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Quiz 1

BPMN1013/Principles of Management
Matric Number: _____270765_________

Please Underline the Correct Answer.

1) A(n) ________ is a collection of people who work together and coordinate their actions to
achieve a wide variety of goals.

A) control group
B) talent pool
C) organization
D) focus group
E) quality circle

2) Parul's job is to use planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve the
goals of her company. Parul is performing the four important________ tasks.

A) marketing
B) management
C) finance and accounting
D) operations
E) entrepreneurial

3) ________ is the measure of how productively an organization uses its resources to achieve
a goal.

A) Effectiveness
B) Product differentiation
C) Efficiency
D) Empowerment
E) Outsourcing

4) ________ measures the appropriateness of the goals selected by management for the
organization and the degree to which the organization accomplishes these goals.

A) Efficiency
B) Task management
C) Effectiveness
D) Diversification
E) Differentiation
5) Managers select appropriate goals for the organization while performing the ________
managerial task.

A) organizing
B) leading
C) planning
D) controlling
E) restructuring

6) Sirita's manager is evaluating how well she uses available resources to satisfy customers
and whether she is accomplishing organizational goals. This relates to Sirita's

A) organizational input.
B) diversification.
C) organizational performance.
D) product development.
E) differentiation.

7) Organizational performance is most likely to

A) increase with an increase in efficiency and effectiveness.

B) increase with a decrease in efficiency and effectiveness.
C) remain unchanged with a decrease in efficiency and effectiveness.
D) decrease with an increase in efficiency and effectiveness.
E) remain unchanged with an increase in efficiency and effectiveness.

8) A company with a high level of efficiency and a low level of effectiveness is most likely to
produce a

A) low-quality product that the company makes a profit on.

B) high-quality product that the company makes a profit on.
C) low-quality product that customers do not want.
D) high-quality product that customers do not want.
E) high-quality product that customers can afford.

9) Image Labs designs and develops imaging equipment. It has a low level of efficiency and
high level of effectiveness, so it is most likely to produce a

A) product that customers want, but that is too expensive for them to buy.
B) quality product that customers want at a price they can afford.
C) low-quality product that customers do not want.
D) high-quality product that customers do not want.
E) high-quality product that the company makes a profit on.
10) Dorcal, Inc. manufactures plastic components. The company has a low level of efficiency
and low level of effectiveness, which means it is most likely to produce a

A) product that customers want, but that is too expensive for them to buy.
B) quality product that customers want at a price they can afford.
C) low-quality product that customers do not want.
D) high-quality product that customers do not want.
E) high-quality product that the company makes a profit on.

11) Eleanor has witnessed her manager harassing a coworker on multiple occasions. Eleanor
knows that she should report the incidents to a superior manager, but she is hesitant to report
the inappropriate behavior because she thinks she could lose her job. This example illustrates

A) justice rule.
B) ethical dilemma.
C) moral dilemma.
D) utilitarian rule.
E) moral rights rule.

12) ________ are the moral principles and beliefs about what is the right or appropriate way
to behave.
A) Societal norms
B) Laws and regulations
C) Ethics
D) Values and norms
E) Individual values

13) Brenda, the CEO of a manufacturing company, knew that her company followed the
Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) regulations for purifying waste water; however,
new research found that those regulations where not strict enough and the drinking water
would be affected. Brenda relied on her ________ and told the plant manager to go beyond
the EPA's required level to assure that the company waste did not affect the community.

A) moral scruples
B) occupational ethics
C) practical rules
D) environmental principles
E) social justice views

14) The essential problem when solving moral dilemmas is

A) ethics and laws are fixed principles.
B) ethical beliefs remain constant as time passes.
C) there are no absolute or indisputable rules or principles to decide whether an action is
D) everyone agrees on what is ethical or unethical.
E) ethics evolve over time, but laws related to ethical beliefs remain constant.

15) Smoking marijuana is illegal in many states; therefore, smoking marijuana is

A) unethical.
B) ethical.
C) possibly unethical or ethical, depending on the circumstances.
D) always ethical when used for medical purposes, whether it is legal or not.
E) always unethical when used for medical purposes, whether it is legal or not.

16) Jonathon is a(n) ________, meaning he is both an employee of the company and a
customer of its products.
A) stockholder
B) shareholder
C) stakeholder
D) owner
E) community member

17) One thing that it is important to remember about stockholders is they

A) are usually regarded as the most critical stakeholder group.

B) are least interested in the company's profits.
C) bear the responsibility to decide which goals an organization should pursue to most benefit
stakeholders and how to make the most efficient use of resources to achieve those goals.
D) are responsible for using a company's financial, capital, and human resources to increase
its performance and thus its stock price.
E) play an important role, but are not the company's only stakeholder group.

18) ________ watch the company and its managers closely to ensure that management is
working diligently to increase the company's profitability.
A) Community members
B) Suppliers
C) Stockholders
D) Customers
E) Distributors
19) ________ have/has the right to expect a good return or reward by investing their human
capital to improve a company's performance.

A) Customers
B) Distributors
C) Suppliers
D) The Community
E) Managers

20) ________ are the stakeholder group with the most responsibility for deciding the goals of
the organization.
A) Stockholders
B) Customers
C) Managers
D) Operational-level employees
E) Consultants

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