-1 to take a two- but Benfica clinched
games. about the way we played tonight,” scored for Slavia five minutes point lead in Group G. their first win when
“It’s a great night for said coach Frank Lampard. after half-time. Portuguese champions substitute Pizzi scored
Mertens. Napoli are back to Jonathan Ikone’s stoppage- 5aP]Z;P\_PaSWdVb<XRWh1PcbWdPhXPUcTaWTbR^aTbU^a2WT[bTPPVPX]bc0YPg 0? Barca are three points ahead Benfica, without a point after in the dying moments.

8]cTaX]cTaTbcTS 7]R^V_X`dVefaCZgVcA]ReV=ZSVceRU`cVdWZ_R] 5TSTaTaT]cTab &cW

c^bXV]<d[[Ta 05?Q A8>3490=48A>

otshot Gabriel Barbosa scored a brace

Ten minutes from half-time Uruguayan
Giorgian de Arrascaeta tried to chip Gremio
goalkeeper Paulo Victor who could only
05?Q 14A;8= H as Flamengo hammered fellow
Brazilians Gremio 5-0 on Wednesday to
palm the ball out to Gabriel, but his spec-
ulative overhead bicycle kick bounced

Ihasnter Milan are interested in signing for-

mer Germany star Thomas Muller, who
lost his starting place at Bayern
secure a place in the Copa Libertadores final
against Argentine holders River Plate.
Bruno Henrique, Pablo Mari and
harmlessly across the face of goal.
The pressure told on 43 minutes,
though, as Gabriel found space with a diag-
Munich, magazine Kicker reported on Rodrigo Caio also got their names on the onal run and Victor could only palm his
Thursday. scoresheet as the Rio de Janeiro giants com- cross-shot into the path of Henrique, who
The 30-year-old has often found him- pleted a 6-1 aggregate victory over the 2017 had a tap-in.
self on the bench this season behind champions at the Maracana stadium. A minute after half-time Flamengo dou-
Philippe Coutinho, who Bayern coach Niko River Plate made a 2-1 aggregate vic- bled the lead as Brazil international Gabriel
Kovac prefers in the attacking midfield role. tory over their bitter Buenos Aires rivals — on loan from Inter Milan — rifled high
According to Kicker, Inter’s “interest is Boca Juniors on Tuesday despite losing the into the net from 15 yards after a poor clear-
intensifying” and the Italian giants could second leg 1-0. ing header from a corner.
bring Muller to Milan in the January trans- This year’s final will be played over a Gabriel cooly slotted home the spot kick
fer window. single match for the first time, on November 6PQaXT[RT[TQaPcTbPUcTabR^aX]V5[P\T]V^b"aSV^P[ 0? as Victor dived the wrong way, taking him A^VTa5TSTaTaPRZ]^f[TSVTbcWTRa^fSPUcTafX]]X]VWXbbTR^]Sa^d]S\PcRWPVPX]bcAPSd0[Q^c 0?
Mueller made a rare start, only his fifth 23 in Santiago. Rafinha, sporting rugby style head top of the competition’s scoring charts this
of the season, in Tuesday’s 3-2 win at Despite being Brazil’s most popular gear, chipped a cross in from deep on the season with seven goals. 05?Q 10B4; showing on the ATP since beating
Olympiakos in the Champions League on team, Flamengo have only once before won right on 26 minutes and Henrique dashed Mari and Caio got in on the act with Andreas Seppi at the Paris Masters 6-
the right wing, helping set up two goals for the Copa Libertadores, back in 1981. River across his day-dreaming marker before headers from set pieces on 67 and 71 min- oger Federer crushed Radu Albot 1, 6-1 four years ago.
Robert Lewandowski.
“I’m trying to concentrate on playing
are looking for a fifth title. sending a diving header inches wide. utes as Gremio’s defence capitulated. R 6-0, 6-3 on Wednesday to win his
22nd match in a row at the Swiss
If Wawrinka beats America’s Tiafoe
in their second-round match, the Swiss

football. Slowly all the discussions will come Indoors and earn a quarter-final place pair will clash in the quarters.
to an end,” Mueller told reporters in at his home event for the 17th time. Wawrinka, who was a runner-up to
Athens when asked about his future at The nine-time champion was ruth- Andy Murray in Antwerp last weekend,
Bayern. less in a 22-minute opening set, finish- currently stands at 15th in the race for
He has spent his entire career at ing the entire job in 63 minutes in front the season-ending showpiece in
Bayern, who he joined as a school- ?C8Q 274==08 round matches. I have the current of 9,000 fans. London with 1,500 rankings points
boy in 2000, and club president world No 2 in my pre-quarter, so, He will today face the winner from available between Basel and next week’s
Uli Hoeness has made it clear ndia’s leading female squash right now, I am just looking for- Stan Wawrinka and Frances Tiafoe, Paris Masters, the final event of the reg-
that no one at the club wants to
see Mueller leave.
player Joshna Chinappa is
harder than ever as
ward to take it match by match,”
she said.
who both earned straight-set wins
earlier in the day.
ular campaign.
Six of the eight spots for the ATP
It has been a difficult year the world number 12 aims to The Chennai-based player, “It’s a super feeling to know exact- Finals have already been secured.
for Mueller, who break back into the top-10 of who has been spearheading ly where the ball is going, what the Sixth seed David Goffin also stayed
was told by PSA rankings, starting with a India’s challenge in internation- other guy is doing,” said top seed in the race to London with a 6-4, 6-4
Germany good showing in the World al events for more than a decade, Federer. defeat of 2014 US Open champion
coach Championship in Cairo. want to carry on at least till the “I was hitting a lot of winners, those Marin Cilic.
Joachim The 33-year old, who 2022 Commonwealth and Asian kind of moments are really rare.” Ricardas Berankis of Lithuania
Loew in achieved a career-high rank- Games. Federer’s Swiss compatriot lined up a second-round match with
March, ing of world number 10 in “At the back of my mind, I Wawrinka fired 10 aces and 30 winners third seed Stefanos Tsitsipas after
alongside 2016, will be competing at still have the Commonwealth to overwhelm fellow veteran Pablo defeating Pablo Andujar 6-1, 6-1.
fellow 2014 the World Championship. Games and Asian Games in Cuevas 6-3, 6-4 to make it into the sec- Filip Krajinovic will next take on
9^bW]P2WX]P__PX]PRcX^]SdaX]V! '0bXP]6P\TbX]9PZPacP ?P[T\QP]V ?C8
World Cup “I am looking forward 2022, that I would like to com- ond round, keeping alive his outside fifth seed Fabio Fognini after going past
winners Mats to competing at the World Chinappa said. the Indian could face world pete in and win medals for India chances of making the ATP Finals. Serb compatriot Laslo Djere, 6-1, 6-4.
Hummels and Championship. I would like She will face 42nd-ranked number 2 Nour El Sherbini of there. Yeah... That is what moti- Federer, who is playing in Basel for Australian Alex De Minaur defeat-
J e r o m e to break back into top 10 Haley Mendez of USA in the first Egypt. vates me, and exciting times in the 19th time, won his first set to love ed Taylor Fritz of the US 6-3, 6-3 and
Boateng, that he this season, better my round followed by either Mariam “Right now, I am seeded 12 squash and I really hope to do at the tournament since 2006. Switzerland’s Henri Laaksonen was
has no future in the career high rank of 10 and Metwally (27) or Ho Tze-Lok of in the tournament. I have a cou- more for the game,” Chinappa His loss of just three games on put out by Germany’s Jan-Lennard
national squad. take it from there,” Hong Kong. In the pre-quarters, ple of tough first and second added. Wednesday was his most powerful Struff 6-3, 6-4.
A0=278k5A830H k>2C>14A!$! ( b_^ac %

?C8Q <D<108 remained unchanged after
India’s 3-0 whitewash of
South Africa recently. Left-
Ifromndia captain Virat Kohli
was on Thursday rested
the upcoming three-
match T20 series against
arm spinner Shahbaz
Nadeem, who picked up
four wickets on his Test
Bangladesh while Mumbai
all-rounder Shivam Dube
was rewarded with a maid-
debut against South Africa,
was not considered for selec-
h^d]VbcTab) <B:
en call-up for his “phenom- Shahbaz, though, was ?C8Q <D<108

enal” exploits with the India not part of the original squad
A team. against the Proteas, coming hief selector MSK Prasad on
The prolific Sanju
Samson and leg-spinner
in as replacement for the
injured Kuldeep Yadav ahead
C Wednesday made it clear that they
are willing to give Rishabh Pant a long

Yuzvendra Chahal returned of the Ranchi Test. rope, saying Mahendra Singh Dhoni is
to the side for the T20 Also finding a place in on the same page with the selection com-
Internationals. the T20 squad was Mumbai mittee’s decision to back youngsters.
The 24-year-old Samson seamer Shardul Thakur Prasad said he has already mentioned
from Kerala has played his while all-rounder Ravindra that it’s time to think beyond Dhoni and ?C8Q 370:0 not commit anything on the two
only T20I, against Jadeja was rested. it reflected in their team selections. latest demands but said the orig-
Zimbabwe in 2015. A regu- Rishabh Pant has been “I made it very clear, post World Cup angladesh cricketers, led by inal 11 will be fulfilled. Players had
lar in the India A set up,
Samson has been rewarded
the natural heir to Mahendra
Singh Dhoni, but Samson
that we are moving on. We are giving
opportunities to youngsters and see that
B star all-rounder Shakib Al
Hasan, have called off their strike
also demanded fresh elections in
the players’ body and BCB agreed
for a good Vijay Hazare could now push him for a they establish themselves in the side. over pay and benefits after getting to that.
Trophy season, having slot in the XI. With Rishabh Pant doing so well and assurance from the country’s “We told them that there
amassed 410 runs in eight Delhi pacer Navdeep Sanju Samson coming into the side, I am board that all their demands will should be CWAB elections (play-
innings, including a double- Saini was omitted on fitness sure, you must be understanding our be met, putting their tour of ers’ body) swiftly. We want a rep-
century. grounds, paving the way for thought process,” Prasad said. India back on track. resentative from the current play-
All-rounder Hardik Shardul, who has played the “We definitely had a chat with Dhoni The deadlock between the ers, so that our problems can be
Pandya was not discussed in last of his T20Is in March and he also endorses our view of back- players and Bangladesh Cricket discussed with the board regular-
the selection meeting as he 2018. ing youngsters.” Board (BCB) ended after a two- ly. It will be the best for the play-
underwent a surgery for a “Experienced pacer Putting his weight firmly behind hour long meeting which went on ers.
back injury, paving the way Bhuvneshwar Kumar could Pant, Prasad said, “Post World Cup, I close to midnight on Wednesday. “They have agreed, and the
for the 26-year-old rookie make a comeback from have been very clear on this, that after The truce means that the elections will be held when we are
Dube’s inclusion in the injury in the next series World Cup we have started backing team’s T20 and Test tour of India, all available. We can tell you that
shortest format. (against the West Indies),” Rishabh Pant. So we will still back him beginning November 3, will go on we are happy when the demands
Dube pipped Vijay chairman of selectors MSK (Pant) and see that he progresses well. as per schedule and players will are implemented, but discussions
Shankar as the second Prasad said. “Of course, he might not have the be joining the preparatory camp have been satisfying,” said Shakib.
choice all-rounder, primar- “Navdeep Saini was not best of the matches, the way we expect today. Hassan, who had earlier
ily based on his big-hitting BWXeP\3dQTPccT\_cbc^WXcPbXgSdaX]VAP]YXCa^_Wh! ' (bTPb^]fWX[TaT_aTbT]cX]V<d\QPX ?C85X[T?XRcdaT available, that is the reason of him, but we can still only make a play- “As Papon bhai (BCB boss slammed the players for the tim-
prowess. we picked up Shardul er by backing somebody. So we are con- Nazmul Hassan) said, it was a ing of the strike calling it a con-
Chairman of selection the past, Rohit Sharma will Thakur,” he added. fident that he will come out successful fruitful discussion. He and the rest spiracy, said the Board agreed to
committee MSK Prasad said, lead the squad in Kohli’s When asked about and that’s been the thought process of the directors assured us that our most of the cricketers’ demands.
“You can see, earlier we had absence. Chahal, he said, “With post World Cup and we focusing on demands will be met as soon as “Among their 11 demands,
Hardik Pandya, then we also Apart from the three- regards to him, we wanted to Rishabh Pant.” possible. Based on their assurance, the first one (CWAB elections)
tried Vijay Shankar. All of us match T20 series which try out Chahal and that’s the Prasad also said that they are look- we will start playing the NCL and doesn’t have anything to do with
agreed in unison that the starts in New Delhi on reason we are giving him so ing at Samson as a top-order batsman. attend the training camp,” Shakib the BCB and the last demand
role we have, he (Dube) fits November 3, followed by many opportunities.” “We are looking at him as a batsman was quoted as saying by (more than two NOCs per year to
in very well. matches at Rajkot and T20 squad: Rohit Sharma who can keep. Definitely he will play at ESPNCricinfo. play franchise tournaments) will
“He bats aggressively, Nagpur on November 7 and (capt), Shikhar Dhawan, KL the top,” he said. Shakib attended the meeting be taken case to case.
his performances in the 10 respectively, Bangladesh Rahul, Sanju Samson, alongside other senior players “We have agreed with the rest
India A Series in West Indies will also play two Tests as Shreyas Iyer, Manish Pandey, including Mushfiqur Rahim, of the demands, like the DPL
and also against South part of the World Rishabh Pant(wk), Test team: Virat Kohli (capt), Rohit Mahmudullah and Tamim Iqbal. transfers and BPL franchise
Africa in the ODIs (for India Championship, in Indore Washington Sundar, Krunal Sharma, Mayank Agarwal, Cheteshwar The players added two more model. We will also significantly
A) was phenomenal. He has and Kolkata, from Pandya, Yuzvendra Chahal, Pujara, Ajinkya Rahane, Hanuma Vihari, demands to the 11 made on improve their allowances in the
gone up by leaps and November 14-18 and Rahul Chahar, Deepak Saha (wk), R Jadeja, R Ashwin, Kuldeep Monday, asking for a percentage domestic competitions, and it
bounds, a notch higher and November 22-26 respective- Chahar, Khaleel Ahmed, Yadav, Mohammed Shami, Umesh Yadav, of BCB revenues and equal pay will be done in the next two or
we are convinced about it.” ly. The squad for the Test Shivam Dube, Shardul Ishant Sharma, Shubman Gill, Rishabh for women cricketers. three days. Not in six months or
As has been the case in series against the neighbours AXbWPQW?P]cWdVbBP]YdBP\b^]SdaX]V8?; ! &\PcRW 8?;5X[T?XRcdaT Thakur Pant. BCB president Hassan did a year,” said the BCB chief.


?C8Q =4F34;78 gence of Dinesh Karthik and the emer- ?C8Q <D<108
gence of Rishabh Pant also played a part

Sthatanju Samson has experienced so

many lows in his chequered career
he has learned to embrace them.
in him being out of India’s limited overs
set-up in the last two years.
With Kohli being rested from the
E lated after his years of hardwork finally paid
off, Mumbai all-rounder Shivam Dube on
Thursday said he loves power-hitting and would
Back in the Indian team after a four- T20 series against Bangladesh, Samson never give up his aggressive brand of cricket,
year gap, Samson is at peace with his is likely to play as a specialist batsman which earned him his maiden call-up to the
flaws and doesn’t try to be the “perfect with Pant standing behind the stumps. Indian team.
batsman” that he wanted to be for the Like others, Samson too had high Dube was rewarded with a maiden call-up
longest time. expectations from himself but not for his “phenomenal” exploits with the India A
Samson played his sole match for anymore. He also has no hard feelings team.
India — a T20 — in July 2015 when a about getting just one international “I have a bit of natural power and I work on
second- string team toured Zimbabwe. game so far to prove himself. that. My father always wanted to make me an
He was 19 then. “I don’t have any regrets. As I said aggressive batsman and that became my lifestyle.
Since that high, it has been a I have gone through a lot of ups and I love power-hitting,” Dube told journalists soon
roller-coaster ride for the wicketkeep- downs. I had lots of high expectations after his selection.
er-batsman, who has been dropped about myself that I should have per- “I would like to thank God and my dad.
from the Kerala team on disciplinary formed much better than what I did. Specially my dad, who always supported me and
grounds. He has not been consistent “... That I should have got into the it was his dream (that I play for India).”
enough, has had fitness issues but every team much before, but lately, I under- Dube thanked all his well wishers and said
now and then, he came up with an stood that everything has its own time he had positive vibes about his selection after a
innings befitting his rich batting talent. and you have to be patient for your turn. successful season, in which he scored 1,012 runs
One such knock happened earlier I have been doing that and have in 16 first-class matches so far.
this month — an unbeaten 212 — the become a better person in the process. The Mumbai all-rounder, who idolises leg-
highest individual score in the history “Have really enjoyed my tough endary South African all-rounder Jacques Kallis,
of Vijay Hazare Trophy. times, to be honest. I have understood is known for hitting long sixes and aims to give
“You rightly said it has been a who all are with me genuinely and who his 100 per cent on the ground if he gets to fea-
roller-coaster ride for me. If you have are not.” ture in the playing eleven.
a very safe and easy career there are very As a batsman, Samson feels he is in “I will continue to work hard. I haven’t
less things you will learn. I have learnt a really good space. thought about (my goals yet). At the moment, I
a lot in the last four to five years. If you “Mentally and technically many am happy. As an all-rounder I need to be there
you have failed a lot of times then you changes have happened in the last five with 100 per cent focus and good fitness,” he said.
know how to rise up and how to suc- years. I have understood my game a lot Dube, who was picked up by Royal
ceed. I have failed a lot of times in my more, a lot abut myself as a person. I Challengers Bangalore for a whopping C five
life so I know how to stand up and per- have worked on my strengths and not crore, said during his IPL stint last season skip-
form. That has been a blessing,” tried to be the perfect batsman that I per Virat Kohli had always backed him.
Samson, now 24, said on Thursday. tried be for a long time. I understood “He (Kohli) always helped and supported me.
Many including the great Rahul that no one can be a perfect batsman. If I was under pressure or faced any problem, I
Dravid rated Samson highly but incon- Now I keep it simple and enjoy my spoke to him (Kohli) and he would always make
sistency went against him. The resur- cricket.” me understand.”

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