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Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Introduction to
Database Systems
Mohammad Imran
Department of Information Technology
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 1

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Lecture 6
Mapping ERD to
Relational Model

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 2

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

So far…
• We have seen different modeling techniques to model the
• How to implement these models in original database

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 3

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Convert ER Model to
Relational Model
• The process is called mapping of ER model to relational
• Apparently Converting ERD to Relational Database Design

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 4

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Review - Concepts
Relational Model is made up of tables

• A row of table = a relational instance/tuple

• A column of table = an attribute
• A table = a schema/relation
• Cardinality = number of rows
• Degree = number of columns

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Review - Example

Cardinality = 2
instance SID Name Major GPA
1234 Bilal CS 2.8
5678 Ali EE 3.6

4 Degree

A Schema / Relation
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 6
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Review Entity Set

• An Entity Set is a
o set of entities of the same type
o e.g.
• All persons having an account at a bank
• All students studying in a university
• All patients being checked up in hospital

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 7

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Strong Entity Set

• An entity set that has a primary key is termed as strong
entity set
• May I have some examples of Strong Entity Sets from you
o You have already done it

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 8

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Example – Strong Entity Set

SID Name SSN Name

Student Advisor Professor

Major Dept

SID Name Major GPA SSN Name Dept

1234 Hamza IT 3.9 9999 Babar EE
5678 Rimsha ENG 3.6 8888 Imran IT

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 9

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Weak Entity Set

• A weak entity is one that can only exist when owned by
another one
• An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a
primary key
• A weak entity is existence dependent, i.e. existence of a weak
entity depends on the existence of an identifying entity set
• The Discriminator (or partial key) of a weak entity set is the
set of attributes that distinguishes among all the entities of
a weak entity set
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 10
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Weak Entity Set (Contd.)

• The primary key of a weak entity set is formed by the
primary key of the strong entity set on which the weak
entity set is existence dependent, plus the weak entity
set’s discriminator (keep minimum possible attributes for

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 11

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Weak Entity Set

ERD Representation
• Weak entity set is represented by double rectangle in ERD
• Relationship between strong and weak entity set is
represented by double diamond in ERD called as Identifying
• Line connecting Weak entity set to identifying relationship
is bold or double-lined (Total Participation - One to many)
• Underline the discriminator of a weak entity set with a
dashed line
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 12
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Example Weak Entity

• A ROOM (Weak) can only exist in a BUILDING (Strong)
• A TIRE might be considered as a strong entity because it also
can exist without being attached to a CAR
• A company insurance policy insures an employee and any
o DEPENDENT (Weak) cannot exist without the EMPLOYEE
(Strong); that is, a person cannot get insurance coverage as a
dependent unless the person is a dependent of an employee
• DEPENDENT is the weak entity in the relationship
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 13
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

DB Modeling & Implementation


Relational Physical
Schema Storage

Complex file organization

Diagrams (E/R) Tables:
column names: attributes
rows: tuples
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 14
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Why do we need both ER and relational models?

• Relational model has just a • ER model is richer: entities,
single concept: Tables relationships, attributes, etc.
o Allow us to express queries at o well-suited for capturing
a very high level application requirements
o well-suited for efficient o not so well-suited for
manipulations on computers computer implementation (no
query language)

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 15

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Relational Model
Name Price Category Manufacturer

Gizmo $19.99 Gadgets GizmoWorks

PowerGizmo $29.99 Gadgets GizmoWorks

SingleTouch $149.99 Photography Canon

MultiTouch $203.99 Household Hitachi

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 16

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Concepts Cleared?
• So we had a review of previous concepts related to ERD
• Lets move on and see how to convert an EDR to
relational Model

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Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Mapping Process
Lets get started

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Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Entities Mapping
• An entity set within ER diagram is turned into a table
• You may preferably keep the same name for the entity or
give it a sensible name
• But avoid DBMS reserved words as well as avoid the use
of special characters

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 19

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Attributes Mapping
• Each attribute turns into a column (attribute) in the table
• The key attribute of the entity is the primary key of the
table which is usually underlined
• It can be composite if required but can never be null

It is highly recommended that every table should start with its

primary key attribute conventionally named as TablenameID

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 20

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Initial Mapping Schema

• The initial relational schema is expressed in the following
format writing the table names with the attributes list
inside a parentheses

Persons( personID , firstName, lastName, eMail )

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 21

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Example – Strong Entity Set

SID Name TID Name

Student Advisor Professor

Major Dept

SID Name Major GPA TID Name Dept

1234 John CS 2.8 9999 Smith Math
5678 Mary EE 3.6 8888 Lee CS
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 22
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Example – Weak Entity Set

TID Name Name

Teacher owns Children

Deptt: Address

Age Name Teacher_TID

10 Ali 1234
8 Sidra 5678
* Primary key of Children is Teacher_TID + Name
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Mapping Relationships
to ER Model

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1:1 Relationships Mapping

• Place the primary key of the relation (table/ entity) A
within the table of the relation B as Foreign key
• Or place the Primary Key of Relation B in table of relation
A as Foreign Key

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 25

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

1:1 Relationships Mapping (Contd.)

• Consider the following one to One relationship

Attribute 1
EntAID Attribute 1

1 1
Entity A Relates to Entity B

Attribute 2

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 26

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

1:1 Relationships Mapping (Contd.)

• Following can be mapping of diagram shown in previous
o EntityA( EntAID , attribute1, attribute2)
o EntityB ( EntBID , EntAID, attribute1)
• OR Vice Versa can be used
o EntityA( EntAID , EntBID, attribute1, attribute2)
o EntityB ( EntBID , attribute1)

*Bold and italics are Foreign Keys, underlined are Primary Keys

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 27

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

1:N Relationships Mapping

• This is the tricky part!
• Use attributes in the same way as 1:1 relationship
• But we have only one choice as opposed to two choices like
1:1 relationships mapping
• Taking example:
o Person can have a House from zero to many , but a House
can have only one Person
o To represent such relationship the personid as the Parent node
must be placed within the Child table as a foreign key but not
the other way
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 28
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1:N Relationships Mapping (Contd.)

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 29

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

1:N Relationships Mapping (Contd.)

• Following is the mapping of
diagram on the right:
• Persons( personid , name,
lastname, email )
House ( houseid , num ,
address, personid)
• Simply – Put PK of 1
cardinality relation as FK in
M cardinality relation

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 30

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

M:N Relationships Mapping

• Use separate tables to express such type of relationship
• New Table should include, PKs of both relations as FK, attributes of
relationship (if any)
• PK of the new relation is usually composite: simply combine both
FKs. If this is not unique, include additional fields as needed
• Example:
o The Person can live or work in many countries
o A country can have many people
o To express this relationship within a relational schema we use a
separate table
Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 31
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M:N Relationships Mapping (Contd.)

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 32

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

M:N Relationships Mapping (Contd.)

• Mapping of diagram on
the right should be:
• Persons( personid ,
name, lastname, email )
Countries ( countryid ,
name, code)
HasRelat ( hasrelatid ,
personid , countryid)

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 33

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Convert ERD to Relational Model

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015 34

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Convert ERD to Relational Model - Solution

• Company( CompanyID , name)
• Staff( StaffID, name, dob, address, CompanyID)
• Task ( TaskID , description)
Perform(Perform ID, StaffID , TaskID)
• Perform(StaffID , TaskID)
• Child( ChildName , StaffID)

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Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences

Thank you

Introduction to Database Systems Spring 2015 Mohammad Imran May 4, 2015

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