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Vodacom 3G

Flexi Multiradio System Module (FSMF) in WCDMA

NSN - Network Planning & Optiisation
!S"! !le#i "ultiradio
S$ste "odule
Flexi Multiradio System Module (FSMF)
What is new?
• GSM WCDMA !"# and !"#$A su%%ort • 133 # 99: # 920*;80  6h # w # d7
% #isting '()"A*+, support e#tended to over also S" • Outdoor< -3; to =;; *( P8;
• 'eight< 10.1 - 1>.: kg
• &m%ro'ed usaility
% (apait$ e#pansions with su/-odules
% Support or OSA interae 4' prepared also or (P5

• #xce%tional hih ca%acity

% ,he latest state-o- the- art proessor tehnolog$
% +arger ultiradio and ulti/and onigurations
% nreased nu/er 5! interaes ro 3 6!S"(*)*7 to 8
% proved 5! "odule haining apa/ilit$
% nhaned optial interaes apait$ ro 3 /ps 6!S"(*)*7 to 8 /ps

• &m%ro'ed connecti'ity
% 4igh apait$ thernet transport integrated in S$ste "odule
% Other transport edia with optional integrated ,ransport Su/-odule ,$pial power onsuption<
• !S"! - 12;'
• !A - >0'
Flexi Multiradio System Module

Optional Power
)istri/ution Su/-"odule
Optional ,ransport

S$ste "odule

(apait$ #tension (apait$ #tension

Su/-"odule !A Su/-"odule !A
Flexi Multiradio System Module
Connections 5eset /utton
operation through
this onnetor

DC out S0&1 ++ #,"- ++ #,"5 #&F- #AC Sync &nSync 1ut

; x (5x-6 mm75) SF/2 .SF/ .SF/ 0:;< 9DM& 9DM& 9DM&

% 9 # OSA interae in S$ste "odule


% 1 # OSA interae per (apait$ #tension

Su/-"odule !A

DC out DC in !M/ #&F50F6 0F#,"-443 S0&1 ++ #," 0F#,"

DC in DC out
/wr/ro8ile 5x-6 mm75 0:;< SF/2 3xSF/2 SF/2 .SF/ SF/2
/wr/ro8ile /wr/ro8ile
eneits o !S"! vs. !S"
+aseand Ca%acity com%arison FSM# $ FSMF
1 S? B 9C ( 1 S? B >8 (

System Modules - x FSM# 5 x FSM# - x FSMF - x FSMF 2 (5 x F++A)

0== C#> 5@ -5 ;@

9SD/A M%s> 5<5 (-5 x 5-) 5<5 5<5 5<5

Maximum Su%%orted
<@; (-5 x ;5 M&M1) <6 (- x ;5 M&M1) <@; (-5x;5 M&M1) <6 (- x ;5 M&M1)
9SD/A M%s

9SB/A M%s> -3= (-5 x --46) -3= (-5 > --46) --< -3=

Max Su%%orted 9SB/A

-3= (-5 x --46) 5@4 (- x --46) --< 5@4 (- x --46)

9SD/A Schedulers 5 5 %er SM 5 %er !CG 5 %er !CG

9SB/A Bsers> -36 B#54@ M%s ;@ B#3- M%s -36 B#6 M%s ;@ B#6@ M%s

Su%%orts !"# SW u%rade SW u%rade SW u%rade SW u%rade

Su%%orts GSM o o SW u%rade SW u%rade

Note< alues
alues are
are not
not availa/le
availa/le siultaneousl$
siultaneousl$ @@ 12
12 ells*2@+(
ells*2@+( 62*2*2
62*2*2 =
= 2*2*27
2*2*27 oniguration
oniguration assued
air interae is t$piall$ the liiting ator 
System Module 0el3 Ca%acity (-;)
System Module 0el3 Ca%acity $ umer o8 Suunits

• (opared to S$ste "odules 5elD2 availa/le apait$ o S$ste "odule 5elD3 does 1" depend
on nu/er o oissioned ells. ,a/le /elow presents nu/er o availa/le su/units or trai use
6or (((4 * intererene anellation proessing i needed7.
umer o8
,a/le assues
-E3 < -5 -=
54< <4< 10k ell range
;E6 ; -- -
and 2wa$ 5# )iv
E= 5 2 -> = 2 -> -6 2 ->
5 2 @4<> < 2 @4<>
-@ E -5 - 2 ->  2 -> -< 2 ->

•  Availa/le resoures 6su/units7 an /e used or (((4 proessing 4S)PA shedulers proessing +(s
4S?PA users and thr. proessing 5elD>> users proessing and intererene anellation proessing.
• Please note that eah S$ste "odule 5elD3 ontains (((4 proessing resoures reEuired or Fasi
(onigurationsD 6e.g. 8 ells*10k or 3ells*20k G 2wa$ 5# )iv7 inluded in the S$ste "odule 5elD3
> Additional resoures or (((4 @@ (apait$ o (ore S$ste
proessing needed i one S$ste "odule 6without #tension
"odule and ore than 8 ells*10k su/odules7
System Module 0el3 Ca%acity (5;)
System Module 0el3 Ca%acity $ umer o8 Suunits

• ,here are two t$pes o #tension su/odules availa/le< !A and !
• #tension su/odules are used in order to e#tend S$ste "odule apait$.
• ?p to 2 #tension su/odules an /e used to e#tend apait$ o a single S$ste "odule 5elD3.
• )ierent o/inations o #tension su/odule t$pes an /e used to e#tend S$ste "odule 5elD3.
apait$ 6e.g. !A = ! or ! = ! et.7.
A'ailale Suunits

F++A 6
F+++ 3

2x Capacity expansion submodule


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