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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov

Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013




Abstract: The network enterprises have appeared after the industrial

revolution, and they have been studied indeed as a revolution in doing business.
With the rise of the new informational platforms, a new type of network
enterprise has appeared: a more collaborative, efficient and fast moving one;
and thus, network society was born. Since then, there have been recorded
changes in the human society, from the human behaviour with regards to
technology, to the business models, with regards to efficiency. This paper aims to
reflect a model of the new network society, from a collaboration and
communication point of view, as well as to emphasise the importance of adapting
to the new network society requirements. After an overview of the conceptual
terminology and the theoretical approach of both the network society and the
network enterprise, the paper identifies five dimensions of the network enterprise
that will be used to describe the enterprise of the present as it is now, as well as
to suggesting improvements for the one of the future.

Key words: network enterprise, network society, collaboration,


1. Introduction employment and entertainment, to the speed

of information processing and ITC
The 21st century is defined by Jan van Dijk capabilities that were hard to imagine in the
„the age of networks” (van Djik, 2005, p. 2). past. The impact of IT on the new society is
As also Castells suggest, the society is tremendous as it improves the way people
evolving into a collection of nods, defined as relate to work, leisure and socializing, and
networks, which leads to a revolution in the everything is strongly correlated with the
society, basically a reconfiguration of human way communication has been redefined.
activities with the help of the Information As the society evolves, there have been
Technology. The evolution of the internet as studied both improvements and impediments
the environment, and of the hardware in human interaction. On the one hand,
technologies, as devices, enabled a major redefining time and space facilitates
shift in the society, from human behaviour, improvement in socializing and opens new

MSc Student In IT and Business Process Managemet at University of Liechtenstein, Liecthenstein, MA
student in Human Resource Management, Transylvania University of Brasov.
278 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VII • Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

perspective of improving business models. suggest, to the social structures and networks
On the other hand, people start leaving in an which process and manage the information
asocial world where safety in socializing is they gather with the use of IT. This shift to a
more important than face-to-face more collaborative mediatic society affects
experimentation. Each individual gathers a the new society at all levels, from economic,
new identity, created in a safe virtual world, political to cultural. Castells establishes the
where the rules are probably easier to idea of networks as the key units of the
influence. Furthermore, Dijk highlights the modern society, while van Dijk still
drawbacks as “because it is available in huge considers individuals, groups and
amounts, information can never be fully organizations at the centre of it. With all
processed by the recipient” (van Dijk, 2005, these, van Dijk recognizes the changes that
p. 2). have occurred due to the information society.
Independent of the perspective, one thing The society is refocused on science,
is certain: new patterns of thinking are rationality and reflexivity, the economy is
developed inside the human mind due to starting to be characterized by “information
technology aid, new possibilities arise, a production”, the labour requires high
sense of “be in touch with the society” is knowledge in order to manage the tasks of
becoming more and more casual. Both information processing, and the culture has
people and societies process more become a media culture with a new set of
information than ever before, are more signs, symbols and meanings (van Dijk,
connected and share a more or less mediatic 2005, p. 19). With the rise of the web 2.0
mind focus, marketing has evolved and the technologies in general, not only opinion
perspective of the masses on technology leaders shape the society, but also the masses
itself has improved. have a great voice and they are becoming
slowly the new leaders.
2. What is a Network Enterprise? Inside the Network Society, numerous
Network Enterprises were formed. A
The network society has aroused after the network enterprise is just one atom of the
industrial revolution when the business complex system the society of present is
patterns have been changed. The production, made out of. A network is a collection of
distribution and even the market needs have nodes, each node being either individuals or
been changed. As Castells describes in The organizations, which are linked by a
Rise of The Network Society (2010, p. 164), relationship. Van Dijk (2005, p. 24) defines a
the new informational and global economy network “as a collection of links between
has the main characteristic of a redefined elements of a unit. The elements are called
organizational model based, but not fully nodes. Units are often called systems. The
dependent, on the continuously technological smallest number of elements is three and the
innovation. “It is the convergence and smallest number of links is two. A single link
interaction between a new technological of two elements is called a relationship.
paradigm and a new organizational logic that Networks are a mode of organization of
constitutes the historical foundation of the complex systems in nature and society”.
informational economy” (Castells, 2010, p. Networks are ubiquitous, and each individual
164). can be part of different networks, social,
Definitions of the network society vary business or interest oriented.
slightly from new relationships in the media In sociology, there have been numerous
networks that are replacing the face-to-face, theories about network interconnectedness,
more personal communication, as van Dijk links and ties. For instance, Granovetter
A. CĂLIN et al.: How Technology Enhances Communication… 279

(1976, p. 1361) gives the definition of structural holes and the network closure can
network ties: “the strength of a tie is a be integrated one in another, but in terms of
(probably linear) combination of amount of productivity, structural holes are much more
time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy supported by the empirical reviews than the
(mutual confiding), and the reciprocal network closure.
services which characterize the tie”. In Mark In an increasingly changing environment,
Granovetter study, the results considering organizations need to become part of
networks highlighted that the stronger the tie, networks in order to diminish the major
the more willingness to help, and the higher technological disadvantage and to increase
probability that information retrieved is not knowledge, best practices, and
new. From a network enterprise point of competitiveness (Dodgson, Gann, Salter,
view, innovation is much more likely to 2008, p. 133). The competitive advantage
happen with the help of the weak ties, if the comes from a smart and sustainable
information dissemination, thus integration of the latest technologies, best
communication, runs easier. practice processes and continuous
Roland S. Burt presents another innovation.
perspective, and it is referred as the structural
holes versus network closure as social 3. The Economy of a Network Enterprise
capital. Burt defines the social capital as the
metaphor in which “the people who do better Castells (2010, p. 77-78) rises into
are somehow better connected. Certain discussion the “new economy”, which
people or certain groups are connected to gathered characteristics that were never
certain others, trusting certain others, before present in the world’s economy:
obligated to support certain others, informational, global and networked. The
dependent on exchange with certain others.” new economy is informational because, as
(Burt, 2001, p. 32). the author states out, all the capabilities of
Moreover, the author highlights the the new enterprises, from productivity and
connection between the position in this kind competitiveness, are directly correlated with
of structures and the characteristic of it as the “capacity to generate, process, and apply
being an asset in its own right. Referring to efficiently knowledge-based information”
the structural holes, Burt describes them as (Castells, 2010, p. 77). Globalization brought
“an opportunity to broker the flow of with itself the increase in scale of activities
information between people, and control the as production, consumption and products and
projects that bring together people from services circulation, with the reorganization
opposite sides of the hole” (Burt, 2001, p. of labour force, access to raw materials,
35). If there is a structural hole between two markets, information and technology and
groups, it is not implied that the groups are specialists, all these being correlated inside a
unaware of each other’s existence, but it is network or linked between economic agents.
more an individualistic approach, where each The global characteristic is strongly related
group is more concentrated on its own to the emergence of networks. The new
interest. This perspective also reveals the fact economy is networked because “productivity
that individuals with contact networks rich in is generated through and competition is
structural holes are more open to seize played out in a global network of interaction
opportunities, because they have access to between business networks” (Castells, 2010,
information and can filter it more efficiently p. 77). Moreover, Castells points out the
that in a bureaucratic context. The author importance of the technological achievement
concludes that the two concepts, the of the last decades, as the products of
280 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VII • Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

information technology industries are, on the affect each other or change each other, or the
one hand, information-processing devices, activity of being with or talking to other
and on the other hand, information people and the way that people react to each
processing itself. This leads to a restructure other, interactivity is defined as the
in the economy, as this process impacts upon possibility of jointing computing capabilities
all economic activities and “make it possible between users always connected with a
to establish endless connections between system, and the capability of one system to
different domains, as well as between react to the users’ commands. It can be
elements and agents of such activities” assumed that interactivity devolves out of
(Castells, 2010, p. 78). From these endless interaction. A ground characteristic of
connections between economic agents, and interactivity is the real time response.
with the aid of information technology, the Steuer (Wood & Smith, 2005, p. 54-55.) is
network enterprise has been created. one among the first to introduce the concept
During the shift brought by the IT of telepresence, linked with the sensation of
innovations, the structure of the enterprises vivid in an online environment enabled by
has flattened. Successful companies no the physical senses. The degree of
longer have a vertical organization, but a interactivity depends on the capabilities of
horizontal one. Flexibility to adapt to the the system to respond in real time. Steuer
new market conditions and the speed defines three dimensions of interactivity.
characterized by the new economy is a vital Firstly, it is the response speed of a network,
focus to big companies and constitutes a and how long it takes the users to retrieve
competitive advantage of the small and specific information. Secondly, it is the
medium size businesses. The horizontal range, or how much a user is technically
organization enables collaboration allowed to manipulate a virtual environment.
throughout the networks; as it implies Finally yet importantly, Steuer emphasises
interlinking with the supply chain in a more upon mapping, or what actions of a user are
flatten way with the aid of internet and related to the reactions in the virtual
information systems. environment. The ability to manipulate an
There are some characteristics of network object with the help of technology is another
enterprises that make them function aspect of telepresence in use. Telepresence
properly, rise profit and be competitive in the does not only help businessmen hold
network society. Information Technology is meetings, but also medical doctors perform
involved in every step of the process surgeries.
connects every node and keeps the system The social presence theory of Short,
stable. Wood & Smith (2005, p. 54-80), Williams and Christie, presented by Wood
Smite (2012, p. 23-27), Castells (2010, p. and Smith (2005, p. 80), reveals the interests
501) and Dodgson, Gann, Salter (2008, p. of social interaction from 1976. “Social
141) offer a list of five important principles presence is the degree to which we as
of a network: interactivity, individuals perceive another as a real person
interconnectedness, openness, simultaneity and any interaction between the two of us as
and focus on collaboration. a relationship” (Wood & Smith, 2005, p. 80),
meaning on the other hand the degree of
3.1. Interactivity awareness between two individuals in a
communication interaction. The most social
As the Macmillan Online Dictionary presence interaction is the face-to-face one,
suggests, if interaction is a link between whereas virtual interaction has less social
objects, a process by which different things presence.
A. CĂLIN et al.: How Technology Enhances Communication… 281

Moreover, the media – as an information great achievement is the cloud technology.

technology – provides the user with different Cloud technology not only helps devices to
degrees of interactivity. The social presence interconnect, but also enables simultaneous
theory emphasises on the presence of the response and real time information from the
nonverbal communication as the link market. Interconnectedness makes the
between the actors. For audio only communication process faster, not only
transmissions, the paraverbal language is machine to machine but also human to
important, and for video and audio, both machine and as query in general happens
paraverbal and the nonverbal languages are faster, response also follows quicker.
creating the feeling of closeness, or presence
in the virtual environment. A better social 3.3. Openness
presence technology already exists, as Cisco
Telepresence video conference technology Although openness is a principle that exists
enables video collaboration inside a specially in virtually every type of network, from the
designed conference room where some of network enterprise point of view it became
the seats are replaced by screens showing easy to implement due to the internet, as a
interlocutors in a natural size, creating the technical infrastructure. The internet
feeling of “being there”. provides mostly free accessibility and it is
the platform for developing most of the
3.2. Interconnectedness information technology applications and
devices that facilitate a better communication
Castells refers to interconnectedness by inside a network.
analogy with the interconnected nodes of a Moreover, Castells (2010, p. 501)
network. Interconnectedness is more than a highlights that because “networks are open
simple connection, is a connection that structures, able to expand without limits,
permits accessing resources otherwise integrating new nodes as long as they are
unreachable. In reality, interconnectedness is able to communicate within the network,
a principle around which every network namely, as long as they share the same
revolves, but in the case of the network communication codes (for example, values
enterprise, the correlation with the or performance goals)”, so it is acceptable to
information technology is better emphasized. assume that the same logics is applied to the
This principle is also the basis for all the network enterprise as well.
other principles or characteristics of the
network as they all are intertwining and 3.4. Simultaneity
referencing interconnectedness.
Interconnectedness is very much starting to Simultaneity is the attribute of the present.
be more present in the daily life, a It is the starting point for dynamics, up to
trustworthy indicator being the high date flow of information, including real time
percentage of population who own mobile interaction and data retrieving. The internet
devices across the world. Mobile apps made it possible for this principle to be
synchronize with desktop application to applicable at a larger scale, shaping the way
bring information up to date. Enterprises the society is constructed. The online media
tend to provide more wifi connection than provided the society with the ability to
cable internet connection, at least in the redefine time and space and trigger the
developed countries, and this trend enables development of IT further on. “Simultaneity
the interconnectedness characteristics of the ensures our presence in the digitally
newly emerged IT devices. More than this, a networked space of online media – to be
282 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VII • Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

present and experiencing events in real-time in moments due to aid of IT, can arrive in
and by any distance” (Smite, 2012, p. 23). weeks. Referring to time, Fuchs exemplifies
The same author cites a study realized by that in case of a chat, the two interlocutors
Saskia Sassen who was interested in need only time co-presence, not also space
simultaneity, as one of the most important co-presence (Fuchs, 2007, p. 55).
aspects of the information technology based Simultaneity enables communication in real
networks. In her study, Sassen compared two time. There have been developed
different networks, the global market for technologies that help also to retrieve
capital and the electronic media activist massive amount of data in real time and store
networks. Her study concluded that in case it in databases, enabling businesses to be
the global capital market simultaneity leads more competitive in a fast changing
to a multiplication effect, showing, for environment.
instance, how many bank transaction
operations can be performed simultaneously 3.5. Focus on Collaboration
at the same time. In the case of the global
electronic activist networks “a simultaneous IT enabled the possibilities of innovation
decentralized access may help local actors to through collaboration, and collaboration
organize their activities which are not implies communication. There have been
necessary global at all times, but which in made studies that proved that innovation
their communication are using globally often arises from users, with the help of
distributed networks” (Smite, 2012, p. 26). In collaboration (Dodgson, Gann, Salter, 2008,
her study, Sassen proves that a simultaneity p. 141). The same authors suggest that
and decentralized access allow network users drivers for collaboration can be from gaining
to by-pass, if needed, administrations or status or need to solve problems, or even
other power authorities, so it is not required offer to the market an open source product.
the existence of a formal global institution in Another driver might be the possibility of
order to be run properly. gaining employment at companies that
Simultaneity refers to a redefinition of time monitor different networks, or they can even
and space. To begin with, space is not be sponsored by companies who want to
geographical anymore; it becomes the improve their position on the market.
territory of a system that enables interaction. Probably the most common driver is the will
As Fuchs (2007, p. 52) suggests, the to support the community and to contribute
geographical space is made up of physical to its evolution.
bodies that interact, the language in which Not only users and individuals collaborate,
they communicate and the physical also companies collaborate with other
surroundings. If two people interact in a companies on the market. For them,
virtual environment, the space is made out of according to Dodgson, Gann, and Salter
the physical bodies and the technical (2008, p. 148) it is important to collaborate,
environment. “Hence space does not imply especially in the context of the network
proximity, with the help of communication society as it, first of all, increases the scale
technologies space can stretch across and the scope of activities. Technological
distances, the distance between interacting collaboration may increase scale as it
bodies can be enlarged, space then extend expands the firms’ market share, and by the
itself across geographical distances” (Fuchs, means of collaboration the firms can produce
2007, p. 52). In the traditional better products, increasing the scope.
communication environment, for instance, Secondly, through collaboration, firms share
the letter, the same information that arrives the costs and the risks. Costs are
A. CĂLIN et al.: How Technology Enhances Communication… 283

considerable higher and higher, especially asocial society, where people are afraid of
with innovation, and thus this implies normal socialization, forget about touch,
risks, so sharing these means a further hugs, warmth of human companionship
chance of survival. Last but not least, and remain isolated in a high tech
collaborative enterprises have an improved chamber, with virtual connection to
ability to deal with complexity. Due to the everywhere in the world, with remote
limitation of resources it is easier for chatting, with doing business in a virtual
collaborative firms to deal with stock market or building a virtual economy
technological complexity, as they in a MMORPG, when a whole world
specialize and each excel on a particular awaits for them just outside the window.
field. One of the scopes of collaboration is Networked enterprises are no different.
the transfer of knowledge, and once the Similar to people, they become high tech
knowledge has been shared and this individualities in an amorphous ocean of
process is considered to be finished, the information and potentials, but dependent
partnership might be resigned. However, on the instable balance of human need for
as the authors underline further on, “as real socializing. Each enterprise needs to
technologies and markets are continually answer in its development strategy
developing, the transferred knowledge may important questions like: “How much and
no longer be most appropriate for changed where do I outsource?”, “What is more
market conditions” (Dodgson, Gann, and profitable, face-to-face or remote
Salter, 2008, p. 152. communication?”, “Do I leave decision
making to decision making software or I
4. The Network Society Gaps rely on the manager’s gut feeling?”, “Do I
rent an office building or I agree with all
Castells comes to ask an important my employees to work from home?”.
question: what is the reason why the According to this answers, the fragile
network enterprise became the balance of the enterprise is either
organizational form of the informational endangered or enhanced.
and global economy? One plausible Both Steuer’s telepresence theory and
answer is that this type of work and Short, Williams and Christie’s theory of
knowledge organization “emerged in a Social Presence present a scientific
formative period of this economy, and it is perspective that was not been resolved yet.
what seems to be performing” (Castells, In order to satisfy all the five physical
2010, p. 187-188). Derived from this senses and the possibility to interact more
affirmation, is the nature of this successful from a non-verbal and paraverbal point of
organization, from how much an view, innovation is needed. Up to this
organization is capable to generate and moment, IT capabilities only refer to
process knowledge, to how much senses like sight and hearing – from a
flexibility resides in it, and to how human to human communication
innovative can become. From this point on, perspective – and touch – from a human to
it is a matter of change, evolution to machine communication perspective. New
something new. Is there going to be a technologies are developing but the middle
change at all? If yes, how would the neo- cost range enterprise applications still have
networked society look like? How much problems like bandwidth instability, sound
would the network enterprises change? and video fidelity, or limitative interface.
Van Dijk is but one of many who offer
the perspective of the new society as an
284 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VII • Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

5. The Network Enterprise – The trends: relationship at scale, design for

Enterprise of the Future analytics, data velocity, seamless
collaboration, software-defined networking,
5.1. Innovation directions – 2013 active defense, and beyond cloud.
Relationship at scale refers to redefining
In an era of Globalization and network customer relationship and redesigning them
enterprises, new technologies, increasing for a more personal approach: consumers are
competition, e-commerce, strategic alliances, not a cookie file anymore, but real people
to be competitive is a challenge. In this with real needs. The trend is about
dynamic network society, one way to sustain customization of experience for every
growth and performance is to foster interaction with the consumer. Design for
innovative practices inside the organizations. analytics happens when for businesses
According to the Oslo Manual, there have collecting the data is not an issue, but
been identified four types of innovation: collecting the right data and then designing
product innovation, process innovation, applications for it is a challenge. Together
marketing innovation and organizational with data variety and volume, data velocity
innovation. Hans Georg Gemuenden defines helps fostering the insights and making the
innovation as “a process, involving multiple right decision before the window of
activities, performed by multiple actors from opportunity closes.
one or several organizations, during which Seamless collaboration is about the
new combinations of means and/or ends, employee collaborative work with increasing
which are new for a creating and/or adopting productivity by the usage of social
unit, are developed and/or produced and/or networking. The software-defined
implemented and/or transferred to old and/or networking allows companies to remove
new market-partners.” Innovation is complexity and reduce costs turning the
correlated with novelty, and novelty is network into a flexible asset. Server
portrait as a lack of familiarity with a service virtualization reduces costs of hardware,
or product. “For innovative companies, space and power, and enhances the capability
novelty or newness of processes is an to run applications everywhere.
ongoing feature. Novelty increases the The sixth trend, active defense encourages
uncertainty within activities (how to do businesses to go beyond prevention,
them).” (Browning and Sanders, 2012, p. 8) understanding that malevolent attacks will
It is hard to determine a generalized happen and the need to be one step ahead
innovation trend, when innovation is, on the infractors is needed. Last but not least, beyond
one hand, a competitive advantage of a the cloud rises not the question whether to use
company, so mostly secret, personalized and cloud solutions or not, but how to enhance
dependent on the growth vision and the cloud capabilities to increase benefits.
market expectations, and on the other hand,
culture and economic dependent on the 5.2. Innovation Potentials – 2020
region of the world the company activates
on. Innovation trends are subject of How innovation will look like in the near
subjectivity of some large companies which future is both a matter of imagination and a
survey the markets. One such company is matter of secrecy. Corporations with large
ACCENTURE which realizes technological budgets for research and development tend to
change trends from some years now. have a very strict confidentiality policy, so
ACCENTURE identified seven one can take a glance on how future will look
dimensions of the 2013 seven technological like only from official marketing campaigns
A. CĂLIN et al.: How Technology Enhances Communication… 285

and advertized vision statements. At a quick Overall, the three companies agree on the
search on the internet, a few companies are need of interconnectedness, interactivity,
rated better on their shared vision of the openness, simultaneity and collaboration,
future: Corning, Microsoft, and Intel. and envision these dimensions at a next
I proposed an analysis of these companies’ level, with a more easy way of integrating
vision videos on the five dimensions of a technology in the day-to-day life. They
network enterprise, interactivity, improve the learning and communication
interconnectedness, openness, simultaneity aspects and reduce the response time of the
and focus on collaboration, and highlight the device, all in a very intuitively built
improvements suggested for the year 2020. environment where different types of touch
The analysis is based on the frequency of and commands become second nature to
appearances of different dimensions in the the user.
video in order to be able to make a ranking
among them. At a first glance, all movies 6. Conclusions
show different sides of future lifestyles, from
both a personal, educational and professional After a short review of the technology of
perspective: different types of people are the present and the envisioned technology of
followed through a small period of time, the future, one can conclude that, first of all,
from waking up, doing daily activities, network society has impacted the world in an
enjoying life with their children, to the irreversible way, and from this point on,
children’s learning experience and the forward is the only possible direction. The
parents’ professional interaction with the way of doing business, learning, shopping,
working environment. interacting with family and co-workers has
improved and will be improved in terms of
Results of the assesment Table 1 efficiency: interactivity and
interconnectedness not only are not going to
be a distraction anymore, but will leverage

work potential, collaboration, idea sharing

and increase the overall productivity,

building in a social aspect in the daily


professional work.
In the vision of 2020, not all the network
society gaps have been answered. There is
Corning 7 6 3 5 7 still the taste and the smell that need to be
Intel 2 4 2 3 1 integrated in the digital world in order to
Microsoft 7 7 5 5 6 create a mimic, almost natural, telepresence.
Since the videos are clearly part of the Touch, on the other hand, has been
marketing campaign, and there is a clear integrated in a very intuitive way in
need to differentiate one company from the coordinating the technology and human-
other, and one platform from another, the computer interface. Technology in general,
table presents less about the possible future not only wearable IT, can be considered,
in a holistic manner, and more about product from now on an extension of the human
differentiation. Intel did not do well at the body as it responds accordingly to its needs.
collaboration dimension not because there The network enterprises will grow even
was a lack of collaboration among people, more connected and the personalized web
but because there was barely any screen time will most likely be a normal feature of the
with people collaborating. future.
286 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series VII • Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

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