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A Study Presented to the Senior High School

Department of Philippine Women’s College of Davao:
ICT (Computer Programming)

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

In Practical Research 2

Kassandra Mariz Libron
Bazty Atanoso

October 2018
Table of Contents

Abstract 2

Introduction 3

Statement of the Problem 5

Review of Related Literature 6

Methodology 9

Data Gathering Procedure 10

Results and Discussions 11

Conclusion 16

References 17

Appendixes 18

The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between digital

technologies and social interaction between individuals. It explores how social
technologies such as some social media sites like facebook, twitter, instagram,
snapchat and e-mail as well as mobile phones, and other types of modern technology
are playing a major role in everyday life in modern society. This study set out to explore
if social technologies within the society are serving to bring different generations
together or if it is leading to an increasing privatization within the society. Numerical
data was received from the survey that we conducted involving the participation of
selected Gr. 11 ICT students and it shows that the quantitative data obtained that social
technologies have a positive impact on their social interaction . Firstly, it emerged that
social technologies are immersed into the daily routines of individuals. Secondly, it
became known that there is a close correlation between the location of social
technologies within the home and social interaction. In addition, the main findings to
emerge from the research from the research process found that it benefits the students
a lot for it become a useful tool in increasing and improving their social life and that
social isolation is decreased.

Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions

and extracting of materials. The term “Technology” is wide and everyone has their own
way of understanding the meaning of technology. Some says that It refers to the art of
making, modifying and using the knowledge of tools and techniques with the aim of
solving problems and improving existing solutions towards problems existing among
people .We use technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we
can describe technology as products, processes or organizations. We use technology to
extend our abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any
technological system. We apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives,
we use technology at work, we use it to extract materials, transportation, learning,
manufacturing, creating artefacts, securing data, scaling businesses and one of the
most common use of technology that makes it an essential thing in our lives is that it’s
use for social interaction.(Ramey,2013)

Humans are made to be in relationships. We have an innate longing to share our

lives with family, friends, and partners. This social interaction is important but it is often
complex. A person sends and receives information in many ways when they are
communicating with someone physically in front of them. For instance, a conversation is
not just about the words, rather the message includes tone of voice, body language,
facial expressions, context, and sometimes physical touch. While face-to-face
interaction is the most genuine form of social interaction, technology has enabled
people to socially interact without physically being in the same place (Aylett 2017).

Now we can communicate with one another through websites and apps like Facebook
and Snapchat. Ironically, technologically based social interaction becomes more
popular as it adds features that mimic face-to-face interaction. For instance, the
introduction of emojis in texting and on Facebook has given us the ability to show a
facial expression and even indicate physical touch. They are popular because we feel
we are able to better express ourselves but the actual expressions are still artificial.
Snapchat is also popular because it does not have the same permanency as Facebook.
Snapchat incorporates emojis, texts, pictures, and videos so we can not only show our
surroundings but also use our own tone of voice and facial
expressions(Aylett,2017).Tho these methods of connecting are limited, we cannot deny
the fact that the use of technology for social interaction is rapidly increasing throughout
the years.Even students find social technology beneficial for them.A study shows that
85 percent of undergraduates surveyed used social networking sites . Many of the
respondents reported using such sites daily. They showed a graph that indicates how
undergraduate students use social networking sites. This report found indications that
use of these sites is increasing yearly(Salaway et al., 2008) (see figure 8.2).

The study of social technology benefits us by giving us more new knowledge that
can help us improve our social life and social skills.It is being said that staying
connected with family and friends through the various social networking sites has
proven to be better for one’s overall health and offers nice variety. It helps our health by
potentially reducing many health risks, including cardiovascular problems, blood
pressure and Alzheimer’s disease. They also reduce their risk for mental health
problems, such as depression. It can keep us from social isolation. In a recent Ted Talk,
psychiatrist Robert Waldinger discussed the findings of a 75 year study on adult
development conducted by researchers at Harvard University. They found that the one
most important contributing factor to happiness was healthy, genuine relationships.
Those who were more socially connected were happier and healthier whereas those
who were more isolated were less happy and lived shorter lives. Social isolation is
defined as having little or no contact with other people. It usually lasts for extended
periods of time. Social isolation is different from loneliness, in that `loneliness is a state
of emotion that is felt by individuals who are not satisfied with their social
connections(Aylett 2017).

Therefore, in a society where people have become quite mobile and family or even
friends are often geographically separated, it is convenient to keep in touch through
technology. However, one needs to look far to find problems associated with social
networking sites for social technology does not only have positive impact but also,
negative consequences.
Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of technology in the social interaction
of the selected Grade 11 ICT students of Philippine Women’s College of Davao during
the school year 2018-2019 and aims to answer the following questions that will support
the main problem of the study:

1. What is the level of importance does Technology have towards the social interaction
of students?

2. Is the use of technology for socializing benefits the students?

3. Is the lack of communication in person an associated problem in using technology?

4. Is there a significant relationship between technology and social interaction?

Review on Related Literature

The realm of Social Networking Sites is increasingly emerging as the subject of

research in the field of social sciences. Scholars in many fields have begun to
investigate the various aspects of Social Networking Sites. Many studies have been
conducted around the world to investigate how these sites may influence issues of
identity, privacy, social capital, youth culture, education and interpersonal relationships.
Therefore, an attempt has been made in this chapter to review studies and articles
related to the theme of the research. The review of literature allows us to study the main
perspectives similar studies conducted in the same field. This will give a proper
guideline to the research work and enable integration of the past studies leading to the
expansion of knowledge(Kraut 2015).

The Internet could change the lives of normal natives as much as did the phone
in the early piece of the twentieth century and TV in the 1960s. Scientists and social
pundits are discussing whether the Internet is enhancing or hurting cooperation in
network life and social connections. They utilized longitudinal information to look at the
impacts of the Internet on social inclusion and mental prosperity. The Internet was
utilized broadly for correspondence. In any case, more prominent utilization of the
Internet was related with decreases in members’ correspondence with relatives in the
family unit, decreases in the extent of their group of friends, and increments in their
misery and dejection. These discoveries have suggestions for explore, for open
approach, and for the plan of innovation(Kraut, 2015).

Children with advanced Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFASD) have significant

challenges in social relational abilities, which may affect their execution and support in
regular day to day existence. There were essentially higher rates of positive social
connections and cooperative play, and lower rates of negative social associations
following the mediation proposing speculation of the social aptitudes got the hang of in
intercession. Change was kept up when it was tried three weeks later. These
discoveries offer help for the utilization of synergistic innovation-based mediations
inside instructive settings to upgrade social connection of kids with HFASD
(LironLamash ,2014).

News utilize by means of online life has been connected to ace just political
practices. Be that as it may, a great many people utilize online networking for non-
political purposes, such as interfacing with companions and perusing news feeds.
Social media are a one of a kind correspondence stage, and their ascribes may have an
impact presentation to political data. The inclination for clients to manufacture and keep
up companion systems makes a potential deliberative space for political influence to
happen. Reliable with earlier writing, news utilize prompts political influence. All the
more strikingly, un-opinionated, however social intuitive employments of online
networking likewise prompt political influence. These connections are halfway
interceded through system and dialog qualities (Diehl, 2015).

According to the study of, the people with mental imbalance range and related
correspondence and social disorder can extremely influence some children capacity to
participate in peer social connection. Youngsters cooperate with the AVP or Authorable
Virtual Peer in three different ways: (1) participating in eye to eye communication with
an existence estimated, PC vivified tyke; (2) making new social practices for the AVP;
and (3) controlling the AVP utilizing a graphical UI to choose proper reactions while the
AVP connects with someone else. In this manner innovation isextremely useful to the
general population with social issue for them to speak with other individuals(Andrea

Through the perspective of limit objects hypothesis, innovation intervened social

connection will be seen as giving a protected domain where destitute people and
specialist organizations can create shared regard. The bits of knowledge accumulated
will educate future intercessions that mean to encourage better social communication
among destitute people, non-destitute people, and the formal organizations supporting
the destitute (Keating, 2015).

Subject science is a well-known method for connecting with the overall

population in look into exercises driven by proficient researchers. By including countless
researchers, resident science empowers appropriated information accumulation and
examination on a scale that would be generally troublesome and expensive to
accomplish. While progressions in data innovation in the previous couple of decades
have cultivated the development of subject science through online interest, a few
ventures keep on failing because of restricted support. Social and social factors that
direct the impact achieved by up close and personal associations on the inspirations are
likewise dismembered and examined. Our discoveries give an exploratory
understanding into a method for persuading groups to take an interest in online natural
checking ventures, likewise offering conceivable choice criteria of target crowd (Cappa,

At the point when innovation combination is proficient effectively in early youth

instruction settings, kids have a tendency to communicate more with each other and
trade data identified with PC errands and additionally the general classroom on-going
educational programs themes. The supporting elements were found as the association
with classroom topics, easy to understand programming configuration, working sets,
and open-finished programming program. The upsetting components were abridged as
educator interference, shut programming program, and natural confinements.

The Senior High School Students of The Philippine Women's College of Davao have a
massive population during S.Y 2018 up to 2019. Senior High School Grades 11 to 12.
The researchers only focused in Grade 11 ICT Students. The questionnaires , internet
and the survey that we had done are the tools for our research. This study needs to
acquire new and unbiased data or information to ascertain the main reason of our study.
The questionnaire written type of tool will be used to gather data as it follows the
quantitative research design. The questionnaire tool consists of 10 items that are
answered by the selected grade 11 ICT students. As we conduct the research with the
help of consent, our respondent agree and freely answered the tool. Respondents will
answer it according to their own perspective and honesty.
Research Design

The researcher uses quantitative research design in this study since it deals with
the level of importance of technology in the social interaction of the students in which
the data to be gathered are measurable from a structured research instrument. Further,
the researcher here is not considering explanations of any issues or is not aiming to
establish any new concepts or theories but rather would like to determine the level of
importance of technology in the selected Gr.11 students. In addition, this study will
include descriptive-correlational research design for it will try to determine the
relationship of the two variables such as the technology and social interaction.
The researcher will also use the descriptive-correlation research design for it will
attempt to test the relationship of two or more variables (Zulueta&Costales 2003).
Similarly, Downie (2012) stated that descriptive-corelational method of research is a
measure of associations of variables with varying level measurement. Moreover,
correlation research attempts to determine the extent of a relationship between two or
more variables using statistical data. In this type of design, relationships between and
among a number of facts are sought and interpreted. This type of research will
recognize trends and patterns in data, but it does not go so far in its analysis to prove
causes for these observed patterns
Data Gathering Procedure

The following are the steps in the gathering of data:

1. Seeking permission to conduct the study. The researcher will seek permission to
the Principal in every school where she will conduct the study.

2. Administration and distribution of the questionnaires. After the approval, the

study will commence. Questionnaires will be personally administered to the respondents
by the researcher.

3. Retrieval of the questionnaires. The data will be then retrieved, collected, tallied,
tabulated, analyzed and interpreted confidentially and accordingly through the aid of the
Results and Discussion

Figure1. You use your social media accounts for making new friends.

Always 50%

Sometimes 42%

Never 8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Figure 1 shows that 50% of the respondents use their social media accounts for making
new friends, 42% only use social media accounts sometime for making new friends,
while 8% said that they never use social media in making new friends. Furthermore, the
findings show that majority of the students always use their social media accounts for
making new friends.

Figure 2. Social Technology helps you to be updated on daily news.

Always 76%

Sometimes 24%

Never 0%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Figure 2 shows that 76% of the respondents said that social technology helps them to
be updated on daily new, 24% said that social technology helps them to be updated on
daily news sometimes , while there is 0% of ICT students stated that Social technology
never helps them to be updated on daily news. Furthermore, the findings show that
majority of the students always use their social media accounts for making new friends.

Figure3. You use your mobile gadgets for communication.

Always 78%

Sometimes 18%

Never 4%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Figure 3 shows that 78% of the students always use their mobile gadgets for
communication, while there is 18% of students that only use their mobile gadgets
sometimes in communicating and 4% of student said that they never use their mobile
gadgets for communicating. So, the findings show that majority of the students always
use their mobile gadgets for communication.

Figure4. You interact with your family or friends through your social media accounts

Always 34%

Sometimes 60%

Never 6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Figure 4 shows that 60% of the students use social media accounts sometimes to
interact with their family,34% of student said that they always use their social media
accounts for interacting with their parents and there is only 6% of respondents never
use social media accounts to interact with their family and friends, Therefore , the
findings show that majority of the students interact with their family or friends sometimes
on their social media accounts.

Figure5. You feel socially isolated (alone) without the use of social technology.

Always 14%

Sometimes 62%

Never 24%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Figure 5 shows that there is 62% of respondents who sometimes feel isolated
without the use of technology,24% stated that they never felt isolated without social
technology and there is only 14% of students that always feel isolated without using
social technology. Thus, the findings show that majority of the students sometimes feel
isolated without the use of social technology.
Figure6. . How often do you spend time in using social technology?

Always 52%

Sometimes 46%

Never 2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Figure 6 shows that 52% of the students always spend their time in using
technology, 46% spend time sometimes in using social technology, while only 1% never
spend time in using technology. Furthermore, 2% of the students always spend their
time in using social technology.

Figure7. You use your texting devices or social media accounts for emergency.

Always 62%

Sometimes 36%

Never 2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Figure 7 shows that 62% of the respondents always use their texting devices
for emergency purposes, 36% only use it sometimes and there is 2% that will never use
texting devices for emergency. So it’s clear that the findings show that the majority of
students always use their texting devices for emergency purposes.

Figure 8. . Technology helps you in improving your social life.

Always 46%

Sometimes 48%

Never 6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Figure 8 shows that 48% of the respondents sometimes improve their social life by
the help of technology ,46% of the students always improve their social life with the use
of technology, while there is only 6% of the students said that technology never help
them improve their social life. Therefore, the findings clearly show that majority of the
students sometimes improve their social life by the use of technology.

Figure9. You don’t usually interact with others in person because you prefer to
communicate with them through mobile gadgets or social media accounts

Always 16%

Sometimes 72%

Never 12%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Figure 9 shows that 72% of the students sometimes don’t interact with others in
person because they prefer to communicate with someone through mobile gadgets or
social media accounts, 16% of the students always prefer to communicate with the
people they know through mobile gadgets and there is only 12% of the respondents
said that they never prefer to communicate with someone through gadgets. Thus, the
findings show that 36% of the students sometimes prefer to communicate through
technology rather than in person.

Figure 10. Technology makes social interaction much easier.

Always 48%

Sometimes 44%

Never 8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Figure 10 shows that 48% of the respondents said that technology always make
social interaction much easier,44% said that technology sometimes make social
interaction much easier, while there is only 8% of students stated that technology never
makes social interaction much easier. So, it is clear that majority of the students said
that technology always makes social interaction much easier.

Cappa, F., Laut, J., Nov, O., Giustiniano, L., &Porfiri, M., Activating social strategies: Face-to-
face interaction in technology-mediated citizen science. Journal of environmental management,
182, 374-384. 2016

Christine Aylett. The Impact of Technology on Social Interaction . 2017

C.R. Walker. The Importance Of Social Interaction . 2016

Gal, E., Lamash, L., Bauminger-Zviely, N., Zancanaro, M., & Weiss, P. L., Using multitouch
collaboration technology to enhance social interaction of children with high-functioning autism.
Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics, 36(1), 46-58. 2016

Human kinetics. Technology can have Positive and Negative Impact on Social Interactions.

Karehka Ramey. What is Technology-Meaning and its Use . 2013

Keating, B., Mackrell, D., & Campbell, J. (2015). (Re) Negotiating Homeless Identity through
Technology-Mediated Social Interaction.

Lim, E. M. (2015). The factors influencing young children's social interaction in technology
integration. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 23(4), 545-562.

Trevor Diehl, et al., November 26, 2015, Political persuasion on social media: Tracing direct and
indirect effects of news use and social interaction.

Tartaro, A., Cassell, J., Ratz, C., Lira, J., &Nanclares-Nogués, V. (2015). Accessing peer social
interaction: using authorable virtual peer technology as a component of a group social skills
intervention program. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS), 6(1), 2.

Yoland William. Social Isolation : Definition. 2016


Therefore, we conclude that the level of importance of technology in the social

interaction of Senior High School Gr 11 ICT students of Philippine Women’s College of
Davao is high because 50% out of 100% of students always use their social media
accounts for making new friends, 78% out of 100% students use their mobile gadgets
for communication, while 76% out of 100% of students said that social technology
always help them to be updated on daily news in .

Moreover, the use of technology for socializing benefits the students of Senior High
School ICT students of Philippine Women’s College of Davao is big because 60% out of
100% of students use technology sometimes in interacting with their family or friends,
64% out of 100% students does not feel socially isolated with the use of technology,
52% out of 100% students always use social technology,62% out of 100% students
always use their texting devices or social media accounts for emergency purposes.
Also, we found out that the lack of communication in person is not an associated
problem in using technology for social interaction because 72% out of 100% students
prefer to communicate through social media rather than face-to-face because of its

Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between technology and social

interaction of Gr 11 ICT students of Philippine Women’s College of Davao because 48%
out of 100% students said that technology makes social interaction much easier, and
48% out of 100% of students said that use of texting devices or social media accounts
helps them to improve their social life and social skill.

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