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Critical evaluation of the influence of

social media in the field of advertising:

The case of the British Airways
Chapter One: Introduction:....................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background of the study:.............................................................................................................3
1.2 Rationale for the study:................................................................................................................3
1.3 Problem statement:......................................................................................................................4
1.4 Aims and objectives of the research:............................................................................................5
1.4. a. Research objectives:............................................................................................................5
1.4. b. Research questions:.............................................................................................................5
1.5 Structure of the research:.............................................................................................................5
Chapter Two: Literature review:............................................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction:................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Definition of social media:..........................................................................................................8
2.3 Dynamics of consumer attitudinal and behavioural trends and motives:.....................................9
2.4 Use of social media as a marketing tool and the concept of viral marketing:.............................10
2.5 Shifts of attention to social media channels:..............................................................................11
2.6 Critical evaluation of the literature:...........................................................................................12
Chapter Three: Research methodology:...............................................................................................14
3.1 Research proposition:................................................................................................................14
3.2 Research questions:...................................................................................................................14
3.3 Research approach:....................................................................................................................15
3.3.1 Inductive and deductive approach:......................................................................................15
3.3.2 Qualitative and quantitative methods:.................................................................................15
3.4 Research philosophy:.................................................................................................................17
3.4.1 Interpretivism and positivism:............................................................................................18
3.5 Research process:......................................................................................................................19
3.6 Data collection:..........................................................................................................................19
3.6.1 Primary data:.......................................................................................................................19
3.6.2 Secondary data:...................................................................................................................20
3.7 Sampling technique and sampling size:.....................................................................................20
3.8 Research ethics:.........................................................................................................................20
3.9 Limitations of the research:.......................................................................................................20

3.10 Time frame of the research:.....................................................................................................21
3.11 Summary:.................................................................................................................................22

Chapter One: Introduction:

1.1 Background of the study:

The advent and spread of globalization and the technological advancements brought about to
accommodate the changes and meet the demands of the modern times have been manifest in
the continuous efforts on the part of individuals and marketers to make the best of the
dynamics and rip off the benefits associated with these developments and advancements. The
business sector, in general, and marketing activities, in particular, has been the most
prominent area that has been influenced by such shifts in trends and change in dynamics and
the use of web-based technologies to aid and complement the marketing activities and the
broader strategic modus operandi of the business firms has been one of the most illuminated
features of modern day marketing (Djukic, 2011).

The British Airways is the largest airline of the UK in terms of the size of the fleet, the
number of offshore destination and the number of flights dedicated to serve the foreign
destinations. The British Airways in based in the City of London at the Heathrow Airport.
The British Airways counts as being one of the founding members of the elite league of the
Oneworld airline alliance and has also, along with the Iberia, formed the International
Airlines Group.

The advent of the concept of social media and the tremendous growth in the number of users
across the social media landscape has transcended into the social media platform becoming
an area of increased activity and interest for consumers, marketers, management scholars,
managers and academicians reflected in the rich plethora of multidisciplinary literary
accounts established on this particular matter.

As such, the rationale for the use of the social media platform as an efficient and highly
effective tool of marketing has assumed great importance and vitality in the business spheres
and occupies centre stage in hitherto researches and studies on marketing and consumer
behaviour vis-a-vis social media marketing (Singh and Diamond, 2012).

1.2 Rationale for the study:

Social media and marketing have become terms and concepts that have largely been seen as
being parts and parcels of any effective marketing strategy. As such, the use of social media
to attract the attention of the customers and communicate the brand knowledge and brand
attributes to the consumers and the larger audience through the use of social media and
moreover, maintaining long-term relationships with them has emerged to have become one of
the key areas of strategic policy making for the business firms. Keeping in mind the vitality
of the use of social media for marketing and promotional as well as customer relationship
purposes, this topic merits close examination and thorough investigation to explore and
examine the relationships between the use of social media and marketing activities and what
factors and to what extent determine effective and efficient use of this medium for
outstanding results on the part of the marketers (Katona, 2000). The use of social media by
the British Airways, as evident from the recent “Thank You” campaign on YouTube and
“Visit Mum” advertisement campaign, hence, deserves exhaustive research and analysis so as
to enable the identification of ways the British Airways can make the best use of the social
media in the wake of increased competition and at the same time, address the issues, as
evident from the use of Twitter by a passenger who had complaints with the baggage loss and
delayed customer services, which come as part and parcel of the social media package.

1.3 Problem statement:

The ways to ensure sustained enhancement of marketing activities and processes with the
passage of time and change in dynamics in the internal and external environments through the
use of social media using creative and innovative techniques and tactics has been a matter
that has intrigued managers, marketers, scholars and academicians alike. This intrigue can be
attributed, on one hand, to the immense benefits that can be harnessed from the use of social
media as a marketing tool and at the same time, on the other hand, the risks or the threats that
may creep in from the same. Owing to the fact that the social media platform has transformed
to have become the new battlefield for the business firms so far their competitive edge over
the rivals amidst cut-throat competition is concerned. As such, strategies and tactics to make
sure that the advantages of the using social media for marketing purposes and at the same
time, avoiding the risks and threats associated with the same has become a matter that puts
the policies and strategies of the marketers to tough tests for the British Airways to manage
the social media in the best possible manner and be able to address the issues or the risks that
may evolve from the same (Tuten, 2008).

1.4 Aims and objectives of the research:

The primary aim of this particular research is to explore and examine the ways in which the
medium of social media can be used to harness marketing benefits and competitive
advantages with specific reference to the marketing strategies of the British Airways.

1.4. a. Research objectives:

The objectives of this particular research can be identified as follows:

I. To identify and examine the ways social media can be utilized for marketing purposes
II. To explore and analyse the advantages that emanate from the use of social media as a
marketing platform
III. To investigate and examine closely, the impact of the social media and social
networking on marketing activities, aims and objectives
IV. To provide meaningful and logical recommendations to enhance the means to harness
best results from the use of social media for marketing

1.4. b. Research questions:

I. In what ways can social media be used as a potent platform of marketing?

II. In what ways and to what extent can business firms benefit from the effective use of
social media for marketing purposes?
III. What are the effects or impact of using social media as a marketing tool?

1.5 Structure of the research:

Chapter one or introduction:

Chapter one or introduction provides an overview of the whole dissertation with specific
stress on the research questions posed and the envisaged aims and objectives that are sought
to be met at the culmination of the research.

Chapter two or the literature review:

Chapter two or the literature review deals with the review and evaluation of the established
literature on the subject matter of the research topic. It involves close analysis and in-depth
investigation and examination of data and information from a range of literary sources
including books, journals, research articles, archives as well as online sources and helps the
researcher link theory with practice. This chapter is also crucially important in the sense that
it provides the researcher with valuable secondary data that aids in the data analysis and the
ultimate stating of observations and findings.

Chapter three or research methodology:

Chapter three or research methodology deals with the methods and techniques that would be
appropriate and effective to be employed in the context of the given research to meet the
envisioned aims and objectives.

Chapter four or data analysis:

Chapter four or data analysis deals with the analysis of the data and information gathered by
the researcher using the methods and techniques mentioned in the preceding section, based on
which the final innings are arrived at and observations stated.

Chapter five or conclusion:

Chapter five or conclusion deals with the stating of the final observations and findings that
have been arrived at after the culmination of the research activities and process. It also
specifies the recommendations and future scope of research on the given topic.

Chapter Two: Literature review:

2.1 Introduction:

As opined by Akyol (2013), social media and social networking are the buzzwords of the
modern day, both, for business organizations as well as individuals, who spend a considerable
part of their time on the social networking landscape. The role played and vitality of web-
based technologies in providing support to the business operations has been a marked
attribute of the hitherto times and the social media has been the most prominent among such
web-based technologies. This phenomenon can be attributed, to a great extent if not entirely,
to the advent and spread of globalization and the technological advancements it has brought
along. As such, the idea to use the social media platform as a potent tool to reach out to a
wide range of customers and communicate the marketing ideas and brand value to them in a
matter of minutes and that too, in the most cost-effective manner possible, is largely a
hitherto development. In this connection a very apt definition of the social media platform
vis-a-vis the marketing ideas can be stated as a “connection between brands and consumers,
while offering a personal channel and currency for user-centred networking and social
interaction” (Djukic, 2011).

As evident from the accounts of the works of Töllinen and Karjaluoto (2011), the
management of the business organizations of the modern day have mastered the art of using
the social media platform in perfect sync with their business plans and strategic goals and as
such, have made the aspects related to marketing via the social media platform one of the
most prominent sectors where it dedicates a great deal of time and technological and
intellectual resources.

The marked vitality of using the social media platform as a potent tool for effective and
efficient marketing endeavours is especially applicable so far the competitive strategies of the
business organizations are concerned.

Auker (2000), opined that though the matters related to the use of the social media platform
for marketing activities have become topics that have attracted wide scale interest and

intrigue of scholars and management scientists as much as that of the academicians and
managers, such studies have largely been confined within the theoretical or experimental
peripheries and the advantages emanating from the same have not been thoroughly
researched. As such, keeping in mind the identified gap in literature, the present literature
review would seek to explore the rich and diversified plethora of multidisciplinary literature
on the subject matter of the topic and closely examine and analyse the ways it can lead to
superior marketing on the part of the business entities.

For better understanding of the interrelationships between the social media platform and
marketing activities, it would be important to define as to what is meant by social media and
its scope so far the given topic is concerned at the very outset.

2.2 Definition of social media:

Scholars, conducting researches and noteworthy studies on this field of concentration have
opined that the understanding of the concept of Wed 2.0 and the way the online platform is
used for the purposes of “interactivity, interoperability and collaboration”, is vital to be
understood if one desires to understand the growth and dynamics of the social media platform
becoming a marketing tool and the need for the same has also been realized to yield the
desired results from this particular research endeavour (Wallack, 2002).

According to Das (2000), the use of the Web 2.0 is described in terms of “It is much more to
do with what people are doing with the technology than the technology itself, for rather
merely retrieving information, users are now creating and consuming it, and hence adding
value to the websites that permit them to do so”. Researchers have also opined that the social
media platform or environment is the broader matrix within which social networking sites
work and as such, are not necessarily and correctly synonymous.

Related to this aspect, the concept of Consumers’ Sentiment toward Marketing or CSM, as it
is commonly known, has evolved and has been recognized by scholars as being a concept that
is strategically placed between marketing via social networking sites and consumer behaviour
and attitudes. The concept of Consumers’ Sentiment toward Marketing pertaining to the
feelings, collective of the dynamics of the attitudes and behavioural trends of the customers,
in general, towards marketing activities and the market place in the broader sense. The
technological readiness of the customers and their behavioural patterns towards consumption

habits and purchase decision making are integral components of the studies on social media
and marketing (Zarrella, 2010).

Intrinsically related to this aspects ifs the concept of the Innovation Adoption Process or the
IAP that plays a pivotal role on providing the management with information pertaining to the
acceptance of new innovative marketing ideas by the target customers and this has a profound
role to play in their decision making process.

As such, collating these aspects and concepts that have been deemed to be vital for the
understating of the concept of social media and the way it is aligned with the marketing and
strategic activities and goals of the business firms social media, in simple terms, can be
defined as “online applications, platforms and media which aim to facilitate interactions,
collaborations and the sharing of content” (Djukic, 2011).

As opined by Dorenda-Zaborowicz (2012), the vitality of social media in marketing and

strategic activities can be understood by the statement “the social media importance is on the
interaction between people and in the facilitation of asynchronous, immediate, interactive
and low-cost communications”

2.3 Dynamics of consumer attitudinal and behavioural trends and motives:

As suggested by Dutta (2000), It has been one of the matters that has occupied the centre
stage in matters pertaining to the subject matter of this topic that the use of the social media
for marketing and customer relationship activities, as would be explained in the succeeding
sections of this paper, has transformed and has become a medium of two-way communication
between the consumers and the marketers. As such, the consumers have also found a great
educating and communication platform in the social media sites wherein they can access and
gather information from a range of sources, communicate and share messages among
themselves and interact with other consumers and marketers in the most convenient and
satisfactory manner possible.

Hence, the matter related to the propensity of and the attitudes and behaviour displayed by
the consumers over the period of time are, to a great extent, related to their activeness in the
social networking platform. To cite a glaring example, researches and studies on this matter
have suggested that the regular users of Facebook displayed positive and better
responsiveness towards advertisements on the social networking platform and were found to

be more open and friendly when it comes to revealing and sharing their personal preferences
and opinions so far brands and their products are concerned (Zimmerman and Sahlin, 2010).

As cited by Evans (2008), Consumer behaviour, so far the use of social media platform for
marketing purposes is concerned, can also be ratted to the age-based categorization of the
consumer segments vis-a-vis their attitudes towards social media marketing. It has been
established through research that the audience belonging to the age group of 18-30 displayed
stronger and more positive responses towards advertisements and promotional videos, ads,
pictures et cetera, on the social networking platform and have been found to be more
intensely engaged in or influenced by such marketing activities.

The crucial importance of marketing research and intelligence gathering relating to the
customer behaviour and content and manner of presentation of the promotional or advertising
endeavours on social networking sites has been expatiated by the development of the concept
of consumers being drivers of business value and their attitudes and consumption patterns
being parameters to gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of the marketing strategies and
policies. Emanating from this statement is the fact that the motivation of the use of social
networking sites on the part of the consumers or the audience, at large, cannot be judged by
specific and universally applicable variables and that the motivations for various individual
and segments of consumers varied greatly and awareness of the customers’ motivations,
hence, constituted the core of the marketing and promotional activities using the social media

2.4 Use of social media as a marketing tool and the concept of viral marketing:

Viral marketing has emerged to have become a way to create and circulate more and more
information about the brands among a large audience brought about by the use of social
media by marketers and consumers and the rapidity and extensiveness of the use of the
medium and speed and volume of the information and messages shared and circulated by
users across the world.

The concept of viral marketing serves to be a blessing for the marketers in the sense that it is
generally delivered to the targeted segment of customers and as such, attributes better results
and more effectiveness. This can be supported by the fact that “viral communication affords
the marketer a greater degree of creative license through a message delivery medium that is

more intimate and personalized, thereby increasing the likelihood of reaching hard to get the
audience members” (Evans, 2008). To be more specific and technical, viral advertising is
referred to as a means of communication that functions as an “unpaid peer to peer
communication system of proactive content originating from an identified sponsor using the
internet to persuade or influence an audience to pass along the content to others” (Faulds
and Mangold, 2014).

However, in this connection, the mention of the aspects of trustworthiness or security of

identity and information revealed by the users and the appropriateness of the viral
advertisements hold good and constitute as integral components of in-depth researches on this
matter. It has been found through extensive research that the advertisements that have been
found to have excited or intrigued the viewers have been the ones that are appealing and
leading to the process of the word of mouth advertising of viral marketing, as explained in the
preceding section.

Stemming from this aspect, an interesting development typical of the modern times and often
cited as a covert means of viral marketing has evolved and has become a marked feature of
the recent online marketing campaigns and activities of the business firms is the concept of
the stealth viral marketing. This concept is reflective of the innovative and creative ways that
the business firms have adopted to make the most of the social networking platform for their
brand promotion and to gain, maintain and further develop their competitive edge over the
rivals in the intensely competitive market. As stated by Fisher (2014), the tactics employed
by the marketers in the stealth marketing strategies are aimed to go undetected through the
radar system of the consumers and the marketers make extensive use of what is known as
“brand Pushers” posing as customers to promote good name of the brand and to have control
on the aspects of social currency.

2.5 Shifts of attention to social media channels:

According to Katona, (2000), studies conducted on European consumers have suggested that
the modern trend displayed by the consumers have shown considerable shifts towards the use
of social media and networking sites and as a result, the conventional sources of marketing
and advertisement have suffered losses in the wake of this development. This has meant that
the consumers spend a considerable part of their daily routine surfing the social networking
sites and interacting with each other through it. In response to this trend the marketing

activities too, have migrated from the conventional sources like television, radio and print
media to lay stress on the social media platform where they can reach a larger audience,
custom make the promotional and advertisement strategies and activities and establish hassle
free communication with the consumers and through active rapport building seek to turn
audience in prospective customers, prospective customers into potential customers, potential
customers in new customers and at the same time retain the existing, in the most time-
effective and cost-efficient manner possible.

As such, the management of the business firms have found the latest battlefield in the social
media platform and it has rightly, turned into the arena where the business firms engage into
tough competition to gain the upper hand over the others and to attract the attention of the
consumers through effective and tailor made strategies and activities pertaining to marketing,
forging long-term relationships and keeping follow-up with the consumers on a consistent
and continuous basis.

2.6 Critical evaluation of the literature:

The use of social media for marketing purposes have attributed great success to the marketers
and that too in speediest, most efficient, most cost and time effective manner that they could
have expected. Owing to the speed, reach and volume of the messages and information that
can be shared and circulated through the social media platform, it has turned to be at the core
of the policies and strategies of those business organizations who seek to add value to their
marketing activities and endeavours.

The use of the social media platform for not only promotional and advertising but as a tool
that enables convenient and hassle free access to the consumers and enables the managers of
the business firms maintain rapport with them has far reaching implication so far the
management and their marketing oriented goals are concerned. As pointed out by researchers,
the use of social media and the frequent interactions of the consumers among themselves as
much as with the marketers provides the management with valuable intelligence and
feedback mechanism that aids in masterful marketing research and analysis of the market
environment vis-a-vis the behavioural and attitudinal dynamics of the consumers. The
identification of the segments an targeting them as well as devising tailor-made strategies to
suit their particularities and specificities have been the most prominent boons for the
marketers (Singh and Diamond, 2012).

However, as opined by Tuten, (2008), it has to be kept in mind, as hitherto trends of literary
accounts in the given topic suggest, that the level of trust over online marketing in general
and social network marketing, in particular, is something that dampens the otherwise bright
side of use of social media as marketing tool and aided with the aspects of risks associated
with protection of data and information, protection of privacy and identity, protection and
security from manipulation and distortion of data and facts and the role played by what is
known as brand pushers have made the consumers of the modern day view social media
advertising with suspicion and scepticism, to a considerable extent. A range of case
intensive studies have confirmed this trend marked in the attitudes and behaviour of the
consumers and has labelled it as a threat to the brand image and reputation of the business
firms indulging in social media marketing and promotion. Moreover, the increased
complexities and diversities and marked heterogeneity in the customer behaviour and
dynamics of the market and rendered the social media marketing a much more difficult and
complex endeavour the fortunes of which heavily depended on marketing research and
collection of information from varied sources and then formulating and implementing
strategies and policies for the desired results.

The shift in trends from traditional micromarketing, which involved the tailoring of the
products and customer services in accordance to the specific and particular demands and
expectations of the target segments or individual customers, to the use of social media
marketing in the airline industry marked the beginning of a new dawn attributed, largely, to
the “evolution of marketing opportunities offered by the proliferation of information,
communication and technology development”.

With specific reference to the airline industry, the better understanding of the each of the
media of social networking, the airline companies have been able to yield impressive returns
from their investment in social media marketing. As evident from the use of the
advertisem3ent campaigns and customer relationship management campaigns initiated by the
British Airways, the airline companies of the modern day have been able to realize
impressive results from the use of social media. However, it has to be borne in mind, if not
stated in the same breath, and citing the example of the same airline company, the British
Airways, the risks associated with the openness and easy accessibility of the social media
sites and the threats that can emanate from the use of social media, as evident from the case
of the baggage loss and the use of Twitter to spread negative publicity on the social media

platform against the British Airways, stand as a glaring example bringing to the fore the risks
and issues.

However, notwithstanding what has been stated above, the importance of social media in the
marketing landscape is deemed to attain new heights as more and more users create social
networking accounts and prefer research on brands and products on the internet and through
online discussions and awareness building and this means that the onus rests with the markets
as to in what ways they can avoid the risks associated and rip off the glaring benefits that
social media, as a marketing tool, provides (Tuten and Solomon, 2013).

Chapter Three: Research methodology:

Research methodology deals with the application of the methods and techniques that are
applicable and suitable for the case in hand. For the purpose of this present research, it has
been ensured that the approach, strategy, methods and techniques chosen for the research
topic in hand are appropriate and enable the researcher to collect the required data and
information from the various sources and ultimately lead to the meeting of the envisioned
research aims and objectives, specified in the first chapter of this research paper (Welman, et
al. 2005).

3.1 Research proposition:

The present research study is aimed to explore and investigate the ways in which and the
extent to which the use of social media as a marketing tool influence the marketing activities
and meeting of the strategic marketing objectives on the part of a business firms, in this case
the British Airways (Scruggs and Mastropieri, 2006). The approach, methods and techniques
that would be applied in the case of the present research would be specified and the
justification for the same given in the course of this chapter, meant to complement the
research activities to answer the research questions posed.

3.2 Research questions:

I. In what ways can social media be used as a potent platform of marketing?

II. In what ways and to what extent can business firms benefit from the effective use of
social media for marketing purposes?
III. What are the effects or impact of using social media as a marketing tool?

3.3 Research approach:

Generally, there are two approaches widely used in academic research endeavours, the
inductive approach and the deductive approach.

3.3.1 Inductive and deductive approach:

The explanation of these two research approaches can be better understood through reference
to the work by Saunders et al. (2003), where he sought to differentiate between the two
widely used approaches. According to Saunders, the deductive approach, in simple and short,
deals with testing a theory in which “the researcher develops a theory or hypotheses and
designs a research strategy to test the formulated theory” (Kumar, 2005) In the case of the
inductive approach, on the other hand, as Saunders continued, the inductive approach deals
“with the building of a theory in which the researcher starts with collecting data in an
attempt to develop a theory” (Scruggs and Mastropieri, 2006). As such, induction is referred
to as the process of collection of facts and finding an order in them in the case of an enquiry
that is not supported by existing and relevant theories and as such, the development of a
theory based on the facts and information collected. In the case of deduction, “knowledge
develops in more mature fields of enquiry with a sort of a logical leap”, where data is
collected and analysed to put an established and relevant theory to test (Scruggs and
Mastropieri, 2006).

3.3.2 Qualitative and quantitative methods:

Research approach can be distinguished into qualitative and quantitative methods as well and
is, necessarily, a methodological aspect involved in a research. The choice of the selection of
a specific methodology for the research in hand should be made keeping in mind the scope
and nature of the subject matter of the research and the questions that need to be answered.
Researchers have emphasised on the fact that the “qualitative research emphasises the
process of discovering how the social meaning is constructed and stresses the relationship

between the investigator and the topic that is being studied” (Samuels, et al. 2009). On the
other hand, scholars have maintained, quantitative research deals with the analysis and
measurement of the relational aspects between the variables.

Researchers have further stated that the areas of distinction between qualitative and
quantitative methods can be identified as the “analytical objectives of each of the methods,
the types of questions framed and posed, the various types of data collection methods
employed, types of data that are produced and the degree of the flexibility in the study
design” (Newman and Benz, 2008).

For the purpose of the present research dealing with the influence of social media on
marketing activities and to answer the research questions posed in the first chapter of the
research paper, the appropriate approach and methodologies have been chosen.

To state specifically, the deductive approach has been chosen for the purpose of the research
as it has been deemed to be appropriate and effective in enabling the researcher to answer the
research questions in the desired manner. The deductive approach, which, refers to putting an
established theory to test would help the researcher to deduce on the established literature and
the conceptual and theoretical framework of the subject matter and out the theory to test
through the research strategy. The selection of the deductive research strategy would enable
the researcher in exploring and examining the theories and concepts that related to the subject
matter of this research topic and put them to test in the practical scenario in the due course of
the research endeavour. The aspects related to the justification of the use of social media
platform and the influence on the customer behaviour and effectiveness of marketing
strategies in relation to it would be put to hypotheses and would enable the researcher to
arrive at meaningful and relevant findings and observations (Kumar, 2005).

So far the research methodology and the choice between the quantitative and qualitative
methodologies is concerned, the researcher would employ, the quantitative methodology to
be able to answer the research questions effectively and efficiently. The employment of the
quantitative methodology can be related to the justification that the use of the quantitative
methodology would enable the researcher to have better insights into the subject matter of the
topic and help in deeper theoretical analyses and examination. The use of the quantitative
methodology has also enabled the researcher to approach the subject matter from the practical
standpoint and has brought to the fore the outstanding aspects that the business firms face in
their pursuit of using the social media platform as a marketing tool and the ways the same

influences the marketing activities and their effectiveness. The use of the quantitative method
has enabled the researcher, further, to gather over a considerable period of time aimed to
answer the how and why questions (Kothari, 2004).

Adding to the points that have been mentioned above, the employment of the quantitative
methodology can be further supported by the justification for the use of quantitative data
which can be related to the fact that it assists the researcher in a considerable manner so far
the exploration of answers to narrow and specific questions about a phenomenon, as evident
from the statistical and numerical data collected from respondents on subjecting them with
specific closed ended questions. The use of quantitative method is justified in cases where the
systematic comparison of data, making generalizations to the broader population and testing
of theories through hypotheses is involved (Kothari, 2004).

A marked trends in recent studies on social sciences can be related to the employment and
whole hearted application of the concept of the use of the combination of the qualitative and
quantitative methods in the research to be able to answer the research questions in the best
manner possible can be related to the fact that in cases where the generation of hypotheses or
comparative analyses are involved and the use of this combined research methodology,
transcending the traditional boundaries or confinements would lead to deeper insights, closer
examination and richer understanding of the illuminated aspects of the subject matter of the
research topic under investigation.

3.4 Research philosophy:

In simple and specific words, research philosophy deals with the belief pertaining to the
manner in which the information and data relating to a particular phenomenon is to be
collected, put to analysis and used for the ultimate purpose of the research.

To be more theoretical, research philosophy “is defined as the development of knowledge and
the nature of knowledge” (Ketchen and Bergh, 2004) The importance of the specification of
the research philosophy for the success of a research endeavour can be attributed to the fact
that it enables the researcher to streamline or filter the research methodologies to be applied
in a given context for effective answering of the research question and also attributing to the
fact that, at the same time, the specification and knowledge about the research methods that
would be the most appropriate and effective in exploring and gathering evidence on the given

topic would also enable the researcher to cancel the non-appropriate and unsuited
methodologies and hence, saving costs and time. Moreover, the better understanding of the
research philosophy enables the researcher to provide more deep and creative explanations to
the subject matter of the research.

3.4.1 Interpretivism and positivism:

Interpretivism research philosophy deals with and lays stress on the collection of qualitative
data through the employment of the techniques of open ended unstructured interviews and the
method of participant observations so as to generate this type of data. According to the
Interpretivism school of thought, the researcher is considered as being influenced as well as
being influencing the research activity and that the relationship between the two constructs an
integral component of the study. The core concept that marks the Interpretivism school is that
they consider reality to be heterogeneous and relative and as such, cannot be adequately or
effectively judged or analysed through a fixed set of realities. Stemming from this belief, the
knowledge that is built based on this school of thought is socially constructed and necessarily
a result of human perceptions. They are sensitive to human interactions to reality and instead
of dealing with the analysis of the causes and effects stress on the analysis and examination
of human behaviour.

On the other hand, positivism refers to the scientific approach involving the employment of
scientific methods and techniques that are “highly organized, measurable and based on
approaches taken by the scientific community involved in the researching of behaviours un
the natural world” (Jha, 2008). According to this school of thought the researcher would not
be involved in the relational analyses and studies and would deal with the employment of the
tool of observation to collect the relevant and necessary information for the purpose of
providing satisfactory answer to the research questions posed. According to scholars, the aim
of the social researches for the proponents and supporters of the positivism school of thought
“is to discover the patterns and regularities of the social world by using the kind of scientific,
methods used to such good effect in the natural sciences” (Booth, et al. 2005).

For the purpose of the present research, the positivism philosophy would be adopted to be
able to satisfactorily answer the questions posed in the introductory chapter of the research.
The aspects of quantitative principles and objectivity in investigation were found to suit the

purpose of the subject matter of the research in hand and hence, the positivism research
philosophy has bene adopted by the researcher.

The research design chosen for the purpose of the present research would be descriptive and
the justification for the same can be related to the fact that the research would discuss and
help understand the characteristics of the phenomenon of the use of social media for
marketing for the specific airline company.

3.5 Research process:

The approach towards the subject matter of the research had started with the identification of
the problem of the research and the stating of the problem statement followed by the
specification of the envisage aims and objectives that are expected to be met in the desired
manner at the point of culmination of the research activities and process and then followed by
the framing of the prominent research questions. This was followed by the reviewing of the
literature on the given topic and complemented by the selection and choice of the approach,
methods, techniques and methodologies that would for the scope and purpose of the
conduction of the research endeavour. The subsequent stages of the research process would
be the collection of data and information from relevant and important sources and the
collation and analysis of the data to arrive at meaningful and logical findings and
observations. The final stage or the stage of culmination of the research would be the stage of
conclusion where the main findings would be stated and meaningful recommendations and
scope for further research would be stated and explained.

3.6 Data collection:

3.6.1 Primary data:

For the purpose of the research, quantitative data would be collected from the relevant
sources and respondents to have deeper insights into the subject matter of the research and
devolve a better understanding of the research topic.

Primary quantitative data would be collected from a total of 40 respondents who would be
chosen or selected amongst a total of 65 employees of the British Airways. The respondents
would be subjected to close ended questions provided in a set questionnaire and their
responses to the framed questions would form the base of the primary quantitative data to be
used for the purpose of the research.

3.6.2 Secondary data:

Secondary data would be collected from a range of literary sources of information including
books, journals, and research articles as well as online sources of information to have a
proper and in-depth understanding of the theoretical and conceptual framework of the subject
matter of the research according to which the research has to be conducted to yield desired

3.7 Sampling technique and sampling size:

For the purpose of the present research, the convenience sampling technique has been
adopted. Amongst 65 employees of the British Airways a total of 401 have been selected as
respondents and the exclusion criteria can be based on the choice of the researcher and the
consent of the chosen respondents.

3.8 Research ethics:

Research ethics play an instrumental role in any research endeavour and in the case of the
present research endeavour, prior permission in writing was taken from the respective
authorities of the British Airways along with the research ethics committee certificate and the
aspects related to the protection of personal identity, protection of data from manipulation and
distorting or from unauthorized use, use of information for academic purposes only and
providing the respondents with a convenient and comfortable environment without exerting
any kind of external pressures or biases of any kind (Bellamy, 2012).

3.9 Limitations of the research:

Typical of academic researches, this too suffers from the limitations related to time and
financing and moreover, the confinement of the research scope within the employees of the
British Airways and access difficulties further add to the limitations of the research.

3.10 Time frame of the research:

April May June July Comme

Week 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 n

Works to be done ts
1. Initial literature Extensive
survey for search of
framing all relevant
research aims, print and
objectives and electronic
research sources

2. Conducting Review is
extensive done by
literature using all
survey relevant
3. Questionnaire Questions
design, of the
estimating the questionnai
sample size re are
and pilot framed in
testing accordance
5. Data collection Primary
using appropriate data is
instruments. collected
survey and

6. Processing and Software
analysis of the data Microsoft
Excel is
used for
7. Interpreting the Information
data from
sources are
8. Data Using
presentation software
9. Final draft of the word and
Ensure that
thesis all the
are fulfilled
10.Final thesis Edit
submission proof

3.11 Summary:

All the methods and techniques that have been applied for the research are appropriate and
would enable the researcher to have better insights into the subject matter of the research
topic and arrive at meaningful and relevant findings and observations.



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Quantitative questionnaire:

I. Have you been employed with the British Airways for more than 5 years?

 Yes

 No

II. Do you think that the use of social media for marketing has led to better brand image and
enhanced brand awareness among the audience?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
III. Do you think that the influence of social media on marketing activities has made it easier for
marketers and employee to management customer relationships and build positive rapport
with them?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
IV. Do you think that the use of social media for marketing activities has led to better response
from the customers owing to the prominent online presence of the brand?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
V. Do you think the use of social media platform for marketing purposes have enabled the
employees to get better training and grooming facilities in order to manage things
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
VI. Do you think that the use of social networking sites for marketing and customer relationship
management purposes leads to vulnerability of sensitive and personal information and make
them exposed in the face of such threats?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree

 Strongly disagree
VII. Do you think that the use of social media for marketing purposes has encouraged innovative
and creative ideas in a better manner?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
VIII. Do you think that the effect of social media on marketing activities and professional
enhancement of the employee has been positive?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
IX. Do you think that using social media as a tool for achieving strategic marketing objectives is a
must in the modern day scenario?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
X. Do you think with the help of social media it has become easier and more accurate for the
employees and managers of the business firms to identify segments and examine their
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
XI. Do you think that the use of social media and incorporation of state of the art technology has
led to inclusive growth of the employees within the organization?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree

Qualitative questionnaire:

I. Do you think prominent presence and active interactions on the social media platform leads
to better brand recognition and awareness on the part of the audience and customers?
II. In what ways can the brands harness the benefits of the use of social media for meeting
strategic marketing objectives?
III. In what ways does the use of social media platform aid the managers in more efficient and
effective decision making?
IV. To what extent does the use of the social media for marketing activities and purposes pose a
threat to the brand image and the reputation of the brand on the online platform?

V. What would be the marked advancements that would be required to keep pace with the
competition to vie for the strategic space on the social media platform?


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