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It is indeed with a great pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that we

acknowledge the help of these individuals.we would like to express sincere
gratitude to our respected principle Dr.Usha Thomas,St Thomas Institute For
Science And Technology,for the facilities provided to accomplish this
project.We are highly indebted to our project supervisor Head of the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Mr.Anup Mathew
Abraham,for his constructive criticism throughout our project.We feel
alighted in manifesting our sense of gratitude to our Guide Mr.Shinu
Mamachan,and our Staff Advisor Mrs.Ancey Varghese,she has been a
constant source of inspiration for us and we are very deeply thankfull to her
for her support and valuable advice.We are extremely greatfull to our
Department staff members,Lab technicians and non teaching staff members
for their extrme help throughout our project.Also we express our heartfull
thanks to all our friends who helped us in successfull completion of this
project.Above all we firmly believe that this design project is possible only
because of God Almighty.So we are greatfull to him for showering his grace
upon us.

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