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Hackers Grammar Start-15강

[15강 Warm-up 문제]

1. Unity differs from balance implies that balanced elements work together to form harmony

in the design as a whole.

A) because of it B) which it C) since it D) since

2. To register for an overload, students must submit the appropriate approval form


when register.

3. There is no point in reducing the size of a palm-held computer much further

humans can evolve smaller fingers.

A) without B) what C) unless D) in that

[15강 Review 문제]

1. to pupate, caterpillars settle in sheltered positions.

A) When ready B) For ready C) When it is D) When are they

2. In 1874 Mary Outerbridge returned to New York with the basic equipment of lawn tennis, she

had obtained from a British Army store in Bermuda.

A) while B) what C) which D) so that

3. A number of biological agents can be administered only once, after no additional

applications are needed.

A) as B) what C) since D) which

4. The Red Cross and the Red Crescent provide relief in case natural disasters such as


floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes.

5. Weathering takes place because of minerals formed in a particular way are often


unstable when exposed to various conditions.


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