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My Daily Activities

My name is Nursia. I was born in Poso, November 1976. I live on Jl. Palawatika,

Tondo. I am a wifehouse and I am a teacher too. I teach in PAUD terpadu

Sulawesi Permata Bangsa.

I wake up in the morning at 4 am. I do prayer of subuh with my son and my

husband at 5 am. Futhermore, I bathe my youngest son who still kindergarden age.

After bathing, I dress my son with his uniform. Only then I prepare myself and

leave my home at 5.30. I go to work with my son and my husband. My husband

pick up us with his motorcycle.

I am very happy with my occupation as a teacher. I always complete my task

and duty on the right time because I realize that teaching is my noble responsibility.

After that, I prepare myself to attend the lecture at campus in Tadulako University

at 01:00 pm.

At 05:00 pm in the afternoon, I back home and take a bath. After taking a bath I

prepare dinner.

At 06:00 pm, I pray of magrib with my son. We have a dinner at 06.30 pm. After

that I clean the dining room while washing the plates. Next, I pray of isya at 8 pm.

Before go to sleep I never forget check my homework and taking care my son to

sleep. I usually go to bed at 10.00 pm.

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