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Engagement Letter for [Client]

Dear [Client],

This letter is to confirm and specify the terms of CrypTax Advisory’s (the “Firm”) engagement with you for
the tax year ended [DATE] (the “Term”), and to clarify the nature and extent of the tax services to be
provided. We look forward to working with you and want to confirm our understanding of the arrangements
for this service. Please read this letter carefully because it is important that we establish expectations for
both of us as we work together. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this
Engagement Letter, please call to discuss before signing it.

The Internal Revenue Service imposes penalties and fines on taxpayers, and on the Firm as a preparer,
for failure to observe due care and diligence in reporting for tax returns. To ensure an understanding of our
mutual responsibilities, the Firm ask that all clients confirm in writing the following arrangements.

Personal Clients
Personal income tax returns are due by April 15, 2020. Please submit your information by March 15, 2020
to ensure your income taxes can be completed by the deadline. An additional extension of time to file may
be requested prior to the due date, allowing you to extend your tax return due date until October 15, 2020.
If an extension is filed, please submit your information by September 15, 2020 to ensure your income
taxes can be completed by the extended deadline.

The extension is an extension of time to file your tax return and not an extension to pay any tax liability
due. If any tax is due or you think it may be due, you must pay that amount to the IRS and any applicable
state taxing agency by April 15, 2020. If payment for estimated taxes is not made timely, there will be
penalties and interest due. Please be aware that if your documents are submitted AFTER the requested
dates of April 1 or September 15, a Rush Premium of 5% will be applied to the total cost for your return to
be completed by the April 15 or October 15 deadline, respectively. Furthermore, the Firm provides no
assurance that returns prepared under such “rush” status will be available to file on time.

Corporate Clients
Pass-through Income Tax Returns (S-Corporations, Partnerships, LLC’s taxed as S-Corporations, LLC
taxed as Partnerships and certain trusts), are due by March 15, 2019. Please submit your information by
February 15, 2020 to ensure your taxes can be completed by the deadline. An additional extension of time
to file may be requested prior to the due date, allowing you to extend your tax return due date until
September 15, 2020. If an extension is filed, please submit your information by August 15, 2020 to ensure
your income taxes can be completed by the extended deadline.

C-Corporation, and LLC’s taxed as C-Corporations are due by April 15, 2020. Please submit your
information by March 15, 2020 to ensure your taxes can be completed by the deadline. An additional
extension of time to file may be requested prior to the due date, allowing you to extend your tax return due
date until October 15, 2020. If an extension is filed, please submit your information by September 15,
2020 to ensure your income taxes can be completed by the extended deadline.

CrypTax Advisory
1329 Dungan Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
The extension is an extension of time to file your tax return and not an extension to pay any tax liability
due. If any tax is due or you think it may be due, you must pay that amount to the IRS and any applicable
state taxing agency by April 15, 2020. If payment for estimated taxes is not made timely, there will be
penalties and interest due. Please be aware that if your documents are submitted AFTER the requested
dates of February 1 or September 15, a Rush Premium of 5% will be applied to the total cost for your
return to be completed by the April 15 or October 15 deadline, respectively. Furthermore, the Firm provides
no assurance that returns prepared under such “rush” status will be available to file on time.

Scope of Engagement
The Firm has agreed to provide the following services and/or packages (the “Services”):
[Delete any the client hasn’t agreed to]
1. Base Package. The Firm will generate and file IRS form 8949 for your cryptocurrency activity using LIFO
and FIFO basis for capital gains calculations. We will also provide up to 2 hours of optional tax planning time
where you can speak directly with a CPA regarding the tax topic of your choice.

2. Pro Package. The Firm will generate and file IRS form 8949 for your cryptocurrency activity using LIFO,
FIFO, and Optimized basis for capital gains calculations. We will also provide up to 5 hours of optional tax
planning time where you can speak directly with a CPA regarding the tax topic of your choice.

3. Data Processing. Send us data in spreadsheet format and our expert accountants will meticulously organize,
review, and format your data for upload into a variety of accounting software tools.

4. Tax Planning. An expert CPA will spend one-on-one time with you going over your current portfolio and
advising on strategies to optimize your taxes.

5. Accounting Services Consulting. An expert CPA will assist your CFO in structuring your chart of accounts,
financial statement structure, and organizing your accounting systems.

6. Bookkeeping Services. Accounting services tailored to meet your individual needs, syncing bank and credit
card accounts, classify transactions, reconcile accounts, deliver real time and monthly financial reports.

The Firm charges fees according to the prices listed for each of the Services above as detailed in
Appendix A. The Firm reserves the right to adjust the fees charged for the Services annually on January 1
and will inform you of any rate changes as they are made.

Package fees are due in advance. For work performed by the Firm that is subject to hourly billing, any
invoices are due upon receipt and all major credit cards are accepted. Please complete and return
Appendix B with your billing details and points of contact so we may communicate any charges
appropriately. The Firm reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of one percent (1%) percent per
month on all outstanding balances (i.e., balances not paid within 30 days of invoice date). In addition, if
you fail to pay any balances owed to this Firm when due, the Firm will be entitled to recover from you its
costs of collection of any outstanding balance, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and
costs of suit (including the fees for the Firm’s attorneys, at their then - prevailing rates, who work on the
collection of such outstanding balance). The Firm is also entitled to recover from you any and all costs
and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by the Firm in connection with Fee Arbitration. Of course, if you
have any questions concerning the billing and payment policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please be assured that no charges will be made to your credit card without your prior notification. The
Firm reserves the right to withhold filing of returns until all fees are paid.

Retainer Fee
CrypTax Advisory
1329 Dungan Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
It is the Firm’s policy to require the provision of a retainer fee as an advance against anticipated fees and
disbursements from any client before we undertakes to provide tax services. The retainer will be used to
pay initial tax services, but it is not a guarantee or representation of the ultimate fees that may be billed
and for which you will be liable. The retainer in this matter will be the amount of $ -0-.

A tax organizer and questionnaire have been provided to help you gather the information required for a
complete return. If you use the organizer and answer the questionnaire, they will help you avoid
overlooking important information and contribute to the efficient preparation of your returns. This helps
keep the cost of services as low as possible. Please note, I will be charging additional fees for
bookkeeping services and for the preparation of additional schedules if these services are necessary to
complete your tax returns.

Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be
referred to and determined by arbitration in Atlanta, Fulton County, State of Georgia, United States of
America. The laws of the State of Georgia shall be applied in any arbitration proceedings, without regard
to principles of conflict of laws.

Retention and Preservation of Documents and Information

You are ultimately responsible for the proper recording of financial activities, for the safeguarding of
assets, and for the substantial accuracy of your financial records. Upon the commencement of the Firm’s
retention in any tax services of any kind, all documents and information that is or may be potentially
relevant to completing these tax services that are within your possession, custody or control, shall be
preserved and not destroyed or disposed of, including but not limited to, computer-based and other digital
information (which shall include e-mails and attachments), historical, archival, back-up and legacy
computer files, whether in current or historic media or formats (i.e., whether in paper or electronic form).

Because the taxing authorities have the right to examine supporting documents, it is important that you
maintain a record system that satisfies these requirements. You must keep these records, along with all
original documents you receive for the preparation of your tax return, for a minimum of seven years in the
event you are called upon to prove the accuracy and completeness of the returns to a taxing authority.
Please keep all originals for your records. Scan in your data and email or send photocopies via mail to
me. You should immediately ask us if you have any questions about the scope of these obligations or its

Termination of Engagement
You may, at any time, terminate our relationship for any reason upon written notice. The Firm will
immediately cease performing services after receiving such notice. You will, however, remain obligated for
fees earned and costs incurred before the termination.

You also agree that the Firm may cease services in the event of a failure to make payment in a timely
manner for fees and expenses. The Firm may also withdraw at any time upon reasonable notice for non-
economic reasons.

We will promptly return all of your original papers upon termination of our relationship (subject to providing
them in electronic form as set forth above), but will retain copies for our own files. If you wish to receive
hard copies of our files, we will make arrangements to provide them to you at your expense. Please note
that the Firm may store some or all of your files electronically and may only maintain certain files in
CrypTax Advisory
1329 Dungan Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
electronic format. Should you require a copy of your file, the Firm reserves the right to provide you with an
electronic copy either on disk or by other electronic means.

Acknowledgement of Client
This engagement letter relates to future services and disbursements as agreed to by the Firm, as well as
any services rendered or disbursements incurred before its’ signing. By signing this engagement letter,
you acknowledge that you have read and understand its contents. You agree to use your best efforts to
provide information that we may request and to make same available to the Firm on a priority basis in
order to assist us in the conduct of these tax services.

In providing the information necessary to prepare your tax return, you represent that the information
you are supplying is truthful, accurate, and complete to the best of your knowledge and that you
have truthfully disclosed all income and other relevant facts affecting the returns. You further
represent that you have provided true, correct, and complete information regarding amounts you
claimed as tax deductions, and have maintained written documentation supporting all amounts,
including log books and receipts. Estimates of your expenses are not sufficient, you must have written
records. We will not audit or otherwise verify the information you give me; however, the Firm may ask for
additional clarification of some information. This engagement cannot be relied upon to disclose errors,
irregularities, or illegal acts, including fraud that may exist.

If 2019 is the first year that the Firm is preparing your tax returns, please include a copy of your 2018 tax
returns. The Firm’s review of your 2018 tax returns will necessarily be limited, but we will bring to your
attention any errors that are discovered. If you decide to have me prepare amended tax returns and
address any other matters arising as a result of any error or provide a thorough quality control and due
diligence review of one or more prior years, we will confirm this additional service in a separate
engagement letter.

Typically, the vast majority of my clients have no items reported on their tax returns for which there are
potential tax law conflicts for reporting. However, if there are conflicting authorities as to how you may
report an item or transaction on your tax return, the Firm will apprise you of your options. We will use
professional judgment in resolving questions where the tax law is unclear or where there may be conflicts
between taxing authorities’ interpretations of the law and other supportable positions; unless otherwise
instructed by you, the Firm will resolve such questions in your favor wherever possible. If the Firm
concludes that there is an obligation to disclose a particular position on your tax return to a taxing authority
and you refuse to permit disclosure, the Firm reserves the right to withdraw from the engagement. You
also have the right to choose another professional to prepare your return. In either event, you agree to
compensate the Firm for services up to the date of the withdrawal.

Please remember, you have the final responsibility for the information, the handling of each item
on your return, and the overall correctness of your tax returns. The law imposes various penalties
when taxpayers understate their tax liability. Please contact the Firm immediately if you discover additional
information that will lead to a change in your return, or if you receive any letters from the IRS, state, or
local taxing authorities. The tax authorities may audit your tax return, but having your return selected for
review does not mean there is a problem. If your tax returns are subsequently examined by the IRS or
other taxing authorities, the Firm is available to assist you with the examination at your request. You will be
billed at the current hourly rate for such services plus expenses. A retainer will be required at that time.

If you have a financial interest in, or signature, or other authority over bank accounts, securities, or other
financial accounts having a value exceeding $10,000 in a foreign country, you are required to report such
a relationship. If you fail to disclose the required information to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the
CrypTax Advisory
1329 Dungan Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
failure to disclose may result in substantial civil and/or criminal penalties. If you do not provide the Firm
with information regarding any interest you may have in a foreign account, we will not be able to prepare
any of the required disclosure statements. You are responsible for complying with the tax filing
requirements of any other country. You acknowledge and agree that the Firm has no responsibility to raise
these issues with you and that foreign filing obligations are not within the scope of this engagement.

The IRS permits you to authorize the Firm to discuss, on a limited basis, aspects of your return for one
year after the return’s due date. Your consent to such a discussion is evidenced by checking a box on the
return. Unless indicated otherwise, the Firm will check the box authorizing the IRS to discuss your
return with us. Please note that we will not receive separate copies of IRS notices; therefore, you must
provide us with copies of any notices you receive from the IRS or any other taxing authorities.

This engagement does not include any services not specifically stated in this letter. However, the
Firm is pleased to consult with you regarding other income tax or financial matters, such as business or
individual financial statements, evaluation of proposed or completed transactions, future income tax
savings consultations or projections, new business start-ups, revenue projections, business plan
preparation, and CFO services subject to a separate engagement letter.

Please indicate your acknowledgment and acceptance of the arrangements outlined above by signing and
returning this letter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call.

The CrypTax Advisory Team Accepted by:

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Printed Name: ____________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Printed Name: ____________________________________________

CrypTax Advisory
1329 Dungan Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
Appendix A

Package Costs

Package Cost
Base $1,300
Pro $2,500

Rate Sheet By Services

Service Rate (hourly)

Data Processing $85
Tax Planning (Ad Hoc) $300
Accounting Services Consulting $185
Bookkeeping Services $125

CrypTax Advisory
1329 Dungan Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
Appendix B

To ensure that your bill is directed to the correct person in your office, please fill out the form below, and
send in with any indicated payment.

Invoices will be forwarded via E-MAIL. If you wish to receive your invoices via regular mail, please
indicate below.

▢ Please send my invoices via regular mail.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to working with you in the coming year.

Company or Individual Name: ________________________________________________________

Attention to: ________________________________________________________

Physical Address: ________________________________________________________


Email Address: ________________________________________________________

Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________

For Payments via Credit Card

Name on CC: _______________________________ Billing Street: _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

Card No.: _______________________________ Billing Zip: _______________________________

Exp Date: _________ Amount: _______________________________

CVVC Code: _____________

Signature: _______________________________
For Payments via ACH or Bank Wire

SunTrust Bank
For: Computis Inc
Account #: 1000215340760
Routing #: 061000104

CrypTax Advisory
1329 Dungan Dr NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152

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