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RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Dow Jones Risk and Compliance (DJRC) API Application Description Document
for Certification

This document forms the basis of the contracted agreement between Dow Jones and the customer/partner for the
use of any application built using DJRC API for certification and pricing purposes. It forms part of a schedule (relating
to the DJRC and Compliance API) to be appended to the Factiva Subscription Agreement or Partner Agreement.

This document will be used to capture the Application Description of a DJRC API application for three purposes:

1. Design - To allow Dow Jones to provide guidance on the design of the Application, to ensure it complies with
Dow Jones’s certification guidelines. Developers are expected to complete this section, and forward to Dow
Jones Content Integration before beginning development.
2. Develop – To capture the elements and transactions used in the development, ensuring that an accurate price
has been assessed for the use of Dow Jones content and functionality – to be completed by developer after
3. Review – To provide the basis of information required for the certification process, and to capture the result
of that process, before the application is implemented in production – to be completed at certification.

Please ensure that you have read and understood the certification requirements for DJRC API

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Stage 1. - DESIGN: Provide an overview description of the intended application design

Subscriber Technical Contact Information

Name This should be the customer’s main technical owner/contact. When implementing a network
partner application, enter the customer’s technical contact.


Email Address
User This should be the Credentials (UserID and Namespace) used to access your Dow Jones R&C
Credentials API

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Application What name does the customer use to describe the application?

Application This should describe both the objective of the application, and the user experience of using it.
Description Try and capture as much of the user functionality available as possible.

Description of Explicitly mention the Dow Jones platform concepts and capabilities that the application will
Risk and need to use to deliver its functionality. For example, “users can Search Risk Feeds by name,
Compliance Duns or profile ID…” or “users can choose from a list of countries or crime types….”
to be used

Description of - Identify whether the application has access to all content

DJRC content -
to be used Full R&C Full Search Only Full Data Only
Full Search + Watchlist Data Only Full Search + State Owned Companies Data Only

Full Search + Adverse Media Entities Only

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Number of users with access Anticipated

to Risk Data and functionality number of
unique user
IDs required
for the
User Access Point - Please describe the way users will gain access to the
data, for example through a portal, intranet application,
CRM, or newsletter
Anticipated DJRC API to be used in the
Anticipated functionality to be used in the application
Search Data Taxonomy Ad-hoc Searching Data Retrieval

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Stage 2 – DEVELOP: Identify the DJRC API transactions used in the development of the final application. This
information will be used by Dow Jones Content Integration to plan and schedule the certification review required
prior to implementation in Production – Services/Transactions in Use - TO BE COMPLETED BY DEVELOPER

Taxonomy Get Profile ID Types

Get Region Types
Get Regions
Get PEP Categories
Get Special Interest Categories
Get Sanctions Lists
Get Other Official Lists
Get Other Exclusions Lists
Get State Ownership Levels

Search Name Search

Person Name Search

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Entity Name Search

ID Type Search

Data Get Data by PEID

Final Application
including major
logic flows

Screenshots Provide screenshots of major user interfaces, especially initial screens, search interfaces and
results screens

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Authentication Provide Details:


Session ID per
Special Content

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

Stage 3 – REVIEW: The application will be certified by the Content Integration Group who will ensure compliance
with Dow Jones’ business rules. This form will capture the responses to the certification process and provide a final
report – TO BE COMPLETED BY Dow Jones Content Integration Specialist.

Session Management
Taxonomy Usage
Financial analytics
Branding Requirements

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

RISK CENTER Risk API Certification Document

********************** TO BE COMPLETED BY DOW JONES TECHNICAL TEAM ***************************

Certification Result
Pass /Fail
User ID Requirements
Access Code Requirements
Concurrency Requirements
Session Time-Out Settings

Certification Issues
to be addressed
Other Special

©2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

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