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101 Reasons to Quit your Job

By Dee Bates

ISBN 9781707900923

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job

Other titles by Dee Bates

I Quit My Job Now, What!? Plain Brown Medium Sized

Cardboard Box

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101 Reasons to Quit Your Job

This book is dedicated to anyone who has ever had a job.
Corporate, non corporate, fast food, retail – it doesn’t
matter – this book is dedicated to you. The ones who have
endured. Endured the impossible 30-minute lunch breaks,
maddening traffic jams, nosey coworkers and idiot bosses,
all for a job that sucks. How do I know your job sucks,
easy, ALL jobs suck.

I’m here to tell you there is good news. First, let me paint a
picture for you. We live in unique times. No time in
history, have we as average working people have had the
opportunity to create, build and make money all from the
comfort of our own home. No other time. Take advantage.

Hey, I’ll admit it, starting a business can be a pretty scary

proposition. But having a job as your only source of
income, well, that’s the stuff of nightmares. I’ve had my
income shut off before – more than once actually. The
indescribable panic, the mad scramble of getting your
resume ready again, the nerve-racking interview process,
that can be very stressful. I’m stressed out just thinking
about it. Not to mention, lenders don’t really recognize the
fact that you lost your job as a valid reason for

All jobs end, whether you quit, get fired, your job dies, or
you do – nobody stays in a job forever. The only question
is, who’s decision is it going to be?

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job


Of course I’m not suggesting after you read 101

Reasons to Quit your Job, you tell your boss to go play
in traffic, no. Well, OK, yeah, I am – but not quite yet.

What I’m saying is there are a myriad of options to

earn money in this technological and informational
age. Getting a job should be our very last resort, not
our first option.

This book gives you 101 Reasons to Quit your Job.

Some of these reasons are funny, some ironic, some
you can definitely relate to, and ALL are true. There’s
even a mix of personal stories that I or others have
experienced navigating the world of the ”gainfully”
employed. Or as I call it, the “painfully employed”.

So, strap in, get your popcorn ready and enjoy 101
Reasons to Quit Your Job.

Dee Bates

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job

Oh, by the way…
Allow us to respond:

Did You Know?

The Memo
Throughout this book you will find
this memo pad. The memo pad
includes personal stories of life and
the lessons learned courtesy of the
painfully employed.

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job

#101 You’ll never have to dress up
for another job interview to stand
out. You’re smart enough to know
– every other candidate for every
other job, at every other company,
is using the exact same strategy.

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job 6

When you quit…
#100. You’ll never have to worry about
what the boss is thinking. They can be
petty, narcissistic – and unfortunately

We’ve all had that boss that

just loved to be vindictive.
That seemed to be their only

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job 7

When you quit…
#99. You won’t have to deal with the
phone police. You know the people who
tell you when and where it’s acceptable
to use your phone.

Ahhh, the dreaded phone

police. If you’ve ever had to
work for a dictatorial regime –
you undoubtedly understand.

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job 8

When you quit…
#98. You will never ever have a dress code.
There are people who do their work in their
underwear, while watching cartoons and
eating a bowl of cereal. Be that person.

Did You Know?

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job 9

The Memo

I can’t use my phone?

I remember the first time I
was told at a job I couldn’t use
my phone. I asked why. A
perfectly reasonable question
or so I thought. My manager
pointed to the employee
handbook (that nobody ever
reads) and says, ”It’s stated
in here, that’s why”. He
wasn’t much of a
conversationalist. Since it’s our
phone shouldn’t we able to use
it if we need or want to?

101 Reasons to Quit Your Job 10

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Quit your Job’. I hope you’re enjoying
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See you on the inside!
Dee Bates
101 Reasons to Quit Your Job

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