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Nieva Marie A.

Estenzo BSA 2A PHILO101 7/26/2019

Interesting Culture from Various Areas

1. Japan’s wearing of kimono

 Japan is known for their kimono, part of
their culture and their tradition(costume),
which I find really interesting for I love how
its being worn and how Japanese are
proud and very keen on wearing such
unique-patterned attire for special
occasions especially festivals and parades,
even now part of their fashion.

2. Korean Pop Culture and Korean Dramas

 Korea is known for its famous k-pop songs, with a corresponding dance
choreography ranging from mild to hard and from simple to complex
and difficult hardcore choreographies and concepts.Totally, loving this
together with their dreamy and catchy Korean dramas plot with
amazing actors and actresses, no one
would be able to say to no to watch these
idols as well as their dramas.
3. Chinese’s great emphasis on family
 Chinese people place great
importance on family, and
family structure. Marriage,
family, and children are all
extremely important, and many
Chinese families' lives revolve
solely around the youngest

4. London’s museums and art heritages

 Three out of the ten largest and
most popular museums in the
world are in London. The city
has as many as 857 galleries.
They display heritage from
thousands of years of cultural
development and people flock
on these big and large

5. America’s culture of thinking “BIG”

 Americans just like their space, and to
them, large can be practical. Thinking
big also applies to American food;
most restaurants serve very large
portions. It's not uncommon for
someone to order a sizeable meal
and then take the remainder home as
leftovers. I love this in the concept of
food knowing that I am really a food

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