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62 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai - quan 1

'!l' : 8225340 - 8296764 - 8222726 - 8296713 - 8223637

eM'd1 btJnddn d~c



Edwin Carpenter
Djeh va eM gidi : NGUY~N THANH Y~N
K •
Djeh va ehu gidi : NGUYEN THANH YEN
o Glen ru

Djeh va eM gidi : NGUYEN THANH YEN

Roger Berry
Dieh va ehu giIli : NGUYEN THANH YEN Djch va chu giai
Czla hang stich NHA XUAT BAN THANH PH6 H6 CHi MINH
62 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai - Quan 1 'If 8221675
nu« stich TRUNG TAM NGOAI NGU DAI [350

Il-i l"llllllllrlllllij!illiili\\

280 An Duong Vuong. Quan 5 Tp. H6 Chi

. ~
2 .iB,,;,
]I~ 26.\lO(J c
Lili gioi thit$u
TU V1,fngAnh nga khong phai 130 mot danh sach tU nga co dinh ma 130 mot van nr
ngay cang gia tling va phat tri€n ma tU d6 ban co th€ chon ra nhang tU thich hop
cho y nghia va tinh hu6ng cua minh. Khi ban nhin vao mot quy€n tU di€n lon,
ban nhan ra r~ng c6 ra't nhieu tir, va ra rang la khong ai c6 th€ biet duqc he't la'l
ca cac tir d6. Di nhien la cDng c6 mot sO'tir nha'l dinh ma ban phai biet Mc6lh€
giao tiep b~ng tieng Anh : cac dong tU din ban nhutake, have, gil'e, put, set v.v ...
va cac gioi lU nhu at, in, of va on.
Khi ban da c6 van lU V1,fngAnh nga din ban, ban c6 lh€ b~t dau n6i nhung gi ban
mu6n. Khi van tU cua ban tling len, ban c6 th€ di€n ta nhi~u y tuong hen hoac
n6i v~ nhieu loai chd de hen.
Quy€n sach nay nham M giup ban gia tang van lU cua rninh b~ng each mo ta cac
bi€u m~u trong viec thanh I~p tU. Mot vai tu duqc thanh I~p b~ng each them mot
tiep dau nga vao phan dau cua mot tV c6 s~n, va vai lU khac I~i duqc thanh I~p
b~ng each them mot tiep VI nga vao cu6i tU co s~n. Cung c6 nhung tU c6 nhieu
hen mot tiep dau nga hoac tiep VI nga. Khi ban da hoc ducc nhang each su dung
chinh va y nghia cua mot so tiep dau nga va tiep VI nga, ban Sf c6 thE! nhan ra
va hiE!u duqc nhieu ta hon nhieu, tham chi cho du tnroc day ban chira h~ nhin
thay chung, B~ng each nhin vao each ta d6 diroc su dung, va them nghia cua tiep
dau nga hoac tiep VI nga vao nghia cua tU g6c, ban cD th€ dean ra nghia cua d
tU. Khi tiep dau nga hoac tiep vi nga c6 th€ su dung rong rai, ban cling Sf c6 'th€
tl,ftao ra cac tU rna tnroc day ban chira h~ g~p.
Ch~ng han nhu, neu ban doc tha'y tren bao chi v~ mot hi¢p dinh pan-European.
co th€ ban chi biet nghia cua ta pan la mot loai xoong n6i M dung trong vi~c nau
nucng. Nhung pan- cung la mot tiep dau nga co nghia la loan the' tal! of), VI the
o day mot hi~p dinh pan-European c6 nghia la mot hi~p dinh co lien quan den
tilt ca cac qu6c gia 0 Chau Au. Di~u nay khac voi mot phong lrao anti-European
la mot phong trao d€ chong lai chau Au. Ca hai tiep dau nga pan- va anti- deu c6
thE!xua't hien tnroc nhieu ta khac, Khi ban da hoc duqc each su dl,lng cua mQt so
tiep dau nga, ban Sf khong chi nh~n ra duqc nhieu tU hem rna con c6 thE!tl,f tao
ra mot so tU va su dung chung.
Cac tiep dau nga va tiep VInga khac chuseu la mgOI! tinh c~,nlIa phan. va duqc 1

dung M thay deli tU loai cua mot nr, Ch~ng han nhu, tiep vi nga -ion duqc them

vao dic dQng tu d€ tao ra cac danh tU. Vi v~y neu ban tha:y mot tu c6 du6i la ion
M6i tU muc cho ban biet la tU do c6 th€ ket hop dlfQCvOi dQng tU, danh tU hoac
bq.n nen ki€m tra phan dau cua tU d6 va xem n6 c6 ve la mQt dQng tU hay khong,
tinh tu hay khong, cung nhu tir loai cua cac tU rnoi. TU rnuc cho under- b5t dau
Neu co, b~ng each ket hop ngu canh voi nhUng gi ma ban biet v'e nghia cua dQng
nhu sau :
tU, ban thuong c6 th€ doan ra nghia cua danh tU.
..- CACH DUNG AQNG AAI : under- ket hop vol cac dQng tu, danh tU va tfnh III
Quy€n sach nay m6 ti each stt dung va nghia cua khoang 300 tiep dau ngu va
de t90 thanh cac dQng tU, danh tU va tfnh tU moi,
tiep vi ngu. d cu6i sach c6 mQt s6 bai t~p dUQc bien soan d€ giup ban stt dung
sach hieu qua va ~n dung dUQCnhUng th6ng tin trong sach. - Sau d6 muc tU se cho ban biet y nghia chung cua ta:t ca cac tU.
Chung t6i tin tuong r~ng viec stt dung quy€n sach nay se giup ban t\l' tin hen khi Cac tU dli(,1ethanh I~p theo each nay di~n tll"y tliang la khOng e6 du thli gl d6
g~p nhung tU rna ban chua tUng tha"y bao gio, va hy vong r~ng sach se la su h6 hoac vi$c gl d6 chua duoc thuc hi$n du hoac tot nhu duoc yeu cau.
tro hUu ich d€ ban c6 th€ gia Uing v6n tU vl,l'ngAnh ngu cua minh mQt each nhanh .••Sau d6 c6 mQt hoac nhieu vi du va dlfQcgiai thich v€ y nghia :
chong va hieu qua. Neu ban rno tll mQt vi$c gila "kern phat trien" (underdeveloped). ban nghi la
n6 chua dliQc phat trieri day duo
1. CACH sir Dl)NG SACH
Cae tiCchinh (dung d'au m6i tiC muc)
d mQt s6 tu rnuc co cac ghi chu v€ each viet dUQCgiai thich duoi day.
Sach nay c6 chira mQt danh sach cac tiep dau ngu va tiep vi ngu diroc s~p xep =Cdc vi du
thee thu tI,I'bang chu cai. M6i tiep ngu d'eu c6 mQt gach n6i 0 tnroc ho~c sau tU Ta:t ca cac muc tU chinh d'eu co mot s6 vi du minh hoa nhUng tU dUQcthanh I~p
d6. Neu gach n6i 0 dau thi d6 la mQt tiep vi ngu va d(rng 0 phia sau tU. Neu gach thee each vira dUQcm6 ta. Tat ca cac vi du nay d€u duc;JClay tU quy€n Birmingham
n6i 0 cu6i thi d6 la mQt tiep dau nga va d(rng 0 phia dau tU. Collection of English Text, va cho thay nhUng nguoi nOi va nguoi viet tieng Anh
Neu mot tiep ngu vua la tiep dau nga vua la tiep vi ngu thi se c6 hai rnuc tU rieng da stt dung nhirng tU d6 nhu the nao, pc vCgu d'eu du(!c in nqhieng.
biet, tnrcc tien la tiep dau ngu va sau d6 la tiep vi ngu. .•..Cdc ghi chu v€ each viet
.Vi the thir tI,I's5p xep cac tie'p nga b5t dau tU -first la : MI,!Cghi chu v€ each viet duoc them vao neu tU c6 each viet kh6 hoac bat thl1ong .
-first fore- -free full- Ghi chu nay cho ban biet cac qui lu~t v€ bo bOt kY t\l' hay gap d6i phu am khi
Franco- fresh- them vao mQt tiep dau ngu hay tiep vi ngu d~c biet nao d6. Cung c6 cac ghi chu
-ful cho ban biet la c6 phai them gach n6i vao hr khi viet hay khong, Neu kh6ng c6
-folk free-
ghi chu v€ gach n6i U11 ban c6 th€ tham khao danh sach cac tu trong dean d6 M
Cac tit myc dl1Qchuong d~n.
cidi nghia:
M6i tU ml.lCcho bq.n biet loq.i tu nao ma tiep dau ngu hay tiep vi ngu d6 c6 th€ ket
*' Cae danh saeh
Sau cae vi dl,l, c6 danh sach cae tlt. Khi tU c6 th€ sa dung mng rai. danh sach neu
hQP, va nghia clla cac tU moi d6. NhUng tU nay dl1Qc minh hQa b~ng cac vi d1J
mQt nh6m cac tU dUQc thanh I~p thee cach nay> nhl!l1g b(;ln cung c6 th€ tu' tao
dl1Qcrut ra tU 20 tri~u tu clla quy€n Birmingham Collection of English Text. M6i
~cho rieng minh. Danh saeh nay dUQc mo dau b~ng cau :
tU m\1C cung chua danh sach cac tu dl1Qcthanh I~p thee cach dl1Qcm6 ta.
Sau day la~ve cA!; tU e6 elJlll!..99ng nghia :
..,..MQt s6 tiep dau ngu va tiep vi nga ra:t d~ ket hQP, c6 nghia la chung c6 th€ ket
hgp voi ra"t nhi'eu tU, vA-ban c6 th€ tv tao cac tU neu bq,n du W ti!h NhUng tu nay -j..:"'/ MQt s6li.f~ dau ngCt c6 th€ ket hc;Jp~hj!1 % voi ~ ho~c ten dia da'l!:l va
.\1Qcneu ra dl10i tieu d'e la CACH DONG RONG RAl : 1" .trong truong hQp nay, nhUng tu dl1Qcthanh I~p thee cach nhu v~y se kh6ng dUQc
:: = dlfa vao danh sach.
.~ot r>.
r-r: o.Ai~ I ~
-*"' Ne'u hI khDng c6 ~cq dung rOng rtii I~m thi danh sach cung dira ra mQt nh6m tu, 1 a- - DrsJ-e-1o
nhung ban phai than trong trong viec tiS tao cac tU moi nhir the'. Danh sach nay a- xuilt hif;lCong nhirng tt't mang nghla :1!pt" (khong), "without" (khong cp),
se duqc ma d'au bling cau : hoac "opposite to" (nguoc voi) va la met phdn y nghia cua ea tll. Vi du, met ai
d6 "apolitical" nrc nguCti ily kh6ng e6 y kien gl v~ cac vAn d~ chinh tr] vii cung
Sau day 1<3Rii c/da h . ch lu' . cU.n9_d~ nghTa :
khong chu tam gl den cac chuyen Ky; met nguCti nao d6 "amoral" tue Iii ngl(Cti
~ D6i khi c6 nhung tir duoc b~t d§u bling nhung ky tll gi6ng nhu mQt tie'p d§u nga, fly khong c6 nhung chuan mile dao dire thong thucng.
ho~c ke't thuc hI bling' nhang kY tll gi6ng nhu mQt tie'p vi nga nhung lai khong DLlC11day 10 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghia :
phai la cac vi du v~ tiep d§u nga hay tiep vi nga d6 hoac khong thich hop voi
aformal ~'f:J:(r)mV kh6ng hinh tnuc aseptic l,eI'septIld vO trung
nhirng nghia dii cho. Nhfrng tU quan trong nhu v~y duqc neu VaGcu6i muc tU, sau
amoral /er'moral/ phi dco due ' asexual leI'sekfuaV vO tlnh
tieu d'e : aphasic !i..felZlkl (thu¢c) chung m6t asocial l,eI'saufV khOng c6 tinh xo h¢1
..Nhii~ co n~ja kha!: ngOn ngu atonal /er'teonl/ khOng theo khung
apoliiicn! l,elpa'htlkV phi chinh tr] nhoc
Thong thuong Ihi ban biet nhung tU nay, nhung ne'u b~n khang bie't chung thi atypical
asensual /er'senjoal/ khOng c6 knoo: l,eI'tlplkV khOng cll~n hinh
hay do trong tU ddn. bai vi nghia cua chung khong th~ tach roi khoi tie'p d§u nga corn ./

hoac tiep vi nga.

2. CACH THANH L~ TV z -ability

0 -.,..J,6. ; +:< ~J ( ~~ I;;[
-ability thay cho "<able" CJ cu6i cac tinh tu t~n cung la "<able" M tao thanh danh
Quy~n sach nay diroc bien soan cho cac sinh vien c6 trinh dO trung cao va cao tli. Cac danh hI' duoc dIU thanh theo 16i nay di~n ta mot .!!!:'h traQg ho~c..ilik
cap. va cac giao vien day tie'ng Anh. Sach cung cSp cac thang tin quan trong v'e .!!nh diroc mo ta bCJitinh tli.
cac tiep d'au nga va tiep vi nga trong tieng Anh va diroc quy~n su Q1,Ingco so da
",.. ClHI Y rdllg cdc dQ/lh tit eua "unable" vii "ullstable" la "illability" vLi "instabiliu:",
lieu cua COBUILD M cho Ulay cac bi~u mSu thanh I~p tu thong dung trong ngon
... the ready availability of fresh fish - ... ngu6n ca tlfdi san co tCI bien C,1.
nga ngay nay.
from the sea.
NOi dung diroc trinh bay theo thtr tII bang chir cai va m6i tie'p d'au nga va tie'p vi - Acrylic blankets have the best com- l.oai m~n soi t6ng hop Id 51,1 ket hop
nga d'eu c6 mot rnuc tU chi tiet. C6 mo ta v~ cac pham tru nga nghia khac nhau bination of warmth and washability. tuy¢t hao giua vua am vua co the liiy
diroc h6 tro bai nhung vi du thuc te'va danh sach cac tU thong dung. Cac ghi chu gi~l.
v'e each viet duqc neu khi thich hop va cung ~n.gBmh v'e..each dung rang Jji ._. the likeabi/ity of George Brown. - ... tinh dang yeu cua George Brown.
d~ ban c6 th~ tv lin hen trong viec su dung tie'ng Anh mQt each tv nhien hon. > Xem de 6ie'l
-sbt« lhem chi MI. _t;;J. ~
- d phia
sau sach c6 mot loat bai t~p v'e cac rnuc tir, va cung c6 bang giai dap d'ay
> V-able
~J4' - ~-t~~ ~ L,...:~
• Cach xu ly doc nhat va nh] cua khoang 300 tiep d'au nga va tiep vi nga trong
tie'ng Anh. • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
-able ket hop vai d('mg tu tao thanh tinh tli. Cac tinh tll duoc tao thanh theo
• Khoang 1500 vi du thuc d€ cho thay each dung thuc te'
each nay mieu ta ai hoac su vat gi ,b~ tile dOI$ b<'1i1:lilnh dOQg hoac ~
• Danh sach cac tu thong dung huu ich d~ biet them tU vvng ma d<)ng tU dien ta. Vi du nhu ai d6 e6 nhung pha'm ehKt "admirable", hIe Iii
ho co nhung pha'm chilt ma ngu'Ctikhik kham phue; neu met vif;c gl d6 "avoidable",
• Cae bai t~p va bang giai dap a cu6i saeh We Iii viee i1y c6 the' tninh dU<;1c.


d6 'comfortable', tU'c 1ft n6 mang lai 51! thoai mai: neu mi)t ki~u an m~c nao d6
each vie"t: Cht1 '~" cu6i duoc be di tru'Clc khi them -able, trtr khi "e" di sau 'fashionable', tU'c la no hop thai trang.
"c" hay "g", Cht1 "y" cu6i sau mot phu Sm duoc thay b~ng "i" tnroc khi them .. , the comfortable feeling of security - ... earn giac thoai mal cua sI,I yen 6n
-able. Cac chu t~ncung la '~" duoc thay b~ng -able. and ease that his company gave her. va d~ chiu ma sI,I hiendien cua anh
mang lai cho c6.
- Her progress was slow in spite of her - 51,1lien bo cua co ify
kha cham de. c6
admirable determination. 51,1quyet tam dang kharn phuc. ... one of his habitual striped shirts - ... mot trong nhtrng chiec ;\0 se-mi soc
that were fashionable in 1963. quen thucc cua anh ay la m6't cua narn
- Deaths caused by reckless driving are - (Nhung cal) chet do chay xe cifu tha.
avoidable. Ii'! chuyen c6 Ih~ tranh duoc.
Critics argued that the only honour- - Nhullg nglloi chi trich cho r~ng hlldng
- Edward was a mischievous but lov· - Edward Iii mot dua tre nghich ngcrn
able child. nhllng dang yeu,
able course of action open to him giai quyet danh du duy nhal d6'i vdi
was resignation. ong ta l:t W nhiem,
- Acrylic blankets and shawls are both - Chan d~p va khan choang 5Qi t6ng
Duoi day 16 rnuc tv c6 Cling dong nghio:
warm and washable. hQP vua am wa c6 the gi~1 dllQc.
comfortable fkAmfatabV thoal mot knoWledgeable fnolId3abV thOng thee
Duoi day 16~c6c tU c6 cung dong nghio:
[ashionable ffrefnabV hop thOl trong pleasurable fple3arabV d(j chlu. thu vi
acceptable /ak'septabl/ c6 th~ ch6p irritable fmtabV de cou gi¢n honourable lonarabV dang klnh valuable /veeljoabl/ c6 glo tr]
nh¢n ouoc manageable fmremd3abV c6 th~ Cae tu eo nghTa khae:
admirable fredmarabV dang khOm quan Iy
agreeable la'gri:abV d(j chlu miserable /mrzrabl/ b6t hOf.1h
phuc noticeable I'nautIsabV dang chu y
amiable felmlabV tv t~ parable fprerabV ngl,l ngOn
adorable /a'do.rabl/ dang y~u peelable fpi:labV c6 th~ b6c va
arable frerabV tr6ng trot cuoc personable fp3:sanabV c6 cuven
advisable lad'~alzabV thich hQp :predictable /prr'drktsbl/ c6 th~ docn
available /a'verlebl/ s6n c6 d~ dung practicable fprrektzkabV c6 th~ ihl,lC
comparable /komparebl/ c6 th~ so truce
capable fkelpabV c6 (tal) nong IVc . hl~n
sonh preferable fprefrabV duoc thich hem
charitable ftfrentabV c6 16ng to thl~n reasonable fri:znabV bl~t dl~u, hop 1'1
dependable /dr'pendabl/ dang tin cov profitable /profrtobl/ co IQi
compalliollable lkam'premanabV d(j reputable frepjutabV c6 Mng tom
desirable /dreararabl/ dang tMm recognizable frekagnalzabV c6 th~
k~t bon sizeable fsalzabV khO IOn
mu6n nh¢n ro dUQc
considerable /kan'stdarabl/ dang k~ sociable fsauJabV thlch gloo tl~p
disposable /dr'spaozabl/ c6 th~ be dl. remarkable /rr'mc.kabl/ dang IUu 'I
sdn c6 tolerable ftolarabV c6 th~ tho thO
I dam liable fdremnabV dang troch suitable fsu:tabV thlch hQp
habitable fhrebltabV c6 th~ 0 dUQc tenable (tenabV c6 th~ c6m cu ouoc
enjouable /m'djorabl/ thu vi understandable I,Anda'strendabV c6
hospitable fhospltabV hl~u khOch veritable fventabV th¢t su
identifiable /ar'dentrfarabl/ c6 th~ th~ hl~u dUQc
nh¢n bi~t variable /vearrabl/ c6 th~ thoy ddi
memorable fmem~rabV dang nho

imaginable /r'meedjmabl/ c6 th~ washable fwoJabV c6 th~ gi¢t dUQc

tuong tUQng
:> Chu Y rling InQt s{/ tinh lit dJl{1c thanh ItJp tit dQng
tren Iai tqn cung blillg '<ible' h01I lil -able.
tz'( va c6 ci'mg dang nghia nhu
't ~ero- ~J M ~~
aero- XUII~~t1ng ttr c6 nghta bi) phan la "air" (khong trung) hay "air
•. Xem -ible ail bie! them chi liel. / travel" (di b~ng ducng khong). Vi du nhir mot chie'c 'aeroplane' la mot c6 may
f -fl.el.;f
2. CHi PHAM CHAT: N - ""'~ ~ ~~ : C. L J~.}j bay du'<;Ic trong
ha canh
khong trung;
va cs't canh,
'aerodrome' la ndi rna cac phi co loai nho c6 th~

-able ke't hop voi danh ttr de' tao nen tfnh ttr dung M mieu ta ai hoac dieu gl
co nhirng pham chil't hoac d<,lc tinh ma danh hY g6c n6i den. Vi du, neu v~t gl
Duoi day 16 rnuc tV co cunc dong nghia : 2. (£lINH) KET auA : ]~ - N =) ".!; 710..(J
/If : r-.q A.<" ~
) r : VI,CoG
,,, ~ f
aerodrome fearadrauml son bay aerofoil fearafoIiI c6nh may bay • CACH.oUNG RQNG RAI .
aerodynamic l,earaudal'nremIid khf aerograph fearagro:fI bi~u do dLlong after- ke't hop voi danh tU tao thanh danh tll' maio Danh tU tao thanh theo each
d¢ngll,fC' hOng khOng nay'dien t~ sl! viec xay ra la ke't qua cua mot 5,( viec khac. Vi du, mot "aftertaste"
aeronaut l'earauno:V nha hang khOng aeroplane fearapleml may bay Iii mot earn giac con 1000i
sau khi ban oa iin xong mot chut gl 06; nhirng "after-effects"
aeronautics I,eara'no:tlksl hOng aerospace /'eareoepers/ kh6ng gian cua m(H heat dong hoac su' kien nao d6 Iii nhung earn giac, benh hoan, hay tlnh
khOng hoc trang xuiit pha t tU hoa t dong hoac su kien fiy, va chung thirong con d~ 1000i d II'
aeroengines l'earauend3ml d¢ng co am trong ea mot thO'i gian dai sau nay.
may bay'
each vUft: Cac til' loai nay e6 th~ duoc vie't e6 dau gach noi hoac vie't li~n.
Cae ttJ eo dQng nghia khSe :
.: the bitter aftertaste sometimes - ". cai h~u vj nhan nh~n doi khi do
aerobic /ea'raobrk/ (thu¢c) boi top th~ aerosol fearasoV chat phun xit (thuoc. caused by saccharine. dl1ang saccharine gay nen,
Il,fc nLlOc hoo)
- There was a faint afterglow from the - C6 mot anh h6ng ban ehi~u mO nhat
aerobics /eo'raobrks/ bal top th~ urc. sunset: khi m~t trai I~n.
th'; due tham my

..c.;fi~ 11
- Alas, in practice, the after-care of
elderly patients leaves a great deal
- Oi, thuc te viec cham s6c benh nhan
Ian tu5i sau khi di~u tr] con lai qua

after- IV•. v~ 9 't~ .. s.....•••c,,4vrn/4~ to be desired. -

Dual day 16OV[
nhi~u dieu d~ lam .

d!,P'cac tV co cung dong nghia :

after-care I'o:ftakeal Sl,fcham s6c sou after-image fo:fta rmrdy dLl onh .
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : thol glan dleu trl afterpain fo:fta peml chUng dou tll

after- ket hop voi ~ chi hanh dong hoac su' kien de' tao thilnh tinh tu. after-effeds fo:fta r'fekts/ hOu QUo. cung hOu son

Tinh til' diroc tao thanh theo each nay dilin ta mot dieu gi 06 xay ra sau mot dl chung aftershock fa:fta fokl dLl chon
hoat dong hoac sir kicn C,I thi ma diroc dinh ro trong tinh tU fiy. Vi du nlur after~/ow fo:fta glau! 6nh hong ban after-smell fo:fta smel/ mui d~ IQi

cac hoat dong "after-school" dien ra khi cac gia hoc trong ngay dil ke't thiic: ban chleu aftertaste fo:fta terst/ du vi
uong thirc uong "after-dinner" sau khi da iin bua toi. Cae III eo dQng nghJa knsc:
- After-school play centres are volu- - Cac trung tam vui choi ngoai gia hoc afterbirth fo:fta b3:91 nhau (dinh vol afterthought l'o:fta90:t/ dieu dLlqc suy
able for all children. rat hall ich d6i vai tat cil cac em. thai nhl) nghi hay th~m voo sou do
- We had an after-dinner drink in the - Chung toi di nhau sau baa toi (j m9t afterlife fo:fta larf/ kl~p sou afterward fo:ftawadl sou co
bar. qu.i n nrou, aftermath fo:ftamre91 hOu QUO afterwards fo:ftawadzl sou <;16
... the inadequate provision of after- - ... su cling ung khong d~y du rua C~C afternoon fo:fta'nu:n1 ou61 chlau afterworld fo:ftaw3:ldI kl~p sou
sales service. dirh vu h~u mai. aftershave /u.ftasherv/ thuoc thoa

.{+t eM.
dung sou khl CQOrOu r . "J
Duoi day 16Vi dwc6c tV co cung dong nghia : '"t'rAAAJ _

fa:fta'dma(r)1 sou khi an after-sales fo:fta serlz/
after-school fo:fta skol/
hOu mot
sou khi tan
b -age N. ~ ~(f-' q IV W
after-hours I'a:fta 'aua(r)zI sou glo hQC 1. MOT TIEN T~ HAY MOT TR~NG THAI: \~ -{l,..a..
lam viec after-work fo:fta ws.k/ sou glo lam
- age ke't hop voi oong til', danh tll va tinh tU de' tao thanh danh tll moi. Cac
after-lunch fo:fta IAntf! sou khl an true vl$c
tll duoc tao thanh bang each nay o~ cap den mN ti€n trlnh. mot ke't qua cua

tien trinh, hoac mot tri,lng thai. Vi du, hI "leakage" co thi chi v~ m(lt qua trinh DuOi dOy 16 c6c tV c6 cung dong nghTa :
ro ri hose \'~ chin long hoac khf thoat kMi m(lt btnh chti'a khi no b] h&; "shortage"
tonnage ftAmdy trong luQng. trong tal
stit di. tr\lng khi khong c6 di] v~t gl, hay st! cling cfip m(lt thti' gl bilt d~u gi<im acreage felkarldy dl~n tleh
·tlnh Mng t6n
footage ffutldy ehl~u dol tinh bllng b¢
litreage fli:tarldy lit dOn vi do luong voltage fvavltIdy dl~n op
- Our fuel was almost gone due to a - Nhien /jell h~u nhVc;;In kiet chi vi mot yardage fja:dldy 56 do bllng yard
mysterious leakage from the contain- ro rl kh6 hi€u nilo do cua blnh chCta. mileage fmalhdy tOng 56 d~m dO c1I
percentage Ipa'sentldy tll~ ph6n trOm (don VI do luong: 1 yard = O.914m)
poundage fpaundldy SI,J tinh tt~" theo
- The South-east has already been hit - Wing Dong Narn A d.i bl khon don
glO trj bang Anh
by a shortage of skilled labour. biii thieu lao dong Janh ngh~.
Cae tll cO d~ng nghia khlfle "
- All breakages must be paid for. - T.rl ca cac hang bi va phili dVc;1cthilnh
manage fmremdy quan IV
to-in duo advantage Jad'vo:ntldy IQIdl~m
anchorage frerpr.,andY SI,J tho neo massage fmreso::/ SI,J xoo b6p
- When buying material allow 10 per - Khi mua vai phili them 10% vao phJn message fmesldy thOng dl~p. tin nh6n
cent extra for shrinkage. viii rut J;;Ii. average frevandy mue trung binh
orphanage f'J:famdy v1~n m6 eOI
baggage fbreg1dy hOnh IV
outrage fautreldy SI,J xuc phorn
Duo; day 10 rnI,JC tv c6 cung dong nghia : bandage fbrendldy bOng
package fprekIdy kl~n hang
assemblage la'sembhdy barrage 'Q.rero:y d¢P nuae
passage fpresldy s\) dl qua
carriage fkrendy xe ng\)a
patrollage fpretramdy 51) baa trQ
coinage fk:lImdy d6ng xu
peerage fpI9ndy t6ng lap quv toe
cottage fkotldy nho nho. nho I~u
pilgrimage fpdgrlmldy cuec hanh
damage fdremldy SI,J hu hal
disadvat,tage Idlsad'vo:ntldy b6t IQI
postage fpaustldy bW phi
dosage fdavs1dy lI~u luQng
sewage fSjU:ldy roc. nuae thai
garage 'grero:y go ro
sewerage tSju:andy h~ th6ng c6ng
garbage fgo:bldy roc
vicarage fVlkaridy too cha sO
hostage fhostldy can tin
language flrel)gwldy ngOn ngu .village fV11Idy ngOllang
luggage flAgidy honll IV
O( \

1 :'!:~~~'~"'~~" "soil" (M'I hay "ag rl<ul""," (nOn.

nghiep). Vi du nhu "agrochemicals" la cae h6a chat nhu cac 10\li-thu6c tr\1 silu
dung trong nong nghiep: "agrology" la m~ mOn hoc v~ da't va nang suat cua
- ... so d~m dVGng xap x] CUil ca cuoc
h;,nh trlnh. Duoi dOy 10 rnuc tV c6 cung dQng nghta : .

- Moin hinh mau van h.lnh f:J (lien Jp cuu v6 d6t dal tllln quan d~n san
agrochemical la'gro'kemlkll hOa ch6t
cao hon man hinh den tr;'lng. luQng cuo rnuo 'N : thO nhuang hOC
dl~t sou oo dung trong nOng nghl~p
agronomist la'gronamlst! nhe nong hoc
C.ic ong d~n d~u dn chiem It di¢n agrology la'grolad3I1 mOn chuven
tfch va c6 Ih€ se dVc;1cchon hg.1m npu ngonh hep cue mOn khoo hOC nghilln
agronomy la'gronamil nong nee
Ih,i'y dn thiel.

-aholic, -oholic
N _~L-fk
V 0 l..o Uc,
.::? IV: ~~ ~ ....._. .. , environmental pollution and the _ ... sI,I 0 nhi~m
moi truong va 51,1 C<1n
8 erosion of natural resources. kiel d~n cac ngu6n I~i nguyen thien
-aholic hay -oholic co ngu6n goc tll' chu "alcoholic", mo ta mot nguai nghien nhieu.
nrcu. - ... mOl hiep uOe d~ giam bot nguy co
.. , a treaty to reduce the risk of ac·
. -aholic ket h,S4Lvai danh Jg, va _dong tU M tao thanh danh tll: mai'. Danh tu rui ro xily ra chien Iranh hat nhan,
Cidental nuclear war.
diroc tao nen M cap den m¢t ngl(O'i nao do dn co, .!Jlu6n duo~, hoac thich mot - MOl v~i Irang phuc nguai ta m~c I~
Some of the clothes worn were no-
st.( v~t Cl) th~ nilo do den nt'ii ngl(O'i ~y nhu th~ bi "nghien" 51! v~t tren. Vi du: qu6e phuc,
tional costume.
mot "chocoholic" Iii mot nguoi khong ngot <'incI~late; ffi¢t "workaholic" Iii 1';6t - ... 51,1 thuc hien chuc vu 16ng thong
... the performance of his preslden·
nguoi ma i me cong viec va bo hau het thai gian vao chuyen lam viec. cua ong ay.
tial duties.
Cach viet: Danh tt.f tao nen W clur "chocolate" la "chocoholic". DUoi day 10 vi du coc tU c6 cunq dQng nghio :
» Nell chu Y rlillg ta co thl tt;lO ra tit mai bhl/g cdch lIi1y. [{ic tz( duac tao
SOllg, accidental I,reksl'dentl/ tinh co. rul ro musical Imju:Z1kll thu¢c Om nhcc
thzfl'll/g mallg nghia thOl/g t\lC (informal) vii co f hili huac. Rift it tit duoc dimg additional la'dIJanll tMm voo national InreJnall thu¢c qu6c glo
tlrlfcfIlg Xl/yell. classical Iklreslkll c6 cll~n occasional la'kel3anll thlnh thoong
- We've become a nation of choco- - Chung ta da bien thanh mot quee gia continental I,kontl'nentll thu¢c Il,ICclio oriental 1,:>:rI'entll thu¢c phvong DOng
holies. elirl cac born - soccla, conuentional /kan'venjanl/ theo t¢p original la'nd3anll g6c. bon cl6u
- A cashaholic is someone who's hope' - K(', ham lien Iii nguai thKt vong vi lien. qucn ornamental I,:>:na'mentl/ cl~ trong
less with money. conuersaiional l,konva'seIJanll thuOc hoong
- The author describes hzmself as a Lie gia 11,1bach rnlnh Ii! mot nguai clam thool parental /pa'rentl/ tinh thvong
writaholic. nghien viet. cynical ISInIkll hool nghl philosophical l,fIla'soflkll thu¢c v~
departmental I,di:pa:t'mentll thu¢c trl~t hoc
Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghio : khu honh chlnh political /pa'htrkl/ thu¢c v~ chinh tr]
bookaholic Iboka'hohkl ngVOinghi$n th6y cl61tin tuc educational l,ed3u'keIJanll thu¢c gi60 presidential l,prezl'denj1/ thu¢c T6ng
s6ch shopaholic I'Jopahohkl ngvoi nghl$n dl,lC th6ng
cashaholic IkreJaholIkl ngvoi ml! tlt'ln. muo s6m emotional /r'maojanl/ xuc d¢ng professional Ipra'feJanll cnuvsn
h6m tien workaholic /ws.koholrk/ ngvoi ml! enuironmental Im,valaran'mentll nghl~p
chocoholic ItJokahohkl ngvoi nghl$n 10mvl$c thu¢c mOltrV6ng regional Iri:d3anll thu¢c khu vvc clio
so-co-to uiritaholic /wrartoholrk/ ngvoi nghi$n experimental IIk,sperI'mentl/ due phvong
netosaholic Inju:zahohkl ke luOncom vl~t tr~n thl nghl$m residential l,rezI'denj1/ c6 dOn cllnhcu
[anatical /fa'neetrkl/ nhl$t tinh sceptical IskeptIkll hool nghl
c; -at
1. MOl aUAN H~ :
N- .i. '7 iJ!J ~ {U;J~ geographical l,d31a'grreflkll thu¢c vt'l
sensational /ssn'setjanl/ 10mch6n cl¢ng
sentimental I,sentl'mentl/ thu¢c vt'l
global Iglaobll kh6p th~ glol tinh com
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : gouernmenial I,g,wn'mentl/ thu¢c vt'l statistical /sta'trstrkl/ thu¢c vt'lth6ng
-al ket hop vai cac J.'li!n!L!.l(E£ nen tinh tlt'. Tinh tu tao thanh b~ng each nay chlnh phu k~
di~n I<i mot su' viec nao do co quan h~ den su' v~t ma danh hI goc neu len. Vi historical /hr'storrkl/ thu¢c v~ lich su traditional /tra'drjanl/ theo truytlm
du: cac van de 'environmental' thi lien quan den moi truong: mot dieu gi d6 institutional l,mstl'tju:Janll thu¢c th6ng
'accidental' ttrc dieu ay xay ra tlnh co'. cllnhch.~.t6 chuc transitional Itrren'Z1Janli chuy~n ti~p
logical l'lod3Ikll hop Iy vocational /vao'keijenl/ lI~nquan cl~n
Cach viet: Thurmg thi 'ical' dt.tQ'c thay cho chu.L cuoi hon Iii -al. Thinh
. mechanical /rm'keenrkl/ thu¢c v~ co khf nght'l nghl~p
thoang 'ial' diroc dung thay vi -aI, di\lc biet v,"'i nhirng danh tU co t~n cung Iii
.ss: £r.' va 'cnt, -t it:l{
:> Chu y rang ;I! luc ktt /ulp uoi lillh Iii lall elmg Mllg '-ie' d€'JE£. tinh iii mai mineral tmmaraV khoang v¢t sandal tsrendV dep
co dmg IIghfa. V[ du, Iii 'comical' d&lIg IIghfa l'ai comic; 'electrical' co nghia II/i" minimal /'mrrurnl/ t6i thi~u several tsevraV m¢t vol
electric. normal tno:mV thOng thuong signal tSlgnaV d6'u hl~u
He filled the frequent silences with Anh ay Ia'p nhung khoang tr6ng im personal tp3:sanV co tinh coch co special tspej1l d¢c bl~t
comical anecdotes. I~ng thllong xuyen b~ng cac mifu nhOn verbal tV3:bV bOng 161n61
chuyen vui. provisional /pra'vrjanl/ tom thoi
... two small electrical screwdrivers. - ... hai cai xiet dinh vit dien nh6.
He smiled a friendly, slightly ironical - 6ng ta clloi mot nu clloi than thien c6
In . - tJ

2. CHI HANH eONG V - ~

/ => ,.".~ pha chut cham biem;ry

I V •

,j. .~
1UtI~ all- aM- L N· ~-:; tt~' '.1-
-al ke't hdp voi dong tu ~ thanh~. Danh tu 10\1inay <;hihanh dong~ 1. CHI MOT Vi!.T HAY MOT CHA¥:
Qua trinh rna dong hI n6i de'n. Vi du, mot 5\( 'denial' la mot I(li tll' ch6i chuyen • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
gl d6 nhir loi buoc toi: 51! 'withdrawal' cua m¢t chuyen nao d6 1.1moto..qua trinh all- ke't hop voi danh tll' va tinh tu t\10 thanh tinh tu rnoi. Tinh tu moi nay di~n
hay hanh dong nit lui khoi chuyen [yo tii mot sir v~t nao <;16chi g6m mot vat mang toan b¢ dieu ma danh tll' n6i dc-n,
The New York Evening Post reported - To bao The New York Evening Post hoac S\I' v~t Sy chi co nhung pha'm chi!'t rna tinh hI gee mieu hi. Vi du, ne'll m¢t
Sherman's denial of the accusation. d.i dang loi tU ch6i rnoi buoc toi cua xa'p va i 'all-wool', co nghia 1.1n6 duoc det W len ra ma thoi: ncu m(\t nh6m
Sherman. ngll'oi 'all-male', thi nh6m ngubi nay chi toan la dan ong .
... the Cuban withdrawal from An· - ... su rut lui CI:'a quan doi Cuba ra khdi That sweater was aI/-wool. - Chiec 010 a'y duoc may hoan loan
gala. Angola. tu len.
Twelve employees made a complaint - MIIOi hai nhan cong d.i khieu nai v~ . the ail-eiectrtc, automatic kitchen. ... nha ber loan d6 di('n Il,I dong .
of unfair dismissal. viec sa thai bat congo
... the creation of an aI/-volunteer - ... viec cho ra doi mOl doi quan hoan
... a gradual renewal of links with - ... ~l,Itai I~p d~n cac m6i lien he vdi army. toan tinh nguyen.
the mainland. dal li~n.
- ... an aI/-steel umpire's chair. - ... mOl chlec ghe trong lid roan
DUoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cunq d<;mgnghia: b:,ng thep.
avowal la'vauaV sl,/ thuo nh¢n. SV thu disavowal l,dIsa'vauaV Sl,I·tUchol DUoi day 10 VI du ccc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
nh¢n dismissal /drs'mrsal/ sl,Iglol ton
bestowal /br'steoal/ sl,/ t¢ng. sl,/ cho portrayal Ipo:'trelaV su vt'! chOn dung all-acrylic 10:I akrrlrk/ toon v¢t Ii$u all-rubber 10:1 rhba(r)1 toon 10 coo su
'betrayal /br'trersl/ sl,/ phon b¢1 reneuial /rr' sl,/toi I¢p t6ng hop all-star 10:1 sta:(r)/ toon 10 ngOI soo
burial tbenaV vl~c mo cnov, vl~c rental IrentaV sl,/ cho thut'!; tlen nho all-action 10:I rekfan! toon hoot cl¢ng all-steel 10:1 sti:V tocn 10 thep
chon c6t unthdraural IWlo'dro:aV sl,/ trl$t tbocl. all-aluminium 10:I reljumlnIarnl t'i'0n all-union 10:1ju:njan! toon nghl~p

committal /ka'mttl/ su uv thoc su rut lui nhOm doon

denial /dr'naral/ sl,/ khUoc tU all-black /0:1 bleek/ teen mou den all-uolunteer 10:1 volsn'trerrl/ toon 10
all-cash /0:1 krefl toon tien met ngudl tinh nguy~n
Cae tLl e6 d;;mg fighTs khSe:
all-electric 10:1 rlektrrk/ toon 10 cli$n all-white 10:1 hwart/ toon 16 tr6ng
banal /ba'no.l/ t6m thuong incidental /msr'dentl/ ng6u nhlt'!n all-female 10:1 frrnerl/ toon 10 gi6ng cot all-woman 10:1 'woman/ toon 10 clan
canal /ka'neel/ kt'!nh doo internal /m' a phio trong all-grey 10:1 greil toon rncu xorn bo
editorial l,edI'to:naV boi xO lu¢n marshal tmo:j1I nguyen so6i all-male 10:1 merl/ toon 10 gi6ng cll,/c all-wood 10:1 wud/ toon 10m bOng g6
impartial IIm'po:j1I cOng bOng medical tmedlkV ve y kt1~0 all-new 10:1 nju:1 moi noon toon all-wool /0:1 wuV toon 10m bOng len


2. CHi MOl KIEU LO~I : AtJ- N ~ A-J'
J ~I
DUoi day 10 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghia:
all-absorbing IJ:I ab'so.bnj/ h6p thu all-enueloplno IJ:I 'envalapnj/ boo
all- ke't hop voi danh tll" tao thanh tinh tU'. Cac tinh tU' loai nay dien ta m.;'>tsl! t2it ~a bee noon teen
v~t nao do thlch hop hoac bao g6m rnoi bieu loai cua mot v~t cu the. Vi du, all-conquering IJ: I 'koqkarnj' chlnh all-giuing hi 'glVll)f cho Mit
mot san b6ng 'all-weather' e6 th€ duoc Slf dung cho moi thai tie't; mot loai keo phvct6tco all-inclusiue IJ:I m'klusrv/ boo g6m
da nang 'all-purpose' c6 th€ dung cho bat Cll loai sl~a chira nao. all-consuming IJ: I ks'sjornnj/ tleu thv t6t co

- It has an all-weather pitch which will - N6 c6 mot san thi dau choi duoc trang h~t all-invading hi m'verdnj/ bOnh
be used for the cricket event. rnoi thai tiet se duoc dung cho rnon all-demanding IJ:I dr'mcndnj/ c6 nhu truang kh6p nol
cricket. cou coo hon h~t all-knouting 10:1 nsonj' bl~t rO t6t co

- The campaign commanded all-party all-embracing /o.l un'brersnj/ don all-loving 10:1 IAVII)f yeu men mQI nguol
- Chien dich doi hoi su ung ho cua (lat
support. nh¢n t6t co all-pervading hi pa'verdnj/ too kh6p
cii cac phial loan dang.
all-encompassing /o.l m'kxrnpasnj' nol (rnul thorn) all-sports channel; with live -
... mot kenh truy~n hlnh chieu
boo g6m t6t co all-preuailing IJ:I prr'verlnj/ ph6 bi~n
broadcasts. loan th~ thao. g6m cac bu6i phat s6ng
all-ellgulfillg /0:1 m'gAlfll)f phu kfn kh6p netl
INc tiep.
DUoi day 10 ccc vi du tu c6 cung d(;mg nghia : noon toon all-seeing IJ:I si.nj' th6y rO mol v¢t

all-age IJ:I eldy c6 th~ SUdl,mg cho sU dl,mg val nhl~u muc dich Cae tU e6 d~ng ngh/a khae:
mol luo tu6i all-season IJ:I 'si:zn! c6 th~ SUdvng all-clear IJ:I 'kh<l(r)/ cot boo an all-night IJ:I 'nart/ hoot dOng su6t
all-function IJ:I 'fAl)kJn! c6 th~ sU cno mol moo all-day /o.l dell hoot dOng su6t ngoy. demo keo dol su6t dem
dvng cho mol chuc nang. t6t co coc all-sports h:1 sports/ c6 th~ sU dvng keo dOl su6t ngoy all-out I'J:t aut! sU dl,lng tOt co see
ben cho nhl~u 1001th~ tnoo all-fours IJ:I fJ:(r)zI bo (bang hoi toy rnonh vo IVc luqng
all-party IJ:I po:tll toon dang all-weather 10:1 'weoa(r)1 c6 th~ sU hol chOn) all-powerful IJ:I 'paoafl/ hoon tocn
all-purpose IJ:I 'ps.pas/ c6 th~ dvng cho mol tMi tiet all-important IJ:I rrn'po.tant/ noon rncnh me

3. TAc E>ONG E>EN MOl N.GlJOI HAY MOl Vi!.T·: I1f). _ V~~ IJ{j ~U toon quon trong
all-ill IJ:I 'In! boo g6m t6t co
all-round h:1 'raond/ chung: toon dl~n

all- ke't hop voi hi~n ta i phan tu tao thanh tinh tu di~n ta mot sJlv~t bao gom 1>...•..•
(chira dung) hay tac dong den moi nguoi, moi vat, vi du, neu ai do 'all-loving', ~ oJ..,-
thl ho yeu men rnoi nguoi: ne'u su' v~t nao do 'all-pervading', tue la n6 hien ~ -an
dien hay duoc earn nhan khdp noi a
m.;'>tch6 dac thu nao d6. ~; ; -an ket hop v6'i ~ tao nen cac tU' dit'!n ta ngu()i hoac sir v~t xuat xu
> Chu Y ritllg [lie fir dang Ilay thuang c6 tinh vffll chuang ho(lc rd't trang irong, Fa tU' dja danh ay. Vi du, mot nguoi 'American' Iii nguo-i den tu mroc My; loai
so' Ilay rd'! hie'm XLUn hi~11. nrou 'Australian' diroc san xuat (j ue.
- Mother presents herself as ail-loving. - Ngllai me gioi thieu mlnh la ngllai yeu each vle-t: -an thay cho tU' c6 chii' 'a' cu6i, '-ian' thay cho tU' c6 chii' 'v' cu6i.
m(:n mol ngll<1i. Khi ten dia danh c6 phu am cuoi, thl 'ian' dU(IC them vao cu6i tU'. a
An all-pervading dishonesty hung Mot hien urong gian tra rong khap cia ... an American airline pilo!. - ... mot phi cong hang hang khong
over our enterprise. Ian tran trang cong ty chung toi. Hoa Ky.
Her all-consuming passions were Ni~m say me tren het cua co ay 103 Among the journalists were two Rus- Trong s6 cac ph6ng vien c6 hai
kangaroos and rabbits. kangaroo va tho. sians. ngl(<1i Nga .
... the camera's all-seeing eye. ... con m~t thi1n cua chiec may quay - Many people these days prefer Italian Dao nay nhi~u ngll<1ichuong qll~n ao
phim. clothes. ki€-'u Y hen,

DUCti day 10 rnuc tU c6 cling dc;mg nghia: DUCtI dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cling d<;mg nghTa:
African I'refrlkanl ngu~1 chOu Phi European Ijoora'planl ngu~1 chOu Au acceptance /ak'septans/ Sl,/ch6p nh¢n endurance /m'djoarans/ sV chlu dl,/ng
Algerian lrel'd3Iananl ngu~1 AnglM Hungarian IhAIJ'gearlanl ngu~1 Hungarl admittance /ad'mrtns/ SV cho voo entrance I'entransl sV dl voo
American /s'merrksn/ ngu~1 My Indian I'mdlanl ngu~1 An f)¢ alliance /a'larans/ Sl,/lien mlnh guidance I'galdnsl SV huOng dOn
Angolan lreIJ'gaulanl ngu~1 AngOla Indonesian I,mda'ni:zlanl ngu~1 appearance la'plaransl Sl,/xu6t hlen. insurance Im'Jooransl su boo hl~m
Arabian /a'rerbren/ ngu~1 A r¢p IndOnexla b~ ngool maintenance /mertanans/ sV boo
Armenian la:'mi:manl ngu~1 Armenia Iranian /r'remran/ ngu~1 Iran assistance /e'srstans/ sl,/ glup ee quan. boo trl
Asian l'eIJnI ngu~1 cnou A Italian /r'tsslran/ ngu~1 Y assurance laJuaransl SV dam boo observance /ab'za.vens/ sV tucn theo
Australian /o'strerhan/ ngu~1 Oc Jamaican /dja'merken/ ngu~i Ja mai ca attendance la'tendansl sl,/ c6 m¢1 performance /pa'fa.mans/ sV trinh dl~n
Austrian I'ostrlanl ngu~1 Ao Jordanian Id3:>:'delmanl ngu~1 Glooc- clearance I'kharansl sl,/ don quang radiance I'reldlansl sl,/ rue re
Brazilian /bra'zrlran/ ngl1~1 Braxln danl defiance /dr'farans/ sv thOch thuc reliance I'rIiaIansl sV tin cev
Bulgarian Ibhl'gearlanl ngu~1 Bungerl Korean /ka'rran/ ngu~1 Trl~u TIen disappearance l,dIs'aplaransl sv bl~n resemblance In'zemblansl SVgl6ng nhau
Californian I,kreh'f:>:manl ngu~1 Libyan I'hblanl ngu~1 Ubi m6t resistance /rt'zrstens/ SVlch6ng Cl,/
California Nigerian /nar'djrarran/ ngu~1 Nigieria disturbance /dr'sts.bans/ sv qu6y d¢ng tolerance I'tolaransl SVtha thu
Cambodian I,krem'baudlanl ngu~1 Persian I'p3:JnI ng~1 Ba Tu dominance I'dom'mansl sV chl~m W
Campuchia Russian I'rhJnI ngu~1 Nga th~ hen
Chilean IJlhanl ngu~i Chi Ie Scandinavian l,skrendI'nelVlanl ngu~i
Cuban I'kju:banl ngu~i Cuba Xcandlnavo 2. DUNG VOl TfNH TU :
Egyptian lI'd3IpJnI ngu~1 AI C¢p Sicilian /sr'srhan/ ngu~1 Sicilia • CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI :
Ethiopian l,i:9I'auplanl ngu~1 ~tlOpla Syrian I'sIrIanl ngu~1 Xlrl -ance thay th€ 'ant' (} cu6i tfnh tU' tao thanh danh ta, di~n hi tlnh trang hoac
So vst lu~t ehung eo vei ngofJi I~. Dl1ci dAy la muc tCl M't quy Me: tlnh chflt dli<;1ctfnh tu mieu hi. Vi du, 'arrogance' Iii d!lc tfnh cua 'arrogant' (kieu
ding); 'elegance' Iii tinh chflt cila 'elegant' (thanh tao).
Argentinian l,a:d3an'tlmanl ngu~1 Moroccan /ma'rokan/ ngu~1 Ma r6c
Achentlna Norwegian /nc.wi.djan/ Ngu~1 Na Uy - 'l ought to be chief. ' said Jack with - 'Toi phiii lam lanh dao,' Jack n6i v(ji ve
Belgian I'beld3anl ngu~1 BI Palestinian I,prela'stmlanl ngu~1 Palextln simple arrogance. kieu cang khong hon khong kern,
Canadian Ika'neldlanl ngu~1 Canada Ukrainian Iju:'kreInIanl ngu~1 U-kral-na - The table was laid with more ele- - Chi€c ban dVQc bay bien v(ji ve Ihanh
gance than usual. lich hon mol khi,
-ance She accepted his gifts with some re- - Co ~y nh~n qua I<lng cua h~n ta v(ji
luctance. mOl ve mi~n cVong.
1. VOl eONG TU :
-ance k~t hop vOi mot vai dong tu tao thanh cac danh tu chi hanh dong, qua trlnh - A matter of overwhelming impor· - MOl chuyen 16i quan trong da xiiy d€n
tance occurred to him'. v(ji anh la.
hoac trang thai mil dong hI" fly neu len, Vi du, 'admittance' Iii hanh dong vao hay
duoc cho phep vao mot noi nao d6, 'observance' la qua trinh quan sat vilt nao d6. OOy 10 c6c tCI c6 cling dong nghTa:
each vitt: 'ate' dung culli diroc thay bang -ance. abundance la'bhndansl sv phong phu exuberance IIg'zju:baransl SVh6 hal
- A dozen officers stood at the front - MOl I~ si quan dung a tnroc c6ng cho arrogance I'reragansl tfnh kl6u ngQo fragrance I'freIgransl hUang thorn
porch, waiting for admittance. dVQc vao, brilliance I'bnhansl SVsOng ch61 ignorance hgnaransl SVngu d6t
- ... Rothermere's obseruance of the - ... qua trlnh quan sat sao ch6i cua elegance I'ehgansl trnh thanh Ilch importance /rm'po.tns/ SVquan trong
comet. Rothermere,
extravagance /rk'streevaqens/ sV insignificance l,msIg'mflkansl sV
phung phf khOng dang k~
- ... his meek acceptance of the insult. - ... SlI nh~n nhuc cha'p nh~n b] sl nhuc
cua anh ta.

intemperance /m'temparans/ sl,/ predominance /prr'dnmmans/ su attendant /a'tendant/ nguol phuc VI,J immigrant I'ImIgranti nguol nhop cu
khOngdl~u d¢ chl~m uu th~ hem claimant I'klelmantl nguol dol y~u informant /rn'fo.mant/ ngual cung
intolerance /m'tolarans/ su khOng preponderance Ipn'pondaransl su trQI seen. kl$n doi bel thuang c6p lin tac
dungthu hon 'combatallt I'kombatantl ngu'" chl~n si inhabitant /m'heebrtsnt/ ngu"l cu tru.
inuariance /m'vearrans/ sl,/khOngdOl reluciance /rr'lsktans/ sl,/ml~n cu"ng consulrant /kan'sxltant/ ngual c6 v6n dOn cu
irrelevance /r'relavans/ sl,/khOng"~n repugnance In'pAgnansi sl,/6c com contestant Ikan 'testan tI thi sinh occupant I'okjupantl nguOIchl~m giG
quon significance /srq'nrfrkans/ Sl,/quon trQng defendant /dr'fendont/ bl coo
° participant /portrsrpant/ ngualthom
petulance I'petjulansl sl,/no~g nay oigilauce /vrdjrlans/ SV conh gl6c
dependant /dr'pendant/ ngu"ll$ thu¢c dl,/
Cae tU co dQng nghia khae: descendant /dr'sendant/ ngual n61dol seruant I's3:vantl nguol O. day to
accordance /a'ko.dsns/ sl,/thoo thuon inheritance /m'herrtans/ sl,/thuo k~ emigrant l'emIgranti ngual dl cu
acquaintance /a'kwemtsns/ su quen bl~t instance I'instansl thi dl,J
allegiance /e'li.djens/ long trung thanh renaissance /rr'nersns/ sl,/phuc hung }> Cilll Y rtillg 'confidant' kl16f1g phdi la flgwi giiii /Jily tiim su nhuug loi Iii flgllffi duac
allouiance /a'laoans/ Mn Ira c6p surueillance /sa.verlans/ sl,/gl6m s6t ngua! kluic giiii bay.
appliance /a'plarsns/ de phl,Jtung uengeance /vendjans/ su boo thu
2. CHl V~T GAy TAc DONG:
grievance I'gri:vnsl '''' phon non
-ant ket hop vOi dong tu t<;10thanh danh tU chi m¢t v~t hay met chat gay anh
Anglo- huong C~I the nao d6. Vi du, 'coolant' Iii mot chat 16ng dung d~ lam nguoi may
khi may dang hoat d¢ng; 'pollutant' la cha't gay 0 nhiem moi tnrong.
Anglo- c6 trong cac tll c6 nghia bo ph~n la 'England or Britain' (nuoc Anh). Vi
... a refrigerator using a new 'ozone - .. _ m¢t chiec tu lanh dung mot loai
du, cac moi quan h~ 'Anglo-American' Iii cac moi quan h~ giUa mrcc Anh vii
ruroc My. friendly' compound as its coolant. hop chat mai khong gay hai cho t~llg
ozone lam ch;!t giam nhiet.
-ant Is there some additiue or pollutant - Trong nuac u6ng c6 chat phu gia hay
1. CHi NGHE NGHI~P vA SV THAM GIA: in your water? ch~'t gay 0 nhiem khong?
-ant ket hop voi dong tu t<;10nen danh tu chi ngucri nao lam mot viec cu th~ He wiped the table with disinfectant. - 6ng ta lau ban bang thu6c tily.
nao d6. Vi du, mot 'assistant' la nguO'i tro giup cho nguO'i khac: mot 'contestant' Economic issues are the main deter- - Cac va'n de kinh te la yeu 16 quyct
}a ngucri tham gia thi dau trong mot cuoc thi hoac thi tuy~n. minant of political atutudes. dinh ve thai do chinh trio
each vittI -ant thay chonr t~n cung bang 'ate', 'y', hay 'e', DUoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia ;
- She was now the assistant cook in - Co;!y giG day Iii d~u bep phu trong accelerant /ak'selarant/ may glo t6c determinant /dr'ts.mmsnt/ y~u 16
the house. nha.
contaminant /kan'termnant/ ch6t 16m ouver dinh
- The first prize will be awarded to the - GiAi nha't se danh cho thi sinh nao chi
o nhl~m disinfectant l,dIsm'fektanti thu6c Idy
contestant who correctly identifies ra rhfnh xac nhung nhan v~t nii'itieng.
coolant I'ku:laontl ch6t glom nhi$t ue
the famous personalities.
decongestant l,di:kan'd3estantl thu6c lubricant l'lu:brIkanti ch6t bOItron,
... a participant in a. radio ... mQt nguGi tham chI cturong trlnh
pro· -
thOng mOl dau nhon
gram me about writing. viet van tren dai phat thanh.
defoliant I,di:'fauhansl ch61 gOy rl,Jng pollutant /pe'lu.tant/ ch6t gOy 0 nhi~m
- The officer gaue the attendant a - Vien si quan da vo vai than mat nguai
16 sealant I'si:l;intl chot ch6ng ro rl
hearty slap on the back. phuc VI).
depressant /dr'presant/ thu6c glom
DUoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia.
accountant /a'kaontant/ k~ toon vl~n assailant /a'serlant/ ngu'" t6n cOng
applicant I'replIkanti nguol xlnvl$c assistant /a'srstant/ ngu'" tro Iy


3. LAM riNH ru. OLIo! day 10 muc tU c6 cling dong nghTa :
-ant ct1n~ co trong cac tinh tt!, nhieu tll trong 506 nay duoc tao nen tll cac gee anthropocentric l,cen6rapa'sentrlk/ anthropomorphism l,renOrapa'm:>:flzaml
tll' kh6ng e6 trong cac tll tie'ng Anh hien dung. . (hoe thuy~t ... ) xem ngUell 10 trung tOm thuy~t phong theo hlnh ngUelj
OOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cling dc;mg nghia : anthropoid fren6rapDld/ vucn ngUell misanthropy Irms'ren6rapIi long ghat
anthropologist l,ren6ra'polad3Istl nhO ngUell
abl/lUtallt /a'bxndent/ phong phO indignant /m'drqnant/ corn phOn
nhOn 1001hoc philanthropic l,fIian'6roplk/ nhOn due
adamant fcedamant! cung rOn. QUO instant fmstantl I¢p Wc
anthropology l,renOra'polad3fl nhOn philanthropist Ifl'lcenOraplstJ ngUell
QUy~t militant fmlhtantl chl~n d6u
1001hoe nhOn due
arrogant freragantJ kl6u ngoo pleasant fplezntl vul va
anthropomorphic l,renOrapa'm:>:flk/ philanthropy Ifl'lren6raprl long nhOn
brilliant fbrlilantJ ch61101 pregnant fpregnantl c6 thol
thu¢e thuy~t phong theo hinh ngLlbI due
buoyant fb:lIanti n61 tr6n mot: sOl n61 redundant /n'dandant/ thua. du
constant fkonstantJ
distant fdlstant!
dominant fdommantl
kl6n dlnh
c6ch xa
tr¢1 hem
elegant fellgant! thanh Ilch
releuant frelavantl

significant ISlg'mfrkanti
tolerant ftolarantll<hoon
thich d6ng
reluctant /rr'lxktant/ mliln cuOng
dOy y nghTa
1. SI,I £>61 L~P :
< N
A~' ->~\~{ S
cxtrauagant /rk'strsevaqent/ Qu6 rnuc triumphant /trar'xmfnt/ chl~n thOng • CACH DUNG R¢NG R.AI:
ignorant t1gnarantJ ngu d6t vacant /verkant/ tr6ng. r6ng
anti- ke't hop voi danh tU' vii tfnh tll tao thanh cac tll di~n .ta ai do hoac viec
important /rm'po.tant/ quon trong
gi d6 doi I~p vCii sl! viec duoc d~ cap hoac mieu ta trong danh tll hoac tfnh tll

ante- ~ - /
Tr?Jc ~ ~~~ (Jv, ~ .
goc, Vi du, nguiYi nao do 'anti-war', nghla Iii nguoi ~y chong chien tranh; chu
nghla 'anti-colonialism' Iii clul nghIa cho r~ng chu nghla thtrc dan Iii sai lAm.
ante- xua't hi~n tron~ cac tlt co nghla .b(l p .!1 Iii 'before' (truoc, truCic khi), Vi - She had become involved, as a stu- - Khi con I~ hoc sinh, co dii c6 tham
du, ne'u m¢t viec nao d6 'antedates' viec khac, viec a'y xay ra hay co truCic sl! dent, in anti-racist movements. gia vao cac hoat dong ch6ng chu nghia
viec khac: mot 'anteroom' Iii mot can phong nho dung lam phong che'! tnroc khi cbung tee,
vao phong Ion, - •.. a big demonstration In town dur- - ... mot cuoc tu~n hanh l<'Introng thanh
Muon biet them v~ cac tll co nghla b(l ph~n I.,
'tnroc, tnroc khi', xem chuang ing the height 0/ the anti-war move- ph6 trong cao trao ch6ng chie'n tranh.
pre-. ment.
DLlClI dOy 10 muc tU c6 cling dong nghia : - An anti-EEC resolution was passed. - MOt nghi quye't ch6ng lai cong d6ng
antecedent I,centl'si:dntl vot a truoe antediluvian l,amtIdl'lu:vlanl nguol kinh te' chau Au dii dl/fJC thong qua.
antechamber fcentltJelmba(r)/ phong e6 16 sf -' ... an 0/ the Interna· - ... cao trao qu6c te' ch6ng chu nghia
ngool ante-natal l,amtl'neltV tl6n sOn (truoe tional anti·apartheid campaign. apartheid.
antedate l,centl'deltJ d6 ngoy th6ng khl sinh) - ... the group which ran the anti-cen- - ... mOt nh6m ngllbi v~n dOng phong
101v6 truce. xoy ra nuec anteroom frentlruml ph6ng eho truce sus campaign In. 1985. trao ch6ng di~u tra d~n sO' vao nam
khl vco phong Ion 1985.

anthrop- ( Il!d _
anthrop- xullt h~
tll co nghla b(l phan la 'people (nguiYi, con ngu<'Yi).
. anti-abonion
DLlCli day 10 muc tU c6 cling dong nghTa :

I,rentl a'b:>:fnl SV eh6ng anti-apartheid I,rentl s'po.thart/

Vi du, 'anthropology' 13 men hoc v~ can ngum, xii h(li vii viln minh (nhan loai pho thai ch6ng ehu nghTa apartheid
hoc): 'philanthropic' organization Iii t6 chirc !ili tro vii giup do con nguiYi. anti-aggression I,amb a'greJnI sv a.nti-authority 1,lImtl :>:'6oratrl eh6ng
ch6ng xOm IUQe quy~n ItJe
> Chu y rtIllg anthrop- ciing c6 khi xuitl hiQIl iJ girra Iii.


anti-Britislt I,rentr 'brItIJI chong nlltJc anti-fascist l,rentI 'freJIst! chong ohot Mike'. brother, an inventor, was in Anh cua Mike, mot nha che 1(10, g~p
Anh Xlt trouble with the police because his phiii r~c r6i voi canh silt biJi vi thiet
allti-capitalist l,rentI 'kseprtalrst/ anti-government l,rentI 'gAvnmant! anti-ear-thief device was dangerous. bi chong Irom xe cua anh ta qua nguy
chong chu nghTa tll ban chong chlnh phu hi(m.
anti-catholic l,rentI 'kre9ahkl ch6ng anti-marriage l,rentI 'mrendy chong ... an anti-cholesterol drug. - ... thuoc ngua cholesterol,
"00 thien cnuo hOn nhOn
... anti-submarine torpedos. - . '" ngu loi diet tau ng~m .
anti-census I,rent! 'senses/ chong "Iilu anti-nuclear l,rentI 'nju.klreirl/ chong
- The anti-fraud unit had now been set - Don vi ch6ng lua dao cia dircc thiet
tra dOn so (SLIdvng nong ILJQng) hot nhOn
up. I~p.
anti-colonial l,rentI ka'loomal/ chong anti-racist l,rentI 'rersrst/ chong phOn
thl,1c don bl$t chung toc
anti-democratic l,rentI dr'mokrauk/ anti-religious l,rentI rr'lrdjas/ chong
OLIo; day 16 rnuc tU c6 cunq dong nghio :
chong che "0 dOn chu tOn giao
anti-discrimination l,rentI anti-uiuisection I,renti vrvr'sekjn/ anti-aircraft I,renti 'eekro.ft/ chong anti-fungal l,rentI 'fAngII ch6ng nom
drskrmu'nerjn/ chong su phOn blet chong glol phou song may bay anti-infection l,rentI m'fekJn! chong
anti-EiiC chong loi khoi cong "6ng anti-uar l,rentI w'J:(r)1 chong chien anti-bacterial l,rentI beek'trarral/ nhiem trung
klnh Ie" ChOu Au tranh chong vi khudn , anti-inflation l,rentI m'flerjn/ chong
anti-establishment l,rentI rstee'bhjrnant/ anti-burglar l,rentI 'b3:gla(r)1 chong 10m phot
chong loi su thiet lOp trorn anti-invasion l,rentI m'verjn/ chong
anti-cancer l,rentI 'keensatrj/ chong xOm IllQC

> Chu y rtfllg anti- cung thllflllg dlfl;1c dung veli tCIl ngua! theo each Ilay. ung thu anti-missile l,rentI 'mrsarl/ chong t~n
anti-car-thief l,rentI ka:(r)9i:£1 chong ILIa
The anti-Dukakis campaign has - Chien dich (cuoc v~n dong) ch6ng
Oukakis da 10 ra hieu qua nha't iJ bang trorn xe anti-pollution l,rentI pa'lujn/ ch6ng
in Texas.
worked most effectively
anti-cholesterol l,rentI ka'lestarol/ ° nhiem
chong cholesterol anti-rust I,rent! 'fAst! chong rl
... calls for an anti-Thatcher coali- ... keu goi I.}p (cjn phili co) mot lien
anti-coagulant l,rentI kao'eeqjolant/ anti-seasickness l,rentI 'si.srknrs/
tion. minh ch6ng Thatcher.
chong 16m "Ong coc chong say 56ng
Revolutionaries were trying to start (;Ie nha each m(lng clang co' giiy
anti-depressant l,rentI dr'presnt/ anti-suomarine l,rentI 'sxbmann/
an anti-Wilson movement in the phong trao hoat dong ch6ng Wilson chong xuong tlnh th6n . chong tau ng6m
party. trong dang. anti-fraud l,rentI 'fro.d/ chong gian Ion anti-tank l,rentI 'trel)k1 chong xe tong

r..J ;; .f) J anti-freeze I'rentI 'fri:zI chong "6ng


f}1J b 0
II jj
, r antihodu I'rentibodIl khOng th~
Cae tU e6 d{!ng nghTa khae :
antihero l,rentIhIarao/ nhOn vot phon
anti- ke't hop voi danh tlt va tinh tlt tao thanh cac tlt di~n hi mot sl! v~t nha m
anti-climax l,rentI 'klarmeeks/ "i~u dl$n
ngan ngira hoac huy bo su' vat khac. Vi du, loai 'anti-depressant' la loai thuoc
th6t vQng antimatter l,rentI'mreta(r)1 v6n"~
ngl~a e~ltng suy- nhuoc: loai vfi khi 'anti-tank' Iii 10\1ivu khi duoc thie't k€ ·d~
anti-clocktuise l,rentI 'klokwarz/ "I ,,61 khang
chong xe tang.
ngllQC chiilu kim "Ong hO antiseptic l,rentI'septIkI chat khLl trung
He no longer takes anti-depressants - 6ng ta khong con u6ng thuoc ch6ng anti-cuclone l,rentI 'sarklaon/ gl6 antithesis lren'ti9asIs! su ,,61 nghlch
or tranquillizers. suy nluroc va Ihu6c an Ih~n nua, xoov nghlch


W-t/~ _ The arch-sinner. deserving the most - NgLloi c6 toi n~ng nha't, dang lanh Sl/
. horrible punishment in Christian the- trung phat thich dang nha't theo thuye't
aqua- c6 trong cac tll' co nghia b¢ ph~n Iii 'water' (mroc). Vi du, 'aqualung' Iii Thien Chua giao. Iii ludas lscariot.
ory, was Judos Iscariot.
dung cu cung cap dtl'ang khf cho tho I~n khi ho I~n; 'aquarium' la mot bon chira
ruroc Ian bang thu y tinh dung de' nuoi ca. Duoi day 10 rnuc tu c6 cunq dong nghia :

Dlloi day 10 danh ml,JctU c6 cunq dong nghia : arch-capitalist I,a:tf 'keeprtaltst/ nho arch-manipulator I,o:tf ma'nrpjolertalrj/
~--------------~ tu bon chlnh y~u nglloi 161keo ngllol khOc theo chu y
aqualung l\ekwaL\Iy binh hdl thQ I~n
arch-communist I,a:tf 'komjumstl nho cuo minh
aquarium la'kweanam/ h6 co conh
c¢ng son chinh arch-opponent I,a:tf a'paonantl d61
aquatic la'kwretlkl thu¢c v~ thuy son
------ arch-enemu I,a:tf 'enamil ke tnu thu s6 m¢t
arch-rebel l,a:tf'rebV ke nOlloon chinh

arch- 4rcL -IV ( ~---..~4 kh6ng d¢1 trol chung

arch-exploiter r,a:tf eks'pl:nta(r)/ arch-rival l,a:tf'raIVV d6l thu s6 m¢t

1, CHi NGOI THU CAO: Wl"? ~ +i-~/,u:rtc ngllol b6c I¢t chinh
arch-fiend I,a:tf 'fiand/ con quy: nglloi
toy trol
l,o:tf'sma(r)1 ke c6 t¢1

arch- ke't hop voi danh tlt chi tiroc vi trong gi(~i quy t6c/hay Irong giao h¢i M arch-traitor l,a:tf'trelta(r)1 ke phon
tan oc. nglloi hay oho phocn. gay kh6
t,1O nen danh tU mol. Danh tu du'qc tao thiinh chi nhitng ngu'ai c6 dia vi cao b¢1 chinh
nhat. Vi du, 'archdeacon' Iii vi trQ' te' c6 vai vii cao nha't (tnrong te); 'archduke' arch-villain I,a:tf 'vdanl t~n c6n d6
lit mot ngtl'O'i trong giai quy t¢c c6 nrcc vi cao hon cong nroc, kh6n kl~p
- The archdeacon said'that cruelty to - Vi trllong te' n6i rilng su tan bao clai

animals was worse than ever be/ere.

... the assassination 0/ the Archduke -

voi Ihu v~1 Ira nen Ie hili clura tUng
.. , VI) am sat dai cong tLlac Ferdinand.
-archy ~Rk/q~
-archy c6 trong cac ttl' c6 nghIa b¢ phan la 'rule' (cai tri) hoac 'government' (cam
quyen), Vi du. 'political hierarchy' Iii m('>t nh6m ngu'c'ii c6 th~m quyen v~ mat
Duoi day 10 muc tU c6 cung dong nghia : chinh tri: 'oligarchy' Iii mot nh6m nho g6m nhirng ngu'c'ii dieu hanh m¢t t6 clute
archangel l'a:kemd3V tOng lonh Thl~n archduchess I'o:tfdhtflsl c6ng chuo hoac qu6c gia cu tht
than niroc Ao OOy 10 rnuc tU co dong dong nghia :
archbishop I,a:tfblfap/ tOng glom rnuc archduke l,a:tf'dju:kI hoOng tll nuoc
allarchy I'renakil tinh trong v6 cf>inh oligarchy l'olIga:kIl sl) th6ng tr] bol
archdeacon I,a:tf'di:kanl ph6 glom muc Ao,dolc6ngtllcc
phu m¢t nh6m It ngllol trong chlnh phu

hierarchy I'halaro:kIl su phon c6p patriarchy I'peltno:kIl ch$ d¢ gio

>- Chu y, chit 'ch' d,«!e plult alii II/llt trong til 'change' cho ta't cd cdc tit, tri: I!'t
matriarchy I'meltno:kIl ch~ d¢
'archangel' d,«!e phd! alii Iii 'k',
m6u h$ squirearchu I'skwalara:kIl glal c6p


• CACH DUNG RQNG'RAI : q,re-l- /
"rV.)-; ...1 ':!i/
~ ..l4'
3ft 'di~
~ I
monarchu I'monakil
ch~ d¢ quon chu

dia chu

Cl {~ .;Ip; <: vU: ~ ~?

f\. IV'/ )I'~ --01
arch- ke't hop v6'i danh tU chi nguai xa'u hay ng~i ch6ng ni 'i s\l' v~t nolo -arlan ~ L'3.v~ { '.'
do. M tao thanh danh tt'( moi. Danh tu du'51ctao thanh theo each nay chi ngu'O'i -arian xua't hien trong cac danh tU chi ra r~ng ngu'c'ii hoac v~t nao d6 co m6i
dai dien dac tnrng cho nhung gl danh tu g6c mieu ta. Vi du, ke 'arch-rival'. cua quan h~ vai mot su' viec cu th~ nao d6. Vi du, 'librarian' Iii ngu'c'ii lam viec trong
ban trong m¢t cu¢c thi da'u Iii dau thu mii ban mu6n ha nha't; 'arch-enemy' cila thu vien: mot 'vegetarian' Iii nguoi an chu y€u Iii rau qua bCti Ie ho khong dung
ai d6 Iii kc thu rigtiCli a'y ghet nha't. thit hay ca.


customary I'kAstamarii thOng thuang parliamentary I,pa:la'mentrii thu¢c
DL1C1jday 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghio :
dietary I'dalatarii che d¢ an u6ng nghj truong
agrarian la'grearlani ngual chu truong librarian /lar'brearran/ thu tbu disdplinary I'dISlphnarii ky lu¢t planetary I'plremtrI! thu¢c hanh tinh
chlo deu ru¢ng d6t parliamentarian I,pa:lamen'tearlanl discretionanJ l'dI'skreSan'arii lam the a precautionary /pri'kojanan/ d~
authoritarian lo:,9on'teanani ngual nghlsl
y minh phonq ngUo
dOc docn sabbatarian I,sreba'tearmnl ngUal
fragmentary /freeqrnantrt/ g6m probationary /prs'beijnrt/ dang trong
communitarian /knmjunt'tearran/ Thl(!n chuo gloo nghl ngay xc-bcr thai gion thu thoch
nhOng rnonh nhe
nguol c¢ng son sectarian /sek'teerran/ ngual be phol honorary I'onararii donh dV residuary /rr'zrdjoan/ cu. con IQI
disciplinarian I,dlsaph'neanani ngUal totalitarian I,tautreh'tearmnl nguai /t'meedymarr/ tuong tUQng rudimentary l,ru:dI'mentrii so b¢
co i<Y lu¢t
egalitarian h,greh'teanani ngual theo
dOc quyen.
coc tal
/'tesrran/ ngUoi theo
•... ,. imaginary
illflationary Im'flelSnrii gay IQm phot salutary I'sreljutrii bO ich
secondary I'sekandrii thO hol. phl,J
legendaru /'led3andrtl truyen thuyet
chu nghio binh d6ng thuy~t nh6t th~ momentaru I'maumantrii torn thai supplementary I,SAph'mentrii bO sung

humanitarian Ihju:,mrem'tearlani vegetarian l,ved31'teanani nguol an monetary I'JllAmtnl thu¢c tien t$ uoluntaru /volantn/ tv nguY$n

ngUoi nh<'in doo choy

libertarian I,hba'teanani ngual theo veterinarian /vetan'neanan/ thOy » C/ul y rdllg co nlQf 56' till II til f~1I dmg bal1g -ary hlnh thilllh fil I1hilllg g6'c hifll
chu nghio tv do thu6c thu y
kl!6l1g fl!6l1g dl:lIIg trong ficllg Allh.
I\J She had invented and imposed rou- _ Co ta da c6 tao ra r6i ap d~t cac I~
-ary V - (J..~ ~ A~' tine, but it seemed
arbitrary and su- thoi hang ngi'ly, nhung di~u do duong
nhu doc dean va nong can.
We cooked spinach pies and other _ Chung toi lam banh nhan rau bina va
-ary ke't hop voi danh tt'i'va c6 khi voi dong tu M tao nen tinh tU. Tinh tu duoc
cac rnon nau nurng ~hac.
thanh lap theotcach nay di~n hi nguoi hose vat c6 m6i quan h~, lien he, hay culinary delights.
c6 chung vai d<)cti~h voi cac su vat mil danh til' hoac dong tu g6c n6i den, Vi
du, neu ban n6i di~u gl mang tinh 'complimentary' voi ai, ban da t6 y khen
DL1C1jday 16rnuc tU co cunq dong c6u th6nh :
ngoi ho: con ne'u chuyen gl mang tinh 'imaginary', thl di~u d6 do nguoi ta tuong
nrong ra. ancillary /am'srlarr/ 1$ tnuoc mercenary I'm3:smarii ham IQI
- CU chi cua ong ta kheng co y xuc arbitraru I'a:bltrarii dOc doon military I'mlhtrii quOn d¢1
- His action is not insulting; it is meant
pharn: n6 chi c6 y khen ngoi. auxiliaru lo:g'zlharii bO tro necessary I'nesasarii con thlet
to be complimentary.
biliary I'bamarii dOi (kep) ordinary I'o:danrii thOng thUang
- ... an ineffable joy sometimes so mo- - ... mot cuoc vui chat ngat co hie chi
contemporary /kan'temprari/ duong prelimillary /pri'hmman/ mo dOu
mentary it almost goes unnoticed. thoang qua Mn do no troi di khong ai
primary I'pralmarii chu yeu. co ban
hay. thai
contraru I'kontrarii trol nguQc
proprietary /pra'praratrt/ c6 quyen
- He admired the troops rather as - Anh ta kharn phuc he) nhu nhirng ngutli
culinary I'kAlmartl vi$c n6u nuong sO huu
though they were legendary figures llnh huy~n thoai trang mot quy~n sach
extraordinaru hk'stro:dnrii IQ thUdng. sanitaru I'sremtrii seen se. v~ sinh
in a history book. lich suo
sedelltary I'sedntrtl ng61 mot chO
phi thuang
tantalizingly fragmentary - ... nhung m~u tin rai r(lC Mn phat urc. solitary I'sohtrii mot minh
hereditary /hr'redrtri/ ke truyen.
snatches of news. subsidiary /seb'srdron/ phu trc
di truyen
DL1C1jday 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia : temporary I'temprarii torn thai
incendiary /m'sendran/ d~ cncv
cautionary I'b:fananl conh coo complimentary I,komph'mentrii khen literary I'htararii thu¢c van chuong veterinary I'vetrmrii thu Y
complementary I,komph'mentrii bO ngQI


(iLdA'~ It will be possible to store large books
on a microchip and a whole library
- C6 th~ trll nhllng quy~n sach day trong
. mot mach vi xlily va ca
mot thu vien

-ary cling c6 trong cac danh hI, m¢t s6 danh til' loai nay chi ngirot. Vi du nhu in a space about the size of a paper- trong mot khoang dia c6 klch co bang

'missionary' La mot h6i vien ciia h¢i truyen giao: met 'adversary' cila ban La back. ciii bla sach, .
mot nglioi d6i kha~g vai ban hoac La nglioi c6 quan di~m ngiroc voi ban, ", a nurse in the infirmary. - ... mot y tii vien trong mot benh xa.
Duci Clay 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
- The missionary schools sought to - Cac tnrong dong 11m each lam ngLlai
produce converts to Christianity. khac theo dao, apiary felplarIl nno nuOI ong library fLalbrarIl thLl vl$n
aviary felvlarIl chu6ng chlm mortuary fmo:tJarIl nho x6c
- Wells was a great visionary, but not - Wells Iii mot nhil vien tLlang tUyet voi,
dispensary /dr'spensart/ phong kham penitcntiary l,pem'tenJarIl trot col too
visionary enough to foresee comput· nhung ong chua du vien tLlang d~ tha'y
b$nh vo phOt thu6c sanctuary fsreIJktJuarIl nol tOn nghl~m:
ers. trLIOC duoc SI/ ra dai cua may vi tinh.
granary fgrrenarIl kho th6c khu boo t6n
- ". his secretary, typist, clerk and - ... nhan vien thu ky, danh may, thu
infirmary /m' b$nh xo seminary fsemmarIl chung vl$n
book-keeper. ky van phong va nhan vien ke roan
Cae tU eo df)ng nghia kMe :
cua ong ta.
- Neither would launch an attack upon Ha rung khong tien hanh mot cuoc anniversary l,rem'v3:sarIl ngoy ky nl$m dictionary fdlkJanrIl tu dl~n
the homeland of its adversary. ta'n cong ngay tren dat d6'i phuong, boundary l'baundrIl dLlClng bien glOI 'documentary l,dokju'mentrIl phlm tal
burglary l'b3:g1arIl ngh~ trom demo su Ii$u
DLlCIi Clay 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghTa : an trorn estuary festJuarIl cuo song
bursary fb3:sarIl pMng tal V\,J:hoc bOng glossary l'glosarIl bong cno glol
actuary frektJuarIl chuy~n vl~n th6ng intermediary l,mta'mi:dlarIl ngLlClI
canary /ka'nean/ chlm been y~n itinerary /ar'tmoran/ honh trinh
k~ hoo glol. ngLlClItrung glan
capillary /ka'prlari/ moo qudn obitllllry la'bltJuarIl 101coo ph6
adversary fadvasarII d61 phLlong luminary flu:mmarIl danh nMn
centcnaru Isen'ti:narIl ngoy ky nl$m ovary fauvarIl bu6ng trung
antiquary frentIkwarII nM svu tOm missionary fmlJanrII ngvClI truyim
Ion thu 100 quandary fkwondarIl tinh th6 b61 r61
d6 cd glao
commentaru fkomantrIl bal binh lu¢n salary fsreLarIl tl~n 1110ng
apothecary la'po9akarII ngLlClI boo 1Iotary fnautarIl cOng chung vl~n
constabulary /kan'steebjolart/ urc ILlQng summary fSAmmarIl bol t6m tot'
ch~ thu6c prebendaru fprebendrIl glao sl dLlQC
cOng on tributary ftrlbjutrIl sOng nhanh. ph\,J ILlu
beneficiarq l,bem'fIJarIl ngLlClIth\,J hLlong loc thonh
hLlong . secretary fsekratrIl thLl kY
dignitary fdlgmtarIl ngLlClIquy~n visionary fVI3anrIl ngLlClIc6 y nghl
astr- c6 trong cac W c6 nghIa b6 phan la 'star' (tinh hi) hoac 'space' (khong
cao cbuc trQng khOng thuc t~
gian). Vi du, mot 'astronomer' La mot nha khoa hoc nghien cuu cac ngoi sao;
emissary femlsarIl phOl vl~n ngool
mot 'astronaut' La mot nglioi diroc huan luyen M bay tren tau du hanh vu tru.
glao. su thOn
DLlai Clay 16 rnuc tU c6 cunq dong nghia :
Mot so danh tt'\' loai nay chi noi chon mil sl! v~t nao d6 diroc thuc hien hoac astral frestraV thuoc ve ngOI sao vO tr\,J
giu gin. Vi du, mot 'mortuary' La m¢t toa nha hoac m6t gian phong dung d~ astrolabe frestraLelbl thl~t b! do cao astronomer la'stronama(r)1 nbo thl~n
giu xac tnroc khi dem chon hoac hoa tang; m¢t 'dispensary' La ndi ngli()i ta pha dO cuo mot vi soo so vol dLlong cnon van hQC
ch€ va phat thuoc, trol (tinh bOng g6c) astronomq /a'stronamt/ thlen van hoc
- Before the funeral the body was in Tnroc Ie tang, xac dLl~c dM tai (gill astrologer la'strolad3a(r)/ nho chiem astrophysicist l,restraufl'zlkslst/ nho
a mortuary in King William's Town. trong) nha tang Ie a khu King William. tlnh v¢t Iy hoc thl~n th~

astrology /a'stroladjr/ thu¢t chlern tinh astropl(ysics l,restrau'flZlks/ v¢t Iy hoc

- It will be an aviary; the grounds, the Noi d6 se Iii chu6ng chim; bili dat,
park, will be a bird sanctuary. cong vien se tra thanh san chim.
astronaut frestran:>:t/ nho du honh thl~n th~

-ation auto-play fo:tau pleI! tv hoot d¢ng auto-rotate fo:taurauteIV tv xooy
auto-record fo:tau ri'ko.d/ tv d¢ng thOu auto-timer fo:tau 'taIma(r)1 may b6m
~Xem -ion.
autoredial,fo:taurI'daIaV tv quoy 56 IQI glo tv d¢ng: thl6t bl dlnh glo tv d¢ng
auto-reverse fo:tau rr'vs.s/ tv d¢ng tra
audio- co trong cac tl[ c6 nghta b¢ phan Iii 'sound' (am thanh) hoac 'hearing'
(nghe). Vi du, mot 'audio-typist' Iii m¢t ngiroi danh may cac thu tii', bao cao da
diroc doc thu trong may thu bang. auto- c6 trong cac tii' di~n dat nguoi nao d6 ~i ~tMR.!tQjlay
Day 10 rnuc tu c6 clI'ng d<;mg nghia : ~ Vi du, m¢t 'autobiography' cua ban Iii m¢t ban tuong thuat cuoc
song cua ban do chinh ban viet ra; mot quoc gia hay m¢t nh6m nguai 'autonomous'
audio-cassette I,o:dlao ka'set/ may hOt audio-typist fo:dlao tarprst/ nguol titc Iii ho tI! dieu hanh, di~u khien hon Iii nguai khac dieu khien ho,
audio-tape l,o:dIao terp/ bong ghi am danh may tnu tU do dUQc doc thu
- In his own autobiography, Attlee - Trong quy€n II/truyen cua minh, Altlee
trong may thu bong
makes no mention of the report. khong n6i gi de'n ban bao Ci~O.
audio-visual I,o:mao 'vI3oaV nghe - nhin
- The paper's editorial department - Ban bien t~p bao hoan roan tl/ di~u
r was totally autonomous. hanh,
auto- -r r
- He signed an autograph for his - Ong ta da ky VaG ban di chuc vie't tay
grandson. cho chau trai ong.
1. TV eONG :
auto- ket hop voi cac dong tU vii danh tU M tao nen dong tU va danh tii' moi, DL1C1i day 10 rnuc tU c6 cOng dong nghTa :
Cac tU duoc tao thanh n6i v!. thiet b.i.,.~t dong tI! d¢ng, khong nha autobiography l,o:tabaI'ografI! tv autonomy lo:'tonamI! 5V tv tr]
sue nguai van hanh. Vi du, b¢ phan 'auto-timer' dung M tilt md cac v~t dung truy$n
auto-suggestion I,o:tau sa'd3estJani 5V
nhir n6i corn dien mil thai luqng duoc di~u chinh tnroc: khi mot chiec may nhu autograph fo:tagro:fi' but tich tv am thl
may thu video 'auto-records' mot chuong trinh nao do, chiec may a'y c6 'the h! autonomous lo:'tonamasl tv trl
dong ghi hlnh lai V110 thai gian aa dircc dinh truce.
~ CJnt y r!tllg auto- Iii un viti lift ciia 'automalic',
3. O-TO:
auto- ket hop voi danh tU d~ tao danh tu m6'i c6 nghta lien quan den xe 6-t6.
each vie"t: Cac tl! thanh I~p theo each nay thuong diroc viet c6 dau gach Vi du, 'auto-industry' Iii cong nghe san xua't o-to; 'autosport' Iii each n6i khac
no'i, tn! vai tU thong dung duoc viet li~n, cua chu cuoc dua xe.
Auto-timers on cookers will have to - Btl phan dinh gib II! d¢ng Irong n6i
be reset after a power cut, dicn phai duoc chlnh l<;IiSJU khi ng~1
~ Chu Y rdllg auto- a dang nily Iii Ie]'i viet tift ciia 'automobile' hay 'automotive'.

- AutO'industry experts say General - Cac chuyen vien v~ cong nghiep san
Motors and Ford will have to w.ork xual o-to danh gia r~ng hai hang
'" a fifty·watt six speaker stereo with - ... mot dan stereo sau loa nam muai
even harder than usual next year, General Motors va Ford se phai lam
an auto-reverse cassette player. Willic6 ph~n cassette tu dong d6i chieu,
"; microwave ovens with an auto· ... 10 vi ba c6 ph~n nau 11/dong.
viec cang hon thubng Ie VaG nam tai.
'" the RAe autosport rally champi- ... giai vo dich dua xe RAC t6 chuc tai
cook device. on~hip in Hampshire, Hampshire.
DL1C1i day 10 rnuc tu c6 cling dQng nghia :
auto-cook I'o:tao kok/ n6u ll,l d¢ng auto-defrost fo:tao di:'frosV ll,l ton ro
DL1C1i day 10 rnuc tv c6 cling dong nghia :
autocue l'o:taokju:1 man hinh ct¢t g6n (5UC1ng.bong) auto-illdustry fo:tau m'dxstrr/ ky autoworker f:>:tauw3:ka(r)1 cOng
may thu hinh d~ xuang ng6n vl(ln c6 th~ autodial fo:taudalaV tV quoy 56 ngh$ O-to
nMn san xu6t O-tO
nhin vco ma doc ban tin. thOng boo ... autosport fo:tau spo.t/ duo xe O-tO

-based :> Chu y, Mllg each t1tlllg t!l c6 liu: -based cUlig kei hf/p voi tinh til.

1. PHAN CHiNH YEU CUA V~T Gi : - Many are religious-based schools. - Nhi~u lrtlOng la tnrong IOn giao (daol,
-based ket hop vai danh tU M tao thanh tinh Ill'. Tfnh tll duoc tao nen di~n hi -based ket hop voi tinh tll va trang tll' nhu 'broad', 'broadly', 'widely', va 'solidly'
su' v~t ma danh tu g6c n6i den la mot bO phan hay d~c diem quan trong nhat de tao thanh tinh tU. Cac tinh tu nay di~n ta phA'm chat cda phan co ban co
cua sl! v~t nao do. Vi du, IO\1ib<)t 'acid-based' la loai b(>t co acid la thanh phan trong su' v~t hon la noi v~ thanh phAn ctla no. Cac tinh III duQ'c tao thanh di~n
chinh: phuong phap giang 'computer-based' la phuong phap n~ng v~ each sa ta di~n hinh nhung 51! v~t nhu chinh phu, tin nguong va phong trao (hoat d~ng).
dung computer.
We wont to develop It into a broadly- - Chung tOi mu6n phat Irien nh6m ~y
- ... an acid-based powder supplied to - .,. loai bc)1 acid cung cKp cho cac hrc
based industrial group. thanh mc)t t~p doan cOng nghe rc)ng
pC/lice forces al1 over the world to Iwng canh sat loan Ihe' giai dung M
trace fingerprints on paper. lay dau tay tren giay.
The anti-war movement hod become - Phong trao ch6ng chie"n Iranh da Ira
- Traditional class-based loyalties were - Long trung thanh lruy~n Ih6ng dl/a vao
breaking down. giai cap dang dii va.
more broad-based and less radical. nen rc)ng kh~p va it tri~t M hen.
- ... the n·inetep.nth-century coal·based - ... n~n kinh Ie' ding nghiep khai thac We should build up a firmly-based,' - Chung ta nen xay dung mot h~ thong
industrial economy. than VaG the' ky 19. democratic administration in Hong hanh chinh dan chu wng chac a Hong
- ... petroleum·based detergents. - ... chat t~y co thanh ph~n d~u. Kong. Kong.
... a widely-based dialogue. - ... mOl cuOc d6i thoai rOng rili.
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung d<;mg nghia :
acid-based I'resId berst/ thanh phOn mercury-based I'm3:kjufI berst/ thuy
DLlC1iday 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghia :
chinh 10 acid ngOn 10 chinh solidly-based I'sohdh berst/ vung
broad-based /bro.d berst/ r¢ng kh6p
cash-based I'kref berst/ chu y~u 10 tl~n moneu-based I'ITlAnI berst/ duo VaG
broadly-based I'br:>:dh berst/ m¢t . chdc
mot tl~n t$ soundly-based I'saundh berst/ c6 co
c6ch r¢ng rOI
class-based I'kla:s beist/ dl,lo tr~n glol c6p nitrogen-based /nartrsdjan berst/ sO dung d6n
firmly-based / berst/ cLIng
coal-based I'kaul heist/ phon chfnh 10 ch6t nl tala chinh
widcly-based /wardlr berst/ r¢ng rei
nhdc. vung vang
than d6 nuclear-based I'nju:kha(r) berst/ dl,lo
computer-based Ikam'pju:ta{r) berst/ tr~n (nOng luqng) hot nhOn 10 chfnh
3. NOI CH6N:
phUong ph6p chuven 5U dl,mg computer oil-based 1';)11 be 1St) dou 10 chfnh
education-based l,ed3u'keIfn berst/ dl,lo petroleum-based /pa'troolram berst/ • CACH SU Dl,JNG R¢NG RAI :
tren gl60 due xeng dOu 10 tMnh phOn chfnh . -based ket hop voi danh hI: va tinh tll' chi noi ch6n hoac vai tinh nr chi qu6c
export-based I'eksp:>:t berst/ xu6t kh6u project-based I'prod3ekt berst/ dl,lo +ich M tao thanh tinh tll moi. Tinh tll loai nay di~n ta 51! v~t dircc hi~n dien Ct
10 chfnh voo k~ hooch mo, no'i dac biet nao do hoac du<;1ct6 chuc tll noi do. Vi du, neu mOt nganh
fuel-based I'fju:al berst/ dl,lo tr~n ngu&n property-based Ip.ropatJ berst/ dyo cong nghiep 'British-based', nrc hAll het cac hoat dong cua no di~n ra CtAnh.
nhlen Ii$u
hydrogell-based I'haIdrad3an berst/ khf
vco tal son
protein-based I'prauti:n berst/ ch6t
... a British-based engineering group. - mc)t tap doan ky thu~1 a Anh.
... smaller. community-based hospi- - nhung benh vien cong d6ng IO<1i
hydro 10 chinh protein 10 chfnh
tals. nh6 hon.
lead-based I'led berst/ chi 10 tnonh phOn science-based I'salans berst/ dl,lo tr~n
chinh co 50 khoo nee Home-based industry may be se- - N~n cong nghi~p san XU~I III gia c6
leisure-based I'le3a(r) berst/ glol tri lei chinh service-based I'S3:VIS betst/ phuc Vl,J
verely shaken by higher interest the bi chao dolo rnanh vi lai su~1 cao
market-based I'ma:kIt berst/ duo tr~n la chfnh rates. hon.
thi truong water-based I'w:>:ta(r) beist/ nuoc 10 ... Reuters, the London-based news - ... Reuters, mc)t hang thong Ian d~1 tai
tMnh phOn chfnh agency. London.


Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa:
- ground-based telescopes. - cac kinh thien v~n (d~t a) m~t dat.
bejewelled IbI'd3u:aldl dl1Qctrong sue bewigged IbI'W1gdl mong toe glo
- Mr Tito Tettamant!, a Swiss-based - 6ng Tito Tettamanti, mot lu~t su
bespedacled IbI'spektakldl dong deo
Italian lawyer. nglloi Y c6 van phong tal Thvy Si. e-
klnh -
Dual dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
American-based /a'rnerrkan berst/ co land-based tlrend berst/ d()t <'I mC)td6t
co sa <'I Hoc Ky London-based f!.mdAn berst/ c6 co be- <'I nhung tmh tit va ngoai d9ng tit di~n ta nguCJihay v~t dang (j trong m9t
Belfast-based fbelfa:st berst/ d~t <'I sa <'I LuOnElOn trang thai nao do hoac si!p rdi vao trang thai ay. Vi du, ai d6 beloved' hi'c
Belfast marine-based /ma'ri:n berst/ dC)ta nguCJiay du<;jcnguCJikhac quy men: n€u ban belittle' ai d6 ho~c thlml'Mt!u cua
British-based I'brlflf betst/ c6 co sa <'I bl~n ho, tti'c ban lam cho nguM d6 hoac thanh tuu cua ho bi danh gia thap di so vai
n110CAnh ocean-based faufn berst/ d¢t co so thuc t€.
campus-based fkrempas beist/ t6 tr~n dQId110ng Claude Lebel emerged from the con- - Claude lebel di ra tlt phong hoi nghi
. chuc <'I dQIhoc overseas-based fauvasi:z berst/ c6 co ference room dazed and bewildered. h~t sUe sang sO b6i r6i.
city-based fSIti beist/ d~t <'I thOnh ph6 sa hel ngoQI He was pleased still to be In Austria - Anh ta hai long vi v~n con duoc Ao a
community-based fka'mju:nati berst/ Paris-based tprens berst/ c6 co so a and close to his beloved wife. g~n nguoi vc;lthuong yeu.
t6 cnuc mong tinhc¢ng d6ng Po-rl I won't let you belittle yourself, It is - Toi se kh6ng d~ ban III ha mlnh nhu
country-based I'kAntn berst/ t6 chuc the most Important work anyone can th~, o~y la cong vi~e quan trong nh3"t
school-based tsku:l berst/ t6 chuc <'I
do. ma nguoi ta e6 th~ lam dllc;le.
trong nuoc trllong
European-based /juara'plan berst/ Shallgllai-based I'freIJhai berst/ c6 co ... a soaked, bedraggled figure by the - ... mot b6ng nguoi sUng nlloc va be
d¢t <'I chOu Au sa <'I ThllQngHal side of the road. be't bun ben v~ duong.
foreign-based /fo.rem berst/ t6 chUc shore-based tfo:(r) be 1St} d¢t tren bo DUC1idOy 10 c6c tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
<'I nliOc ngooi bl~n becalmed Ibl'ka:mdl lam ylln I<')ng bereaved IbI'ri:vdl iom m6t
ground-based I'graund berst/ d¢t co Swiss-based tSWIS berst/ c6 co sa a bedraggled Ibl'drregldl lam bdn, blI besotted Ibl'sotldl 10mdon d¢n
sa tren met d6t Thuv Si b~t (oo quon) betray IbI'treIl phon b¢1
home-based I'haum berst/ t6 cnoc <'I town-based ttaun berst/ d¢t a tlnh befuddled /bt'fsdld/ 10mngo ngdn betrothal Ibl'traollll S4.) huo hOn
nho US-based /ju:'es berst/ d¢t" Hoo Ky beguile IbI'galll thu hut. lam vul betrothed IbI'trauMI huo hOn
hospital-based fhosPIti berst/ t6 chcc belie Ibl'lall gOy mot 6n tllQng sol lam bewildered IbI'W1ldadl ~m b6'1r6'1
<'I b$nh vi~n
belittle Ibl'htll 10mglom: xem nh~ bewitched IbI'WI1JV mt mdn
beloved IbI'iAvdl dllQCyllu m~n bewitching IbI'wltJn:y' 10mm6 mdn
bemused IbI'mjU:zdl 10msung 56t
be- "
be- xuat hien trong mOt 56 ngoai dOng tit khac. Vi du, n€u ban 'befriend' vci
be- co trong tinh tt't di~n ta nguoi hay v~t' mang,. mac mOt cai gi do hoac bi ai, ban gulp dCl ho, cham 10 cho ho nhu thi ho la ban cua ban: to 'behold'
phti b<'li chat gi do. Vi du, ngtroi nao do bespectacled' tuc la nguoi ay dang deo something co nghla fa nhln hoac chu y; khi cac nguM Hnh 'besiege' mOt dia
kinh; ai do bejewelled' tire nguoi ay deo nu trang hay phti nu trang kh.ip mlnh. di~m nao do, ho bao yay chll d6 va c6 chi€m c~ l4"y.
- - ... a short, bespectacled man with - ... mot nglloi dan 6ng tha'p, mang kinh, _ For the first time he realized how - l~n d~u til!nh~n nh3n ra mlnh dii
thinning hair. t6c thua, much he owed to this man who had m~e ric;lnglJ(li·d~ dOdJu h~n bi€t baa.
- ... the dignified death of the be- - ... cai che't d~y a'n tllQng cua vi nu befriended him.
wigged Queen of Scots. hoang mang t6c gia xu Scotland.
The c;ityof Toulouse was besieged by - Thanh Toulouse bi quan th3p tl,lchinh bilingual l,bal'llI]9waV song ngu (bl~t biplane I'baIplem/ mOy bay hal tang
the Grusaders. phong toa. • n61 hal thu Mng) cOnh
- The women were wringing their - Nhl1ng ngl.loi phu nl1siet ch~t tay, khoc .binary I'bamarii dOl (kep) bisect /bar'sekt/ chla dOl
hands, weeping and bemoaning their than cho sO ph3n cua minh. binoculars fbl'nokjula:d 6ng nnorn
- I didn't begrudge him the food, since - Toi khong eo hep vOi hiln vl! chuyen
he was obViously starving. 2. HAl LAN:
an u6ng, bai Ie h~n ta ro rang Iii dang
doi. bi- cling con diroc dung M chi viec gl do xay ra hai IAn trong mot khoang thai
gian hoac m¢t Ian trong hai m6c thai gian. Vi du, m¢t 51! kien 'biennial' di~n
DLlo; day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dc;mg nghia :
ra hai narn m¢t Ian.
befriend /br'frend/ dol xu tot berate /br'rert/ m6ng nhl~c Every Union has its own annual or - MOi hiep hOi dl!u c6 hOi ngh] hang
begrudge fbI'grAdy ghen tj beseech fbI'si:tfl cou xln biennial conference. nam hoac hai nam mot Ian.
behold /br'haold/ nhin. quan sot beset /br'set/ vOy quanh. de doo ... a bi·weekly magazine for teenage - ... mot to tap chi ra hai ky mot tu~n
beleaguered /br'li.qad/ boo vay besiege /br' boo vay girls. danh cho thie'u nil
bemoan /br'rnson/ than kh6c bestow /br'ateo/ tQng
DLlo; day 16 coc tu c6 cung dong nghia :
bequeath fbl'kwi:ol d,§ IQi (cho dOl sou) bewail /br'werl/ than kh6c
bi-annual /bar'eenjoal/ mOt nOm hal Ian bi-monthly l,bal'InAnelii mal thOng
Cae tl1 eo d~ng nghia khSc:
bi-annualbt I mot norn hal Ian hallOn
become /br'kxm/ tro nen beheaded /bt'hedrd/ bj chQt dOu bi-weekly l,baI'wi:klii mOt tuon hallan
biennial /bar'enrsl/ hal nOm mOt Ian
befall /br'fo.l/ xcv d~n belay /br'lei/ cot IQI
begin /br'qm/ b6t dau believe /br'li.v/ tin tuong
begone /br'qon/ xeo di belong fbl'IDly' thuOc va
behave /br'herv/ doi xu beware fbI'wea(r)1 cdn th¢n bio-
bio- c6 trong cac tit c6 nghIa b¢ phan Iii 'life' (doi (51!) song) hay 'living things'
(sinh v~t (v~t s6ng». Vi du 'biography' Iii mot ban viet v~ cuoc s6ng cila ai;
bi- 'bioiogy'la met mon khoa h9C mieu ta vii phan loai sinh v~t (v~t s6ng).
1. HAl; eOI :
»- Chu y rang bio- ciing c6 luc xU/ft hifn if giila tit.
bi- xuat hien trong cac tit co nghta b¢ ph~n Iii "hai, doi". Vi du, 'bicycle' Iii chiec
xe hai banh: ai d6 'bilingual', tuc Iii ngu'ai ay n6i diroc hai thu' tieng. Duol day 16 muc tU c6 cung dong nghia:
- Mr Sutton came home from work on - 6ng Sutton di xe dap III sa vl! nha. antibiotics l,rentlbaI'otlksi thu6c biography fbal'ografIl tl6u su
his bicycle. khong sinh biologist fbal'olad3lst! nM sinh v¢t

- Mina peered at Lewis through her -

Mina nhln cham cham lewis qua cap autobiography l,o:tabal'ografIl tl,l hoc
bifocals. kinh hai trong, truy~n. ti6u su tl,l thu¢t biology /bar'oladjt/ sinh v¢t hoc
DLloi day 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghia : biochemical l,balau'kemIkV thuOc biopsy I'bampsii sinh thl~t
boo sinh biosphere fbal'osfla(r)1 bOu sinh
bicarbonate l,baI'ko:banat! axit bifocals I;bal'fauklsl kinh hol trong
biochemistry I,balau'kemlstrii h6a thO I
cacbonat bigamy I'blgamii Sl,II6y hal VQ hodo biosystem l,bal'oslstarnl h~ thong sinh
bicentenaru I,balsen'ti:narii hal trOm halchong
biodegradable l,balaudi'grmdabV co hoc
nOm bilateral /bar'Ieetaral/ hal ben. song symbiotic l,slmbl'otlk/ cOng sinh
th6 phOn huy vi; mQt sinh hoc
bicycle I'balslkV xe dcp phuong


-bound 2. PHUONG HUCJNG :
-bound ke"t hop vai cac danh tu chi ndi ch6n, hoac cac tfnh ttr, trang ttr chi
1. GUll H~N :
phuong huang M tao ra tfnh tti maio Cac tinh tu nay di~n ta ngu<'1ihay v~t
-bound ke"thop v6i danh tu tao nen tinh tU. Tinh tU dang nay di~n ta nguen hay dang hanh trinh v~ ndi fiy hoac theo huang 5'y. Vi du, chuyen xe hi'a 'southbound'
v~t bi thu hep hoac han che" b6i dieu (SI! v~t) ma danh tU gee n6i Mn. Vi du, ai dang true chi huang nam; cac hanh khach 'London-bound' dang di v~ London.
d6 'housebound' tire ngum fiy khong tM ren khoi nha, c6 Ie do benh hoan hu~c gia
... the westbound passenger express. - tuyen t6c hanh v~ phla tay.
ca: v~t gl 'culture-bound' tUc n6 bi han che"b6i nen van h6a ma n6 dang di~n ra.
... London-bound passengers. - hanh khach di luan Don.
... the housebound housewife who - a
... nguoi noi tro bi b6 buoc nhakh6ng
... homeward-bound ships. - cac chuyen tau h6i hucng.
never, ever goes out. bao gio bu~c chan ra ngoai.
... treating city-bound migrants with - SI,I cai khinh dan di ru v~ thanh
- ... home-bound women, desperate - ... nhung phu nCt oi rang buoc boi gia
contempt. pho,
for extra cash or self-fulfi/ment. dinh khong mang c6 diroc khoan ti~n
them hoac sl,l thoa man ca nhan . Dlloi day 16 rnuc tv c6 cunq dQng nghia :
... desk-bound Yale graduates who - ... cac sinh vien t6t nghiep a Yale t6i earthbound 1'3:9baundl dang huang London-bound I'LmdAIl baundl dang
usually hadn't visited Europe. ngay ng6i ben ban viet thuong chira v~ mot d6t true chI huang LuOn DOn
hr· di tharn chau Au. eastbound fi:stbaundl dang true cnl northbound fn:>:9 baundl dang true
- Young village men are beginning to - Cac chang trai lang b~t d~u nga vue hUang dOng chl huang bac
doubt whether they are duty-bound Ii('u ho c6 bi trach nhiern b6 buoc phai home-bound I'haum baundl dang true outbound I'autbaundl dl ra nuoc ngool
to work on the land. lam viec d6ng ang hay khong. cbl huang vl: nho southbound I'sau9 baond/ dang true
Dlloi day 16 rnuc tv c6 cung dQng nghia : hometuard-bound I'haumwad baundl chl huang nom
sap tro v~ ruroc tuestbound I'westbaundl dang true cnl
class-bound I'kla:s baond/ trong phcrn home-bound I'haum baund/ rang buoc
inbound I'mbaundl di va huang tOy
vi lap hoc glo ct1nh
culture-bound I'kAltfa baond/ rang honour-bound I'ona(r) baundl glal hen
buoc vl: van h60 donh dl,f 3. LOP BQC NGoAI vA SACH :
desk-bound I'desk baond/ gan val housebound I'haus baund/ trong phorn -bound ke"t hop voi m¢t 56 danh tu M tao nen tlnh tU chi lap boc ngoili mil
bon gl6y vi glo ctinh vat fiy c6: cac tinh tU nay chu yeu dU<;Icdung M mo ta sach. Vi du, m¢t quyen
duty-bound I'dju:tI baundl trong snctobound I'snaubaundl khOng dl sach 'leather-bound' c6 bla b~ng da.
phorn vi b6n ph¢n ouoc vi tuy~t
earthbound 1'3:9 baond/ glal hon boi tradition-bound /tra'drjn baund/ > LIlli Y rdllg cacl: dang /lay cun -bound co liell h~ dell dp/lg lu 'bind' va danh IiI

I d6t trong phorn vi truyim th6ng

I fog-bound /'fog baundl khOng dl ducc wheelchair-bound I'wi:ltfea(r) baond/ On the bedside table lay a red leather- - Tri'n chiec ban ke a
ben giuang c6
I vi suong rnu buoc vco xe Ian bound copy of the Bible. m(lt ban Kinh Thanh bla da rnau do.
He went over to his oookshel] and Anh ta biroc Mn k~ sach vii rut ra mot
> Ghi chu rdllg 'home-bound' cUllg c6 mpl ngnia khtic. DMu lIay dlfqe giai thich irong picked out a small, blue, cardboard- quy~n sach nho, bla cung, mau xanh.
dOiJlI 2 Clla tit muc lIay. bound book.
Mot s6 tinh tU duoc thanh I~p theo each nay mo ta mot v~t bi baa yay b6'i mot - Esther came in unsteadily, carrying - Esther khe ne bl1~C vao, be theo bon
v~t dac biet khac. Nheng tu thanh I~p the a c.ich nay c6 tlnh ch5't van chirong four thick blue-bound volumes. t~p sach day bla xanh.
va hie'm tit dU<;Icdung thuong xuyen
- ... the cold, shattered, mist-bound - ... l1hCtng ngon d6i lanh lea bi tan pha
hills. trong strong mO baa phu.


Duoi ClOy 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
brass-bound I'bra:s baund! c6 dOng leather-bound tleaa(r) baund! bQC
-centric co trong cac tinh tll' dien ta sl,i hu~ng tAm cua sl,i v~t nao do hay lien
ooc ngoal bOng do (val do boc ngoal)
quan d€n sl,iv~t d~c bi~t nao do. Vi du, n€u ai do c6 quan di~m 'anthropocentric',
cardboard-bound tka:db:>:d baund! metal-bound tmetl baund! c6 klm 1001
nrc Iii ho xem con nguCii la trung tarn cua vti tru: n€u h~ hanh tinh nao d6
c6 bio cLIng tooc ngoal) boc ngoal
'heliocentric', tlfc h~ hanh tinh 1\y c6 m~t trCli lam tAm.
cloth-bound I'klo9 baond/ c6 val bQC paper-bound tpelpa(r) baund! co
ng06i gl6y boc ng061 Duoi ClOy 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
Cae tt:J co d{lng nghTa khSe :
anthropocentric l,ren9rapa'sentrlkl Euroceniric Ijuarasentrlkl col chOu
hidebound thaIdbaund! hep Mi. thu muscle-bound I'ffiASlbaund! vol u thlt
1061ngllol16 trung tOm Au 16 trung tOm
cvu b6p
egocentric I,egau'sentnkl cho minh 16 heliocentric I,hi:hau'sentrlkl do tU
spellbound I'spelbaund! soy m(!
trung tOm tOm m¢t MI. 16y m¢t trol 16m tOm

cardi- c6 trong cac tll' c6 nghta bi) phan Iii 'heart' (trat tim). VI du, 'cardiac arrest' chron-
Iii cdn dau tim; 'cardiologist' Iii bac st tim mach, chron- c6 trong cac tll' c6 nghla bO phan la 'time' (thCligian). Vi du, 'chronology'
cua mOt chuOi cac s~t kien ail qua, tire la cac su ki~n 6y dien ra theo tlnr tl,i thCli
l!-- LIIU Y r41lg c6 Irk cardi- xUlft hi~1l iJ giila tit.
gian; n€u hai sl,i kien 'synchronized', tl1c chung di~n ra d6ng thai.
Duoi ClOy 16 rnuc tv c6 cung dQng nghia :
cardiac I'ka:dll~kI thu¢c v~ tim cardiologist l,ka:dl'olad3Istl bee sf tlm
l!-- LIIU Y r411g c6 luc chron- dli;1c d"t iJ giila cua tit.
cardiograph I'ka:dlaugra:fI may ghl -rncch Duoi ClOy 16 rnuc tv c6 cung dQng nghTa :
dl~n tern dO electrocardiogram
/r.lsktreo'ko.draoqreem/ dl~n t6m dO anachronism /a'neekrantzam/ vl~c 161 chronometer /kra'normtstrj/ dOng hO
thOl b6m glo
anachronistic /e.neekra'nrstrk/ 161thOl synchronic ISIIJ'krnniki dOng dOl
cent- chronic I'kromkl kinh nl(!n. born ch<)t synchronize I'sIIJkranalzi xcy ra dOng
cent- xu~t hien trong cac tll' chi r~ng c6 (co nghta) mot tram phan. Vi du, mi)t chronicle tkromkll sU bi~n nl~n thai
'centuryTa khoang thai gian mot tram nam: 'percentage' la phan tram. chronological l,krona'lod3lkll theo thLl synchronized I'slIJkranalzd! dllQC xcy

l!-- LIIU Y rang co Juc cent- duac #t iJ giila tit. tv thai glon ra dOng thai

Duol ClOy 16 rnuc tv c6 cunq dQng nghia : chronology /kra'nolad3I1 nl~n dol hoc

bicentenary I,balsen'ti:nanl hol tram centigrade I'sentlgreld! d¢ been

l!-- CUlIg lIell chu y rang 'chrollic' c6 mQt nghia khac, drJ;1cdung M dilll td tinb trang
nom phOn (chia tram d¢)
XI!'U ho"c khOlIg thu vi.
bicentennial l,baIsen'temall hoi tram centimetre I'sentlmi:ta(r)1 don vi
nom mot Ion xentlmet
centenarian I,sentl'nearlan/ s6ng tram centipede I'sentIpi:d! con r~t -cide
tudl 'Century I'sentfarIl m¢t tram nom. m¢t -cide c6 trong cac tll' c6 nghla be>ph~n Iii 'killing' (gi€t). Vi du, 'insecticide' la
centenary Isen'ti:narIl m¢t tram nom th~ ky h6a ch6t dung M diet sau bo: n€u ai d6 'commits suicide', nrc la ho tl,i v~n.
centennial /sen'tenral/ m¢t tram nOm percent /pa'sent/ phon trOm
mot Ion percentage /po'senndy' tl I~ phon tram


DLloi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio : co-
fratricide /freetrrsard/ t¢1 sat hQI anh parricide I'prerIsaldJ ke gl~t cha me • CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI :
chi em ru¢t patricide' fpretrIsaldJ ke gl~t cha me . co- k€t hop vai danh ttt M tao danh tll' mdi chi nhung ngu'~ lam viec gt d6
[ungicide I'f,md3IsaldJ thu6c dl$t n6m pesticide /pestraard/ thu6c tru v¢t hQI vai nhau. co- co th~ dli~c sll' dung theo each nay v6-i hAu (gAn) h€t cac danh tll'
genocide I'd3enasaldJ t¢1 dl~t chung (nhV sOu. chu¢t ."J chi cong viec, nhiem vu giao ph6, hoac dia vi ma hai ho~c nhi~u ngu<'1icung
herbicide I'h3:bIsaldJ thu6c'dl$t co regicide fred3IsaldJ ke gl~t vua lam. Vi du, 'co-authors' cua mQt quy~n sach Iii nhii'ng ngliCii cung vi€t cuon sach
homicide /hormsard/ ke gl~t ngV~1 spermicide /spa.mrsard' cndt dl~t tlnh iy; n€u n6i Mn 'co-ownership' cua mQt can nha, nrc ban dang di~n dat rlng
infanticide 1m feentrsard/ t¢1 gl~t trOng din nha iy c6 hon mot nguCii sa hitu.
tre em sukide fsu:IsaldJ St.J tl,l sot ... Dr John Baldwin, co-author of a - ... Tie'n si John Baldwin, d6ng tac gia
insecticide /m'sektrsard/ thu6c tru sou detailed research project CUd du an nghien cUu chi tie't ~y.

The Captain is responsible for flying - Phi cang chlnh chio trach nhiem I~i,
the aircraft, while the co-pilot has to trong khi phi cong phu di~u khi~n may
cine- operate the radio. lien lac.

cine- co trong cac hI' co nghia bQ phan la 'motion picture' (dien anh) hoac 'films' ... Mr Alastair Morton, the British - ... ang Alastair Morton, vi d6ng chu
co·chalrman of Eurotunnel. tich ngl1<'1iAnh cua dl/ an dl1<'1ngh~m
(phim anh). Vi du, 'cinema' la noi ban d€n M xem phim; 'cine-camera' la may
dung M quay phim hon Iii M chup anh. xuyen eo bi~n Manche.
... her co-stcr, John Lithgoe, whr\ - ... ban dien cua ca iy, John l.ithgoe,
DLloi day 16 rnuc tv c6 cung dong nghTo : played George. I:{ dong vai George.
cine-camera fsmlkremaral rnov quay cinematic I,sma'mretlk/ (thu¢cJ dl$n DLlol day 16 rnuc tUq;6 cung dong nghTo :
pblrn onh
cine-film I'sImfdml phim co-author /kau 'o:9a(r)1 d6ng roc gia co-membership /kau 'membsjrp/ d6ng
xine cinematographu l,smama'tografIl
cinema I'smamal rop xlnll thu¢t quay phlm
co-chairman /kao 'tjeaman/ d6ng chu tMnh vi~n
too co-oumership /kau 'aunaJlp/ d6ng sO .
co-defendant /kau 'drfendant/ cOng 10 huu
bl coo co-pilot /kau 'parlst/ phi cOng ph\,!
co-director /kau dI'rekta(r)1 d6ng co-presenter /kau 'prI'zenta(r)1 ngv~1
glom d6c cOng gl61 thl~u
circum- co trong cac tll' co nghta bQ phan cua n6 Iii 'around' (vong quanh), Vi co-driver /kao'drarvatrj/ ngval cOng 161 co-producer /kau pra'djusa(r)1 ngvOI
du, 'circumference' cua met vong tron, mQt noi chon, hoac mQt v~t hinh tron .co-founder /kau 'faunda(r)1 d6ng sang cOng xu6t ban
tlic la phan go hay du'Cing tron xung quanh cluing. I¢p vl~n co-selector /kau sI'lekta(r)/ ngv~1 cOng

DLloi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio : co-leader /kau 'li:da(r)1 ngv~1 cOng chQnloc
Icnh oco co-star /kau 'sto:(r)1 cung d6ng val
circumcise fS3:kamsalzI cOt boo qui circumscribe fS3:kamskraIl>l va dV~ng
co-mallager /kau 'mremd3a(r)1 ngv~1 chlnh
dOu xung quanh. hQn ch~. gl61 hen
cOng ouon Iy
circumference fS3:kamfaransl chu vi circumspect fS3:kamspekU th¢n trong
circumflex I's3:kamfleksl d6u rnu circumstantial I,S3:kam'strenj1l dOy co- cling dt(~c k€t hop vci dong tll' theo dang nghta nay. V~ du, n€u hai ngli~
circumlocution l,s3:kamla'lgu:fnl sl,l du chi Mt
'co-direct' mot bQ phim, ho chi dao di~n xua't chang vai nhau.
xoay quanh. sl,l dl~n to quanh co circumvent l,s3:kam'venU dOng mVu
circumnauigaic l,s3:kam'nrevIgeIU - Maurice Brown co·directed the pro· - Maurice Brown d6ng dao di~n va
di vOng quanh th~ glol bOng tou bl~n
duction of Othello. Othello.


In Scotland and Wales red and grey - a Scotland va xu Wales, loai s6c di) compound Ikom'paundl h6n hop conned Ika'nektl n611QI
squirrels coexist without problems. vii s6c xam d6ng t6n ta·i ma khong comrade I'komreIdi d6ng chf consensus Ikan'sensasl sV d6ng y
gap phai va'n d~ gl ca. . concur lkan'k3:(r)1 d6ng y consortium /ken'eo.tram/ Sl,lIlAn k~t
Britain and the Soulet Union already - Anh va Lien M dii ph6i hop hanh condolences /ken'daolensrs/ 161chlo tomtMI

co-operate in the fight against drugs. dOng trang cuec chi~n ch6ng ma tuy. bu6n conspirllCJllkan'SPIrasii Sl,l Om mllU
confederation lkan,feda'reIJnI sV IIA~ contact (kontrektl IIAn toe v61 01
Dllol Clay 10 rnuc W c6 cLIng dQng nghTa : mlnh . contemporary /kan'temprari/ cOng Iuc
co-direct Ikau dr'rekt/ cOng doo dl~n co-operate /kso'oparett/ cOng hQp t6c • conference fkonfaransi' h¢1 nghl cottverse lkan'v3:dy h¢1 tl,J
co-edit Ikau 'edrt/ cOng xu6t ban co-star lkau'sto:(r)1 cOng d6ng val chinh conjunction lkan'd3AIJkJnI IIAn tu
coexist l,kauIg'ZISti cOng t6n tQI
Cae fLl cO d{lng nghia khlle :
co-educational lkaued3u'keIJnll' gl60 coincidence /kso'msrdans/ Sl,l trUng kMp
-conscious ke't hop voi danh tu tao ra tint! tu, Cac tlnh tu nay mieu ta ai d6
due nom. nu em..Jng tr110ng co-opt Ikau'optl k~t nop v60
cohabit /kao'heebrt/ s6ng nhu VQ ch6ng co-ordinate I,kau 'o.dmat/ ph61 hQp xem trong mOt khia canh trong cuoc s6n&, hay mot llnh vue d~c bi~t nao do,
thuong la vao luc ngltbi khac khong chu y hay quan tam de'n di~u a'y, -conscious
c6 th~ dttqc dung (j dang nay voi Mu het cac danh tu di~n ta sl! v~'t rna ban
col-, com-, con- luu tam' den. Vi du. neu ai d6 'image-conscious', ho ra't chu y de'n dien mao
col-, com-, va con- xua't hien trong cac hI' c6 nghla be) ph~n la 'together' (cling ben ngoai vii ho Cling rKt thanh thao trong viec gay Kn tuong: neu ai d6
'health-conscious', ho ra't chu tam de'n sue khoe va c6 s6ng met 16i s6ng lanh
voi) hoac 'with' (voi nhau). Vi du, 'colleagues' cua ban la nhirng ngtti1i ban lam
viec chung, dac biet la viec chuyen men: ne'u ban 'combine' hai hay nhieu vat,
ban ke't hop chung lai M lam thanh mOt su v~t; ne'u ban 'connect' hai vatnhu - ... an image-conscious Hollywood ac- ... mOt nam di~n vien Holywood ua
6ng dan hay day dien, ban rap hoac giln chung lai vci nhau. tor, chung dien.
I talked to' colleagues of yours re- - G~n day toi c6 n6i chuyen vai d6ng - The country had long since had its Vung thon que da tu 11Iub] may nong
cently. n!\hiep cua anh. hedgerows ripped away by cost-con- dan 10 quan tam den gia ca do bi) cac
scious farmers, hang rao cay.
- The plants conuerge under the trees. - Oy co cong rnoc dliai gO'c cay Ian.
~ - Ian' was ~he most safety-conscious Ian lil ngli?1i xem trong an roan nhat
She was a somewhot gruf/.compan- - Co ta la mOt ngli?1id6ng'hanh kha tho'
member of the team. trong dOi.
ion on our expeditions. 16 trong chuy~n tham hi~m cUJ,chung
toi. -, - She is self-conscious about the Co ta y thuc den viec len can W I~n
weight she has put on since we last cuoi co ta gijp chong t6i.
DllQI Clay 10 muc tu c6 cunc dQng nghTa :
saw her.
collaborate /ka'lsebarert/ c¢ng t6c v61 01 commerce fkom3:sI Sl,l buOn bcn - The company plans to market the Cong ty vach k€ hoach tiep thi cac
collate /ks'lert/ d61 chl~u communal fkomjunll chung low-calorie sweetener in 'diet-con-' phu lieu lam ngot thuc an c6 ham
colleague I'koli:gI bon d6ng n~hl~p communication lka,mju:m'keIJnI sV serous America. llic;/ngcalorie tha'p vao nliac My - nliac
coiled /ka'lekt/ thOu 111Qm IIAn IQc
quan tam den viec an kieng.
collide /ka'lard/ va chcrn community Ika'mju:natii c¢ng d6ng
Dllol Clay 10 ml,JC tu c6 cLln~ dQng nghia :
collocation l,kola'keIJnI sV k~t hop companion /kam'peenran/ bon d6ng
c6c tu Mnh
age-conscious l'eId3 'konJasi 111utOm d~n d¢ tuOI
budget-conscious I'bhd3It 'konJasi 111utOm d~n k~ hooch chi tlAu
collude lka'lu:dI ·c6u k~t . company I'kAmpanii sV b6u bon
camera-conscious I'kremara 'konJasi chu tOm d~n m6y onh
combine /kam'bam/ k~t hQp compatible /kam'peetabl/ thfch hop
cash-conscious I'kreJ 'konjas/ quon tOm d~n tilln mC,lt


c1ass-conscious I'kla:s 'konSas! co y image-conscious I'Imld3 'konjas/ quon khang voi hanh dong, hoat dong khac, Vi du, 'counter-measure' la mOt bien
I thuc glol c6p
t6m d6n va b~n ngoOI phap ma ban thuc hien hau lam giarn tac dung cua mot bien phap, mOt tlnh
c1ock-conscious I'klok 'konSas! co y media-conscious /mrdra 'konjas/ y huong khac: khi mOt sl! v~t 'counteracts' mot su' v~t khac, n6 lam giam di hie
thuc vAthai glon thuc vAphuong tl~n thOng tin dung cila sl! v~t kia bilng each tao ra mOt tac dung ngiroc lai,
colour-co1lscious I'kAla(r) 'konJas! IUu profit-conscious I'proflt 'konjas/ IUU
each vi'-t t Cac hI' dang nay thirong vi~t c6 da'u gach n6i, nhung v(/j nhirng
y d6n mOu sdc tOm d6n IQItoe tu da qu~ quen thuoc. ta cung c6 th~ vi~t li~n,
cost-C01lscious I'kost 'konjas/ IUUy race-conscious IrelB 'konjas/ y thuc vA
- Unless specific counter-measures are - Tril phi ta tien hanh cac bien phap
d6n glO,d6n chi phi chung t¢c
taken, unemployment will connr ue d6i pho, neu khilng thl nan tha't nghiep
design-conscious /dr'zam 'konjas/ IUU risk-conscious /rrsk 'knnjas/ IUutorn
to rise. se tiep tuc gia tang.
y d6n kl~u m6u d6n rul ro
- ". political power counterbalances - '" the luc chlnh tri luiln pha vo the
diet-conscious tdaJat 'knnjas/ co y safetY-COIlSCious tsedb 'konjas/ IUU
the other influences in society. can bang cua cac moi anh huang khac
thuc vAkl~ng On tOm d6n sv on toOn
trong xii hQi.
ecology-COIlSCious li:'kolad31 'konSas! self-conscious I'self 'konfas! ngUQng
- Rumours and counter-rumours will - Loi ra tieng vao se bay di khap noi,
co y thuc vAsinhthai ngung, tv glOc
fly In all directions.
energu-conscious l'enad31 'konJas! co status-conscious tsteltas- 'kopfas! co
- This could lead to a series of strikes - Di~u nay c6 th~ dan den hang loat
y thuc vAn6ng IUQng y thuc dlo VI xOh¢1
and counterstrikes. cuoc bi~u tlnh qua lai.
future-coIlSCious I'fju:tSa 'konjas/ time-conscious ftalm 'konfas! qucn
- We hadn't expected them to counter- - Chung tili khong nghi rilng ho phan
ouon t6m d6n tuong 101 tOm I co y thuc vAthai glon
trend-conscious ttrend 'konfas! quon
attack so soon. cong sorn the.
health-conscious I'helS 'konjas/ IUU
t6m d6n sue khoe tOm d~n xu huang
DUeli day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghia :
contra- counter-accusation /kaontotr) counter-claim I'kauntar kletrn/ lal
contra- c6 trong cac tu chi su' v~t c6 doi khang hay c6 tac dung doi nghich v6i 'rekju'zelfnl Sv phon On tuy~n b6 ngUQc IQI.phon t6
su' v~t khac, Vi du, neu ban 'contradict' voi ai, ban n6i trai lai voi nhung gl counteract I,kaunta'rrektl khOng cu counter-espionage I,kauntar 'espranc.j/
~guai d6 n6i; 'contraceptive' la mot cong CI,I hoac mot loai thuoc ngua thai. counter-appeal l,kaunta(r)api:V y~u vl~c phon glOn
seen ch6ng d61 counterexample l,kauntang'za:mpV vi
Duell dOy Iq rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghia :
counterargument tkauntar,o:gjumantl du tuong phon .
contraception I,kontra'sepfnl sv trOnh contrafloui I,kontra'flaul dOng xe co cuec tronh cOId61khOng countetfire I,kauntar'falal b6n tro
thai nguQc chlAU counterattack I'kauntaratreklsv phon counterforce I,kauntar'f:l:s! IVcIUQng
contraceptiue l,kontra'septIvl thu6c contraindication I,kontramdl'kelfnl cOng ch6ng d61
trOnhthai ch6ng chi dlnh (kYhl~u chi thu6c nguy counteraitraction I,kauntara'trrekfnl counter-irritant I,kauntar 'rrrtant/
contradid I,kontra'dlktl ooc bo hl~m) Svthu hut conh tronh thu6c glom ejou
contradiction I,kontra'dlkfnl SVbee contrary tkontranl SVtrOiIQI counterbalance l,kauntar'brelanR! lam counter-measure I,kaunta(r) 'me3a(r)1
bo contrauene l,kontra'vi:nI vi phorn d61 tronq, phO vOth6 can b6ng bl~n phOp khOng cv. bl~n pliOp phOng
counter-bid I,kauntar 'brd/ d61giO trOnh
counter- counterbloui I,kauntar blso/ cu dOnh counter-moue I,kaunta(r) mu:vl bl~n
tra phOp ch6ng tra
countercharge l,kauntar'tSa:dy SV
counter- klt hop v(/i danh tu va dOng tu M tao ra danh 'tu va dOng tit maio . phon cOng
Cac tit duoc tao thanh n6i Mn hoac mO ta nhitng hanh dOng, hoat dOng doi


counter-offensive I,kauntar a'fensivl counter-revolution I,kauntar,' reva'lu:fn/ 2. KHA NANG vA KY NANG :
st.,lphon cOng cu¢c phon ccch mQng -craft ket hop vai danh tU M tao nen danh tu mot chi m¢t hoat d(>ng,m¢t cong
counter-offer l,kauntar ofa<r)/ gla choo he counter-strategy I,kauntar 'strretad3u viec lien quan den ky nang, VI du, 'handicrafts' h\ nhung hoat d¢ng nhu theu
counter-plot l,kauntaploU phon k~ phon chl~n ILlQC may hoac lam g6m sir, co lien quan den viec tao ra d6 v~t bAng tay; 'stagecraft'
counter-proposal I,kauntar pra'pauzV counterstrike l,kauntar'straIkI t6n Iii ky nang trong ngh~ thuat viet va dung cac v(J kjch.
phon dll nghl
counterreaction l,kauntarrekfIV' phon
cOng IQI .
counter-thrust I,kauntar 'BrAStI phon
> Chu y rdllg 'handicrafts' luon a sf/ Ilhi~u.
ung d61 I1gh!ch cOng dO d¢1 - '" traditional Indian handicrafts in- ... cong nghiep thu cong c6 truyen cua
counter-reform I,kauntar rr'fo.m/ cu¢", counterweight l,kauntarweIU phon dustries. An do.
phon cal coch trQng ILlQng - ... the American market leader in the ... ding ty cung ung hang d§u cua My
supply of needlecraft kits. ve d6 nghe may va.
Cae ftJ co d~ng nghTs khae:
- Her father, who was skilled in wood- - B6 co ta, nguai ra't ranh nghe tho moc,
counterfoil l,kauntaf:>IV cu6ng bl~n 101 counterpoint I,kauntap:>mtl d61 Om
craft, had made the table for her. da lam cho co mot cai ban.
counterpart l,kauntapo:tI ban d61 countersign l,kauntasaIn/ kY d61 chung
chl~u; ngLlol tLlong nhl~m
Duai day 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia :
bushcraft lbujkra:ftI ky ttlu¢t chcrn
stagecraft fsteId3kro:ftl ngh~ thu¢t
b6n cOy canh
-craft vt6t vc dt.,lng kleh
filmcraft Ifdmkra:ftl ky thu¢t phlm anh statecraft /stertkro.ft/ SlJ quon Iy nM
1, PHUONG TI$N 01 CHUYEN: handicrafts IhrendIkra:ftsI dO thu eOng nLlce
-craft ket hop voi danh tu va hi~n tai phan tu M tao nen danh tu moi. Danh housecraft Ihauskro:ftl vl~e tll glo n¢1 Witchcraft /wItjkra:ftl mo thu¢t. y~u
tU dang nay chi phucng ti~n di chuyin v~n hanh theo m~t each d~c bi~t cho trQ thu¢t
m¢t muc dich d~c biet. VI du, 'aircraft' la m¢t phirong tien bay trong kh6ng needlecraft fmdlcra:ftl ky nOng may woodcraft /wudkro:ftl tal dl rung.
trung, nhu may bay, tau hron chang han: 'landing-craft' la m(>t chiec tau nho vo tMu tnuo nghll thQ m¢e
dung M del b¢ quan d(>ivao biii bi~n.
Union members refused to handle Cac thanh vlen Cong doan kh6ng chiu cross-
baggage from the diuerted aircrajt. thanh toan ma hanh Iy tlt chie'c miSy
bay dap lech huang. 1. SV 01 CHUYEN :
- The Voyager spacecraft will fly past - Tau kheng gian Voyager se di qua sac • CACH DUNG R¢f\lG RAI : '/

Saturn In Nouember. Th6 vao thang 11 tal.

cross- ket h<;1pvoi danh tu chi noi ch6n M tao thanh tinh tu. Tlnh tu dang nay
- ... climbing down slippery ladders - ... lee xu6ng chiec thang tron tuot van
dit'!n ta su' v~t di chuy~n ngang qua ncti ch6n diroc n6i den. Vi du, mot cuoc
into the heauing beaching-craft. trong tau can dang nang len.
dua 'cross-country' dit'!n ra xuyen su6t d6ng ru¢ng va thon que thay vi tren
Duai day 16 muc tU c6 cung dong nghTa: dtt~ng chay: chuyen pha 'cross-channel' di b<'lngngang eo bi~n Manche.
aircraft feakra:ftI rnov.oov passengercraft fpresmd3akra:ftl xe - He was in training for a cross-country - Anh ta dang trong dot hua'n luyen cho
beaching-craft fbi:tfII) kra:ftl ttluylln chO hanh kMch run. cuoc chay viet da.
I~n CQn • spacecraft fspeIskro:ftI tau y(j trl,l - . The cross-channel ferry problems - Cac va'n d~ kh6 khan v~ pha qua eo
hovercraft fhovakra:ftl thuy phi co watercraft fw:>:takro:ftl tau (n~u a should soon sort themselues out. bi~n Manche chjng ma'y ch6c se 11,1
landing-craft flrendIIJ kro:ftl tau dd b¢ 56 nhl~u). ky thu¢t dillu khl~n tau 10 ra.
thuylln (n~u a 56 It) - They exchanged cross-table chat with HQ trao d6'i vai ma'y nglfai cung du
other diners. tiec ng6i ben kia ban.


DLlai ClOy 16 VI du ccc tCI c6 cung dong nghTa : cross-piece fkros pi:s/ phOn (b¢ phon) crosswind fkroswmd! gl6 nguoc
cross-border I,kros 'b:>:da(r)1 xuven cross-court I,kros 'k:>:U xuylln su6t ngong chillu hUdng
philln too -crossroads fkrosraud:d ngO tu dUClng
billn gldl
cross-campus I,kros 'keempas/ xuylln cross-frontier I,kros 'fr,mtla(r)1 xuylln 3. NHIEU HON MOT NGUC11 HAY MOT V~T :
su6t khuOnvillntruong dql hQC su6t billn gldl
cross- ke't hop voi danh tU va tinh tll dE! tao nen danh tll va tfnh tll moi, Cac
cross-channel I,kros 'tfrenV xuven su6t cross-harbour I,kros 'ho:ba(r)1 xuylln
tU dang nay mieu h\ su v~t di~n ra gnra hay lien quan Mn hai hay nhi~u nguO'i
k~nh ceo b~n cong
hoac vat. VI du, 'cross-reference' la 100ichu giai (j mOt ph~n sach cho nglfO'i d9C
cross-country I,kros 'kxntri/ xuylln cross-town I,kros taunl xuylln su6t tlnh
bie't r]!ng co nhung thong tin lien quan hoac chi tie't hctn (j phdn khac cua sach:
su6t dOng que thOnh
mOt t6 chirc 'cross-cultural' co lien quan den nhi~u hen mOt n~n van hoa.
",.. Luu y rdllg cross- doi khl ciing' ktl Il{1P Veli tinh IiI theo cacil lIay. -It contains many added entries and - N6 c6 nhi~u phu luc va chi dan tham
cross-references to help you find khao M giup ban tim duoc nhling gl
... a large cross· national survey. - ... mot cuoc tharn db lon, tren khap
what you wont. minh mu6n.
mroc (qu6c gia).
- ... an influential cross-cultural study - ... mot cuoc nghien cuu v~ chfnh sach
2. VI TRr, PHUONG HUONG : of housing policy. a
nha co lien quan de'n nhi~u n~n van
cross- ke't hop vai danh tU va tinh h:r dE!tao ra danh h:r va tinh tll moi. Cac tll . hoa c6 t~m anh hllang,
dang nay chi vi tri su vat tao mot goc dO so v(~i sl! v~t khac. hoac dich chuyen - The Government is dependent on - Chinh phil dua vao sl.lung hI) cua cac
each su v~t khac mOt goc dO nao do. Vi du, 'crosswind' la gio manh th6i nguoc cross-party supp~rt, dang phai.
huang voi chiec xe dang chay: ne'u co ai do ng6i 'cross-legged', thl ho ng6i xe'p DLlai ClOy 16 rnuc tv c6 cung dong nghTa :
bang tren sari bilt chan chit ngu.
cross-breed fkros bri:d! gl6ng v¢t 101. cross-indexed fkros rndekst/ nhillu
Cach vie"t: Cac tll dang nay phfin Ian vie't co dau gach n6i, ngoai trll 'crossroads' gl6ng cOy lal thu muc
va 'crosswind' diroc vie't Ii~n nhau. cross-cultural fkros ultfarV thu¢c vII cross-party fkros nhl~u dong
- These cars have poor stabilrty on mo- - Cac chiec xe nay kh6ng dam khi Ch3Y nocc lI~nquon tdl nhl~u n~n vcn h60 cross-reference I,kros 'refarans/ bong
torways in crosswinds. tren duong gi6 nguoc. kh6c nhou: so s6nh gluo ccc nlln vcn hUdng d6n thom khoo
- The bird settled on a cross-beam near - Chu chim d~u I(li tren xa ngang gan h60 cross-training I,kros tremuy' do hu6n
the top of the thatch. nor rnai la. luy~n
- A sudden cross-gust of cold air came - MOtcon gi6 lanh thinh linh th6i nguoc Cae fIJ eo d{Jng nghTa khSe .-
heavy with the smell of pines. den mang n~ng mui thong. cross-bow fkros bso/ cov no cross-purposes I,kros 'pa.pasrz/ hl~u
cross-check I,kros 'tfe!tI ph6i ki~rn.. nhOm
DLlai day 16 rnuc tCI c6 cung dong nghia :
kl~mtro cheo cross-question I,kros 'kwestfanl hol
cross-bar I'kros ba:(r)1 thonh ngong. cross-flow fkros flad dong cnov cross-examine I,kros Ig'zremlnI d61 gqn. hcch soch
(xo ngong) ngong ch6t cross-seaion I,kros 'sekfnl thl~t dl~n
cross-beam fkrosbi:mI xa ngong cross-grained I,kros 'greind! vOncheo. cross-eyed fkros ard/ mat h~ cross-shape I,kros felp/ hlnh cat
. cross-current fkros 'kxrant/ nuoc xoov vOn ngong (gO) crossfire fkros falal bOn cneo nhau crossword fkrosw3:d! trOenol 0 chu
(dong cnov g¢p nhou, cheo nhou) cross-gust /'kros gAsU con gl6 ngUoc
cross-draught fkros 'dro.ft/ gi61uo cross-legged fkros 'Iegd! vat chOn crypto-
(ngong quo) chu ngO, x~p bOng
crypto- ke't hop vai danh tu: dE! tao nen cac tll di~n hi tlnh trang bf m~t, gia'u
die'm cua s~( v~t rna danh tll g6c n6i Mn. Chung thuO'ng diroc dung dE!chi r~ng
ai do khOng dam cOng khai thanh th~t trong niern tin va muc dfch ma ho thirc


su theo du6i. Vi du, 'crypto-fascist' la nguai ng§m theo chu nghia phat-xit nhung
lai khong thu nhan dieu ay; 'crypto-coalition' Iii mot su lien hiep ng§m .. 1. MOT TR~NG THAI HO~C MOT PHAM CHAT:
-cy k€t hop vO'i tinh tll', co doi hie voi danh tlt, M tao danh til' mol. Danh tu
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : nay chi tlnh trang, phii'm chat, hoac kinh nghiern rna tinh tu noi, Mn. Vi du,
Ta cung co th~ tao tlt moi theo dang nghia nay bllng each them crvpto- vao 'pregnancy' la tlnh trang co thai; 'accuracy' la kha nang thuc hien nhiem vu
danh tir. Song, cac tll: dang nay thuong kha trang trong va hiern thay. chinh xac va khong m.te mot thieu s6t nao,
- The President fUlfils a dual role-as a - Vi T6ng thong thuc hi~n mot nhiern each Vllt: Chtf cu6i 't' hay 'te' duoc thay bllng -cy.
political leader and as crypto-mon- VI) doi, vUa Iii lanh tu chinh tri vua Iii - She lay on the bed, sick from her - Co ta nam dai tren giU'i'lng, I~n d~u
crch. quoc vuong giau mat, first pregnancy. tien bi om nghen.
They thought that I was the sort of - Nglii'li ta nghi toi dai loai Iii dang vien - The President restored dignity and - Vi T6ng thong lay l<;Ii51,1 blnh tinh va
crypto-democrat who would try to dang Dan chu ng~m co am mU\J I~t decency. lich 51!.
overturn the government! d6 chinh phu! - Cramped homes prevent priuacy. - Nha cua ch~t hep lam mat di 5V rieng
DLloi day 10 rnuc tu c6 cung dQng nghia : - There was no hesitancy in his words. Khang thay c6 chut ngap ngirng nao
trong cac Ii'li anh ta noi.
crupto-coalition l,krIpta kooa'hjn/ su crypto-mo"arch l,krIpta 'monak/
DLloi day 10 rnuc tu c6 cung dQng nghTa :
lien ket bi m¢t hoong de bi mOt
cnjpto-communist l,krIpta 'komjomst! crypto-republicall I,krlpta ri'pxbltkan/ accuracy I'rekjarasIl Sl,l chfnh x6c immediacy' /r'mi.drast/ sl,l trl,lc tlep. sl,l
dang viE'ln c¢ng san bi m¢t dang vlE'ln ElOng c¢ng hoo bi mOt ascendancq /a'sendansi/ uy the c6p bach
crypto-democrat I,krlpta 'demakreet/ crypto-Trotskyist l,krIpta 'trotskust! buoya"cy I'b;)JansIl su n6i inadequacu /m'eedrkwasi/ sl,l khong
dang vlE'ln ElOng don chu bi mot ngUol bf met theo chu thuyet Trotsky complacencu /kam'plersnsi/ tfnh tl,l man tuong ang
crypto-fascist l,krIpta 'feesrst/ tE'ln consistency /kan'srstansi/ tinh kiE'ln djnh inconsistencu l,mkan'sIstansIl s0 rnou
ph6t xit bi m¢t decencu I'di:snsIl su d(/ng ddn. Ilch Sl,I thudn
deficiellCY IdI'fJfnsIl sl,l thieu hl,lt inefficiencu I,Im'ftJnsIl Sl,I khOng hl~u
> Luu Y rJllg crypto- ciillg xwft hi~1l vai Ilghia lII'iy trong cac tit kh6llg phdi la tit delicacu I'delIkasII sl,l duven d6ng qua
tie"g Allh goc. Vi du, 'cryptography' la mo" phall ticn va giiii mt;1tmii; can b~llh . delinquencu /dr'lnjkwansi/ t¢1 16i infal/CY /mfansr/ laa tu61 so sinh
'cryp/ogcllic' Iii call b¢llh ma Ilgu&1lgoc cua no chua hoi!c kh6llg ai ro. «- dependency /dr'pendansi/ nuoc. vung illSuf!iciency l,msa'fIJnsIl su khOng dOy
phu thuoc
- ... the science of code-making and - ... mon hoc tao mil va pha m~t ma - du

code-breaking - cryptography. man cryptography. despondency /dr'spondansi/ sl,l ndn long intimacu I'mtImasIl sl,l quen thOn
diplomacy /dr'pleumasi/ ngonh ngool irreleuancu /r'relrvsnsi/ tinh kh6ng
CIA cryptonyms are used in place of - M~t danh CIA dli(le dung thay cho ten
91g0 chinh dang. kh6ng lI~n quan
true names. th~t.
discrepancy /dr'skrepansi/ Sl,Ikhoc nhau. legitimacy /h'd3ItlmasIl tinh hQp pnop
b6t h(lp I~
DLloi day 10 t(J c6 cung dQng nghTa : literacy I'lItarasIl sl,l bl6t vl~t
efficiellCY lI'fIJnsIl hl~u qua militancy I'mIlItansIl tinh chl~n d6u
cruptogenic /krrptadjeniks/ kh6ng ro cryptology /krrp'tnladji/ khoa m¢t rnd expectancu /rk'spektansi/ tinh trong
obstillacy l'obstanasIl tfnh bUang blnh
nguon g6c hoC mong cho. ky vong poignancu I'pomjansIl VI cay
cryptograph /krrp'toqref/ mo noo cryptol/ym /krrptanrm/ tE'ln mOt. bi fluency /flu.ansi/ Sl,llUU loot potency I'pautnsIl Il,Ic IUQng
cryptography /krrp'toqrafi/ mOt mo danh frequency I'fri:kwansIl tfnh thUong xuyE'ln pregnancy I'pregnansIl sl,l co thai
hesitancu I'heZltansIl sl,l do dl,l privacy I'prQIvasIl Sl,l rieng tu
illiteracy /r'lrtarasi/ non rnu cnu proficie"cy Ipra'fIJnsIl su tal glol


redundancy /n'dsndansr/ slJ thuo transparency Itrrens'preransIl t6m
efficacy leflkasrl tfnhc6 hl~u quo
secrecy Isi:krasIl tinh kind60 phlm trong (dung trong m6y dElnChl~u) pharmacy Ifa:masrl dUQckhoo
emergency lI'm3:d3ansrl tinh trQng policy Ipolasrl chfnh s6ch
urgency la:d3ansIl slJg6p rut khdn cdp
primacy Ipralmasrl dla VI d6u
jallacy IfrelasIl di~u 16mtuang
procuracy Ipra'kjurasrl SV dQt dUQc
2. TlJOCVI, NGHE NGHlep : fancy IfrensIl kho n~ng tuang tUQng prophecy Iprofasrl SV tlAntrl
-cy k€t hop v6'i danh tU chi nguc'Jic6 chuc vi hay ngM nghiep rieng bi~t M tao legacy IlegasIl dl tfch
tende1lCY ltendansrl khuynh hUong
nen danh tU m6'i. Danh tU m6'i nay d~ cap true ti€p Mn chuc vi hay ngh~ mercy Im3:sIl slJthUong x6t. lOng
nghiep, Vi .du, 'baronetcy' la tuck vi cua m/?t tong nam tu6'c; 'accountancy' 1a nhOn tCt
cac ly thuyet va thuc hanh cua mot k€ toan vien.
Cach vi't: Chii' 't' va 'te' cuoi duoc thay bang 'cy', ngoaitnr 'baronetcy' va de-
'viscountcy', chii' cuoi 't' duoc gil1 nguyen.
He succeeded to the baronetcy on - Anh ~y ke vi ng6i nam tLidctCt ngLioi
the death of his father. cha vua mdi 'qua doi. • CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI :
France takes over the EC presidency - Nl(dc Phap ke tuc orong vi chu tich
de- k€t hap v6'i dOng tit de' ta~ dong tit mQj E>/?ngtit dang nay di~n ta mot
from Spain in the second half of this Cong d6ng chau Au tCt ray Ban Nha
hanh d¢ng gay mot tac dung d6i nghich v6'i tie'n trlnh ma dong tit g6c n6i Mn.
year. trong sau thang cuo'i narn nay.
Vi du, ne'u m9t t6' chirc nao d6 bj 'deregulated', cac lu~t I~, thll~ kilm soat
David Gower took on the England - David Gower tiep tuc gill chuc dqi
v~n hanh ctla to' chuc a'y bi x6a bo: ne'u sl! v~t nao lam 'dehumanizes' con ngui'ti,
cricket captaincy again. trLi<1ng
dOi cricket cua Anh. tuc HIm mift nhirng pha'm chilt lam nguc'Jicua ho.
He had not rejected the idea of can- - 6ng kh6ng bo y dinh ung cll trong cac
didacy in the coming elections. cuoc b~u Cll tdi, Cach vi't: Cac tit dang nay c6 thl vi€t v6'i da'u gach n6i hoac vie't Ii~n.
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU co cung dQng nghia : - ... measures to deregulate the teleoi- - ... cac bi~n phap M x6a bo cac lu~t
sion industry. I~trong nganh truy~n hlnh.
accountancy /a'kaotansi/ ngh~ k~ teen magistracy Imred3istrasIl chuc quan
- Word processors are likely to deper- - Miiy xli Iy van ban c6 th~ lam m~t di
advocacy IredvakasIl nhl~m vu lu¢t su too
sonalize working relationships. tinh ca nhan trong cac m6i quan h~
baronetcy IbreramtsIl tuoc hl~u tong occupancy./okjupansIl sl,lchl~m d6ng
nom tuoc piracy IpalarasIl ngh~ ~n cuoo cong viec.
- Accommodation would have to be
bureaucracy /bjoo'rokrast/ tfnh quan presidency /prezrdenar/ chuc t6ng Nha clla se phil i dLiQCkhll doc sau khi
decontaminated after exposure to ra· bi chieu cac tia buc X<I.
lI~u th6ng
candidacy IkrendldasIl slJ ung cu regemy Iri:d3ansIl chuc nhl6p chinh
captaincy IkreptmsIl ceo b¢c dQIuv tenancu ItenansIl slJthu~ mUon DLloi day 10 rnuc tV co cung dQng nghia :
chaplaincy ItfrephnsIl chuc gl60 si viscoulltcy /varkcontse' tuoc hl~u tu deactivate /di:'rektlveltl 10mcho
chieftaincu Itji:i'tansIl cuong VI thu rrnh tuoc decompression I,di:kam'p~efnl slJ
khOnghoot d¢ng glom 'bOt see ep
co1lsulta1lCY/ksn'sxltanst/ SVhol y kl6n decel/tralize Idi:'sentralarz/ phon
decongestion l,di:kan'd3esfnl 10m
Cae ta eo nghia kMe : quyen v~ dio phUong
(maul luu thOng de dong
decertify IdI's3:trfaIl khOngchung nh¢n decontaminate I,di:kan'tremmertl st.,t
agency leld3ansIl co quan. dQlly constituenoj /kan'strtjoansi/ khu vl,lc
declassify l,dl:'klresrfaIl cOng b6 khu nhiem
confederacy /ksn'fedarasi/ lI~nmlnh b6u eu (thOngtin ...)
conseruancg /kan'sa.vsnsi/ sl,lboo v~ co/'tingency /kan'tmdjsnst/ sl,lng6u decouple /dr'kapl/ t6ch ra
decolonize I,di:'kolenalz/ tro IQidoc I¢p
conspiracy /ksn'sprrast/ Om mUu nhl~n de-emphasize /dr'emfa.sar/ 10mcho
decommissiol/ Idi:ka'mrfnl khOng khOngquan trQng
curre1lCYIwansIl tl~n t~
dUQcuy nhi~m

de-mist l,di:'mIstl 16m tan sUdng
dehouse Idi:hausl khOng chO" tro
de-escalate /dr'esko.lert/ 16m ch¢m demystify l,di:'mIstlfaii 16m cho hl~u descale l,di:'skeIII d6nh vey ,
de-ice l,di:'aIsi lam ton bOng
ph6t tri~n dUQc de-skill IdI:'skIII col thUOng
~e-i1lk Idi:Il)k/ x60 d6u rnuc
dehumanize I,di:'hju:manalzi lam denaturalize l,di:'nretfralaIzi lam bl~!,
delouse l,di:'lausi b6t r¢n
m6t tinh nguai ch6t
Cac tLt c6 d~ng nghia khac :
dehydrate l,di:'haldreItI 10<;11nUOc depersonalize Idi:'p3:sanalaIzi 16m
cho m6t tfnh rl~ng tu. co nhOn
delegate rd;:lIgeItI cu lam dQI bl~u
deindustrialize /di.m'dastrralatz/ lam debase /dr'bers/ 16m glom gl6 rr]
depoliticize /'lrtrsarz/ phi chinh tr] delig1lt /dr'lait/ 16m cno vul wong
cho khong cong nghl~p h60 decease Idi'si:sI ch~t
delimit Idi:'hmItI glOI hQn
dematerialize /'trarralarz/ lam h60 decip1ler IdI'saIfa(r)1 glof mO
deregulate l,di:'regjuleItI demoralize IdI'moralaIzi 16m cho sa ngO
cho khOng xov ro x60 be declaim ldI'kleImI dl~n thuy~t
denote ldI'nautl bl~u hl~n
demilitarize l,di:'mliItaraIzi phi qUOn nhOng qui t6c decrease ldI'kri:sI giom dl
destabilize /di.sterbalarz/ 16m m6t On depart /di'part/ ral khol
sv noo decry ldI'kraII n61 x6u
depress /di'pres/ 16m ch6n non
demobilize /di.maobalarz/ glol ngO dinh deface ldI'feIsi 16m x6u dl
derail ldI'reIV lam tr¢t duang r6y
defile ldI'faIII lam oo bOn
derange ldI'reIndy r61 trf
".. Luu Y rang m{it 50' d{illg tit thuang ktt h{1p vai 'dis-' him la de- dl dilll ta hallil deform Idl'f:>:mI lam bl~n dQng
deserve ldI'z3:vl xung d6ng
d{i/lg Ilglf(1C Iqi vai m{it qua irinh. defraud /dr'fro.d/ Iuo gQt
design /di'zam/ ph6c hQO
defray Idi'frell thanh rocn
> Mu6'n biet them chi tiflt VB cac tie;' dau ngiJ (prefixes) cO nghia phU dinh, xem' dfs-, iI-,
defll..~el,di:'fju:zI n-oo gO
despite ldI'spaltl mC)c dO
non-, va uno, detest ldI'testl ghet
degenerate Idlo3enareItI th061 h6a
devalue l,di:'vrelju:1 lam m6t gl6
degrade ldI'greId/ lam glom gl6 tr]
2, CHI1sV X6A 86. TAY TRU : delay 1dI'leIl lam cho ch¢m
devote ldI'vautl hl~n dOng


de- kft hqp v6'i danh ttr M tao nen dong tU chi stl x6a bO, tiy tru C11a Sit yat
. trong danh tU g&:. Vi du, neu ban 'de-ice' cira xe, ban gat bo cac 16'pbang d6ng tren
cua, deca- c6 trong cac tU c6 nghia bl) phan III 'ten' (rruroi, me)t chuc), Vi du, 'decade'
each vitt: Cac tU dang nay viet c6 dau gach n6i, hay viet lien. Iii khoang thC1igian 10 narn: 'decathlon' Iii cu(')c thi da'u thi thao mil mOi v~n
De-icing the aircraft delayed depar- - Viec I~y bang d6ng tren may bay lam dOng vien phai tham gia mUCtimon khac nhau.
tures. trl hoan viec khoi hanh. Duoi Clay 10 rnuc tv c6 cOng dc;mg nghTa :
_ You should defrost your fridge once, - B<J11nen xii lap luyellrong Iii lanh hai
decalitre I'deka,li:tal d~-co-lit
a fortnight. lu~n mQI I~n. decade I'dekeuit thC)P nl~n
decametre I'deka,mi:tat d~,ca-met
_ the de-inking of waste paper for - ... cong doan I~y muc tren giay vun decagon I'dekagan/ hinh mu61 CQnh
decat/lloll I'dIkre9lon/ cu¢c thl mU61
recycling, • de lai che. deca1ledroll I,deka'hedran/ kh61 mual
_ Descale your kettle for faster boiling, - Hily cao bo lap cau dong trong am eM mC)t
no soi nhanh hon.
Duoi Clay 10 rnuc tU c6 cOng dQng nghia :
debristle /dirbrrsl/ 16m ~m diu de-feather Idi:'fIih:1 khOng dUQc vi~n
debug l,di:'bAg/ tim vo x6a 161 b6ng lOng deci- c6 trong cac tU c6 nghia be) ph~n Iii 'tenth' (thu mtlC1i,phAn mtlC1i).Vi du,
decoke I,di:'kauk/ khu carbon defrost I,di:'frostl lam tan bOng
h~ th6ng 'decimal' Iii h~ th6ng do de'm th~p phan. .
de-curtain /dirks.tan/ khOng cuoc
che man

DUal Clay 16 ccc tlJ c6 cling dQng nghio : dis- ~
decibel I'deslbeV dexlben decimal I'deslmV th¢p phOn 1. CHI HANH f)ONG f)61 NGHICH :
decilitre I'desIli:ta(r)1 d~sllit decimetre I'deslmi:ta(r)1 d~xlmet dis- k€t hdp voi d¢ng ta M tao d¢ng nr maL D¢ng ta dang nay ~ m¢t
hanh.dOng gliy mM hie dOng trsii ngtidc hoac dao nghjch vai ti€n trlnh mA d¢ng
demi- t(t g6c n6i Mn. Vi du, n€u ban 'disobey' ai do, ban khOng lam theo liYiho bao:

demi- co trong cac tu c6 nghla b¢ phan IA'half' (ban, phan rura), Vi du, 'demi-god' n€u ban 'disapprove' chuyen gl, ban khOng thich hoac khOng tan thAnh chuyen
IA mot nhan v~t khong c6 thuc, c6 rura IA th~n thanh, rura ngliai tr~n.
- In all these years I've never known - Su6t d nhang nam ~ua, toi cbira h~
DUai Clay 16 cae tU c6 cling dQng nghTo :
~~~~-------------, you to disobey an order. thay anh bat tuan lenh tren.
demi-deuil I'demI'devV ma qui demi-uiorld I'demlW3:ld! nua th~ - The boy disappeared from the hotel - Dua tre bi€n khi>ikhach san h6i dern.
demi-god I'demIQod! nva nguol nva glol during the night.
- Mr Binford disapproves of kids using - Ong Binford khong chiu cho bon nhi>
~ Mu6'n bis't them chi tiel vA cae tiep d4u rigi1.(prefixe5) cO nghTa 'phl2n nua', xem half- va beach houses for holidays. . slt dung nha ngoi'li bi~n d~ nghl.
semt-. - The farmer was riding a mule and - Bac nong phu dang ctleli la rdi ong
was about to dismount. chua'n bi blIac ~u6ng.
derm- DUOi day 16 muc tU c6 cling dQng nghTo :
derm- c6 trong s6 tU c6 nghla b¢ ph~n IA 'skin' (da, bl), Vi du, 'dermatitis' IA disagree l,drsa'gri:1 bO'tdong disinherit Idrsm'herrt! tvoc quy~n
chirng viern da.
disallow I,dlsa'iali khOngcho phep thuo k~
> Luu y rdllg derm- c6 luc cung dr.l(1c vitI if giila Ill. V( du, 'epidermis' Iii lap bilu disappear l,drsa'pia(r)1 bl~n mO't disintegrate Idrs'mtrgrert! 10mtan rd.
bi. disapprove I,dlsa'pru:vl khOngtan 10msuy SUP (tlnh th6n)
DUal day 16 muc tU c6 cling dQng I)ghTo: thanh disinvest I,drsm'vest! ngung d6u tu
dermal I'd3:maV thuoc da dermatology l,d3:ma'tolad311 khoo da disarm Idrs'o:mI tuoc vOkhf dislike /drs'lark/ khOngthich
dermatitis l,d3:ma'taltrsl vI~mda lieu disassociate l,drsa'sauJrert! tach ra dislodge Idrs'lody duOIra khol
dermatologist l,d3:ma'tolad3rst! th6y dermis I'd3:mrsl mOII~nk~t disband /drs'beend/ glol tan dismount /drs'maont/ xu6ng xe
thu6c khoa oo lieu epidermis l,epr'd3:mrsl lOpda ngool. disbelieve I,drsbi'li:vl khOngtin disobey I,drsa'bell khOngtuOn theo
lop bl~u bi disconnect I,drska'nekt! phOn coch ra disorganize /drs'o.qanarz/ gOy hon IOQn
discontinue l,dlskan'tmju:1 chO'm dUt disown Idrs'aun/ tU bo. khOngthua nh¢n
discredit Idrs'kredrt! 10mmO'tuy tin displace /drs'plers/ dOlchO. dol chO
dia- disembark l,drsrm'bo:kI xu6ng tou. rol displease Idrs'pli:zI tUc gl¢n
dia- c6 trong cac tU c6 nghTa b~ ph~n IA: 'through' (sutSt), 'across' (ngang qua), rou dispossess /drsps'zea/ truO'tquy~n sO
va 'between' (gnra). Vi du, m¢t cuoc nghien cuu 'diacheonic' chi ra sl! phat tri~n disenfranchise l,drsm'framtJarzi nroc hLiu
cua sl! vat qua thai gian; 'dialogue' Iii cucc dam thoai giua hai hay nhieu ngliaL quy~n b6u cu disprove I,dlspru:vl bee bO
disengage I,drsm'gerdy thoct ro disqllllfify Idrs'kwohfall IOQIbo vi
DUal day 16 rnuc tU c6 cling dQng nghTo :
disentangle Idrsrn'treI)gV gel r61 khOngdu tu cocn
diagonal /dar'eeqanl/ dUong cheo diaphanous /dar'eefanas/ nhe. mln vo dishearten Idrs'ho:tnl 10mm6t hy dissatisfy Idr'smtrsfall ~hOnghallcng
dialectic I,dara'iektrd tol bl~n chung h6u nhu trong su6t vang. 10mchon non distrust Idrs'tr ASt! nghl ngQI
dialogue I'daralog/ mdu d61thocl diaphragm I'darafrreml co hoonh
disincline /drsm'klam/ mien cUeing disunite l,drsJu:nart! cnlo r~
diameter. Idar'remrt<l(r)1 dUong kinh
disinfect I,drsm'fekt! tdv u~ disuse Idls~u:sI khOngdOng


> Luu lj M tao nen M.!J.gJ1i
rltllg dis- ciillg ke't h(!p vai dallh tli theo dall~ IIghia 1Ii111
~~~ theo mue tli tren. disreputable ldI'repjutabl/ mang tal disrespect l,dIsri'spektJ sl,1b6t kfnh
tl6ng disservice IdIS'S3:VIsI 51,110m hQI
There was little disagreement over - Co mot sl.,l bat d6ng nhl> v~ viec dn
disrepute l,dIsrI'pju:tJ sl,1mang tal dissimilar /dis'rmrlar/ khcc nhau
what needed to be done. phai lam.
- Thomas had been feeling a little dis- - Thomas earn thay hol ph~t long v~
satisfaction with his daughters. mily co con gai cua ong.
~ Muon bidt tMm chi /i,j't ve cac prefixes cO nghTa phU dinh, xem de-, /1-, non-, va uno.
> Chu lj dlllg c6 mQt 56' dong tit ke't hap vai 'de-' thay vi dis- M dilll d~t dang nghia
tren: Xcm m!lc de-,
Cae tu eo dt;mg nghTa kMe :
disappoint l,dIsa'pamtJ 10m th6t vQng dishearten /dts' 10m m6t hy
disarray l,dIsa'reI! SI,1 x60 tron Yang. 10m ch6n non
~ dis- ket hdp v6'i tinh tl( va danh tu M t\10tinh tu va danh tu m6'L Cac tU dang '.\ discharge I'dIStfo:dy pMt ra. tho ra disillusion l,dlSl'lu:3n1 10m va mong
nay di~n ta Hnh trang, dac tinh, hay p-ha'mchat d6i nghich v6'i su v~t ma tinh disclaim /drs'klerm/ ch61. khOng nhQn disintegrate IdIs'mtIgreItJ .16m tan r6
tU hoar danh tU g6c noi Mn. Vi du, mot nguoi 'dishonest' la ngu6"ikhong thanh disclose /drs'klaoz/ d~ 10 ra disjointed /drs'djomtrd/ thl~u rnoch lac
thuc, hay khong th~ tin duq'c; 'disadvantage' la met khia canh nao do trong tinh discolour IdIs'kAla(r)1 dOl mcu dislocate I'dIslakeItJ 16m lI"t khCIp
each hay tinh trang cua ai d6 gay ra cho ho nhung kho khan, phien phti'c. disconcert l,dIskans3:tJ phon c6ch ra dislodge /drs'lody duOI ra khol
- The hard-working carpenter had - Milt the} moc sieng lam khong bao gill discount /drs'kaont/ xem tho.1ong dismiss /drs'mrs/ so thai
never done a dishonest thing in his lam di~u gian d6i trong doi, discourage /dr'skxrtdy' 10mlnan 16ng disparity /dr'speerati/ 51,1khOng xGng hop
life. discourse /drs'ko.s/ bol thuy6t trinh displace /dr'splers/ dOl ch6
. vast and disorderly assemblies of - ... nheng cuoc t~p trung quan dong discover IdIs'kAva(r)/ kMm ph6 ra display /dis'plei/ 51,1trung boy
soldiers. dao va milt tr~t tI.,I. disease /dr'zi.z/ b$nh tQt disquiet /drs'kwarat/ SI,1 1016ng
- Her letter caused him some discom- disembodied l,dIsIm'bodl!l/ khOng rO disregard l,dIsrl'go:d/ khOng d~ y d~n
- La thlf cua co lam anh 10 lang.
fort. rong disrepair l,dIsn'pea(r)1 tinh trang nu
disfigure IdIs'fIga(r)1 10m bl6n dang hong
- I stared at Jlld,ith in disbelief.' but I - TM ngll VI.,Icnhln Judith, nhung toi
disgrace /drs'qrers/ 10m nhuc nM dissolve /dr'zolv/ glal th~. 10m tan r6
could see she meant what she said. nh~n thay duoc rang co ta noi th~t.
distaste IdIS'teIStJ 51,1ghat
DUol day I~ rnuc tU co 9ung dQng nghia :
disadvantage l,dlsad'vo:ntIdy 51,1b6t disincentive /rhsm'sentrv/ dl~u non
101 16ng,
disbelief /drsbr'lrf/ 51,1ngo vl,1c disingenuous l,dlsm'd3enjuasl gla d61 -dom
discomfort Idl~kAmfatJ 51,1kh6 crqu disinterested /drs'mtrastrd/ kh6ng vu 101
discontent l,dlskan'tentJ 51,1khOng disloyal /drs'loral/ khOng trung tMnh 1. DIEN TA f>IEU KIt;N, TiNH TR~NG :
vuo 16ng disobedience l,dIsa'bi:dIansl SI,I khOng • CACH DUNG RQNG RAt:
discourteous /drs'ka.tras/ b6t Ijch 51,1 v6ng 101
-dorn ket h~ v6'i ~ va Unh tu M tao danh tU m6'L Danh tU dang nay
discourtesy /drs'ko.tesr/ 51,1b6t llch SI,I disobliging l,dIsa'blaId3mg/ khOng
~iln ta ~ a anh tl( hoac tiT tu" n6i Mn. Vi du, 'freedom' la
disfavour Idls'felva/ khOng 0.10 glup d"
tinh trang tt! do; 'stardom' la tlnh trang hay kinh nghiern lam mot minh tinh
disharmonu /drs'ha.mam/ xfch mich disorder /drs'o.da/ SI,1 Ion xon hoac duoc n6i tieng.
dishonest IdIS'OnIStJ khOng lo.1ongthl$n disorderly /drs'o.dah/ buo b61
dishonour /drs'onstrj/ 51,1m6t danh dl,1 disproportionate l,dIspra'pa:fanatJ each Vilt I Danh tll' cua 'wise' lawisdom'.
thl6u con xGng - In the world of today political free- - 51.,1 IIJ do v~ chinh tr] trong the' giai
dom is still rare. ng.'ly nay v~n con hiem hol.

1~{~ tit') <t

64 - WORD FORMATION ~~ 7 'iJaJ ~ ~ r
_ He was the best double-decker driver - Anh ta la tai xe' xe buyt hai t~ng kinh
... the accumulated wisdom and - ... ki~n thue va tri tu~ ma xii hoi thu
knowledge of society. th3p duoc.
in Stroud. nghiem nhilt a Stroud.
r: a double-edged rake of heavy ... mot cal cao c6 hai hang Illoi bang
He had had long experience of out- - H~n da qua sanh wi trong viec qua mat
gauge metal. kim loai n~ng.
witting officialdom. che' do quan lieu hanh chinh,
- The first issue had a double-page An ban thu nha't c6 kh6 trang doi.
DuOi dOy 10 ml,lc tU c6 cling dQng nghia :
,..------- spread.
I boredom
/b:>:{r)daml tinh trQng nhom martyrdom fmo:tadaml sl,/ ch~t vi _ ... a double-barrelled shotgun. - ... kh~u sung ng~n hai nong.
I chon
nghTa. tv vi doc DuOi cov 10 rnuc tv co cling dQng nghTa :
i chiefdom ftji:fdaml chuc thu ffnh officialdom la'fijldaml ch~ dO quan
double-action fdAbl, rekfnl hOnh dOng double-handed fdAbl, heendtd/ c6 hal
i dukedom fdju:kdaml tllCle hl~u eOng lI~u hOnh chinh
hallon quai
I tUClC princedom fpnnsdaml tuoc h06ng thOn
double-barrelled fdAbl, beerald/ hal double-length fdAbl leIJal ehl~u dol
, earldom f3:ldaml tUClChl~u bo tUCle stardom fsto:daml cuong VI ngOI sao
nang (sung) g6p dOl
freedom ffri:daml SIJ h,l do dl~n onh
double-breasted fd<\bl, brestrd/ cot double-locked fdAbl 10k! c6 kh6a hol
gangsterdom fgreIJstadaml tMI glang he wisdom fwizdaml tinh khOri ngoon
cneo (00) vang
hippiedom fhipidaml trco IW hip-pi _, double-check fdAbl, tfek! ki~m tra hal double-page fdAbl peldy to gl6y dOl
Ion double-parked fdAbl pa:k! d¢u xe b~n
Ghi nho r~ng 'dukedom', 'earldom' va 'princedom' d~u c6 hai nghla va d~u duoc
double-decker I'dAbl 'dekal xe kh6ch ccnn mOt xe do d¢u truce
neu trong d hai phan cua tU' muc nay.
hol t6ng double-prOllged fdAbl prol)ldl c6 hal
2. CHI VUONG QUY~N, LANH elA : double-doors I'dAbl d:>:(r)1cuo hol16p rj1ui chto
-dom cung k~t hop v(/i tli(/c danh M chi ytlDi Mt mA ngliC1i :fy ki~m~t. Vi double-edged fdAbl 'ed3dldl hallUal double-seamed fdAbl si:mdl e6 hal

du, 'kingdom' ia vtlng dilt hay qu6c gia ma vjvua tr] vi; 'Christendorn' Ja mc)t (doo) dl,lClng may

tU c6 chi cac qu6c gia va cac dan toe theo Thien Chua giao, double-glazed fdAbl gleI3dIdi co hal double-sided fdAbl sardrd/ c6 hal m()t
IClp klnh double-strength fdAbl streIJ91 c6
_ The kingdom had shrunk, it had been - Vuong qu6c n~y da thu nho lai, chi
nhleu sue rnonh )
reduced to a handful of ViI/ages. con lai vai ba ngoi lang.
_ ... a princedom by the sea. - ... lanh dia cua hoang than canh bi~n.
DuOi dOy 10 rnuc tv c6 cling dQng nghia : \ 2. LUA, G~T:
Double- .k~t hdl2 voi mot s6 it dOng tU va danh h.L tao tU..mQ:idi~n ta vi~c mQt

Christendom fkrIsndaml khu vue kingdom fkiIJdaml vuong qu6c .[lgu'O'i lUa gQt ngl(O'i kii!.. Vi du, c6 ai d6 'double-crosses' ban, 't& ho qua mat
nhang ngual theo dco Co d6c princedom fprmsdaml thuOe quyen ban bling each vO'lam theo y ban, nhimg thuc ra ho lam chuyen khac: 'double-talk'
dukedom fdju:kdaml Idnh dia cOng tUClC hOOng thOn ' Iii mot bai vi~t hoac noi c6 hai each hi~u nghia, va bai ~y gay kh6 hi~u.
earldom f3:ldaml IOnh dla bO ruoc _ You want me to double-cross the - The' anh mu6n toi qua m~t chu cua toi
man I work for? it?
double- .... double-dealing, innuendo and - .._ loi bi~u hien hai m~t, 16i am chi va

1. eOI, HAl: character assassination. . 51.( sat ha i nhan v~t.

... bureaucratic double-talk. - _.. bai vie't m~p me sac mui quan lieu .
• CACH DUNG R¢N~ ~AI: AJ I . \f . '
DLloi day 10 ml,lc tU c6 cling dQng nghia :
double- k~t hop vai~, t~, va ~~ M t~~i ~ sJi t6n
,1iU clia hai ~l,(~ ho~s;"...w:ki~n gi xay ra hai I~n. Vi du, 'double-decker' IA double-cross I'dAbl kros/ tro choi hai. m()t (lua 9Qt)
loai xe bus c6 hai tAng; neu ban 'double-check' viec gi d6, h1c la ban ki€m tra double-deal I'dAbl di:1I tinh hal mot
lai chuyen ily IAn tht1 hai M bao dam viec :fy chinh xac, an toano double-dealing fdAbl 'di:hJjt sl,/ lua d61. luo doo
double-talk I'dAb! to:k! 16inoi chuy$n hai nghia _

Cae ttJ cO nghis khBe : We are downgrading the quality of - Chung la dang lam xu6ng cap chal
double-ad /dxbl eekt/ hellklch dl~n bal double-jointed fdAb! d3omtid! co our lives. hrong cuoc s6ng chung ta.
m¢t ceo h~ kMp xuong deo IInhhoot Duai day 16 muc tv co cLIng dong nghia :
double-bed /dxbl bed! gluong dOl double-take fdAb! terk/ phon ung
doumfall !daunfo:V su suy sup downtrend !dauntrend! chlilu hUang
double-bill /dxb! bill hol va klch trinh ch¢m (trong cU xLI)vi rnuc dich khOIhol
doumgrade !daungreid! giang chuc so sut
dl~n k~ tl~p double-time fdAbl term/ g6p dOlrnuc
downplay I'dounp!eJ! 10mgiom t6m downturn /daunts.n/ sl,lsuy ton
double-Dutch /dxbl dAtf/ bol n61 tliln cOng binh thuong
quon trQng
chuven va vOn
Cae tc cO nghia khae :

down- doumbeat !daunbi:tI nhip d6u cue kh6 doumpour !daunpo:1 con mUor6t Ion.
nnoc muo nhU trut nuac
1. PHUdNG HUONG, VI TRi : doumcast !daunko:stl cui xu6ng downright /daonrart/ bee true, ngoy
down- ket hap vci danh tu va dOng tu M tao tu m6"i di~n ta ai hoac su v~t gi doummarket I,daun'mo:kltl sdn xu6t th6ng
dang dich chuyen vi! hoac dang ¢. m9t noi hoac m()t vi trf thap ho'n. Vi du, neu d~ theo rnon t6ng lop binh dOn doumside !daunsald! dl~m b6t Iql
ban di 'downhill', ban di xu6ng d6c deo den mot ndi thap hon: neu d6i mat doum-paument I'daun'pelmantl vI~c doumtoum !dauntaunl khu thUong mot
ban dang 'downcast', chung dang nhin xu6ng dfft. . tra tnroc m¢t phOn tien khl muo ban
- The car lurched forward and began - Ch;ec xe g;~1 chdrn v~ phla Intac va
to speed downhill. bat d~u IntOI dOc.
- They were steering downriver ro- - Ho dang la; xuoi dong ra phla cira
wards the open water of the Broads. song vung Broads. • CACH sO Dl,JNG R¢NG RAI :
- I am paralysed from the armpits - To; bi Ie s~n tlt vang nach Ira xu6ng. -down ket hap voi <jIanh tU chi cae be philn co th~ M tao thanh trang tU di~n
downwards. l<i vi trf 5t( vi~c xily ra. Vi du, ai do biroc di 'head-down', ho buoc di cui dfiu;
Duai day 16 rnuc tu c6 cLIng dong nghia : neu ban de tay len v~t gi 'palm-down', ban Iffy long ban tay cham den n6.
doum-draught fdaun dro:fJ luOnggl6 doumstream l,daun'stri:m1 xu6i dong - The pussmoth caterpi/lar browses - Con sau buam earn d~u g~m la.
th6i xu6ng downswing I'daunswlIY cu Clanhbe head-down on leaves.
doumhill /daonhil/ xu6ng d6c I dOi xu6ng (trong danh golf...). khuynh - I brought my right hand flattened - To; xoe ban lily phai r6; d~1 long ban
downriver /daonrrvs/ huang nuoc chdv huang dl xu6ng (trong klnhdoonh) and palm-down against the side of lay VaG m61 ben cd.
doumstage /daonsterdy' g6n phfo downward /daunwad/ huang xu6ng my neck.
truce son kh6u downwards fdaunwad! huang xu6ng - I watched while a plane flew nose- - To; xern chlec may bay bay chili mu;
doumstairs I,daun'steazl xu6ng c6u doumiotnd fdaunwmd! huang gi6 th61 down and released its load against roi Iha hang xu6ng chan d6i.
thong the base 01 a hi/l.
- A hundred little boats lie be/ly-down - Hang tram chiec Ihuy~n con n~m I~t
2. CHi TiNH TR~NG TOI Te HdN: sa'p tren bal.
on the shore.
down- kllllo:p v6"i ~t va dnnh tU M tao d9ng tu va danh tU m6"i. Cac tU Duai day 16 rnuc tv co cunc dong nghia :
diroc tao nen chi S~( v~t nolo d6 tr¢ nen t6i t~ hon tnrcc day. Vi du, khi n~n
bellu-doum !bell daon/ up bl,lng nose-doum Inauz daon/ hUang mOl
kinh te mot qu6c gia b] 'downturn', n6 tr¢ nen kern hieu qua; 'downfall' cua ai
d6 la that bai hay S~( tan lui cua nguO'i ay. xu6ng. nOm s6p . xu6ng
[ace-doum tfels daunl mC)thuang palm-down Ipa:m daon/ chom long
- The company blamed its downturn - Cong Iy dd 16; sl,l xu6ng d6c cua mlnh
xu6ng bon toy xu6ng
on interest rates. cho rnuc lil; sual.
"ead-dowlI Ihed daunl cui d6u xu6ng top-down Itop daunl t(J trlln coo xu6ng
- These strikes brought about the - Car CllQC b;i1u tlnh lam vi Idng Ih6ng
downfall of the country's leader. mil't clurc,
Cac ttl c6 d{lng nghTa khac :
hreakdoum I'brelkdaunl sl,l hong may splashdown I'spllllJ daunl Sl,IdOp
eco- ke't hop vai danh tu va tinh tu M tao danh tu va tinh tu moi. Cac tU tao
crackdown I'krlllkdaunl bl~n phOp xu6ng bl~n
thanh chi ngubi hoac sir v~t diroc danh tU ho~c tinh tu g6c n6i de'n c6 m6i
cungran sundown I'SAndaunl m()t tr~ll()n
nrong quan de'n moi sinh.
dressing-down l'dreSI!) daunl sl,l trOch thumbs-down l'eAIllbzdaunl sl,l khOng
m6ng . bOng lang. bee bo >- LillI Y rilllg cac tit dang /lay thuimg hie'm vii Ihlri1l1g chI c6 trong v4n bao chi.
eiderdown /'ardedaon/ chon mim ·nhOI touchdown ltAtJdaunl bang ra het - Man is moving Into a totally new - Con ngLibi dang bLiOC vao mot giai
lOng thu dLi~ng billn ngang stage of eco·technological develop· doan phat tri~n ky thu~t moi sinh hoan
showdown I'Jaudaunl sl,/ do sue IOn cu61 tumbledown I'tAmbl daunl xl(ju veo ment. toan mal.
- When natural controls are removed, - Khi viec ki~m soat thien nhien kh6ng
dys- population explosions and eco·disas· con nua, su bung n6 dan so' va hi~m
dys- co trong cac tU co nghIa bo phan Iii 'abnormal' (khac thuong), 'diseased' ters can occur. hoa moi sinh c6 kha nang xily de'n.
(berth hoan), hay 'unpleasant' (kh6 chiu), Vi du, c6 ai d6 bi 'dysentery', ho bi
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
nhiern trung dirong ruot: 'dyslexia' Iii chung bat thirong (j nao gay hien nrong
eco-caiastrophe /i.kaokatesstreft/ tal em-freak li:kau 'fri:kI v¢t IQ trong h~
kho doc.
hoc sinh thai sinh thai
>- Luu y rthzg cac tit niiy 1'Ift traug trong vii thuang thu{Jc pham Iru y hoc. ceo-disaster li:kaudI'zo:sta(r)/ tham eco-philosopher I,i:kau fI'losafa(r)/
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa : hoo sinh thai ngLiai boo v~ mOl trl1~ng sinh thai

dyselltery I'disantril b~nh Iv. dyspepsia /drs'pepsro/ chung kh6 tillu eco-doom li:kau du:mI ton tt"e cue h~ eco-technological I,i:kau 'teknalodjrkl/
sinh thai ky thu()t sinh thai
dysfundioll IdIS'fA!)kJnI.r6110Qn dystrophy I'dIstrafIl su yeu co bop
dyslexia /drs'leksra/ sl,l kh6 khOn khl Cac ta co d{lng nghTa khSc :
doc vc ph6t Om do nco gOy nlln
economic I,i:ka'nomikl thu¢c vlJ klnh ecohomics I,i:ka'nomiksl klnh te hoc
te economize /r'knnamatz/ ttet kl~m I
eco- economical l,i:ka'nomikV tiet ki$m economy II'konamIl n6n klnh~
eco- c6 trong cac tU di~n dat su v~t c6 m6i tuong quan d~n moi sinh noi thuc
v~t, dong v~t vii con nguoi sinh s6ng. Vi du, 'ecology' Iii mon khoa hoc nghien
cuu m6i quan M giii'a thirc vat, dong vat, con nglibi vii moi tnrong: 'ecosystem'
(j mot noi Iii su nrong quan giii'a thuc vat. d¢ng v~t vii moi truong cua cluing.
I' -ectomy
. .
-ectomy co trong cac tu y hoc chi viec ph<\u thuat cdt bo m¢t bo phan nilo d6
_ The clearing of the jungle is threat· - Viec phat quang rung dang de doa he
cua co the'. Vi du, 'tonsillectomy' la viec phau thuat cdt bo amidan; 'hysterectomy'
ening the delicate ecology of the rain· sinh thai mong manh a vung rung
Iii phau thu~t cdt bo ttl cung.
forests. nhiet doi ~m.
_ Forest fires are an additional danger - Nan chay rung Iii m6i hi~m hoa them DLloi day 10 rnuc tU co cung dQng nghTa :
where the ecosystem is particularly rnra cho nhung noi ma he sinh thai appendectomu 1,lIlpen'dektamii phOU splenedomy /splr'nektarm/ phOU
fragile. hel sue d~ bi pha hUy·
thu()t cat bo ru¢t thuo thu¢t cat be 10 lOch
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa : lIysteredomy l,hIsta'rektamIl phOU tonsilleaomg /tansr'lektamt/ vl~c cat
thu¢t cat bo tLl cung amidan
ecologist li:'kolagIst/ nha sinh thai hoc ecosphere Ii:'kau'sflal sinh quy~n
ecology li:'kolad3I1 sinh thai hoc ecosystem li:'kau'sIstaml h~ sinh thOl mastedomy /ma'stekterm/ giol phOu vasedomy /va'sektamr/ vl$C cat 6ng
cat be vu dOn tinh


-ed - She is blonde, blue-eyed, and just - Co gai ay c6 t6c vang, m~t xanh va
under six feet tall. chieu cao dUoi 1 met 8.
-ed k€t hop v&i dang co ban cua dOng tit tao thanh qua khir va qua khu' > UIU y rang co nl91 so'l[IIIl IiI I~IIcung MIIg-cd dll{1c tao IIell IiI cac goc IiI kll611g
plldi Iii IiI lie'IIg AliI! l!i~II/lay.
philn tit.
MOt trong nlurng nguoi dim ong ~y eta - ... the clatter of the antiquated air- - ... tie'ng khua phat ra III chie'c m<iy
One of the men talked about getting
conditioning machine. di(~u hoa c6 16 si.
married. n6i v~ chuyen I~p gia dinh.
Chung toi cho dol 11,1 do da qua lau - We are, most of us, doomed to un- - Trong chung ta, h~u he't deu phai chiu
We have waited too long for our
happiness. canh ba't hanh.
- The parched soil soaked up the rain. - Mat dat nUt ne ng~p trdn nUoc mira.
2. QuA KHU PHAN TV c6 CHUC NANG NHlI TINH TV : DLlC1idOy 16 rnuc tU co cling dQng nghio :
Qua klur phan tit cua cac ngoai dOng tit (transitive verbs) thirong duoc dung antiquated frentlkwelt!(1/ c6 xuo doomed Idu:mdl rul roo ch!u
nhu tinh tit M chi su' v~t nhan duoc hanh dOng. ashamed la'Jelmdi x6u h6. h6 then indebted /rn'detrd/ m6c n<;l
... strips of cooked meat. - nhung tho dili thit d<i n~u chin. assorted /a'so.trd/ ket h<;lp vol parched Ipo:tjt/ khO. hell xu xi· .
belated /br'lertrd/ qua tre rugged frll.gldl gO gh~. 10m chom
_ ... hordes of excited children. - to tre. hang thu.
beloved /br'Lwrd/ y~u qui sophisticated /sa'frstr.kertrd/ ph(Jc tQP
_ 1 got bored at the farm in Devon. - Toi phat chan cai nong tral i'1 Devon.
concerted /ksn'ss.trd/ hoo h<;lp r6c r6i
MQt vai qua khu phan tit cua mot s6 nOi dong tit (intransitive verbs) cung duoc crazed Ikrel3d1 <Mn rO. m6t tri tinned Itmdl dU<;Ic d6ng hOp
dung nhu tinh tit M di~n ta ngl(C1ihose su v~t lam mOt hanh dong nao d6. Vi deceased /dr' chlit
du, mQt. ngtiC1i"retired' Iii nguoi da v~ htiu.
_ The escaped convict was hiding in - Ke t~u thoat dang ~n nau tren chai ~ Muc'Jn bie't chi tiet VB qua khu phan tiJ~em the Collins Cobuild English Grammar

the loft. nh~.

_ ... a retired police officer. - ... vien si quan canh sat da vf! huu. -ee
_ Electrical fittings should be removed - Nf>n M mot tho dien lanh nghf! go 1. CHI NGlI"l NH~N HANH BONG:
by a qua/iffed electrician. may m6n d6 dien ra.
-ee ket hop voi ngoai dQng tlt chi hanh dOng dE>'tao thanh danh tlt. Danh Ill'
-ed cung k€t hop voi danh tit tao thanh tinh tll' di~n ta ngtiC1ihoac su vat mang dang nay chi ngl(C1ima hanh dong ay tac dong den. Vi du, 'employee' Ii) nguO'i
mOt net dac thu nao d6. duoc m(lt cong sO thue lam; 'trainee' la ngtiC1iduq'c huan luyen cho mOt cling
- ... a bearded old man. - mot ong gia rau x6m. vice nao do.
- .. , intricately patterned bead neck- _ mot chu6i hat xau theo m3u phuc Conflict arose between employer and Moiu thuan phat sinh giua chu va tho.
laces. tap. employee.
- ... a three-mile stretch of heavily _ ... vong d6i que c6 rUng trai dai ba ... the years nominee for the ex- ... ngUoi duoc b6 nhiern theo kE>'hoarh
wooded. hilly countryside. d';m. change scheme. trao d6i trong narn .
- ... various appointees to lesser posts. ... nhieu nguC1i dU<;Ic(h~cU cho cac
clurc VI) nhd.
MOt 56 qua khu phan hI' tan cung b~ng -ed ket hop v6i cac tit khac tao thanh
DLlC1iday 16 rnuc tU co cling dQng nghio :
tinh tit kep. r - - -.- -- --.- -----
i addressee l,redre'si:1 nguoi nh¢n thU
... his face was pear-shaped. - anh ~y co khuon m<it trai xoan .
I amputee
l,rempjo'ti:1 ngUol cruu ph6u thuOt c6t bo_ b¢ phOn b~nh
... a maroon-coloured car. - chi€c oto rnau hat de.


appointee /apom'tit/ ngllal dllqc bO lisensce 1,lalsan'si:1 ngllal dllqc cop electro-
nhi$m gl6y ohep
electro- co trong cac tii' co nghta b¢ phan ia 'electric' (dien). Vi du, neu ban bi
assignee la,sal'ni:1 ngllal dllqc giao. mortgagee l,m:>:gl'd3i:1 ngllal cho yay "electrocuted" nghia Iii ban thinh linh bi chet hoac tlln thtidIlg n~ng n~ vi cham
ngllai bO nhi$m II~n c6 Ih~ ch6p
vao v~t co mang di~n; h~u qua "electromagnetic" Iii do ap hrc cila dien vii tl\'
deportee l,di:p:>:'ti:1 ke bl true xu61 nominee l,noml'ni:1 ngllai dllqc bO
truong gay ra.
detainee l,di:tel'ni:1 ke bl c6m lu nhl$m
Duoi cov 16 muc tu co cung dQng nghTa :
employee 1,lmpl:>I'i:1 ngllai 10m'cOng payee Ipel'i:1 ngllai oucc Ira lien
evacuee lI,vrekju:'i:1 ngLial sa Ian trainee /trei'ni.z IhVc lOp vi~n .electrocardiograph /rlektreo'ko.dreoqrn.f' electromagnet IJ,lektrau'mregmtl nom

examinee IIg,zreml'ni:1 Ihi sinh may di$n 10m d6 chOm dl$n

transferee l,trrensf3:'ri:1 ngllai dllqc
franchisee l,frrentfal'zi:1 cll Iri chuy~n
electrochcmistru /r.lektrao'kernrstrr/ electromagnetic /r.Iektrsomeep'netrk/
mOn h6a di$n di$n 10
internee l,mt3:'ni:1 ngLial bj'quon Ihuc trustee ItfhS'ti:1 glom h¢
intcruieioee Imta,vju:'i:/ ngLial dllqe electrocute /r'Iektrakju.t/ giel (nglloi electronic I,Ilek'tromkl bOng dl$n lu
phong v6n
hay dOng vOl) bOng dl$n electro-nuclear /r'lektrso - 'nju:khal
electrocution /rlektra'kjujn/ sv giel dl$n hOI nhOn on electro-nuclear plant
(nglloi hay dOng vot) bOng dl$n (nh6 may dI$n not nhOn)
2. CHi NGUC11LAM HANHE>¢NG : electrode /r'Iektraod/ dl$n cue electroplating /i'lektraplettrnq/ mo
-ee ket hop voi mot 56 dong tll' de' tao thilnh danh tll' chi ngtioi lam hanh dong. electrolysis 1,llek'trolaslsI SVdi$n phOn kim 1001bOng phllong phap dl$n phOn
Vi du, 'escapee' lil nguai tr6n khoi sl,t' bilt giu; 'devotee' cho m¢t su' vat hay mot e1ectrolytc /r'lektralart/ ch61 di$n phOn
hoat dong Iii nguoi nhi¢t Him trong vi¢c fiy.
'I r' .
- Road blocks by police and prison - Canh sat va cac nhan vien nha III phong enf-, en--.~~'
staff ensured that no escapee would loa cac nga dl10ng M chac r~ng khong em- vii en- co trong cac dc)ng W chi qua trinh chuyen bien sang hay dircc d~t
get through. ke dao thoat nao c6 Ih~ 101 qua dooc. vao m¢t tlnh trang hay di~u kien kh<k biet, hoac d~t trong mc)t vi tri khac biet,
- ... absentees from school. - cac hoc sinh v~ng mat. Vi du, nell mot v~t "enables" ban lam di~u gl. nghla 1.1 n6 cho ban co hQi de'
- a Church of England measure - mOl phuong sach cl'liI Giao hQi Anh
ban co kha nang lam viec d6; neu ban "enrich" mc)t v~t gt, nghta lc\ ban cai tao
which would allow divorcees to be cho phep nbung ngLloi Ii di duoc phong pham chat hay gia tr] ciia n6 bang each them mc)t v~t khac vao: neu m¢t ngtiO'i
dtf<,1C "entombed", nghta Iii ngtioi d6 duoc chon duoi dfit.
ordained. chuc linh muc,
DLloi ClOy16 muc tU co cung dQng nghia : each vie"t I !;!!!;, ket hop voi nhirng tit hit dAu blng b', 'm' hay:.p'; en- ket
hop v<'Iinlutng tlf bAt ci&u blng nlurng chu khac.
absentee l,rebsan'ti:1 ngllal v6ng met divorcee l,dIV:>:'si:1 ngLiai Ii d]
- She moved her head to enable her - Co ily quay d~u d~ n6i ro hon.
cohabitce /koo.heebr'tiv ngllal song escapee /rsker'pii/ ke coo tdu
to speak more clearly.
nhLl vq ch6ng retiree l,rltal'ri:1 nglloi va huu
- He nodded his head and smiled to - 6ng ta g31 d~u va mlm Clt~i M khuyen
devotee l,deva'ti:1 ngLial nhl$1 linh. returnee l,rlt3:'ni:1 ngLioi Ira va
encourage her. khich co ta.
sot sdng
- He was emboldened by his success. - Thanh cong da lam ong ay rnanh dan
Cae tll eo d;;mg nghTa khae: len,
matinee I'mret,neu buOI dl~n xudt vco referee I,refa'ri:! tronq lai - The security of the country was not - N(.n an ninh quo'c giil khong bi nguy
buc5itruo (a rop hot) refugee l,refju'd3i:l ngLioi Ii non endangered. hai,

/c8ligee I'negh,3eu 00 bOng vol mong repartee I,repa:'ti:! lal doi dOl? cuoc - We embarked on the MacLeods' - Chung loi da bLloc len tau cua
vo nhe cuo phl,l nlJ IhLlang rnoc 0 nno khdu chien boat. Macleod.
puree I'pjuareu nLioc mal. nLiOCcct soiree I'swa:reu co II$c She imagined herself enfolding him Nang Illang 11IQng chinh nang om
rau qua toupee I'tu:peu roc glO in her arms. chJng vao vongtay cua minh.


DUoi day 10 muc tU co cung dong nghio :
embark hm'bo:kI len tau. may boy engulf Im'gAlfi' vDI16p 1. THAY eOI PHAM CHAT HAY TiNH TR~NG CUA V~T :
embed IIm'bed! 6n sou enlarge Im'lo:dy' nClIr¢ng
-en ket hop v(ji danh tti va tinh tti chi pham chat hay tinh trang M t;;10d('mg
embitter /rrn'brta/ 10m chuo x6t enliven /m'larvn/ 10m s6ng d¢ng
tlt. Cac dong ILl' nay di~n ta qua trinh lam cho met v~t c6 diroc mot pha'm chat
embody /rm'bodi/ bi~u hlen enmesh Im'mef! lam so hJoi
dac biet hoac d~t vao mot tlnh trang d~c biet. Vi du, neu hi'a "blackens" mQt
embolden /rm'beoldan/ 10m cho boo ennoole /i'nsobl/ lam cho oi tro thonh
buc nrong, nghta la Ilia .15 lam cho birc tliong chuyen thanh mau den; nell mira
don qur toc
"moistens" m~t dSt, nghta Iii mua lam cho mat dat a'm 1i6'!.
empower hm'poua(r)1 cho quy~n 01 enrage Im'reldy' 10m cho gi¢n
enable /r'nerbl/ lam cho c6 th~ enrapture Im'rreptja(r}/ doy thich thu - ... a small patch of ground. black· - ... mot khoanh nho cua san, bi tro Clld
encamp Im'krempl 0 trong trQI enrich Im'rltf! 10m giou them ened by the ashes of old camp fires. Iva trai cO narn den.
encase /m'kers/ ooc IQI enshrine /m'[ram/ c6t giG - The lacquer dries very qUickly and - Son mid kho ra-t nhanh va CLing I(li
encircle /m'ss.kl/ vOng quonh enshroud Imjraudl che kin hardens in an hour. trang mot gio d6ng h6.
enclose /in'kleoz/ dinh kem enslauc /m'slerv/ bot lam nO Ie ... fruit juice sweetened with sugar. - ... nUac trai cay them duang rho ngot,
encode /m'ksod/ ghi tMnh m¢t m6 ensnare Im'snea(r)1 bot voo Cac dong tll' nily cling c6 th~ su' dung M di~n ta y niern mQt ngliO'i hay mot
cllcouragc Im'kAndj khuy~n khlch entangle Im'trel)gll 10m vuang v~t c6 them pha'm chSt mil d5 nrng c6 truce day. Vi du, nell m¢t con song
. encrust /m'krxst/ phu mOt IClp mong enthrone Im'9raunl duo len ngOi "deepens", nghra la no sau hon trliac; neu t6c ban b] "lightened" bai anh sang
1\ II endanger Im'dellld3a(r)1 gCly nguy entomb /m'tu.m/ 16p kin mat trO'i, nghla Iii n6 tro nen sang hon truoc kia,
I endear
IIll'dla(r)1 lam cno clUQc qui
entrance Im'tro:ns/ .Iorp soy me cli~u
- She laughed, and that seemed to - Nang cubi va dii!u d6 dllang nhu larn
deepen her voice. giong n6i cua nilng them tr~lTl.
men entrap Im'trrepl gian~ boy
enfeeble /m' lam ye'u dl entrench IIn'trentJI cloo boo xung
- She was trying on a blue suede jacket - Nang dang thv Illot ca i .10 khoac dd
enfold /m'feold/ bee. qu6n. Om - ouonn and wondering if she could have the thuoc rnau xanh va ttr hoi li~u nrlng ('6
enforce Im'fo:S/ lam op Il,Ic.voi oi enttoinc /rn'twam/ qu6n quonh
sleeves shortened. thi: cho c~t ng~n l.ty ao dUc;1ChdY khong.
enfranchise /m'frsentjarz,' bon quy~n DUol day 10 rnuc tU co cung dong nghio :
Cae tt1 eo d;;lng nghia khae : blacken I'blrekanl lam cho den lighten I'laltnl 10m nh~ bClt
embalm /rm'bo.m/ uap xoc (nguai ch~t) engross Im'graus/ thu hUt Sl,lcbu y brighten I'braltnl 10m rQng ra loosen I'lu:snl 10m nOllong ra
embark ilm'bo:kI len tau. rnov boy enjoin /m'djom/ ro chI thl broaden I'bro:dnl lam rang ro moisten I'mOlsnl lam dm
embattled /rm'beetld/ don th~ tr¢n . cnjoy Im'd30Il thuang tnuc cheapen I'tji:panl lam giom gia v¢t gl quicken I'kwlkanl 10m nhanh han
embrace /rrn'brsrs/ 6m enlighten /rn'lartn/ cho biet them dampen I'drempanl lam dm UClt quieten I'kwalatnl lam yen I¢ng
enact /r'neekt/ d6ng klch enlist /in'hst/ ghi ten. clang ky darken I'da:kanl 10m t6i IQi redden I'rednl 10m cho ai do m¢t
enchant Im'tJo:nU lam yeu thich ensue Im'sju:1 tl~p theo. clUo den ket deafen I'defnl lam cll~c sharpen I'Ja:panl 10m cho nhon
encompass /m'kxmpas/ boo gom que deepen I'di:panl lam sou them shorten I'Jo:tnl lam ngon IQI
encounter /m'kaontatrj/ cl61clou ensure Imjo:(r)1 bao clam fatten I'fretnl 10m cho m¢p sicken I'sikanl lam klnh tom
engender Im'd3enda(r)1 g6y ro entail /m'terl/ dOl hei flatten I'flretnl lam cho son phdng slacken I'slrekanl 10m long bot
ellgorge Im'go:dy' an ng6u nghl~n entitle /rn'tartl/ d¢t tl,lo (soch. vo klch) [rcshen I'freJnI lam cho tUai mOi stiffell I'stlfnl lam cno cung hOn
cngrain /m'qrem/ lam th6m sOu entreat Im'tri:U noi nl harden I'ho:dnl lam cho cung rdn straighten I'streltnl lam cho thdng
ellgrave Im'grelvl khoc. cnorn entrust Im'trAsU tin gioo troch nhi$m heighten I'h3Jtnl 10m cho cao han strengthen I'streIJ9n1 10m rnonh hen
lengthen I'lel)9n1 lam doi ra suicetcn I'swi:tnl lam ngot non
ICSSCII I'lesnl lam glom cli thicken 1'91kanl lam d6y hOn .


There was growing concern about the - Ol1g ngay cang c6 them quan ngi)i
tighten I'taltnl xial ch<il whiten I'waltnl 10m Ir6ng hen
increasing occurrence of food poi- v~ viec ngo doc thuc an dang gia tang,
toughen I'tl\fnl 10m Iro n~n nghl~m widen I'waldnl mo rong
WOrsell I'w3:snl 10m tOI t$ hem
kh6c hem
weaken /wi.kan/ 10m suy yau dl .
J DLioi day 10 rnuc tu co cunq dong nghia :
adherence /ad'hrarans/ Sl,I b6m chot persistence /pa'srstans/ Sl,I kl~n nhOn
2. CHi CHAT LI~U T~O RA Vi!.T HAY GION'G NHl1 CHAT LI~U CUA Vi!.T : coherence /kao'hrarans/ su ket lai vai preference I'prefransl su thlch hem
nhou pretence /pri'tens/ sy glo va
-en ket hop vdi danh hI' de' tao tinh tlt chi v~t duoc tao ra tU hay giong nhu
correspondence l,korI'spondansi su recurrence /rrkxrans/ sV lC)p dl. I¢p lai
chat lieu danh tU goc mo ta. Vi du, chiec ao khoac ngoai "woollen" diroc lam
phu noo reference I'referansl sy thorn khoo
bilng len; neu m¢t vat ma "silken", nghia la no muct, mern va trong sang trong
defence /dr'fens/ sV boo v$ reminiscence I,reml'msnsl sy h61
nhir lua.
dependence /dr'pendans/ su tin cov. tlJong
- People here wear woollen clothing - Dim chong iJ day mac dd len tharn residence I'rezldansl noi cu tru
sv phu thu¢c
even on hot days. chl vao nhClng ngay n6ng nuc.
divergence /dar'va.djans/ sy khOc resurgence /rt'sa.djenans/ sv h61 ohuc
- The traditional breakfast of porridge - Mrin chao di€m tam c6 truy~n duoc nhou (va hlJang. quon di~m ...) reverence I'revaransl su tOn klnh
was cooked in earthen pots over a nau trang ndi dat nung tren mot coli 10 emergellce /r'ma.djans/ su nOi I~n subsidence /sob'sardns/ sy ha xu6ng.
fire built among three rocks. kc bang ba CI,lC da. existence IIg'zlstansi su t6n tal rut xu6ng
. a rosy, frail girl with bright golden - ... mot co ga i yeu du6i, lac quan c6 indulgence Im'dl\\gansl sv dlJQc subsistence /sab'srstans/ su tOn 101
hair. toe rnau yang 6ng. nuOng chlau transcendence /treen'sendans/ slau
DLioi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung d<;mgnghia : insistence /m'srstans/ sy nol nl vi$t. t61 thlJQng

ashen I'reJn/ mou Iro oaken I'aukanl 10m bOng g6 sOl interference I,mta'flaransl su con transference /treensfarans/ sv chuy~n

earthen 1'3:Snl bOng d6t silken I'silkanl mam mot thi$p dOi

[laxen /fleeksn/ rnou vong nhct waxen I'wreksnl bOng sap occurrence /a'kxrans/ chuven xov ro
golden I'gauJdanl 10m bOng vang tuooden I'wudnl bOng gO
leaden I'Jedn/ bOng chi Wool/CII I'wulanl bOng len • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
Cae ttY e6 d~ng nghia khtle: -ence Cling ket hop voi tinh tlt t(in cung bang "ent" M tao danh tlt. Cac danh
deaden I'dedn/ lam diu hasten I'heIsnl thuc gll,JC 01. lam g6p Ill' nay chi tinh trang hay pham chilt duoc tinh tit gee mo ta. Vi du, "obedience"
enlighten /m'lartn/ lam sang 10 hearten I'ho:tnl cO vu. dong vi~n Iii tinh trang v5ng IOi.
enliven /m'larvn/ lam 561nO!
each vie"t: Tancung "ent" ducc thay bang -ence.
- With dreary obedience the choir - Bang mot s1,lvang loi budn tharn, doan
-ence raised their hands. hop xliong glo tay len.
-ence ket hop vai dong ttt M tao danh nr. Cac danh tit nay chi hanh dong, tien Working in a group gives you a bit Lilrn viec trong nh6m giup ban ur tin
trinh hay tro;mg thai dlt<;>'C
dong tlt goc di~n ta. Vi du, "insistence" 1.1 mot hanh more confidence, because everyone hen vi mol nglibi deu cung did V!.
dong doi h6i cho duoc cai gl. is in the same position.
... her insistence on staying in the The accident was caused solely by - Tai nan xay ra chi bai s1,lcJu tha cua
... viec c6 doi iJ tai khach san hang
best hotel. sang nhat cua co ta. the negligence of another motorist. nglrbi di xe may.
Brian fought off alcoholism and de- Brian dau tranh ch611g lai S~( nghlen DLioi day 10 rnuc tU co cunq dong nghia :
pendence on painkilling drugs. r\J(/U va s1,Ile thuoc vao thu6c giam dau.
absence I'rebsansl su v6ng mot affluellce I'refluansl SV glou c6
. the scientist revealed the existence - ... nha khoa hoc dii tiel Ii) 51! xuat hien adolescence l,reda'lesnsl thOi thanh nian benevolence Ibl'nevalansl lOng nh6n 1U
of a 'hole' in the ozone layer. m(it 16 thung cila t~ng o-zon.


_ A woman holds out her hand for - Ngll<'1i phv nli chla tay ra xin ti~n, nai

compete1lce Ikompltansl kho nang indiffere1lce /m'drfrans/ Sl.)lanh dorn money, importunate, insistent. des- ni, dilng dai va tuyel vong.

c01lfidellce I'konfldansl sl.) tin CaY innocence I'masnsl tinh trQng vO t¢1 perate.
conueniencc Ikan'vi:mansl su thu¢n Iql i11SOlc1Icefmsalansl thai 6¢ 100 xuoc _ ... a farm-worker and day-release stu- - ... mOt ngll<'1i lam viec (j nong trai va

decadence fdekadansl thOl ky suy dol intelligence Im'tehd3ansl sl.) thOng minh dent at the Agricultural Training mQI sinh vien dllc;lC nghl d~ di hoc tai

diffidellce fdlfldansl sl.)thl~u tin tl1ang obedience la'bi:dlansl sl.) vOng 101 Centre. trung tam dao tao nong nghiep.

diligence fdlhd3ansl su sl{!ng nang patience fpelSnsl sv kl{!n nhan DLlC1iClOy 16 rnuc tV co cung dong nghTa :
disooedience I,dlsa'bi:dlansl SV khOng presence fpreznsl sv c6 met absorbent /ab'so.bant/ d~ th6m insistent /m'sistant/ c6 tlnh hay nol nl
yang lai prominence fprommansl su n61 Mng
ascendent la'sendant! SV gia tang persistent /pe'ststant/ kl{!n nhOn
eloquence felakwansl tol hung bi~n reticence fretIsnsl tinh de d¢t quy~n Il.)c va onh huang respondent /rr'spnndant/ ngual bl kl~n
eminence femmansl sv nol danh violence /varolens/ SV hung boo. ceo correspondent l,korI'spondant! student fstju:dnt! sinh vl{!n
impotence /im'po.tns/ sv b6t 11.)c II.)C ph6ng vi{!n superintendent I,su:parm'tendant!
Cae tit eo d~ng nghia kMe : dependent /di'pendant/ tin caY ngl1ai glom thl
ambience fremblansl mOi truang xung jurisprude1lce l,d3uaris'pru:dnsl khoa differc1lt fdlfrant! khoc nhau transcendent Itrre'sendant! sI~u vl~t
quanh lu¢t pnop. lu¢t hoc t;xistc1It lig'zlstant! tan tQi
audience f:>:dlansl khan glo licence flalsnsl gl6y phep Cae tit eo d~ng nghia kMe :
cadence I'keldnsl ngu dieu offe1lcc la'fensl dll1u vi phom accent freksent! trQng am intent Im'tent! taP trung ouon sot
I circumiercnce Isa'kAmfaransl chu vi pestilence fpestIiansl coc looi benh assent la'sent! sl.) pM chudn lament /ls'ment/ thuong x61
duang tron d]Ch - cogent fkaud3ant! vung cndc. c6 sue moment fmaumant! ch6c tot
coincidence /kao'rnsrdans/ su trung hqp prescience fpreslansl sl.) blet truce. lai
thuy~t phuc parent fpearant! cha me
cOllfcrellcc fkonfaransl h¢i nghi Mn trl consent /kan'sent/ dang y patent fpeltnt! bOng sang ch~
amsciencc fkonf;msl luong tOm providence fprovldansl menh tra;, consistent /kan'srstant/ ki{!n dinh. potent fpautnt! c6 toe d\,lng monh
continence fkontlansl sl.) kil1m che Y Iroi khOng thay doi stringent fstringd3ant! nghiem kh6c
credence fkri:dnsl nll1m tin quintessence Ikwm'tesnsl ch6t tinh. content /kan'tent/ thoa man tangent ftrend3ant! d110ng Mp tuyen
essence fesnsl bon ch61 ch6t tlnh tuv extent IIk'stent! t6m r¢ng. v6ng r¢ng (hinh)
euidence fevldansl bOng chung science fsalansl khoo hoc fluent fflu:ant! (n6i) thOng thoo
experience /rk'spranons/ klnh nghlem se1ltCIICC I'sentansl cOu (ngu phop)
incidence /msrdons/ toe d¢ng sequence fsi:kwansl tien trinh
inexperience /,mlk'splanansl su thleu silence fsaIiansl sv im I¢ng
equi- c6 trong cac W c6 nghia b6 phao 1ft 'eguill or equally' (bang nhau), Vi du,
kinh nghiem ualence /veilans/ h6a tr] (h6a)
mot noi rna "equidistant" voi hili dia diern thl c6 khoang each nhu nhau k~ tlf
illfluc1lcc fmfluansl onh huang
hili dja die'm d6; hili vat rna "equivalent" nrc 1ft chung c6 cung gia tr], kich thu(~c
va each sadung nhir nhau.
-ent DLlC1iday 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
-ent ket hop voi dOng tlf M tao tinh tu va danh tlf. Cac tU nay dil'n ta nguai
equidistant l,i:kwl'dlstant! xa bOng equiualent /i'kwrvalent/ tl10ng duong
hay v~t thuc hien mot hanh dong hay kinh qua mot qua trinh duoc dong tu
nhau equiuocal fikwlvakll c6 hal nghla
gac mieu ta. Vi du, neu m(\t v~t "different" mot v~t khac, nghia 1ft no khac voi
equilateral l,i:kwl'lretarall d~u bOng nudc dOl. IQp 10
v~t do: "student" In ngtiai nghien cuu mot viec gi d6.
nhau (cQnh hinh hoc) equivocate fikwlvakelt! n61 up mo
_ The new house was not ~uch differ- - On nha mdi khong khac ma'y so vdi
equilibrium l,i:kwl'hbrlaml tinh trc;mg
ent from the old one. ciln nha cu.
cOn bOng
_ Gradually the children became less - D~n d~n Ire con Ira nen il phu thuoc
dependent on their parents. vao cha me cluing.

-er _ I'm definitely happier than I was - Hien gia rii rang Iii toi sung SlIong hon
years aJo. nhung nam truac kia.
_ You're much cleverer than she is. - Ban thong minh hen co ta nhieu,
-er ke't hop voi tinh tti chi Rhii'm ch!t M tao tinh tU' so sanh. Cac tinh ttr so
sanh chi ngliai hay v~t co m('>t tfnh ch3't hay mot d~c tinh dac biet hon mot DLlai day la rnuc tV c6 dQng nghia nay dLlc;1Ctinh tV hai v6n too ra :
ngliai hay v~t khac. Vi du, ne'u ban "older" hem m('>tngliai khac, nghta 1.1 ban
angrier !relj9rIa/ gl¢n hem maturer /ma'tjua! chfn chdn han
dii s6ng lau hon ho: ne'u m('>tngliO'i "sillier" hon mOt ngliO'i khac, tuc Iii each cir
busier I'blZla! b¢n r¢n non narrouier !nreraua! hep han
xu cila ho dien r6 hem.
cleverer !klevara/ lanh IQi hon obscurer /ab'skjua/ t61 nghTa han
• CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI : dirtier I'd3:tla! bOn hon pleasanter !pleznta! tnu vt hon
earlier !3: ha/ sem han politer /pa'larta' 16 pMp hCln
-er ke't hop voi tfnh ttr m('> M mieu ta y nghTa nay.
friendlier /frendlra/ than thi~t hon prettier !PrItla! xlnh dep han
Cach vli'"t: Tan cling b~ng 'd', 'b', 'g', 't' hay 'n', trliac Iii mot nguyen am duy [unnier I'fll.nIa/ khOi hOl han remoter /rt'meota/ xa xOI hon
nhat, thi phai g3'p doi phu 3m tnroc khi them -er, T~n cling Iii 'e' duoc the' boi shallower !frelaua! can han
gentler !d3entl~/ hi~n lonh non
-er. handsomer I'hrens~ma/ dep tral non sillier !sllIa! ngo ngdn hen
- Andrea was two years older than me. - Andrea Ion hon toi 2 tllai. simpler !slmpha! dan glen han
I II - Does she look bigger and fatter to - Co ay trong Ion hon vii map (to con)
happier I'hrepJa/ honh ohoc han
heavier I'hevlal nong han steadier !stedla/ vllng cndc han
I you?
- I have cousins only just ten years
hon anh phai khong?
- Toi (6 nhung ngt.loi anh em ho nho
likelier rtalkha! ch6c (r6t c6 th~) non stupider !stju:plda! ngu dol han
lovelier J'l,what d~ thuang hon tinier !tamla! be nhe han
younger than myself. hen toi 10 tllai.
luckier I'JII.kla/ may m6n non
DLlai day la rnuc tv c6 nghia nay dLlqc tinh tV mot v6n too ra:
-er doi khi cling ke't hop. theo nghta nay, voi tinh tU' chi mau sk
bigger !blga! to I~n han neuier !nju:a! m~i hem
brighter /brarto/ chl~u song hem older I'aulda/ glo hem _ His face was redder than usual and - Gllong m~t ong ta do hon blnh thuong
colder I'kaulda/ lonh hem sadder I'sreda/ bu6n hem he seemed embarrassed. va duong nhu ong ta boi r6i.
darker !do:ka/ t6i hon safer !selfa/ an teen hem _ The clouds were whiter yesterday - Horn qua may trang hen hom nay.
deeper !di:pa! sOu hcm slower !slaua! ch¢m hen than they are today.
fatter !freta/ m¢p hem smaller !sm:>:la/ nhe hem
fuller I'fula/ d6y hem softer !softa! m~m han 2. NGHE NGHI~P HAY THU TIEU KHIEN:
larger I'lo:d3a/ r¢ng I~n hem thicker !9Ika! d6y hon
-er kift hgp vai dOng tll M tao danh tU'. Cac danh tU' nay chi ngliCli thlie hien
later !Ielta/ tr6 han thinner 1'9ma! meng han
[lanh dOng diroc dOng tU g6c di~n ta, th6ng thliO'ng boi vi d6 Iii cl'lng viee cUa
lighter !lalta/ nh~ hon tougher !tAfa! cling han
...ho.. Vi du, "baker" la ngliO'i lam va ban banh ml vii banh ngot: "leader" cua mOt
longer !longa! dol hon wetter !weta! u~t han
nh6m ngliO'i hay mot t6 chirc la nglim lanh dao cua t6 chuc hay Iii ngliO'i chiu
louder !louda! 6n 00 han youllger !jll.lJga! tre hon
trach nhiern v~ t6 chuc hay nh6m ngliO'i do.
> LIIU Y rlfllg hinh thuc so Slilih ciia "good" Iii "better" vii ciia "bad" Iii "worse". _ He sometimes helped Mr Mueller in - Doi khi 6ng ta giUp ong Mueller lam
-er cling ke't hop voi met s6 tfnh ttr hai van theo nghta nay. the kitchen as a cook and baker. trang bep nhu la mot ngt.loi nau b€p
Cach vli'"t: nn cling Iii "v: doi thanh "i" tn(Nc khi them -er. Tan cling 1.1 "c" vii mot tho banh ml.
the' b~ng -er, - The driver went back and started the - Nguoi tai x€ Ira l\li va khai dong xe
- Two hours earlier I had made the - Toi dii lam quen voi nhan vien phuc bus. buYt.
acquaintance of the hall porter. VI) a
da i sanh hai gio d6ng h6 - I went to London and tried to earn _ T6i aa
Mn Luan Don va eaki€m sOng
truck day. my living as a portrait painter. bang ngh~ ve chan dung.


- She was a student teacher, spending - Co ay la mol giao sinh, dd day mOl :> L/~I Y rhllg nI¢t so'dallh Uf dlfqc tao ra til d¢lIg til va cUlig c6 nghia Ilay Ilhllllg
a year in a school in Cambridge. nam iJ mOl tnrong tai Cambridge. tQII cliliS la -or cllI~ khong phdi la -er.

DLloi day 10 rnuc tU co cling dQng nghio : ~ Mu6'n bidt them chi tit§·t. xem -or.

baker fbelkal nguollom bOnh producer Ipra'dju:sal nM sOnxu6t

commander /ka'ma:ndal nguol chI huy phlm -ery
driver fdralval nguoi 101xe reader fri:dal doc glo
1. HANH eONG :
employer /im'plora/ nguol chu reporter fri'p;):tal ph6ng villn
[armer ffo:mal nguol nOng dOn -ery ket help vdi mot s6 dong tll' de' tao danh tu chi hanh dong. VI du, khi ai
rider fraldal nguOi CU"I ngl)o
leader fli:dal nguoi 10nh doo 't) do thuc hien m(>t "discovery' nghia lil ho tim ra hay kharn pha mot dieu gi d6
runner frAnai nguoi chcv duo
lecturer flektfaral nguoi dliln thuy~t mil tniac day chua h~ biet toi: neu ai do thuc hien "delivery" nghta Iii ho chuyen
speaker fspi:kal ngUOIphOt ngOn trlln
mallager fmremd3al ngUOI qucn Iy giao v~t gi.
observer la'bza:val nguol quon sot teacher fti:tfal gloo vtlln each vii"t: nn cung bang 'e' hay "er" diroc the bang -ery,
painter fpemta! thQ SCJn waiter fwelta! nom h6u bon - Two British researchers have made - Hai nha nghien euu nglloi Anh cia
photographer Ifa'tografal thQ chup walker fw;):kal nguOI dl bO
.! a discovery about 'computer viruses'. pha ra vi rus may tinh .
hinh witmer fwmal nguol thdng cuoc !
- ... everyone there was arrested on - ... mol nglloi iJ d6 d~u b] bal vi toi
player fplelal c6u thu worker fW3:kal nguol cOng nhOn
charges of armed robbery. Cllap c6 vu khi.
writer fraltal nM vOn
... a persistent campaign of mockery - ... ehie'n dich cham biern keo dili do
-er cling ket hop voi d(lng tu de' tao danh tu chi v~t hon Iii chi ngu'oi. Vi du, by the satirical fortnightly magazine ban nguyel san trao phung "Private
'computer' (may dien toan) Iii m(lt coli may dien hl' c6 th~ thuc hien cac phep Private Eye. EyE'''.
tinh vii co th~ hru tru vii tili hien ra thong tin. - The cheque might have been a [or- - Chi phie'u d6 c6 th~ I~ chi phie'u giii
gery. mao.
- The entire operation is done by com· - Toan bo hoar dong deu chJoethuc hien
puter. bili may dien loan. DLloi day 10 rnuc tU co cling dQng nghio :
- Have you seen my electric food - B,tn da Ihay may Iron thuc phSm bilng bribery /brarban/ vl$c h6110 embroidery /im'brordan/ 51,1 thllu tnuo.
mixer? dien eua toi ehlla? butchery fbutfarii ngh~ bon thit vol thllu
cajolery /ka'djeolan/ 51) ton tinh. 51) luo flattery /fleetan/ 51) tOng b6c. 51) njnh
DLloi dOy 10 rnuc tu c6 cling dQng nghio:
phlnh bQ
blender Iblendal rnov xoy thuc On mower fmaual mOy cdr co cookery I'kokarii cccn n6u On. ngh$ forgery fbd3arii 51,1 glo moo. honh vi
computer /kam'pju:tal rnov dl$n roon printer fprinta! mOy In thu¢t n6u nUClng glo mQO
cooker fkukal b~p n6u On (bOng go. recorder /rr'ko.da' mov ghl Om debauchery /dr'bo.tjsrr/ 51,1 tree tOng. lechery fietfarii 51) ph6ng dong quO dO
dl$n ...) roller frauial con IOn 51) truv lee mockery /mokan/ 51) nhco bOng. ch~
cutter fkAta! mOy cot. xsn sander fsrendal mOy <lOnhbOng cho delivery /dr'lrvan/ 51) phOn phor. phOn nhoo. khinh ml$t
digger fdlgal mOY XCII nh6n ~ng gl6y nhOm ph61. chuy~n gloo recovery lrI'kAvarii 51) 16y IQIdUOC. 51)

duster fdAstai gl9 Iou bl,ll scraper fskrelpal cOI noo. cOI gQt discovery /di'sksvan/ 51,1 tlm roo su blnh onuc
grinder fgramdal mov nghliln. c61xoy slicer fsialsal rnov c6t lOt mong khOm phO robbery frobarii vu On cUap
hanger fhreI)al cOI m6c (00) strainer fstremal col loc tro drudgery fdrAd3arii cOng vl$C n¢ng trickery ftrikarii thu cocn glon tro. 51,1

holder fhallidal d6 dung <l~ cruro wiper fwalpal cOI gQt nuoc (0 trUClC nhQC.v6rva ILIa ooo
mixer fmlksal mOY tron, xoy (thuc On) klnh xe 0 to)

M 4\ t~ cJ.. :P.~; r I

\'), 0 r. . I
84 - WORD FORMATION F--;;t D~ . f<-£f b",., '~ ( ,.-wORD
(.I,., ~
- 85
n '~
+r... /'aI
'f ~ 6~~~ c:~
- ... mot trai nuoi ca gi6ng i'J klaho .
2. CACH CU XU : . a fish hatchery in Idaho.
a two-hundred acre vineyard and ... mot vlion nho rong 200 sao va mot
a well established winery. nh~ may nrou vang t6 chirc t61.
ket hqp voi tinh tll' diiin
XlI' theo dch
do. Vi du, "savagery"
cu Xl!

",.. Chi;
dien r6.
J'y de' tao danh
If! S~I'
ta 16i nl'

mai. Cac danh

hone ket h9"P vai danh tli" chi ngliai

tan b,1O khoc Ii~t cung voi s~ tan ac: 'foolery'

rtfllS 1I/lieLi lif dl,1l1g lliiy dii [(j'vii it 1i16l1g dung.

tU moi nay chi each cu XlI'

If! each I bakery

DLloi day

l'belkarIl 10bonh m;
fbru:arIl nha may (ndi
chUng cct ruou) bla
10 rnuc tU c6 cling dong nghia :

gu""ery l'ghnarIl thu¢t bOn dol ooc

nunnerq fllhnarIl nho dong nO
nurseru fn3:sarIl nha tre
canncru l'krenarIl nno may dong h¢p ora1lgery formd3arIl nol tr6ng com
- Dan went for him with sudden sav· - Dan t~n eong ong ta voi mot himh vi
colliery fkoharIl mo than piggery fpld3arIl trai heo. chu6ng heo
agery. man rQ b~t ngo.
creamery fkn:marIl cuo hong ban refi7lery /rr'famsrt/ nho may lee
'What is the purpose of this foolery:'>' 'Muc dlch cua sl,l oj xu dien r6 nay la sua. kem. bo.. s/IMlbbery fJrhbarIl kh6m cov. bl,li cOy
distillery /dr'stilan/ nhO may rucu tam/cry ftrenarIl xuong thu¢c do
... the prudery of the Victorians. ... tinh ca then cua nhung ngll'ai thai fislrery ffIJarIl ngh~ co. ngl1 truong winery fwamarIl nM may rUQuvang
Victoria .
. an incident of unpardonable bru· ... mot hanh dong con d6 va s~1'hung
tality and thuggery. .Ie khoog th~ tha thu duoc. 4. NHOM. TO, eOI :
Nhi~lItll' t5n ClIng b~ng~ chi mot nh6m hoac mot Up hop cac vilt nia mM
DLloi day 10 muc tU c6 cling dong nghia :
lQai d;'ic bi~t. Vi du, 'jewellery' chi cl6 trang sue ma ban deo tren ngliai nhir Iii
bravery /brervan/ su can dam roguery fraugarIl Sl,I d~u congo I~u i
nh~n va vllng deo tay: 'pottery' chi nlurng cai binh, dta va nhung vM khac dutrc
. buffoollery /ba'fu.nart/ tro h~ lOng him b;\ng da't set.
foolery /fu.lan/ honh d¢ng nga ngOn, savagery fsrevld3rIl honh vi do man, - They were all fond of jewellery, and - HO deu thfch n("( trdng, IllOt s6 (\('0

ngu ng6c tan boo, man rc some wore rings and some fine gold nh~n va mot s6 deo ddY chuy~n vang
kllavery fnelvarIl b6t luong. muu mo. slIobbery fsnobarIl thai d¢ horn hinh chains. dep.
khong thOnh thot thuggery f9hgarIl sl,i con d6, hung boo - There was no electricity, the machin· - Khong co dien. may moc I<Ii khong
prudery I'pru:danl tinh co th~n tomfoolery /tnm'fu.lan/ thai d¢ ng6c ery had failed again. chay c111c;1e.
nghech. dOn d¢n
- ... the brilliance oituio huge crimson - ... sl,l nrc ra cua hai c"i 10 c~m hOil
"'I:).rV flower vases spilling with blossoms mau do tham Ian vai dAy hoa v~ trang
~ and greenery. la trang tri.
» ttY va danh M..I,il.Q tu moi. Cac danh DLloi day 10 rnuc tv c6 cling dong nghia :

-ery ket h(ip "oi dong ttY danh tll' nf!y-P,ll.
mo~ noi mil m(lt vi';c gi do dll'oC _t,I}P"Copign hoac lW~~~. Vi du, 'bakery' artillery la:'tIlarIl khdu phoo. phoo fit/cry ffamarIl quOn 00 I¢ng IOy. d6
{f ~~Dlma banh mi vii banh ngot duoc mrong: 'piggery' Iii nCli nuoi 19"n. blnh trong tri see sO
- I met her at the bakery where we - TOI g~p nang i'J 16 banh mi ndi ma ("~ crockery fkrokarIl chen dio. Iy tach greet/ery I'gri:narIl trong 10trang trr
were both buying brownies. h<li chung toi cleu mua hanh so-co-l» bOng sanh imagery flmld3arIl each dung h;nh
nho. drapery fgrelparIl ngh~ bon vai. tl1Qng. anh

... a shrubbery oj lilac bushes and - ... mot khorn cay tu dinh hll'dng va cay quOn 00 irot/mollgery fammnhlJ9arIl ngh~

evergreens. tnJimg xuan. bon d6 sdt

- Five gal/ons of milk a day went to - N.'lm ga-long sua mot ngay chuy(:n
the Stowmarket Creamery. den ell'a hang ban slia Stawmarkel.

jewellery I'd3u:alnl do nOtrong. do pottery I'potarll dO g6m thu cOng
I kim nocn scellery I'si:narll phong cdnh. conh v¢t
Maltese l,ma:I'ti:zI ngllal Mo-to
Milanese l,mIla'ni:zI ngllal Mi-Ion
Sellegalese l,semga'li:zI ngllal S6-n6-g0 1I
I machinery Ima'ji:nanl rnov m6c Sudanese l,su:da'ni:zI ngual XU-dOng
(thu¢c Y)
Cae til e6 d~ng nghia khSe : Taiuianese l,talwa'm:ZI nguol fXIIloan I
Nepalese l,nepa'li:zI ngllal N6-pon Viennese IVla'ni:zJ ngllol Ao
adultery la'dAltanl t¢1ngoQItinh livery I'hvarll b¢ dOng pbuc ngllai Portuguese l,pa:tJu'gi:zI ngllCJIBO flOo
archery l'a:tJarll kYthu¢t. mOn bdn phuc VI,! Vietnamese l,vletna'mi:zI ngllal VI~t
Nho Nom
cung lottery I'lotarll cuoc xO56
artery I'a:tarll d¢ng moch mastery I'ma:starll sv am hillu. sv 2. NGON NGO:
battery I'bretarll b¢ pin. b¢ OC-qUI thonh rnoo
celery I'selarll con tOy misery I'mlzarll sv khOsO. SV kh6n khO -ese k€t hop vcri danh tll' chi quae gia M tao danh tu moi. Cac danh tu moi
cemetery I'sematrll nhi tV. nghTodio monasterg I'monastrll tu vi~n nay chi ngon ngl1 dlrqc dung (j quoc gia ay noi. Vi du, 'Japanese' la ngon ngl1
cutlery I'kAtlanl doo. nTo.muOng mystcry I'mlstarll dlilu huyiln bi. bi On diroc n6i (j rurcc Nh~t; "Portuguese" la ng6n ngt'l diroc n6i CJ B6 Dao Nha,
effrolltery /t'frantart/ sv tro troo. Sl1 vO slavery I'sleIVarll cdnn nOI~. SV nO I~ - Mr Takahashi was speaking in ani- - Ong Takahashi dang n6i tieng Nh~1
liem sf sorcery I'sa:sarll tro ph0 thuy mated Japanese. sinh dong.
gallery I'grelarll phang trilln10m statiollery I'stelJanrll von ph6ng phOm - When they saw us they rushed [or- - Khi ho nhln Iha'y cluing loi, ho d6 xo
groccry fgraUSarll vleC buOn bOn tQP surgery I's3:d3arll SV phOu thu¢t. m6 ward, chanting in Chinese. lai, hat len bang lieng Trung Qu6e.
phOm treachcru I'tretJarll SV Ommw. b¢1phon
hosiery fhauzian, 'hsojan/ hOng bit upholstcry l,Ap'haulstarll nghe bee DLIoi dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cOng dQng nghia :
t6t. do 16t(hOng det kim) gh~. nghillam n~m gh~ Burmese l,b3:'mi:zI tiling Mllinf)t$n Maltese l,ma:l'ti:zI tiling Mo-to
joillery fdpnarll nghil th<;lm¢c Chi/lese l,tJal'ni:zI tiling TrungQu6c Portuguese l,pa:tJu'gi:zI tiling BO flOoNho
[apanese l.d3repa'ni:zI tiling Nh¢t Vietnamese l,vletna'mi:zI tl~ng Viet
-ese [auanese l,d3a:va'ni:zI tl6'ng Jo-ve Nom


- ese k€t hop ,,(Ii ten dia danh de' tao cac tu chi ngu'()i hay v~t xuat than tu d6.
-ese theo each nay ket hop vcri danh tu M tao thanh danh tu rnoi. Cac danh
Vi du, m(Jt ngu'()i 'Chinese' xuat than tu Trung Quoc: nghe thuat ca kich o-pe-ra
hI' mci nay di~n dat loi n6i hay viet kh6 hie'u hoac khong 16i cuon mil la die'n
'Viennese' c6 goc C1 Vienna; 'Maltese' chi nhl1ng ngu'()i c6 ngu6n g6c (j Malta.
hlnh cua nglr()i hay noi n6i tren. Vi du, 'journalese' chi each nha bao n6i vii viet;
He was a Chinese businessman. - Ong ta Iii mOl thuong gia nguoi Trung 'Brooklynesc' Iii each phat am vii th6 ngt'l' ma ngu'()i Brooklyn n6i.
- Torturous' is now common journal- - 'Torturous' (quanh co, long vong) hi(on
... classical Balinese dance move· - ... nhung phong Ir;1Okhieu vii cd dit:n
ments. Cll,)ngu<1i Ba-li. ese gio Iii each viet chung cua cac ph6ng
vii-11nha bao,
Her father was Porttiguese. - Cha nang la nguoi B6 Dao Nha.
... a classic phrase of diplomatic of-
She arranged to deliver a petition to - Nimg sap xep M chuy~n mot don ... loi n6i c6 c1i~n cua giong dieu quan
the Japanese. thlnh nguyen cho nguoi Nh~\. liell ngoai giao.
- He was already speaking Ameri- - Ong ta dang n6i theo phong each I1guoi
DLIoi dOy 10 muc tU c6 cOng dQng nghia : canese. My.
Balinese lbela'ni:zI nguai Bo-Ii [apanese l,d3repa'ni:zI ngual Nh¢t BOn
Burmese l,b3:'mi:zI ngllal MilinDen [auancse l,d3a:va'ni:zI nguai Jo-ve ,--. - -, - DLIoi day 10 rnuc tv c6 cOng dQng nghia :
-- ------ ------
I Chinese l,tJa,'ni:zI ngllal TrungQu6c Lebanese /,leba'ni:zI ngllal U·bang I Amcrical/cse /e.merrka'ni.z/ phong cocn ngual My
Brooklunese l,brukh'ni:zI cocn phor am cue ngllai Brooklyn
- N' 'V.1 journalese l,d33:na'li:zI van vi6'tbaa. van cuo nhci boo
t."III ~;." .R..WI ~ ~ •• L 'V' t~ ev-x- .tV\
officialcse la,fIJa'li:zI giong dieu quon lieu
_ (.; / ,\J ~') ,~ ..(J
88 _ WORD FORMATION c r"". W'\ ch~ -t '" "I.~ - 17('£ -Wl ~;), - ._--- ---------
I U L ~r 1.1 1:.'
').\ £, "I ("\1:1' 1'" >G act>''''' 'c.-~ WORD FORMATION - 89
-4.. ..J.tll - .~
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
actress I'rektm;f nu dilln vien mistress f'mIstns! co gloo. oo chu nho
authoress f'o:fJfJrlsf nu lac gia pantheress fpren9ans! con boo coi
-esque ke't hop voi ten ctia cac danh nhan nhir van st, nguoi soan nhac hay hoa priestess fpn:stIsf nOIInhrnuc
countess I'kaontlsf nu bo ILIac
SI M 1,10linh lu. Cac tinh tU nay ta ngu<'1ihay v~t gi6ng nhau v~ phong each
duchess f'dAtfls! nu cOng nroc princess fprm'sesf cOng cnuo
ciia v~t diroc tao ra hay thuc hi~n bdi cac danh nhan noi tren. Vi du, neu mot stewardess f,stjoa'des; 'stu.ardas/ nu
empress I'empnsf nu hoong
doan nhac 1.1'Haydnesque' ngh1a la no gi6ng n11i)C cua nha soan nhac Haydn;
goddess f'godls! nu thOn liep vien
neu mot tro choi rna 'Pinteresque'. nghia 1.1no gi6ng cac vd kich diroc Harold
heiress f'earls! nu thuo ke tigress I'talgnsf con cop cot
Pinter vie'1. hostess f'haostls! n(Jgio chu uiscountess /varkaontrs/ nu lu ILlClC.
_ The orchestra's performance was - CUI)Cbi~u di~n ola ban nhac hoan lioness f'lalams! su lu cot tu ruoc phu nhOn
perfectly Haydnesque. roan gi6ng nhac cua Haydn. manageress f,mremd3a'resf nu giom waitress f'weltnsf n(JhOu ban
_ He loved being the centre of attrac- _ 6ng ta thlch tra thanh trung tam cua d6c
tion and dropped easily into Tar- su thu hut va d~ dang roi VaG 111 the
zanesque poses. ngai, dung gi6ng nhu cua Tarzan. :> Cilu y rtIllg IIlli€u IIglfiJi kl76l1g thich dung cac tit t~1I cung Mllg -ess di ch! pll~
_ ... this Chaplinesque incident roused _ ... s~1viec gi6ng nhu cua Chaplin <Iii lIit vii thicll dung mQt dann HI co tlli chi cd lIam lall 1117. VI du, mb! II it villi SI co

the household. kkh dong ca giit dlnh. t/li dlli;1CdiCiI td III "autllor' hen Iii 'authoress'.

... an extraordinary Rembrandtesque ... mot buc hoa khac tlurong gi6ng nhu >- Muon biel lhem chi tiel ve cac danh tiJ chi rieng ve phV nu, xem -woman.
painting by Murillo. elM nha hoa SI Rembrandt cua Murillo.

DLloi day lamvc tU c6 cung d<;mgnghia :

Becthouenesque gi6ng nhoc cuo Hoffmallesque gl6ng nhLlHoffman -est ke't hop vOi tinh tll' chi pham chat ta o tinh tu CJ dang so sanh tuyet d6i.
Beethoven Pinteresque gl6ng ccch cue Pinter Cac tinh tLl' nay chi ngu'oi hay \'~t co nhieu pha"m chat hon 1.1bat Cli v~t nao
Chaplincsque gi6ng phong cocn cue Rembrandtesque gl6ng to! hoc cuo khac CLing loai. Vi du, neu mot toa nha "tallest" tren the giOi, nghla la khong
Choplin Rembrond co toa nha nolo khac cao hon toa nha do; ne'u mi)t dua tre diroc mil ta 1.1
Dantcsque gi6ng nhLlDont Tarzanesque gl6ng phong ccch cuo "cleverest" trong lap, We Iii khong co ai trong lop thong minh nhu cau ta.
Haudnesquc gi6ng nhoc cue Haydn Tarzan
:> Clni y rtlllg cac tiuu tit iJ dang so sdu}: tuy~t d,)'i g&/1 /I1l1( luon co 'the' dWlg In(ac .


-ess -est ke't hop theo nghla nay vdi cac tinh tu co mot vAn.
-ess ket hop voi danh hI' chi ngl(<'1ihay \'~t M tao danh Ill' rnoi. Cac danh lu
moi nay chi nguoi phu nu hoac v~t thuoc gi(\ng cai. Vi du, 'princess' 1.1mot
each vii"t: T~n cung Iii 'g', 'I' hay 'n' dung tnroc la mi)t nguyen am duy nhat
duoc gap doi tnroc khi them -est. Tan cung bsng 'e' diroc thay the' bCii -est.
nguoi phu nITco cil"pbac ngang vci hoang hl', hoac ket hon vai hoang nr: 'lioness'
1<'1con sll tt'l ca i. _ The Maharajah was the tallest man - Milharajah Iii nglloi clan ong COla nha't
she knew. mit co a'y biel.
... the king's younger daughter, the - ... thu nu cua vi hoang c1€, cong chua
Elizabeth. _ The loudest applause went to John - SV vb tay reo ho Ian nhat danh cho
Princess Elizabeth.
COil Sll tll due va su tll cai da nhiiy Faddis. John Faddis.
_ A lion and lioness leapt over the
qua buc urong cua mot trai sue v~1. _ When we got inside the cemetery we - Khi chung toi di VaG nghia dia, cluing
walls of a cattle pen.
stopped. It was the biggest one we toi dung 1<.Ii. Do Iii mOl nghiil dia Ian
_ Thynne's bride was the richest heir- _ Co dau cua Thynne lit nglloi thua ke
had ever seen., nha't mil chung toi eta tung thay.
ess in England. giilu nhat mrcc Anh.

-est doi khi cung kct hap voi tinh hI chi rnau silc c6 nghia nay.
_ There are three types of ant-eater - Co ba loai chim go kien. Loai nho nh.:il
The smallest lives entirely in trees, 'Ollg hoan 10.111 tren (~y. ... driving a shining new car through ... IAi mOl chiee xe hoi moi b6ng loang
Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia dU<;Jcthonh l¢Jp tU
some of the greenest scenery in qUn mOl viii mi~n xanh hJoi nhal a
America. HO<1 Ky.
nhOng tfnh tU mot van:
---------------- ... the reddest shooting star they had ... mot ngoi sao bang do nh:ll ma ho
biggest I'blglstJ Ion nhot neuiest I'nju:lstJ mol nhot I ever seen. d.i tUng nhln Ihay.
brightest /'braltlstJ th6ng mlnh nh6t oldest l'auldlstJ glo. cu nhot :

coldest I'kaudlstJ tonh nhot saddest I'sredlstJ buon Ie nhot Euro-

darkest I'do:klstJ tal tom nhot slowest I'slaUlstJ cnorn nhO't
smallest I'sm:>:IIstJ nho nhot .' i • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
' deepest /'dlplstJ sou nhot
\ fattest /Teetrst/ mop nhot softest I'sofbstJ mem nhot Euro- ket hop voi danh tll' M tao danh tll' mrii. Cac danh hI moi nay chi vat
I jllllest I'fu:hst/ cloy cll; nhot tallest I'tohstJ coo nh6t co lien quan den chau Au hay Cong d6ng chau Au (EC) v~ mot phirong dien
I largest I'la:d3lsU rong nh6t thickest 1'91kIstJ day nhot nao d6. Vi du, 'Euro-election' duoc t6 chirc de' bau cli' cac thanh vien cua Quoc
latest /Terust/ g6n clOy nhot. moi nhot thinnest 1'9mlstJ mong nhot hc)i chau Au; "Eurocheque" ia mot chi phieu ma ban co the dung d bat elf su
lightest I'laltlst/ nh~ nh6t toughest I'tAfistJ cung nh6t qu6c gia nao a chau Au.
longest 1'101)91StJdol nh6t wettest I'wetlstJ L10t6t nh6t > Ch,l !i nillg cdc tit lIay ihuang dung tren bao chi hotJc treu till We tl'UyJII thanh.
loudest I'laodlstJ Ion nh6t YOl/llgest /jAI)9IStJ tre nhot
Cach vle"t: Euro- Iuon diroc viet hoa. Cac hI nay thliCtng diroc viet co gach
> ClIlI Y rdllg 11/1111 tln« so SIII/II tuy~t do'i cua 'good' Iii 'best' l'a cua 'bad' la 'worst'. n6i,'nhttrlg mot so' ttI thong dung' hon diroc viet dinh li~n thanh mot chit.

-est cting ket hop \'l1i mot viti tfnh Itl hai van theo nghia nhu tren, - ... a bitterly contested Euro-eleciion - ... mot chien dich tranh Cli van Quoc
campaign. hQI chau Au gay gal.
Cach vie"t: T5n cung 'y' duoc thay the b&i 'i' tru'Oc khi them -est. Tan cung
Euro-MPs have been banned from Cae ngh] si chau Au bi c.lm viee di
'e' duoc thay the boi -est
flying first class on foreign trips. h"lIlg nhal tren may bay lrong nhung
Duoi day 10ml,Jc tU co cung dong nghia too thonh tU tfnh tv c6 hai van: chuven cong lac nlloe ngoai,
I angriest I'rel)grust/ gl¢n dQ nh6t maturest I'matfuarlst/ chin chon nh6t burgundy-coloured Euro-pass- ... cac ho chieu su dung a cac qu6c
busiest /'bIZIISt/ bon ron nh6t narrouicst I'nreraOlstl hep nh6t ports. gia chau Au mau do s~m.
commonest I'komamstl chung nh6t. obscurest /sb'skjoanst/ kh6 hi~u nhot. ... a London-based Euro-bank. ... mOl ngan hang chau Au d~1 tru sa
thong thLlong nh6t mo Om nh6t tai tuan Don.
dirtiest /'d3:tnstl do beln nh6t pleasautest I'plezantlstl vul thu nh6t
, easiest l'i:zlIstl de nhot politest /pa'Iartrst/ Ie phep nh6t Duoi day 10 rnuc tv c6 cung dong nghia :
i [ricndlicst /frendlnst/ trion thl~n nh6t prettiest I'pntnstl cl~p nh6t Euro-bank /joarao'brel)kI ng6n hOng Eurochcque I'juarautfekl see IW hanh
I [unnicst I'fAnnstJ buon cLlOI nh6t remotest /rr'msotrst/ heo lanh nhot. chOu Au toi ChOu Au
I gentlest I'd3enthst/ Iich su nh6t xo x61 nh6t Eurobond /joarao'bond/ tr61 phleu Euro-communism /joareo 'komjonrzrn/
I handsomest I'hrendsAmlst/ dep trol nh6t shallouicst I'frelaOlstJ can nhot chOu Au h$ th6ng chu nghio cong san chOu Au
I happiest I'hreplIst/ honh phuc nh6t
I heaviest I'hevlIstl n¢ng ne nhot
liveliest I'ialvillstl s6ng clong nhot
silliest I'silnst/ ngd ngh$ch nhot
simplest I'simplistl cldn glen nhot
steadiest I'stedllstl vQng yang nhot.
Euro-campaign /joarau krem'peml
chien dich (v¢n clOng chinh trioquon
su ...)chOu Au
Euro-constitucncu /joarao
ken'strtjoansr/ coc CLi trl chOu
Euro-currency /joarao 'kxranst/
likeliest I'ialkillstl chdc chon nhot cleu cl¢n nhot Euro-candidatc /juarao 'keendrdat/ t$ chou Au
loveliest l'iAVillstl de thLlong nhot stupidest I'stju:pldlstl ngu xudn nhot ung cLi vl~n chOu Au
I I/lckiest /'lAkllStl may mon nh6t tilliest I'tamllstJ nho nhot ~

Euro-eledion Ijuarao r'lekjn/ cuoc dung chung trong coc nVoc thuoc Duoi day 10 rnuc tU co cung dQng nghTa :
baucu qu6c hOI chOu Au cong d6ng cbou Au
Euromoneu /joarao'mam/ lI~n chOu
ever-available I,eva a'verlabl/ luOn co coer-lengthening I,eva 'leIJElamry'
EUTo-policy Ijoarao 'polssi/ chinh
Au san luOn keo dOl
s6ch cuo coc nvoe chou Au
EUTo-MP Nghi si chOu Au coer-changing I,eva tJel11d31ry' luOn ever-mooing I,eva 'mu.vnj/ luOn cu don
Euro-socialism Ijuarao saoJahzaIn!
I juarao'pa:lamantl thoy d6i ever-narrowing I,eva 'neeraonj' luOn
Europarliament c-o nghlo xO hOI a chOu Au
qu6c hoi chOu Au coer-decreasing I,eva dr'kri.znj/ lu6n thu nap
Euro-summit IjuaraO'ShInltl HOi nghi
Euro-passport Ijuarao 'po.spo.t/ h¢ luOn giom ever-open tev» 'eopan/ luOn ma cuo
thvQng dTnh chou Au
chi~u theo mot mau th6ng nh6t
,. coer-diminishing
luOn giom sut
I,eva drnu'mjnj/

I,eva l'flJntl luOn co du

I,eva 'popjula(r)/ luOn

I,eva 'prezant/ luOn hl~n

Euro- doi khi ket hop v&i tinh tll' nhu "African" hay "Chinese" M tao thanh tinh
hi$u Il)e hLlu
tU maio Cac tinh tu nay mo la mOt t6 chuc hay mOt hoat dOng co lien quan den
chau Au va luc dia hay qu6c gia dii n6i tren. euer-cxpanding I,eva ik'speendnj/ coer-rising I,eva 'raiznj' luOn dOng coo
luOn ma rong euer-shrinking I,eva Jrmklry' lu6n co
- ... Euro-American political domina- - ... st,ichiem U\J the cua AU-My v~ chinh
coer-faithful I,eva 'felefll luOn tMnh loi. rut ng6n loi
tion. trio
thl)e euer-smiling I,eva smarlnj/ luOn mlm
- ... a Euro-African tennis match. - ... mot tr~n da'u qu~n vot Au-Phi.
eucr-grotuing I,eva 'qraonj' luOn phot cvei
tri4n ever-watchful I,eva 'wotJTolf luOn cdn
ever- ever-help fill I,eva 'helpfl/ luOn co ich thon
1. LUON LUON : coer-increasing I,eva m'kri.znj' luOn . eucr-ioidening I,eva 'wardannj' luOn
gio tang ma rong
everlasting l,eva'la:stny mOi mol. vinh euer-uiilling I,eva 'wrlnj' luOn s6n long
ever-> voi hien tai philn Ill' va 1.1nh tU M tao tinh Ill' m6'i. Cac tinh Ill' vl~n cucr-toorsening I,eva 'wa.sannj/ luOn I
m6'i nay dien ta mot dieu gl d6 ma lien tue Ihl(e hien hanh dOng n6j Iren. hay t6it$~ .
~ nhang d<ic die'm hoac p'him chili dii n6i. Vi du, khi mc;ll s6 viec gi d6
ma n6 'ever-increasing', nghia la n6 luon luon !<'Inglen: neu mc;lt thii gi do nhu 2. CANG LI)C CANG NHIEU :
thuc pham mil "ever-available" nghla Iii n6 Iuon e6 san vii vi the' d~ dang e6
ever- kct hop v6'i cac hlnh thirc so sanh nrong dbi cua tinh ttl' de' tao tinh tl!
each vie"t: Cac Ill' nay duoc vi!!"tc6 gach n6i ngoai tnr chil "everlasting" diroc maio Cac tinh W moi nay di~n ta ngl(O'i hay v~t c6 mot s6 dac tinh hoac phii'm
vie'l thanh mot clur.
chKt ngay cfmg Ulng hon diroc mieu ta bai tinh Il! g6c. Vi du, ne'll ban di~n 1<1
- ... the ever-increasing demand for - ... nhu du v~ n<'lng hrong ngay cang mot ngl(O'i ma 'ever-bolder', nghia la ban ngh) ding ho Ira nen cang luc cang
energy. tang, can dam hem; nc'll mot v~1 tra nen 'ever-smaller' nghta 1.1no lien tuc tra nen
- ... euer-auailable supplies of con- - ... ngudn cung ca'p hang tieu dung luon nho hem.
sumer goods. co san, Thelma encouraged me to ask euer- - Thelma khuyen khich loi hoi nhung
- ... the everlasting snows of the - ... lop tuyet vinh cUu tren diiy bolder questions. C;\lIhoi manh dan hon.
mighty Himalayas. Hymalaya hung vi. I focused on an eoer-smoller segment - T6i I~p trung vita khu vue dllong trl1<;11
- ... the euer-present threat of physical - ... m6i nguy hi~m v~ th~ chat luon of the slide. Ira nen cang hie cang nho hon,
danger. hien hau, - Men will build homes in ever- - Con nglloi se xily <flIng nha e('liI 0
- I could hear nothing but the sound - Toi khong th~ nghe bat cu di~u gl stranger places. nhtlng noi xa Iii hon.
of ever-moving water. ngoai am thanh nl10c chay rnai, the ever·colder nights. - ... nhung dern eang gi~ l<'Inh hon.


ex-conoid /,eks kan'vrkt/ nguol Jruoj;. ex-poli~/llall /,eks pa'hsman! cl,lu
- The sides closed in, towering aboue - C.ic phla d~u khep lai, phu Ia'y chung oov dO bl ket on conh sot
us with an euer-closer proximity_ toi cang hie cang gjn hon, ex-dictator /,eks 'dlktelta(r)/ nha d¢c ex-president /,eks 'prezrdant/ cuu
Dual day 10 rnuc tU co cung dc;mg nghia : t61 truoc kia tOng Ih6ng
cx-employer /,eks em'pl:Jla(r)/ chu cc ex-prisoner /,eks 'prlzn~(r)/ cuu tu
ever-bolder mOl luc cang can dom ever-higher mOl luc m~t coo han
ex-friend I,eks 'frend/ bon cu nhOn
hem. cang luc cang tro Iran hen ever-larger cong luc cong r~ng non ex-husband /,eks 'hxzband/ chOng truce ex-professor /,eks pra'fesa(r)/ cl,lu
ever-briefer cong luc cang cO dong euer-narrouier mOlluc m~t h~p hon ex-inmate I,eks 'mmert/ r\guOi cung' gi60 su I
non ever-scarcer cong luc cong hlem hem lam chung m~t ncri tnrcc kla ex-pupil I,eks 'pju:pl/ cuu hoc sinh '
cang luc conq gOn hon
cang luc conq lonh hon
ever-shorter mOlluc ng6n hcrn
ever-smaller mOlluc m~t nho han
ex-journalist I,eks 'd33:nahstl cuu ex-se(r~tary /,e~s 'sekrrtan/ cuu tnu ky I
ph6ng villn. nhO b60 ex-soldier /,eks saold3a(r)1 cl,Iu chien I

ever-faster mol luc nhanh hon ever-stranger cong luc cong 10 hem ex-lover /,eks 'lhva(r)/ tlnh nhOn cu blnh I
ever-fiercer ccnq luc conq hung boo hem ever-stronger cang luc cang rnonh hcrn I ex-minister /,eks 'mmrsterr l/ cl,lu thu ex-tenant /,eks 'tenant/ nguol thue
ever-greater mOl luc mot to non ever-wider mOl luc m¢t r¢ng hon
\ luong muon cO
Cae tll eo d~ng nghia khSe : ex-wife /,eks waif! vQ cO J
evergreell !evagrml coy xanh b6n evermore l,eva'm:J:(r)/ luOn luOn. mal
1'J,...,. ;;t4r>1'IJI m - '-"{
t~"' -
r :»
rnuo mal, dol dol extra- r"/' -
.« ~
1, RAT' •

tv t:;oliJ
,0 ~
0.1'1\ a/(
Cl..1c Of.( ~

ex- en )?< 0.m m""". ~:(" of • CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI:
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : extra;~ vai tinh tlY M t,1Othiinh Hnh tit maL Cac tinh tii mc.'linay dicn
tii m0t v~t· nhil!u pha'm chat hoac dac Hnh tieu bi~u dU(1Ctinh tit gCicnucu
ex- _ket hap voi danh tli chi ngltai M t<;10 danh hi' maio Cac danh tli moi nay
ta. Vi du, nell ban tii mot \'~t 'extra-special'. nghta la ban nghl rsng no rat dac
chi nguoi dii tiing la v~t duoc danh tii gee mieu ta. Vi du, 'ex-president' cua
biet: neu m(lt v~t 'extra-large', ttrc Ii! no rat krn.
mot ruroc dii nrng la t6ng thong cua ruroc d6; "ex-policeman' Iii nguci dii tling
lam viec voi tu each lil mot nhan vien canh, 'A spectacular goal, extra-special', - "Mi)t mur lieu kh;i qu"n vi) cilllg
the West Ham manager enthused. d,,( hiet"; vi gi;\m doc WI's! t larn Iii
'" Jose Luis Bustamante, ex-presi- - ... lose Luis Bustamante, cuu t6ng thong
ra \1,\ thich ..
dent of Peru, cl'lrl Peru.
, Gaylord Koffritz, Renata's ex-nus- - ... Gaylord Koffritz, ch6ng truac cua ... an extra-strong rope for. towing - ... mot sQi d.iy thlln~ (lIe manh ell'; kco
band, R<'Ilata. vehicles. XC'.

'.. first-hand accounts of ex-inmates - ... cac bao cao tnrc tiep CUrl nhling _ .:. the extra-bright child. • - mot dUiI tre he't Slk thong minh.
of mental hospitals. n!\uai truac kia dii urng (j chung trong _ ... a special edition the book on - .In ban d~c biet b~ng loai gi'IY ClI<


II - Ex-looers rarely meet again or euen

c-ic benh vien tam than.
Nhung tlnh nhan cli hiem khi g~p I(li
extra-thin paper. miing.
Duoi day 10 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia :
1\ write. ho~c ngay Gl viet thu cho nhau. -----,
Dual day 10 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia : I extra-bright !ekstra brart/ r6t thOng
extra-large !ekstra lo:djl r6t r~ng
extra-long !ekstra lory' r61 dal
it minh
ex-accountant /,eks a'kaontant/ cuu ex-chairman /,eks 'tfeaman!, 'V" cO' ! extra-fine !ekstra fam/ r61 t6t. r61 min extra-low !ekstra lad rO't th6p
ke tocn vlen tlch extra-firm !ekstra f3:m/ r61 cLIng extra-short !ekstra f:J:tI r6t ng6n. r61 I
ex-boxer I,eks 'boksatrj/
quyen Anh
cuu vO sr extra-hard !ekstra ho:df r6t cLIng
extra-hot fekstra hot/ r6t ncno
exira-sloui !ekstra slad r6t ch¢m J
extra-small I'ekstra smo.l/ r<Stnho extra-special I'ekstra'spe./ll r<Std¢c
- Douglas had fallen head-first into the O(XIgl.lS d.\ ng.i chl'li •.• ;10 dong
extra-smooth fekstra smu:9I r<stnh6n bl~t snow. tu}'t;1.
extra-soft I'ekstra soft} r<Stmllm extra-strong I'ekstra stror.Y r<Strnonn
- When gorillas descend they do so Khi loili khl luat XIIOIlIl, cilt'lIlg 111,',1
extra-solid fekstra 'sohd/ r6t cLIng exira-thin I'ekstra am/ r6t mong
feet first. lowering themselves with ch.rn xUOng Irlloc r6i h~ Ih,j'p ngl(ill
theIr arms. . bJllg c.inh l<ly.
2. NGOlu: - The foot is placed on the ground Brln chan dU<)r dijl xII6ng 111<'1 d;.'!,
extra- cling ke't hgp v(1i.1!!lh..!.iI'M tao t£nh til' m(1i chi v~t Q ngoilj xa bdp ho~c heel-first. gOl In(a(.
khac biet nhil'ng gl mA tinh til' g6c mieu lei. Vf du, nhllng hoat dc)ng
'extra-curricular' IA nlutng hoat dc)ng reA ban lam ngoai chuong trlnh hay thC1i
kh6a bi€u C1 tru'C1nghoac dai hoc: bA't cll' cai gl du'(,1cdi~n hi "extra-terrestrial'
Mn tiI' ngoai hanh tinh.
Many students benefit greatly from Nhi~u sinh vien hl/dng IcJi ra't nhieu
involvement in extra-curricular cc- tU viec tham gia cac sinh hoat ngoal
tivities. kh6a.
Tili c6 cai nhln ra't thoang ve va'n de
1 have an open mind on the subject
of so-called telepathy and extra- dwc goi la th~n glao each cam va khci ~ t(JI1 +u,~-.-
sensory perception. nang ngoai cam, 'Of ..••..
- Before the nineteenth century, the
extra-European world supplied
-. TrlIck th€ ky 19, ph~ n th€ giai ben
ngoai chau Au da cung ca'p 51! xa hoa
Europe with luxuries. . cho chau Au.

DLlCIi dOy 10 muc tlJ c6 cung dQng nghTa : -fold ket help vai s6 dem M t\10 thanh tinh hI. Cac tinh tu nay mtl tii mclt \',)t
co so thanh ph§n ~t. Vi du, neu ban noi ro<)t vat "twofold", nghta 1.1 n6
extra-curricular /,ekstra ka'rrkjols/ extra-parliatrlentary /,ekstra co hai Iy do hay thanh phdn .qu<ln trong nhtt nhau.
ngoQI kh60 'pc.lamantn/ ngoal qu6c h¢I
extra-European /,ekstra joa'reopran/ extra-sensory /,ekstra 'sensan/ nong each vie"t: Cac tli nay co the' viet co gach noi hay dinh li~n.
ng06i chOu Au I\Jc ngOQIcom '. - My interests were twofold; the first - Cac moi quan tiim eli,! Wi co h,li m~t;
extra-marital /,ekstra 'meerrtl/ ngOQI extra-terrestrial /,ekstra ta'restrial/ to make money. and the second to th!'( nha't lit l.:Im giau, thl( nhi 1.1ban
tinh ngool trol d6t. ngool khl quy6n sell the public reliable goods. hitng hoa tin nhiem cho dIng chung.
extra-mural /,ekstra 'mjoaral/ ngoQI extra-territorial /,ekstra .terr'to.rral/ - Criticisms of the old system were - SI! phe blnh ve h~ th6ng Cll c6 fill
kh60 ngool IOnhth6 threefold. phjn quan trong,
- The aims of the new organization are - Nhllng rnuc lieu cua t6 chirc moi n)
-first eight-fold. tam ph~n.

• CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI : Nht'Yng tll' nay doi khi duoc dilng nhtt trang ILl' chi ro<)t v~t dttO'c nhlln ICn ml)t
-first k€t hO'p v(1i danh tir chi cac b¢ pMn cua cO'th~ di tao trang !!l Cac trang
so 150 di!c bi~t.
tu nay chi ngttC1ihay ~t di chuyin theo hu'Clng cua phAn cO'thi da n6i tren. Vi - Juvenile crimes of violence T<)i bao d<)ng diva tu6i vi thanh nic'n
du, ne'u ban chuyen Mn mOt noi nao d6 'head-first', nghia IA diu cda ban la ~seventeenfold in twenty-five t~ng mllui I~n trong 25 nam,
phan cua co th€ hu(1l)g xa nh~t v~ phia ban di. vears

1::~ ~i a:: ~~ r f".:t!-{ .tlce ~ .!a•.,

-Cu \ ,.(


TA~t, {~ A't;' )"\.~

2. TRUC1C:
-folk ket hop voi danh tll M tao danh to' moi chi cac nhom nguai. Vi du,
'womenfolk' cua mot cong d6ng la nh11ng phu n11 s6ng trong cong d6ng d6; fore- ket hap v6'i danh tU, ~ va t!nh to' M tao danhnr, dong Itl' va tfnh
'townsfolk' cua mot th] tnln Iii nlurng nguoi song CJ thi tra'n do. to' -Ill¢j. Cac to' mai nay ~ vat Mn truae va c6 lien quan Mn mot vat kMC;.
Vi du, neu ban 'forewarn' m¢t.ngU()i v~ viec gi, nghla 1<\ban n6i tnroc vai ho
:> Chu y rIJ/lg cac danh til /lily dii c8' vii it kh! duac si~dung.
rang ban nghI dng co di~u ·gl do kMng thJ vi hay nguy hi~m se xay ra;
The womenfolk could not use the - Nhorn phu nu khong Ih€ sU'dung khu
'forefathers' cua ban la nhirng nguai td tien ctia banva ohung 16i s6ng va truyen
cricket pavilion. nhi! (danh cho cau thu va khan gia) th6ng cua ho ban dang lam theo.
canh san choi crick-ke.
Where did the menfolk of the com·
- We were forewarned that the food - Chung toi da duoc noi t~II~Cr~ng thuc
Nhung nguai dan ong lrong cong d6ng
would be terrible. an ra't 16i.
munity work? lam viec a dau?
Pasta and noodles have for years
- The crilics foresaw a long and prof- -Cac nha phe blnh dii dean IrlI<k mot
- Mi 6ng va mi SQida Iii mon an chinh
••. itable future for the play. tuong lai co IOilau dai cua va kich,
been the staple dishes of economical CUi!dan Y lie'l kiern trong nhieu narn.
Italian countryfolk.
- A bee, bumbling lazily up and down - M()t con ong bay u~ oai len xu6ng buc
the window-pone, gave a foretaste of Clli!s6 cho ta mllong Ittong tnroc nhung
DLloi day 10 muc tCJ c6 cuno dong nghia : summer joys. thll vui mila he.
cou1Itryfolk I'kAntrlfauki ngval nOng townsfolk' I'taunsfaokl ngval dOn tlnh - An intelligent film is not necessarily - M()t cu6n phim trf lo~ khong c~n phai
thOn toomenjolk /wrmmfsok/ conn <:ran foredoomed to failure. SQla khong thanh congo
kinsfolkI'kmsfaokl gla quy~n ba trang gla dinh
DLloi day 10 rnuc tV c6 cunq dong nghia :
menfolk I'menfaukl canh don Ong
trong gla dinh forebears I'f:>:bea(r)zI t6 Mn foreshadow If:>:'Iredaul boo trUClC;
foreboding If:>:'baudlIy dl~m boo conh bco trvClC
•. Muon bif~t lh8m chi liel va nhilng ta chTngtlCi, xem -kInd, -man, -people, -person va -woman._
forecast I'f:>:ka:stl dV boo foresight I'f:>:saltl Sl,Ith6y truoc
foredoomed Ifo:'du:mdl phon quy~t trVCIc forestall lfo:'st:>:l/ chon truoc
fore- . forefathers 1'f:>:fo:f:Jazi t6 tl~n foretaste I'f:>:teistl n~m trvClC
1. PHiA TRUCC: [oreknotoledge I'f:>:'nohdy' dl~u bl~t foretell I'f:>:tel/ Mn doon
fore- ~ vot danh to' M tao danh to' m6'i Cac danh to' mot nay .I;bi. phAn truoc forethought I'fo:fJ:>:tI Sl,Ilo xo
foreordained If:>:r:>:C!emdl dinh trVClC [oretoam If:>:'w:>:nI conh ceo truce
truac cua vilt hay mot vilt CJ phia truac mOt vat khac. Vi du, "foredeck" la phan
tnroc cua boong tau; 'forelegs' cila m¢t con v3t 1a hai chan tnrcc cua n6. forerunner I'fo:rAna(r)1 ngvai dl truce foreword I'fO:W3:dI lal n61 d6u
foresee If:>:'si:1 nh¢n thuc truce
The wave crashed down on the fore· - Song bi~n d6 s.1m vao boong mlii cua
deck of the trawler. tau IliOicao. Cac ftJ c6 d/ilng nghia khac :
... a tall, thin man with a deeply lined - ... mOl ngllai dan ong g.1y, cao vai forearmed I,fo:'ra:mdl dVQc trong b! forego I'f:>:gaul dO dVQC d~ cop truoc
forehead. v~ng Iran co nhieu ne'p nhan sau. YO khi trVClC foreman I'f:>:manl d6c conq. chu tlch
... wiping the sweat from his face - ... lau nhung giot m6 hoi tren m~1ong forefinger I'f:>:fiIJga(r)1 ng6n tro b61 thOm doan

with a dirty forearm. ta bang mol canh tay do b~n. forefro1lt 1'f:>:frAIlti v! tri quan trQng. foremost I'f:>:maustl hQng nh6t. quon
mQt quan trQng trQng nh6t
DLloi day 10 rnuc tV c6 cung dong nghia :
foregather l,fo:'ga:f:Ja(r)1 tQP trung. tv [orename /fo.neim/ t~n rl~ng hay t~n
forearm ffo:ro:mJ conn tay foreleg I'fo:legl chOn trVClC hQp thanh
foredeck /fo.dek/ boong tau phfa truoc forelimb I'fo:hmJ tay
I'fo:fotl chOn truce
/fo.hed/ tron
forepart If:>:'pa:tI ph6n truce
foreshore If:>:,!:>:1bell trvClc
.- JM.( ~~ J~ L:':-~
- r}'·jk'.,r-," '- , .....
~.~ I 4Q- ~ Ill/f?, /,,,, L{ev. l' (....
,.J l-k-:;-",
V/1..k e.. ~ WORD FORMATION _ 101
Franco- lillie' n6; neu mot ngllai 'carefree', nghia 103 ho khong c6 tra ngai, buon phien
Franco- cac Itl' co nghia bi,'> phan 1.1 'French' (nglioi Phap), 'France'
co trong hilY trach nhiern gi d.
(mioc Phap). Vi du, hiep lidC 'Franco-Italian' 1.1hiep lioc duoc I~p ra giua rurrrc each vltt: Cac tfl nay ducc viet co gach n6i tnr chll "carefree" dli<;1c vie't dinh
Phap \'03 ruroc Y. Ii~n.
- ... retirement benefits including tax-' - ... li~n Irq cap hw trl g6m li~n m~1
free- free cash and a regular income. va thu nh~p iln dinh khong phiii d6ng
free- kcl hop voi hi~n tai phan hyM 1('10 tinh ItY. Cac tinh lli nay chi ngliai hay thue.
\'~I hoat d(lng hay ell XLI ma khong c6 nhirng git'1i han hoac kiern soat ma ban Not until mid-July do the lakes be- Mili cho den gilta Ihang bay cac hd
thlii'fng nghT tdi. Vi du, xc ci,'>mfl 'free-flowing' di chuyen II! do kh6ng bi Ird come ice-free and the snow begins to m(li Ian bang v:t Illyel b~1 d~u Ian.
ng~i gl ca; l1I:'u m()1 nglli1i co dau oc 'free-ranging' nghTa 1<\ III duy cua ho kh6ng melt.
h! mot y kien ricng bi¢1 nao gic'li han ca. 10 keep our fields clean of weeds - ... lIilt d6ng ruong CUiI cluing l<l sarh
Freedom from congestion could be - Vi~;c tranh tAc nghen giao thong chi and disease-free. co va khong co benh.
achieved only by a new system of co th~ dat duoc nhi'! vao mol he thong - An electric car would be pol/ution- - Mill chier xe hol dien se khong lam
free-flowing roods. dUi'!ng 11,1 do luu thong maio free. o nhi~m rndi tnrong,
. free-flooting chemicals. - (.Ie hoa chat troi tll do. - It is perfectly possible to live healthily - Hoan toan c6 Ih~ song rnanh khoe nho
. an amazing man with a free-rang- - mot nguili dim ong ky dieu vdi mot on a meat-free diet. an kieng thit.
ing intelligence. tri thong minh khac Ihlli1l1g.
Dual day 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia :
Light free-draining land was a pre- - Vung clal IV thoat Ill/or xop (toi) Iii dif'u
requisite to success. kien lien qllyel d~ thanh congo
accident-free freksldant fri:1 khOng nuclear-free fnju:kha(r) fri:1 khOng I
co tal non c6 her nMn I
Kimonos are very popular with men - Ao kimono ral phil bien cho C,\ nam
and uornen and they are both mod- Ian n(1 va chung vlfil giiin d] vlf<lkhong
additive-free fredltlv fri:1 khOng c6 oxygel/-free foksld3an fri:1 khOng c6 I
bO sung oxy
est and free-moving. go b6.
carefree I'keafri:l vO III IV. thanh theli pain-free fpem fri:1 khOng dou CIon
Duai day 16 ml.,JctU co cung dong n'ghia : crime-free fkraim fri:1 khOng c6 t¢i oc
----------- -~~~~~~-------------., gica
[rea-draining Nri: dremnj/ tv moo [rea-ranging Nri: 'rerndjnj/ c6 tu debt-free I'det fri:1 khOng mdc no pollution-free Ipa'lu:fn fri:1 khOng bl 0
oucc tllong tv do . diseuse-free /dr'zi.z fri:1 khOng c6 nhillm
free-tal/illS ffri: 'f:>:IIIy'roi tv do [ree-running ffri: 'r,mlIy' cnov tv do b$nh relit-free hen t fri:! khOng cho thu$
fr£'('~(lnat;,,~ /fri: l1aoLIly' nOi bOng free-standing Ifri: 'steendnj/ Clung tv dust-tree l'dASt fl'i:I seen bl,li rnucn
b~"h do. khOng c6 CI!nh duty-free I'dju:tl fri:! milln thue hai quan risk-free /rrsk fri:1 khOng c6 rul ro
: ff('e-fl(Jwill~ /Tr]: l1aolli IV do v¢n [ree-suiimming Ifri: 'swrmnj/ bell I¢i IV - guilt-free /'gdt fi-i:l khOng gOy t¢i 10i stress-free fstres fri:! khOng cOng th6ng
chuyen do ice-free /'als fl'i:1 khOng c6 bOng symJ1fom-free fSlmptam fri:1 khOng
I [reo-moving /fr]: I\lOVIIy'tv do dl [rea-thinking Ifri: 'Omknj' c6 III I interest-free I'mtl'ast fri:! khOng c6 10i c6 tn$u chung
~c:!'lJyEin tllong CI¢c I¢p Cl6i vol tll tllong tOn glOo J rue tax-free ftreks fri:! ml~n thue
lead-free fled fri:l kh6ng c6 ch6t chi trouble-free /'trAbl fri:1 khOng c6
meat-free fmi:t fri:1 khOng c6 ch6t phi~n mu¢n
thlt weed-free fwi:d fri:1 seen co dQI
-frce kc't h(1p \'oi ~ chi viii du'(1c xem 1;\ khong nhl! y de .!:2£ ,thimh tfnh -free cung ~e'l hop voi tfnh tl! 'nuclear' thco each nay .
.!.lL Cac tinh ILl' nay di0n til v~t !;i do khong Cll tfnh chat do danh ILl' gac noi
. proposals 10 creale European nu- - ... nhi~lI d~ ngh] d~ 1<10r<lnhClnll vUllg
den. Vi du. ne'u mot ngutll1 10i Wc mil 'tax-free'. thi ban khong can phai dong
clear-free zone~. khong c6 h(11 nhan iJ chau All.


DLloi day la rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio:
amlful fo:mfuV clOy m¢t Om pallflll fprenfuV clOy nOI
• CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI : plateflll fpleitfuV clOy <lTo
bagful fbregfuV clOy lul
fresh- ket hcp voi qua khu phan tu cila ngoai dOng tU' (transitive verbs) di tao bottleful fbotlfuV clOy chai pocketful fpokitfuV clOy tul
tinh tU. Cac tinh tU' nily di~n ta mOt v~t dtt<;1clam ra hoac thirc hi~n mai dlly. boxful fbosksfuV clOy h¢P roomju; fru:mfuV clOy phong
Vi du, neu banh ml mil 'fresh-baked' nghla Iii n6 mdi diroc rurong: n€u d~t bucketful fb"kitfuV clOy Ihung sackflll fsrekfuV clOy tul
'fresh-ploughed' nghia Iii n6 mai dtt<;1ccay. cupful fkApfuV clOy t6ch saucerful fs:>:safuV clOy <lTa
fistful ffistfuV clOy n6m toy spooniu: fspu:nfuV clOy mu6ng
- the smell of fresh·baked bread. - huang vi cua banh ml mai ra 10.
tablesp(xmful Iteiblspu:nfoV clOy
- a vase of [tesh-cut flowers. - mol blnh hoa mai cat. glassful fgla:sfuV clOy Iy
mu6ng canh
- delicious [resh-jried doughnuts. halldflll fhrendfuV m¢t n6m
- nhungcai banh cam vong mai chien taukful ftrenkfuV clOy thung
Ilouseful fhausfuV oov nM
Ih~! ngon. teaspoollflll fti:spu:nfuV clOy mu6ng
jllgful fdy.gfuV clOy hu
- ... several [resh-made jellies. - ... nhi~u loai mUt mai lam. c6pM
ladleful flredlfuV clOy muOI
DLloi Clay la muc tU c6 cung dong nghTo : thimbleful 19imblfuV clOy clll khOu
mouthful fmauefuV clOy ml~ng
fresh-baked ffref berkt/ mCJinUCJng fresh-ironed ffref 'alan! mCJIul
2. f)~C f)IEM vA TINH CHAT:
fresh-chopped ffref tfopt/ mCJIchot. fresh-made ffref meld! mCJllom
-ful cung ket hop voi danh tu chi d~c tinh hay tinh chll't d~c biet M tao thilnh
che fresh-planted ffref pleentrd/ mCJItrOng
tinh ttI. Cac tinh tU nily chi ngttai hay v~t co nhi~u d~c di~m hay ph~m cha't
[resh-cut ffref kAt/ mCJIc6t fresh-ploughed ffref plaudl mCJIcay
d5 duoc neu tren. Vi du, neu mN ngttai hay mOt v~t 'beautiful' nghTa la chung
fresh-fried ffref frard/ mCJIchilln
ra't ha'p dan vii thich thti M nhln; neu ai d6 'deceitful' nrc Iii ho luOn n6i d6i.
_ ... a charming bay with the most - ... mol be trai d~ thuong c6 d~u 16c
beautiful hair. dep nha't.
-ful _ It is a large, meaty and flavourful - 06 la ~QI loai na'm ldn, khong xo; (6
1. s6 LUQNG vA SV eo LUONG : fungus. vi thom,
_ The olcar called in and said what - Cha x\1 da ghe tharn va n6i nhieu tin
delightful news it was about John We t6t lanh v~ John Parr.
-ful ket hop voi danh hI chi v~t c6 th€ chua hay mang nhi~u v~t di tao danh
tu moi. Danh tU mdi nay chi s6 Itt<;1ngmil v~t chua dii n6i tnroc c6 th€ chua, _ ... a shocking and shameful story. - ... mol cau chuyen dang xa'u hc5v:' gay
Vi du, "teaspoonful" Iii s6 hrong bi)t hay chll't long mOt mu6ng d phe c6 th€ we.
chua duoc: 'armful' cua mOt v~t Iii 56 hrong cda v~t d6 mil ban c6 th~ mang
trong ml)t hay hai canh tay, DLloi Clay la rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghTo :

- Add half a teaspoonful of salt to each - Them mol nua muong mu6i van moi beautiful fbju:tlfV dep. xlnh cll>p gracefld fgreisfV hOa nM
pint of corn. c6i bap, I
boastfill fbaustfuV hay khoe khoong harnrf,d fha:mfV c6 hQI
- My school-teacher gave me a bagful - Th~y giao loi da cho toi mot tui d~y clleerful ftjiafV vui va helpful fhelpfV c6 Ich
of sweets. keo. deceit fill Idi'si:tfV hay IUClng gqt hopeful fhaupfV c6 hy vQng
- Pour a bucketful of cold water on delightful Idi'laitfV vul suCJng joyful fd3:>ifV vul suCJng
- 06'mol thung d~y nuoc lanh van d6ng
top of the ash. dutiflll fdju:tifuV c6 bdn ph¢n merdful fmersifV thuong hQI
flavourful ffleivafuV c6 huang vi paitlful fpeinfV clau clCJn
'- He drank a mouthful of cold black 6ng ta da u6ng mot nguin ca phe cia
peacejul fpi:sfV noo binh. ylln tlnh
coffee. d~m. forceflll ff:>:sfV mQnh mll


full-strength I,ful strerfo/ het sUC full-volume ./ful ~volju:1I)!ma het Om
playful /'plei flI vui cMi taafu! /'trektfll kheo. khan khao
full-throated Iful 9rooudl dOy hang 111Qng
powerful /'paoafll mc;mhme thankful /'9rel)kfll bi~t on
shameflll /'feimfll xcu ho usctu! /'ju:sfll co ich. huu dl,Jng
I succcssiul /'sak'sesfll tMnh cang 'youthflll Iju:9fl1 tre tuOi 0'
2. TOAN B¢:
full- ding kft h~ v~ danh ta tao nhllng hY chi v~t chifm ch6 ho~c b~o'trul)'\
J Cae tLI e6 dt;1ng ngh/a khile :
ca mc)t v~t ma danh ta g6c n6i Mn. Vi du, nfu ban c6 mc)t cong viec "full-time"
IIII awful 1'::J:flI khung khiep [atciul /feitfl/ lien trt. khang tranh duoc nghla lA ban lam vi~c d6 su6't ca tuAn lam vi~c; mc)t ban quang cao "full-page"
baleful /'bellfll de doc. ham ooo fitful /,fitfll theo tang dot Ci mc)t tCYtap chi hay bao chifm ca mc)t trang.
bashful /'bo:.JTullrut re. ban len fruitful /,fru:tfll thOnh cOng. sai quo
_ We would' have to pay a full-time - Chung toi se phai tra Iuang cho mc)t
brimiul I,brim'full tron tr~ gratcflll I'greitfll biet on
mcfn £100 a week. ngulli Iilm vi~c ca ngily Ii'! 100 pound
doleful /'daulfll sou tnorn. dau ddn latofu! /'b:flI dung luot, hop phop
mc)t wan.
earful I'iafull cou tra loi kha nghe. ch6i rueful I'ru:flI buon rou
} tai wistful I'wistfll khat khao _ On display Inside the exhibition are - Tnmg bily ben trong cuc)c tri~n I~m Iii
, cycful /'aifull canh bot rndt. ceo wrongful Irol)flI b6t cOng, khOng
full-size drawings of many early Fer- nhang tranh ve ce Ian b~ng v3t th"c
chOnh dong rarls. cua nhi~u xe Ferraris d~u tien.
_ leI pleased the market with full-year - ICI da Iilm vtta y thi trullng vai nlurng
figures shOWing profits of £1.47 bil- 56 Ii~u chl IOi uk ca nam Ii'! 1,47 ty
full- lion. pound,
1. MUC eo HO~C PH~M VI _ ... profits of £2 million for the full- - ... IOi Wc 2 ty pound cua toan nam
full- ket hop voi danh Ill' vii tfnh tU M tao cac tU chi ngl1C1ihay vat dii thuc year to February 1990. de'n thcing 2 - 1990.
hi~n mot hoa t d(\ng d~c bict hoac co mQt pha'm cha't d~c biet nao do den het DLlC:li dOy 16 rnuc tU c6 Cling dc;mg nghTo :
rmic co the'. Vi du, neu mot ngu(Ti hay v~t mil "full-grown" nghia la ho dii dat -
I den mire d9 truong thanh va dii phat trie'n het rrnrc: nett mot loai xe chay voi full-colour Ifal 'kAla(r)1 dOy rneu sdc full-time I,ful'talml co ngoy. tron gl~
"full-speed", n6 cha y nhanl' nhir v~n t6c mil no co the' dat taL , full-page I,ful 'peldy co mot trang full-year I,ful jia(r)1 co nOm. tron nOm
full-size I,ful 'salZl het muc
. a full-grown adult in mind as well - ... mOl nguoi Ian ph,il Iri~n d~y dli vf.
as body, Iht" xac I~n linh Ih~n. (:\
:> 'Full-time' ciillg c6 thl dung 11/111 trqng tit.
_ Hostilities had erupted into full-scale - S~I Ihu dich d~ bung n6 thanh mOl
_ Jenny and I worked full-time. - Toi va Jenny lam vi~c ngay hai bulfi.
war, ClIr)C chie'n tranh tren pham vi Ian.

", the manufacturer of a full-strength - ... nha san xua'llo,;libid rnanh hel muc
full- v~ nghIa nay cling ket h<;1pvoi 'colour' M di~n ta mOt v~t dli<;1cin hoan
beer, (C6 n6ng do cao). toan dAy rnau sk
_ ... [ull-colour advertisements for hi-fi - ... nhang bang quang cao cho thi€t bi
DLloi day 16 rnuc tU cung d<;mg nghio :
eqUipment. hi-f day rnau ~c.
full-blast Iful blo:sU het kha nOng full-force I,ful 'f::J:s1 het sue manh me
Cae fLl cO d~ng nghTakhac:
full-blooded l,ful 'blxdrd/ thuon full-frontal Iful 'frxntb' tocn b¢ mot
chung. nhi(lttinh. s6t sOng tl~n (mot truoc) full-back I'ful book! h¢u v~ full-length I,ful 'lelJ9I nguylm ngl1~1.
full-blown l,ful 'blaun/ nOto. dang [ull-groum I'ful 'graoni do truong full-bodied I,ful 'bodrd/ nguyAn ch6t du chillu dOl
full-face I,ful fels! dOy d<:)n full-stop I,ful 'stop! d6u ch6m cOu
phOt trl~n
mul huang
I,ful 'flervsd/ SVcnuc
thonh (chin chdn)
full-scale /,ful 'skerl/ dung kich CO
[ull-spced I,ful 'spi:dI het t6c It,lc
J full-fledged I,ful fled3d1 du lOngconh:
tnJong thonh
full-up fful AP! h~t ch6. ch¢t ch6

I -


geo- parallelogram l,prer<l'lela,grrern! hinh pido;ram I'plkb,grrern! hinh va ;;~-l
c6 trong cac hI' c6 nghra b¢ ph~n la 'earth' (da't). Vi du, 'geogrnphy'

tren trai dlft; 'geopolitics: h\ rnon nghien

hoc nghien ctru v~ cac each ca'lI tao da't, bien, cac vung va khi h~lI khac
cuu cac anh huang cila vi tri \'i\
binh hOnh
I'pent<l,grrern! hinh soo 5
hong d¢ng ngUOi lien sU
telegram I'teh,grrern!
bllc di~n tin j ,

cac d~c diem khac cda m¢t qu6c; gia do'i v&i n~n chinh tr] cila quo'c gia d6.
DUoi dOy 16 rnuc tU co cung dong. nghia :
-gram Cling xu5t hi¢n trong cac v&i danh tll' chi trong luqng lrong h¢ th6ng do
geocel/tric Id31:au'sentrikJ (thu¢c) tOm
<lla cdu Il('lng thco met. Vi du, 'kilogram' Iii don vi trong luong bAng 1000 garn.

geographical l,d3i<l'grrefikli thu¢c v~ DUoi day 16 rnuc tlJ co cung dang nghia:
<lla IV
kilogram fkda,grreml kV 10 milligram I'mIil,grrern! 111000gam
geography Id31'ogr<lfil dla IV hoc
microgram fmalkrau,grreml
geological Id31<l'lod3IkV thu¢c v~ <lla
ch6t hoc
I 1/1.000.000 gam ~

geology Id31'ol<ld3I1 <lla ch6t hoc

geophysical l,d3Iau'fizlkV thu¢c v~ v¢t -graph
Iv hoc dia cou -graph co trong cdc tU co nghla b(l ph~n Iii 'drawing' (ve), 'record' (thu) hay
'writing' (\'iet). Vi du, 'paragraph' Iii mot ph~n cua bai van g6m ITI9t cau hay
-gon 11l9t 10<;1tcau: 'photograph' III ITI(>tsu' thu hinh tao nen bang each cho phim tiep
-gon c6 trong cac tll' c6 nghTa b¢ phan Iii 'angles' (g6c). Vi du, 'pentagon' Iii xuc "oi anh sang,
hlnh c6 5 canh, 5 g6c.
DUo; day 16 rnuc tU co cunq dong nghia :

Duoi dOy 16 rnuc tlJ c6 cunq dong nghia : autograph 1':l:ta,gro:f7 but tich paragraph I'prera,gro:f7 docn v6n
decagon I'dek<lg<lnl hi~h th¢p glac - chronograph fkrona,gro:f7 may ki~m plrotograplr ffauta,gro:f7 hinh chup
octagol/ I'okt<lg<lnl hinh bot glaC rro noo ILJQng pictograph I'plkb,gro:f7 bi~u 1LJc;1ng
heptagon I'hept<lganl hinh th6t glac
pel/tagOI/ I'pent<lg<lnl hinh ngu glac holograph I'hola,gro:f7 hoOn toOn vj~t ru
hexagol/ I'heks<lg<lnl hinh 11,IcglaC ",inh noo cho tll hay cum
polygol/ I'pol!g<lnl hinh co glac toy bai m¢t nhO von telegraplr I'teh,gro:f7 goi di$n tin. di$n
nonagon I'non<lganl hinh cuu glac
monograph fmona,gro:f7 sv cnuven boo
kha~ cuo va m¢r ngonh
-gram _,
- -grarn c6 trong cac W chi v~t dl(qc viet hay ve. Vi du, 'diagram' I" m9t ban \'e great-
don gian dung de' chi cho thify hoa] d¢ng cua mN viec nao d6; 'anagram' la mot great- ket hop \'oi danh tl( chi cac thanh vien trong gia dlnh de' t<;10danh \l(
tll' hay mN cum tll' dl(~1c thilnh I~p .b~ng each th.iy d6i thu t~( cac chu "ii cua mot rnrn. Cac danh tU m<'ti nay chi mot ngu<'1i than each ban hai hay nhieu the h¢.
tl( hay mN cum tll' khac.
Vi du, 'great-uncle' cua ban Iii ngl(<'1i chu cua ITI(;'hoac cha ban, "Crcat-grandchild"
DUo; dOy 16 rnuo tlJ co cung dong nghia : cua ITI('\t ngl(<'1i Iii con cua ITIot trong nhung dU',l chau cua ho.
anagram /'rena,grrern! pMp <loo cht] His grandfather and great-uncle had - 6ng noi va ong chu cu'! anh ta dell 1.'1
diagram I'dalagrrern! bl~u <l0 hologram I'hol<lgrrern! su th~ hl$n hinh both been rnerchonrs. thl(ang gia.
onh ba chl~u
epigram /'eplgrrern! bal tho troo phung They may muddle up your parents' - Ho co th€ nhjm I~n ten chit me ban
mOllogram I'monagrrern! ho~hoy nhl~u names with those of your great-un- vdi ten CUiI ong chu V.l bit thirn oi.!
cht] cou coo t~n dUQc tMu lOng vco nhau des and great;aunts. ban.
- The two men may haue been related, Chk It! hat nglloi dan onr, nay ba con ra Iii mot phan ciia mrong hop hay chi dung ~t phan .nao, Vi du, n€u mot
perhaps great· uncle and great· v(/i nhau, c6 Ie d6 Iii ong chu va dua viec ma 'half-finished', nghia Iii cong viec chu~ .hoihl thanh: n€u mot nguoi
nephew, chau trai. 'half-asleep' tire Iii ho hAu nhu da ngu.
DuOi day 16 rnuc t(J c6 cung d<;mg nghio : ~ '" halt-finished attempts at different - ". nhung c6 gang mJa cbung v~ nheng
jobs and studies, nghien cuu hay cong viec khac nhau,
great-aunt fgrelt a:nV bo thim great-grandpare1lt I,grelt The girl was half-smiling with a - Co gai chI nhe'cn mep cll(Ji v(/i net
great-gra1ldchi/d I,grelt 'grrendtfaddl 'grrendpearanV Ong (bo) c6
chou ch6t
rather enigmatiC, teasing expression, m~t dua cot kh6 hi€u.
great-grandson I,grelt grrendsAni
great-gra1lddaughter I,grert The theatre was half-empty and there - Rap hat vilr.g khach hlt mot nua va
ch6u c6 (tral)
'gramdo:ta(r)1 chou ch6t (g61) was nobody in the row they were in. khong c6 ai ng6i cung hang ghe' clla
great-nephew I,grelt 'nevju:1 chou
great-grandfather I,grelt ho.
c6 (tral)
'grrendfa:oa(r)1 Ong c6 Benson sat with his eyes closed, half- - Benson ng6i nham mat, nua I~ng
great-niece I,grelt ni:S/ ch6u g61
great-grandmomer I,grelt brooding. half-listening. nghe, nua suy nghl,
great-uncle I,grelt 'A1Jkll Ong chu I
'gramdIllAoa(r)1 be) c6 James told us a deliberate half-truth, - James da n6i v(/i chong toi mot l(Ji n6i
J up mo c6 chu t3m.
great- d6i khi xay ra hai IAn truck mot danh tU chi ngtiO'i than each ban ba hay _ A creature that liues half-buried in - Mot sinh v~t s6ng mot nua than chlrn
nhi~u th€ hf. trong cat dllOi day bi€n.
the sand of the sea floor,
- Previous MP's in his family included - Thanh vien qu6c hoi trll(jc kia trong
his grandfather' and a great·great· Duol day 16 rnuc tv cung dong nghia :
gia dlnh ong ta bao g6m ong noi '
grandfather. (ngoai) va ong c6 noi cua ong ta. half-full I,ho:£ full clO cl6y m¢t nva
half-afraid I,ho:f a'frerd/ so ~t m¢t
half-grown I,ha:£ 'gratin! trudng thOnh
haem- phon noo
half-asleep /ho:f a'sli.p/ h6u nhU ngu mal m¢t nva
haem- c6 trong cac tll' c6 nghta bi) phan la 'blood' (rnau). Vi du, 'haemorrhage' half-brooding I,ha:f 'bru.dnj/ suy nghl half-hearted I,ho:£ 'ho.nd/ thl6"u nhl~t
1;1Sti chay mau trAm trong do va mach mau: 'haemophilia' Iii mQt benh di truyen m¢t ph6n nee thonh; y~u
rna mau cua mot nguoi se kh6ng dong lam n6 chay trong mot thai gian Iilu khi Iralf-buried I,ho:£ 'berrd/ bl Vul16p m¢t half-Iistelling I,ha:£ 'hssnnj' khOng
ho bj dut tay.
mia tQp trung

DUal day 16 rnuc t(J c6 cung dong nghTa : half-cooked I,ho:£ 'kuktl t61 half-melted I!ho:f'melt.rdl too m¢t ph6n
half-dead I,ho:f dedi h6u nhU ch6"t. half-opell I,ho:f 'aupenl nvo mo. nva
haematologist l,hi:ma'toiadJlsV nM haemophilia l,hi:ma'fIiIa/' b~nh m6u
g6n chlit
huy6"t hoc khOng clOng
half-dressed I,ho:f drestl mia kin. nva half-promise I,ha:f 'prorms/ 101hua
"aematology l,hi:ma'toiad3Y huy~t haemophiliac l,hi:ma'filIrek/ ngUOI bl
khOng cndc
hoc b~nh m6u khOng clOng half-realize I,ho:f 'rralarz/ nhQn ra
half-eatell I,ho:f'i:tan! on phOn nva
haemoglobin I,hi:ma'glaubml huy~t haemorrhage themarrdy s" xuct huy6"t
half-empty I,ho:f 'emptii con phon nva
c6u t6. h~mOglObln haemorrlroids thema,roldzl b~nh IrT hali-smiling I,ha:£ smarlmq/ cuol
half-fearful I,ha:£ 'fiafl/ so m¢t ph6n
nh6'ch map
half- 'half-fillished I,ho:f 'fmlflJ noon thonh
half-starved I,ho:£ sta:vdl s6p ch~t cl61
m¢t nva
1. HAU NHU XA.Y RA HAY allNG MOT PHAN : half-forgottell I,ho:£ fa'gotnl nva half-truth I,ha:£ tru:91 101nGI up mO
qulin. nlla nhO half-wild I,ho:f waiidl tom thu6n
half- ke't hop vai dong tU, phan tU', ttnh tU' va danh hI' M tao dong nr, tinh tU
va danh hi' moi. Cac tll' moi nily di~n ta y niern dng mQt viec gl h§u nhir xay


oS _.lo. ,
half- voi n~htl nily d<'li khi c.~ ket hop v(li tr~"g tu.
- The writer half-playfully suggested - Nh,) van 'it noi mol each hoi dua COI
that Jimroie.'s- problem might be his r~ng van de cua Jimmie co Ihe Iii di('n
good looks. mao thanh Iu cua ong ta. half- ket hop voi tinh hI' chi quoc rich M tao tfnh tu moi, Tinh W m(li nily chi
n~lt'C1i mil cha me ctia nglt'ai d6 co g6c gac W nhirng mroc khac. Vi du, neu m(H
•. Mu6n bi{j'f them chi tie't ve /ie'p dau ngu cd nghia "m¢t ntJa", xm xem deml- va Hml-.
nglt'C1i ma "half-{;erman" nghla Iii eha hoac me cua nglii'1i d6 la ngu'<'Ii Due .
... a half-Fr'1mch. half-Germa~ civil· - ... mot cong dan m~ng hai dong rnau
ian who had deserted from the Army. Ph.ip. Due dii d;1O ngu,
n Annabel was of mixed parentage: - Annabel la con lai mang hai dong mall:
• CACH DUNG RONG RAI : half-English, half Dutch. Anh va Hoa .
... this half-lrish. hal/-lndian young - ... chang thanh nien lai Ailen va An
half- Cling ket hop v(li danh tU tao danh tlt' mdi, Danh tu moi nily chi mot vat
man. DQ.
Iii mot phan nrong duong trong hai phan cua m9t vat ma danh tlt' goc chi den.
Vi du, hai "half-inches" thi bang mot inch; neu vijt 'half-price' thl no chi co gia 4, ANH EM VA CHI EM:
biln~ phan rura cua gia th6ng thlt'<'Ing cua n6.
'half-brother' CUi! ban 1ft dua con trai cua cha hay me ban v6'i m<)t ngu'ai hon
. a half-inch chain. - ... ~Oi chubi dai nUa inch (= l,27cml. ph6i khac: 'half-sister' cua ban la ngu'<'Ii con gai cila cha hay me ban v (Ii mot
- There is a glaring half-~oon in the - Co mia v~ng trang sang tren bAu Irai. nglt'ai hon phoi khac.
'" the half-page aduertisement for a - .., ban qu~ng cao nua Irang ve mOl
Cae ta cO d~ng nghia khac; :
new line of dresses. 10(1iyay moi. half-back' I,ho:f beek/ c6u thu trung v~ half-hearted I,ho:f 'ho.trd/ y~u at.

- The young men sat in a half-circle.

lralf-bakcd,l,ha:f 'berkt/ kM dol. ng6c thi~u hOng hol
- Car nam thanh nien ngbi thanh ban
ngh~ch ' half-Iroliday I,ho:f 'holadeil ngoy
half-board I,ho:f 'bo.d/ sv cung c6p dUQc nghi buOI chl6u
DLloi day 16 ml,lt tu cung dQng nghio : ph6ng ngu. di6m tam vo m¢t oco an half-past- I,ho:f po:st! trOIquo m¢t nlla

Ilralf-acre I,ho:£ 'erks/ nlla soo half-me-as-u-re-I-,h-a-:£-'-m-e-3-a{-r-)/-b-I~-n--"" chinh " khoch son half-term I,ho:f ts.m/ ngay nghi giua

half-bottle I,ho:£ 'botl/ nlla chai ph6p nlla vol

l. Iralf-breed I,ho:f 'bri:dI ngUollai hOCky
half-caste I,ho,:f 'ko:st! rigUOi 101 half-time I,ho:f'talrnl thai gian nghi
half-centuru I,ho:£ 'sentjari/ nlla th~ ky half-mile I,ho:£ 'mall/ nlla d~rT'
half-cock I,ho:f 'kokl vitrr co sUng do giua hai hi~p b6ng do
half-circle I;ho:£ 'ss.kl/ bon nguy$t half-million I,ho:£ 'rmljan/ nlla tri~u
Ilalf-alp I,ho:£ kAp/ nua teen half-minute I,ho:£ mr'njot/ nlla phut
I . ch6t . I half-wit fho:f WIt! nguol ngu d6t I
Iralf-day fha:f d~I1 nua ngoy -------'
half-distance I,ho:£ 'drstans/ nlla half-moon I,ha:£ mu:nI ruro v6ng trong
doon duong half-page I,ho:£ peldy nlla trang
half-dozen I,ho:£ 'dxzn/ nlla to Iralf-pay I,ho:£ pelf tra m¢t mro
Iralf-gram I,ho:£ grrernl nlla gram half-pint I,ho:f pamt! 1/2 pint (1 pint
Iralf-Irollr I,ha:£ aua! nlla tieng (giO) (Anhl = 0.568 lit (My) = 0.473 lit) 1. f)UQC t.AM, THI,IC HleN HAY f)IEU HANH 801 NGUOI :
half-inch I,ho:f mtJ! nua inch half-pound I,ho:f 'paond/ mro bang hand- ket hop vai dong hI va phan tu tao thanh cac tu chi vat du'<;ICnglt'oi lam,
Iralf-Iellgtlr I,ho:£ leIJ81 bon thOn, half-price I,ho:£ 'prars/ nlla gio khong dn may rnoc giup do. Vi du neu ban 'hand-wash' dO dac cila ban, nghia
chup rilla ngUoi half-strength l,ho:f'streIJ81 mro sue Ii\ ban tl,l' gi~t lay trong mi,lt cai bon chu kh6ng phai may gi~t; 'hand-writing'
half-marathon l,ho:1' 'mrera8anl cuoc hJc
cua ai d6 Iii each viet ma ho dung viet chi hay but may chu khong phiii Iii
chov duo bon morat6ng Ilalf-year I,ha:f ja(r)1 nua no", danh may.


DLloi day 10 rnuc tv co cung dong nghia :
Cach vilt: Cac hI' nily thircng diroc viet voi gach n6i tnr mot sf) tll thong
handbag fhrendbregl xocn toy handgun fhrendgAn! sung Il,lc. sUng
dung duoc viet dlnh li~n.
IIand-baggage fhrend ,bregldy honh ngOn
Hand-wash woollens in lukewarm - Len gi~t bilng tay trong nuoc Km Slt handkerchief fhrenkatJlfI khan toy
Iy xocn toy
water using a mild detergent. dung bot gi~t nhe. hand-bel! fhrend bell chuOng toy handloom fhrendlu:rnI khung cLlI d~t
Hand-weeding must go on inces- - Viec nh6 co bang tay phai thuc hien handbrake /hssnd'brerk/ thOng toy toy
santly so that weeds do not have lime lien tuc d~ co khong e6 thai gian moc handcart Ihrend'ko:tI xe keo hooc hand-Illggage fhrend ,iAgldy honh Iy
to seed. lai. ddy b6ng toy xoch toy
... lacy hand-crocheted shawls. _. ... nhung chiec khan choang m6e biing hand-grenade fhrengraneld! IVu don hand-mirror fhrend mlra(r)/ gLlong
tay gi6ng d~ng ten. nem toy toy

- ... hand-made paper of a quality un- - ... gia'y san XlIa'tbllng tay e6 chat luong
Cae tt1 eo d~ng nghia khae :
findable today. khong th~ tlm duoc hi~n nay.
handbill fhrendblll to Quang coo handmaiden I,hrend'meldnl cO hOu
DLloi day 10 muc tU c6 cung dong nghia : pnot toy handshake fhrenJelkl SVbot toy
hand-built fhrend brlt/ xov bOng toy hand-sew fhrend saul may toy I handbook I'hrendbukl s6 toy. seen handsome fhrensarnl dep trol
hand-crocheted /heend 'krntjrtrd/ _ hand-stitched fhrend stltft/ don toy. . hLlang dOn handspring fhrendsprny su nhco I¢n
m6c. don toy khOutay handa/ffs /heend'kxfs/ cong toy. knoo tung ngLlol

hand-finished fhrend fl,mJtI noon t6t hand-wash fhrend woJI gi~t bOng toy
toy ham/stand fhrendstrend! sl./trOng
bOng toy. khOng nho may m6c hand-toashing fhrend ,woJuy gl~t handhold Ihrend'hauld! corn toy cov chu61 (ngLlQc dOu xu6ng d6t)
hand-knitted I'hrend rutrd/ don bOng bOng toy .
toy hand-weeding fhrend 'wi.dnj/ nh6 co
hand-made fhrend meld! lam bOng toy bOng toy
hand-operated fhrend .oparertrd/ hand-woven fhrend ,wauvn! d~t. don
von honh bOng toy toy
hand-painted fhrend .pemtrd/ SO'ntoy handwriting /heend'rartnj/ chQ vi~t 1. CAM, NAM, GIO' :
hand-printed fhrend .prmtrd/ In thee toy
phLlong phop thu cOng handwritten Ihrend'ntn! dLl<;'c vi~t toy
-hand ket hop voi danh tu chi v~t duoc c~m M tao danh tu mci, Cac danh hI'
'·11 m6'i nay chi tay dang dm v~t n6i tren. Vi du, 'cup-hand' cua ban Iii tay mil
2. euoc MANG HAY ell~u HANH BANG TAY ban dung de' dm mot cai tach. '
hand- ket hop voi danh ttl chi v~t nhu dung C\!, may m6c hay xe cl) M tao He waved introductions with his cup- - 6ng ta ra hi~lI cho loi gi(ji thieu bilt
danh tu m6'i. Cac danh tu moi nily chi v~t duoc thiet ke M duoc van hanh bilng d.iu bang tay e~m tach.
tay hon Iii tl!' dong, hay nho be du M duoc mang, v~n chuyen bang tay vii Slf - Co ta My ehie'e yang b~ng e6 tay cua
She pushed at the bracelet with the
dung d~ dilng. Vi du, "hand-mirror" Iii tilm guong nho earn tay; 'handgun' Iii c.inh tay eAm ~len pin.
wrist of her flashlight-hand.
cay sting nho c6 th~ mang, eArn vii b.fn bilng ml)t tay. .
He signed the cheque against the _ Ong ~y gill t~11l see tren urong vai tay
- She was sitting on a stool looking at - Co ta dang ng6i tren ghe di'i'usoi guang. wall, holding it there with his phone- dm di~n thoai va kY·
herself in a hand-mirror. hand.
I'd been allowed to carry it on to the - Toi da duoc phep rnang n6 len mily The blond man held his bloody knife- Nglloi dan ong t6e vang dua tily
plane as hand-baggage. bay nhu la hanh Iy xach tay. hand over the young man. eAm dao v~y d~y mall len phla trcn
Mr Boggis climbed back into the car - 6n~ Boggis leo tra lai trong xe hoi Vd chang thanh nien.
and released the handbrake. tha thilng tay.
You'l! find a bookcase in the right· - Ban se rim Ihay mQllll Sikh 0 goc ben
DLloi day 16 ml,JC tu c6 cling dong nghTa :
hand corner near the window. ph,"ii g~n ctia sil.
I cup-hand l,kAp 'hrend! toy cOm tach napkin-hand I,nrepkm hrend! toy
flashlight-hand l,flrej1alt 'hrend! toy corn KhClnan
corn den pin phone-hand I,faun 'hrend! toy cOm
gun-hand l,gAn 'hrend! toy cOm sung di$n thO<;l1corn toy 1. SV PHAN 661, KHONG TAN THANH :
ng6n racket-hand I,rreklt 'hrend! toy cOm -head ke't hop voi danh tll' va tinh tu M tao danh tu moi. Cac danh tu mai nay
knife-hand I,nalf 'hrend! toy com dao vet chi ngLioi ma ban khong tan thanh hay dong y voi. Vi du, neu ban goi ai d6
uieapon-hand I,wepan 'hrend! toy la "muddlehead" nghia la ban nghi ho dang cu xU' m(\t each bi'li ro'i, d5n don:
corn vO khi ne'u ban m(\t ngLioi la 'hothead' nghia Iii ban nghl anh ta dang hanh d(\ng m~'t
each h5'p tap, khong dn nghi den h~u qua cua nhung viec mil anh ta dang lam.
2. CONG VI~C : Chii y riing cac tu dLi<,1Cthanh I~p theo each nay kh6ng trang trong vii thLiClng
-hand Cling ket hop vai danh
W chi nCii m(\t ngll'ai liim vice hay chi ole can vat c6 tinh ch5't tho 10.
119 dang lam viec voi, M tao danh
tu maio Cac danh tu mrri nay chi nguai lam _ You're a bit of a muddlehead and - Ban hoi ngo ng~n va Ihi~u kha nang
mot cong viec dac biet. Vi du. 'farm-hand' I.] nguoi lam vi." ,j nong trai: lack organizational ability. t6 «hue.
'cow-hand' Iii nguoi liim vi~c quan Iy bo slla. _ The question was addressed to the
I - Van d~ d6 cia dUQc dien Ihuy~1 InJIIC
- ... a disease that would have killed - ... mQI chung benh co Ih~ giel chel other squarehead. nguoi Bile Au.
any healthy [arm-hand. bJ'1 Cllla dien rnanh khoe nao, ... cracking a joke about the ques· - .... noi dua ve nhung chuyen ma rnQI
- She works as a fieldhand. - Bit ta la mQI nguoi lam viec dong ang. tions some pinhead had asked him. nguoi ngu cI~n da hoi anh ta.
He had been working as a garage· - Anh ta dil lam viec 0 ga-ra 0 Los DLloi <10y 16 ml,JC tu co cling dong nghia :
hand in Los Angeles. Angeles. --------------------~
airhead feahed! nguCfI 00 tuang pinhead fpmhed! nguCfi ngu dOn
DLloi day 16rnuc tv co cling dong nghia :
egghead fpghed! nguCfI co hi6u biet sleepyhead fsh:plhed! ngual dang tri
cotohand fkauhrend! ngUCfiquan Iy [arm-hand ffa:m hrend! nguCfi lam . r¢ng. nguCfItri tu$ sorehead fSJ:hedl nguCfIhay cay cu
be sua vl$c trong nOng trcl. to di~n I [athead
ngUai dOn d¢n
ngual b6c d6ng
fskwEahed! ngUCfIB6c Au
deckhand fdekhrend! nguCfi lam vi$c fieldhand ffI:ldhrend! ngUCfi16m vtec

I~\ I
tren boong
[adoru-hand /feektan hrend!
lam vi$c trong xi nghi$p. nha may
tren d6ng
garag('-Ilalld fgrerld3
lam vi$c trong ga·ra
hrend! nguCfI J muddlellead


fffiAdlhed! ngual nga ngdn

3. VI TRi : -head cung ke't hop voi danh tu M tao danh tll' moi chi phAn dAti cua m<)t v~t
hay phAn ctla m"t v~t gi6ng cai d5u. Vi du, 'bed-head' Iii ta'm bang voi
-hand ket hop voi 'left' va 'right' M tao tinh Ill' chi vi tri cua mot v~t. Vi du,
pMn dAu cua m(\t cai gurong phia sau dau b •.m; 'thistle-head' la phan dinh Ion
cho ngM 'left-hand' If! eho ngoi ben trai cua day; ehb ngoi 'right-hand' la eho
cua bong. nCii hoa net.
ngoi ben phai. .
- ... his coat of arms carved on the . - ... gia huy cua n6 dllQC khilc tren dftu
- She opened the desk's lejt-band bot· - B.lla mo ngan keo duoi cung ben IrJi
bed·head behind him. giui'1ng.
tom drawer and got out the folder ciiol ban vit lay ra Gli cap ho so dl,lng
of photos. hinh. - the seed·head of a poppy. - hat Iron cua cay anh lue.

- The aircraft did have a problem with - Phi co chac chan (Iii co van de voi - a razor·sharp spearhead. - 16 rnui nhon ben nhay.

the left·hand engine. d(\ng co ben trai.



Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghia : -headed
bed-head I'bed hed/ <10u gluang . pinhead I'pmhedl <10u klm 1. E>~C TINH:
clubhead I'klAbhedi <1ung <10u cOu spearhead I'splahedl t6 mOl nhon. -headed k€t hop voi tinh tu di tao tinh tll' moi. Tlnh tu mai nay mO hi thai dO
lee bO xung klch hay each cu xa cua ai d6. VI du, n€u mOt ngll'O'i mol 'big-headed', nghla Iii ho
flower-head I'flaua(r) hed/ phOn tran thistlehead 1'91slhedl trong hoo ngao man vii nghi ding ho ra't thOng minh; n€u mOt nguO'i 'clear-headed' nghla
cung cuo bOng hoa Iii ho suy nghI va cu xa khOn kheo va hop Iy.
masthead I'mo:sthedl <1lnh cor ouom.
They told us off for being blg·headed. - HO r~y la chung tOi vi tfnh ngao man.
t~n boo
He was industrious, ambitious and - 6ng ta cham chi, c6 tham vong va
hard.headed. uang nganh .
... hot.headed young soldiers_ - ... nhung nglllli IInh tre bOp chop.
Dual dOy 10 muc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
-head ding k€t hop voi danh hl' chi dia di~m M tao danh hl' moi. Cac danh tu
big-headed /bIg 'hedrd/ ngoo men level-Ileaded 1,levl 'hedrd/ <1I4m <1Qm
moi nay chi loi di VaG hay khai di~m cua v~t gl d6. Vi du, 'wellhead' 1(\ di~m
clear-headed /kha(r) 'hedrd/ khOn ligllt-/leaded I,lalt 'hedrd/ thl~u suy
M di Mn gi€ng hay la ki€n true quanh mieng gi€ng; 'railhead' Iii diim ma mot
khllo nghT. nh~ do
dtrong ray khrri d5u hay k€t thuc.
cool-headed /ku:1 'hedrd/ blnh tlnh muddle-headed l,roAdle 'hedtd/ ngo
- ... a well with a carued wellhead. - ... mot cai gi€ng c6 ki€n Ink cham ngdn
empty-headed I,emptl 'hedrd/ <10u 6c
kh~c chung quanh. soft"headed 180ft 'hedrd/ kha khQo
rOng tuA'ch. d6t
- I waued the enuelope at her and she - Toi v~y chiec phong bl voi co ta va euen-headed li:vn 'hedrd/ <11~mdcrn thick-headed 1,91k 'hedrd/ <10n <1On
immediately recognized the letter· ngily I~p nrc co nh~n ra tieu d~. - fuzzy-headed l,fAZI 'hedtd/ mOp ma woolly-headed I,wuh 'hedrd/ mOp ma
head. hard-headed I,ha:d 'hedrd/ uong wrong-headed I,rol) 'hedrd/ Udng
- A loud bawl brought him to the stair· - MOl ti€ng goi Ion lam ong ta chay den ngonh. cung <10u ngonh
head. 'Somebody want me?' he d~u du thang. "C6 phili ngl1<1inao d6 hot-headed I,hot 'hedtd/ bOp chOp
roared. mu6n g<lp toi hay khong]" - ong ta het
Dual dOy 10 muc tv c6 cung dQng nghTa : • CACH DUNG RONG RAI :
bridgehead I'brld3hedl <10u ceu road-head I'raud hed/ <10\1 duang -headed cung k€t hop vai tinh tll' va danh tU M tao tinh tll' mai mieu hi d"3u
letterhead I'letahedl tl~u <1~ stairhead I'steahedl <16u'cOu thong ngll'O'i, dAu thu hay dinh cua mOt v~t. Vi du, n€u ai d6 mol 'bald-headed' nghIa
pithead I'plthedl c6ng mo wellhead I'welhedl nguOn su61. ml$ng la ho c6 ra-t it hay khOng co t6c a
dinh d.u; n€u mOt v~t mA 'wooden-headed'
railhead I'reIlhedi go <10u m61 (<1i6m glA'ng nghia Iii phAn dinh cua n6 dU<;1clam bAng g6.
rno <1uang roy bat <16u hooc kA't thuc) _ ... a Qald-headed man in a short over- - ... mOt ngllCli d~n 4ng d~u h6i m~c ao
coat.' khoac ngiln.
Cac ttl co d/fmg nghTs khac :
Many b/Qfk-headed gulls have or- - Nhi~u chim hai Ju d~u den tlt Oong
beachhead I'bi:tJhedi vi trl <16 bO forehead /fo.rhed/ vOng trOn
rlued from Eastern Europe. Au bay den.
bulkhead I'bAlkhedi vecn ngOn warhead /wo.hed/ <10u n6
_ After a moment the shaven-headed - M61lat sau nllllGi IInh c~ d~u n6i vai
figurehead I'flgahedl hinh chorn a mOl (cuo ngu 101... )
soldier spoke to Miss Ryan. co Ryan.
- '" a gold-headed cane. - ... dly g~y d~u bit vang.


Duoi C!6y 16 rnuc tU co cling dc;mg nghia : home-
bald-headed l,b:>:ld 'hedrd/ h6i dOu ivory-headed I,alvarl 'hedrd/ dOu bit 1.
0 NHA:
bareheaded I,bea'hedldl dOu trOn b~ng ngo vol
black-headcd I,blrek 'hedrd/ e6 ml,lnmc:)t redhcaded /red'hedid/ toe do
home- kc't hop v~i qua khu phan tu cua ngoai d(\ng tu M tao Hnh h'r. Cac tlnh
blond-headcd I,blond 'hedrd/ t6e yang rOl/nd-headed /raond'hedrd/ dOu tron
tUlnay tii m(lt thu gl d6 dlic;1clam (j nha chu khong phai CJ cua hieu, xi nghiep
billtd-headcd l,bLmt 'hedrd/ kem shavcll-headed IfelVn 'hedrd/ dOu troc
tMng mlnh. eh¢m hl~u sllOck-headed IJok 'hedrd/ toe r6i. dOu hay co quan. Vi du, neu m(\t thu gl d6 ma 'home-made' nghla la n6 dlic;1clam
d nha cila ai d6; trai cay va rau qua rna 'home-grown' nghta 1.1 n6 dlic;1ctrOng
crop-headed Ikrop 'hedrd/ dOu e6t bu xu
toe r6t ng6n silvcr-headed l,sIlva(r) 'hedrd/ dOu Qit trong vlion ban.
curly-headed l,k3:h 'hedrd/ t6e ouon bQe _ I bought some home·made toffee. - .Tdi mua vai cay keo cung'lam li;linh.\.
elephant-headed I,ehfant 'hedrd/ to dOu sleek-I,eaded I,sli:k 'hedrd/ toe rnuot - Don't wash nome-dyed articles with - Ollng gi~1 do nhuQm gia cong bilng
flat-headed I,flret 'hedrd/ d~p dOu ' small-/lCaded l,sm:>:1'hedrd/ dOu nho biological washing powder. bQl gi~1 sinh hoc.
flaxen-headed I,flreksn 'hedrd/ t6e stubble-headed l,stAbl 'hedrd/ toe eOng _ ", biscuits baked in the wood stove - ... banh qui nllang trong 10 g6 v:. r~c
yang nOu uihite-headed I,walt 'hedrd/ t6e tf(~"g. and spread with home·churned but· bo nr larn.
gold-headed I,goold 'hedrd/ dOu bit vang toe bee ter.
grey-headed I,grel 'hedtd/ toe noo rOm wooden-headed I,wudn 'hedtd/ dOu - ". a fortnight's supply of nome-fro- - ... ngu&n Ihlle phiim dong lanh tai gia
. heavy-headed l,hevl 'hedrd/ t6e day bjt ~ng g6 zen food. cung dp cho nua Ihang.
Duol C!6y 16 muc tU c6 Cling dQng nghTa :

hetero- Ilome-baked I,haum 'berkt/ tl,lnU"ng home-frozen I,haum 'frooznl 10m

hetero- c6 trong cac tU co nghla b(\ ph~n 1.1 'different' (khac), 'other, another' a nha dOng IQnha nM
(cai khac). Vi du mot nh6m do v~t nao d6 ma 'heterogeneous', nghla la ta't ca home-bottled I,h~~ 'botld! tI,I dong home-grown I,hoom 'graunl tl,lIrOng
d~u khac nhau; m6i quan h~ 'heterosexual' 1.1 m6i quan h~ gi~i tinh giua nhirng ehol a nha 16y 0 nM
nglidi khac phai, home-bred I,haum 'bredl .ebOn nuOia' home-made I,hoom 'merd/ tl,lglo dinh
Duoi d6y 16 rnuc tU c6 cling dQng nghia : nM sdn xl)6t
\,II Irome-brcwed I,hoom 'bru:dI u (bio) a home-painted I,hoom 'pemtrd/ tl,lson
heterodox fhetaradoksl khOngehfnh heterogeneous lhetara'd3i:mas/ h6n
th6ng tQP nha i1or:'c-}"epared I,hoom pri'peard/ tI,I I

home-churned I,hoom 'tf3:ndl d6nh sua ~h'ao

hcterogeneity l,hetara'd3i'ni:a,tIl tfnh heterosexual lhetara'sek.lhaV tinh due
seo (lam bel) a nM home-produced I,haum pra'dju:stl tl,l
khOngdong nhO't kh6e gl"l
home-cooked I,hoom 'kuktl n6u a nhi:l san xuO't
home-distilled I,hoom 'drstrld/ chUng home-woven I,hoom 'wauvnl 11,1 d~t a
hom- eO'ta nho nha
hom- c6 trong cac tu c6 nghla 'same' (gi6ng nhau). V{ du ne'u m(lt. v~t
homc-dycd I,hoom 'dard/ tl,lnhu~m a
'homogeneous', nghla la n6 co nhirng thanh phAn hay thanh vien cung loai hay
cung cha't.
Duoi C!6y 16 muc tU co Cling dQng nghia : 'Home-grown' va. 'home-produced' cling dlic;1Cdung M ta v~t c6 xua't :1(\1 tu hay
homcopathy Ih~mi'opafjil pMp homollym fhomamml tJ:J dong am dl thuc hi~n CJ m(\t khu vue hay m(\t qu6c gia rieng biet- cua ai d6.
ehlJo vllUQngdong can nghlo _ It was hoped that home·grown/ood - Nglloi ta hy vong thuc ph:im tr6ng
homogeneous l,homa'd3i:mas/dong homosexual l,homa'se~uaV tinh dl,lc would' meet Britain's needs. trong n\Jae se dap ung d\J<;lCnhu du
nh6t d6ng gl"l C"lit n\Jac Anh.

WORD FORMA 110N - 121

_ Buyers will not give preference to - Ngllai mua se khong thlch hang no' du, 'childhood' In thai gian ma ban con la mot dua be; 'motherhood' Iii tinh
home-produced goods if imported ne'u hang nh~p re hem. trang cda viec lam me.
goods are cheaper. - ... the passage of individuals .from - ... qua trlnh phat Iri~n cua m6i ngllai
2. LIEN QUAN eEN NHA CUA NGlIOI NAo eo : childhood to adolescence and par- lu Ihai tho a'u de'n lu6i thanh nien va
enthood. sang giai doan lam cha me.
home- k€t hop v~i danh tit vA phan tit M tao thanh danh tll' vA tinh tit mci,
- He had written several books on the Anh ta dil vie'l mOt s6 sach v~ thu vui
Cac tit nay di~n ta mOt v~t hay mOt ngu<'li c6 1i~n quan Mn nha cira. Vi du,
pleasures of bachelorhood. cua cuoc s6ng doc than.
'home-buyer' IAngu<'li dang c6 k€ hoach mua nha: n~u ai d6 'home-loving' nghla
- He began to talk to me about his Chang bill d~u n6i chuyen vai 16i v~
la ho thich nha cua ho vA thA'y hanh phuc khi du~c C1 nhA mlnh IA\!.
boyhood in London. a
Ihai nien Ihie'u cua mlnh tuan f)on.
- First-time home-buyers are handi- - Nht7ng IIgllai mua nha I~n d~u tien
capped by the high cost of a mort- cam tha'y kh6 khan tr'llOCmltc the' cha'p DUCII dOy 10 rnuc tv c6 cung dQng nghTa :
gage. cao.
adulthood I'redhlthudl tuOI tru~ng natiol/hood fneIJnhudi tinh trQng 10
- Home-owners are bracing themselves - Nht7ng chu nha lien ke't vai nhau nh~m
thOnh m¢t qu6c glo
for another rise in interest rates. gia t:lng Iiii sua'1 nt7a.
baby/rood fl:ieIbIhudi tuOI tho parenthood I'pearanthudl cuong vi
- ... home-based social lives. - ... cuoc s6ng xii hOi tren n~n tang gia
bachelorhood fbretJalahudi tinh trQng 16m cho rne
d¢c thOn. selfhood I'selfhudl tlnh Ich ky
DUCII dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa : boyhood fb:)lhudl thesl 1'11(11'1
thl~u slobhood fslobhudl tlnh thO 10. mO't
childhood ftJaddhudi thCll tho 6u Ilch sV
home-based I,haum 'berst/ d()t nlm home-improvement I,hoom
daughterhood I'd~:tahudl cuang vila spinsterhood fBpmstahudi tlnh trQng
tOng 'tr(m desl s6ng glo dinh rm'pru.vamant/ vI~c col thl~n desl
con g61 10 phl,l nO 10 ttu
home-builder I,haum 'bIlda(r)1 nguesl s6ng glo dinh
fatherhood ffo:oahudl cuang VI 10m studenthood fst;ju:dnthudl thesl sinh
xOy nha home-loving I,haum 'Lwuj I'IgUesi
cho vlGn
home-buyer I,haum 'baIa(r)1 ngUesl thlch ~ nM mlnh
home-maker /hso'merke/ nguesl n¢1 trQ girlhood I'g3:lhudi thCll con g61 widowerhood /wrdeoahod/ tlnh trQng
muo nha
home-owner l,haum'auna(r)1 nguesl guesthood I'geBthudi tlnh trQng 16 g60 vQ
home-centred /heom 'Benta(r)dI cho
chu nl'lO
kh6ch widowhood /wrdsohcd/ cdnh g60 buo
glo dinh 10 tOm dl4m ~
maidenhood /merdnhod/ thesl con g61 wifehood I'waIfhudl cUang vi lam VQ
Cac ia cc:S d~ng nghis /(hac: manhood fmrenhudl tuOI tru~ng thOnh womanhood I'wumanhudl thesl ky
homecoming I'haumkAmnj 9;1h61 huang home-time I'haum taim/ tMI glon ~ nha motherhood flphoahudl cuang vi 10m tru~ng thOnh ceo nguesl phl,l nu. 1'10gl61
,~Iii homeland I'haumlrendl quG huang hometown I'haumtaunl quG nhO m~
homesick I'haumBIk/ nM nhO homework I'haumw3:k/ bal 10m ~ nhO
homespun I'haumspAni vol thO d~t :> 'Manhood' vii 'womanhood' cung dung chi 11ft cd diln tmg, diln bil cua m~t nlA1C,
bang SQIdUQc sa ~ nM m~1 csng d&"g CI;I thl .

- ... everything that was good and ... rnoi Ihlt d~u 161,sach se va d~y nam
-hood clean and manly in French young tlnh trong giai thanh nien Phap,
manhood .
- ... a perfect specimen of English ... mOl m3u luyel vai cua giai phu nt7
-hood k€t hop vci danh tll' chi ngu<'li dl tao danh tll' m&. Cac danh tit mot nay womanhood. Anh.
chi tlnh trang, th<'lidi~m hay di~u kien trong d6 mOt viec da du~c kinh qua. Vi


Dlloi dOy 16 muc tV co dQng nghTa kh6c :. - He was a hyper-cautious commander - Anh a.y Iii nguai chi huy qua th~n trong,
~rotherh()O(i fbfhilahudl tinh huynh d$ neigh/Jour/~ood fnelbahudl tinh hOng who never took risks. khong bao gia li~u linh.
knighthood fnalthodl tlnh thOn hi~p 51 x6m - Even her hyperdeuoted mother had - Tham chi nguai me loan ·t~m :oan y
I sister/,ood f~18tahudl tinh chi em criticized her_ Cll'! co ta cling da phi' ph.!11 CO_
Dlloi oov 16 ml,lC tV co cung dQng nghTa :
hydr- hYP""u1lw ',ha.po(,"rekb,' quo ""' I",p"""ti~l l,ha.,..',,""kU "","",. I
hydr- co trong cac tll c6 nghta be) ph~n 1(\ 'water' (mroc). Vi du 'hydrant' \(\ IQI khe trong pM binh
mot 6ng duoc n6i voi h~ thong mi~c chlnh va rung cA'p mroc cho nhitng tru'Clng hyper-alert l,halpara'l3:tI quo hoot hyperdevoted I,halpa(r)dl'vaotldl
hop khan c3p; 'hydro-electricity' \a dien du'(Jc cling ca'p tlt nang hrong cua dong bot quo ton t6m .
nude chay.
Dlloi dOy 16 rnuc tv co cung dQng nghTa :
hyper-cautious I,halpa(r) 'k:l:Jasl
th¢n trong
hyper-cotlscious I,halpa(r) 'konfasl
qua hyper-modertl
tv nhi~n
quo hi$n doi

l,halpa(r)'nretfraV quo J
hydra1lt fhaldrantl vol nuac chOo hydrofoil fhaldraf:lIV thuy phi co
quo tlnh too hyperse1lsitive I,halpa'sensatlvl quo
cnov hydrology l,hal'dra:1ad3u thUY hoc
hypercreative fhalpa(r)kri:'eltIvl nnov.cdrn. de xuc dOng
/'ydraulic /har'dro.lik/ chov bOng sUc hydrollleter lhal'dromlta(r)1 cot do
nuoc ty trong nuac. thuy trOng kll
I quo song too

hydrocarbo1l I,haldra'ko:banl ch6t /'ydro/,hobia /hardrafaobre/ chOng so

hyper- doi khi cang l'octhop vdi danh tti M tao danh tll rnoi. Danh W moi nay
hydro-cocbon nuac
chi v~t krn hrm binh thuong nhieu.
/'ydro-cledric 'I,haldraol 'lektrrk/ hydt'(~power I,haldrao 'paoa(r)1 thuy
thuy di~n IVc - ... a new hypermarket often causes - _.. mot dai sieu thi mrii thucng g;l~ r••
hydro-cledricity I,haldrao, rlektrrsatt/ hydrothermal l,haldrao'93:maV thUY the closure of local supermarkets. vi~'c dong cl'ta nhung siell lhi oi.!
thUy di$n nhl$t phuong.
hydrO-C1lergy I,haldrao 'en3:d3u thuy ,I - Hyperinflation could cause a col- - phat phi mii co lhl' giiy r<l SI,I S~IP

luc lapse of the currency" do ti~n te-

hyper- hypo- c6 trong nhitng W y khoa v~i nghta bl) ph~n la 'below' (duot) hay 'lower'
• CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI : (thap hon). Vi du, kim 'hypodermic' diroc dung de' hem du'~i da: 'hypothermia'

hyper- ket hop voi tinh Ill' M tao tinh tll mol. Cac tll moi nay hi ngu'oi co qua If! nhie] d(l co the qua thilp hon blnh thuong.

nhieu mot pha'm chat dac biet nao do. Vi du, ne'u ai d6 'hyperactive', nghla la Dlloi day 16 rnuc tv co cunq dQng nghia :
ho khong the nghi ngoi va dirong nhir luc nao cung hoat de)ng valuon suy nghl:
nell ai d6 'hyper-alert' nghia Iii ho rat canh gi.\c den mire anh hu'<lng den moi
I hypodermic /harpa'da.rmk/ dUOi do hypothalamus l,halpao'9relamasl
16i cu xli' khac. . l,halpagh'si:Imal vUng noo dieV khi~n than nhl$t
b$nh giom dUCfngtrong rncu hypot/len1lia /harps'Ba.mra/ su glom
elch vlft: Cac tlt nay co the' du'qc viet c6 gach nOi hoac dinh li~n. than nhi$t b6t thuang
- '" the problems of the hyper-active - ... cac van d~ v~ MOl Ire qua hieu
child, dong.
The man became hypersensitive to Nguai dim ong do qua nhay cam d6i -Ial
the s/(ghtesl movement around him. vOi nheng chuy~n dong nhe nhat ~ Xem -al.
quanh mlnh.


... the great Shakespearean tragedy - ... bi kich Othello ciia Shakespeare vi
1. CONG Vlec HO~C SO THicH :
Othello. dai.
-ian ke't hop voi danh tt'1'va tinh ttt M tao thanh danh ttt moi. Cac danh ttt nay ... a lovely Elizabethan house in Som· - ... ngai nha xinh dep thai Elizabeth a
chi nguoi c6 ding viec hay sa thfch lien quan voi v~t diroc danh ttt gac mo hi. erset. Somerset.
Vi du, 'electrician' Iii ngtrot Ii<p d~t va sib thie't bi dien; 'historian' Iii ngliai ... the gloomy Dickensian image of - ... hlnh anh phbng tang I~ am darn
chuyen nghien ciru v~ suo . funeral par/ours. nhu trong ti€u thuye'i Dicken.
> Chu y r!tng 'dietician' dlli!c tao thanh til 'diet' va 'beautician' dlli!~tqo ra til 'beauty'. the Freudian movement. - ... phong trao theo hoc thuyet Frat.
DLloi dOy 10 rnuc tv c6 cLing dong nghia :
- Water heaters should be removed - to dun nucc phai duoc dai di bai·mi)t
only by a qualified electrician. tho dien gioi ma thai. Chaucerian Itf;):'sananl thucc Jungian I'jul)lanl ngual theo Jung
- The magician tossed the rabbit across - Ao thu~t gia nern con tho qua san khau. Chaucer Keynesian I'kemzlanl ngUol theo
the stage. Danoinian /dc.wrnman/ nguoi theo John Maynard Keynes

- She worked as a beautician in an - Nang la chuyen vien slia sac dep t;,li hoc thuyet Dac-Uyn Orwellian /owelran/ nguai theo Orwel
expensive salon. mi)t th3m my vien sang trong. Dickensian /dr'kenzran/ gl6ng nhU Shakespearean Ifelk'splananl thu¢c
tl~u thuyet cue Dicken Shakespeare
DLloi dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cLing dong nghia:
Eduiardian /ed'wo.drsn/ tnuoc trieu Victorian /vrk'to.rrsn/ thuoc tMI
beautician /bju:'tIfnl cnuven vl~n sUo musician Imju:'ZIfnl nhoc sT dQI vua r;Cfua VII Victoria

sac dep obstetrician lobste'trIfnl b6c sT son khoo Elizabethan /rhza'br.Bn/ trieu dQ; nu l-Vord.~worthian /'wasren/ thu¢c

. comedian /ka'mr.dran/ ngh~ si hol (klch) optician lop'tIfnl ngual b6n do quong hoong Elizobeth I Wordsworth

dietician Idala'tlfnl b6c sf chuy~n hoc. chuven vl~n nhon khoa Freudian /froidran/ ngual theo hoc Wagllerian Iwa:g'!lI~nani ngual hOm

khoo dinh duong paediatrician'I,pi:dia'trIfnl b6c sf nhl thuyM Frat mQ Wagner vo nhoc cue 6ng

electrician /r.lek'trijn/ thQ dl~n khoa Georgian I'd3;):d3anl thai vua George

historian /hrs'to.rrsn/ nno sLt hoc physiciatl IfI'Zlfnl b6c sT. thay thu6c o Anh
magician Ima'd31fnl ph6p su politician Ipo'htIfnl nhO chfnh tr! Cac ttl cd d;;mg nghia khac :
mathematician Imre9ma'tIfnl nhO technician ltek'mfnl chuy~n vier>kY thu¢ amphibian /eem'frbran/ dong vet mammalian /mee'merhan/ 1001d¢ng
teen hoc theologian 19Ia'Iaud3Iani nho than hQC IUCJngcu v¢t co vu
Anglican I'reIJ9hkani nguai tneo gl60 metropolitan I,metra'pohtanl thuoc
ph61Anh thu d6
2. LIEN QUAN BEN MOT NGLJCJIE)~C BI~T NAo : bohemian /bau'hi.mran/ ngual tl,l do ouarian lau'vearIani thuQc bu6ng
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : ph6ng tung trOng
caesarean /sr'zearran/ (It) thu¢c va pedestrian /pr'destrran/ kh6ch b¢ hOnh
-ian ket hop voi ten etl.a cac danh nhan M tao cac ttt dien hi mot vat hay mot
nguoi lien quan den c6ng viec etl.a ngliai da duoc n6i tnroc hay thai gian ho Caesar. (dt) gie; ph6u d~ loy duo be Presbyterian /prezbr'trarran/ tin d6
to trong bl,Jng me ra trong truang nco gi60 h¢1 Truong 100
song. Vi du, 'Wordsworthian' mo ta th~ tho dliqe Wordsworth vie't; 'Victorian'
hi vat xay ra hay dtroc thirc hien a ruroc Anh su6t thai Nll hoang Victoria. sinh kh6 reptilian /rep'trlran/ 1001bo s6t
Christian I'knstflanl ngual theo dco republican·/rI'phbhkani ngual ung h¢
each vie'"t: Ten ti\n cung bang 'e' thirong ke't hop voi 'an' hon 1.1voi -ian; COd6c che d¢ c¢ng hoo
'an' doi khi cung c6 trong nhung hinh thirc duoc thanh Ii\p nhu Iii 'Elizabethan'. ciuilian /sr'vrlran/ thUang d6n suburban /sa'bs.bsn/ ngoQI6
- The writer's determination gives the - Y chi quyet tam ciia nha van cho bai custodian /kx'stoodran/ nguai cham s6c urban 1'3:banl thu¢c thOnh ph6
poem a Wordsworthian force. tho mi)t sue rnanh gi6ng nhu tho cua equestrian /r'kwestrran/ nguai CUoi ngl,la utopian Iju:'tauPlani ngual theo chu
Wordsworth. guardian l'go:dIani ngua; boo v$ nghia khOng Wong


... increasing the accessibility of art - ... gia Iilng kha nilng liep c~n ngh~
-Iana to all sorts of men and women. Ihll~1 cua mol l.1ng lap.
-iana ket hop voi danh tll' chi ngu<'1i hay nrri .:heln d( tao thanh danh tll' moi. The women had been enthusiastic - Nhung phu nfl da rifl hJng khi (0
Cac danh tll' mrri na y chi t~p h(IV v~t the' hay tin tuc lien quan den nguc:'1i \'a about the possibility of a longer stay, a
kh.i nang cluQe I"i lau hon,
nrri chon duoc danh Ill' ~o'c n6i den. Vi du, cac v~t duoc che' t(10 th<'1i-mYhoang - No ane has admitted responSibility - nh<:in trach nhiem v~ VI) "In
Victoria diroc goi la 'Victoriana'. Cac v3t nhu' Iii sach hay Un lieu lien quan den for Colonel Rowe's murder s~'rd<li 1.1 Rowe.
nha chinh tri Sir Winston Churchill duoc goi Iii 'Churchilliana'.
Duoi dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cling dong nghio:
Cach vi"t: -iana chi kct hop "oi danh ttr t.jn cung b~ng m<)t phu am. Khi
danh tl( dl(QC ket hop voi t~n cung b~ng m<)t nguyen am thi nguyen am cuoi ,\ ~ accessibility /aksesa'brlati/ SI,I dlin legibility /ledjo'brlan/ tinh d~ coc. d~
dUQc xerri
duoc the bCli 'ana'.
audibility /J:da'bJlatll Slj c6 th~ nghe plallSiilility /'brlati/ slj c6 va'
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : th6y d6ng tin cov. hQp Iy
compatibility /kampeeta'brlsti/ tinh possibility /poso'brlan/ kho nOng
C6 the' tao tll' moi c6 Cling nghfn b!ing each them -iana vao danh ttr, dac biet
tuong hQP responsibiliiu /rr.sponsa'brlau/ tr6ch
neu chung chi ngl(<'1i. Tuy nhien, cac tU nay khong thong dung I~m va rilt it tu
credibility /kreda'brlati/ su tin nhi$m nhi~m
diroc Sl( d~n.g thirong xu yen.
eligibility /ehd3a'bJlatll tinh thich hcp susceptibility /se.septe'brlen/ tinh
You may not be able to put ornate - Ban khiing the cl~t nhung v~t thai feasibility /fr.ze'brleti/ tinh c6 th~ nhoY com. d~ bl onh hUang
Victoriana in a modern flat. Vidoria c6 phong each c.iu ky VdQ mOl
thljC hl$n dUQc. kho thl tallgibility /trend3a'bJlatll tinh co th~
C.)11 ho hien dai,
flexibility /flekse'btlati/ tinh linh hoot so me dUQc. tlnh huu hinh
. the middle-class disdain for Ameri- - :.. Ihai clOcot thuong CU.l giai cap lrung inuincibilitv /m.vmsa'brlan/ tinh vO visibility /vrza'brlan/ tinh c6 th~ tlOng
cana. luu c\6i vOi hang Hoa Ky. djch th6y dUQc
the display of Wellingtonialla. - ... SV tnmg bay cac lac phgm cua
W('lIinglon. ~ Chu Y rdug "seusibility' kh6ug phii! Ii1 danh flftiJlqc thiuth IQI' tir'scnsible'. 'Sensibilitu'
Duel day 10 rnuc ro c6 cling dong nghio : ciiani do Itl kllii lIifllg kiult qllll IIlrftllg cdm gitir stiu xa l'a tillfmg die,l dat sIt cdm
------- thOllli (IiI! Ira
( ,
I'C ulrirllli ~''''
:-;iJc Ify. ;J. " ~
:- A'-lIe-r-ic;';~-/~;~~rJkanaJ seen. tai lI$u v/J nuac My hu , .• Eo ~- lP II • (.;'"
~ 1St
Australiana /as'trelrana/ seen. talll$u v~ nuac uc II -lble • JIk -.;> -$4 ~
Churchilliana /tJ3:'tJJiJanaJ s6ch. talli$u v~ Churchill I
-ible ket hop v<'1i d(ing tU de' tao thanh tinh hr. Cac tinh tlr nay di~n tii di~1I
! Frcudiana /frot'dtana/ seen. tai lI$u v~ FreUd
Yiaoriana /vrk'torrana/ v¢t dUQc ch~ too tt,Oi Victoria
I mil hanh dong hoac tien trlnh do dong t(( noi dC'n c6 the' thuc hien. Vi du, ne'u
m(lt v~t ma 'digestible' nghla la n6 c6 the' dinrc tieu hoa: neu m<)t dieu IIi d6
Virsillialla /vs'djmrens/ s6ch. tai II$u v~ Virginia
Wellillgtollialla /welnj'tomene/ seen. talll$u v~ Wellington __ J
I ma 'comprehensible', nghla la no duoc hieu mot each d~ dang.
'- ------ - - --- -- ---- - ------ - ----- ~ v..!!t: Am 'e' t~n cung diroc thay bang -ible. 'd hay 'de' t~n cung ducrc
thay bang '5' tnroc khi them -ible, Tan cung Iii 'it' du<;IC thay bilng 'iss' tru(1c
-ibllity khi them -ible .
- Raw meat IS perfectly digestible. 0/· M,jr rill dai nhung thit song 10 Ihe'
-ibility ket hop voi tinh ttr t~n rung b~ng 'iblc' M t(10 danh tlr. Cac danh tll' though it can be tough. duoc lieu hoa hoan loan.
nay chi trang thai hay pham chat duoc tinh W mo tii, hay ch} m<)t v~t mang
- ... a collapsible canuas bucket. ... mQI thung b.'lng v.ii bat co Ih~ xfp
trang thai hay pham chilt do. Vi du, 'accessibility' la tinh trang c6 the' dat den
li;li dUQc.
duoc: 'possibility' la m(lt viec (() the' xdy ra.
- The cliffs were ea;i/y discernible. Nhung vach ria co Ihe; Iha'y elf. clang.
Cach vift: 'iblc' duoc thay the' b!ing "-ibility".


- I understood that it was permissible - Toi hi~u riing nguoi ta cha'p nh~n cho -Ic
to ask a question. hei mol cau,
-ic ket hop vai danh tU M tao thanh tinh tU moi. Cac tinh tu nay di~n tiI mot
DL10i day 10 ml,lc tv c6 cung~d-,o_n-",g~n.:.O'g~h~ia=-:..:_
v~t gl d6 nrong tu, c6 lien quan hay lien h~ den v~t ma danh tU' g6c n6i Mn.
accessible /ok'sesabl/ co the tl~p con defell~ible /dr'fenssbl/ co the ph6ng +t
Vi du, cac v~t th~ ,,;a thiet bi 'photographic' lien quan d€n anh chup va thu~t
dUQC thu chup anh, neu ai do 'enthusiastic' v~ viec gi do nghta Iii ho to ra tfnh Mng say
collapsible /ks'Ieepssbl/ c6 the 90p 101 digestible /dr'djestsbl/ c6 the Mu h6a <;ua ho v~ viec d6.
comprehensible /komprr'hensabl/ c6 discernible /di'sa.nobl/ c6 the nh¢n
distributing photographic - ... 511 phan ph6i phim anh d€n nguai
the hleu ducc thuc r6 products to retailers. ban Ie.
conuertible /kan'vs.tabl/ c6 the divisible /dr'vrzabl/ co the phOn chia
~ - He took a carving knife from a ma~- - Anh ta lay con dao khi\c tlf mol bang
chuyen d6i permissible /pa'mrsobl/ chop nhon
netic board on the wall. tlf tlnh tren tuong,
corruptible /ke'rxptabl/ co the b] suy dUQc
- Daniel laughed with idiotic pleasure. - Daniel cuai vai ve thtch thu ngay ngo.
d6i resistible /rt'zrztabl/ co the chong IQi
- The machine made a soft, rhythmic - Cai may tao am thanh nhjp nhang nh~
deductible /dr'dxktabl/ c6 the' khou tru pulsing sound. nhe.
>- Chu y rdng each dung cua -ible thi khsng r91lg riii. -able driqc dung tao tinh til DL10j day la rnuc tV c6 cung dong nghia :
moi c6 cung dang nghia. MuOll bitt them chi tilt, xem 'sable',
acidic /o'srdrk/ c6 tinh oxlt
idyllic /r'drhk/ thanh binh. ylln vul
Cung co mot so
tinh tu t~n cling la -ible dti\lc thanh l~p tu cac tu g6c khong acrobatic /eekra'beetrk/ thu¢t leo dOy ironic /ar'rnnrk/ shOm bl~m
thong dung trong tieng Anh. alcoholic Irelki3'hohkl c6 ch6t rUQU linguistic IlIIJ'gwlstIkI thu¢c ngOn
It was a hot day, with every obiect - 06 la mot ngay nong m,lc va moi v~t angelic /een'djehk/ gl6ng thilln thOn ngu hoc
on the sea's surface visible for miles. th(1 tren m~t bi~n c6 lh~ nhln lha'y lu xa atomic /s'tomrk/ nguylln tll
magnetic Imreg'netIkI nam chOm.
hang d~m. autocratic l,o:ti3'krretlkl chuylln quyen thu¢c tU tinh
Any sounds 01 pursuit woulp be - Bdl ky am thanh cua mot cuoc truy bureaucratic l,bjui3ri3'krretlkl thu¢c meteoric /'nrrk/ nhU sao bOng
clearly audible (lmong the thickets of lung nao cling c6 th~ dllc,1cnghe ro giua quon IQI. quan Ii~u
moronic /ms'ronrk/ ngu dOl .
the ruined garden. nlumg bui cay cua khu wan dieu tan. albic .(kju:blkl co hinh kh61
mythic !mI91k1 nhu thOn thocl
Toi mu6n \lam cho CliOC choi an roan democratic l,demi3'krretlkl don chu
- I want
to make the game as safe as
• I" J • -
chung nao
demonic /dr.'monrk/ thuQC ma quy
patriotic /peetrr'otrk/ y~u nuoc
I " •
r •. .) ¥ .• pedantic /pr'deentrk/ thOng th61 rom
diplomatic /drpla'meetzk/ ngool gloo photographic Ifi3oti3'grreflkl thuot
DL10i day la muc tV hlnh thanh theo ccch nay:
enthusiastic Im,9ju:zl'restlkl say me chup anh
audible !;>:di3blJ c6 the ng~e th6y negligible !neghd3i3blJ khOng dang ke gymnastic /djrm'neestrk/ the due poetic /pso'etrk/ tho
compatible /kem'peetabl/ .tuong hQp perceptible /pa'septabl/ co the nh¢n heroic /hr'raork/ anh hung
~hythll/ic I'rlomlkl co nhjp dl$u
Credible !kredi3blJ tin COY thuc idiotic /rdr'otrk/ kha dOl
symbolic /srm'bolrk/ tUQng trUng
destructible /dr'strxktabl/ c6 the bl plausible !pl;>:zi3blJ c6 va hcp Iy
phd hoci possible !posi3blJ c6 the xay rQ • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
edible !edlblJ co the dn dUQC responsible /rr'sponsebl/ chlu troch -ic vai nghta nay cilng ke't hop voi danh tu t(\n cung b~ng '-ist' chi ngl(O'i. Vi
eligible l'ehd3i3blJ thich hop nhl$m du, neu ai d6 'optimistic' nghIa 1a 119co nhieu lac quan trong tl(ong lai.
fallible I'freli3blJ c6 the sol rem reversible /n'vs.ssbl/ c6 the huy bo
- I was curiously happy and optimistiC. - Toi hanh phuc va lac quan mOl each
feasible /fi.zabl/ c6the thl,lc hl$n dUQC sensible !sensi3blJ c6 the tam gloc
ky la.
flexible /fleksabl/ uyen chuyen dUQc
- Gerala Brooke was a young and ide-
horrible l'hori3blJ khung khlep terrible /terabl/ khung khiep - Gerald Brooke lit mOl giang vien tre
alistic lecturer at a London technical
legible !led3i3blJ ro r6ng visible /vrzabl/ c6 the they dUQC va duy tam a tnJang dai hoc ky lhu~l
college. Don.


- I was getting more and more journal· - Cll\g ngdy 10' cdng nh~n nhi~lI cong Dual day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio :
isuc work. viec bao chi hen.
acoustics /a'ku.strks/ Om hQC electronics Iilek'tromksl dl$n tU hoc
DUoi day 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghio : genetics Id3i'netIksl dl truyiln hoc
,r ----------'
anarchistic frenaklstIkI v6 ehlnh phu
antugonistic I,rentrega'mstlkl dOi I¢p
naturalistic Inretfra'hstlkl tv
opponunisuc /opatjurnrstrk/
aerobics lea'raublksl th~ due nhlp dl$u
aeronautics leara'rb:tlksl hang kh6ng
linguistics Ilil)'gwlstlksl ng6n ngu nee
logistics /la'd3lstlksl 16-glc nee
artistic la:'tlstlkl thu¢c ngh$ thu¢t vii chu nghTa eo h¢i athletics lre9'letIksl di~n kinh mathematics Imre9i'mretlksl toon hoc
capitalistic I,kreplta'hstlkl Ihu¢c vii optimistic loptl'mlstlkl thu¢c vii chu classics fklreslksl tl~ng Hi Lop - La MO obstetrics /ab'stetrrks/ khoa san
chu nghia III bon nghia ice quon eO physics ffJZlksl v¢t Iy hoc
chauvinistic IfauvI'mstlkl c6 tinh ch6t pessimistic l,pesl'mlstJkI bi ouon economics /i.ka'norruks/ kinh te hoc politics fpohtJksl chinh tr] hoc
S6-vanh socialistic Isaufa'hstlkl thu¢c v~ chu
idealistic /ardrs'hstrk/ duy tOm nghia xa h¢i Mot s6 danh W doi khi dung nhu danh tu sf) nhi~u d~c biet khi ban dang n6i
journalistic l,d33:na'hstJkI v~ boo chi traditionalistic Itrad;fna'hstJk/ thu¢c \'~ cong viec hay cac hoat d<)ng cua mot nguO'i cu th~. Khi dung theo each nay,
moralistic /more'hstrk/ duc honh
nationalistic Inrefna'hstlkl thu¢c vii
v~ chu nghTa truyiln th6ng
" chung dn dong tlY (I ngoi tht'( 3 sf) nhieu.
_ I don't know what your politics are, - Toi khong biet chlnh kien cua ban
chu nghia dOn toe
Ih(: nao,

Nhidu d0ng W t~n cung bilng -ic ke't hop vc:ti-al tao tfnh tU, Mu6n bie't them -ide
chi tiet, xem -al.
-ide c6 trong danh W chi nhung hop chftt hoa h9C. Vi du, 'oxide' la mot hop
Cae tLl eo dt;Jng nghis khBe : I chftt cua oxy vil mOt nguyen t6 h6a h9C khac: 'chloride' la hop chilt cua clo va mot
chilt khac,
automatic /o.ta'meetik/ tv dong panic fpremkl hoang mang, SQ hOi
classic fklreslk/ kinh di~n periodic /pisrr'odrk/ theo tMi kY Duoi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio :
graphic fgrreflkl ,,6 thl prophetic Ipra'fetlkl coon trlJOc iodide faladaldl locuo
bromide /brsomaid/ ch6t bromua
manic fmremkl onot cu6ng systemic /sr'stermk/ thu¢c co th~ oxide /nksard/ hcp ch6t cuo oxy
chloride fkhraldl ch6t clorua
organic h:'gremkl co quon
cyanide fsalanaldl xyanua peroxide /ps'eoksard/ peroxvt
fluoride / tlorua phosphide ffosfaldl photphua
/rydroxide /hat'droksard/ hydroxy! sulphide fSAlfaldl suntua J
-Ics I

-ics co trong nhung danh hI' khong d€m ducc chi mOt b¢ mon hay m¢t IInh VI(e -ify
nghien CUll. Vi du, 'physics' IJ nganh nghien cuu khoa hoc v~ dac tinh cua chat
-ify c6 trong dong tlY mo ta tie'n trlnh mil trong do m9t trang thai, tfnh cha'!
va nang hrong: 'acoustics' la nganh nghien CUll khoa hoc ve am thanh.
hoac di~u kien dl((/C tao ra. Vi du, neu mi)t v~t "dignifies" v~t khac, no lam cho
,.. Chu !i rd/lg cac danh lit'loy tlllfi'fIIg c&/I dQ/lg lit a /lgo; a,II 3 so'it. \'~t do them ftn tu(mg hon: nfu ban "beautify' mot v~t nghta la ban lam cho n6
- Physics is a means of understanding - V~t 19 hoc lit phuong licn M hi~lI biet xinh dep hon.
the way the world is designed, c.irh the gioi dllQCt(10dung. - They stood admiring the broad steps _ Ho dung ng~m nghla nhltng bac them
- Economics is the oldest of the social - Kinh te hoc Iii ngilllh khoa hoc xii hi)i that dignified the front of the man· rong da lam cho m~1 InJ(Je I1goi nha
sciences, ra doi som nhat. sion. th('m ph~n sang Irong,
.., amazing developments in bio· - ,.. nheng phat Iri~n dang kinh ngC!c The local authority has promised to Chinh quycn dja phuong hua don giiin
chemistry and genetics, ve h6a sinh Vd di lruyen hoc. simplify planning procedures. hO<lMn trlnh I~p ke hoach.


DUOi day 16 rnuc to co cung dong nghia :
- 'Concentrate', said Lucas, without - Lucas n6i: "Hay t~p trung"- ma khong
illegal II'li:gV kh6ng hOp ohop inaudible /m'o.dsbl/ kh6ng ~ nghe thay
specifying on what. n6i rO t~p trung vao va'n d~ gi.
illegible /r'ledjabl/ kh6 doc incapable /m'kerpabl/ khOng co kho
- I was terrified by the bull and wanted, - Con bo lam toi khi€p so va mu6n chay
illegitimate I,Jh'd31tJmatl khOng chinh n6ng
to run out of the field. khai canh dong.
il/col1ll"e/rellsible /m.komprr'henssbl/
DUal dOy 16 roue to c6 cung dong nghia : illiterate /i'lrtarat/ kh6ng c6 hoc. rnu khOng th~ hi~u n6i

amplify f~mphfail ph6ng dol justify fd3AstIfail boo chOo, chOng chLi
independent I,mdi'pendantl dOc I¢p
beautify fbju:tlfail 16m d~p mlnh illogical 1I'lo~31kV phi Iy informal /m' khOng chinh thOc
clarify fklamfail 16m cho dll hi~u. magnify fmregmfail ph6ng to immature l,una'tjoa(r)1 non not, cbuo injustice Im'd3AstJsI Si,J bat cong
16m ro modify fmodlfail thoy d61. b6 sung chin chOn
insecurity l,msl'kjuaratI! tinh khOng an

classify fklreslfail pMn 1001 notify fnautlfail khol boo. thOng boo impatient /im'peijnt/ thieu kien nhon toon

dignify fdIgmfail 16m cho c6 glo t~, personify /pa'somfai/ nMn coch h60 imperceptible /irnpa'septabl/ kh6ng irrational II'rrefnaV phlly
ton I~n purify fpjuanfai/ 16m tlnh khl~t th~ nh¢n th6y ouoc irregular lI'regjula(r)1 khong theo qui

diversify /dat'va.srfat/ 16m cho do quIllif1f fkwohfail dlnh ohdrn ch6t imperfect /rm'ps.Irkt/ khOng hoon hoo lu¢t

dong (thOnh nhl~u vel satisfy !sretIsfail 16m vue 16ng impossible /rrn'posebl/ khong th~ 16m irrelevant /r'relavsnt/ khOng c6 lI~n

falsify ff:>:lsIfail glo moo signify fSIgmfail boo hl~u dllOC quan

glorify fgl:>:rlfail co ngol simplify !BlmplIfail don glon h60 impractical /rm'preektrkl/ kh6ng tnuc irreplaceable l,m'pleIsabV kh6ng th~

horrify fhorIfail 16m khl6p SO solidify /sa'lrdrfar/ 16m cho rOn 101 t~ th~ duoc

identify /ar'dentrfai/ dong nh6t noo specify !speslfaIl dlnh ro improbable /rm'probabl/ khOng cndc irrcsistablc l,m'zlstabV kh6ng th~

intel/sify /m'tensrfai/ t6ng cuong terrify !tenfaIl 16m khl~p SO inability /ma'brlatt/ su kh6ng c6 kho CUOng IQi

n6ng irresponsible 1,lr'IsponsabV thl~u tlnh

inadequate /m'eedrkwat/ khong tllong thOn tr6ch nhl~m


il-. im-. In-, ir-' }:>- Cae till" tIt /l1t]i lIill{ eo thi sit d\mgdi taD Ill/'ll/IT trallg tU bang elich tile", -Iy.

il-, im-, in va ir- k€t hdp v&i t£nh tU' va danh tir (6 li~n quan Mn tlnh tit M >- Mu6-n biiit them chi tie't VB tfl;lng tU t~n cimg bang .Iy, xem -ty.
.!ilil thanh tinh tir va danh tir m&i. Cac tir nay e6 nghIa ngude voi tinh tir va The men behaved irrationally, acting - Nhung ngll<'Jiclan ong nay cu XLI khong
danh tir g6c. Vi du, neu hanh dong cua ai d6 ma 'illogical', nghla Iii khong c6 agoinst their own interest. c6 Iy trt, hanh dong ngllf;1cvOiso thkh
Iy do nao hop Iy cho nhftng hanh dong d6; neu ban 116i m('>tnguCii 'inability' ell.! ho.
lam viec gl d6 nghta Iii ban mu6n n6i Mn di~u ho kh6ng thi lam duoc. He was informally dressed, wearing - 6ng ta an m~c xuenh xoang, quAn dui
- I have been possessed by a wild and - Toi bi am anh bai mot n6i ba't an hoan slacks and an open-necked shirt. v~ Ao sa mi ha nguc,
entirely illogical unrest. toan phi 19 va kha dien r6. >- Mu6"n biel them chi tie't ve tiep eJau ngiJ cd nghia phU dinh, xem de-, dls-, non- va un-.

The robot Is doing something which - Ngll<'Jimay dang lam mot viec rna
would otherwise be impossible. khong th~ lam khac dllf;1c.
Cae to eo d;;mg nghia khBe :

il/bom l,m'b:>:nI inflammable /m'flzemabl/ dll ch6y

- It was stupid and irrational to feel - Cam tha'y so hai I:. khi1dai va khong bdrn sinh
inbred I,m'bred! ingrained Im'gremd! On sOu
frightened. c6 19 tri. b6m sinh
inbuilt /in'brlt/ xov trong tuong ingrotoing !mgrauny rnoc ~n trong
- ... the prolonged Insecurity of an un- - .., S\,I ba't an keo dai cua m¢t cuoc hon
illdifferellt /m'drfrant/ 16nh dam, inlaid /m'lerd/ lOp v60
happy marriage. nhan khong hanh phuc.
tho CI inset Im'set! ghep
infamous fmfamasl 6 nhuc. biOI invaluable Im'vreljuabV vO gio


ill- 'ill-tempered' nghla Iii ngu<'1ido Unh tinh kh6 chiu: ne'u ban 'ill-fortune' nghla
la ban rdi roo
1. LAM DO, T~ :
Victoria Station was full of anxious, - San ga Victoria d6ng nghet nlurng
• CACH DUNG RONG RAI : iI/-tempered travellers. ngLibi khach non n6ng va buc minh.
ill- ket hop voi qua khir phan tll: M tao tfnh Ill'. Cac tu nay dii!n hi hanh dong - Alice recounted the story of her iIl- - Alice thu~t I~i cau chuyen v~ cuoc di
da lam sai hoac khong d§y duo Vi du, ne'u mot viec ma 'ill-timed' nghia la n6 [ated boating expedition. choi thuy~n xui qu~y.
xay ra va diroc thuc hien khong dung hie, \'1 v~y n6 khong thfch hop hoac - He bore ill-health with considerable - Anh ta chiu dl,lng su dau yeu vai long
khiern nha: neu ban 'ill-informed' nghta la ban nhan tin sai hay khong d§y duo fortitude. can dam dang' k~.
- I find your jokes singularly iI/-timed. - Teii thay ki~u dua cua ban khong dung
luc gi ca. Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
- There was some iii-concealed laugh- - Co tieng cubi trorn phia sau toi. ill-bred I,Il 'bred! khOng cuoc nuOI ill-luck I,I! 'Wv' sl,l b6t h<;mh
ter behind me. dUdng dong hoang ill-mannered I,Il 'meenard/ b6t Ilch Slj
- Parents have always maintained that - Phu huynh luon cho rJng vi hieu trLlang ill-disposed I,Il'dIspauzd! x6u bung. ill-natured I,I! 'nertjsrd/ x6u trnh
the headmaster was iI/-advised. khong th~n trong. khOng tLl t~ ill-omened I,I! 'aomsn/ khOng may
- The schools are understaffed, ill- - Truong hoc thieu giao vien, thiet bi ill-fated I,Il 'fertrd/ b61 hQnh ill-starred I,d 'sta:d! x6u s6. tal hQI
equipped, and in poor repair. kern coi va it duoc tu b6. ill-feeling I,Il'fi:ln:y m61 h6n thu ill-tempered I,Il'tempard! g6t gong
ill-fortune I,d 'fo.tjan/ dleu xul quay ill-treatment I,d'tri:tmantl slj nguQc
Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
«c» dOl
ill-adapted I,Il a'dc.ptrd/ khOng thich ill-designed I,I! dr'zamd/ 10 rno ill-health I,d 'heJeI 6m yeu ill-will I,d 'WIV c6 cc Y. oc torn
nghi ill-educated I,I! 'edjokert/ vO glao due ill-humpur I,Il 'hju:ma(r)/ bu6n buc, ill-wisher I,d 'wI.fa(r)1 nguol cou dl~u
ill-advised I,Il ad'vatzd/ Ihi~u thon ill-equipped I,Il r'kwrpt/ thleu trang bi rau rT x6u (cho ngl.101 khOc) .
Irong. ngu xudn. khlnh su6t ill-founded I,Il 'faondrd/ vO con cu
ill-assorted I,Il a'so.trd/ IOn Ion ill-informed I,Il m' khOng c6 E>oikhi ill- cung ke't hop voi dong tU theo each tren.
ill-chosen I,Ii 'tJauzn! chon IVa sal thOng tin
- ... the type of minder who may il/- - ... loai ngLibi giu tre hay hanh ha tre
ill-concealed I,Il kan'si:ld! khOng gl6u ill-paid I,I! 'perd/ chuo thanh teen
glem dUQc
treat children in her care. diroc giao ho cham sue.
ill-prepared f,I! prr'peard/ chuo
ill-conceived I,Il kan'si.vd/ lOp ke chudn bl. chu6n bl k~m
hooch kem ill-suited I,I! 'sju.trd/ khOng thich hop
ill-considered I,I! kan'srdard/ thl~u ill-timed I,Il- 'tarmd/ khOng dung luc
cOn nh6c ~ Xem il-.

}> Chu y rdlrg ilI- doi khi cung Ut hop vai hi~/I tai phdn tit theo each /lily.
- A tal/ man with iI/-fitting glasses that - Mot ngLibi dan ong cao Ion deo cap
kept slipping to the end of his nose. kinh khdng vua cll' tuot xu6ng canh ~ Xem il-,
2. SV KHO CHIU : Indo-
ill- ke't hop voi danh tu vii tinh tu M tao danh tu va tfnh tu moi. Cac tu'mai Indo- c6 trong cac tu c6 nghla bo phan 'Indian' (nguoi An) hay 'India' (mroc
nay d~ cap toi hay di~n ta mot viec kh6 chiu hay xa'u xa. Vf du, neu mot ngirot An D¢). Vi du, 'Indo-China' la vung da't (j Dong Nam A giL1aAn Do va Trung


infra- - ... one of the most frightening sights - 00' mot trang nhung canh urong dang
infra- co trong cac It'! co nghla bo phan 13 'below'
(duoi), 'beneath' (a diroi). Vi \ have ever seen. S(I nhat ma toi tUng chung kien.
du, 'infrastructure' cua mot qu6c gia, mot xii hoi, hay mot nganh thudng mai Khi hi¢n tai phan tll' cua nQi dong It'! dung nhu tlnh hI' thi chung di~n dat mot
13 t6 chirc hay ke't cau co ban cua no. tien t~inh hay trang thai lien tuc. Vi du, mot d'n d~ 'recurring' la mot van d~

DUC1idOy 16 muctc c6 cLing dong nghia : duoc I~p di I~p lai.

infra-red Imfra'redl tio h6ng ngoql illfra.q-ructure l,mfra'strr,ktfa(r)1 ... the nation's recurring industrial - 00.nhung khdng hoang cong nghi{>p
infrasonic /,mfra'somkl sI~u Om co sO hQ t6ng crises. quoc gia lijp di lijp lai.
infrasound /,mfra'saundl sI~u Om ... currents driven by the preuailing - 00' dong nLioe ehay xiet boi con gi6
wind. thirong.
a small ageing man in an elderly - mot Co giit nho be trang chlec XE'
- .00 00.

car. ell kY.

1. THANH L~P HleN T~I PHAN TU : » CIl", Y nlllg mQI so' tinh fit liJlI Cling Mng -ing dl/(Je tao iii nhang tit khong I'M
-ing ke't hop dOng It'! nguyen m~u M tao hi~n t",i phan tli. biel' troug fiel'g Allh.
- He woke up in the night with an - Do con nhue nhoi nen anh ta nl/it dem
A lady came slowly walking across - M()t ngLiai dan bit di thong tha ngang
excruciating pain. thuc giac.
the field. qua canh d6ng.
- ... the announcement of Flight Two's thong bao gio khoi hanh eu..!ehuyfn
We sat in the hotel lounge drinking. Chung toi ng6i uong l'lI(lutrang phong
- 00'

khach cua khach San.
impending departure. bav so
... a cunning solution to the problem. mot giai phap thong minh eho mot
I turned to Elaine to make sure she Toi quay sang Elaine M tin chac rang
- 00'

v,ln c1~. .
was watching. co ta dang quan sat.
Duai dOy la rnuc tu too ra bang cocn nay:
appetizing trepltalZlry' ngon Idnh excruciating /rk'skrujrertnj/ lorn dau
Mot so hien tai phan tl'! dung nlur danh tl'! chi hoat dong diroc dong tli dien balding tboldlry' bot dau h6; don
dat. Vi du, ne'u ban khieu vu, ban co the' noi r~ng ban thich 'dancing'. cunning tlu.mry' xoo quvet. «ro tro, impending /rrn'pendnj/ sop xCiyden
- We celebrated with music and danc- - Chung toi t6 chuc ky niern voi ca nhac '" Ihong rnmn scathing tskelolry' gay gal. coy coc I
ing. va khieu Vll. ellterprisillg I'entapralzlry' dam Idm unuiitting /('-n'wltlry' kh6ng chu lam I
- He managed to find time for reading. - Anh ta c1ii sjp xep d.roc thai gian dti
~ Mu6'n bil§'t them chi ti{/t ve hi~n tei ptuin ILl cua a¢ng ILl, xem 'Collins Cobuild English
doc sach.
- She simply loathed cooking. - Co ta chi ghet nau nLiong.
-in-Iaw ke't hop voi danh ILl' chi thanh vien gra dinh d~ tao thanh danh tlt rnoi.
Khihien tai phan tU cua ngoai dong tU diroc st1' dung nhu tinh tl'c, chung mo Danh tll' na y de cap de'n 1119t ngllai quan h¢ voi ban qua hon nhan. VI du,
ta anh huang ma m<)t viec gi do tac dOng vao tinh earn hay y tuong ciia mot 'father-in-law" 1;'1 cha cua chong hay vc;1 ban: 'daughter-in-law' la vc;1 cda con
nguoi. Vi du, neu ban tim thay mot cai gi do 'disgusting' nghTa Iii no lam cho trai ban. ,.
ban ghe tam. - He wonde~ed if he should put his 6ng tit II} nhtl e6 nen a chung vdi ngLioi
- The beer at the Rugby Club wasdis- - Bi,l (j Cau lac b6 Rugby thl rat ghe. elderly father-in-law in a home. ell..! vo Ion tu6i cua mlnh hay khong.
gusting. - He took his sister-in-law home to Anh ta d~n co em vrj vt~nhil a ml{1('

- ... a brilliantly amusing novel. - ... 1110tcuon titiu thuye: rat vui nhou. England. Anh.


- My daughter and son-in-law led a - Con ga i va r~ eua t6i s6ng kh6 oic. interpersonal l,mta'p3:sanll dllc;lc lam interstate I,mta'steltl gluo coc bong
hard life. gluo hol ngllol inter-stellar I,mta 'stela(r)1 glao coc
DL1C1iday 10 rnuc tu c6 cung dQng nghTa : interplanetary /mta'pleemtrr/ glUO vi sao
coc hOnh tlnh interterritorial I,mtatera't:>:nall gluo
brother-in-law fbrAoar m i:>:1onh r~ parents-in-law /peorants m i:>:1cho
inter-racial I,mta 'rerjl/ glao coc sdc coc Idnh th6
daughter-in-law /do.tar m i:>:1con me (chOng nooc vo)
roc inter-union I,mta 'ju.nran/ gluo ccc
d6u sister-ill-law fSlst<!r m i:>:1chi (em)
inter-school I,mta 'sku:1I glao coc bon nganh
father-in-law ffo:oar m hI cho dOu. chi (em) vc;l
trllong hoc inter-university I,mta Ju:m'V3:satJl
(chOng hooc Vc;l) son-ill-law fSAn in hI con r~
interseasonal /mta'si.sanl/ glao coc gluo coc trllong dol hoc
mother-in-law I'ffiAoar m i:>:1me
(chong hay vc;l)


inter- inter- ke't hop vai dong nr, danh tir vii tfnh tir li~n
cling quan tai dong tir de'
1. "GIUA: tao thanh cac tir chi r~ng hai hay nhieu nguCri hoac vat c6 quan h~ hoac lien
ke't vai nhau theo mot each nao do. Vi du, nhirng vat ma 'interconnect' thl lien
ket vai nhau; neu nguot hay v~t rna 'intermingled' nghIa la chung tra nen 111n
inter- ke't hop voi danh tir va tinh tir chi ngtroi, noi chon hay d6 vat M tao IOn voi nhau.
tfnh It!' maio Cac tinh tir moi nay mil ta mOt v~t t6n tai hay xay ra giira hai hay
- ... a complicated network of inter- - ... mot mi;lng IlIoi phuc tap ola nhit1u
nhieu thu. Vi du, chuyen tau hoa 'inter-city' di tU thanh ph6 nay Mn thanh ph6
connecting parts. ph~n lien kel nhau.
khac: cuoc tranh tai 'international' bao g6m hai hay nhieu qu6c gia.
- There was a qUick interchange of - Gura nhom clan 6ng co mOl su trao
each viet: Cac tir niiy thucng diroc vie't c6 gach n6i, nhung mot 56 tir th6ng information between the men. d6i th6ng tin nhanh ch6ng.
dung duoc vie't dlnh litln.
... a beautiful sari interwoven with a - ... mot chiec sari dep det xen I~n m~u
... inter-city phone calls. - nhung ell dien thoai lien thanh ph6. pattern of red and gold. do va vang.
. an inter-continental flight back to - chuyen bay lien luc dia vi! rurdc
England. Anh.
DL10i day 10 rnuc tv co cung dQng nghia :
... the building of the interstate high- - ... viec xay dljng cac xa 10 giua cac
ways. bang.
interact Imtar'rektl tllong tee intermarriage /mta'meerrdj/ k~t Mn
interbreeding /mte'bri.dnj/ 101vol dj chung (glao ngllOI do den vo ngllOI
inter-racial relations. - ... m6i quan he giua cac sk toe.
do trdng ...). ket hOn trong gia dlnh
DL10i day 10 rnuc tu co cung dQng nghia : interchange Imta'tfemdy troo d61 (glua anh em ho ...)
inter-city I,mt<! 'srti/ lI{lnthDnh ph6 inter-government I,mta 'gAvnmantl interconnect Imtaka'nektl Ii~n k~t intermingled /mta'mnjqld/ Ma tr¢n
intercontinental /mtakontr'nentl/ gluo coc chinh phu interdependence I,m tadr'pendans/ interplay fmtapleI! sv ph61 hqp
interlanguage l,mt<!'lrel)9widy' giao phl,l thuoc nhou
lien luc dio interrelate I,m tarr'lert/ quan h~
inter-department I,mta dr'po.tmant/ coc ngOn ngu interknit /rnto'nrt/ don voo nhou qua 101
lien bo international I,mta'nrefanll qu6c t~ interlace l,mta'lelsl b,;in. t~t vol nhou intersection l,mta'se~nI vI~c cdt
inter-family I,Int<!'fremahJ gluo coc inter-office I,mta 'of Is! gluo ccc co interlink l,mta'hIJk./ n61 lien ngang
glo dlnh quan interlock l,mta'lok./ gdn chot intertwine /mta'twarn/ xodn vol nhou
interweave I,mta'wi:vl gdn b6. xen
Ian vOl nhau


intra- - ... the realization of how close I had - ... viec nhan ra toi da Can k~ cai chet
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : been to death. xiet bao.
intra- ket hop vai danh tl( va tinh hI M tao thanh tinh tU moi. Cac tinh tU moi - ... the great Picasso exhibition at the - ". cuoc tri~n lam l<'Intranh cua Picasso
nay dien dat vat, di~u t6n tai hoac xay ra trong m9t vat, dieu khac. Vi du. viec Museum of Modern Art in New York. tai Vien bao tang nghe thuat hien di;li
thuong mai 'intra-Community' duoc thirc hien trong cong d6ng chau Au. a New York.

> Chu 1} rilllg ctu: tinh til nrai lIily thlliJllg irang tn;J/Ig va kh6l1g xdy ra tllUf1lZg. - ." a fifty-percent reduction in staff. giarn 50% doi ngO nhan vien.
I think that I made the wrong deci- T6i nghi dIng toi da quy€t dinh sai
." intra·Community police co·opera· - ". Sl/ hop rac cua canh sat trong cong
sion. I~m.
tion. diing chau Au.
Modern Pan·Africanrsm starts from - Chu nghia Lien Phi hi¢n dai bat ngubn Dual day 10 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia :
quite new intra·African bases. tu nhung co so
mai tren toan chau Phi action I'rekfnJ hanh dOng explanation l,ekspla'neijnJ sl,l glal
... intra-party groupings such as the - ... nhung nh6m trong noi bo nhu cac addition la'dlfnJ linh c¢ng thich
chartist-socialists. dang vien dang xa hoi theo phong trao collection /ka'lekfnJ Sl,lsUu t6m imagination lI,mred3l'nexJnJ Sl,ltuong
hien chuong. . combination /kombr'nerjn/ Sl,lk~t hop tUQng
conclusion /ken'klu.jn/ sl,l k~t luQn information /mfa'merjn/ tin toe
Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cunq dong nghia:
connection /ka'nekjn/ sl,lll~n IQc operation lopa'relfnJ su hoot dOng
intra-African I,mtra 'eefrikan/ 0 chOu intramuscular l,mtra'ITh\skjula(r)1 contribution l,kontrI'bju:fnJ su d6ng organization 1,;):ganaI'zelfnl t6 cnec
Phi trong bop thit
g6p production Ipra'dAkfnJ Sl,/ san xu6t
intracellular /mtra'seljola/ n¢1 boo intra-party I,mtra 'po.n/ trong n¢1 b¢
creation Ikri:'elfnJ sl,l sang too protection Ipra'tekfnJ Sl,/ boo v~
intra-class I,mtra 'klo:sI trong lOP. intra-racial I,ultra 'reIj1J trong chung
decision IdI'SI3nJ sl,l quy~t dlnh reaction IrI'rekfnl sl,l d61 ph6
long lop I¢c
direction /dar'rekjn/ chl~u huang realization /rralar'zeijn/ sl,l nhQn th6y
intra-Community I,mtra ka'mju.nati/ intra-regional I,mtra 'ri.djanl/ Irong
education led3u'kelfnJ sl,l glao due reduction Irr'dAkfnJ Sl,lglom
trong c¢ng d6ng chOu Au vung
examination IIg,zremI'nelfnJ kY thl situation ISItJu'elfnJ hoon conh
intra-European I,mtra joare'pran/ intra-uterine I,mtra 'ju.taram/ trong
exhibition /eksr'bijn/ cu¢c tMn 10m
trong chOu Au tll cung
intra-generation I,mtra d3ena'relfnJ intravenous I,mtra'vi:nas/ trong tlnh Cae tLl eo d~ng nghia khSe:
trong thti h$ rnoch affection la'fekfnJ com glac, tinh com edition lI'dlfnJ vl~c xu6t ban
attention la'tenfnJ sl,l chu Y mission I'mijnJ pMI doon
disposition l,dIspa'zIJnJ tfnh khf
vai AQnIWY de' ~.
-ion ket h<1..l? Cac danh tU' nay.£hi !loh tranvay -Ious
!Len trlnb dU<?,cdong tu goc mo ta, hay chi mot vi du cua tien trlnh d6. Vi du,
neu ban cho ai 'protection' nghia la ban b30 v~ ho hay lam cho ho tranh khoi ~ Xem -ous.

nhirng tac dong hoac su kien kh6ng hay; 'explanation' In mot cai gl d6 ma giai
thich hoac dua ra 19 do cho su' kien hoac hoan canh cu th~. ir-
each vie"t: C6 nhieu each viet khac nhau cua -ion, Cach viet chung nhat la ~ Xem /1-.
'arion'. 'ilion', 'sion' va 'tion'. Vi du ctia tat ca loai nay duoc cho dUai day .
.. protection against the sun's rays. - ... viec bao ve ch6ng -lai nbung tia -Ise
mQt trCli.
~ Xem -!ze.
_ Anh ta la mOt ga kha to con.
He was a biggish fellow.
_ ." ba cai ghe banh bang g6 rnau hoi
.. , three yellowish wooden armchairs.
-Ish vang.
Mr and Mrs Bixby lived in a smallish - 6ng va ba Bixby song trong mOt c:ln
apartment. -? hI) hoi nho.
-ish ~chi ngll"C1i,ngon ng(i', hay tinh each cua m9t vung hoac mot
mroc C~Ithe'. Vi du, nClI mot nguoi la 'Irish', nghia la ho dcn Itl' Ai-len: 'Danish' Dlloi ccv 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
la ngon ngll dU<;1C noi d Dan Mach: the 'English' chi ta"t ca nguoi Anh. loogish 1'lol)gI.f1hol (kh6) ool
biggish I'bIglf/ hOl Ion
Irish workers based in London. - (ong nhan Al-Len dong d Luan Don. lowish rlOOlf/ hOl th6p
blackis/t rblreluSI hOl den
oldish rauldIf/ hOl glo
a tall youth who spoke only Polish. - !not thanh nien cao Ian chi noi tieng bluish rblu:ISI xanh nhat
plum/tish rplAmpISI kh6 tron trinh
Ba-Lan. brownish rbraumfl hoi nOu
reddish fredIf/ hOl do
a cheery bedroom with Swedish' - ... !not phong ngu dtroc trang hoang dampish rdremp:f! hOl am uat
smaIlis/1 rsmohSI hOl nho
furniture. vui !n~t b~ng do go Thuy Di€n. darkish rdo:kIfl hOl t6i
tallish fto: hfl kh6 coo
- California inherited much of its law Californla ke thua nhi~u IUat cua T<ly dullish rdhhf/ hol mO cue
thillllish remIf/ hOl mong
from the Spanish. Ban Nha. fattish I'fretIfl hOl mop
wannish fwo:mlfl kh66m
flattish rflretIfl hOl dep
Dlldi cov 10 rnuc tU c6 cunq d<;mg nghia : wettish fwetlfl hol uCJt
goodish rgudIfl hOi t6t
whitish rwaItIfl hol tr6ng
British rbntlfl thuQc Vuong qu6c Anh Kurdish rk3:dlf/ thu¢c nguOi Kurd . greenish rgri:mfl MI xanh
you11gish fjhI)9Ifl kh6 tre
Cornish I'b:mfl thu¢c xu Cornwall Moorish rmu3nf/ thu¢c nguOI Moors largis/I rlo:d3Ifl hOl r¢ng
Danish rdelmfl tleng E)an Mach Polish rpauhfl thu¢c ng110i Bo Lan
English. rIl)hfl Mng Anh Scottish rskotI.f1 thu¢c Scot-land
Finnish rrmlfl Mng Ph6n Lan Span ish rspremf/ thu¢c TOy Ban Nha 3. VOl DANH TU : l..'
Irish ralanf/ nguOi Al-Len Swedish rswi:dlf/ thu¢c nguOi Thl,JY f)i~n • cA~H DUNG RQNG RAI: ~ .{4.-
Jewish rd3u:1fl nguol Do ThOi Turkish rt3:klf/ Mng ThO Nhi Ky -ish ket hdp vai danh li!.M tao tinhJ1l'. Cac tinh tll' nay di~n ta mot ngl(oi hay
v~t g,i6ng nh-¥' vat hay nguoi khac. Vi du neu met nguoi Iii 'boyish' nghia la
nguoi do ra"t tn? v~ voc dang Ian tinh each va trong giong m¢t C~lI be; neu m¢t
2. VOl TiNH TU :
nguoi ma 'foolish', nghia la ho cu xu nhu mot ke dan d¢n .
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : Cach vitt: Tan cung bang 'e' dU<;1cdc5ithiinh -ish. Neu tll' met v~n t~n Cling
-ish .!s~:Lh!,'ip-'yQU!nh.Jii..QD.\\Q_1i!l!tJJ:t.mai: Cac tinh tll' moi nay di~n ta v~t.s;B bAng 'b', 'd', 's'. 't' hay 'n' tnroc La mot nguyen am duy nha"t, ta phai ga"p doi
.!.!lO.U!.tinh cdch hay .rh5m Chat'dl(<;1Ctinh tU goc dif.n ta. Vi du, neu mot v.)t
chung truce khi them -ish.
'longish' nghla Iii no hoi dai: neu m<)t nguot 'tallish', nghla la ho hoi cao: neu W quyen rU nhtltre con cua h~n khong
_ His boyish charm was irresistible.
m9t v~t 'greenish' nghia la no hoi xanh xanh. Cl(ong 1(1 i duoc.
~ Cllti ii rtlllg elie tit /lily It! kil6l1g trallg troug.
... childish misbehaviour.
... each cu xli nhu con nit.
Neu Iii mOt am muu thl no hoi co ve
Cach vi't: Tan dang 'c' duoc thay bAng -ish, Neu mot ttr mot v5n, t~n cung _ As a plot it was amateurish beyond
b~ng 'b', 'd. 'g', 't' hay 'n' di tnroc Iii mot nguyen am don thl chung sc duoc tlli tu kh6 tin duoc.
gap doi truce khi them -ish. .. doi vai tha-p, tron nhu vai phu IlU
... his low womanish round shoul-
S<IlIkhi uong tril ong ta viet mot la thu cua h~n ta.
- After tea he wrote a longish letter to ders.
khJ c!ili cho Hilda. ... mot co ngtloi My vOi khuen m~t
Hilda. ... an American girl with an owlish.
rnang kinh co ve hol nghiem.
- The early sky was a pale whitish blue. B~1I troi luc sang sorn c6 mau xanh spectacled face.
tr~ng nhat.


sharpish 1'50: PIf/ hai soc sluggislr fs1A9If/ ch¢m chop. 10 <1"
DLlC1idOy 16 rnoc tV c6 cling dQng nghTa :
sheepish f.Ji:PIJI ben len stylish fstaIhJ/ bonh boo
amateurish fa!matanf/ tal tv impish fimpif/ nhu mo quy shrctoish ffru:IJI donh do ticklish ftIkhf/ t~ nhl
babyish fbeIbllf/ gl6ng tre con kittenish. flutmf/ nhU meo con
bearish fbeanf/ thO 10. cec con mannish fma!nxf/ gl6ng don Ong
boyish fbollf/ nhu con trol monkish fmMJkIf/ nnu thoy tu
brutish fbru:txf/ vO phu. tan boo nightmarisl: fnaltmeanfl nhU OC m¢ng
bullish fbu:lxf/ nhu bo owlislr fauhf/ nhu cu. qUQU qUQ 1. NIEM TIN vA eACH CV xli :
childish /tfaxldif/ nhu tre con priggish fprxgIf/ khlnh khlnh -ism co trong danh ttl' chi niern tin dac biet, hay each ell' xU' dua tren cac niern
coquettislr Iko'kebf/ 10m dang prudish fpru:dIf/ ve doon trong ki~u tin nay. VI du, 'feminism' Iii su tin nrong Iii phu nu nen co cung quyen loi,
devilish fdevabf/ glon to cocn quyen hrc va co hOi nhu dan ong: 'pessimism' Iii niern tin ma dieu xau xa se xay
feverish ffi:varif/ hals6t' slavish fsieivif/ khum nurn ra hose dang xay ra hoac mot di~u cu th~ se khong thanh cong hay khong tot.
fiendish ffi:ndif/ nhu quy sa sluttish fslAbf/ nMch nhoc. beln thlu - The popular image of feminism un- - Hinh anh ph6 bie'n v~ thuye't blnh
foolislr ffu:lIf/ dQI d¢t snobbish fsnobif/ co tinh truong glo fortunately tends to repel many d~ng nam nu th~t khong may lai c6
girlish fg3:hf/ nhu con gal wolfi.~11 fwulfif/ nhu ch6 561 women. xu huang lam nhieu phu nu kh6 chiu,
hawkish fho:kIf/ nhu chlm ung womanish fwumanxf/ nhu don bo
- He was accused of impiety and athe- - Anh ta bi ke't t¢i vi tinh bat hie'u va
hellish /'hehf/ nhu dlo ngl,lC
ism. vo th~n.

Doi khi -ish cung k~t hop v6'i ten ngirci. - There was a dejuvte air of optimism -_ C6 mot b~u khong khi hoan loan lac
at the headquarters. quan i'J be) t6ng chl huy.
- He was a nice enough boy-rather - N6 la c~u be kha dep trai - hoi giong
Jimmy Olsen ish I thought. Jimmy Olsen ish toi chot nghi. DLldi dOy 16 rnuc tV c6 cling dQng nghia :
- ... the air-conditioned Disneylandish - ... trung tam mua ban thie't ke' nhu atheism feI9uzaml thuy~t vO thOn pacificism /pee'srfrsrzam/ chu nghlo
shopping centre. Disneyland co dieu hOd nhiet do. fascism ffa!JIzaml chu nghia phot xit hoo binh
[eminism /fernrmzam/ thuy~t-nom nu pessimism fpesIffiIzaml chu nghlo 01
4. TUel TAc HO~C THOI GIAN : quon
binh ddng
• CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI : I optimism foptIffiIzaml 51)IQC quon

-ish.ill..h~voi nhitng tU <;hiJhQi..glim nga): thang, hay tuoi hie M tao cac hI
chi rAng s6 lieu hay thoi gian diroc d~ cap Mn~ nhir the'. VI du, ne'u mot • CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI :
ngl(O'i mol 'fortyish', nghia la ho xap xi dat 40 tu6i; neu ban noi ban se lam mot -ism k€t hop v6'i danh ttI' va tinh tu M tao danh tit m6'L Cac danh tu moi nay
dieu gl do khoang 'noonish', nghia la ban lam viec do vao khoang gura tnra. chi niern tin va each cu Xt~dua tren nhirng viec, slj viec duoc danh ttI' va tfnh
ttI' goc di~n ta. Vi du, 'cynicism' la thai d<) cila ngu'O'i y€m th~ hie nao cting cho
each vie't: Cac hI nay duoc vie't voi gach n6i hay dtnh lien.
Iii nguO'i hay v~t khac chi gay ra dieu t~ hai: 'modernism' la y tu'o-ng hay phuong
- Mrs Hoyland Leach was a florid. - B;I Hoyland Leach Iii nguoi phu nCi phap CUi!nghe thuat vii van chirong hien dai,
fortyish lady. tr.ic khoang 40, da de h6ng hao.
... a growing cynicism about politics. - ... chu nghia ye'm the' chinh tri dang
- Shall I ring you about nine-ish? - Tili se goi dien cho ban khoang 9 gio
gia tang,
- The Labour movement wanted more - Phong trao cong nhan doi hoi c6 them
Cae tt'1 eo d~ng nghia kMe .- democracy. socialism and unity. diln chu, chu nghia xii hQi va thong nh;'!.
bookish fbukIJ/ ham doc seen peckish I'pekif/ d61 bl,mg ... plans to counter hooliganism . ... (;lC ke' hoach €116ng lai nan con d6
. feverish ffi:varif/ hal sot rakisli I'reIluf/ c6 va ph6ng tung sail eo.
outlandisir /aut'la!ndIf/ hao lonh selfish fseifif/ ich ky


- In some schools. malaria is estimated - a mot vai trtJong hoc. benh s6t ret -ism doi khi Cling ke't hop v6'i ten ngiroi,
to cause high absenteeism rates. viing da du(/c danh gia Iii nguyen nhan
... the intellectual influence of Marx- - ... nhung anh huang v~ m;lt trl tue cua
gay nen ty I~ vilng mijt cao.
ism. chu nghia Mac.
- The founder of Methodism lived here - NgLfoi sang I~p giao Iy cua Hoi Giarn
... the analysis of eleven years of ... viec phan tich 11 nam hoat dong
for the last years of his life. Iy da s6ng a day trong nhung narn
Thatcherism. CUJ chu nghia Thatcher.
cuoi cuoc doi rninh.
absenteeism /eebsan'ti.rzam/ su hay internationalism /mte'neejanalrzom/
vdng mot chu nghio qu6c te }> Chu y "Tng -ism cung klt hop ooi m(lt s{/ danh Iii di tqo danh lit mai chi milt hinh
alcoholism I'relkahohzaml chung Judaism fd3u:deuzaml doo Do Th6i lilCtc cua s!( pilall bi¢t dua tren IIhi'(lIg di~u danh tit g6c m6 tii. VI du, 'sexism' Iii
nghi$n ruou liberalism fhbarahzaml chu nghio y tlfifllg hol!c lIi~m till cho rdllg thanh uien Clla giai /lily kern thOng minh hOl!c it
"I anarchism frenaklzaml chu nghio vO tv do c6 khd Ilifllg him IIhilllg thilllh l'iell cua giai kluic.
chinh phu ~ Methodism /'me6adlzaml HOi Gi6m Iy
... an organization set up to counter - ... mot t6 chuc duoc thanh I~p d~
barbarism /bo.barrzem/ hOnh dong dO modernism fmodamzaml chu nghio
sexism in the Church. chong lai thanh kie'n v~ giClitinh trang
man tOn thai
• giao hQi.
capitalism fkrepltahzaml chu nghTo tu nationalism fnreJanalIzaml chu nghio
- Older women encouraged back to - Nhung phu nu Ian tu6i duoc khuy€>'n
~n ~n*
work still face ageism. khich tra lai lam viec v~n g~p phai SIj
Catholicism /ka'Oohsrzarn/ COng gi60 ~ opportunism I'opatju:mzaml chu nghio
Communism /'komjumzaml chu nghTo co hOI phan bier dOi xu vi tu6i tac cua ho.
cong son + patriotism /'pretrlDtIzaml chu nghio
DL1C1jday 10 ml,JC tU c6 cung d<;mg nghia :
consumerism /kan'sju.merrzam/ chu yt!lu nLlCic
nghio boo v$ quyim 1<;11
cuo ngLlol tlt!lu perfectionism /pe'fekjanrzam/ chu ageism l'eld31zaml thonh klen hay phon bi$t theo tuOI
dung nghio cou teen racism I'reIslzaml su phOn bi$t chung toe I
omicism /'smISIzaml chu nghTo hoOI professionalism /pra'fejanalrzrn/ tinh sexism /'sekslzaml sV phOn bi$t gioi tinh
nghi. yem the nbo ngh~
expressionism /rks'prejnrzam/ chu •. Protestantism /protrstantrzem/ ceo ~ T~n cling -ism co Ihe dOi thenh -ist de tso cac lit chi hay m6 la nglfCJI co long tin hay

nghTa bl§u hi$n Tin lonh

16'; cu xu d;:jc bi~I dl/a tren niem tin do. Mu6n bi~'t Ihem chi li~'Ixem -ist.

~ I extremism /rks'tri.rmzam/ chu nghTo realism frIalIzaml chu nghio hi$n thVc
cue doon scepticism I'skeptIslzaml chu nghia
heroism fheraulZaml chu nghio onh hocl nghi 2. HANH £lONG vA NGHI THUC :
hung socialism /'sauJahzaml chu nghTo xo hOi -isrn ke't hop v6'i d(ing tli t~n cung Ia 'ize hoac 'ise' de' tao ra danh tli. Cac
Hinduism fhindu:lzaml An E>¢ gi60 symbolism I'slmbahzaml chu nghTo danh tll' nay chi qua trlnh duoc dong tu mo hi hay Ia mot vi du cila qua trlnh
hooliganism I'hu:hgamzaml non cOn tLl<;1ngtrLlng d6. Vi du, neu ban thuc ni~n 'criticism' v~ ai, nghia la ban phi! binh ho vi ban
do son co terrorism /'terarIzaml chinh s6ch khong ch5p nhan each cir xtl' ciia ho: baptism' la nghi I~ v~ ton giao tie'n hanh
humanism /'hju:mamzaml chu nghio khung b6 viec nra tQi cho nguoi nao,
nhOn dco f totalitarianism /tsoteelr'tearranrzam/ - Teachers are intensely sensitive to - Ciao vien rat nhay earn dOi vai bat c(r
idealism /ar'drahzam/ chu nghTo duy tOm' che dO chuven ch~ any sort of criticism. loi phe blnh nao.
Impressionism /rm'prejanrzam/ chu ..,. vandalism /veendslrzam/ tinh ph(] hool
- Patricia began to ask him about hyp- - Patricia bilt d~u hoi. ong ta v~ thoi
nghia 6n tLlQng nhlJng cOng trinh van h60
notism and how it worked. mien va each thuc hi~n n6.
industrialism /m'dxstrralrzam/ h$
'" exorcism of the harmful spirits. - ... vi~c tm nhung ma quy c6 h"i.
thong ky ngh$
--------------------------------------------~ I
Q.L10i 9ay 10_.c0_YCtU c6 C~9_d--,-o_n-=g_n-,g=--h_i_o_: _
baptism I'breptlzaml Ie ruo t¢l, dot ten magnetism /'mregmtlzam! hi$n tll<;1ng
- He is a convinced atheist. - 6ng ta I:. mot ngLJoivo th~n kien dinh.
criticism fknLlslziHUI 51) oot be, pM tu. tU hoc .
- I'm an optimist by nature. - Toi Iii mQl ngllOimang ban chat I<lCquan.
binh mechanism /mekemzern/ co che
exorcism feksJ:slzam/ sll duoi to mo plagiarism /plerdjanzem/ thol dQO van DL1o; day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio :
hypllotism /fupnetrzam/ thuot thOl mien specialism fspeJahzaml su chuven men :theist fel9IIst! nho vO thOn 6ptim;st foptImlst! ngllOI IQc quan
fd'scist HreJIst! t~n ph6t xit padfidst fpresIflst! ngllOI chOng
femillist /femrmst/ ng1101"du tronh
> Mu6'nbillt them chi tie't ve d¢ng tu t~n cung btJng tz« hay 'ise' xem -ize.
binh quy~n cho ph" nO
chl(in tronh
"essimist fpeslmlst! ngllOI bl quon
Cae ta eo d/ilng nghia khae:
euphemism /ju.fermzam/ uy~n ngO organism f:>:ganizam! co th~, sinh vet
journalism fd33:nahzaml nghe 10m tourism ftuanzaml sV t6 cnuc du Ijch -ist ket hop theo nghta nay v6'i danh Itl va !fnh Itl M tao danh tt! moi. Cac
boo truism ftru:lzam! chuvan hi~n nhien danh tU moi nay chi ngl(C1i ma ni~m tin va each cir xU'cila ho dua tren vi¢e hay
mannerism fmrenanzaml phong witticism /witrsrzam/ nh¢n xet di dorn s~( v~t dl(Q'C danh tll hay !fnh Itl goc me ta. Vi du, neu ai do la 'idealist', nghta
cocn rieng Iii ho c6 dat ltii hanh xi] dua tren Iy tl(ang cila ho: cuoc tan e6ng 'terrorist' Iii
mot cuoc tn'n cong cila ngllO'i dung bao lire de' d~t m~IC tieu ehinh trio
... a vigorous civil rights activist - ... mot nh:' hoat dong nhi~t thilnh rho
quyt1n cong dan,
Iso- - Mr Morris was al~ays a perfectionist. - 6ng Morris Ilion III mot ngLJair~u tOrlll.
iso- co trong cac tIT co nghia b(l phan Iii 'equal' (b~ng nhau) hay 'identical' - ... a leading industrialist with busi- - ... mot nhll cong nghi~p hang d~lI vai
(giting nhau), Vi du, 'isotopes' Iii cac nguyen hl' co cung so nguyen Ill' nhung ness interests in Germany. nhirng n6i say me kinh doanh Dire. a
sti IWing no-Iron khac nhau: mot hlnh tam giric 'isosceles' la mot tam giac co ... the history of the socialist mOiJe- - ... lichsu phong trao xii hOi clui nghta
ha. canh b~ng nhau. men! in Europe. a chau Au.
DL10i day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio : DL1O; day 10 ml,Jc tU c6 cling dong nghio :
•., activist I'rektlvlst! nho hoot dong
isobar falsabo:(r)/ dang co isosceles /ar'sosalr.z/ tam gi6c cOn idealist /ar'dialrst/ nM duy Iy tllong
(chinh trio xa hOI ...)
isometric /,alsa'metnk/ do bong nhou isotope fl:llsataup/ ch6t d6ng vi ImpressiOllist /rm'prejanist/ hoo si
anarchist frenaklst! ngllOi v6 chinh phu thu¢c trllong pMI An tll<;1ng
capitalist /keepitahst/ nho tll ban
industrialist /m'dxstrrahst/ nho tu
-Ist COI1lI1lIIll;st fkomjomst! nho cong sOn


.;'I cOllformist /kan'fo.rrust/ ngll<:,i tuon thu
ban cOng nghl$p
internationalist /mta'neejnahst/
*' elitist /er'li.trst/ nglloi ung hO su lonh nglloi theo chu nghTo qu6c t(i
hI chi ngllai ma loi cir xU' cua ho dira tren nhii'ng

-ist co trong danh su' tin tl(ang dQo hooc th6ng tr] xo hc)i cuo mot the Methodist fme9adIst! Tin do giom Iy
d~c bict. Vi du, 'feminist' Iii ngl(oi tin ding phu 0\1 nen duoc blnh quyen va co IVc llu tu. ngllOi cho minh 10 mot ngllOI hOi
nhi':'u CC1 h(\i, quycn hrc nhir dan ong; 'pessimist' Iii nguai tin r.\ng nhii'ng vice llutu
modernist fmodallIst! ngllol ung h¢
tili t¢ 5e xay ra hay dang xay ra. hay mot viec dac bi¢t se that bai. expressionist /rks'prejanrst/ nglloi
theo trllong phOl bl~u hi$n cot moi'
Claudia thought of herself as a femi - CI,ludid nghi minh I~.ngllai theo thuyet nationalist fnreJnahst! ngllol theo
nisr. binh qlly~n cho phu mr. flkstrimlst!
extremist ngllol cue doon
chu nghTo qu6c gio del dOc I¢p
humanist fhjllmamst! nglloi theo chu
opportunist fopatju:mst! ngllol co h¢1
nghTo nhon ceo
chu nghTo



perfectionist /pa'fekjanrst/ nguoi ceu socialist I'saufahst/ nguOI thee CNXH Duo; day 16 rnuc tU c6 cling dQng nghTa :
teen terrorist I'terarIst/ ke khung bo
anaesthetist la'ni:s6atIst/ ky thuct historicist I'hIstorIsIst/ nhe vl~t sll
realist I'rIahst/ nguol theo chu nghlo
vl~n gOy m~ lyridst l'hrIsIst/ nhe tho tra tinh
hi(!n thuc
artist l'O:tISt/ hoo sf novelist I'novhst/ nhe tl~u thuy~t
botanist I'botamst/ nho thuc vot hoc pharmacist /fo.mesrst/ dUQC 51
-ist doi khi duoc ke't hop v6'i ten. cartoonist I'ko:tu:mst/ hoo sf bl~m . phYSicist I'fIzISISt/ nhe v¢t Iy hoc
- Would you call yourself a Marxist? - Li~u ban c6 coi mlnh Iii mot ngLiai columnist fkolammst/ nM b60 physiotllerapist l,fIzIau'6erapIst/ thOy
theo chu nghta Mac khong? chuven muc thu6c, bee sf vot Iy trlll~u
... Jansenist repression. - ... sl,l dan ap ngLiO'itheo Jansen. dentist /dentrst/ nho 51 psychiatrist /sar'kratrrst/ nM tOm Iy
dramatist /dra'matrst/ nho vi~t kich hQc
". CIlI1 Y dlllg -ist nillg kef h(1p theo each lIi1y vai mpt slY danh tU dl too danh tU mdi
economist /r'konarmst/ nho kinh te hQC satirist I'sretarIst/ nhe chOm bl~m
chi hinh thuc pllllll bi~t dua tren di~u duac danh III gac mieu td. Vi du, Il{U ban
educationalist /edjo'keijanalrst/ nno scientist I'saIantIst/ nM khoo hoc
mo ta m(Jt Ilgl1i1i,nhaf Iii dan ollg Iii 'sexist', IIghia Iii ban IIghl ho c6 tu tlliillg dua
gl60 due hoc soloist I'SaulauISt/ (ngh~ 51) d¢c t6u
tren ihien kie// v~ giai tinh.
educationist /edjo'kerjanrst/ nh6 therapist 1'6erapIst/ b6c 51 chuvan
- We had to sit through a cabaret full - Chung toi phai ng6i suot bu6i bit:u nghl~n cuu su phorn khoo
of sexist jokes. di{'n trong nha hang nghe nhung enuironmentalist /rn.vararsn'mentalrst/ tourist I'tuarxst/ kh6ch 'du Ilch
chuyen dua v~ phal khac. nho nghi~n cuu m6i truong typist I'taIpIst/ ngUOI d6nh may
- The consequences of being a racist - H~u qua cua viec tra thanh mot ngLiai
are serious. phan bier chung toc rii't nghiern trong, -ist CLing ket hop theo each tren v6'i danh tli t~n cung b~ng -ology. Vi du,
'biologist' la Ifguai lam cong tac nghien ciru sinh v~t hoc.
Duo; day 16 rnuc tU c6 cling dQng nghia :
- ... a developmental biologist at the - ... mot nha sinh hoc phat tri~n t(li vien
ageist feId3Ist/ ngUOI dol xli theo tu61 sexist'l'seksIst/ nguoi phOn bi(!t doi xli
Institute for Cancer Research. Nghien CUu Ung thu.
toe theo glC11
Geologists noticed very odd shapes - Cac nha dia cha't chu 9 nhung hinh
racist freIsIst/ nguol phOn bl(!t chung roc
in the ancient sandstone. dang ra't 1;;1 trong sa thach c6 .
> T;J.ncLing -tst thuang c6 the d6i tnsnn -ism de teo tbsnh til chi tin nguong hay csch cu ... an ancient burial site discovered - ... mot nai an tang c6 xLia dLi(jc cac
xu da n6i. Mu6"nbid't them chi Mt, xem -lsm. by archaeologists. nha khao c6 kham pha.

2. NGHE NGHlep HAY SV NGHI~N C(tU : Duo; day 16 muc tu c6 Cling dQng nghTa :
-ist cung ke't hop voi danh tU M tao nen danh ttt m6'i chi nguai ma cong vice anthropologist l,ren6ra'polad3Ist/ nho gynaceologist l,gama'kolad3Ist/ bee sf
hoac nghien cuu cua ho c6 lien quan t6'i v~t da duoc danh ttt goc dt> cap. Vi nhOn chung hQC phl,l khoa
du, 'novelist' la ngiroi vie't ti~u thuyet: 'scientist' la nha nghien cuu khoa hoc. archaeologist l,o:kI'olad3Ist/ nhe khao meteorologist l,mi:tIa'rolad3Ist/ nhe
c6 hQC khi tUQng nee
- How would George Eliot compare - Lam sao so sanh George Eliot vdi mot
with a nouelist like Jane Austen? nh;l ti~u thuyet nhu Jane Austen dLi(jc? biologist /bar'olsdjrst/ nM sinh v¢t hoc microbiologist l,maIkraubaI'olad3Ist/
climatologist l,klaIma'tolad3Ist/ nM nhe vi trung hoc
- A good cartoonist can capture a face - M6t hoa sl biern tai ba c6 th~ dac ta
khf hou hQC neurologist Injua'rolad3Ist/ nM thOn
in a few lines. m(H khuon m~t vai chi vai duang ve,
ecologist II'kolad3Ist/ nM sinh th61 hoc klnh hoc
- She was chief physiotherapist at Mas- - Co ta Iii bac sl trLiang ve v~t 19 tri Ii('u
geologist Id3I'olad3Ist/ nM dlo ch6t ornithologist 1,:>:m'60Iad3Ist/ nM
sachusetts Memorial Hospital. a B~nh vien Massachusetts Memorial.
grapllologist Igra'folad3Ist/ Chuy~ri ccrn hoc

glo tv dQng hoc (xem tUC1ng.chu vl~t) psychologist /sai'kalodjrst/ nM tOm

IV hoc


sociologist /seosi'alodjrst/ nho xo h¢1 hoc
technologist /tek'noladjrst/ ky su cOng ngh~ • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
zoologist /zeo'oledjrst/ nho d¢ng v¢t hoc .__ 1 -ite kc't hop "ai ten M 1(10danh tit moi. Cac danh tit nay chi ngliC1iung hO hay
di thee ngliC1idli<;1Cnoi den. Vi du, Trotskyite' 1ft nguC1i tin vao y Iuang chlnh
3. NH~C si: tri cua Leon Trotsky; chinh sach 'Lawsonite' dua tren y nrong dtroc nh:t chfnh

-ist ke:t hop veri danh W chi nhac C~I d~ tao danh W rnoi. Danh tit moi chi ngli(1i tr] nuoc Anh, Nigel Lawson d~ ra.
choi 10(1inhac Cl,Ido, nhat la n~u ho lam viec d6 nhir la ngh@ nghiep ciia rninh. ",. Cflu y nlllg cac ti( IIay tl,llfmg dilllg di am chi rallg bl;lII klJ611g tall theil/II /ray ella'p
Vi du, 'guitarist' la nglioi choi guitar; 'pianist' la nguci choi dim piano. IIIr~II IIienr till nia milt IIgtli'li IIao do.
... the rhythm guitarist of Cliff Rich- - ... lay ghi ta lie'l tau CUn nhorn cO ung . a wealthy American Trotskyite. _ ... mot tay Trot Kit nglibi My giau c6 .
ord's old backing group. h(i Cliff Richard. He didn't want to be labelled a Bald- _ 6ng ta khong muon bi gan III nglii1i
_ His father, a Violinist. obtained work - Ch» anh ta, m(il ngliQI choi violin, cia unrute. theo Baldwin.
in small orchestras. tlm duoc viec trong cac ban nhac nh6. The long Thatcherite nightmare is _ Can ac mong dili Thatcher s;ip k~t
_ The student oboist began to play De- - Chang sinh vien hoc ken o-boa b~1 coming to an end. thuc.
lius. d~lI bi~u di~n nhac Delius. Harold Wilson condemned the exer- _ Harold Wilson len an viec hanh st,t
cise as McCarthyite.
nhu nglibi theo chu thuye't McCarthy.
Duai day 16 rnuc tU co cling dQng nghia :

accordionist /a'kc.dramst/ ngual chell keyboardist fklb:>:dlst/ ngual chCli

don occooc or-gan

altoist freltilUlst/ ngual cnot nhoc cu oboist faubaulst/ nhoc cOng th61 ken
c6 am dleu coo O-boa
",. Xem -ion.
bassist fbreslst/ ngual chCli don bass pianist fplilmst/ ngual cheli piano
bassoonist /ba'su:mst/ saxophonist /seek'sofenrst/ nguai cnot
ngual cheli ken
pha-g6t sa-xo
I cellist ftJehst/ nhoc cOng xen 10 trombonist Itrom'baumst/ nhcc cong 1. B~NH T~T :
IIII clarinettist l,klrerI'netist/ nhoc cOng chot ken trombone -itis c6 trong cac danh tit chi benh t~t. Vi du, ban bi 'tonsillitis' khi amidan cua
cla-ri-net tympal/ist ftImpilmst/ ngual chell ban Sling len vii dau don; 'hepatitis' Iii chirng ~nh nghiern trong anh huang
[lautist ffb:tlst/ ngual th61 soo tr6ng Mn gan.
guitarist /qr'tc.rrst,' ngual choi ghlta violinist /vaialmrst/ ngual chell violin It was last winter when he had ton- _ Dung vao mua dong vua roi ong ta bi
viem amidan.
Cae tit e6 d~ng nghTakh8e : _ Cac ng6n tay cua co ta sling tay len
Her fingers were badly swollen with
chemist fkenllst/ nha h6a hoc vi chung viern khdp.
cyclist fsalkhst/ ngual di xe oco _ Ban c6 bao gib bi tr~y xliOc, viem da,
Do you ever get rashes, dermatitis or
spots? va n6i mun chua?
DUC1iday J6 rnuc tU co cling dQng nghia :
Italo- appendicitis la,pen'dlsaltlsl chung bronchitis /broI)'kaltlsl chung V!~m

Halo- co trong cac W co nghla 'Italian' (nguC1iY), 'Italy' (rurcc Y). Vi du, 'Italophile' V!~m ru¢t thua ph~ Quon
1ft nguC1i kharn phuc miac y, ngliC1i y, art/Iritis la:'9raltlsl chung vl~m khcip
dermatitis l,d3:ma'taltlsl chung V!~m do


hepatitis l,hepa'taltIs/ chung vl~m gan DLlOi cov 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
meningitis l,memn'd3a1tls/ vl~m mong nOo
abnormality l~bno:'ma;!latri s\l b6t generosity l,d3cna'rosatrl tinh Quang do
tonsillitis I,tnnsr'Iartrs/ vl~m ornldon
thuong hostility /ho'strlatrl su thu hOn
abswdity lab'!!'I:dltri s\l ngo ngdn immunitg Ir'mju:natrl tinh ml~n nhl~m
anonymity I,rena'mmatrl su gl6u t~n. intensitv Irn'tensatii s\l mOnh lI$t.
-itis ke't hop voi danh hY de' tao danh hI' moi. Cac danh tu mdi nay chi-sir am s\l vO danh monh m~
anh hay SIt 10 au bilt thirong v~ viec hay sl! viec du<,1cdanh tu goc di~n ta. Vi authenticity lo:gen'trsrtrl tfnh xOc th\lc ariginalitu /arrdja'neelatr/ can
du, 'weddingitis' Iii su am anh bat thuo-ng v~ viec cuoi xin. brutality" Ibru:'trelatrl su ton boo nguy~n. cOn bon

• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI: ./ complexity /kam'pleksatrl sv r6c r61 popularity Ipopju:'lreratii tinh ph6 CoP
creativity /kri:er'trvatrl s\l sOng too productivity /prndxk'trvatt/ nOng su6t
C6 the' tao cac tll moi voi nghla nay b~ng each them -itis vao danh tll. Tuy curiosity !kjuarr'osatrl s\l to rno prosperity Ipro'speratrl sv thlnh vU<;Ing
nhien, cac tll nay dung rat than m~t va thuo-ng c6 y khoi hai. Vai tu rat thuong diversity /dar'vs.satt/ tfnh do dong security ISI'kjuaratri s\l an loon
5U dung. equality /r'kwolrti/ tfnh cOng bOng sensitivity Isensa'trvatrl s\l nhov com
- Weddingitis is now at fever pitch. - Noi 10 cllai xin hi~n i'J do s6t. familiarity I,famlh'reratrl s\l quen thu¢c simplicity /srrn'plrsatt/ tfnh don glan
- She was now obviously suffering - Hie'n nhien nang dan V~I bi'Ji n6i 10 formality Ifo:'mrelatrl tinh trong trqng superiority /su.prerr'oran/ s\l coo non
from auctionltis. bi ban dau gia. Cae tLl e6 d;;mg nghTa kMe :
DLlOi ClOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa : 'Iocality Ila'kolrtrl dlo phUong principality l,prrnsr'pll!latri IOnh dla
auctionitls l,o:kj(a)mtIs/ vl$c bOn ~6u relationitis Irr'lerj(a)mtrs/ m61 tuong
majority /ma'djoratt/ do s6 cue Ong hoong
glO minority Imar'noratrl thl~u 56 priority Iprar'oratrl Quy~n UU tl~n
quan mot thl6t
campaignitis /keem'pernrtrs/ chl~n morality /ma'reelen/ ceo due publicity Iphb'lrsatrl sv Quang c60
toeddingitis /wednjqrtrs/ m6110 vl~c
dlCh Quon sv cUoi xin
personality /'neeletr/ nhon c6ch

consumeritis /kan'sju.marrtrs/ vl$c

boo v$ 1<;11
fch ngUol tl~u dung

-ity 1. TiNHTU:

-ity ke't hop voi tfnh hY de' tao danh tll. Cac danh tll nay chi tinh trang hay di~u -ive c6 trong mot 56 Ion tinh hY, mot vai tU diroc thanh I~p tti" nhung tu gelc
kien ducc tinh tll gee m6 ta. Vi du, 'immunity' la tlnh trang mi~n nhiern doi hien khong phai la tie'ng Anh. Vi du, neu mot nguo-i ma 'creative' thi ho c6 kha
voi vat gi; 'anonymity' la tlnh trang v6 danh. nllng sang tao va phat tri~n nhieu y kie'n moi: mOt sinh hoat hay cong viec ma
'lucrative', nghla Iii n6 lam cho nguo-i ta kiern duoc nhi~u ti~n hay thu durrc
- Babies receive immunity to a oanety - Tri~ con duoc mi~n nh~m nhi~u loai
nhieu It;1inhuan,
of infections through breast feeding. benh bllng each bu slta me.
- A youngster has more time to be - MOt ngllai tn~ co nhi~u thai gian sang
The war had brought prosperity to - Chie'n Iranh da mang lai Sl,I thinh
creative. tao hon.
Port Philip. Vl1<1ngcho Port Philip.
Rumours will make you feel even Loi dbn dai se lam ban dill thay 10
... the growing equality of women. - ... blnh
51/ quy~n cua phu nlt ngay
more nervous and apprehensive. I~ng va 51] hili hon.
cang tang.
- Most tlr:Jned[ruits contain excessive H~u he'l trai cay d6ng hOp c6 qua
amounts of sugar. nhieu dllang.


Duol day 10 muc t(J c6 cLIng dong nghia : cxccutiuc IIg'zekjutlvl quy~n h6nh objective /ob'djektrv/ rnuc tleu. kh6ch I
active frektIvl nOng (hoQt)dong excessiue /ik'sesrv/ qua rnuc
• phop. 10 cbuc hOnh pncp quon. I
incentive /m'sennv/ su khuyen khich. offellslVe fafenslvl cOng kich. 16m I
aggressive la'greslvl hung hOng expensive /rk'spensrv/ dOl do
khich 1$ m6t long
alternatiue 1';):it3:natlvl thoy dOi exiensiue /ik'stensrv/ r¢ng quat
initiative /r'nrjatrv/ sang klan. the chil perspective /pe'spektrv/ ngh$ thu¢t
apprehensiue IreprJ'henslvl 10lOng. imaginative /r'meedjmatrv/ gi6u tri
dong ph6, canh
b6t on tuang IUQng
inucctiue /m'vektrv/ 101t6 c60 dO d¢1 prerogative /prr'roqotrv/ d¢c quyiln
attractive /a'treektrv/ h6p dOn intcnsiue /m'tensrv/ co cuong dO Ion.
laxative flreksatlvl thu6c nhu¢n truong preservative /prr'za..vatrv/ ch6t (d~
competitive /kam'petatrv/ CQnhtronh mQnh me
locomotive flaukamautlvl dau may giOgin) boo quan
comprehensive /komprr'hensrv/ teen lucrative fiu:kratIvl sinhIQi.sinh lai
xe ILtO relative frelatrvl b6 con (quon he.
di$n massive fmreslvl 10IOn.d6 50
missive fmlslvl thU t(J. cOng vOn thOn thu¢c)
constructiue /kan'strxktrv/ c6 tinh negative fnegatlvl phil dinh. phon
motive fmautIvl dong Il,Ic.von dong. representative /reprr'zentatrv/ dQI
xOydl,lng d61.119ucue
chuy~n dong bi~u
creative /kri.'ertrv/ sang too offellsive fafenslvl cOng kich. lam
narrative fnreratlvl chuven k~. bal sedative fsedatlv/ thu6c glom dou.
decisive ,/dl'saIslvl quy6t dlnh m6t long tUOr'igthu¢1 on than
defensiue /dr'fensrv/ boo v$ productive /pra'daktrv/ co nOng suet.
destructive /dr'strxktrv/ hily hoc: hIJu ich
effective /r'fektrv/ hl$u qua protective /pra'tektrv/ boo ve. boo ho

-ive cung xuat hien trong danh tll'. Vi du, 'detective' IA nguai lam viec phat -ize kct h(1P VC1j danh tlt M tao ra dong tll'. Cic dong tli nay chi hanh dOng ~6
hien ra nhung dieu d5 xa y ra trong mot t¢i ;k d\\c biet va tlm ra nhirng ngt(<'1i lien quan den danh W g6c. Vi du, neu ban 'apologize' ai d6, nghta la ban xin
c6 lien quan; 'additive' 1ft vat duoc them vao V<1'j so' IU<;Ingnho cho m¢t vat khac 16i ho \'~ nlurng gi ban da lam hay dii n6i; neu ban 'sympathize' voi ai do. nghta
chang han nhu thuc pham hay xang dh M tang chat IU<;Inghay M keo dai la ban thong earn vii chia sc earn xuc cua ho, thuong khi ho c6 dieu gi nli roo
tu6i tho cho n6. , l\ - He apologized for being late. - Ong ta da xin 16i vi den Irl!.
Ong ta phal mOl tham IU len I~u de ( - The events of the wedding were char- - Nhung dip clloi xin dii mang d;:lc tfnh
- He sent a detective upstairs to exam-
ine Mrs Wilt's clothes. kharn xet quan ao cua ba Wilt. acterized by muddle. Ion xon.
111\ - ..' you need initiative and Willingness - ... ban e~n sang kien va st,fs;\n long - Lorries and trains have revolution- - x.> lai vii xe lua dii I,)m cuoc carh
to work to improve your education. d(: thuc hien cai tien nl!n giao due ized the entire pattern of moving m<jng eho 10;111bo each v~n chuyen
cua cac ban. goods. hoa.
- Her narrative began uncertainly with - Chuyen ke cua nang b~1d~u mot each Duol day 10 muc tu c6 cLIng dong nghia :
a rambling account other childhood. ng~p ngung voi mot doan mo ta roi
1\ rac thi1i tho a'u cua nang, apologize /a'pnladjarz/ xin16i [antasize ffrentasalZ/ tuang tUQng.
characterize /ka'reektararz/ d¢c di~m ma m¢ng
Duoi day 10 muc tU c6 cLIng dong nghia : Mo jeopardize fd3epadalZ/ 16mhUhQI.
additive Ire'dltIvl ch61 phV glo conseruatiue /kan'ss.vatrv/ boo thil criticize fcntlsalzl pM binh m61 m6t
archive fo:kalvl von kh6 contraceptiue /kontra'septJv/ thu6c emphasize I'emfasalzl nl16nmQnh memorize fmemaralzI ghi nhO. hoc
collective /ka'lektIvl top th~. chung. tr6nh thai epitomize /r'prtamarz/ 10m6u rnuc. tnuoc long,
I¢p hQp detective /dr'tektrv/ thOm tll th~ hl$n moralize fmoraiiuzl len an


philosophize /fr'losafarz/ suy nghT. subsidize I'sAbsldalzl trQc6p standardize I'strendadalzl tillu chu6n terrorize fteraraw' ~hung b6
Iy luon summarize I'sAmaralzl t6m t6t h6a victimize /vrktamarz/ lam tro thOnh
pressurize I'preJaralzl gOy cp luc. symbolize I'slmbolalzl tUQngtrUng. sterilize I'steralalzl lam cho khOkhan.. non nhOn
rnuc ep bl~u hl~n cen cOI visualize /vrzoalaiz,' nhln th6y
retolutionize /reve'lujanarz/ lam sympatllize I'sImpa9alzl to com tlnh. tenderize I'tendaralzl lam cho mllm
each mong thOng com
3. -ise
2. DAN eEN MQT TINH TR~NG HAY el~u KleN : 'ise' thuong duoc dung nhu each viet thay the' cua -ize trong tieng Anh nhung
. -ize cling ket hop v(1i~ va tinh tU chi tlnh trang hay dieu kien d€Jf9 thanh c6 mQt s6 dQng tt'! luon t~n cung bling 'ise' chir khong phai la -ize, Hau het
done: tt'!.. Cac dong hI' nay chi qua trlnh dan den tlnh trang hay dieu kien dii nhirng dQng tU nay thanh I~p tt'! nhung hI' khong phai la tieng Anh,
~ Vi du, neu ai d6 'terrorizes' ban, nghIa la ho lam' cho ban earn thay DLloi day 10 muc tU dLl<;1C
viet thee ccch nov :
so hiii b~ng each de doa ban b~ng mQt each nao d6; neu b•.m 'tenderize' thit,
advertise I'redvatalzl quong coo improvise flmpravalsl ung lac ra
nghia la ban lam cho n6 mern hon bling each (he bien theo mot each dac biet,
advise /ad'varz/ khuyen nhu practise fprrektJks/ th\,lChanh
II _ Forbes allowed his dog to terrorize - Forbes dii d~ con ch6 oia 6ng lam arise la'ralsl xu6t hl$n. phct sinh promise I'promlsl hua hen
the officer on duty. kinh so nhan vlen dang lam nhiern comprise /kam'prars/ gOm co. boo gOm supervise /'vars/ glom 56t
compromise I'kompramalsl thoa hi~p surmise Isa'malzl phong coon. glo
- ... farm workers victimized for join- despise /dt'sparz/ khlnhml~t dinh
ing a trade union. n6ng tral tra thanh nan nhan vi dii gia devise /dr'vaiz/ nghTra surprise Isa'pralzl ngQc nhilln
nh~p c6ng doan. disguise /drs'qarz/ cdl trang. che gl6u televise /tela'vars/ truylln hlnh
- ... an act to legalize abortion. - ... mot dao lu~t hop phap h6a viec exercise /eksa'sars/ lam boi top
phil thai.
Cae tLI eo d;;mg nghia khae :
- The Prime Minister wants Nato to - Thll urong mu6n kh6i Nato hien d~1
hO<lvii khi hat nhan t~m ng~n. agonize I'ceganalz/ lam dou don organize loga'nalzl t6 cbuc
modernize short-range nuclear weap-
authorize 1':>:9aralzI cho ouven. realize I'nalalzl nhon blat
uy quyen scandalize I'skrendalalzl gOy ch6n
DLloi day 10 muc tU c6 cung dong nghia : capitalize I'krepltalalzl viet hoa dong. gOy xlcOng don
industrialize /m'dxstrralarz/ cOng civilize l,slvalalzl lam cho vOn minh scrutinize /skru.tmarz/ nhin chorn
colonize I'kolanalzl chl{imlam thuoc' dla
ngh~ h6a economize /r'knnamaiz/ ti{itkl$m chu. do xet
democratize /dr'mokratarz/ dOn chu
institutionalize /mstr'tjujanalarz/ fertilize /fa.ta'Iarz/ b6n phOn specialize I'speJalalzl chuvan mOn va
bl{inthOnh t¢p oucn materialize /ma'tranalarz/ th\,lc hi$n
dramatize I'drrematalzl d\,lng klch
equalize I'i:kwalalzl san b6ng <tV 00): legalize I'li:galalzl hcp phOp h6a
mobilize I'maubdalzl dong vlen
lam quOn b6ng kilo-
I generalize I'd3enralalzl khOlquat h6a modernize I'modanalzl hl~n dOl h6a
kilo- c6 trong danh W chi v~t c6 1000 phan, Vi du, mot "kilogram" Iii don vi
glamorize I'glremaralzl lam cho h6p neutralize I'nju:tralalzl trung lOPh6a
personalize I'p3:sanalalzl nhOn coch do trong hrong theo hI? thong met b~ng 1000 gum: 'kilometer' Iii drrn vi do chieu
dOn hem
d~i b~ng 1000 met.
harmonize fha:manalzl hOlnoo. nco h6a
hQp publicize I'pAbhsalzl cOng khal h6a DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
hospitalize I'hospltalalzl duo dl b~nh rationalize I"rreJnalalzl Iy luOn.vl~n Iy kilobyte I'kiiabaIV kl-IO-bal kilogram I'kIlagrrernl kl-IO-gam
vl~n stabilize I'stelbalalzl 6n d!nh
kilocalorie I'kiiokrelani kl-Io-ko-lo kilohertz I'kIlah3:tzl kl-IO-hec


DUoi day 16 cac tu co cunq dong nghia :

kilolitre fkJlahta/ kl-lO-lit kilowatt fkIlawoV kl-IO-wat I i 'Americall-led la'merIkanled! do My laboll,--l-e-d-I'-I-e-Ib-a-(-r-)-Ie-d!--d-o-Ia-O-d-Q-n-g--'

kilomctre fkIlami:tal ki-IO-met dieu hanh Chi phoi

comntunist-lcd I'komjumst!ed/ dUOi market-led I'mo:klt led! do th!truong

S\,Ilanhdoc cue nhung nglloi c¢ng son chi phol
-kind commul/ity-led /ks'rnju.natt led! anh moderate-led I'modarat led! do nhung
-kind ke't hop vai danh tu chi ngubi M tao danh hXmaio Danh tu moi chi nh6m huang bel c¢ng dong nguoi c6 tu tueng Onnoo chi ph61
nguoi dii diroc n6i den. Vi du, ban c6 th~ d~ c~p de'n tSt ca phu nu la 'womankind' cOl/sumer-led /kan'sju.motr) led! do MI/Slim-led I'mozhm led! do ngUol
khi ban xem ho la mot nhorn, ngUoltleu dung chi ph6i Hoigi60 lanh coo
- The present day Hottentot and Bush- Nhflng phu nu Bushmen va Hottentot demand-led /dr'mo.nd led! do nhu opposition-led l,opa'zIJn led! do phe
men females are the last remnants
of the original shape of womankind.
ngay nay la nhung nguyen m~u cuoi
cung cua giai phu nu.
" cou chi ph61
earnings-led 1'3:mI) led! do thu nh¢p
chong doi lanh ceo
Soviet-led fsaovlat led! do lien XO
... mankind will seek to explore and ... nhan loai se tim toi d~ kham pha chi ph6i lanh coo
exploit space. vil khai thac khong gian. employee-led l,empl:)I'i: led! do nh<'in state-led I'stelt led! do nha nuoc dleu
- Ecology teaches us that humankind Mon sinh thai hoc chi cho cluing ta vien chi ph61 Mnh
is not the centre of life on the planet. r~llg nhan loai khong phai Ii! trung empiouer-led l,em'pl:)Ia(rl led! do student-led I'stju:dnt ledl do sinhvll!ln
tarn cua sl,l song tren hanh tinh. chu dieu hOnh to chUc
goverlllllcllt-lcd /'g,wanmant led/ do teacher-led I'ti:tJa( r) led! do gl60 vil!ln
I humankind
I'hju:mankamd! nMn 100i
DUoi day 16 rnuc tu co cung d(;mg nghia :
----------- -1 nno nuoc dieu hanh
inuesiment-led /m'vestmant led!
dieu hanh
uiorker-lcd I'w3:ka(r) led! do cOng
I mankind fmrenkamd! nMn 1001 duoc chi ph6i bei dau tu nh6n chi ph6i
tuomankind /wornsnkamd/ phu nu '
l-----~-- --- ,- --- --. - - -"- . -------
~ Mu6'n bitft them chi /ie't ve cac tiJ chi ngUoi, xem -folk, -men, -people, -person va -woman. -less
-led 1. THIEU:


-less ke't hop voi danh W M tao thanh tinh W. Cac tinh tu nay ta ngtioi hay
-led ket hop vai danh tU va tinh nr chi qu6c tich M tao tinh tu maio Cae tinh
v~t khoog e6 hoar khong lam nhtrng gl duoc mo ta. Vi du, neu mot v3t ma
tt'imoi nay ta ngtiO'i hay v~t diroc kiern soat, t6 chirc hay anh lurong boi bSt cu
'harmless', nghia Iii no khong the lam hai ban: neu mot v~t mil 'meaningless',
crii gl ma danh tt! vii tinh tt'i g6c mieu ta. Vi du, neu mot hoat dong ma
'student-led' nghTa 1.1sinh vien C<1 trach nhiern v~ hoat dong d6 neu sir san xuat nghta 1.1no khong c6 nghia.
Most people think of measles as _ H~lI he't nguoi ta nghi b~nh sai khong
v~t nao d6 Iii 'demand-led', nghla la s6 luong srin xuSt san pham do diroc khong
harmless. c(\ hai.
che' boi hrcng nhu call v~ san phii'm d6.
The injustice of it all left me speech- Tat ca ba't cong v~ sV viec do cia lam
the student-ted pro-democracy - ... phong trao ung hQ dan chu cua sinh
less. cho toi ch~ng bie't n6i gl.
movement. vien.
The room was characterless, a clean On phong khong c6 d~c dit1m gl c1<tc
... Comecon, the Soviet-led trading - ._. Comecon, t6 chuc thuong rnai do
neat room with oddments of furni- biet, mQt can phong gon g;\ng sach ~e
organisation. li€>n XO dieu hanh.
ture. co nhi~lI db dac con s6t lai.
a community-led portnership of ... tlnh than huu CQng dong cua dan
_ He hummed a tuneless song to him- _ Anh ta ngam nga mQt bili hat khong
local people. di" phuong.
self. co di~u.
. a market-led economy. ... mQt n~n kinh te' thi truong .


» Clru y rang mqt so" !fllh til lIay dl1(1c su drf/rg khollg theo Ilghia dell. Vi du, IIlu ~" sausages, pork pies, hamburgers, - ... xuc xich, banh thjt heo, ham-be-go,
bQIl di~1I ta ai do 'brainless' nghia la bQII IIglll rdllg no IIgu Xwfll vii dot mH. chips, ice cream, cakes and countless khaai tay, kern, banh ngot va vo so'
other products. nlurng san phifm khac,
'You're brainless. You can't even - "6,111 do'l qua. Tharn chi ban khong
count.' th~ clem duoc." - A small, spry, ageless nun dragged - MOl nil tu v6c ngll<'1inhe>nh~n, dang
He was a spineless coward. - Anh la la mOl ke hen nhat y€u ot. the gate open. Ir(; trung linh hoat, mo canh e6ng ra.
DUol dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia : DUol day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghTa:

airless fealIsi te nhot, l<:;ing

I.:!.thl~u lifeless /Tarfhs/ khOngc6 sinhkhi. ageless feId3hsl tre mal kh6ng glO; numberless fIlAffibahsl vO56
khOngkhi ch~t. b6t dong truong cuu price/ess fpraIshsi vOglO
. beltless fbeltlIsi khOngc6 th6t lUng meaningless fmi:mI)IISI vOnghla countless fkaunthsl vOk~ timeless /'taImhsl vOthOlhQn
brainless fbremlIsi d6t nOt motherless flIL\3ahsi khOngcon rne Cac ta co df;lng nghia khac:
characterless fkreraktahsl khOngc6 motionless fmauJnhsl b6t dong. 1mllrn
artless fo:thsl khOngc6 ngh$ thu¢t shiftless fJIfthsi Ill¢1bl~ng. thl~u nOng
dl~m. thu¢ng nameless fneImlIsi vOdanh
listless fhsthsl 10ddng. tho 0 IVc
childless ftJaddhsl khOngc6 can powerless fpaoohsl khOngco quyim
regardless /n'go:dhsl b6t ch6p stainless fstemhsl khOngco v~t do
effortless /e'fatlrs/ khOngc6 g6ng IVC
relentless /rr'lentlrs/ nghl.:!mkhdc wireless /warslrs/ vOtuy~n
16m.d/\ dang restless fresthsl khOngngUng nghl
endless fendlIsi khOng dut. lI.:!nIt,JC. seedless fsi:dhsl khOngc6 hat
I: vO ton
flawless /flo.hs/ hoon hoo
speechless fspi:tJhsl m6t ti6ng. t6t Mng
spineless fspamhsl khOngc6 xuong
harmless fha:mhsl vOhol 56ng. y~u at 1. V~T NH6 HdN :
heartless fho:thsl 56t dO. cung r6n spotless fspothsl khOngco v~t. seen -let ket hop voi danh tU de' tao danh tU moi. Cac tu nay chi v~t Iii nhung ma'u
helpless fhelphsl khOngtv 10 lI~u. bong nh6 hon bat cii' vat nao mii danh tU da chi fa. Vi du, 'droplet' Iii m¢t giot chat
khOngglup d¢ tactless ftrektlIsi khOngIlchthl$p 16ng rA't nho: 'booklet' lil m¢t quyen sach chi (6 vai trang giay.
hopeless fhauphsl vOvQng thoughtless f90:thsl khOngc6 suy nghl
- Into this aperture a droplet of mer- - MOtgio: thuy ngan dllQc r6t vao trang
humourless fhju:mahsl khOnghOI tuneless ftju:nhsl khOng nhlp dl$u
cury was poured. 16 nay.
hUGC useless fju:shsl vOdl,mg
- They found a piglet caught in a cur- - Ho tlm tha'y can heo nhe>b] ket trang
~ Cae tinh til nay cO tM them -Iy de t<lOtr<lng til. Mu6'n biet them chi tiet VB tr<lng tiJ -Iy, xem tain of creepers. mOl man day lea.
-Iy - Shrubs and roots of huge trees wa- - cay but va rl! cua city dai thu dl(~e
- At the airport there were refugees, - T,.li phi cang, c6 nhi~lI ngll<'1iIy nan, tered by the rivulet fill the crevice. tl/(Ji bOi mot dong su6i nhe> Ia'p d~y
desperate to get out, milling hope- lit'li rnang buoc xu6ng, di vong vong ranh run.
lessly around. mOl each luyel vong. DUol dOy 10 rnuc tv c6 cung dong nghia :
- Agrot had studied the text, and stud- - Agrot dii hoc bai va hoc mot each lien
booklet I'bukhtl quy~n seen nho owlet faulItI cu can
ied it endlessly. tuc,
coverlet fkAvahtl khan trol glu¢ng piglet fpIghtl hao. ton can
2_ VVQT QUA MOT GI(11 H~N : cutlet fkAthtl thlt c6c I~ch. (ml~ng thit rivulet fnvjuhtl su61nho
-less cling ke't hop voi danh tU hay d('lng tu M tao tinh tU. Cac tinh tU nay cO cuu) starlet fsta: lrt/ ngOIsao nho (ngu¢i
tii nguai hay v~t mol pha'm chA't cua ho khong thi dU<Jcdanh gia theo nhirng droplet fdrophtl glQInho mu6n tro thOnh ngOIsao dl~n onh
gl ma danh tU hay dong tu chi ra. Vi du, neu m('lt nh6m d6 vat 'countless', eaglet fi:ghtl dol bang can nhung chUa thOt nOIMng)
nghia Ian Mn n<3imii khong ai c6 thl dCm diroc: neu mot tac pha'm ngh~ froglet ffroghtl can nhdl streamlet fstri:mhtl dong su61nho
thu~t 'priceless', nghta la n6 c6 gia tri de'n n<3ima khong ai c6 the' dinh gia cho \ I islet faIhtl doo nho
n6 duoc.
Tigers have sharp, dagger·like claws.
Ta co th~ tao tU moi voi nghia nay bilng each them -let vao danh nr. Tuy nhien, - h6 co vu6t ben nhon nhu dao
cac tll nay kha than mat va It hi diroc sti' dung ra't thuong. garn.
The flowers of mature lime trees
Daisy's flaUet consisted of one room; - GIn ho nho cua Daisy chi co mot - Hoa chanh chin co huang VI gi6ng mat
have a delicious honey·like fra- rat ngon.
with a sink and a gas oven. phong trong d6 c6 mot b6n rua bat va
bep ga.
They each contributed their own ploy Mtli nguClitrong ho gop cau eua minh He pulled himself through between - Han lach nguCliqua gilla hai tang cia
or playlet and passed it on. (dai hoac ngiln) vao r6i chu'):~n cho the smooth pillar·like rocks. giong nhu hai cay cot :lhan.
ngl(Clikhac. DLloi day 10 rnuc tv co cung dong nghio :
2. eo TRANG SUC: animal-like I'remmi lark/ gi6ng thu vet dog-like fdog lark/ gl6ng nhu ch6
-let cung co trong danh tU chi db trang sue, Vi du, 'bracelet' Iii vat trang sue baby-like /'belbl lark/ gl6ng tre con doll-like I'dol lark/ gl6ng bup b!'J
ban mang quanh c6 tay hay canh tay, 'anklet' Iii v~t trang sue ban mang d c6 bird-like /ba.d lark/ gi6ng chim dreamlike I'dri:m lark/ nhll trong
chan. cat-like I'kret lark/ gi6ng rneo m¢ng
_ A gold bracelet watch was D6ng h6 deo tay day b~ng vimg bung
ripped - childlike I'tfaild lark/ ngay thO flower-like I'flaua(r) lark/ gl6ng nnu
from the bound wrist of Mrs Ross. ra khoi c6 tay b! troi cua ba Ross. claw-like I'kb: lark/ gi6ng nhu cay kep hoa
a circlet of nine pear/so - ... vong doi d~u c6 chin hat trai. clock-like /'kiok lark/ gl6ng nhll dong fox-like I'foks lark/ gl6ng 1001 coo
DLloi day 10 rnuc tv co cung dc;mgnghio : ho
honeu-like I'hAm lark/ gl6ng nhll mot
circlet /'s3:khtl vang d¢i dou (bdng
cloum-like I'klaun lark/ gi6ng he hook-like I'huk lark/ gi6ng m6c cou
anklet /'rel)khtl vonq ceo " c6 chOn
cowlike I'kau lark/ gi6ng bo suo ladylike /Terdr lark/ gl6ng nhll phv nu
armlet I'o:mhtl bang vai qu6n quonh kim IOQI.hoo) d~ trong sue
dagger-like I'drega(r) lark/ gi6ng doo owl-like I'aul lark/ gl6ng 1061 cu
'\ c6 toy wristlet I'rIsthti vang ceo toy. bang
I bracelet /'brelshU v6ng ceo toy. xuy~n toy
pillar-like I'pIla(r) lark/ gl6ng nhll
daisy-like I'delZI lark/ gl6ng hoo cue cay cot
.. Cae tU eo nghia khile: desert-like /'dezat lark/ gi6ng nhu so prison-like I'prIzn lark/ gl6ng nno tu
ballet I'brelell bo I!'J.k!ch rnuc gullet I'gAhti th\,/c quem. c6 hong moc
vice-like tvei« lark/ gl6ng cal !'J-t6
billet I'blhtl nc1itru quOn leaflet I'h:fhtl to Quang c60 rOi
bullet I'buhtl don triplet I'trIphti sinh bo. d6 vot co bo .n » Cllli V dillg l'ai IIghra /lay -like thllf1llg dUllS Veli tell .
couplet I'kAphti CdP cOu tho (dol phon
- He looked away from the Barry,·nke - Anh ia quay di khang nhln chang
bdng nhou) young man. thanh nien giang nhu Barry.
... mot am muu gi6ng nhu Proust.

... a Proust·like scheme. - CUrl
I- -----._---
Cae to eo
d?ng ngllia khile :
-like ket hop "oi dimh tll M tao tinh tu. Cac tinh tU nay chi nhung v~t .tmm I b/~silles$like I'biznislalk! co hi$u quo. co h$ th6ng
..!.M. ba't Cl~ tlll~ gl ma danh tu mieu t3. Vi du, neu mot ngl(oi mil 'childlike', nghia lifelike /Tarflark/ gl6ng nhllthot
Iii ho giang nhu mOt dlta be v~ dang ve va each cu xti'; neu mot toa nha mil : suchlike I'sAtj1alk! gi6ng nnu the. cung IOQinhll the
'prison-like', nghia Iii no trong giang nhu mol trai giam. I warlike _/wo.lark/.__ hieu chien. hay gay Sl,I. hung hOng
each vi't: Cac tU nay thliong viet co gacb n6i tru mot s6 Itl thong dung
L _ _ _ _
_____ J
duoc viet dinh lien.
_ She has a sweet and childlike nature. - Nilng c6 mot ban chJt d~ thuang vil -logue co trong cac W c6 nghia b9 phan Iii 'speaking (noi) hay 'discussion' (than
ngiiy tho nhu con tre. luan). Vi du, 'dialogue' if! CU9C dai thoai hoac thao luan giii'a hai hay nhieu
ngliOi; 'travelogue/Ia CU9c noi chuy~n hay mot cu6n phirn v~ du Itch.
DL10i dOy 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia : recfntly I'rIsantlIl gon d6y slowly fslaulIl mot cocn cnom chop
catalogue /kretalog/ seen seriously I'sIarlaslI/ mot cccn nghlem suddcnly fSAdnlIl dot nhilln
danh glal epilogue fepilog/ phon k~t. lal bot
trong usually Iju:zualIl thuang thuang
thl$u hong. co-to-to monologue fmonalog/ cuccocc thOQI
decalogue fdekalog/ 10 dl~u r6n cuo prologue fpraulog/ phOn glal thl$u.
Chua mo dOu :> Chu y rdllg trqng tit clill 'good' Lii 'well'.
dialogue I'daialog! cu¢c dol IhoQI travelogue ftrrevalog/ phlrn tal lI$u vI;, 2. TAO TiNH TU:
duologue /'dju:alog/ cuoc dol thoot du Ilch. seen huang dOn du Ilch
-Iy ket hop voi ~ va ddi khi vui tinh hI' d~.J:!2 tinh tll' maL Cac tinh tU'
(glua hai ngual)
moi nay di~n ta vat hay nguot co phiIm chAt hay dic Hnh di~n hinh cua danh

-ly t~ hay tf~g6c·. Vi du, neu ai d6 'lively' nghia la ho rlt C:f(>ng,nhi¢t ~i;;g'
tinh vii vui ve: neu ai d6 'friendly', tuc li\ ho cu xU' mc)t each hili hoa vii tU' te
1. THANH L~P TR~NG TU : nhu th~ Iii ho Iii hay mu6n Iii ban cua ban .
• CACH DUNG R¢~~ RAI : I/JII - They are bright, aMlrt and liuely. - Ho th6ng minh, nhity t:~m va 1inh
-ly ket hap vui Hnh t'J M llQ trang tll'. Cac trang tU nay di~n ta y niem ~ dong. ..';\
dltdc thll'c hi{!n theo cach tinh tll' di~n ta. Vi du, neu ai d6 cll'O'i"happily", nghia - They were beautiful, iooetv people. - Ho la nhung ngllOl dep va d! men.
la ho Cll'oi m¢t each sung suong: neu ban lam mot viec "rapidly" nghta la ban ,
DL10l dOy 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghTa :
lam viec d6 nhanh ch6ng. Trang tll' thanh I~p h~ng each nay duoc
Slt dung vui trang nr chi cap bac nhu 'very' M dlimuc do ma chat h,wng dtf<,J'C brotherly fbr "a alII nhu 10 onh em lowly fleulIJ co vi trl,khlAm ton. chuc
di~n ta Iii dung. ' costly I'kostlIl ddt. ton nhl6u tl~n vu khl6m t6n
Cach viet: Tan cung b~ngydll'qc thuy b~l1g 'i' tnroc khi them -ly. deadly fdedlIl lam ch~t. gOy ch~t ngual mallly fmamlIl co tfnh don Ong
earthlq 1'3:9111 tr6n th~. tr6n rue. thu¢c motherly fIllAaa(r)lIl thu¢c v~ long
- My sister was singing uery happ~ - Chi t6i dang ca hat rilt vui.
tral d6t me dOnh cho con
- They walked quickly between the - HQ di bo nhanh giuil hai day nha.
easterly fi:stalIl (, phia dOng. thu¢c northerly fno:ilalIl tU phfa ode. '01
lines of houses.
v~ phio dOng hay d phfa ode
- ... an opportunity to buy oil cheaply. - ... m¢t co h¢i d€ mua gia dJu reo
elderly feldalIl luong tudl. dung tudl orderly fo:da(r)lIl thu tu, ng6n ndp.
- Her uoice and manner changed sud· - Tinh each va giong noi cua nang -dot
denly; she became critical and dog· nhien thay d6i; nang b6ng Ira nen
fatherly ffo:aalIl gl6ng cuo mot ngual cu xu tot. Ma blnh
cha $ailltly fsemthl thu¢c thanh. nhu
matico chua cay va nguyen I~c.
/rielldly /frendh/ tcSt.fhOn thl~n. thl$n thanh. th6nh tl1l$p
DL10i day 10 rnuc tCJ co cunq dong nghia :
cdrn shapcly ffelplIl co than hinh d~p. c6
badly I'bredh/ mot c6ch t$ hQI immediatelu I'Imi:dratlIl ngay lOp We heavenly I'hev(a)nlIl thu¢c v~ tral. hinh dang con dol
cheaplu I'tji:ph/ mot c6ch re tlElln naturally I'nretfralIl mot e6ch tv nhien thlen duang. thOn thanh sickly I'sIklIl hay va om y~U
clcarly /'khaIIl mot c6ch ro r6ng normallu I'no:malIl mot c6ch binh killdly fkamdlIl tu t~. tot b\,lng. On $isterly I'sIstalIl cue chi em. nhu chi
directlu /dr'rekth/ mot c6ch true Mp thuang c6n. than 01 em
ca.<;ilyl'i:zalIl mot cccn de d6ng obviously /'obvlasIIl hl.§n nhien leisurely I'Ie3alIl chorn rol. thong tho. southerly /'s"ilalIl tU phfa nom; v~
cqually l'i:kwalIl mot c6ch conq bOng perfectly I'p3:flktlIl mot c6ch ho6n hao nhcn r61 phfa nam
exactlu /ig'zrektlIl mot cocn chinh xoc propcrly /propsh/ mot c6ch chinh lively fialvlIl s6ng dong. sOl ndl. sinh westerly /westah/ d. v~ phfa tov
finally /famah/ cuot cung xoc. dung dan dong womallly /wumanh/ glong dOn be.
[requentlu /fri.kwanth/ thuang quickly I'kwlklIl mot c6ch nhanh chong lonely flaunlIl don dOc. ce doc. tnuoc phal nO
gradually I'grred30lIl don don rapidly frapldlIl mot cocn nhanh khOng bon be worldly /ws.Idh/ trOn tuc, v¢t ch6t.
Jzappily I'hrepIlIl mot e6eh sung suang ch6ng lovely /'LwlIl dep. h6p d6n sOl dal: glo d¢n


Cach viet: Tan cung b~ng "y" d6i thanh "i" tniClc khi them 'er ' va 'est' M tao
... an excellent hourly train service - ... dich VI,I xe hia tuyet vai chay moi
hinh thirc so sanh hon vii so sanh tuy~t d6i ctla cac tfnh tU nay. Muqn bier them
chi tiet, xem -er va -est. to London. gia den luan Don.

- The officer guarding me was one of - Nglloi bao ve toi Ii! mot trong nhung DLloi day la rnuc tU c6 cung d<;mg nghTa :
the friendlier ones. nglloi than thien hon. daily fdeIiIl hOng ngay monthly flIlAll9h/ hang th6ng
- He tends to choose the costliest so- - 6ng ta c6 xu huong chon giai phap fortnightly /fo.tnarth/ hOng nua quarterly fkw:>:tah:l hOng qui
lution rather than the least-costly. dal nhat hon la giai phap it ton kern th6ng weekly fwi:kh/ hOng tuOn
nhat. hourly faualii hang gl(l yearly fjahl hang nom
DLloi day la rnuc tU tfnh tU so s6nh hem va so sonh tuy$t d6i : Cae tc eo df;Ing nghTa khlle:

costlier fkostiiarl dot hen lonelier fiauniiarl co quonh hem chiefly I'tJi:flii Mn h~t. c6t y~u. chu merely fmlalii duy nhO't.chi
costliest I'kostlllstl dot nh6t loneliest fiaunillstl ce quonh nh6t y~u namely fnelmlii d6 10.d()c bt$t 10
[riendlier ¥,frendharl than thl~n hen lovelier fLwharl d~ thLfanghon fully /'fulI/ hocn tocn nearly fmalii g6n
friendliest /frendlust/ than thl~n nh6t loveliest fLwlllstl d~ thLfangnh6t hardly fha:dlii chi vuo mol. hOu nht.1 only I'aunlii chi. duy nh6t. dOc nMt
killdli~r I'kamdlI~1 tll M hen lowlier flauharl khl~mt6n hon khOng timely ftannlii Kay ra dung toe
kindliest' tll t~ nh6t lowliest flauillstl khl~mt6n nh6t highly fhaIiIl ouo. 10m.cue ky utterly fAta(r)IIl hoon teen. tuy~t d61
livelier I:laLvharl s6ng dOng han sicklier fSlkharl c6 va 6m y~u hOn mainlu fmemlii chinh. chu y~u. phOn virtually fV3:tfuah/ hOu nhLf.'IOn nhu.
liveliest I'lalvlhstl",s6ng dOng nh6t sickliest fSlklllstl c6 va 6m y~u nh6t Ion tnuc chO't


-Iy ket hdp v6'i danh ttY chi nguii'i M.!!Q !!!:1h..JQ. Vi du ky nang 'soldierly' Iii _
nhirng ky nang ma nguoi linh phai c6; dam me 'musicianly' Iii nhl1ng dam me macro- c6 trong cac tU chi hay ta v~t c6 kich thich hay pham vi rOng Ion. Cac
ma nguoi nhac st chdc chdn phai c6. hI' nay thuong Iii tu ky thuat hay khoa hoc. Vi du, 'macroeconomics' Iii mon
nghien ciru v~ kinh te tren pham vi toan quec.
- To prove their soldierly abilities they - De clurng to khil nang llnh ciia ho, ho
started cutting. off the knot of hair dii b~t d~u dt nul toe ngllai Navaho - In macroeconomics it is necessary to - Cil k€ hoach h6a va 11,1 do d~u c~n
the Navahos wore. da mango have both planning and freedom. thiet lrong nganh kinh t€ vi mo.
She was on neighbourly terms with Co ta c6 quan he ~ng vai gia - the macrocosm of the outer world. - vu tru cua Ih~ gi¢i ben ngoai,
the Woods. dlnh Wood. - macro-scale correlations. - su lien he tren pham vi Ian.
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghTa :
-Iy kgt h$1p voi danh tlc chi khoang thii'i gian M tao cac tu chi vat hay viec gi macrobiotic l,mrekraubal'otIld thuoc macromolecular l,mrekrauma'lekjula(r)/
diroc thuc hien hay xay r§'t thuang xuyen nhir th€ nao, Vi du, nhl1ng budi di ch~ dO an klEingchi dung ngO c6c vo phOn tll vi mO
mua s<'lm 'weekly' xay r/'rf:tt,( tll~n m¢t I~n; neu ban g(>i d~u 'daily', nghia Iii rau co: khOngb6n phon ho6 hOC(rau macro-objectiues l,mrekrauab'd3ektlvl
ban g(>i d~u m6i ngay. col soch) rnuc ti~u IOn(chinh)
macrocosm I'mrekraukozaml vu tru. macro-scale I,mrekrau 'skerl/ phcm vi
Cach vl't: Tinh tU cua 'day' 1<\'daily'. th~ glol vi mO rOng Ian
- ... a weekly payment of seven shil- - ._. Illdng hang lu~n la 7 shillings. macroeconomics l,mrekraudOl'nomlksl macro-structure l,mrekrau'strAktJa(l')/
·/ings. nganh kinhte vi m6 ki~n true vi mO
- Kate visited him dally, sometimes - Kale tham anh ta hang ngay, doi khi macro-graph I,mrekrau gro:fI bl~u dO I
runce daily. . hai I~n mQI ngay. c6ty 1$Ion ~


-made mal-
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : mal- ket hop v6'i danh nr. tfnh tU va d¢ng tu M tao danh nr, tinh tU va dong
-made ke't hop v6'i danh tli' va tmh tli' dac biet 1.'1 cac danh ttY va tinh tll' chi
tU m6'i. Cac tU m6'i niiy di~n ta hay mo ta v\lt xau xa, t~ hai hay khong vira y,
ngtl'OI, no'i chon hay quoc hch M tao tinh hI maio Cac tL! moi nax..J!. ill...2L hay kh6ng thanh cong hoac chua hoan hao theo m¢t phuong each nao do. Vi
duoc san xuilt a
mot no'i hay theo mOt phlto'ng phap dac biN hoac do mOt nhOm du, neu mot nguCl'i chiu dung 'malnutrition', tire ia ho khong ~n dil thtrc an t6t;
ngll'oi dae biet nao do. Vi du, neu thuc pha'm mil 'home-made', nghia Iii no diroc neu mot cai may 'malfunctions', tuc ia no khong hoat dc)ng dung clurc n~ng mra.
nilu a nha cua mot ngll'oi nao do chir khong phai mua a tiern: neu mot san - Malnutrition lowers resistance to ill- - SV suy dinh dLiong lam giam kha n<'ng
pharn rna 'British-made',
nghTa Iii no dircc san xuilt C! ruroc Anh. ness. chong 1<1i benh t~t.
... Grandmother's home-made brown -
... banh ml den duoc lam ij nha cua - The child is thoroughly maladjusted. - Dua be hoan toan kern thich nghi .
bread. bi! ngoai. ... the criminal maldistribution of the - ... SIj phan ph6i khong d~u clang h6
The line of boulders looked quite like - M(lt hang da cuoi trong r:it ~i6ng nhu world's food resources. then ve ngu6n thuc ph.1m Ihe gi6'i.
the foundations of a man-made wall. m6ng cua mot buc tLiang nhan tao.
DVoi day 10 rnuc tv co cung dong nghia :
hand-made items from skilled - ... nhirng rnon hang lam biing tay cua
craftsmen. nlurng ngLiai tho thu cong kheo 110'0. malabsorption I,mrelab'so:pfnl kern malfunction l,mrel'fAIJkfnl khOng hoot
a mass-produced, machine-made - ... mot v~t ph.rm san xua't hiing loat thu hut, 101cuon dong binh thUong
article. b~ng may rnoc. maladjusted l,mrela'd;)AstJd! kern malnourished l,mrel'llArrftl kem dlnh
DL10iday 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia : thieh nghl . dUong. thl6u on
--~.-- -------~--- .----.,.~-~
-----.- -~--------.------- maladjustment l,mrela'd;)Astmanti sl,l
American-made /a'merrkan 'meld! eh~ hand-made I'hrend meld! duoc torn malnutrition I,mrelnju:'trrfnl Sl,lkern
thieh nghi kern dlnh dUong. suy dlnh dUong
~a~ ~~~ maladministration l,mreladmJnIs'trelfnl
British-made I'bntlf 'meld! eh~ too a Anh Hollywood-made I'haulrwud meld! SCln malodorous /meel'eodaras/ hOi. nong
su ouon Iy t6i mOi
Chinese-made /tjar'ni.z .merd/ eh~ too xu6t toi HOlihOt
maldistribution I,mreldlstn'bju:fnl malpraaice /rneel'preektrs/ su b6t
o Trung Quae home-made I'haum meld! son xu6t toi
phon phai kh6ng deu
country-made l'kAntrl .merd/ eh~ too a gio ~nh, son xu6t 0 trong nucc
malformation l,mrelfo:'meIfnl tot. d!
cdn. honh dong b6t ehinh
mieln que machine-made Ima'ji:n 'meld! oucc 10m maltreatment Imrel'tri:tmantl su
dong ngUQe doi. bee dol
custom-made I'kAstam .merd/ eh~ too bOng may
theo don dot hong mall-made /meen 'meld! nhOn too ,
~ Mu6'n billt them chi tie't VB cac tif e6 nghTa nay, xem mis-.
European-made Ijua'raupIan .metd/ eh~ neui-made Inju: 'meld! mol dUQe eh~ too I
too 0 chOu Au purpose-made /ps.pas 'meld! ducc thuc
I [actoru-made /feektart .merd/ ouoc son hl$n cho mot muc dieh noo oo

Cae to eo d~ng nghia khae : 1
: xu6t 0 nho mdy ready-made I,redl 'meld! 10m son maladroit l,mrela'droIti vvng ve, malice I'mrehsl tinh hl~m doc. oc tom
[oreign-made I'foran .rnerd/ cuoc eh~ a ready-made shirt: do may ron
khOng kheo lea malign /ma'lam/ not x6u. vu kheng
too 0 nucc ngooi Soviet-made I,sauviet 'meld! eh~ too 0
malaise /mee'Ieiz/ sl,l m$t mOi. 1(1d(l malignant Ima'lIgnanti x6u bl,lng.
malaria Ima'learral benh sot ret hi~m oc
French-made /frent] .rnerd/ eh~ too a Lien XO
Ph6p tailor-made I'teIla(r) 'meld! dUoe tho
maleuolent Ima'ievalantl x6u bvng. malinger Ima'hIJga(r)1 gla om (d~ tron
hl~m cc. de vi$e)
fresh-made I'fref .merd/ mdi eh~ too may may. ducc ch~ too rieng cno
German-made I'd33:man .merd/ son US-made I'ju:es 'meld! ehe too a Hoa Ky
xu6t a
-"_. ,-, -- .--.------. ----.- --,---_._ .. - .. _._. -_.- --_._"
> Cia! y "ll1g m(jt IIg!(ai 'self-made' la IIg!(ai bit dl1u cuQc soilg khiing' c6 ti~1I tal, hoc man- ket h\1p v6'i ~ va qua khu phan tU chi hanh dong de! t\lO danh tU
lillie hay dia pi xii h(Ji l'a dii trd IIC11giiiu c6 l'a thilllh da! do lID I,(c rielIg cua ho. ~tfnh hi m6'j. Cac tu m6'i nay tbi vat"ilnh hIfang hoac bi anh huang do con


.ugYO'i'hay nhung hanh d<lng d6 anh huang den con nguiYi. Vi du, n€u m('>tvM he college clergyman, the Rever- - ... cha tuyen uy trlfbng dai hoc, Ngili
'man-made', nghla la n6 dtlqc con nguiYi tao ra cht~ khong phai do thien nhien: end Rigger. Rigger.
'man-management' Iii s\! ki~m scat va t6 chuc cua conngiroi lien quan d€n viec Dixon paid the garage-man and the - Dixon tra li~n cho mot ngLibi lam vipc
kinh doanh hay nhtrng m6i quan h~ tirong t\!. taxi moved off. a nha xe va chi~c laxi Ian banh,
>- Cilu y rdllg cdc Ii( moi lIay ch!lIglfl}i thu9C cd hai piltii lIam va Ilil chu khOlig chi' - He started in television as a camera- - Anh ta b~1 d~u lam vi~c lrong nganh
riellg dall dllg. man, but progressed to directing. tnly~n hinh voi III each Iii mot ngllbi
- Man·made mat@rials are preferable - Nguyl!n Ii~u nhan 1<;10 dl1<;1Cchuong quay phim nhung lai lie'n Iri~n sang
to natural materials. h(111nguyl!n lieu Ihi~n nhien. ngh~ dao dien.
Man-devised processes work reliably Nhung qui Irinh do con ngllai sang che - When the barman set their glasses - Khi nguai b6i nrou d~lly tnroc m~t ho,
only when applied to non-liVing me- chi dang tin c~y khi dllc;1cap dung cho in front of them, they drank to Mary ho u6ng mung Mary Jane.
terials. nguyen lieu. Jane.
- All leopards everywhere are under - T.11ca loai bao 0 kh~p nci dell bi Ian
attack as potential man-killers. cong vi bi coi la loai c6 kha 11;\l1ggiel
I1gLlai. DLlCii day 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghTa:

DLlCii ClOy 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghia : barman /'bo.meen/ ngUol bal ruou gasmall fgresmrenl cOng nMn kl~m
businessman /brzrnsmeen/ thudng glo tro khi d6t
man-destrouing Imam drs'tronj/ huy mall-made I,mren 'meld! nhOn tQO cameraman I'kremaramrenl ngUol su gunman fghIlmrenl ke cuop c6 sung
hOQI can ngual man-management I,mren dl,mg camero milkman I'mIlkmanl ngUai gloo suo
man-devised Imam dr'vaizd/ do can 'meenrdjmsnt/ vl$c quem Iy can ngUai clerguman I'kl3:d3lmanl linh rnuc. policeman /pa'li.sman/ canh sat
nguai s6ng too mall-powered /meen 'paoard/ do can rr.l,lC su postman I'pjstmanl bUU to
man-eating I'mren i:tIly (thu) on thit ngUOi 16m
coalman I'kaulmanl cOng nhOn rno than railuiaqman freIiwelmanl cOng nMn
ngUoi man-toatching /meen 'wo.tjnj' tr6ng
committeeman /ka'mrtrman/ thonn hoo xo
mall-hunt fmren hxnt/ cuoc sdn nom can ngual
vi~n uy bon repairman /rt'peaman/ ngual suo. th<;1
nguai. cuoc truy no t¢1 ohcrn khdp nol man-uiorshipping Imren 'ws.jrpnj/ thO
dairyman I'dearlmanl nguOi 10m trong salesman /serlzman/ ngUal ban hOng
mall-killer I'mren kIia(r)1 lool gl~t ngual phl,mg can ngual
trol bo suo seaman fsi:manl thuy thu •
"-' deliueruman /dr'lrvarrrnan/ ngUol duo
Cae fLl eo d~ng nghis khSe : stuntman l'stAntmanl ngual dOng th~
thU nhang pho nguy hl~m
manhandle /meen'heendl/ khl&ng voc manpotoer fmrenpauarl nMn su.
fireman /faraman/ linh cuu hoo taxman /teeskrneen/ ngUai thu thu6
manhole /meenheol/ 16 c6ng c6 ndp nMn Il,Ic
fisherman /ftjaman/ ngU den tradesman /trerdzman/ nguai buOn ban
d¢y manseruant /msen'ss.vsnt/ day to tro:
garage-mall I'grera:zmanl nguai 10m uieaiherman fweoamrenl ngual dl,l
mall-hour I'mren aua(r)1 gla cOng manslaughter /meen'slo.tetrj/ t¢i ngo
trong go-ro doon thai tl6t
mankind I,mren'kamd! nh6n looi sat


-rnan ke't hop vci danb hi' dll oro ch6n lam yiee t.hie't bi, hay Yiec ma n&llQi
1. NGHE NGHII;P HAY so THicH : Ilkllin.
-man ke't hop voi danh tll d~ tao danh Ill' mai. Cac danh tU moi chi n~uO'i ma - He was the best camel-man in town. Ong ta Iii ngllbi chan lac dil gioi I1hill
eong_~!khay ngh~ nghiep c6 dinh !iu toi bSt ell (ili gl mil danh Itl g6c mo ta. trong tlnh.
Vi du, "clergyman" Iii mot thanh vien cua gi6'i tu SI va lam viec trong nha thO' - The lighting-man is a highly experi- NgLiai dilt den d6 Iii mol tay chuyen
t6n giao: 'fireman' Iii ngLIO'ie6 cong viec la chira Ilia. enced old pro. I1ghiep Ian tu6i co kinh nghiern cao,


:> Cilli Y rang ctic lir lIay IllIrim}? dlfOc s£? dUlIg de' chi cd lIam Idll lilt. Tuy llhie II, 3. 56 NGlJOI :
IIhicu IIglfi1i IIghl rllllg dicu Iliiy sat va thich dllng tier VI IlgU '-womall' khi m(J1
Ilglfi1i dlfl;1Cmieu Iii Iii diill bel vii '-persoll' hay '-people' khi gi6i tinn cua m(J1 nglfi1i
hay IlhOm IIglfi1i kh6llg daqc bill hay khollg quail trong, -man <kct h(iP voi b,'1t k\1 ~(\ dem nil" chi r~nb \;\t co lien quan hay co xu hU(ing
dl(.ic nhi~u n Lii'1icia Illii slr dun '. Vi du , being d<i diroc .:h01 boi mot dClI g6111
~ Muo'n bie'l them chi /ie'1 VB cac Iii chl ngll¢i, xem -folk, -kind, -people, -person va -woman. 11 gl(l~i; m0t I~u 'two-man' dlfl.ic dung cho hai ngl(C1i ngu. -man thllC1ng duoc
2. NGUON GOe eUA eON NGUOI: St( dung thco each nay chi nglt'tii noi chung (narn hay nul.
-man ~ voi ten dia danh vii voi Hnh tLr chi qu6c tich M tao danh tll' mOi. The organization secured a majority on - T (\ chuc bilo gilt d" ~6 gh(; trong
Cac danh tU m6'i nay chi mot ngu'O'i XU!lt than tu mot tinh dac biet, mN hat the eleven·man National Committee. Uy ban Quec giil gom 11 ngl1ui.
hay mot quoc gia d~c bi~t dii dircc n6i tnroc. V[ du, "Yorkshirernan" 1;\ nguoi the sound of an eighty-man or' - ... .im thanh CUi! ban nhac 80 nglloi
xuat than, hay s6ng (j Yorkshire: 'Welshman' Iii ngu'O'i den tll xii' Wales. Cac tlI' chestra playing the ouerture. chci khuc 1110man.
nay khong bao gio- dung chi gi6'i nu. _ The Rooikat is a [our-man, eight· - Rooikal Iii loai xe I.\m hanh, b6n ('il6
- Even though the Yorkshireman fin· D~u cho ngl10i Yarkshire v~ cham hai wheel uehicle. ngoi.
ished two seconds outside his best. giiiy nhung cuoc dua van khong vi the _ Behind Crown counsel are three rows - Phiil sau lu~1 su I~ ba d~y ghP' danh
the race was no anti·c1imax. mil kern ph~n s6i n5i. of seats for the flfteen·man jury elm boi thJm doan 15 nglloi.
- In Wungong, there is a single general a vvungong. c6 mot ora hang barh
DL1alday 16 rnuc tU c6 cunq dQng nghTa :
store, run by a Chinaman. h6,1 duy nhKt do mOlnf\lloi Trung Qu(ie
qll;in IY. batsman fbietsman! Van d¢ng vi~n gentleman I'd3entlman! nguoilich sv 'l
- The greatest of Scotsmen was the - Vi nhan cua nglloi Xcer-len Irl nh:t man cncker handuman I'hiendlmien! ngLlol knee

first economist. Adam Smith. kinh Ie ciau lien, 6ng Adam Smith. bushman fbuJmanl Ih6 don TOy Nom lay 10m vI$C v¢llrong nha

- McCa/den is an Ulsterman who - M r: Calden I~ ngLloi Ulster huXn IUYf>n Phi. nguO'i s6ng Irong rung highurauman /har'werrnan/ ke cuoo
trained as a teacher. nlur Iii mOl nh~ giao. caucman I.kelvmren! nguol s6ng 'rong duong

hang hitman I'hltman! ke gl~t muon

DL1aiday 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghia : chairman ftJeaman! chu too laymall /Terman/ nguoi khOng chuven

I Chinaman I'tJamaman! nguol Trung Irishman l'alrIJmanl nguoi Ai-Ien COli-mail I'kon meen/ ke iuo dao, ke man. nghi$p ou

Qu6c Scotsman I'skotsman! nguoi Xc61-len lua gal linesman /Tamzrnan/ IrQng 101bl~n
everymall I'evrlman! dOn Ihuong (Ih~ thao)
Cornishman I'kJ:lllJman! nguO'I lllsterman I'ldstaman! nguoi Ulsler
[ootman /fotrnan/ h6u bon. II~p tan marksman fmo:ksman! X<;Ithu
Co-nlch Welshmall /weljman/ nguoi xu Wales
(nom) nobleman I'naublmanl nho qui toe
Dutchman l'dAtJman! nguO'I Ho Lan Yorkshireman /jo.kjaman/ nguol xu
ombudsman /orn'bodzman/ thanh Ira
II Englishman I'frentJman!
I'IIJghJman! nguO'I Anh
nguol PhOp
[orcman /
b6i Ih6m coon
ccc c6ng, chu IICh
nh6 nucc
[rcshman /frejman/ sinh viEln nom thu spokesman I'spauksman! onot ng6n
• CACH DUNG RONG RAI : nh61 vi~n

-man ket h<:1p voi bin Cl~danh III nao chi nei .:h6n. [rogman I'frogmatll nguoi nhOl. IhQ I¢n statesman I'steltsman! chinh khoch
[rant-man ffrAntman! IOnh doo hocc yes-mall Ijesmien! nguollheo dual,
- Although my parents haue always - M,le du cha me loi luon song ij tlnh
d<;lldl$n. onor /1g0n vi~n lay long
liued in towns. I feel like a country· nlurng loi thKy minh gi6ng nhu 11161
gamesman I'gelmzman! nguO'i chi€n
man. nglloi dan que.
Ih6ng bOng cccn 6p dao linh Ih6n d6i
- They are as amazed and delighted - Ho ngac nhien Vrlvui suong giong nhu phuong
as an Earthman would be on learning khi ngl1C1iTrili dKI dl1(1cbie't r~ng ngl10i ~ I
that Martians cook by gas. S,IO Hoa nKu bang gaz.


DUoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cunq dQng nghTa :
-mania bedmate /bed melt! nguClI ngu chung playmate I'plelmelt! ngUClIchOi chung
-mania e6 trong danh ttl' chi su' cu xli bat thti(lng gay ra bc3'imot ep buoc lam glUClng roommate I'ru:mmelt! ngUClIcOng
mot viec d~e biet. Vi du, 'kleptomania' la mot uoc mu6n rnanh li¢t va kh6ng cabill-mate I'krebm melt! ngUCl; 0 ph6ng
th~ kiern ehe' phai "n dp v~t gl; 'pyromania' Iii thuc ep khong cuong diroc mu6n cOng Ir~n co-bln schoolmate I'skulmelt! bon cOng trt/ang
d6t moi v~t. classmate I'klo:smelt! bon cOng lap shipmate I'flpmelt! ngUClIcOng Ir~n
- A teacher unaided by a child's par- - MOl ngt/oi Ihay khong duoc cha me clubmate I'klAbmelt! ngUal cOng cOu mOl con IOu
ents can seldom cure kleptomania. duit be giup do it khi c6 Ih~ chua benh ice bO team-mate fti:m melt! bon d6ng dOl
thich Irom v~t. [latmate /fleetmett/ bon s6ng chung workmate /ws.kmert/ ngual lam vl~c
- Kawukji was obsessed with himself; - Kawukji luon bi am anh bai chinh Irong con hO chung
his egomania knew no bounds. mlnh; long hi Ion cua ong khong c6
gioi han.
- Kennedy's assassination was the - VI) am sat Kennedy Iii mot hanh dong
-mate ke't hCJPvai bit eu danh tu nao chi ncli eh6n hay hoat dong mil ban cung
greatest act of megalor-/ania in mod- vi cu6ng nhal lrong 10i pharn hien dai,
ehia xe voi ngtiai khac,
ern crime. _ Anne, co be 9 tu6i vui ve, dirong nhu
Anne. 0 cheerful nine-year-old,
DUoi day 10 muc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa : la ban ng6i cling ban 161 nha'1 clla
seemed Linda's best desk-mate.
egomania l'eg<lU'memml chung IV IOn monomania I,monau'melmal chung Linda.
Otto's watch-mate was due to make _ Nguoi cling gac voi Otto s~p xua'1 hien
kleptomania I'klepta'meImal b~nh dOcluong
Ihich IrOm vet nymphomania I,mmfa'melmal chung his appearance just at that moment. ngdy luc d6.
1:11 megalomania I,megala'melmal b~nh cu6ng dOm cue don bo ... her tent-mate of the previous sum- a
_ ... ngt/oi chung I~u voi co ta vao mna
vi cu6ng, hoong tuong. IV dol mer. he tnroc.

Cae tU cO d~ng nghia kMe .

-mate soul-mate I'S<lUlmelt! bon chf c61. bon
-mate ke't hdp vdi ~anh hI chi ncli eh6n hay ~o<;ltc10~ M tao danh tu maio Cac
, checkmate I'tfekmelt! noon loon
10m gloo
~ d6nh bet. sV chl~u bi (co)
danh tu mrri nay chi ngtiai ehia xe ncli eh6n vai mot ngtiai khae hay giup da inmate I'mmelt! nguClI 0 cOng mOl chO stalemate I'steIlmelt! Ih~ bl, SV b~ 16c
ho trong mOt hoat dOng dae biet nao d6, Vi du, 'flatmate' cda ban Iii ngiroi ehia (nhU b~nh vl~n ...)
xe din hO voi ban, "workmate" la ngirci lam viec chung voi ban.
eich vltt: Cac tu nay thuang vie't dinh li~n; mOt sO' tu it thong dung e6 th~ matri-
viet co gach n6i. .
matri- hay matr- e6 trong cac tu co nghia be>phan Iii 'mother' (me) hay 'woman'
- Laura clearly felt that her flatmate - Laura earn nhan ro rang rang ngt/ai (phu ml). Vi du, 'matriarch' la ngti<'1iphu nti' dung dAu mOt xii hOi, gia dlnh
had been in the way. ban s6ng chung can ho voi co da Gin hay mOt t6 chirc: 'matron' co th~ Iii mOt ngti<'1iphu nti' e6 gia dlnh dung tu6i,
Ira. cham s6c sue khoe va v~ sinh eho tre a
trtiang mAu glao hay mOt y ta tharn
- I sought permission to swap shifts -- Toi da xin duoc phep d6i ca vdi mOl nien a benh vien,
with a workmate. ban chung so. DUol day 10 rnuc tv c6 Cling dQng nghTa :
He met an old schoolmate of his from 6ng g~p ngt/oi ban cling tnrong CU III r---------------~---
matriarch I'meltrlO:k/
nu glo trt/dng
Umtata. Umtata de'n . matriarchal I,meltn'o:kll IhuOc nu glo Iruong, b¢ lOc
- His cabin-mate, Sandy. was still feel- - Ngt/oi ban Cling cabin voi anh ta, matricide I'mretrls81d1 101gl~I me I
ing under the weather. Sandy, v~n earn Ihay chan nan, matrOI/ I'meltranl bo quon Iy IruClng hOC, nu y 16 trtlOng j
Duel dOy 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghTa :
megabyte I'megabaIU m~-go-bol megaton I'megatAn/ don vi n6 c6 sac
1. CO, KfcH THliOC : megacycle I'megasalkV chu IcYquay pho bOng 1.00:>.00:>to'n TNT

• CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI : m¢t trl$u IOn megawatt I'megawotl m~-go·wol
mcgalJertz I'megah3:tsl mot trl$u hac
mega- ke't hop voi danh tU M tao danh tlY maio Cac danh tlY moi nay chi vat
cue ky Ian hay cue ky quan trong. Vi du, 'megabucks' chi m~t s6 ti~n Tit Ian; Cae tLl eo df)ng nghTa kMe:
'megaloss' chi su' ma't m~t s6 ti~n Ian. megalithic I'mega'hOlkI 10m bang megalomaniac I,megala'mlmrek/ ke

each vi"'t: Cac W nay c6 th~ d!l<;lcvi€t c6 gach n6i hay dlnh lien, tang do IOn m6c chang hoong tuong tv dQI
megalomania I,megala'mlmal chang megaphone I'magafaunl loa ph6ng
- Megabucks are there for the taking. - C6 nhi~u ti~n CJ do M lay.
hoong tuerng tv dQI. b$nh vlen cu6ng thonh
- ... another massive mega-acquisition. - mot thanh dat Ian lao khac,
- '" these mega blocks of flats. - nhi~u day can ho Ian nay.
- ... Italy's megastar, Giorgio Arman/. - sieu sao man anh cua Y, Giorgio -ment
-ment ke't hop v6'i dong tlY M tao danh tlY.Cac danh tlYnilY...Sbi.9.\!.2 trlnh thl(C
DLlOi dOy 16 rnuc tv co cung dong nghia:
hi~n ~oac lam mOt viec gl hay chi k~t qua cua qua trinh d6. Vi du, ne'li ban tv
mega-acquisition I'mega rekwI'zIJn/ mega-buyout I'mega 'barsot/ vl$c hao v~ m¢t 'achievement' nghiil la ban tI,i hao v~ viec ma ban da dat dircc (hoac
tMnh dQt IOn 100. vl$c muo IQI (cOng muo do 56 c6 phOn dieu chlnh M thlch irng v6'i viec gi) hay gay ra: ban thuc hien m¢t 'adjustment'
ty) IOn mega-documentary I'mege khi ban di~lI chinh mot vat gi; 'excitement' Iii earn xuc ma ban c6 khi ban h6i hop,
mega-bid I'mega bid/ cO' g6ng IOn 100. dokju'mentrIl nhl4u tl1l1$u
... the achievement of equality for' - ... thanh IVu cua sl,l blnh d~ng cua phu
dV thOu IOn mega-fantasy I'mega 'frentasIl cue IcY net.
megablock I'mega blok/ oov (nM. tUY$t dl$lJ
... the rapid development of British - ... sl,l phat Irii!n nhanh ch6ng ell a
con h¢) dO s¢ megalass I'megalo:sI sV m6t 56 Mn IOn
industry. ngilnh ky ngh~ mJac Anh.
megabucks I'megabAksl nhl4u tl4n mega-production I'mega pra'dskjn/
mega-burellucracy I'mega bjos'rokrasi/ san xu6t tr~n qui mO IOn The weather showed signs of im- Thai liel co d<1u hieu se t61 d~n.
h$ thO'ng Mnh chfnh. quon lI&u vO megarock fme\larokl nhl4u do provement.
cung cOng k~nh megastar I'megasta:1 sI~u sao men anh - Fanny saw with amazement that the - Filllny ra'l ngac nhien khi Iha'y buc tlur
letter was addressed to her. ghi dia chi nang.
» chd y r411gcdc iii IIay rd'i Ihdll m~l. Chung thlfi1ng co trong dam thoai, nhd't la
giila nhitng' thanh Iliell va co khuyllh humg phong dl,li. mega ciing thumg d/.lJ;1C DLloi day 10 ml,lC tU co cung~d~o~n!E.g...:.n.:.;g~h::..:ia::...:..: ~
dung nhu Iii mr)/ lit rieng trong dam thoai 1M" m~1 co nghia Iii qte lon hay Cltc ky abandonment /s'beendanment/ su tU be amazement /a'merzmant/ sV klnh ngoc
16/. accomplishment /a'kxmplrjmant/ su amusement /a'mju.zrnant/ tro tillu

2. su eo LtJClNG: A, 000.000 .x hoon thonh

achievement /a'tji.vmant/ Ihonh tVu
khl~n. glal Ir!
announcement /a'naonsment/ 101loan
mega- ke't hop voi danh tlY chi don vi do I!lClng M tao danh tlYmai chi nhirng acknouiledgcntent /ak'nolidjmant/ 101 boo. thOng coo
don vj Ian hon m~t tri~u IAn. Vi du, 'megahertz' la m~t don vi chi tAn 56, dac boo nh¢n. ghl nh¢n argument fa:gju:mantl sV Ironh col
biet la tAn s6 may thu thanh. M~t 'megahertz' bAng m~t tri~u vong tren m~t adjustment /a'djxstmant/ sV dio~u chlnh arrangement /a'rerndjmant/ su sOp x~p
aduertisement /ed'vs.tismant/ sl,l assessment /a'sesmant/ su dinh glo.
- Hydrogen has a characteristic fre- - Khi hydro c6 IAn sO rieng la 1,420 quang coo donh glo
quency of 1,420 megahertz. rnegahec, . agreement l<l'grI:mantl hl$p d!nh. assignment /a'samment/ nhl$m vu
- ... 500,000 megatons of TNT. - ... 500.000 don vi nc5co sue pha bang thoo UOc dl1Qc gloo
m(ll Irieu Ia'n TNT.
attachment la'tlI!tfmantl dinh kem improvement Ixm'pru:vmantl SL/cai
-meter .
-meter c6 trong cac tu chi dung C1,l hay thic't bj d~ do vat, d~c biet dung
.attainment /a'temmant/ SL/dot dLlQc thl$n cho muc dich khoa hoc. Vi du, 'speedometer' Iii thiet bi do t6c do xe hot hay
commitment /ka'rmtmant/ SL/glao ph6. investment Im'vestmantl SV dOu tu loai xe co khac: 'mileometer' Iii dung C1,l do khoang each b!lng dam ma xe dii
SL/com k~t inuoluement Im'volvmantl SV dinh ru dl'in di diroc.
deployment /dr'plormant/ SL/don tr¢n. management fmrenidzmantl SL/qudn Iy:
trl~n khai mouement fmu:vmantl SL/dl d¢ng. Dual day 10 muc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
deuelopment /dr'velapmant/ SL/ph61 phong tree acidimeter /a'srdr.mrta/ dvng cv do hydrometer l,hal'dromlta(r)1 m6y do
trl~n paymcnt fpelmantl SL/tra Mn ham luqng axlt ty tronq ch6t long
discouragement /dr'skerrdjmant/ SL/ punishment fpAmfmantl SV trung phot altimeter freltlmi:tal Cl6ng h6 do d¢ mileometer /rnarl'omrterrl/ dvng cv
10m non long puzzlement fpAzlmantl SL/b61 r6i. coo cuo m6y bay do dcrn duong
emploqment /rm'plormant/ SL/thue hoong mong barometer /bs'romrta/ phong vu bi~u pedometer /pr'domrta/ d6ng h6 dem
.ngLloi 10m replacement /n'plersmant/ SL/thay th~ calorimeter l,kreiarI'mItal gi6 do bUac chOn
enjoyment /m'djormant/ SL/thuong thuc requirement /rr'kwaremant/ (SL/>yeu nhl~t IUQng speedometer /spi.d'omrto/ d6ng h6
entertainment I,enta'temmantl SL/ cou chronometer /kra'nomrto/ d6ng h6 do t6c d¢ xe
giei tri resentment /rr'zentmant/ SL/phon u6t
b6m glO thermometer 19a'momltal nhl~t k~
excitement /ik'sartmant/ SL/nh¢n nhlp retirement /rr'taramant/ SL/hUU trf
colorimeter l,'kAlarnutal m6y dinh uoltmcter /veoltmrto/ vOn ke
Cae tLl e6 dl;mg nghia khSe : sac; may phOn ch6t bOng mou sac
apartment /a'pc.tmant/ can h¢ government fgAvanmantl chinh phu
armament fa:mamantl VU khi; IL/C instrument fmstromantl dvng cu
IUqng vu trang monument fmonjomantl dol ky nl~m
basement /bersment/ tOng hOm ointment fointmantl thu6c mo -metre
comment fkomentl 101 binh lu¢n parliament fpo:lamantl nghi vl~n -metre c6 trong danh tu chi don vi chieu dai krn hay nho hon mot met. Vi du,
compartment /kam'po.trnant/ glan. pauement /pervmont/ vIa he c6 100 "cen-ti-met" trong mot met; mot "ki-lo-met' dai bsng 1000 met.
ngdn placement fplelsmantl vi~c dot. Cl~
complement fkomphmantl b6 ngu secondment /sr'kondmant/ SL/thuven Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cunq dong nghTa :
compliment fkomphmentl 101 khen chuy4n cOng t6c
ceniimetre fsentlmlta/ cen-tl-met nanometre fnrenamItal
department /dr'po.tmant/ cue. so. sentiment fsentlmantl tinh com
kilometre fkdomlta/ kl-IO-met 1/ met
ban. khoa settlement I'setlmantl SL/don xep.
millimetre /mrhmrta/ ml-li-met
detriment I'detnmantl SL/thi~t hOI glal quyet
document fdokjomantl von kl~n. tal shipment fflpmantl SL/xep hong len
Ii~u tau; hong h6a tran tau
element I'ehmantl yeU to' statement fsteltmantl SL/boy to. loi micro-
embankment /rm'beerjkmont/ de. tuyen b6
micro- e6 trong danh tU e6 nghta b¢ phan la "rift nho". Vi du, 'micro-organism'
duong dap coo supplement fSAphmantl phon be; sung
Iii mot sinh v~t ra't nho khong thi! nhin thay bang m~t thirong: 'microscope' Iii
environment /in'vararanmant/ mOl temperament I'tempramanti tinh khi
dung cu ph6ng to cac v~t the' rilt nho de' ban co th~ nhln thSy va nghien cuu
truong testament ftestamantl chuc thU. 10i dl
n6. Danh hI' thanh I~p voi micro- thuong duoc su dung trong khoa hoc va ky
equipment /r'kwrpmant/ trang bi chuc thlt~t.
establishment /r'steebhjmont/ SL/ treatment ftrl:tmantl SL/cU XU. SL/
thOnh lOp dl6u tri each Vie"t: Cac tt't'nay thu'ang vie't dinh li~n tnr mot s6 tU khong thong dung
experiment /rk'sperrmant/ SL/thf viet (6 gach n6i.
Dl10i day 16 ml,lC tU c6 cung dQng nghi::;.o_: --" They 'Were huddled into two or three - Chung duoc boc trong hai hay ba I~n
coats against the mid-October chill. ao khoac M ch6ng I~i gi.i lanh gilfa
microbiology /markreobar'oledji/ vi microgram fmalkraugrreml vi gom
thiing muai.
sinh vot hoc micro-organism /,malkrau 'o.qanrzam/
microcomputer /markrookam'pjota/ vi sinh v¢t Dl10i day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghio :
may vi linh 1001nho microscope fmaIkraskaup/ kinh, hi~n vi
mid-afternoon /rnrd 'o.fta'nu.n/ gluo mid-month /mrd 'InAne/ gluo thong
micro-economics /,malkrau rks'nomrk/ microsecond /,malkra'sekand/
ehi(Ju mid-morning /mrd 'mo.nnj' gluo buOI
klnh I~ vi mO 1/ UXXJ. CXXJ gl6 y
mid-centurf /mrd 'sentjart/ gluo the song
microelectronics /,malkraUllek'tromksl microstructure /,malkrau'stnktfa(r)/
ky midnight /rmdnart/ nuo cl~m
vi cli$n lu e6u true vi mO
midday /,mId'deIi gluo ngay midsummer /,mld'shma(r)/ ho chI
micro-enuironment /,malkrau microsurgery /,maIkrau's3:d3arIi vi
mid-evening /rnrd 'i.vnnj/ glOo buOI tol mid-week /mrd 'wi:k1 gluo tuon
m'varranmant/ v, mOl truong phOu thu¢t
mid-hour /rmd 'aua(r)/ gluo glO midtuinter /,mId'wmta(r)/ clOng chI
microfilm /markraofilm/ vi phlm

Cae tU eo df},ng nghia kMe : :> Chu y rhllg mid- doi khi dll<1e dIll/ii vai IIghfa lIay trong each lIoi ~hi tlltS'i erla ai
microlight /markraolart/ 1001phi do.
mot microprocessor /markraopraosesau-j/
co nho rot nhe b¢ vi xu Iy (may tinh) - -v :a portly gentleman in his mid-fif- - ... mot due ong duang be a do tuoi
microphone /markrofoon/ rnl-cro microwave !maIkraweIv/ sOng (eve tie~. ngu tu~n.
ng6n) vi bo - ... a boy in his mid-teen~ - ... mot dua tn~ a do tuoi muai ma'y.

1_ THOI GIAN: 2. VI TRi:


mid- ~ vdi ganh tU chi thang,.na.m va nht1ng ph5n dac biet cua nga.x M mid- ~ vdi danh tll' chi mOt ndi hay mot khu vue d~c biet M tao danh,
tao danh tU mdi Cac danh tll' moi nay chi phan git1a eua mot kho<ing th<'figian tu m6"i. Danh tlr moi nay chi trung tam cua noi hay khu vt!c d6. Vi du, neu
dac biet. Vi du, nel1 met viec xay ra vao 'mid-Iune' nghia 1.1 no xay ra git1a m¢t viec gi xay ra a
'mid-ocean', nghia lA n6 di~n ra git1a dai duong: a
thang sau: neu mot viec xay ra Ilk 'midnight', nghta 1.1 no xay ra hie 12 gi<'f 'mid-America' 1.1 trung My.
demo mid- khong ket hCJP voi ngay trong tu5n hose thoi gian ehinh xac,
- He saw it glide past him, as a ship - 6ng ta tha'y n6 ILI'6"t
qua, nhu mot chiP'c
Cach vle"'t: Cac tU nay thu<'fng viet c6 gach n6i tru mot so' tll' thong dung
hon viet dmh Ii~n.
passes another in mid-ocean. tau chay qua mot chiec tau khac a
gill''! bi~n khoi,
- Although it was mid-June, the - M~c du da giCla thang sau nbung thai - The ship backed into mid-harbour - Chiec tau tra lai gili'a h;ii ci\ng va thil
weather outside was a fine chill driz- tiC:tben ngoai v~n con mua phun lanh and dropped anchor. neo.
zle. gi'\. - The taxi. in mid-road. was just begin- - Chiec taxi, den giCla doan duang, m6"i
- It was a Saturday in midsummer. - EJo la mot ngay thu bay giCla mua he. ning to reverse. b~1 d~u doi chieu,
- They run out of energy in mid-eve- - Ho kiet sue vao rura blloi toi (khoang ... a mid-air co11ision in British air- - ... V~Idung nhau trang kh6ng trung trcn
ning at the end of each busy day. 7,8 gia toD vao cuoi ngay lam viec space. bju troi nU6"c Anh. rOn. - ... the Ratgoed Va 11ey,near Machyn- - ... thung lung Ratgoed, gjn Machyn-
- The Promenade Concerts haue been - BlIoi hoa nhac Promenade Concerts 11eth in mid-Wales. a
IIeth mi~n trung tam xu Wales.
organized by the BBC since the mid- d;, diroc BBC to chuc W giua thap nien
1920s. 1')20.


Duoi day 10 rnuc tu co cLIng dQng nghia :

mid-air l,mId'ea(r)/ glOo khOng trung mid-Europe l,mId Juaraup! trung Au mid-guffaw l,mId ga'fo:1 ngung eVol hO mid-session l,mId 'aeJnI (ngung) gluo
mid-America l,mId a'merrke/ giOo mid-harbour l,mId 'ho:ba(r)1 glOo hal
h6 cuoc hop
nucc My eang mid-life /mrd 'laIfI nvo dCI', tudl trung mid-step l,mId 'step! dung bVoe
mid-Atlantic l,mId et'leentrk/ glOo mid-ocean /mrd 'auJnI giOo doi dvong nl~n mid-stride l,mId 'strard/ ngung bVoe
8Qi tOy dvong mid-road l,mId rood/ giOo dvong mid-lunge /mrd Ihnd:y' ngung ti6n tal mid-syllable l,mId 'srlebl/ glOo Om
mid-channel l,mId 'tJrenU glOo k~nh mid-stairs l,mId 'stea(r)1 giOo cou mid-page l,mId perdy gluo trong mid-term l,mId t3:InI gluo ky
mid-court l,mId 'ko.t/ giOo sOn thong mid-passage l,mId 'peesrdy' gll30 doon mid-terse l,mId 'v3:s1 giua eOu tho
mid-Deuon l,mId 'OIvnl gluo vung mid-Wales l,mId wedzl a trung tOm mid-prelude l,mId 'pre'lju:dI giua mid-z1oyage l,mId 'voud:y' glua chuven
Devon xu Wales docn me dou hal trinh
mid-race l,mId reIsi giua cuoc chov duo mid-whirl l,mId W3:U ngung xoay
3, HANH eONG : mid-section l,mIs 'sekjn/ giOo phon mid-yawl! l,mId jo.n/ ngung ngap

• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : mid-sentence l,mIs 'sentansl giOa

(ngot) cou
mid- cling ket hdp voi danh tu !i.W hay co Ijen quan Mn mot himh dong nllO
Cae tt:J eo dl;mg nghia khile :
do M tao danh tu moi. Cac danh tu rndi nay thuCtng dung tron!: cac ngO: gigi
tu b<'ltd.1u bsng 'in', nhung cling c~~ dung M b5 nghia cho danh tU khac. midpoint I'mIdpomt! glOa dVong midway I,IDId'weIl nva dVC1ng

Cac tll' nay ~ y niern rling j1anhdQng noi Mn chua du'dC hoan ta} Vi du, midriff I'mIdrIfI khoang b,mg midwife /mrdwarf/ nu h¢ sinh

neu ai do ngung 'mid-bite', nghta la ho ngung dn O1<)tvat gi, Neu ai do ngung midstream /mrd'stri.m/ glua dong
noi (}'mid-sentence' nghra la ho ngung truoc khi cham dut nhirng gi ho dang noi, nUoe

Mr. Solomon and Mrs. Babcock froze - 6ng Solomon va ba Babcock Ia'm let
guiltily in mid·bite. ngling can mot v~t gl. milli-
Boon, frozen in mid-stride, glared at - Boon, ngang bucc, nhln toi ch~m milli- co trong cac Hi' co nghIa b¢ phan la 'thousand' (ngan) hay 'thousandth'
me. chjm, (thu' 1.000). Vi du, 'rnillilitre' la don vi do dung tich cua chat long hay khi bling
- A commotion out in the hall stopped - SV huyen nao 0 ben ngoai trang dai
1/1.000 lit.
Meadows in mid-sentence. sanh da lam cho Meadows bo do diu DUoi day 10 rnuc tu co cunq dQng nghia:
dang n6i.
milliamp I'mIhremp! mi-Ii am-pe millipede I'mIhpi:dI can eu6n ehl6u
She was playing Chopin on the pi- - Co ta dang dan piano nhac Chopin; millidegree l,mIhdI'grIl 1/1000 d¢ milli-rad I'mIh reed/ IVQng hap thu
ano; I heard her stop in mid-prelude. toi nghe co ta ngung giua chang khuc milligram l'mIhgrrern/ mHi-gom phong xo Ion hoo bOng 100 erg
mil dau, millilitre l,mIiI'li:tal mHHit millisecond /milr'seksnd/ 1/1000 glOy
.... a mid-flight shutdown of a per- - ... viec ngimg mot dong C<1 cue t6t gilta millimetre l,mIh'mi:tal mi-li-met
fectly good engine. chuyen bay.

DUoi day 10 muc tu co cLIng dQng nghia : -minded

mid-banter I,mld 'brenta(r)1 ngvng mid-composition t,mId knmpa'zijn/ 1. THAI eo vA e~c elEM :
noiduo cbuo 10m xong bol lu¢n • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
mid-bite l,mId 'bart/ ehVa can h6t mid-flight l,mId Ilatt/ glua ehuy6n
-minded ~ voi tinh tll' M tao tinh tU mrri. Tinh tu moi chi ~, ~
mid-career l,mId ka'rxa(r)1 ehVa co boy
di~01 hay thai d<) Cl\a nglioi nao do. Vi du, neu ai do 'single-minded' nghIa la
nghe nghi$p mid-flow l,mId 'flaul giua dong
ho chi co mot muc tieu hay muc dtch va cirong quyet dat dli<!Cmuc tieu d6;
ne'u ai do 'narrow - minded' nghIa la ho kh6ng s<1nlong xem xet y kien O1&i


each vii"t: Cac tU' nay duoc vi€t c6 gach noi tnr chu 'broad minded'
He loved India with the single· • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
6ng ta yeu nude An 06 bilng sv cong
minded devotion that some men give hien cho mot rnuc tieu duy nhKt ma -minded k€t hop vai danh tu de' taD tinh tu chi ngui'1i quan tam hay dinh Iiy
to their work. nhi~u ngUbi da danh eho cong viec t~i mOt viCc d~c biet, Vi du, neu ai d6 'community-minded', nghra Iii ho quan
cua minh. tam vii xem xet cac nhu du cila cong d6ng; neu ai d6 'career-minded', nghta
- She was possibly even more serious· Co ~y tharn chi e6 the nghiern kh:k la ho toan tam voi ngh~ nghiep va muon thanh dat trong nghe d6.
minded than her father. hon la cha minh. - Some community-minded seniors - Mot 56 ngubi Ian tUeli quan tam den
- Johan became more broadminded lohan cang tro nen khoan dung hon had left us. cong d6ng da rbi be) chung toi.
about race the longer he stayed in v(. v~n d~ chung toe khi ong Iuti l<;Ii - ... liberal and reform-minded govern- - ... cac chfnh phu tv do va e6 d~u 6e
England. m(ae Anh lau hon. ments. cai each .
... an attractive, strong·minded Scots ... mot co gai ngllbi Xeo't-Ien y chi cao, The Americans are the most sports- - (Ngl/bi) My la mot quo'e gi.l quan tam
girl. rat quyen ni. minded nation in the world. den tht! thao nhi~u nhKt tren the giai.
- She is very obedient. but so absent· Co ta r~t d~ bao, nhung ~\ay quen, eju DlJoi day 10 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia:
minded, careless and untidy. tha va bua bai.
acquisition-minded l,rekwl'zlfn management-minded l,mremd3m,mt
DlJoi day 10 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia : 'mamdrd/ quan tam den thOnh qua 'marndrd/ c6 dau 6c qucn 1'1
absent-minded I,rebsant 'mamdrd/ narroto-minded I,nrerau 'mamdrd/ career-minded l,ka'f1a(r) 'mamdrd/ marriage-minded l,mrend3 'mamdrd/
dang tri chu t6m den nghll nghi$p mu6n ket hon
hep hal. nho nhen
bloody-minded l.hL\.dl 'marndrd/ church-minded l,tf3:tf'mamdldl 10 nuclear-minded l,nju:klIa 'mamdrd/
open-minded I,aupan 'mamdrd/ col mo
thieu thi$n chi. khOng hO tro cho vi$c nho tho quan torn den hot nhOn
petty-minded I,pet! 'mamdrd/ nho
broadmindcd /bro.d'mamdid/ c6 tu rnon
civic-minded I,SIVlk 'mamdrd/ c6 tinh peace-minded I,pi:s 'mamdid/ quan
than cOng don tam den hoo binh
tuong ph6ng kh06ng. khoan dung practical-minded I,prretlkl 'mamdrd/
dirty-minded l,d3:t! 'marndrd/ c6 tu c6 dau 6c tht,Jc t~
communitu-minded I,kamju:natl reform-minded I,n'fo:m 'mamdrd/ c6

tuong x6u xa right-minded I,ralt 'mamdrd/ ngay

'mamdrd/ c6 tinh than c¢ng d6ng dau 6c cai cocn

evil-minded I,i:vl 'mamdid/ c6 tu thOng. cOng bang

economu-minded /i'konamr 'mamdrd/ security-minded l,slkjoaratI 'mamdrd/
tuong x6u c6 dau 6c klnh te . quan tom den v6n d6 an toon
serious-minded l,slanas 'mamdrd/
fair-minded l,fea(r) 'mamdrd/ (c6 nghlo!lm khOc
expansion-minded /rk'speenjn 'mamdrd/ sports-minded I,spo:ts 'mamdrd/ co
c6 tinh bonh truang tlnh than th~ thao
tinh) c6ng bang single-minded l,slIJgl 'mamdrd/ c6
gene,r0us-mil/ded l,d3enaras 'mamdrd/ m¢t rnuc tl~u duy nh6t dC§dot tal
future-minded I,fju:tfa(r) 'mamdrd/ war-minded I,wo:(r) 'mamdrd/ c6 tlnh
nghllo cho tuang 101 than hlliu chitin
(co tinh) r¢ng luqng small-minded I,sm:>:! 'rnamdrd/ nho
high-minded I,hal 'rnaindrd/ (co tinh) nhen
coo qui strolls-minded l,stroI) 'marndrd/ c6 'I
liberal-minded I,hbaral 'mamdrd/ chi kio!lnquyet -minded Cling.k.e1..ho:p vai Hnh t('i d~ tao tinh tu mai chi kha nang tri tu~ cua
ph6ng kh06ng tidu-minded I,taldl 'marndrd/ ngan con nguoi. Vi du, neu ban mo t<i ai d6 Iii 'simple-minded' nghla Iii ho khong
like-minded /Jark 'marndrd/ c6 cung ndp thong minh l~m va khong th~ nghI mot each thong minh dU<;1C;ne'u ai d6
SOthich tough-minded l,tAf'mamdldi OEm bl, 'lively-minded' nghta Iii ho rat thong minh va c6 th~ suy nghl rat nhanh ch6ng.
literal-minded I,htaral 'mamdrd/ dol dOng - He Is simple·mlnded and totally un- - Anh ta khong thong minh va hoan toan
dau 6c (co tinh) von chUang weak-minded I,wi:k 'marndrd/ khOng able to understand anyone more ~hong th~ hi~u bat cll ai phuc tap hon
mean-minded I,mi:n 'marndrd/ ban tl$n c6 y chi complicated than himself, ehinh minh.


- ... a beautiful, sharp·minded actress. - ... mot nO'di~n vien cue ky thong minh mini-camera I'mml 'kremaral may mini-lecture I'mInI ,lektfa(r)1 bel
vii rat dep. quay phim mi-nl glong ng6n
- Never have so many people been as - Clura bao gia c6 nhi~u nguai thong mini-citu I'mml ,sltil th6nh ph6 nhe mini-market !'mmI .mo.kit/ cbo nhe
bright·minded, as curious and as minh, hieu ky va hay phe blnh nhu mini-computer /mrm kampju:ta(r)1 mini-rugby I'mml ,rAgbil b6ng bdu
critical as the young today. ·tu6i tre ngay nay. may tinn rnl-nt. may tinh 10Qinhe dve nhe
. Duai day 10 rnuc tCI co cung dc;mg nghia : mini-cruise I'minl kru:zI cuoc di chol mini-scooter !'mml 'sku:ta(r)1 xe
e6 it ngual vespa ml-nl
bright-minded l,braIt'mamdIdi lively-minded l,laIvh 'mamdrd/ sinh
thOng minh dOng mini-documentary /mrm dokju'mentril mini-series /mmr srari.z/ nh6m nhe
tal lI~umi-nl mini-skirt !'mmI Sk3:tI vay ng6n
empty-minded l,emptJ 'marndrd/ sharp-minded IJa:p 'marndrd/ nhov bEll),
mini-dress I'mlnI dres/ 00 d6~ nhe mini-submarine /mmr .sxbmari.n/
tr6ng r6ng simple-minded l,sImp! 'mamdrd/
mini-exam I'mu;lI Ig'zrem/ ky thl qui tau ,.,g6m nhe
feeble-minded I,fi:b! 'mamdrd/ y6u at eh6t ph6e. ngo ngh~eh
fuzzy-minded l,fAZI 'mamdrd/ mo 00 woolly-minded I,wuh 'mamdrd/ mO nhe mill i-summit !'mlnI ,BAmltl h¢1nghl
mini-expedition I'mmI ekspr'dijn/ thUQngdlnh Mn qui rrio nhe
cuoc vliln ehnh nhe mini-team /mrm ti:m/ d¢1nhe (ftngual)
mini-explosior I'mml rk'spleojn/ vv mini-tour /mmr tua(r)1 ehuy6n du
mini- n6 nhe Ilehnhe
mini-golf I'mm golfl gOn-ml-ni mini-version I'mInI v3:fnl st,/ thay d61
mini- k~t h9'P vai danh tu M tao danh tu m(~i chi dang nho hon cua mot v~t
Cae tLl co dQng nghia kMe :
nao do. Vi du, 'minibus' la m(>t chiec xe buyt nho: 'mini-skirt' III mot cai vay
rat ngan. miniature I'nmatfal thu nhe IQI.v¢t minimize I'mmlmalzl glom d6n rncc
~ ~~'

Cadi vi4ft: Cac tU nay duoc vi~t co gach n6"i tnr 'minibus'. minimal I'mmmaV nhe. r6t nhe minimum I'mInImam/ t61thl~u
- They would be providing minibuses - HO se cung cap cac xe buyt nho elf
to carry stoff to and from work. dira d6n cong nhan di lam.
.., the most successful company In - ... ceng ty thanh cong nhat v~ linh vue
the mini-computer field. may vi tinh loai nho, mis- ~ hop vol ~u va danh tu M tao danh tu va d(\ng h'i maL Cac tu
- ... a mini'expedition to Everest with - ... cuoc tharn hi~m nho den Everest mdi naydi~n ta hay mo ta met vi~c dUdc lam sai trai hay t6i te. Vi du, neu
just four climbers and a few sherpas. vOi chi biln nguai leo mii va mot viti ban 'rnisrear: nhirng di~u ma ai do noi vai ban, tuc la ban nghi r~ng'hQ n6i
nguai dan dia pbuong vung Hymalaya. dieu gi (0 khac nhung gi ma ho th~t sl! noi: 'misunderstanding' xay ra khi ai
- Promotion is based on mlnl·exams d6 hi~u .ai m(>t di~u gl.
- Viec d~ bat duac dua tren cac ky thi
or teachers' assessment of perform- nho hay SI,Idanh gia ket qua lam viec [ was sure [ had misheard the ques· Tili chac ding toi da nghe I~m diu hol,
ance. cua th~y co gtao, tion.
- The drums of chemicals were located Cac thung dl,lng chat hoa hoc duac
- He junped at what he thought was - 6ng ta nhay vao thai di~m ma ong
by an unmanned minisubmarine. dinh vi trl bai mot chier tau ng~m nho thl right moment, misjudged, and nghi la dung hie, phan doan sai I~m
tl,l dong. fe' to the bottom of the boat. va te vao day cua mot chie'c tau.
Duai day 10 rnuc fu co cunq dQng nghia : - [las wondering where I'd picked up - T6i tI,Ihoi noi nao ma toi da nh<lt dllaC
tll>piece of blatant misinformation. till tuc sai trai ranh ranh nay.
mini-budget /mmr 'bAd3ItI ngOn seen minibus I'mImbAsi xe buyt nhe
nhe - ...~heenormity of the student's mis- - ... viec hi~u sai tr~m trong v~ khai
mini-cab /mmrkeeb/ xe taxi 10QInhe
coception .. niern cua nguai sinh vien.
DLloi day 10 rnuc tv c6 cung dc;mg nghia : mock-
misapprehension /mrseepn'henjn/ misjudgemeni fmIs'd3Ad3man~ sV • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
hi~u sol cocn sol mock- k~t hop voi danh tll ~a tinh tll M t\10 danh tll va tinh tlr moi. Cac tU
misbehave ImIsbI'heIVI cu xlI sol tr61 mismanage l,mIs'mremdy qudn Iy sol rnoi nay chi hay di~n ta nhirng v~t la sir bat cluroc hay 1(\ ban sao cua mOt v~t
misbehaoiour l,mIBbI'heIvIa(r)1 sV mismanagement l,mIs'mremd3manti khac, Vi du, n~lI ai d6 bay to "mock-aggression", nghia 1(\ ho va khieu khich;
bee dol su di~u hOnh sol n~u mOt ngoi nha ducc mo ta 'mock-Tudor: nghia la n6 duoc xily gi6ng nhu
miscalculate /mrs'keelkjolert/ tinh sol misplace l,nus'pleIs! "'(It sol vi tn nhirng ngo! nha (j thai Tudor,
miscalculation l,nuskrelkju'leIfnl Sl,I misprint l,mIs'prmti In sol
- She spoke quietly, with none of her - Co ta n6i mot each em diu, khong c6
tfnh sai mispronunciation /mrs'pra.nansr'erjn/ usual mock-aggression, ve va khieu khfeh nhu I~ thuang,
misconception /mrsknn'sepjn/ kh61 Sl,I ph6t Om sol
- ... a mock-English public-house. - ... quan rIJ<;IUtheo ki~u Anh.
nl~m sol 10m misquotation ImIs'kwau'teIfnl Sl,I trich
misconduct l,mIskan'dAkti huang d~n d~n sol
- Instead of honest, simple crafts, he - Thay VI nhung d6 my ngh~ don gian
prefers mock-expensive products, thl ong ta thtch nhung san phSm
sol misquote /mrs'kwsot/ trich dOn sol
misconstrue l,mIskan'stru:1 glol thich misread /mrs'rr.d/ doc scl di1t do.
sol misrepresentation l,mIsreprIzen'teIfnl - '.. a deliberately mock-provocative - .., mQt cai nhln e6 y nhu khieu gol.
misdirect /mtsdar'rekt/ chl d~n sol su ml~u to sol look,
misfortune /mrs'fo.tju.n/ rul ro mistreat l,mIs'tri:tI bee dOl DLloi day 10 rnuc tV c6 cung dc;mg nghia :
mishear /mrs'his/ nghe 10m mistrust l,mIs'trASti khOnl tin
misinform /rms'mfo.m/ boo tin sol misunderstand l,mISAnda';trendl hl~u
mock-aggression I,mok a'grefnl va mock-imperial I,mok rm'pranal/
khl~u khich gl6ng hoang gla
misinformation ImIs,mfo:'meIfnl sV lam
boo tin sol misunderstanding l,mIsAnda'strenduy mock-attack I,mok a'teek/ va t6n cOng mock-innocent I,mok m'nesant/ ra va
misinterpret /mrsmta'pnt/ dlch sol Sl,I hi~u 10m . mock-childish I,mok 'tfaiidIfl va nhU ngOy tho

misuse l,mIs'ju:z! con nft mock-Latin I,mok 'leetm/ gl6ng La-tin

misjudge ImIs'd;5Ady doon sol dung soi
mock-Chippendale I,mok tjrpanderl/ mock-modesty I,mok 'mOdIStI! th¢t tno
gl6ng nhU Chippendale mock-provocative I,mok pra'voketrv/
~ Muo'n biel Ih{jm chi liel vIS eae iii cO nghia nay, xem ma/-.
mock-courtesy I,mok 'ks.tsst/ ra va ra va khl~u khich. kich d¢ng
Ilch su, nM nh¢n mock-sadness I,mok seedms/ bu6n ta
Cae tLIco d;Jng nghia kMe : mock-discomfort I,mok drs'kamfet/ mock-savage I,mok 'srevIdy ra va
misadventure /mrsod'ventja/ dl~u b6t misgiving ImIs'gIVuy n61 10 Ou:n61 khOng thool mal hoang vu
honh, su rul ro nghl ngQI mock-English I,mok 'IIJhJI gi6ng Mng mock-style I,mok 'starl/ gl6ng kl~u
miscarriage /mrs'keerrdz/ Sl,I sdy thai misguided l,mIs'gaIdIdI bi hUo" dOn sol Anh m~u
mischance ImIs'tfo:ns! Sl,I rul ro mislay l,mIs'leI! d~ th6t IQc mock-expensiue I,mok rk'spensrv/ mock-sulk I,mok SAlk! ra va hOn d61
mischief /'mIstfIfI tro nghlch ng<;1m mislead /mrs'li.d/ 16m cho 01 n\.hT d6tdo mock-surprise I,mok sa'prarz/ hoi ra
misdeed l,nus'di:dI hCnh d¢ng x6u khOng dung, lua d61 mock-fight I,mok 'fart/ chl~n d6u va ngQC nhl~n
misdemeanour l,mIsdI'mi:na(r)1 vl~c misshape ImIs'feIp/ 16m rneo rno. xfu mock-flirtatious I,mok fh:'teIJas/ ve mock-Tudor I,mok tju:da(r)1 gl6ng
lorn xdu xi van, tan tlnh nhU thOlludor
misfit /mrsfrt/ nguai khOng thfch nghl mistake /mr'sterk/ 161lam mock-heroics I,mok hr'roorks/ va anh mock-torestling I,mok restlnj/ ra va
vOingoQiconh mistook /mr'stok/ bl 161 hUng dO vot
mock-uaum I,mok jo.n/ ra va ngap dol


Cac tit co dt;mg nghTa khac :
-most ke't hop vdi tinh tll chi vi tri M tao tinh tll maio Tinh tll rnoi nay chi vilt
mockery l'mokarIl sv nnoo bang mock-lip ImokApl mO hinh
toa lac tai mot vi tri xa hon theo huang nao do hon cac v~t khac cung loai, Vi •
mocking I'mokny' ch~ nhco du, to' gia"y a 'topmost' la to' gia"y n~m CJ tren cung hoac gAn dlnh nha't; phdn
'northernmost' cila m"t qu6c gia la khu vue xa nha't v~ huang Bilc.
-monger - Families of cranes nested in the top- - Cia dinh co lam t6 tren nhung canh
most branches of the tree. cao nha'! tren cay.
-monger co trong cac tll' c6 nghta b" phan la 'trader or dealer' (ngiroi buon ban).
Vi du, 'fishmonger' la nguO'i ban ca: 'ironmonger' la nguO'i lam viec trong mot - ... the innermost room of the castle. - ... phong trong cung cua toa lau dai.
cira hang ban dung cu. dinh vit va cac thu khac lam b~ng kim loai. -monger - They hurled themselves from sleighs - Ho phong tlJ xe tN!}t tuy€t sang nhung
cling co trong mot s6 tll chi nguO'i bilt dau hay khuyen khich nhung 100idon on to the rearmost carriages. toa tau sau cung,
dai. Vi du, 'warmonger' khuyen khich nguoi ta mong doi chien tranh hay c6 DLloi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cunq dong nghia :
gilng gay chien.
easternmost I'i:stanmaustl cue dOng outermost lautamaustl ngool cunq
DLloi day 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghia : hindmost I'hamdmaustl phia sau cOng rearmost I'rIamaustl phfa sou cOng
fishmonger IfIJlllAnga(r)1 nguol ban co tattle-monger i'tretl 'IllAnga(r)1 nguol innermost /mamaost/ phia !rong cOng southernmost I'sAilanmaustl cue nam
ironmonger l'axan'lllAnga(r)1 ngUOI hay chuy$n gOu lowermost I'iauamaustl phia dUClI topmost I'topmaustl dlnh cao nh61
bu6n dO sdt warmOtlger Iwo:'lllAnga(r)/ kii hieu cung uppermost I'xpsmeost/ tl6n cOr,g
ntmourmonger l,ru:ma'lllAnga(r)1 chl~n nethermost I'neilamaustl phia dUClIcOng westernmost I'westanmaustl cue tOy
nguOI hay dOn dQi uihoremonger !ho:r'lllAI1ga(r)1 kii ban northernmost Ino:ilanmaustl cue b6c
scaremonger Iskea'lllAI1ga(r)1 kii phao dOm
Cac tIJ co nghTa khSc :
tin dOn gOy klnh hoang
foremost /fo.msost/ dOu ti6n, truce nh61 uttermost I'Atamaustl xa nh61, cu61
utmost I'Atmaustl xa nh6t, cu6i cung cung
mono- co trong cac tU c6 nghta bl) phan la 'one' (mot) hay 'single' (don, don much-
doc", Vi du, 'monogamy' la phong tuc cuai h6i chi m"t nguO'i va chi m"t Ian; • CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI :
neu ban n6i theo each 'monosyllabic' nghla la ban dung tU chi co m"t van. much- ke't h<1p vCti qua klur phan tll M tao tinh tll. Cac tfnh tll nay di~n ta y
DLloi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghia : niern r~ng tinh chSt hay trang thai mol ho di~n ta la dung CJ rmrc cao. Vi du,
monocentric /mone'sentrrk/ don 10m monoplane Imonapleml phi co c6 m"t nguO'i 'much-respected' Iii nguot duoc kinh trong nhieu: m9t v~t
monochrome /monakraon/ onh den mol IClpconh
'much-needed' Iii v~t duoc yeu call nhieu,
tIeing monosyllabic l,monasI'lreblkI don Om - He was a long serving and much-re- - 6ng ta la mot thanh vien phuc VI,I lau
monocle ImonakU kinh mot melt Mt spected member of staff. nam va ra't duoc kinh trong,
monocracy /mo'nokrasi/ chinh phu monotheism ImonauOlzaml chu - Schools raise much-needed cash by - Cac trllang hoc tang s6 ti~n m<lt can
d¢c tal nghTa doc IhOn (Iln lOng chi c6 mot letting their facilities in the evening. thiet bilng each cho thue co so vao
monoculture l,mono'kAltfal n6n von ThU<;1ng
d6') buoi t6i.
h6a don·chung monotone Imonataunl glQng n61 d6u - ... the author of a much-acclaimed ... tac gia cua quy~n sach diroc tan
monogamy /ms'noparm/ ch6' do mot d6u book. thl/llng nhieu.
v<;1mot chOng monoxide /mo'noksard/ ch6t h6a hoc
- For a young child. the death of a D6i voi mot dua be. sl/ qua dai cua
monologue Imonaiog/ doc thoct mo pMn III cue n6 c6 mot nguy6n III
much-loved pet can be a terrible m(>t con v~t ra't cling co th~ Iii mot ell
oxv k6'1h<;1pVClIcoc nguy6n tll kh6c blow. • s6c Ion.


- ...Hearst's own account of her much- - ... Biii nrong thuat cua chinh Hearst v~
- ... commitment to human rights and - ... earn ke't cho nhan quyen va sl,l hoa
publicized kidnapping. viec b~t coc dii dLl(1cdang tin rat nhi~u.
multi-racial harmony. hop nhi~u s~c toe.
DLIoi dOy 16 rnuc fu c6 cung dQng nghTa : - ... a manifesto for next year's multi- - ... ban tuyen ngbn cho cuoc b~u Cll
party elections. da dang vao nam tai.
much-abused lmAtI a'bju.zd/ quo IQm much-maligned fmAtI ma'lamd/ qua
dl,mg d¢c cc - ... a multi-flavoured white wine. - ... nrou vang trang nhi~u rnui vi.
much-acclaimed lmAtI a'klermd/ much-married lmAtI'mrendi k6t hOn DLIoi dOy 16 rnuc tU c6 cun~ dQng nghia :
hoon h6 qua nhl~t tinh qua nhl~u
multi-candidate l,mAltI 'keendrdat/ multi-layered l,mAltI 'lerard/ nhleu lap
much-admired fmAtI ad'marsd/ r6t much-needed fmAtI'mdldI c6 nhu
dUQc khOm pnuc ccu Ion nhleu ung Cll vlen multi-legged l,mAltI 'legdl nhieu chon
much-appreciated lmAtI a'prijrertrd/ much-praised fmAtI prerzd/ dUQc co
multi-children l,mAltI tjrldran/ nhieu multi-level l,mAlt! 'lev II nhieu mUc dO
r6t dUQc co ngQi ngQi con cot multilingual l,mAltI'lIIJ9wall Sll dung
much-beloved lmAtI br'Lwrd/ qua much-prized fmAtI prarzd/ dUQc
multi-choice l,mAltI tI:>ISInhleu sl,l h,lO nhi~u ng6n ngu

tMn thUClng khen thuong nhl~u chQn multi-media l,mAltI 'mi.dra/ nhi~u

much-changed lmAtI'tIemd3d1 qua much-publicized lmAtI 'pxblrsarzd/ multi-coloured l,mAltI 'kAla(r)dI c6 phuong tl~n thOng. tin. do phuonq tl~n
nhieu rncu sdc multi-million l,mAltI mrljan/ hOng trl$u
Thoy d61 qua c6ng khol. dUQc dong tal nhl~u
much-complimented lmAtI much-quoted fmAtI kwootrd/ trich
multicultural l,mAltI'kAltIarall do van multinational l,mAltI'nreIJ?-all do
h60 qu6c gio
'komplrmentrd/ qua khen d6n nhl~u
multi-dimensional l,mAlt! dr'menjsnal/ multi-party l,mAltI po:tIl nhleu dang
much-copied lmAtI 'knprd/ dUQc soo much-respected fmAtI rrspektrd/ r6t
I do chleu multi-purpose l,mAltI 'pa.pas/ nhieu
nhieu 16n dUQc kinh trQng
much-criticized fmAtI 'krrtrsarzd/ much-travelled lmAtI'trrevldl du Ilch
multi-faceted l,mAlti 'feesrtrd/ nhieu rnuc dich
quo pM binh nhleu phuong di$n. do di$n multi-racial l,mAlt! 'reIJV nhieu see toe
much-discussed fmAtI dr'skast/ thdo much-tried lmAtI trard/ quo c6 g6ng'
multi-faith l,mAltI 'feI61 nhieu niem tin multi-screen l,mAltI 'skri:nI nhieu
lu¢n quo nhieu much-vaunted l'mAtIv:>:nt!dI quo
multi-family l,mAlt! 'fsemah/ nhieu man cinh

much-improved lmAtIlm'pru:vdl khooc lac. khoe khoong

gio dinh multi-storey l,mAltI 'sto.ri/ nhieu tang

ouoc cai thl~n nhieu much-worn lmAtI W3:nI mong quo

multi-flavoured l,mAltI 'flervod/ nhieu (nha cuo)

much-loved lmAtI Lwd/ quo thuong yeu nhl~u thu 1 huong vi multi-talented l,mAltI 'teelantrd/
multilateral l,mAl tr'leetaral/ nhieu nhieu khci nong
phe. nhieu thonh phon
multi- ket hop voi danh tu va tinh tu M tao tinh tu moi. Tinh tu mai nay dien
Cae tt1 eo d~ng nghTakhae :
multiplication l,mAltJph'keIJnI multiply lmAltIplaIl nhcn len

'000 onon multitude f~l"lj",dI dorn "'09J

II ta y niern c6 nhieu v~t nao do hay mOt s6 IUQ'ng Icn pha'm chfft nao d6. Vi du,
multiplicity l,mAltJ'phsatIl mOt
m(\t cling ty 'multinational' 1<\m¢t cling ty hoat d(\ng & nhieu quoc gia; dung
II cu 'multi-purpose' la dung cu c6 th~ dung cho nhi~u muc dich.
I each vitt: Cac tu nay thirong viet c6 gach nOi tru met s6 hI' thong dung
dU(JCviet dinh li~n.
- ... the dismantling of the economic ... sl,l tan rii cua mot he th6ng kinh te' -naut c6 trong cac tll' chi nguoi di~u khien hay ki€m soat mot loai xe co nao
system from the multinational com- do viec xu6ng d6c cua nlurngceng ty do, Vi du, 'astronaut' Iii nguoi diroc huan luyen d€ lai mot con tau vu tru:
panies downwards. da qu6c gia. 'aeronaut' la phi. cong cua mot chiec khinh khi du hay may bay.
lIear-lalldless l,nIa 'leendlrs/ g6n nhU near-silence l,nIa 'sarlans/ g6n nhU

khOng co d6t im I¢ng

DLioi day 10 ml,lC tU c6 cung dQng nghia : lIear-miraculous l,nIa mr'raskjolas/ near-slum l,nIa 'slam/ g6n nhU bOn

aeronaut l,eara'n'J:t! phi cOng
-- -l g6n nhU ky dl~u
near-monopolu l,nIa ma'nopah/ gon
near-vacuum l,nIa 'veekjoam/ g6n nhU
astronaut I'restran'J:t! phi h6nh glo i nhU dOc quyen chOn khOng
cosmonaut l'kozman'J:t! phi h6nh glo L111n
J near-panic l,nIa 'peemk/ gon nhU
hoang h6t
near-vertical l,nIa 'vs.trkl/
th6ng dung
g6n nhU

> Chli y ding 'juggemaut' Iii rtlpt loqi xe tiii rift Ian chI! kh6llg phiii Iii IIglfiYi /di xe tiii.
near-perfect I,ma 'ps.frkt/ gon nhU near-white l,nIa 'wart/ g6n nhU tr6ng

near- hoon hao near-wild l,nIa 'waild/ g6n nhU

near-permanent l,nIa 'pa.manant/ hoang do

go~ nhU vfnh vlen
near- ke't hQV v6'i danhJll va tinh tll M tao danh nr va tinh tll !!lQi. Cac tll m6'i
nay di~n ta y niern ding mot v~t gl d6 c6 h~u nhu tift d cac pharo chat thuO'ng Cae ttJ eo df)ng nghTa khSc :
co lien quan de'n danh tU hay tinh tll g§c. Vi du, n~u ban di~n ta mot viec near-neighbour l,nIa 'nerbstrj/ lang nearside l,nIa'saldl phio tral
"near-perfect", nghia 1.1ban nghl c6 cai gl d6 c6 rat it sai trai va no hau nhu giang gon near-sighted Isu» 'samd/ c¢n thl
hoan hao: 'near-accident' 1.1mot st! viec d~ dang c6 th~ d~n de'r m9t tai nan near-relative I,ma 'relstrv/ be con
nhung khong xay ra. [ gon

- We completed the climb in near·per· Chung loi da hoan Ia'i viec leo mii
feet conditions. trong di~u kien g~n nhu hoan hao,
- The inexperience of the pilots pro- Nhung phi cong thie'u kinh nghiern neo-
duced near·disaster. g~n nhu gay ra tai hoa,
... all shades from pink to near-black. ... ta'l d nhung sik mau W h6ng de'n -
g~n nhu den kit. neo- .Jsa.h<!p v6'i danh tU va tinh tll' M tao danh tU vii tinh tll m(fi. Cac hi' nay
chi v~t hay nguO'i lam theo cach cua nguO'i hay vat dUdC n6i tru(fc do. nhtt'ng
- The tree was a hardy, near-wild 00- - 1:)6 la loai cay g~n nhu hoang dai chiu
hen khac mot chut b&i ~ chung da dUdC thay d6i, ~y cap nhat hoa, Vi du,
riety. dllc;lc Ihoi lie't mila dong.
'neo-classical' Iii nganh ki~n true dung nlurng ki~u m~u dua tren kien true ding
_ Mick and [ collapsed Into near-hys· - Mick va loi da roi vao mQI trijn clloi
nhu nghe thuat c6 Hy Lap va La Ma: "neo-Preudian" Iii nguO'i mil niem tin dira
terical laughter. g~n nhu qua kich dong.
tren S\( day d6 ctla Freud.
DLioi day 10 muc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa : > LJIU It rhllg cac tit dliqc thilllh lQp theo each niiy kha trallg trQlIg vii It ,tll{1C sii dUllg.
near-accident I,nla 'eek'srdant/ tal near-crisis l,nIa 'krarsrs/ g6n nhU bj _ To the left is a neo·classical church, - Ben wii la nha Iho c6 phong each c.6
non suvt xdv ro khung hocng St John's. dien, 51. John's.
near-bankrupt l,nIa 'breIJkrApt! hou near-disaster l,nIa dl'za:sta(r)1 g6n
_ ... a kind of neo·Stalinism. - ... mot loai ehu nghia Stalin mOL
nhU pho son nhU gOy tal hoo
_ To some, this appeal for a form of - Ooi vOi mOl 56 nglloi, viec keu goi
near-black l,nIa 'bleek/ gdn nhU den k!t near-equal l,nIa 'i.kwal/ gon nhU binh
neo-popuhsm will no doubt seem no- hrnh thirc chu nghia dan IUy mOi se
near-capacity txu» ka'peesati/ gon d6ng
iue. cI~~c chan la c6 ve tho ngay.
nhU co kha nang near-hysterical l,nIa hI'stenkll gon
... real Tudor chimneys, and neo-Tu- - ... nheng 6ng kh6i dung kieu Ihai
near-ceriaintu l,nIa 'ss.tnti/ gon nhU nhU qu6 kich d¢ng
dor turrets beyond. Tudor, va cac thap canh kieu Tudor
chfnh xcc near-identical I,nla ar'dentikl/ gon
mdi a dang xa,
near-chaos l,nIa 'keres/ g6n nhU Ion xon nhU tuong tv
near-impossible l,nIa rm'possbl/ gon
nhU khOng th~ WORD FORMATION - 199


. DLloi day 16 rnuc tU co cunc dong nghia : an awareness of the child's real nhu du IIWc
'" viec n~m c1L1<;1C SI,l cliil
neo-Aristotelian Ini:au .eertsta'ti.han/ needs. du~ be.
lIeo-Georgiall Ini:ao 'd}):d3anl co
co phong cccb cuo A·ri tat (mOt nho phong cocn cuo George
- My disbelief gave way to sadness. - SV khong tin tllang CUiltoi dira de'n noi
triet hoc Hy LaP n6i tieng) buon tui.
neo-Gothic Ini:au 'g09IkI co phong
neo-baroque Ini: au ba'rsok/ co phong coch GOlic ... the Sunday emptiness of the - ... su trong viing dll<1ng phO' vao chu
coch ngh$ thuot cuo BorOc nee-Liberal / 'hbaral/ co phong streets. nh~t.
nee-bourgeoisie / bua3wo:'zi:1 co cocn It,I do
phong cocn cuo gioi cap IU son lIe~-Marxist Ini:au 'mo.ksrst/ co phong
neo-classical Ini:au 'kleesrkl/ co phong cocn cue Mac
DLloi day 16 rnuc tv c6 cLIng dong nghia :
c6ch ton c6 dien neo-Nazi Ini:au 'no.tsi/ co phong cccn aggressiveness la'greslvmsl su hieu happiness I'hrepmIsi st,l sung sl1ong.
neo-classicism Ini:ao 'kleesrsrzsm/ chu cuo ph6t xiI mOi chien hanh phuc
nghio tan c6 dien neo-Nazism Ini:au 'no.tsrzam/ chu attractiueness /a'treektrvms/ co tinh helplessness I'helphsmsl tinh trang
neo-colonialism I,ni:au ka'laomahzam/ nghio ph6t xiI mOi ch6t 101 cuan khong tu lo Ii$u dl1c;1c
chu nghio thuc don mal neo-Plaionic Ini:au pla'tonrk/ co phong auiareness la'weamsl co y thuc nh¢n illness l'Ilmsi su dou yeu
neo-colonialist / ka'Ieonrahst/ co cocn Ploton biel kindness I'kamdmsl su tLl te
phong cocn tht,lc don nee-populism Ini:ao 'popjohzaml chu auikurardness I';:>:kwadmsl su vl,mg va loneliness /Taonlmrs/ su cO don
neo-Daruiinism Ini:ao 'do.wrmzam/ nghio don tuy mol bitterness I'bltamsl su cay ddng loueliness I'IAvlImsl su d~ thl1ang
co chu nghio Dorwin mol neo-Stalinism Ini:au 'sto:hmzml chu blindness I'blamdmsl su rnu qu6ng madness I'mredmsl st,l m6t trf
nco-cxpressionism / ik'sprejamzam/ nghio Stalin moi boldness I'baoldmsl tinh dung com. st,l neroousness l'n3:vasmsl st,l cong
chu nghio bieu hi$n neo-Tudor / tju:da(r)/ kieu thOl tro rroo thdng. au 10
nco-Frcudian /ni.oo 'frordrsn/ co Tudor mOi carelessness I'keahsmsl co tinh 10 openness I'aupamsl su col mo. khOng
phong cocn rnol cue Fral dlinh gi6u giem
cleverness I'klevamsl tinh kheo leo permissiueness /pa'mrsrvms/
Cae tLI eo dli/ng nghia kh8e :
sV dli
consciousness I'kanslfasmsl sV y tnuc doL sV buOng tho
neocortex I,ni:ao'k;:>:teksl va. bi mal neo-natal I,ni:ao 'nertl/ so sinh deafness I'defmsl t¢t dlec rudeness I'ru:dmsl sV vO lli
neolithic l,ni:au'Ji9ikl thOi ky dO do mol ncotechnic I,ni:ao 'teknrk/ kY Ihu¢1 mOi
drullklll!,ess I'drAlJkamsi sV say ruou sadness I'sredmsl sV ouon r6u
effeaioeuese /t'fektrvnts/ sv co hi$u sick/less I'sIkmsl sV dau yeu
Ll quo suicetness I'swi:tmsl tfnh ch6t ngot
-ness C-U- emptiness I'emptlmsl
tinh trang r6ng tenderness I'tendamsl su diu dong
ugliness l'Aghmsi sV x6u xi
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : foolWJJless I'fu:hfmsl tinh dol dot uieakness /wi.knrs/ su yeu at
-ness kct hap voi tinh tll' de t<lOdanh tll' chi tinh trang ha~ pha'm chat ma tinh [riendliness I'frendhmsl su th6n mot youthfJ.!1.1IessI'ju:9flmsl tudl tre. tuOI
\l[ go'c miell ta. Vi du. 'gentleness' Iii tinh chill ljch s~(;"happiness" la tinh trang gentleness I'd3entlmsl tinh hioltn 16nh thanh xu6n
hanh phuc, goodness I'gudmsl long tat
each vie"t: Tan cung Iii 'y' d6i thanh 'i' truoc khi them -ness. Cae tu eo dE;1ngnghTa kh8e :
- There was a gentleness about his face. - Khuon m,;it anh ta toat len ve lich business I'blzmsl vi$c kinh doonh likeness /Tarknrs/ sV glang nhau
Ihi(\p. [orgiueness Ifa'gIvmsl sV tho thu toitncss /wttnrs/ nh6n chung
- He took advantage of my utter help· - 6ng ta l<;1idung tlnh trang bo vo tot
lessness. cung cua toi.


neur-, neuro-
neur- hay neuro- co trong cac tii' co nghta bQ phan la 'nerve' (than kinh) hose DLloi day 10 rnuc tv c6 cLIng dQng nghTa :
'nervous system' (h~ th~n kinh). Vi du, "neuralgia" la chirng dau day th~n kinh;
"neurology" la rnon hoc nghien cuu h~ thAn kinh. Cac tu nay dung trang trong new-baked Inju: berkt/ mdl nUdng new-hatched I,nju: hretftl mdl no (go)
va trong nganh y hoc. new born Inju: bo.n/ mdl sinh new-made Inju: meld! mdl 16m
new-built Inju: brlt/ mdl xOy
DLloi day 10 rnuc tlJ c6 cLIng dQng nghia : new-minted Inju: 'mrntrd/ mdl duc
new-clipped Inju:khpt! mdi xen. mdi (mdi son xu6t)
neuralgia Injua'rreld3al chOng dou neuro-pharmacology Injua'ra
day than klnh'kolsdp/ khoo dUQc Iy vl. than new-mown Inju: maun! mdl c6t. mdl
neui-coined Inju: komd/ mdl too ra gC)t
neurectomu /njoar'ektarm/ phOu klnh
new-cut Inju:kAt! mdl c6t new-pointed Inju: pomtrd/ mdl vocn
thu¢t cot day than kinh neuro-physiology Injua,flZI'olad3I1
Ir neto-fashioned Inju: frefnd! m6t mdl phUa'1g hUang
neuroanatomq /njoara'neetarm/ khoa khoa sinh Iy hoc vl. than klnh
new-fledged Inju: fled3d! mdl biet neui-skinned Inju: skmd! mall¢t da
nghien cOu than kinh neuropsychiatry /njoa'sar'karatri/ bay (chlm)
neurobiologist /njoe'rabcr'oladjrst/ khoo tom than hoc v~ than kinh new-washed Inju: wo:ftI mal gC)t rua
new-floored Inju: flo.rd/ mol tom n~n neto-toedded Inju: wedrd/ mal ket Mn
nho nghien cOu sinh hoc than klnh neurosurgeon l,njuarau'S3:d3an! nM
new-found I,nju:faund! mdl thonh lOp new-won Inju: WAn! mal th6ng tron
neurology Injua'rolad3I1 khoa than klnh glol phOu than kinh
neuromuscular /njoa'ra'maskjols/ neurotoxin Injua'rau 'toksml dOc t6
than kinh co bdp huy hoot dOy hooc mO than kinh
neuron Injuaron! t~ boo than klnh 2. MOl BAY, GAN BAY
new- ket hdp vai panh tii' va hien tai phan tt!' M tao danh tu va tfnh tU maio
new- Cac tU nay ~ho~~nhii'ng v~t hay viec dii dUele thue hien hay]i;;b
thilnh 9h}c<l~· Vi ,dl,l: Ky thuat 'new-generation' la nganh ky thuat sU' dung
1. MOl BlJQC THVC HI~N : nhtrng phat tri~n gan day nhat: mot vat 'new-smelling' e6 mui hUdng nhir th~
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : p . la no con moi.

new- ket help voi _qtu\ khu p~an tu M .!!p tfnh tit Cac tfnh tii nay ~ vat - ... new-generation pressurized water - ... tram phan 11ng hat nhan the' he mai
mai vua dUelc hIm hay thue hien ra-t gAn day. Vi du, banh ml "new-baked' 1;\ reactor stations. dung mtoc c6 ap hrc,
j1; j?f/,; #>'
banh mi moi diroc lam xong; khii nang 'new-found' la kha nang ma ban moi ... a former Kremlin leader, running ... mot vj lanh tu Kremlin lrtiac kia,
kharn pha gan day. j for election to a new-style parliar- tranh Clf vao qu6c hOi ki~u maio
each vie'"t :' Cac tU na y c1t(~/evilit co each n6i tru chii' "newborn" viet dinh
- ... inside, among the new-smelling - ... ben trong, giaa nhang ta"m van ·gd
oak panels. sdi c6 mui huong maio
Mothers now have six weeks off from - Cac ba me nay dlfc;lc nghl viec sau
work to nurse their newbom babies. tu~n d~ cham s6c nhung dua con rndi His suitcase was new-looking but Chiec va-li cua ong ta trong con rnoi
sinh. '1hlfng re ti~n.
... the new-built palace of 51. James. - ... loa lau dai mai xay cua 51. James . DLloi day 10 rnuc tlJ co cLIng dQng nghia :
New-hatched frogs hopped about like - NhUng con e'ch rndi ni'i nhay day d6
new-age I'nju:eldy tMI dOl mdl new-smelling I'nju:smehry' c6 mul
flies. gi6ng nhu nhung con rudi.
neui-generation Inju: d3ena'relfnl hUang mal
... new-baked bread. - banh ml mai rumng
the h$ mai
... his short strong hands with hairy - hai ban tay manh, ng~n cua ong ta new-style Inju:staIlI c6 phong
lIew-look I'nju: luk! kl~u mdl coch mal
fingers and new-clipped nails. voi nhung ng6n tay day long la va
new-looking Inju: lukny' c6 va mdl
m6ng tay mai dt ng~n.



news- s!ien ta y niern rllng hanh dong d6 chua duac thuc hien. Vi du, neu ban d~ c~p
'non-acceptance' cua mot viec.nghla Iii ban dang d~ c~p de'n 51,1' kien Iii viec d6
news- ke't hap v6'i..flanh tu de' tao danh tu m(~i. Cac danh tu moi nay £hL.yM
chua duoc chap thuan.
c9 lien he vai tin tuc theo phuong cach nao d6. Vi du, 'newspaper' la ~n pha'm
duoc in trcn nhitng tCi giSy l6'n cung cSp tin Wc v~ nhl1ng su' kien m6'i day.: Cach yilt I Cac III nay thucng ducc vie't c6 gach n6i nhirng m¢t so' tu thong
'newsletter' Iii t~p giSy in g6m cac tin nrc gAll day v~ mot nh6m hay mot t6 dung hon au<,:1cvie't dinh li~n.
chirc nao d6. - He chain smoked, which isn't very - 6ng ta hut thuilc lien II,IC, cli~u nay
Cach vilt: Cac tu nay thut'tng diroc vie't dinh li~n nhung d6i voi mot so' tu pleasant for a non-smoker like me. gay kh6 chiu cho mot ngllili khong hut
it thong dung hem thl diroc vie't c6 gach obi thuilc nhuto],
- If the landlord is non·resident, the - Ne'u ngllili chu da't khong thllilng tni
... a small tobacconist and newsagent - ". mot chu hieu thuoc la nh6 va S;;IP
shop in Paddington. a
ban bao Paddington. landlord does not have right of ac- a d6, thl ong ta kh6ng c6 chu quy~n.
- ... the newsroom where the reporters - ". phong tin urc noi ma cac ph6ng
- The answer is not non-change, but a - Cau tra Iili kh6ng phai kh6ng thay d6i,
were clattering on typewriters. vien dang g6 lach each tren may
different kind of change. nhung la mot each bie'n ddi khac,
danh chu.
- ... simple non-economic IJQlues like - ." nhung gia tr] phi kinh te'don gian
Duoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung d(;mg nghia : beauty, health, or cleanliness. nhu Iii ve dep, sltC kh6e va SII sach
netusagent /nju.z'erdjant/ nguOI neuisman I'nju:z meen/ thOng tin vl(tn Sf'.
bon boo. dally boo IIcwspaper I'nju:zspelpal boo Duoi day 10 rnuc tLt c6 cung dong nghTa :
lIewsboy I'nju:zboil duo be bon boo neuisprint I'nju:zsprmtl gl6y In boo
netoscast I'nju:zko:stl bon tin phot netusreader I'nju:z'ri:dal phdt
non-academic I'non,reka'demlkI non-economic I'noni:ka'no'mlkl khOng

thanh thanh vl(tn khOng mang tinh hac thu¢t mang IQI Ich

nctosdesk I'nju:zdeskl too soon boo neuisreel I'nju:zri:V phim thoi SV non-aggressive I'nona'greslvl khong non-essential I'nomsenfV khOng c6n

nctosfilm I'nju:zfIlml phlm thOI SV netusroom I'nju:zruml phong tin tuc xOm IUQc thl~t

netosflash' I'nju:zflreJI bon tin nhanh neuis-sheet I'nju:zji:tI to boo non-athletic I'nonreS'letlkI khOng non-fatal I'nonfeltlI khOng gOy hai

netosletter I'nju:z'letal bon tin nol be:> neuis-stand I'nju:zstrend/ quay bon hom th~ thao. phi th~ thao 1I011-lIl1mall I'non'hju:manl khOng

news-magazine I'nju:z meeqa'zi.n/ boo

non-believer I'nonbI'!i:val nguol nhOn duc

top chi tin tuc khOng tin nguOng non-paument /non'perment/ khOng
non-binding I'non'bamdny khOng lI(tn thanh toon
news- cling duoc su' dung theo nghia nily de' tao tinh tU 'newsworthy'. Neu k~t non-problem I'non'probleml khOng h~
dieu gl ma 'newsworthy' c6 nghia Iii n6 du hay de' c6 the' dang len baa. non-biological I'non,bala'Iod3IkV c6 v6n d~ gi

... a particularly macabre and news- - ... mot toi ac rat ghe ron dang neu khOng c6 tinh sinh vet hoc non-profit I'non'profltJ phllQI nhu¢n

worthy crime. tren bao, non-change I'non tJemdy khOng thay non-reader I'nonri:dal khOng c6
dOl nguoi ooc
non- non-classical I'non'klreSlkV khOng cO non-resident /non'rezrdant/ khOng cu
. dl~n tru
non-committal I'nonka'mltV khOng non-smoker I'nonsmaukal nguol
non- ket hap voi danh ILl va tinh tU de' tao danh tu va tinh tU maL Cac tU rnoi hua h~n khOng hut thu6c
nay dien ta y niern r~ng mot ngl(Cii hay v~t khong c6 pha'm chat hay d<'ic tinh IIoll-colllpetitive I'nonkam'petatIvl
dii duoc neu ra. Vi du, 'non-smoker' Iii ngucri khong hut thuoc: neu ban c6 thai khOng conn tranh
d9 'non-aggressive' nghia Iii ban tie'p c~n di~u gl d6 mot each khong mang tinh
ap dao, Non- cling ket hap v6'i danh III chi mot loai hilnh dong dk bie! de'
non-specialist I'non'speJahsti ngLiol non-violence /rion'varelans/ khOng c6
kh6ng chuven m6n boo iuc
octa-, octo-
non-target I'non'to:gltl kMng rnuc Mu non-violent I'non'valalantl khOng dtJ d¢1 octa- va octo- c6 trong nhung tu chi v~t c6 tam phan. Vi du, 'octagon' la mot
non-verbal I'non'v3:bll khOng bOng 101 non-aiirtue I'non'va:tju:1 khOng c6 doo
hinh co tam canh: 'octopus' la m~t sinh vat a
bie'n c6 tam chan,
n6i dOc DUol day 10 rnuc tU c6 cunq dong nghio :
> Luu Ii rdllg non- ciing k{t h{!p vai trallg tU c6 IIguJn/tJ tU nhilllJfllh til n6i octagon I'oktaganl hinh t6m conh octogenarian l,oktad31'nearIanl ngLiol
tren. V (t: tJ ) octahedron I'okta'hi:dranl hinh t6m tho b6t tu6n
- Eighty percent of the meaning in a - 80% nghia trong cuoc dam thoal diroc met (toon) octopus I'oktapas/ con been tuoc
conversation passes non-verbally, trtly~n dat khong phai bang tai noi, octave I'oktivl coon tho t6m cOu octosyllabic I'oktasi'lrebikl cou tho
- In 1975 his son succeeded non·vio· - Vao 1975 con trai ong ta da thua k€ t6m Om tl~t
lently to the leadership, quyen tanh dao mot each em xuoi.
> Muon bie't them chi fi8't ve fi8'p rJ~u ngu co nghis phU rJinh, xem de-, dis-, 1/- va un- off-
Cae tv e6 d~ng nghia kMe : 1. VI TRI:
non-drip I'nondnp/ khOng chov nho glot
nonentity I'n;'nentatIl vot khOng t6n tOI hooc chi do tLiang tLl<;1ng:ngLiOI t6m
thLiong. kMng quan trong
off- ke't hop voi danh tlr chi noi chon M tao nhung tu dugc dung tnroc mot
nonsense I'nonsns/, loi n61 vO nghia
danh tU khac, Cac tU nay chi noi ch6n, sl! v~t hoac cac bie'n c6 khong dircc d~t
tai hay khong xay ra a mot ncli dugc mong dgi hay met ncli d~c biet.
-ocracy, -ocrat off- chi duoc su dung theo each nay khi danh h't mil n6 ke't hop thireng duqe
dung voi giai tu 'on'. Vi du, neu sinh vien s6ng 'off-campus', nghla la ho khOng
-ocracy c6 trong danh tu chi loai ca quan cAm quyen hay tAng lap c6 quyen hrc
s6ng trong khuon vien cila-dai hoc, ne'u c6 nhieu tie'ng 6n 'off-stage' trong mot
dac biet, Vi du, 'democracy' la h~ thong nha mroc trong do ngltii"i ta chon ra
va kich, nghia Iii cluing khong xay ra tren san khau, nhung xay ra i'J phla sau
nhirng nguii"i dm quyen bang each bo phieu bau ClX ho: 'aristocracy' la tAng lap
hay ben canh san khau.
ma gia dinh ho c6 dia vi xii h¢i cao va i'J m~t vai mroc, co nroc hieu diic biet.
Duol day 10 rnuc tV c6 cung dong nghio : eich vltt: Cac tU nay diroc vie't c6 gach n6i, tru 'offshore' vie't dlnh li~n.

aristocracy 1,lEns'tokrasIl t6ng lap qui democracy /dr'mokrasi/ chEf d¢ dOn chu - ". off-campus social life. ... cuoc s6ng xii hoi ngoai khuon vien
toe tech7locracy Itek'nokrasIl ch€l d¢ tnrong dai hoc
autocracy lo:'tokrasIl ch~ d¢ cnuven cnuven vl~n ky thuot qudn IY. che dO - ." offshore oil production, - viec san xua't d~u ngoai khol
quy~n ky tr] - '" the off-field pressures of cap- - nhung ap hlC ngoal pharn vi Clia
bureaucracu Ibjua'rokrasIl ch~ d¢ quan toincy. cKp thuyen truong.
lieu E>oi khi de tu nay cung ducc dung nhu trang tu.
-ocrat co trong danh tU chi nguCJi la thanh vien cua mot trong nhung nh6m nay. Tina, a Swedish girl, wanted to live - Tina, co gai ThW Di~n, muO"n sOng
Vi du, 'democrat' Iii nguii"i tin van 19 tui'Jng cua n~n dan chtl: 'aristocrat' Iii nguCJi off-campus with friend, ngoai khuon vien dai hoc vai mot ngulli
co gia dinh thuoc v~ giai ca"p qui t~c. bi;ln
Duol day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghio : DUol day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghTo :
aristocrat I'rerIstakrreti nhe qui toe democrat I'demakrretl ngLiOI theo che off-Broadway I,of 'bro.dwei/ ben off-court I,of 'ko.t/ ben ngoal phl~n too
autocrat I'o:takrretl ngLiol chuyan quy~n d¢ dOn chu ngoal Broadway off-field I,of fi:ldl ban ngoal phorn vI.
bureaucrat I'bjuarakrretl quan 101. technocrat I'teknakrretl chuvan gla off-campus I,of'krempas/ Mn ngoal ITnhv\,lc
ngLiol quan lieu cOng ky ngh$ ~huOn vl~n trLlonjJ dOl hoc off-j1iste I,of 'pi:stl ngoal sOn bOng


off-licellSe I'o:f, larsns/ cuo hang. off-putting fo:fputiIj vOcuven. kh6
off-road I,of 'rsod/ ~n ng06i con dUOng off-site I'o:fsalt! Mn ng061 dlo di4m.
lI$m bon ruqu chol (a4 u6ng ngooi cruu
off-screell I,of 'skri:nI b~n ngool man khu vue auqc xoc a!nh vitri offset I'o:fset! bu trQ
cue hOng)
anh off-stage fo:fsteldy ban ngooi son khou off-limits fo:fhmltsl b] com khOng offshoot fo:f]'u:ti chi nhanh
offshore I'o:t IJ:(r)! ngool khcri off-track I'o:rtrrekl ban ng061 duang offside lo:fsaidl 0 vitrIv1$tvi (Ih~ thoo)
auqc lultoi
duo off-load I'o:flaudl de hOng offspring 1'0:fspriIj dong dOl.con c61
off-white fo:fWait! tr6ng ngo
off- Cling ket hop voi mot 56 danh tu khac de' tao cac tii' di~n ta y niern ding
bat cll' cai gi diroc danh tLI'mo til d~u khong phai la dung. Vi du, neu ban
'off-balance', nghla It ban dang dirng trong tir the khong c6 thang bang gl ca -off ket hop v(ji trang tlt M tao tinh tU chi s6 luc;tng ti~n mfi nguot nao d6 c6.
va co th~ te M dang hay bj nga: neu mot v~t 'off-centre', nghta Iii n6 phai & Vi du, ~eu mot ngltai ma "well-off" nghla Iii ho c6 nhieu ti~n cua: neu m~\t
chinh giua mot khoang khong gian hay mot bt mat nao d6. nguai ma "badly-off' nghia Iii ho kh6ng c6 nhieu ti~n cua,

There was a stone under his boot. - C6 mot vien cia duai de giay anh ta, - They were eUidently well-off enough - R6 rang Iii ho dll giitu e6 mai dam
and he was off-balance. vii anh ta mat thang bilng. to throwaway a perfectly good qu~ng di mot eai ghe' a duai bep con
kitchen chair. ra-t tot.
. cheap, or off-peak electricity. - ... ngu6n dien re tien hoac khong phai
vao luc COla di~m. - There were many comfortably-off - C6 nhieu chuyen gia hay thirong nhan
- lt is easy to be taken off-guard. - N6 de dang bj Ia'y di khong con trong
business or professional people. rat thoai mai chuyen tien bac,
khu ytJe baa ve. E>6ikhi cac tu oily duoc dung nhir danh tU.
Dei khi cac tu nay cling St~ dung nhu' trang tu' - The better-off obtain the best housing. -' SVgiau c6 rnang den nhil COla Clld rOng.
- The music was slow now; a single - Hi(on gio am nhac dang cham rai; chi - DLloi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
fiddle played a mournful solo off- co duy nhd't mot chiec dan vi 0 long
badly-off I'bredii of! ngheo. Ihieu th6n well-off I'wel of! glou co. kh6 gia
key. don dieu choi dieu so-Io bu6n thdm -
bettor-of] I'beta of! honn phuc hco. . uiorsc-of] I'W3:Sof! 10mvoo linh cdnn
I(I( clieu
c6 nhi~u li~n ngheotung_b6thQnh
DLlol day la rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia : cOlllfortably-off I'khmftabh of! s6ng
sung tuc
off-balallce I'o:f 'beelsns/ kh6ng c6 off-key fo:fk.i:l lac ai$u nhoc (hot)
thOng b6ng. mot thOng b~ng off-peak l'o:fpi:kI kh6ng vco gla coo
off-celltre I'o:fsental khOngcon aC)t dl~m
voo khoang giuo off-season I'o:fsi:znl thai di~m van
off-guard l'o:fgo:dI khOngcon aC)t khoch nhot (du I!ch) Xem -aholic.
trong khu VVC boo v$
Cae tIJ eo df).ng nghia khile .-
-oid co trong cac It\' dien ta y niern f'!ng m(>t v~t nao do giong hoac c6 lien
offbeat I'o:fbi:ti bot thuang off-day I'o:f deil thOial~m kh6ng may quan den m9t v~t khac. Vi du, neu mot v~t ma "humanoid", nghia'lil n6 giong
off-challce 1'0:ftIo:nsl cnut it co h¢1 m6n can ngltai (~mot plurong dien nao do; neu m9t v~t "cuboid" nghta la n6 c6 hlnh
vet vat. rat it co h¢i off-dilly 1'0:fdju:tiI h~1troch nhi$m dang gi6ng nhir hinh I~p plurong.
off-colollr 1'0:fkAiai kh6ng aung mou off-!ullld I'o:fhrendl kh6ng chu6n b]
Iruoc. ung kh6u. thong Ih6n


Dlloi cOy 16 rnuc tU c6 cung d(;mg nghia : -ological, -ology
cuboid I'kju:b:lId/ c6 dong h¢p. hinh spheroid fsflar:)ld/ tuo nhLl hinh cou -ology c6 trong danh tli' chi met linh vue nghien cuu hay ml}t h~ thong. Vi du,
I¢p phLlong tabloid ftrebl:)ld/ boo khO nho (dong "biology" Iii rnon nghien Cl~U sinh v~t nhir Iii diy c6i va dl}ng vat: "methodology"
[ungoid ffAI)!PId/ dong n6m tin vein tOt) Iii ml}t h~ thong cac phirong phap hay nguyen dc M lam ml}t cOng viec d~c bi¢t.
humanoid /hju:'man:lIl dong gl6ng - He went to Manchester UnilJersity in - 6ng ta da vao Dai hoc Manchesler
nhLl con ngLlol 1961 to study biology. nam 1961 dE! hoc sinh hoc.
- ... the entbustosm for astrology and - ... ni~m say me mon chiem linh va
the occult. Ih~n bi hoc.
... the sort of phraseology used by - ... each dien dat ducc mol sonha bao
-old some journalists. Slf dung .
• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : ... modern theories of child psychol- - ... eile Iy thuyet Ian Ihbi v~ lam Iy ciia
-old ket hop vdi danh tll' vii nhorn danh tlt chi ml}t khoang thoi gian dE!'tao cac ogy. Ire.
tu chi tu6i tho cua ml}t v~t. Cac tu nay thu()ng bao g6m mot so dem vii hlnh Dlloi dov 16 rnuc tU co cung d(;mg nghia :
thuc so it cua ml}t danh tlt nhu "tuan'' hoac "narn" theo sau Iii -old, Vi du, mot alltlrropologtj fren9ra'polad3I1 nh6n mythology ImI'901ad3II mOn khoo hOC
con v~t "six-month-old" diroc sinh ra each day 6 thang: ml}t dua tre "five-year-old" chung hoc nghlen cuu v~ chuven thOn thoql
Iii dua be diroc 5 tu6i.
archaeologist l,o:kI'olad3Isti chuven lIeurology l,njua'rolad3I1 mOn thOn
- They were taking the six-month-old - Ho dang dua con hai C~lI 61hang Illai glo khoo cO hoc klnh hoc
seal from Thief Sand, where it lay ra khoi Thief Sand, noi ma n6 da nam astrology /a'stroladji/ mOn chl~m tlnh omithology l,o:m'90Iad3I1 mOn dl~u
bleeding. va bi chay mau. hOC hoc
- A double engine failure on the - Su truc tr~c cua dong co kep cua chiC:c biology /bar'nladjr/ mOn sinh v¢t hOC pathology Ipa'901ad31i mOn b$nh Iy
twellJe-week-old jet had been ruled philn krc moi xuat XI1c1ng12 lujn d~ climatology l,klalma'tolad3I1 men khi hoc
out. duoc sUa xong. h¢u hoc phraseology l,frelzI'olad31i cocn dl~n

- The killers had murdered a ten-year- - Bon sal nhan da giel chet mol be gai ecology li:'kolad3I1 mOn sinh thOi hoc cot
old girl. 10 luai. geology Id3I'olad31i mOn dio ch6t hoc physiology l,flZI'olad31i mOn sinh Iy hoc
- A seventy-year-old seldom sprints up- - MOt ngl1bi gia 70 IUeSihiem ma chay graphology /gra'folad31i mOn 11,1 dc;mg psyclrology /sar'kolad 3I1 mOn tOm Iy'
hoc hoc
stairs. nhanh len I~u duoc.
gy"accology l,gama'kolad31i phl,J khoa sociologY.I,sausI'olad3I1 mOn xd h¢1 hOC
- ... a good teacher who can inspire - ... mol glao vien gioi c6 thE! gc;/i hung
ideology l,aldJ'.olad3I1 h$ tu tuong technologu /tek'noladji/ mOn ky thu¢t
and stimulate the elght-year-olds. thu va kich hoar nhung dua be 8 tueSi.
meteorologu l,mi:tla'rolad31i m6n khi hoc
Cac d~c ngu "age-old" va "centuries-old" duoc dung d€ chi m¢t v~t rat lau doi, tLlqng hoc terminologu l,t3:mI'nolad3I1 mOn
hay da t6n tai m¢t th()i gian lau. mcthodologq l,me9a'dolad3I1 men thuQt ngu hoc
- ... the age-old suspicion between par- - ... su nghi ngb tham can giua bac cha phLlong phop glong day theology /9I'olad3I1 mOn than hoc
ents and children. me va con ca i. microbiology l,malkraubaI'olad31i vi zoology Izau'olad3I1 mOn d¢ng v¢t hOC

- ... square-cut Norman churches sur- sinh v¢t hoc

- ... nhung nha Ihe'1Norman vuong vlic
rounded by centuries-old grey stone duoc nhung toa nha cia rnau xam hang Tmh tCI'diroc thanh I~p tll' cac danh tU nay b~ng each thay the -ology b~ng
houses. Ih(>'ky bao quanh. -ological.
- Soak the garments olJernight in luke- - Hay ngam quan ao qua dern lrong
warm water and biological washing nuoc :1m am va bot gi.;il sinh hoc,


... an archaeological expedition to - ... mot chuyen di khao co den Tho
Cae tt1 co d?ng nghia khile :
Turkey. Nhi Ky.

I Cae ia e6 df)ng nghia khile :

Oil-board Ion 'bo.d/ len tcu
oncoming l'onkAmixj dang tien Clpn.
onside I,on'saidl
(Ih~ thao)
e6 vi Iri chot hop I~

onuiard I'onwadl tlen v~ phia truce

anthologu lre!1'flolad3I1 Iuy~n too von tho tautology It~:'tolad3I1 di$p ngu (each sOp tol
apology /a'poladji/ Idi xln loi n61 di n611QiIrung y) ongoing /'ongauixj keo dol (tranh IUQn) Ollwards I'onwadzl lien v~ phfa truce
I __________________________________ -----------------------~I on-line /on'lain/ true tiap. Irt.,le tuven

ornni- co trung cac ur co nghia b<) phan la 'all' (tat d). Vi du, neu ai do
"omnipotent", nghia I<i ho co quyen lire hoan toan doi voi ngiroi hay vat: neu \ r once-
mot ngl(oi hay mot con v~t Ia "omnivore", nghia Iii ho ;'\n ta't ca ole loai tlurc • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
pham, ke' ca thit va rau. - once- ket hop vai tinh tU de' t;1O tinh tU maio Cac tiuh tU rnoi nay chi ngU'i'1i
DLloi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia : hay v~t da tUng c6 pham chat hay dac diem rieng biet nhung nay khong con
I1IIa. Vi du, mot ngU'i'1i"once-famous" da tUng n6i tieng nhirng gio khong con
I omnipotent /om'nrpatent/ e6 quy~n omniscience /orn'nrsrans/ thong su6t
neii lieng I1IIa.
nang quon the mQI su
... the ruins of a once-famous castle. - ... 51! sup do cua mot toa lau clili mOl
omnipresent lomm'preznt! hl~n dl$n omnivore /um'nrva/ d¢ng vol on tQP
thai noi tieng.
khOp noi
The once-great man was treated as _ Milt con nglrai cia tung duoc xem Iii vi
a buffoon. nhan bi dOi xu .nhu mot anh h~.
on- ... the once-powerful unions control- _ ... nhung cong doan cia tung c6 quy~n
on- ket h9'P voi danh tU chi noi chon de' tao cac tu chi noi mil mot vilt nao d6 _ ling the broadcasting industry. nang kiem scat n~n cong nghe truy~n
xay ra hay t6n ta i. Vi du dh nhot "onshore" duoc kham pha tren da't lien chu' thanh.
khong pha i CJ bie'n; khieu vti "on-stage" di~n ra tren san khau, A once-thriving badger population _ 56 chon cia Wng gia tang nhanh chong
- The oil fields of Oman are primarily - Nill"lng vung co d~u fJ Oman eMu chu has been reduced to just a few indi- cia b] giam xu6ng chi con viii con.
onshore. a
y(-(u Iii tren dat Ii~n. viduals.
He showed the same on-court flair - Anh til da to r6 cung mot tili nang tren Hundreds of other once-common - Hang tram chung loai da tung pho
species have Similarly become rari- bi(n khac cling dang tra nen khan
that had carried him to a semifinal san thi dau mil <fa dem lai chienlhiing
ties. hiern nhu the.
victory. trong tr~n ban ket cho anh.
... the problem of how to organize - ... van de lam the nao to chuc CUo( DLloi day 16 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
on-site inspection. dic'lI tra t(li ch6.
once-celebrated IWlI.ns 'sehbrertrd/ once-forgotten IWlI.ns fa'gotnl do tUng
Cac tll nay doi khi cling dU'<;1C
dting nhu trang !II. do tUng nOi ti9ng bi quen long'

... the gates will be built onshore. - ... nhung canh cong sf'>dUCK xay trell once-common IWlI.ns 'kornan/ do tUng once-great Iwxns grelt! do tUng dUoe
d.11 li~n. phO bien xem 10 vi d<;li

once-famous IWlI.ns 'feirnas/ do tUng once-happy IWlI.ns 'heepi/ do tUng

Duel day 16 rnuc tU c6 cuno dong nghia :
nOI tleng h<;lnh phuc
on-court Ion 'ko: t!' IQi son oil-site Ion 'sait! l<;Iicho. dien ra Iren once-fashionable IWlI.ns 'freJnabll do once-liuelu /wxnsTarvh/ do tUng
oil-field Ion 'fi:ldI 1<;11
hi$n truong khu vile dlnh v! Iri lung hop thai trang s6ng d¢ng
oil-screen Ion 'skri:nI tren man onh on-stage /on'sterdj/ dien ra IrEm son once-feared IWlI.ns fred/ do tUng 10 so once-lovely Iwxns 'III.vIII do tUng
onshore 1'0nJJ:! tren d61 lien. Iren bo kh6u dang yeu


once-luxurious IWAns 1A9'3uanas/ dO once-private /wAnS 'prarvrt/ dO tUng
inuestigator /m'vestrqerta/ dillu tro vl~n operator I'oparelta! ng1161dlilu khl~n
kin d60
inuestor Im'vesta! nho dOu ru oppressor la'presa! ke don 6p
tUng sang Irong
once-popular IWAns 'popjula! inuigilator /m'vrdjrlerts/ ngUal giom possessor Ipa'zesal ngU61 chl~m huu
dO lung once-respected IWAns rr'spektrd/ dO
561. ngU6i cor thl prosecutor I'prosllgu:tiN' ngU61 khol t6
ouoc uo chu¢ng tUng dUQc kinh Irong
manipulator Ima'mpjulertal ngU61 161 protector Ipra'tektal ng1161boo v~
once-potuerful IWAns 'pauaflJ dO tUng once-thriving IWAns Brarvnj' dO tUng
keo ngU61 kh6c theo chu V minh sailor fsella! linh hol quon. thuy thu
hung rnonh Ihlnh vuQng
moderator /modererts/ ng116i h60 spectator /spek'terta/ kh6n glo
giol. ngU6i 10m Irung gion speculator fspekjuleltal nguol dau co
-or narrator /na'rerta/ nguol vl~t k~ 101 supervisor I'su:pavalzal ngl10l glom
-or ket hqp vai.~ tao danh ttt Cac danh til' nay chi QgltC1ilam Mnb d@g \ chuy~n. ngu61 Tl1ong.thuot 10i 561. gidm Ihl
do dong tU g6c mieu ta, 1hltC1ng b&i E!ULcong~~LClliLh2.. Vi du, "actor" la nauigaior fnrevigertal nguoi hoo lieu visitor fvrzrta! ngUol kh6ch
nguoi ma cong viec la di~n kich hay d6ng phim; "supervisor" la nguai giam sat
ngtiai khac hay cac hoat dong. ~cllng ket hop vai dong tU M t<;lOdanh tU c~ chir khong phai ngu<'1i.Vi
- He was an extremely fine actor. - 6ng ta la mot nam dien vien rat t6t. du, "calculator" Iii mot dung CI,I dien ttt nho be ma ban dung M tinh toano
... conductor of the Back Society Or- ... nhac tnlOng dan hop xu6'ng Back - Pupils are expected to learn how to - Hoc sinh duoc cho I~ phai hoc each
chestra. Society. use a pocket calculator. Slr dung may tfnh ca nhan.
He has become a frequent visitor to 6ng ta di! trO nen nguai khach thuang - She went in and took the small ele- - Co ay di vao va don thang. may nhe)
our house. xuyen d€n tharn chung toi. vator to the fourth floor. len t~ng bon.

Duol day 10 rnuc tu c6 cLIng dQng nghia : DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cLIng dQng nghia :

actor frekta! nom dl~n vl~n conspirator /kan'sprrata/ ngU61 Om mlJU applicator freplikeltal vOl 6p d,mg elevator I'elrveltal thong m6y
adjudicator la'd3u:dlkelta! quon 100. contrador /kan'treekta/ ngu61 kV hop aspirator frespareltal mdy quot th6c escalator I'eskalelta! cou thong 11,1

tronq toi dOng. ng1161thOu khocn calculator fkrellgulelta! rnov tinh d¢ng
administrator /ad'mmrstrerts/ ngu61 contributor /kan'tnbju:ta! ng1161 d6ng compressor /kam'presal mdy nan reactor /rr'eekto/ 16 phon ung (hot nMn)
quon IV g6p (tilln) detector /dr'tekta/ rnov d6 (min) refrigerator /rr'frtdjarerte/ tu lonh
advisor lad'valsal c6 van coordinator /koo,J:dr'nerta! ngu61 ph61
agitator fred31teltal ng1161 kich d¢ng hQp :> Lu'u y rdllg cdch Sl~ dl;lllg clia::Q[ khOlfg th6l1g dUllg~ dll{1c" tqo danh tit
quOn chung counsellor I'kaunsala! co van. ng1161
mai co Ilghfa nhu tren. .- \..../
auditor fJ:dlta! ng1161 kl~m 106n khuy~n nhu ~ Muo'n bid't them chi Mt. xem -er.
collaborator /ka'leebarerta/ c¢ng 16c creator Ikri:'elta! ng1161s6ng 100
vi~n director Idr'rekta! gl6m d6c
collator /ka'lelta(r)1 ng1161 sap x~P. sa distributor /dr'strrbjota' ng116i phOn
sanh IU Ii~u ph61 hOng 1. MOT TIl~NTRiNH HAY TiNH TR~NG:
collector /ka'iekta! ng1161 thOu thop editor I'edlta! bl~n lOp vi~n. -osis f6 tro!}g cac tli c,Iji tien trinh hay tlnh !! Vi du, "metamorphosis" la
commentator fkomentelta! nho blnh chu but mot bien c6 hay tic'n trlnh trong d6 mot ngu<'1ihay m¢t v~t thay d6i thanh mot
Il!on governor fgAvana! Ilnh truong. th6ng v~t hoan toan khac bi~t; "hypnosis" Iii tinh trang bat tinh trong d6 m9t ngli<'1i
competitor /kam'petrte/ ke Ironh 101.d61 d6c duong nhir dang ngu nhirng c6 th~ thay hay nghe moi v~t va phan irng la i
thu inspector Im'spekta! vI~n Ihonh tro nhung v~t n6i voi ho.
conductor /kan'dxkte/ ng1161 kl~m soot instructor /m'strxkte/ huon luy~n vl~n - ... the metamorphosiS of the Vis- ... sl,I bi€n hoa cua ttl uroc thanh ba
va Ir~n xe buVI inucntor Im'venta! nho ph6t mlnh count into Count Dracula. uroc Dracula.


The work was arduous and poorly - C6ng vi~c nay thi met nhoc vii thO 1,\0
Joan's fever led to a diagnosis of - Trieu chung sOt ola Joan dii dan dr'n it oi.
paid. .
pneumonia. viec ch~.n doan benh sung phoi.
She was superstitious and believed - Co ta me tin va ra't tin chuyen ma quy.
DtJoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cLing dong nghTa : firmly in ghosts .
diagnosis l,dalag'nooSlsI Sv chOn doon osmosis /oz'maosrs/ sv thOm th6u
... a grave, courteous man in late - ... mot ngtJoi dan 6ng lich SI,I nghiern
hypllosis /hrp'nsosrs/ su thOI ml~n progliosis Iprog'noosisl diem b60
middle age. nghj 0 cu6i do tu6i trung nien.
metamorphosis /mete'mo.fesrs/ sv trUOc. trl~u chung [ was furious and told them to get - Toi n6i gi~n va bao ho ra khoi nha
bi~n h60 out of my house. toi.
DtJoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia ;
2. ~nNW
adVa7ltageollS l,redvan'teld3asl thu¢n IQI gracious fgrelJasl thonh I!ch
c6 tro~ cac tu ~hi benh tat hay benh truy~n nhiern. Vi du, 'tuberculosis" aduenturous /ad'ventjaras/ phi~u Iw. impetuous IIm'peijuasl lieu rrnh
Iii mot benh truyen nhiem lay Ian nguy hi~m c6 anh httang de'n phoi: 'neurosis' thich moo hl~m maruellous fmo:valasl tuy~t vOl
Iii mot chirng benh tam th~n gay cho con ngttai khong ngot nlurng 10,'Iu vo din ambiguollS lrem'blgjuasl m¢p me. mysteriollS /mr'snarrss/ bi m¢t
cu. khOng r6 rang 1ICTVOIISfn3:vasl hoy 1016ng
deaths from whooping cough. ... nhirng c;li chet vi chung ho ga, soi ambitious lrem'blJasl thom vang. hoal nutritious Inju:'trIJasl b6 dU6ng
measles and tuberculosis. va lao ph6i. bOo obviollS fobvlas! hl~n nhl~n
- Twenty-nine million people died of 29 trieu ngtJoi da chet vi chirng XCI gan. anonumous la'nommasl vO donh preuious fpri:vlas! trUOc
cirrhosis of the liver. anxious freIJkJasl 10ou. bOn kh06n . religious lrI'hd3asl tOn g160. ngoon ooo
arduous fo:djuas! gion non righteous fraltJas! ngoy th6ng
DtJoi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghia :
cautious fk:>:fas! th¢n trang sellSlIOIIS fsenJuas! gQI com
cirrhosis /si'raosrs/ b~nh xo gon sclerosis Iskla'roosisl chung xo cung C01lSCiOllSfkonJasl co y rnuc serious fSlanas! nghh!'lm kh6c
myxomatosis I,mlksama'tausisl b~nh (vanh d¢ng rnoch) conspicuous /kan'sprkjoas/ d6ng chu y simultaneous l,slml'telnJasl d6ng tMI
truyen nhiem gOy ch~t tho thrombosis 19rom'booslsl chung contemptuous /kan'temptJuasl khinh spacious fspelJas! th06ng dOng
neurosis /njoo'raosrs/ chung loon th6n ngMn rnoch thuOng spontaneous /spon'temras/ tv ph6t
klnh chuc nOng tuberculosis /'Ieosrs/ chung continuous /kan'tmjuasl ti~p tuc superstitious I,su:pa'stlfas! dl coon. m~
psychosis /sar'kaosrs/ chung loon th6n 100 ph61 courageollS /ka'rerdjss/ con dam tin
klnh courteous fk3:tlasl Ilch su suspicious Isa'spifasl d6ng ngO. khO nghl
curious fkjuarIasl hi~u ky tenacious ItI'nelJasl b6m chot
dangerous fdemd3arasl nguy hl~m tremendous Itn'mendasl gM gom. du
-ous enormous lI'o:>:masl to IOn. kh6ng 16 d¢i

-ous co trong cac tlnh tu mo ta ngttCJihay v~t c6 Hnh cha't dijc biet. Vi du, neu famous ffelmasl niSItJl}ng uarious fveanasl khac nhou
ai d6 "adventurous", h¥c la ho sln sang rnao hi~m vii thU' phttdng phap moi: [urious ffjuanasl gl¢n du uirtuous fV3:tJuasl c6 ceo duc
neu tlurc an d6 'delicious', nghia Iii n6 c6 rnui vi ra't ngon.
each vi~t: c6 nhieu dang chu' vie't cila chu -ous, Cac dang thong dung nha't
Iii "eous", "ious" vii "uous". Vi du cua ta't ca dang nay d~u duoc cho dttai day. out- ket hdp vdi ~, d9ng tu va tinh tu M~ f10ng tir maL Cac dong tU
nay mo hi ngttCJihay v~t dang th!!c hi~n hanh d9ng dac biet t6t hdn hoac .l!dL
- [can't help wishing that Sinclair had - T6i kh6ng th~ kh6ng ao tJoc rilng gia
~uc de Ian hdn nbi~u so vai ngtti'fi hay-vat ~ VI du, neu ban "outrun" ai
been a bit more adventurous. mil Sinclair da mao hi~m hon mOl
do, titc III ban chay den duoc dau d6 nhanh hon nhirng ngttCJikhac: neu ba n
chut. "outdo" ai do, nghia la' ban thAng the hon nhieu so voi nhung nguoi dang 111m


Men and women ,of squarer build, if - Nhirng nguCIidan ong va dan ba c6 voc
hanh d¢ng dac bi~t d6; nlu v~t gl d6 'outgrows' v~t khac, nghta 1;\ n6 tiing
they overeat, are very likely to be- nguoi vam vo h(1I1,neu ho an qua nhi1!u
trllo-ng dAn Mn khi nao n6 Ion hem v~t kia.
come obese. thl ho rat e6 nguy co tra nen beo phi.
... no one was able to outrun this . - ... khllng ai c6 th~ chay nhanh hon Do not over-react if your child gets Dung hanh dong qua dang neu con
Incredible athlete. chang v3n dong vien tuy~t voi nay. into trouble at school. anh g~p.rk r6'i a tnrong. .
England were outplayed in the see- - Nl/dc Anh choi troi hon h~n trong cuoc Every ledge of the cliff is overgrown a
Muiga .da v'~ch nui d~u hi cay c6'i
ond Test. thl I~n II. with vegetation. ' che phu umtum. .
- English ships easily outmanoeuvred - Nhung chi€n thuy~n mldc Anh d~ He 'took an overdose of seasickness Anh ta da uO:ng thuoc say s6ng qua
the lumbering galleons of the Span- dang VlI<.1I nlnrng chien thuyl!n d6 so pills and slept through it all. li~u va da ngu tri~n mien.
ish fleet. cua doi thuy~n ray Ban Nha, He was over-anxious to keep an ap- - Anh ay da qua 10 13ng M giu dung
DUoi d6y 10 rnuc tV c6 cling d(;mg nghia : pointment, hen.
outbid I,aut'bld! coo gla hen outrun l,aut'rAni chov nhonh hem DUoi day 10 rnuc tV c6 cling dQng nghTa :
outclass I,aut'kla:sl vUQt hon h6n outsell I,aut'sell bon chov hon
ouerabundance 1,<luv<lra'bhIldans! qua Overestimate 1,<IUV<I.r'estImelt! danh
. outclimb l,aut'klaIm/ trao coo hon outsmart I,aut'sma:t! khOn heJr.
thuo gja quo mac
outdo I,aut'du:/ lam nhonh hon. lam t6t outsprint I,aut'sprmt! chov nuoc rut
over-anxious 1,<lUv<lr'Eel)kfas! qua 10 overexposure l,auvarIk'sp<IU3a(r)1 d~
han nhonh hen ••
16ng quO IOu
outgrow /,aut'groo/ rnoc coo hon. outstare . .I,8ut'ste<l(r)1 nhin chdrn cnorn
overawe 1,<lUV<lr':>:/qua SQhOI overfill 1,<luva'fIII qua d6y .
phot trl~n nhonh hon han
ouerburden l,auv<l'b3:dnl qua sac. qua overgrown 1,<lUva'gr<IUniqua truong
outjump /,aut'djhmp! nhay xo han outstrip l,aut'strIp! chov nhonh hen
tel thonh .
outlast 1,9ut'la:st! keo dol han outswim l,aut'swIIni baj gjol non
over-cautious /,auva'k:>:fasl quo th¢n overheat 1,<lUVa'hi:t! quo n6ng
outlive l,aut'lIvl s6ng IOu hen out-talk I,aut 'to.k/ n6j hoy hen
trang over-indulgence 1,<lUVarm'dAld3ans!
outmanoeuvre /,autm<l'nu:v<l(r)1 vUQt out-walk I,aut 'wo.k/ dl nhonh han
overcharge 1,<IUV<I'tfa:dy' bOn quo coo quo nUOng chl6u
trql nha c6 chuyen mOn hen outwit'l,aut'wlt! th6ng dUQc do thOng
giO. tfnh qua gla overload 1,<lUVa'laud/ ch6't qua tal
"I outpace I,aut'pels!
outplay l,aut'pleIl
bU6c nhonh hon
chOi tr¢1 han
mlnh hon
overcompensate 1,<lUva'kompenselt! c6 over-populated 1,<lUVa.popjo'lertrd'
gOng SlJO chao sol 16m b~ng m¢t bl~n qua dOng dOn
Cac tit c6 d~ng nghis khac : phop qua rncnn n6n gOy phon toe dung overproduce l,auvapr<l'dju:sI sdn xu6't
outrage I'autreldy' xuc phorn. lOng out-vote I,aut'v<lut! th6ng phle'u over-confident I,auva'konfld<lnt! quO tv qua nhl6u
nhuc outweigh l,aut'weIl qua" trang han tin over-protective 1,<lUVapra'tektrv/ boo
overcook /,auva'kukl n6'u quo chin v~ que ky
overcrowd 1,<lUVa'kraud! quO dOng ouerrate 1,<lUVa'relt! danh glO qua coo
over- over-demalldillg· over-react 1,<lUVarI'Eekt! phon ung monh
1. QUA: yeu cou qua nhl~u oversize 1,<lUVa'SaIzi qua ce
over- ~ vCti tinh tu, g9ng t!r, danh.Jll' M
tao tinh tu, dong tu va danh tU over-developed 1,<lUvadr'velapt/ phat oversized 1,<lUVa'salzd/ qua ce
pmi. Cac tU m6'i nay chi mot pharn cha't t6n tai hoac hanh dong dllc;fe thuc hien trl~n qua muc oversleep 1,<lUVa'sli:p! ngu quen
v6'i m9t mue d9 qua lcn, V{ du, ntu ban 'overload' mot v~t gl, nghta la ban overdo l,auva'du:1 10m quo sac overspend 1,<lUVa'spend! !leu xol qua mlJc
cha't len no qua nhieu: neu ai d6 "overweight", nghla 1;\ho din nang hem trong overdose I,auva'daus! quo lI~u IUQng overweight 1,<lUVa'welt! qua cOn
hrong ho cAn co. overdue 1,<lUVa'dju:1qua hon overwork l,auva'w3:kI 10m vl~c que see
- The pilot warned him that the plane - Vien phi cong da canh cao ong la rling over-eager 1,<luvar'i:ga(r)1 quO sOl n61 ouer-uiorried /,auva'w:>:rld! qua phl6n
was overloaded and wOuldn't fly. may bay qua tai va khong ca't canh dlk,1C. overeat /,<luvar'i:t! On qua nhl6u mu¢n


2. TUOI TAc:
( ouershadoto f,auvajredaul ehe bong
overs/loot f,auvaju:tJ bOn sol dieh
oversight l'auvasaltJ sa xudt
f,auva'telk/ b6t kip
f,auva'talml qua gl6
overtone I'auvataun! ngv y
over- ke't hap vdi s~ M t(1,.Qdanh tU. Cac danh tll nay iuon duoc dung Ci ouerspill l'auvasplV tron ro ngooi overture I'auvatjua(r)f d~ nghl dam phon
h1n.b tbuc s6 nhiiu va ~nhung ngli~i Ian tuill..~ .•tu6i da n6i dell. overstatement l'auvasteltmantJ overview I'auvavju:f t6ng quot
... daycare for over-fivej.; - ... nha tre danh cho nhung tre tren 5 eLl6ng dl~u
tutii. c
The over-sixti~ want to do some- - NgLlai ngoal luc tu~n luon muon lam
thing that the community values.
viec gi d6 rna cong d6ng d~ cao.
pan- k€t hop voi tinh tll mo ta mot qUDCgia hay mot nh6m ngliC1id~c biet tao
over- cling ket hqp vdi dongi!)' va danh.tir de' tao d~ tU maio Cac d(>og tU
tinh tt'1'rndi. Cac tinh tlt mdi nay mo ta mot di~u gl d6 c6 lien quan hose dinh
moi nay di~n dat y niern mot ngliC1ihay mot nh6m ngliC1i cp guy~n hay tba'm
Iiu de'n ca mot qUDC$ia hoac nhorn ngliai d~c bi~t da neu tren, Vi du, mot d~f
<;Iuy~n dDi voi mot nglfC1i, nh6m ngliC1i khk Vi du, neu mot nh6m ngliC1i
an "pan-African" Iii du an lien quan den cn 'Phi Chau: hang hang khong
"overthrow" m9t Ianh tu hay mot chfnh quyen, tUc la ho I~t d6 nhung nglfai do
"pan-continental" la hang hang khong phuc V~I cho ca mot I\IC dja.
b~ng vli hrc v~ gianh quyen v~ cho chfnh mlnh; neu mot v~t "overrides" mot
vat khac thl no thay the' v~t khac hoac giarn t5m quan trong cua v~t d6. ... pan-African nationalism. - ... chu nghta qu6c gia dan toc loan
... a secret group that helped him - ... mot nh6m bf m~t dii giup (jng ta
The companies mentioned tended to Nhung cong ty da d~ c~p Mn thuong
overthrow the King. I~t d6 hoang de'.
be large pan-American companies. la cac cong ty lien-My rong Ion.
Thieves dressed as policemen over- - Ke dp dii an I1l~C giong canh sill
... broadcasting live sports coverage ... phat s6ng tLlangthu~t Ih~ thao true
powered guards at a Boston mu- kh6ng che' linh gac i'J mot nha bao
via the satellite to a panEuropean liep qua ve- tinh cho khan giil loan
seum. tang i'J Boston.
audience. ch.iu Au.
The European Court of Justice has - Tail ~n chau Au c6 quy~n bac bo cac
... a pan-Indian institution. ... mot t~p quan lilu dai cua loan
the power to overrule statutes. dao lu';t.
An Do.
DLloi dOy 16 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia :
DLloi day 16 rnuc tU co cuno dong nghia :
overcome f,auva'kAmI kh(k pbuc. overrule f,auva'ru:V bee bo
/peen 'eefrrkan/ lien Phi
pan-African pall-German /pesn ' lien We
vuot qua ouerrun f,auva'rAO! Ian trOn
ChOu pan-Hellenic /peen he'li:nik/ IIGnHy
overpower f,auva'paoa(r)f 6p doo. overthrow f,auva'9rau/ I¢t d6
pall-American /peen a'merrksn/ lien Lop
eh~ ngl,l ouertum f,auva't3:n! doo ehinh My pan-Indian /peen 'mdian/ lien - An
override f,auva'rsJ(l/ quan trQnghan ouertohelm f,auva'welml tron ng¢p
pall-Arab /peen 'eerab/ lI~nA R¢p pan-national /peen 'nrefnall lien qu6e
Cae tv cd df)ng nghTa khae : pan-continental /peen .kontr'nentl/ gla
overall f,auvar'o:V 00 eh06ng ngoOI; lien Ive dia pan-Slauic /peen 'slo.vrk/ IIGnSla-vie
ouerhang f,auva'hreIj treo d tren. nhO ro
t6ng e¢ng pan-European /peen joara'pran/
overhear f,auva'hla(r)f nghe 16m
overalls f,auvar'o:lzI b¢ 60 lI~nquon lien chOu Au
overkill f,auva'kIV sUdvng qua nhleu
overbalance f,auva'brelans/ mdt th6ng overlook f,auva'luk/ bo 56t. cot thLlCtng
bong overnight f,auva'nsltJ quo dem
overcoat l'auva'kaotJ 00 6m overseas f,auva'si:zI hol ngO<;lI
overflow I'auva'flaul trcn ng¢p oversee f,auva'si:f gram sat


para- Cac tLl c6 d~ng nghTa/{hac:
paradigm fpreradalmI h~ bllin ro paraphernalia /,prerafa'neIlral dl,lng
para- k~t hop vai danh tit va tinh tit M tao danh tit va tfh tit mci, Cac tit moi paradise fpreradaIs/ thilln dong CI,I th~ thao
nay am chi hay di~n dat m(lt v~t ra't gi6ng v~t khac, Vi d\lj tISchirc "paramilitary" paradox fpreradoksl chuy~n nghlch 1'1' paraphrase fprerafrelzI vllit 1<:;11.
nrong h! nhu quan d(li nhung khong phai la quan d(\i chinh thuc cua m(\t ruroc: paragraph fpreragra:fI doon vOn dot 1<:;11
cho d~ hl~u hem
"paramedic". la ngt!i'1i ma duoc dao tao nht! ~(lt Y ta va ngui'1i ?itip vi'>c pha parallel IlpreraleV song song paraplegic l,prera'pli:d3Ik/ mang
che' dU<;1C
ph§'m.· . paralyse I'preralalzI 10m te lI~t chung bot lI~t
They were jailed for organizing, - Ho bi to vi t(li t6 chuc, huan luyen va parameter Ipa'rreduta(r)1 tham 56 parapsychology l,prerasaI'kolad3u khoa
training and equipping a paramili· trang bi mot t6 chuc ban quan SII. paramount fpreramauntl t6i coo kl~m chungcoc hl~n tUQng slau IInh
taryorganization. paranoid fpreranaldl hoang tuong parasites fprerasaltsf ky sinh vot
Not all ambulance staff were trained - Khong phai ta't ca doi ngii CUu thuong paranormal l,prera'no:mV huy~n bi parasol /peerssol/ du che nong
paramedics. d~u dUdC hua'n luy~n vi~c cung ung parapet fprerapltI tuong chon mal
dung CI,Itrang thie't bi y khoa.
Paratyphoid is a highly infectious - C{ln thuong him Iii m(lt dang benh d~
form of food poisoning. lay Ian gay boi st,l nhii!m d(lc thirc an.
Duol day 10 rnuc tv c6 cung dQng nghTa :
part- ket hop ~ai qua khu phan tit va danh tl( M tao tinh tit va danh ttr moi:
paramedic I,prera'medlk/ cung ung para-professiotlal l,prerapra'fefnaV Cac tit mai nay di~n dat mot v~t gl c16chi c6 mot pMn nhung khong hoan toan
trang thllit bl Y khoo ban chuylln nghl~p I~ v~t dii dU<;1Cqua khir phan tu hoac danh ttr g6c mo ta. Vi du, neu ban Iii
paramilitary I,prera'mlhtrrl ban paratyphoid I,prera'talfaldl b~nh con 'part-owner' cila m(lt viec gl d6 chang han nhu viec kinh doanh: nghta Iii ban
quon sv thuang hen chia se viec do vai mot hay nhieu nguoi khac: neu ai d6 cho ban 'part-explanation'
cua mot di~u gt, nghta la ho ke' cho ban v~ mot vai thit gl d6 v~ dieu do. MUng
2. HO~T eONG LI~N QUAN e~N NHAV DU : khong phai ke' het moi thu.
para- c6 trong danh tit chi hoat d(\ng lien quan Mn nhay du hoac d6i voi .nhung - John Robinson was editor and part- - John Robinson Ii'!bien tap vien va ct&ng
nguoi sa dung chung. Vi du, 'paragliding' 13 mon th~ thao trong d6 ban sa owner of the Natal Mercury. sa hau cila to tap chi Natal Mercury.
dung mot chi~c du dircc thi~t k€ d~c biet, 'paratrooper' la nguoi lfnh du<;1Chu!n - He handed me the rest of his part- - Anh ta dua cho toi phan con lai cua
luyen M nhay du VaG tr~n chien hoac lanh thIS cua ke thll. cooked meal. baa an na'u do chClng cila anh ta.
The paratroopers and glider-borne - Unh nhay du va bo binh duoc cho - The mountain was part-concealed by - Ngon ruii bi tuye't phil he't mOl ph~n.
infantry would launch the assault. b~ng tau IUdn se mo cuoc ta'n congo snow.
_ .'. there are water-skIIng and - ... c6 cac phuong ti~n choi tau llidn DLlol day 10 rnuc tV co cung dQng nghTa :
paragliding facilities on the main va Iudt van tren bai .bi~n chinh.
part-assembled Ipa:t o'sembld/ top part-cooked Ipa:t 'kuktl n6u do chung
beach. trung mot phon part-owner Ipa:t 'auna(r)1 dong so huu
Duol day 10 rnuc tV c6 cung dQng nghia : part-boarded Ipa:t 'bo.drd/ phu v6n part-ownership Ipa:t 'aunaflp/ quy~n

parachute fprerafu:tI du may bay paratrooper fpreratru:Pil(r)/ Unh nhqy

mot phon sO huu m¢t phon J.
part-concealed Ipa:t kan'si.l/ g16u part-payment /pa:t 'pel manti tra mot
paragliding I,prera'glalduy' mOn IU(1too du
(Mt 10) mot phon phon
parasailing I,prera'serluy' bal tau du part-cotlStructed /po:t kan'strxktrd/
ban XOy dvng


Cac tIJ cO dlimg nghia khac:
part-exchange Ipa:t ik'stfemdy part-time /po.t 'tatm/ bOn thOl gion
-person ke't hop vai danh tu di!' tao danh tu m6'i chi ai do thuc hien m(it vai
phuong ph6p ClOIh6ng bu tMm tI~n part-way Ipa:t 'weJi nlio Clu6ng
tro d~c biet hoac c6 cong viec d~c biet, Vi du, 'spokesperson' Iii ngu()i n6i hay
part-singing Ipa:t'SIIjllj sl,/ co nhang part-work Ipa:t 'W3:k/ cOng vl~c chi
phat bii!'u thay m~t cho m(it t6 clute rieng bi~t; 'chairperson' IA ngu~i chil trl
Cloon khuc c6 mOt ph6n
mot ily ban.

-person th'u~ng diroc dung thay cho '-man' hoac '-woman' di!' tranh xac djnh
penta- giot tfnh cila mQt ngirot nao d6.
penta- c6 trong cac tu chi v~t c6 narn phan, Vi du, 'pentagon' la 1 hlnh c6 nam - Her spokesperson told me that about -
Phat ngOo vien aia ba ta n6i vai toi rllng
canh: 'pentathlon' la cuoc tranh tai thi!' thao c6 nam men, ten manuscripts arrive each day. m3i ngay c6 khoang fl'llbi ban thao.
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa : - The chairperson asked for volunteers - Vi chu tich yeu du nhang ngllai tlnh
to participate in the uarious subcom· nguyen tham gia VaGcac ti~u ban khac
pentagon /'pentagaIll hinh ngO gl6c pelltangle Ipent'reIjgl/ nOm g6c
mittees. nhau.
pentagram I,penta'grrenll blt'lu Cl6 pentathlon /pen'teeslan/ cuec thl ClI~n
- ... his decision to spl!ok to no - ... qUY€1 dinh cua ong ta la kh6ng cho
nom mQt klnh nOm mOn ph61 hop
newsperson. ba't cu nha bao nao bie'1.
pentameter /pen'tsemrtslrj/ cOu tho
nga Om b¢ DLlol dOy 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
chairperson ItfEa'p3:sn! nguol chu tri/ ombudsperson l,ombu<iz'p3:sIll tham Ira
-people chu too spokesperson l,spauks'p3:sIll ngu61
netosperson Inju:z'p3:sIlI
-people ke't hop v6'i danh tu di tao danh tU m6'i chi cac nh6m ngu()j s6ng a ph6ng vl~n ph6t ngOn

mot noi dilicbi~t hay c6 lien quan Mn m(it hoat d(ing d~c biet, Vi du, 'townspeople' > Chu 9 rdllg cdc tll lIay It khi dung if dlJl1g so: nhieu, nhung chung dlJ;1e dung khi
cua mot tinh la nhirng nglic:'1is6ng a
d6; 'salespeople' Iii nguc:'1ikiern song bang ke't h(1p vc1i '-persons' hen III vc1i 'people'.
II each buon b~n.
The soldiers posted notices ordering - Binh Ifnh dan thong bolo ra lenh dan
- The members of The Advisory Coun·
cil include sixty chairpersons of
Cac thanh vien cua hOi d6ng eo' va'n
g6m sau mllai vi chu tich eua cac
the townspeople to stay indoors. ,. trong tlnh phai a trang nha. smaller councils. ti~u ban.
The tribespeople of Bomuanaland - Dan bO lac Bomvanaland s6ng a d6i 2. s6 f)~M :
lived on hills and in valleys. nul va thung long.
Ibbett denied that the salespeople - Ibbett phu nhan rang nheng ngllai ban
had been told. hang dii bie't chuyen. -person ke't hop voi s6 de'm di!' tao cac tu di~n tei s6 ngu()i cAn cho mQt hoat
dong hoac muc tieu d~c biet, Vi du, m(it xe toa 'twelve-person' Iii m(it xe c6 du
DLloi day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dQng nghTa :
chO va giu()ng ngil cho muOi hai nguoi: tro choi 'four-person' duoc bon ngu~i
countru-people I,iu.ntn'pi:pl/ nguol tradespeople /trerds' nguol buOn choi.
Clong huang b6n - ... a [our-person self-catering holiday - ... can hQ cho bii'n khach di nghl tu lo
towns-people Itaunz'pi:pl/ dOn thi tribespeople /trarbs' nguol dOn flat. mo! djch vv (na'u an .. .).
thOnh CJ tlnh Iv. s6ng thee b¢ IQc - ... a £63·a·week pay claim for driving - ... Iliang 63 pound mot lu~n cho ta i x€
one·person operated trains. xe hia ril(it ngllai lai.
> Chu 9 rang cac Iii lilly khollg SU dl/lIg if hinh thllc so' ft. Vf dl/, b'PI se khollg gqi - ... two-person board games such as - ... tro choi cho hai ngllai nhu ca va co
ai d6 III m9t 'towllspersoll'.' chess and draughts. dam.
~ Muon bie't them chi tie't VB cac tLl cnl nguai, xin xem -folk, -kind, -man, -person va ~ MuOn bltft thlm c~i ti'~ vI cac to chI naUai, xin xem -folk, -kind, :men, -people va -women.
-phile -phone
-phile co trong danh tu d~ cap hay mo ta ai do rilt thfch mi)tthu gl hay mot -phone co trong cac ~ chl dung cu tao, khuech dai ho~c truy~n am thanh. Vi
noi nao do. Vi du, "Francophile" Iii nguoi thich vii nguong mQ mroc Phap va du, 'telephone' la mi)t dung cu dien ma ban c6 th~ n6i chuyen voi m¢t ngu~i khac
nguoi Phap: "bibliophile" Iii ngiroi rilt yeu sach va. a noi khac: 'saxophone' Iii mot nhac cu duoc chot bAng each th6i va ba'Jl1.phim.
DLloi day 16 rnuc tlJ co cung dQng nghTo : DLloi day 16 muc tlJ co cung dQng nghTo"
Anglophile freIJglaofaIV nguol y~u Francophile ffrreIJkaofaIV ngUOi y~u
diciaphone /drkta'faon/ m6y ghl Mng microphone fmaIkrafaon! ml-crO
nuoc Anh nuoc Ph6p
earphone Ixa'foon! 6ng nghe saxophone fsreksafaon! ken soxo
bibliophile /brblrofarl/ nguol veu Italophile /i'tselafatl/ nguCli y~u nuoc
gramophone fgrremafoon! m6y h6t telephone ftehfoon! dl~n tnoot
soch va y vibraphone /varbrafoon/ dOn virophOn
Europhile /juarsfarl/ nguol y~u chOu Au megaphone fmegafoon! 100 ph6ng xylophone fzadafoon! m¢c c6m
-phobia, -phobic
-phone cling du~c dung nhu th~ vie't t~t cua 'telephone' va c6 trong nhirng tu
-phobia co trong danh tu va -phobic c6 trong tinh tu c6 nghla bi) phan la 'fear
c6 nghla bi) phan l~ 'telephone' (di~n thoai), Vi du, 'answerphone' la loai may
hay dread' (sohai). Vi du, neu ai do bi chirng 'agoraphobia', thl ho so hili khoang
tra lai dien thoai va ghi lai thong tin.
tr6ng va khong thich ra khoi nha: neu ai d6 'claustrophobic' nghia la ho so phai
a trong nhung nCli chat hep, ngot ngat, DLloi day 16 rnuc tv c6 cung dQng nghTo :

DLloi ddy 16 rnuc tv co cung dr,mg nghTo : ansuierphone fo:nsafaoni m6y dl~n cellphoJl(! fselfaon! phOng dl.n thoQI

thoot tv dong ghiiOI nh6n freephone ffri:faon! dl~n thOQi ml6n

agoraphobia /,regara'foobIaI chOng SQ hydrophobia /hardro'feobre/ chOng
earphone fko:faon! dl~n thocl d trong phi
hel tr6ng vang sQ (ky) nuec
. xe hOI paypho1le fpeIfoon! dr~n thool tra tl~n
agoraphobic /,regara'foobIkI SQ hell technophobia /,tekna'fooblal chOng
I" tr6ng vang ghat ky thuQt
claustrophobia /,kl:>:stra'faobIaI con xenophobia /,zena'faobIa/ chOng
SQ h6i ng¢t ngQt ghat/ SQ nguol ngooi qu6c
III photo- c6 trong cac tu chi v~t c6 lien h~ hoac duoc tao ra nho anh sang. Vi
claustrophobic /,kl:>:stra'foobIkI SQ xenophobic /,zena'foobIkI ghat/SQ
du, 'photograph' Iii m¢t ta'm anh du~c tao ra khi anh sang roi ien phim trong
rig¢t ngQt nguClI ngOOI qu6c
may anh,
homophobia /,homa'foobJa/ chOng sQ
ngUClI d6ng tinh luy~n 61 DLloi dOy 16 rnuc tlJ co cung dQng nghTo :

photocell ffootaoseV quong dl~n photosensitive /,footoo'sensatrv/ c6

phon- photochemical /,faota'kemIkV quong tfnh nncv Onh sOng
-phon- c6 trong cac tu c6 nghia bi) phan la 'sound' (Am thanh) hay 'voice' (tie'ng h60 photosylltllesis /,faotao'sm9asIsI (c6

n6i). Vi du, 'phonology' Iii men hoc v~ phat am trong met ngon ngu d~c biet: photograph ffaotagro:fI t6m onh tfnh) Quang nco
"phoneme' Iii mot trong nhungam c6 th~ duoc phat am trong ngon ngu. photokinesis /,foota'kmlSlsl chOng bj
kfch hoot bal 6nh sOng
DLloi day 16 rnuc 1U co cung dQng nghTo :

phoneme ffooni:m1 Om vi phonic ffomkl thu¢c Om photo- cling dung nhu th~ vie't t~t cua "photograph" va co trong cac tu co nghla
phonetic /fa'netrk/ (thuoc) ngu Om phonograph ffoonagro:fI m6y hOt b¢ ph~n la "nhiep anh", Vi du, 'photocopier' Ia' may sao tai lieu nhanh b~ng
. phonetics /fa'netrks/ ngu Om phonology /fa'noted3u Om vi hoc each chup lai,


DUo; day 16 muc tU c6 cung dQng nghia : - The centrepiece of the picture was a - a trung tam ta'm a'nh nay la hoa hlnh
representation of the King. cua hoang M.
photocopier /,fauta'kopla(r)/ mOY sao photogenic l,fautau'd3emkl cdnh thich
- It was on the stone slab beneath the - N6 nilm tren phie'n da dlldi ke tren 10
tolll$u hQp cho vl$c cbup onh
chimney-piece. suoi.
photocopy /,fauta'kopIl sao IQI photo-journalist l,fauta'd33:nahst/
plroto/it I'fautafl~ thfch hQp cho vl~c ph6ng vl~n chup onh Duo; dOy 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dQng nghTa :
chup onh photo-nouel l,fauta'novV t¢p onh altar-Piece f;):ltapi:sI buc truong eyepiece falpi:sI thl kfnh
centrepiece fsenta pi:sI v¢t trung tOm mouthpiece fmau6pi:sI ml$ng kiln.

physio- chimney-piece ftJlmru pi:sI k$ tr~n 16 6ng n61 dl$n thoQI

suol side-piece fsaldpi:sI g6n b6n
physio- co trong cac tlt co nghta bQ phan la 'physical' (thuQc than the'). Vi du,
earpiece fJapi:sI 6ng nghe
'physiology' la mQt mon hoc nghien cuu each thirc hoat dQng cua ca thti con
ngiroi va loai v~t; "physiography" la ten khac cila dia v~t Iy_ >- Chu y rang 'mouthpiece' va 'cenirepiece' Call co IIghia thOllg khac. "Mouthpiece"
DUel; day 16 roue tu c6 cung dQng nghTa : cUa m~t t6' chile la IIgt10i pMt bilu csng khai chinh sach va y kitll cUa h». "Celltrepiece"
cua m~t b~ dJ v~t la m~t v~t ma b(11lcho iii mdu M't nhlft irong toan b~.
physiography /,fIZl'ografIl dla v¢t Iy physiotherapy /,flzlau'gerapIl v¢t Iy trl
pllysiology /,flzl'olad3I1 sinh Iy hoc lI$u Cac tt1 c6 d{lng nghia khSc .-
plrysiotherapist l,flzlau'geraplst/ nM frontispiece ffrAntlspi:sI "trang d6u masterpiece fmo:stapi:sI kl$t toe
v¢t Iy trj II$U soch showpiece fJaupi:sI v¢t trl~n 10m
mantlepiece fmrentlpi:S! b$ 16 suOI

1. s6 f>EM :
politico- ket hop voi tfnh tU M tao tinh tll' mdi di~n ta m¢t s\..iviec c6 lien quan
• CACH DUNG R¢NG RAI : den chinh trio Vi du, Iy tli&1g 'politico-religious' lien quan g6m ca v~ tfln giao
-piece ket hop vdi cac s6 M tao cac tll' di~n I<i s6 thanh vien hay cac phdn nho Ian v~ chlnh hi; ne'u m¢t qu6c gia hay m¢t nh6m qu6c gia chiu s\..ithong tri
trong mot nh6m dac biet, Vi du, bua an t6i 'forty-two-piece' dli<;fcphuc vu voi "politico-economic", nghia la n6 bi kitim soat va b] anh hirong ca v~ chfnh tr]
42 dta, tach ... Ian kinh t€ Mi m¢t qu6c gia hay m¢t nh6m qu6c gia khac.
- My sitting room has a three-piece - Phong khach cua toi c6 mot bo hai ghe'
. >- Cllu y rallg cac tinh til nay co tinh trang trong' va it xiiy ra,
suite and a desk. banh, mot trang ky va mot ban vie't.
_ ... a politico-religious ideal as old .as - ... mot 19 tllong ton glao chlnh tr] lau
- two-piece dresses. ... chiec ao dai hai vat.
Christianity itself. d{ji nhu chinh glao 19 co Mc.
- her one-piece swimming costume. - ... bo dO tam mot manh CUi! co ta.
_ The politico-administrative systems - Cac he th6ng hanh chanh chlnh tri c6
2. CACH sO DVNG HO~C VI TRr : had different characteristics. nhi~u d~c di€m khac nhau.
-piece ket hop voi danh tll' M tao danh tll' maio Cac danh tU' moi nay chi vM DUo; day 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dQng nghia :
gl do If! mot phan cua mot v~t Ian hon dung cho mQt muc dich dac bi~t hoac
politico-administrative /pa'htrkeo ad'mmtstratrv/ honh chOnh chfnh trl
toa lac tai mot vi trl d~c biet, Vi du, 'eyepiece' la mQt phAn cua v~t gl do ma
politico-economic /pa'htrkao i:ka'norrnkl klnh t~ chfnh trl
ban d~t g~n m~t M nhln xuyen qua; 'side-piece' duoc d~t tai canh cua mot v~t
politico-militaru /pa'lrtrkso mr'lrtan/ quOn d¢1 chfnh t~
Ian hon.
politico-religious /pa'htrkso rr'lrdjss/ tOn glOo chfnh trl
- The cameraman peered Into the eye- - Nha quay phim nhin qua th] klnh,
politico-strategic /pa'lmkao stra'ti:d31k1 chl~n IUQc chfnh trl


poly- 1. SAU CUOI:
poly- c6 trong cac tU c6 nghia bo phan li,',plany' ·<'nhi~u). Vi du "polygon" la • CACH DUNG RQNG RAI :
mot hinh c6 ba hoac nhieu canh: "polyphonk I~ am nhac ducc tao ra boi nhieu -post ke't hop v(fi danh ttY va tfnh tu di~n hi mi)t .sl! kien hoac sl! phat tri~n
phan va giai dieu khac nhau. d~e biet M tao danh tu va tinh ttY moi, Cac tu thanh l~p then 16i nay chi r~ng
Dlloi day 10 rnuc tU co cung d<;mg nghia : mi)t v~t di~n ra sau mi)t v~t khac. Vi du, cui)e di~u tra 'post-election' duqc chi
dao sau khi cuoc bAll cU' da xay ra; mi)t phong trao 'post-feminist' dua tren y
polyglot I'pohglotl ngt..lOIbl~t nhl~u polymat/I I'pohmre61 f!~,rroc hoc
niern phat tri~n' h:Yphong trao nam ml blnh quy~n g6c.
polyp/Ionic l,poh'fonIkI d61Om
thu tl6ng eich vl"t: Cac ttY thanh I~p b~ng each nay thuong dU(1Cvie't voi cl5u gach
polygon I'pohganl hinh do gl6c polyphony Ipo'hfaml d6i Om
polysyllabic I,pohsl'lreblkl c6 nhi~u n6i, nhung vai ttY thong thircng hon diroc vie't thanh mi)t ttY.
polygram I'pohgrrem/ bl6u d6 do
OmMt _ the post-election confusion. - .., stI h6n don sau cuec bau cu.
polytechllic I,poh'tekmkl boch khoo _ the post-ceremony luncheon. - .., baa tnra sau bu6i I~.
polygraph I'po\!gro:fI d6 thi do dang
polytheism I'poh6i:lzarnl do th6n gloo _ We live In a post-religious era. - Chung ta s6ng trong ky nguyen h3u
polyhedron I'pohhi:dranl kh61do dl~n
ton giao.
- Public confidence has fallen dramati- Thea cuQc tharn db d~ ti~n hanh sau
cally, according to a post-budget poll. Icy hop v~ ngan sach, sr tin tvang rua
-poor q~n ehUng giam sUItr~m trong.
-poor ke't hop voi danh ttY M tao tinh tU chi v(\t chua du ch5t c6 gia hi va nhu ... stj phan ung nrc thl'1ingay sau cui)c
- ... an instant post-race reaction.
y mu6n. Vi du, neu thuc ph am la "nutrient-poor", nghia la thuc pham d6 kern dua.
dinh duong: neu d5t dai "nitrogen-poor", nghia la n6 chua it nito.
DllC1iday 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghTa :

• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : post-budget /peost 'bAdglti h¢u ngOn post-Marxist I,paust 'mc.ksrst/ sou
C6 th~ tao tu moi c6 Cling nghia bsng each them -poor van danh tu, d~c biet seen chu nghTaMac
ne'u cluing chi h6a cha't hoac ch5t huu co, Tuy nhien. cac tu nay khong diroc post-ceremony /psost 'senmom/ sou post-match I,paust 'mretJI sou tr¢n,d6u
post-medieval I,paust medr'i.vl/ sou
thong dung I~m va thuang duoc dung d ngon ngu trang trong. vi du nhu trong
'. nghl thuc
post-election I,paust 1'lekJ'nI sou b6u cLl thai dol Trungcd
sach bao v~ d~ tai khoa h9C.
_ _.. nhung d6ng eo thuongxuyen ung post-examination Ipaust Ig,zrenu'neIj'nI post-menopausal I,paust 'menepo.zl/
.., nutrient-poor, permanently water-
nuoc, kern dinh duong. sou cu¢c thl sou thai ky mOn klnh
logged pastureS. post-feminist /paost 'femrmst/ h¢u post-modernism I,paust 'modsnrzam/
_ .., b~u khong khi b~n thlu, thie'u oxy.
... a foul, oxygen-poor atmosphere. thuy~t nom n(J blnh quylm sou thai ky hl~n dQI
_ .., cac qu6e gia thie'u tai nguyen.
.., resource-poor countries. post-Freudian /paost 'froidran/ sou post-natal I,paust 'nertl/ h¢u san
Dlloi day 10 rnuc tU co cung dong nghia : thai cuo Freud post-race I,paust reIsI sou cuoc duo
resource-poor lrI'so:s po:(r)1 thl~u tal post-impressionism I,paust post-religious I,paust rr'lrdjas/ sou ky
nitrogen-poor I'naltrad3an po:(r)/ rm'prejanrzam/ sou trt..langphol 6n nguy~n tOn gloo
thl~u nl-to sulphur-poor I'sAlfa(r) po:(r)/ thl~UIt..Iu tt..lQng post-renaiSSllnce I,paust rr'nersns/
nutrient-poor I'nju:trlant po:(r)/ thl~u post-independence I,paust sou thai ky phuc ht..lng
dlnh dt..lang mdr'pendans/ sou d¢c I¢p post-structuralism /peost
oxygen-poor l'oksld3an ~o:(r)1 thl~u o-xy post-liberation I,paust liba'reIj'nI sou 'strAtJarahzarnl sou trt..langphol c6u
glol ph6ng true lu¢n



post- cung k€t hop voi ngay thang theo each nay.
... post-1960's society. - ... xa hOi h~u thap nien 60.
each vltt: Cac tu thanh lap theo each nay thliC1~ dli<;1cvi€t voi Mu_ aach
~ nhung vai tu thong dung hon diroc vi€t dinh lii!n.
He began to study some of the post- - Anh ta da b~t d~u nghien cuu mot s6
sixth-century portraits. buc hoa h~u th€ ky thu 6. ~ Mu6n bi~~ them chi M't VB cac ta cO nghia bQ ph~n la 'before' (truce), xem ante-.

The squad will go to Shaw Hill for - Doi nay se di Shaw Hill d~ du bu6i
pre-match training. huan luyen IrlI<k Ir~n da'u.
post- cung k€t hop voi danh tu M chi cai gt d6 lien h~ voi dich VI,I thir' tin. Vi
He found himself opposing Cham- - Chinh anh la da phan d6i
du, 'postman' la ai d6 chuyen thu va buu kien: "postcode" la ma 56 hose 51!
ber/ainin the pre-war years. Chamberlain trong nhang narn Cruae
ph6i hop chu va 56 ngiln g<;>n(j cu6i mOt dia chi M phan IO\1ithu ~~ dang hon.
ehi€n tranh.
The postman handed me my letters - Nguai dua thu trao thu eho loi qua eVa ... pre-industrial Britain. - nuae Anh lruac Ihai ky nghe hoa.
through the window. s6. - ... pre-job education or training - chuang trlnh.giao due va dao 1<;10
Mary sent her husband many post- - Mary goi cho chong nhi~u buu thi€p schemes. huang nghiep.
cards and one real letter from lstan- va mOl buc thu th~t sv tlt Istanbul.
A post-box in Rome is emptied, on - Trung blnh eu m5i ba ngay thl hOp thu Dl10i day 10 muc tU c6 cung dong nghTa :
average, every three days. 0 Rome duoe l3'y thu,
pre-adolescent I,pri: .eeda'lesnt/ truce pre-independence I,pri: mdr'pendens/
Dl10i day 10 rnuc tU c6 cung dong nghTa: tudl truong th6nh truoc cec I¢p .
pre-birth I,pri: 'b3:91 trUoe thOlky sinh pre-industrial I,pri: m'dxstrral/ truce
postbag /'paostbreg/ hil thu postmaster /'paostma:sta(r)1 trvong
san ky ngh~
post-box /'paost boks! h¢p thU ph6ng bLIUdl~n (nom)
pre-budget I,pri: 'bAd3ItI tisn ngOn pre-lunch I,pri: 'Lrntj7 truce bl!a true
postcard /'paostka:(r)d1 bLIUthl~p postmistress I'paostmistris! truong
s6eh premarital l,pri:'mrerItlI tilln hOn nMn
postcode /'paostkaod/ mO 56 bLIUdl~n ph6ng bUUdI~n (nl!)
pre-capitalist I,pri: 'keepita'hst/ tisn pre-match I,pri: 'mretJI truce tr¢n d6u
postman /'paostmanl ngU~1dUo thu post-office /'paost of Is! buu dl$n
TUban ehu nghTa pre-race I,pri: reIs! truce tr¢n duo
postmark /'paustma:(r)kJ d6u DUU post-service /'paost ,S3:VISIdleh vu
pre-Christian I,pri: 'krrtjan/ truce thOi pre-reformation I,pri: refa'meijn/
di$f\l ouu dl$n
ky cuo Thl~ncnuo gi60 truce eal e6eh
Cae tl1 cO dt;mg nghia khSe : pre-Christmas I,pri: 'krrsmas/ truce pre-retirement I,pri: ri'taiamant/
postgraduate l,payst'grred3uatl sou postscript /'paostskrIptl t61but cnuo GI6ng sinh truce hUu tr!

dQI hoc pre-daunt I,pri: 'do.n/ truce binh minh pre-reuoluiion I,pri: reva'lu:fnl mroc
pre-delivery Ipri: dr'lrvert/ truce thai e6eh mQng
,v ~ )~ ~ de.vdof gian gioo. onot pre-Roman I,pri: 'raornan/ truce thai
pre-dinner I,pri: 'dms/ truce baa t6i
pre- -f- +U' I ~.itp~ ) - ~fecr.t{~ -) lJvt~~ ~
La Md

pre-election I,pri: r'lekjn/ truce b6u eu pre-school I,pri: 'sku:1I truce thOlgion
1. TRU(jC: l) I/J pre-examination I,pri: Ig'zremineIJnI di hoc
• CACH DUNG R¢NG RA~: l.J, truce eu¢c thl pre-transmission I,pri: truns'rmjn/
pre- k€t hop veti danh tu va tfnh tu chi hoac di~n ta mOt 51! phat triin hoac pre-game I,pri: 'geunl truce cuoc cbo! truce khlehuy~n tal

mot .!:li€n e6 dae biet M t\10 cac tu dli<;1edung tnroc danh tU. Cac tu thanh l~p pre-glasnost I,pri: 'glreznostl truce pre-trial I,pri: 'trarol/ truce thu th6eh
thai ky cOng khol pre-war I,pri: wo:(r)1 truce ehl~n tronh
theo each nay di~n ta mOt 5\( viec di~n ra tnroc mot viec khac. Vi du, mot cAu
thil c6 th~ chiu dung 51! ding thAng "pre-match" tnroc khi VaG tran d~u; ban prehuman I,pri:'hju:manl truce 1001
u6ng "pre-dinner" ngay truce khi lIn teli.

232 - WORD FORMATION .cv1-~r~~vvU ~ff~ .~!ftE-.

- Cover the dish and bake in a preset - D~y cai dia vam/Ong tren mOt cai 10
I2re- k~t h<1p veti.~ theo cach nay. oven. da b~t nut 'dinh gib trudc.
More than eighty pre·1939 sports - Hon 80 chie"c xe th~ thao truck 1939 - The food is pre-prepared but not pre- - Tlnrc ~n duoc lam siin nhung clura
cars took part in the rally. tham du cuoc dua. cooked. _ nau.

- ... information extracted from pre·. - ... thong tin Ia'y tlJ nhung tai Ii~u truck DLlol day 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghia :
fourteenth century documents. the" ky 14.
pre-arranged I,pri: a'remdjd/ sdp x~p premeditation Ipri:,medI'teijnJ SI.,/
~- cung k~t hop voi dOng....tJLM t\lO dOng hI: ~. Vi du, n~u ban "prejudge" rnuu tinh truce .
mot tinh huang, nghIa la ban hinh thanh mOt Y ki~n v~ n6 tnroc khi ban biet pre-booked I,pri: 'bukV ghl clot trllac preordained I,pri:;>:'demdl cllnh truce
tat ca cac su kien. preconceiued I,pri:kan'si:vdl nh¢n preordination l,prb:dI'nelfnJ su clInh
- Party organizations inevitably pre· - Cac t6 chuc Dang chile chan da xem thuc truce truce
judge proposals from their opponents. xet truck nhung yep sach cua d6i preconception l,pri:kan'sepfnJ cllnh ki~n pre-packed I,pri: 'peekt/ cl6ng kl$n sOn
phuong, . pre-cooked I,pri: 'kukV n6l.J truce pre-paid I,pri: 'perd/ tra truce
- He married late and his wife prede· - Ong ta da I~p gia cinh muon va vrJ pre-cut I,pri: 'kAV cor ra truoc pre-payment I,pri: 'pennant/ SI.,/ tro truoc
ceased him. ong ta da qua dbi 'truck ong ta. predestination l,pri:destI'nelfnJ sl.,l pre-planned I,pri: 'pleend/ dV cllnh trllae
DLloi day 16 rnuc tu c6 cung dong nghTd : cl~n tnroc. cl!nh m$nh pre-prepared I,pri: prI'pea(r)1 cnudn
predestined l,pri:'destin,dI do cllnh m(jnh bl truce
pre-date Ipri: 'dert/ cl~ 101ngoy thOng prefigure l,pri:'fIgaCir)1 hinh dung
pre-digested I,pri: dar'djestrd/ ch~ pre-recorded I,pri: rr'ko.drd/ thu truce
va truce truce. ml(lu to trUc/:
bl~n cho do!!tl"u pre-selected I,pri: sr'lektrd/ chon Iva
predecease l,pri:dI'si:sI eh~t truce prejudge I,pri:'d:y.dy coon truae, xem
prefabricated /pri.feebrr.kertrd/ ch~ truce
predetermine l,pri:dI't3:mml tlen cllnh xet truce
roo sdn, clue sdn pre-selection I,pri: sr'lekjn/ SI.,/ Iva
preview I'pri:vjulI xem truce
pre-heated l,pri:"hi:tIdI nung n6ng chon trllac
truce khl slJ dl,lng preset Ipri:'seV
2. ROI: C~!:J~.L ifrt( < W _,>.~~N ~ J~ DC-
premeditated /pri'medr.tertrd/ rnuu hoot cl¢ng
sl)a chco truce khl

• CACH DUNG RQNG RAI : ( ,~? f ff tinh trvac. clot k~ hooch truce

pre- cung ker hop veti danh tu va qua khu phan tu d~ tao danh tu va tinh tU ,..\ Cac tI1 c6 d~ng nghia Mac:
moi, Cac tU duoc tao ra chi hay mo hi mot hanh dong da diroc thirc hien r6i.
preamble Ipri:'rembV lal n61 clOu. loi prehistoric l,pri:hI'storIltl tiel) SlJ
Vi du, mot "preconception" la mot, sl! tin tuong ma ban da c6 ve mot dieu gl
mo clOu prejudice I'pred3u<l!sI tMnh kltln
d6 truce khi ban biet h~t v~ n6 M c6 mOt Y ki~n cong bang v~ dieu d6; neu
mot cai gl d6 diroc "prepaid", tLi'cla n6 da duoc tni tien r6i. precaution /prr'kojn/ sV ph6ng ngua premature I'prematjua(r)1 som. truce
predispose l,pri:dI'spauzl d6n Mn. dl.,l cljnh
each vitt: Cac tU du~c thanh I~p theo each nay thirong duoc viet v~i dau thl(ln ve preocchpy Ipri:'okjupall lam b¢n torn.
gach noi, nhung cac tli thong dung hem du<1C vi€t dmh lien. predominant /prr'domrnant/ e6 uu am onh
- He tries to deny information which - Ong ta co gang choi tlt nhung thong th~ hon prepossessing l,prI:pa'zesuy do!!gOy
challenges his preconceptions. till thach thuc nlurng quan niern tnroc predominate /prr'dommert/ th6ng tr]. corn tinh
kid cua ong ta. ndm .quyen prerequisite l,pri:'rekwIZIV clleu kl(jn
- Fuel was provided at pre·arranged Nhien li~u dl1QC cung ca'p tal cac pre-eminent I,pri: 'ernmant/ uu vl(jt tlen quyet
stores along the routes. ngu6n du tru s~p d~t trl10c d doc pre-empt I,pri: 'empt/ ehl~m hau presentiment /prr'zentiment/ IInh cdrn
dl/bng. b6ng each honh cl¢ng trllae pretext I'pri:teksV ca. Iy do
- The door of his study was open, and - Canh ora phong hoc cua anh ta dii d~ prefix I'pri:flksl tl~p clOu nga

without premeditation he turned ngo, va anh ta buoc vao ma khong h~

into it.
nghit~~ . WORD FORMATION - 235
»: cCes e/7'b~ ~ £Ae{vrn'k'~j~

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