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20 LEGIT Ways to Make

Money From Home

(Without Babysitting)

by Kelly Rice
Copyright © 2019 by Kelly Rice

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

or used in any manner without written permission of the
copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book

Cover Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

ISBN 978-0-359-84233-9


General Freelance
Quick and Easy One Off Jobs
Shop for People
Resale on eBay / Craigslist
Offer Services Online
Contests / Sweeps
Focus Groups, Surveys and Watching Content
SAVE Money
Sell Lesson Plans to Homeschoolers
Put Your Vacation Daydreams to Work
Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk)
Collect and Sell Random Craft Supplies
Make Spring Cleaning Profitable
Rent Your Stuff Out
Let Big Brother Into Your Fridge
Sell Junk Mail (Seriously)
Be a Profitable Legal Eagle
Create Niche Resources for Others
BONUS: Walking and Sitting (Pets & Houses)

Five Red Flags a Work at Home Job is a SCAM

Working from home is a common goal, especially these days. Whether you want to create an
income to fully support yourself and your family or you're just looking for a side hustle, there
are plenty of options out there. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of scams around.

These programs, platforms and apps can make and save you money. This is not about
getting rich quick or how to make six figures in a month. It's about developing a system that
delivers an income for those willing to work.

Some of these programs, platforms and ideas can work to make a nice income while others
are more sporadic. Freelance work, for example, can be grown into a full-time career while
options like winning contests or watching content are nice little side earners. Working from
home is all about setting the goal you want to make and finding the best path to get there.

In each section, I have included information as well as live links to various websites to help.
These websites might be places for more information or the platforms on which you can get
started. Absolutely NONE of these options are linked to MLMs or get rich quick schemes.
Every single one is a viable, honest and legitimate way to make some money from home.

(Welcome to all / Pixabay)

1. General Freelance

Freelancing is, hands down, one of the best and easiest ways to work from home. Many
people think of writing and sales when they consider freelance, but there are so many more
opportunities now.

Freelancing jobs include:

 Academic Writing & Research
 Accounting
 Animation
 Art & Illustration (for Books and Articles)
 Article & Blog Writing
 Audio Production
 Copy-writing
 Creative Writing
 Customer Service
 Data Visualization and Extraction / ETL
 Data Mining & Management
 Data Entry
 Database Administration
 Editing & Proofreading
 Email & Marketing Automation
 Financial Planning
 Game Development
 General Translation
 Grant Writing
 Graphic Design
 Interior Design
 Lead Generation
 Logo Design & Branding
 Market & Customer Research
 Marketing (SEO)
 Niche Translation - Legal, Medical and Technical
 Online Store Management
 Personal / Virtual Assistant
 Photography
 Physical Design
 Product Design
 Project Management
 Public Relations
 Research and Fact Checking
 Software / Application Development (Desktop and Mobile)
 Transcription
 Video Production
 Voice Talent
 Web Content
 Web & Mobile Design
 Writing - Resumes & Cover Letters

With so many options for freelancing, most people can find something that suits their skills.

There are several websites that help connect freelancers with employers. These websites
are free for freelancers to use, but they take a commission when you are paid through their
platform. While staying on the site does mean giving them their cut, the platforms protect
freelancers from being stiffed when payment is due.

Over time, you may develop a relationship with a certain client where you can begin to work
with each other directly. The freelancing platform sites often have a rule about waiting for 6
months to a year before taking things off of their platform.

Websites for freelancing jobs: Upwork, CloudPeeps, Freelancer, Guru

2. Quick and Easy One Off Jobs

One off jobs are a subset of freelancing. These jobs are exactly what they sound like – a
simple task that a client needs done quickly. Available tasks range from taking a picture of a
specific product or item in a certain setting to doing tarot card readings.

These odd jobs are the perfect option for people who like to mix things up a bit or who want to
make some money quickly. Turn around times for these jobs can be as little as one hour, so
be sure you take note of when you need to deliver the finished product.

Websites for Quick, One-Off Jobs: Fiverr, CloudPeeps

3. Shop for People

If you enjoy shopping and like being on the go, consider personal shopping. Many grocery
stores now offer the service either through direct employment or services such as Instacart.
You can also advertise your services locally via Facebook Marketplace or through the
'Services' section on ebay's Classified Ads.

When shopping for other people, make sure you take note of the details. No mater if you're
working via a major platform or just locally, reviews are everything in the service industry. Pay
attention to customer requests, flex those Customer Satisfaction muscles and the positive
reviews you receive will soon be your fast track to more requests.

Websites to Shop for Other People: Instacart, Shipt

4. Resale on eBay / Craigslist

Are you some kind of savant when it comes to finding amazing deals online or through thrift
stores? Speaking of thrift stores – is a day spent pawing through bins, sifting through racks
and digging in shelves your idea of a good time?

Buying low and selling high is essentially the goal of any financial endeavor. It's true in the
stock market and it's true when it comes to reselling.

The idea is simple:

1. Find something valuable at a discount.

2. Buy it cheaply.
3. Resell at a higher cost.
4. Repeat.

Simple, however, is not always easy. The truth is that getting into flipping items (buying cheap
and selling at a profit) isn't easy. It is, however, a lot of fun for the right kind of person and it
can be incredibly lucrative.

If you're just getting into reselling, consider focusing on one area at a time – and choose
something in which you already have an interest.

For example, if you're an avid reader, consider buying and selling used books. Use tools like
the search on Amazon and Addall to find the value of books from thrift store, garage sales and
other used sources. Items can also be found in the clearance section of major retailers as
well as stores such as Marshall's, Big Lots or TJ Maxx which often have great deals on items
that can be resold. You can then resell them via sites like Amazon, ABE, ebay and Craigslist.

This same approach works for almost any hobby or interest. There are sellers who deal in
niche areas such as comics, pop memorabilia, clothes, purses, shoes, historical ads and
ephemera – basically anything you can think of.

Websites for reselling: ebay, Craigslist, etsy, Facebook Marketplace

5. Offer Services Online

Somewhat related to shopping, many people now offer their various services online as a way
to make extra money from home. Any service you can offer is a potential stream of income.
This can include interior design, organization, coupon clipping or the sourcing of certain
products. Personally, I have worked with a handful of clients to find rare and out of print
books they were unable to find on their own. I would find the book, confirm its condition and
then order it for my client. They paid the cost of the book plus a finders fee for my services. I
know people who use this same system for sourcing records, certain brands of clothing and
other similar items.

Websites for niche services: ebay Classifieds, Fiverr, GigBucks, Task Army

(Photo by Krissia Cruz on Unsplash)

6. Contests / Sweeps

Before you roll your eyes and skip this part, let me fill you in on a secret: A lot of people do
that when they hear about sweepstakes and contests and THAT'S exactly why you can win
some great stuff. While it isn't the same as making “real money”, having a paid vacation or
winning prizes you can actually use (or sell on) is a form of financial gain.

That doesn't mean winning stuff is easy. To be honest, it's one of the more time intensive
ways of making money from home. It means dedicating some real time to submitting forms,
sharing links or completing whatever task is needed to gain an entry.

There are people who dedicate a full working day's worth of hours to sweeping and these
extreme sweepers walk away with some pretty impressive rewards. You don't need to go to
that extreme, however, to get the rush of winning.

A few tips for beginning sweepers:

 Set up an email address specifically for entering sweepstakes. This will prevent your
main email from getting clogged up with contest and promotional emails.
 Get an account at a sweepstakes site that helps you track different contests you've
entered as well as making it easy to find others.
 Set aside a set time of day to go through your sweeps for the day and put a cap on that
time. Entering contests and sweepstakes online and off is time intensive and it's easy
for time to slip away. Set a timer or alarm to make sure you don't end up spending
more time than you intend.
 Prioritize your prizes. There are thousands of sweepstakes and contests happening at
any given time. When you start out, stick to contests that have a prize you truly want
or need – companies offer everything from cash prizes to appliances and more. If you
don't choose carefully, you can easily find yourself spending hours entering to win
cheesy gifts that will give you a laugh, but little else.

Websites for Help and Resources on Sweepstakes and Contests: Sweetie's Secret
Sweeps, Contest Girl, Infinite Sweeps

7. Focus Groups, Surveys and Watching Content

Are you one of those people who loves doing quizzes, chiming in with your opinion on social
media threads and can get lost watching endless videos? If so, this method is going to be
your jam.

Options for answering surveys in exchange for cash, prizes and points can be found through
several different websites and platforms. Surveys are, by far, one of the most common ways
for people to make a little money online. But that's not all they're good for. The more surveys
you complete with specific companies, the more likely you are to be pre-screened for focus
groups and more lucrative survey opportunities.

Focus groups can happen in person or online and require a greater level of focus,
concentration and commitment in terms of time and energy. They also pay substantially

Finally, there is content watching. This option is all about watching videos and answering
questions. You earn points which can be redeemed for small prizes or saved for gift cards
from mainstream retailers including retail and money services (PayPal, Venmo, etc.)

This option, like the sweepstakes and contests option, can be time consuming. For the right
person, however, it's akin to making money for doing something you'd do anyway. There are
plenty of people who like answering surveys and giving their opinion on everything from
cheese to shoes – why not get paid for it?

Websites for Surveys, Focus Groups and Content rewards:, InBox
Dollars, Perk, Swagbucks, Vindale Research, Pinecone Research, Global Test Market
(3D Animation Production Company / Pixabay)

8. SAVE Money

A lot of people who look into ways to make money from home are stay at home parents who
want to contribute to the house finances. If that's the case, then don't overlook the
contribution SAVING money can be. What you save can easily add up to a substantial
amount of money over the course of a year.

Let's be honest - saving money is about more than just clipping coupons - and even THAT is
a part-time gig. (Seriously, a coupon clipping service can be a nice little earner. Get extra
details on that from the Krazy Koupon Lady – a well-known and respected source on saving)
You can also download coupons from InBox dollars, print them out and use them like regular
coupons but then you get a cash back reward through their system for having used them. It's
a win-win!

Saving money comes in the forms of coupons at the store, sure, but it's SO MUCH MORE.
There are apps you can download to get money back on shopping after the fact – and even if
you already used coupons in the first place. You can also get cash back rewards for going
through a portal like eBates or Be Frugal as part of your shopping. There are also flash sales
offered through online retailers. Finally, don't underestimate the power of local networking.
Look on social media marketplaces and local forums like Craigslist for 'Stock Up Sales'
offered by private people. These are incredible deals offered locally usually by people who
enjoy extreme couponing for fun. These guys go out and score some amazing deal like
getting giant bottles of laundry detergent for pennies on the dollar. They get as many as they
can, then turn around and sell the items on at a profit for them, and a bargain for you.

Websites for Coupons, Rebates, Sales and Cash Back Apps: iBotta, Be Frugal, Krazy
Koupon Lady, eBates, InBox Dollars
9. Tutoring

With the rise in online education for students both young and old, online tutoring has become
an increasingly popular work at home job. This is due, in large part, because you don't need
a teaching degree in order to qualify as an online tutor.

While the education requirements for online tutoring may not be as stringent as it is with real
world schools, you do need to have a demonstrable expertise in a given topic. Potential
online tutors include:

Teachers (Retired or Active)

University and Grad School graduates
Math professionals
Science professionals
Computer / Technology professionals

Since you'll be tutoring online, you will also need to be able to convey and explain issues,
topics or principals clearly. You may be able to do this via video chat but, more likely, it will be
through email and chat.

If you're not sure how your skills are when it comes to teaching, enlist the help of a friend.
Choose a topic within your area of expertise – keep it as simple as possible, but make it
something your friend doesn't understand or know about. See how well you do explaining it
to them via video or online chat to gauge where your teaching skills are and what areas you
may need to work on before working with students.

Websites for Tutoring: Cambly, Tutor, TutorMe, Preply

10. Sell Lesson Plans to Homeschoolers

Speaking of tutoring and teaching, you can also develop lesson plans, printables and other
resources to sell to people who choose to homeschool. These plans can also be bought by
other teachers looking for fresh material.

If you decide to develop and sell lesson plans, be sure you check the copyright details on any
resources you include with the lesson plan. Professional teachers may also need to check
and see if their lesson plans become the intellectual property of their school district once they
use them. For more information, check out details over at the National Education Association.

Websites for Selling Lesson Plans: Teachers Pay Teachers, Teacher's Notebook,
11. Put Your Vacation Daydreams to Work

There are many different apps, websites, message boards and groups focused on planning
the perfect vacation. You can utilize them for price comparisons, tips on the best places to
eat locally and ideas on what you can do in a city that isn't the same old Tourist Trap

While there's plenty of information, insight and resources, the whole thing can take up a lot of
time. Some people love planning out their vacations and spend weeks or even months
researching, shopping around and sifting through different ideas. Others, however, want all
that work to go into their vacations – but they don't have the time, energy or ability to do it

That's where you come in. Being an online or local freelance vacation planner can be a
surprisingly lucrative business. If you are willing to put in the leg work of researching flights,
checking hotels, digging through restaurant recommendations and compiling lists of
attractions then you are definitely the kind of planner many families need.

Travel planning is an easy enough business to set up on your own, but it's also possible to
become part of a larger travel agency. Starting this way gives you added support and access
to professional help and resources. If this is something you enjoy doing as a hobby but
haven't considered as a profession, teaming up with a larger agency may be the perfect way
to get started.

Websites for Vacation Planning: Travelocity, Trip Advisor, City Mapper, Lonely Planet
Guides, Carnival, World Travel Holdings, Host Agency Reviews, BCD Travel

12. Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk)

Where do you go when you're looking for something online? Amazon, of course! So why
should looking for a job be any different?

Amazon corporate does offer some work from home opportunities for people in certain areas
of the world. Those positions, which vary from seasonal to full-time, can be found through
Amazon's Careers page.

But this entry isn't about those jobs. This is about the little odd jobs Amazon sources out fir a
variety of clients via their Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk) platform. These jobs are small
bits of administrative work ranging from checking if certain emojis display correctly and
checking spelling and grammar to beta testing websites and everything in between.
One of the great things about Mturk jobs is that there's plenty of diversity and you get paid
relatively quickly – usually within a day or two. The work can be fun when you need
something a bit different or if you're just looking for quick bits of work without having to apply
for each position. Some jobs – called HITs on the platform – do require you to qualify, but
there are plenty that are open to anyone.

Websites for Amazon Work: Amazon Careers, Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk)

13. Collect and Sell Random Craft Supplies

While MTurk delivers oddball jobs, a recent search on ebay delivered a pretty oddball
revelation when it comes to what you can sell for surprisingly good money.

I do a lot of crafts and things with my kids, so we always have a pile of cardboard tubes,
tissue paper, flattened cereal boxes, and other bits and bobs stuffed into our craft cupboard.

Turns out, people will pay good money for that.

The fact is, saving tubes from toilet paper and paper towels, flattening cereal boxes,
smoothing out tissue paper, saving popsicle sticks … that's all stuff people want to have but
don't necessarily think to save. The same is true for twist-ties, fabric cut offs, beads, yarn and
ribbon. Then, of course, you have the hardware you don't use anymore – stamps, cutters,
punches and all those other things you bought for a project, used and then shoved into the
back of your crafting cupboard, box or drawer.

So clear out your crafting area or simply ramp up what you're already collecting and sell your
extras for some extra cash!

Websites for Selling Craft Supplies: ebay,

14. Transcriptionist

Transcription work is a mainstay in the Work at Home arena. It's been around since just
about forever and it's still a viable stream of income. One of the best things about
transcription work is that you don't need special training or even great skills to begin.

Being able to type quickly is a definite advantage, but that doesn't mean you have to be a
touch typist to get going. There are extensions and apps you can use to slow down the
audio on a video or audio piece in order to make the work easier.

In many cases, transcription services do pay per piece or per minute OF TRANSCRIPTION.
That means even if they are paying by the time, it is based on the time of the audio, not how
long it takes YOU.

Typing is one of those skills, however, that definitely gets better over time. So if you already
have a good typing speed, then transcription work could easily be the perfect match for you.
This is especially true if you have a legal or medical background as those types of
transcription often pay more.

Websites for Transcription Work and Resources: Transcribe Me, Birch Creek
Communications, Casting Words, Daily Transcription, Transcribe Software

(Deedee86 / Pixabay)

15. Make Spring Cleaning Profitable

You can double up on being profitable from home by going through your own things to sell on.
Clear out the attic, dive into the basement storage and air out the garage – chances are
you've got plenty you can sell on.

Selling household items, old collectibles and other items you find in your home means
knowing which platform is best. Online shops such as ebay and etsy can be used to reach a
wider audience. Check out Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace for items that would be
costly to ship.

Alternatively, you can contact a bulk buyer if you end up with a large collection of similar
items. Vintage toys and clothes, old books, records and household goods like furniture and
wall art can be sold to a consignor for a flat rate or a percentage of the sale.

Websites for Consignors: Fringe Consignment, Second Impressions,

16. Rent Your Stuff Out

Have clothes you haven't worn in forever but you're not quite ready to sell? Consider renting
them out! It's possible to rent out a number of different items, from clothing and sports gear to
parking spaces or your spare room.

Before renting out your things, take a close inventory of what you have and their overall
condition. For pricier items such as cars or high-end sports gear, check out the details on
insurance offered through each platform and consider adding your own policy.

Compare different platforms by searching for “rental platforms” + whatever item you want to
list. Check out fees for listing items, the transaction itself and any other fees they may

Websites to Rent Your Stuff: Getaround, Spot, Air Garage, Air BnB, VRBO, Campanda,
Outdoorsy, RV Share, Borrowing Magnolia, Style Lend, Rent Not Buy, Loanables,
Spinlister, Swimply, Sparkplug

17. Let Big Brother Into Your Fridge

When it comes to making money from home, participating in market research is both
increasingly popular and lucrative. The trade off is that you have to be comfortable sharing
oddly intimate details about your daily life. The rebate / shopping programs covered in the
Save Money section require this as well but not as much as our next option.

NCP Online offers rewards via Visa gift cards for those willing to share the contents of their
fridge and details on what they buy and when. The Nielson Company also offers
compensation for those willing to download their mobile app and give them a glimpse into
their smart phone usage.
To be clear: All of these programs come from large companies with good reputations but you
will be essentially selling off your privacy. Read the program details carefully to understand
exactly what they are tracking and how much of your personal information you will be giving

Websites for Usage and Insight Panels: NCP, Nielsen, Panel

18. Sell Junk Mail (Seriously)

So this one is a bit odd and, in the interest of full disclosure, you need to apply and be
accepted into their program. Once enrolled and accepted, you simply collect the junk mail
that comes to your home in your name or the names of people you listed on the application.

You can send both physical junk mail and emails to the company from a wide range of topics

• Apparel
• Appliance/Electronics
• Auto Parts
• Banking
• Beauty Supplies
• Credit Cards
• Department Stores
• Drug Stores/Pharmacies
• Food & Beverage
• Home Furnishings
• Home Improvement
• Insurance
• Investments
• Jewelry
• Mortgage & Loans
• Office Supplies
• Online Retailers
• Pet Supplies
• Sporting Goods
• Telecommunication & TV / Cable
• Tobacco Brands
• Travel & Leisure
• Warehouse Clubs & Super Centers
• Water Filtration Brands
Physical mail is sent via prepaid envelopes supplied directly to you while emails are
forwarded to them. Compensation is paid monthly.

Website for Selling Junk Mail: SBK Center

(Bill Oxford on Unsplash)

19. Be a Profitable Legal Eagle

The legal world offers a number of opportunities when it comes to working or making money
from home. As discussed earlier, legal transcription is a popular option for typists with a legal
background. Other freelance legal work can be found through the platforms covered in the
General Freelance section.

There are also some options for people without experience in the legal field. First, out on
your detective monocle and check out websites that list open class action lawsuits and see if
you qualify for an ongoing suit. These lawsuits cover everything from companies returning
membership fees and purchase prices to covering medical costs if a product was found to be
detrimental to the user's health. These class action suits are published as a means for
companies to comply with judgments and they do not require you to begin or handle your own
suit. When using these services, be sure you understand the qualifying factors. If you
misrepresent yourself or your situation in order to apply for part of a settlement you can be
charged with fraud.
The other legal option for those without true experience is a website called eJury. The service
is used by lawyers and other firms to evaluate the strength of a case and see how a mock jury
reacts to specific pieces of evidence. Availability depends on where you live but the
application process is simple and straight-forward. Compensation for your involvement with a
mock case can range from a few bucks to over $100 per case, depending on the time the trial
takes and how much evidence you will need to evaluate.

Websites for Class Action Lawsuits and Mock Trials: Consumer Action, Top Class
Actions, Class Action, eJury

20. Create Niche Resources for Others

Prtinables have become a hot commodity. People are producing grocery lists, school
schedules, beauty routines, infographics, calendar templates, beauty pageant prep lists and
just about anything else you can think of.

The premise is simple: Find a niche you know a lot about and make resources to help others
succeed. That's it. To be fair, it's kind of a broad area, so here are a few real world examples:

• Packing Lists – Lists can cover specific trips and purposes such as camping,
amusement park trip, road trip, college move, house move or anything else
• Calendars – Make calendars with special dates and an interesting design for people to
use in refillable binder planners. Check out the dimensions for popular planners and
create sets for each.
• Household Forms – Running a house is a lot like running a business with one vital
difference: You have to figure out a lot of things on your own. Printables that cover
budget planning and tracking, menu planning, scheduled maintenance and other
routine tasks.
• Self Improvement – Mind Maps, Exercise Routine Trackers, Goal Planning and
Dream Journals are all popular sellers.

Websites for Selling Printables: etsy, Craft Count

BONUS: Walking and Sitting (Pets & Houses)

Okay, I know I said no babysitting but, technically, this isn't watching kids. Pet sitting, pet
walking and house sitting have all become incredibly lucrative side hustles for people from
every walk of life. Students, retired people and stay at home parents have all been able to
offer these kinds of services to generate a side income.

When offering services for home or pets, be sure you are clear about what you can or cannot
do. Some pets may require extra one on one time via special walks, play time or hands on
medical care. If you agree to check in on someone's home, be clear about what you are
expected to do. Are there plants to be watered? Packages to come in? How many times a
day will they expect you to check on things? With services such as these, establishing clear
expectations will ensure you build a solid reputation.

Websites for Home and Pet Care:, Rover, Trusted House Sitters, House
Sitters America, Pet Sit
Five Red Flags a Work at Home Job is a SCAM

Plenty of people want to work from home. Some want to supplement their income while
others aim to fully support their family via remote work. Working from home has plenty of
benefits and if you do a quick search it would appear there are thousands of opportunities.

But things aren't always what they seem – and that's especially true when it comes to finding
legitimate work from home employment.

1. Money is Involved From the Start

Legit places will never – ever, under any circumstances – make you pay to work for them.
Most of us know that by now. But what if they want you to handle the sales end of ebay or
Craigslist listings? Just accept payments, maybe send a file or confirm something and then
turn around and send them the earnings – minus a suspiciously generous cut for your 'work'.

That doesn't sound suspicious at all. :/

Legitimate work at home opportunities won't ask you to receive money right out of the gate.
Why would they? Companies that trade online have a multitude of ways to transfer money
and accept payments from customers. Why on Earth would they ask someone they just hired
to essentially launder money for them?

If a company asks you to receive funds via sales through your personal PayPal, Venmo or
other e-commerce platform and then transfer it to them, consider that a huge red flag.

2. They Sure Do Want a Lot of Personal Info

While many scammers are out to get your money, others have bigger things in mind. If you're
going through the application or training process and the company starts asking for a lot of
personal data, be on guard.

Some scammers set up companies and websites that seem legitimate as a way of “hiring”
people in order to get their personal data. Once they have enough to steal your identity, they
can cut you loose or maybe string you along to try and get additional money or resources.

3. Hello, Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

When you're checking out a company offer work from home employment, scroll down and
check out their About Us or Contact pages. If those pages are missing completely, that's a
huge red flag right off the bat. If they do exist, check out the ways to get in touch with the
company. Is there a phone number, email or contact form? Reach out via whatever method
and see how easy it is to get in touch with someone on their end. If calls are never answered,
emails bounce back and contact forms don't deliver, then it isn't a company you want to work
4. There's No Digital Footprint

It's pretty much impossible to not leave a digital footprint these days. This is especially true
for any kind of business and particularly one that hires people via the internet.

A quick search will not only confirm the company's digital footprint, it will also likely bring up
reviews from customers and, potentially, present or past employees. Even a newly formed
company – particularly one doing its hiring via the internet – will have a discernible digital
footprint. If it doesn't chalk up yet another red flag.

5. It's Clearly an MLM

Multi Level Marketing, Network Marketing, Direct Sales – call it what you want, but if it's an
MLM stay away. MLMs have a long – and filthy rich – history in our country and, for some,
that adds a feel of legitimacy. After all, “Avon and Mary Kay have been around forever!”

Yeah, they've been around forever because almost all of their 'consultants' operate at a loss
in order to keep the business afloat and pour more money into the pockets of those at the top.
If sales is your passion and you love being able to connect with people on a personal level,
there are plenty of other options. MLM recruiters love to make their system seem different
and more fair to all participants, but it's not. If the program requires you to pay into it to get
started, features products that are overpriced when compared to retail options and pushes
you to turn around and recruit for your “down line” or “team”, walk away.

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