G Start17

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Hackers Grammar Start-17강

[17강 Warm-up 문제]

1. The purpose of the ten crewed Gemini flights was training tests necessary for longer

space flights.

A) conduct B) to conducting C) to conduct D) that conduct

2. Nuclear reactors might be used to melting frozen gases and eventually build up the



3. With the development of the photograph, it became possible not just words but also the

tone and emphasis of oral delivery.

A) preservation B) to preserve C) that preserve D) to be preserved

[17강 Review 문제]

1. The railroad was not the first institution impose regularity on society, or to draw


attention to the importance of precise timekeeping.

2. A non-psychologist may use the term anxiety to meaning nervousness or fear.


3. A heavy cargo in the hold at the bottom of a merchant ship allowed the ship
balanced in the water.

A) which stay B) staying C) stay D) to stay

4. The techniques for preparing and studying chemicals helped laying the foundation for


the modern science of chemistry.


5. Historians have only recently begun the increase in demand for luxury

goods and services.

A) note B) to note C) to noting D) noted

Hackers Grammar Start-17강

[17강 Hand out]

Lesson 10. 동명사와 부정사 (2)

2. To 부정사: 명사, 형용사, 부사 의 역할을 한다.

 To 부정사도 동사의 성질 이 살아있어서,

(1)목적어나 보어를 가질 수 있으며,

(2) not(never)를 앞에 붙여서 부정을 할 수 있고,

(3) 시제를 표현하고, (완료부정사: to have p.p)

(3) 의미상의 주어도 가질 수 있다.

(1) 명사적 용법 : “~하는 것” / 주어 , 목적어 , 보어 자리 에 올 수 있다  전치사 뒤 (X)!!!

[예문] 1. For Tom to write an essay in English is difficult. (to부정사구  주어)
→ It is difficult for Tom to write an essay in English.

cf) I want you to help me.

2. Tom decided not to take a vacation this summer. (to부정사구  목적어)

3. Jenny pretends to have read Romeo and Juliet. (to부정사구  목적어)

4. He seems to be married . (to부정사구  보어)

(2) 형용사적 용법 : “~할” “~하는” / 명사를 꾸며준다.

[유형1] The ability of humans to use languages has been an interesting topic in many

⇒ to 부정사의 꾸밈을 받는 명사 : ability / capability / capacity, way / means / method,

attempt / effort, tendency, chance / opportunity, right / authority, plan / intention,

desire / need, failure

[유형2] Jane was the first girl student to be admitted to a medical school.

Jane is the only girl student to be admitted to a medical school this year.

Jane is the youngest (girl student ) to be admitted to a medical school this year.

(3) 부사적 용법 : 부사의 역할 (동사, 형용사, 다른 부사를 수식)

[동사수식] She is taking a yoga class to lose weight. (목적: ~하기 위해서)

James studied hard to get an F. (결과)

[형용사수식] I am very happy to hear from you.

[부사수식] Mark is handsome enough to be a model.

Hackers Grammar Start-17강

(4) 부정사구 관련 표현: It + takes/costs + 시간 /돈 + (for N) + to V

 to V하는데 시간/돈이 ~~ 걸리다/들다.

Ex) It took 2 hours for me to get home last night.

 원형부정사: to가 붙지 않는 부정사

사역동사 / 지각동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 (목적보어)

[예문] Tom had me write his essay. (사역동사: have / let / make)

I saw Tom dance (dancing). (지각동사: see, watch / hear / feel)

★ 원형부정사와 관련하여 반드시 기억해야 할 help 동사

Tom은 나를(내가) 에세이 쓰는 것을 도와주었다.

 Tom helped me an essay.

이 로션은 태양으로부터 피부를 보호하는 것을 도와준다.

 This lotion helps the skin from the sun.

 to 부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사

desire, hope, want, expect / plan, intend, mean (~ 할 작정이다) / attempt / afford / agree /

decide / refuse / fail / learn, teach / pretend / decide / need

Ex. I need to fix the broken window.

The window needs fixing. (수동의 의미: to be fixed)

 동사 + 목적어 + to 부정사(보어) : 5형식

enable A to B: A가 B하는 것을 가능하게 하다
allow (permit) A to B: A가 B하는 것을 허락하다
cause A to B: A가 B하도록 유발하다, A가 B하는 데 원인이 되다
encourage A to B: A가 B하도록 장려하다, 용기를 주다, 격려하다,
ask (require, request) A to B: A에게 B하라고 요구하다
order / force / tell A to B: A에게 B하라고 명령/강요/말하다
teach / instruct A to B: A에게 B하라고 가르치다/지시하다
persuade / urge A to B: A에게 B하라고 설득하다

* To 부정사 / 동명사 모두를 목적어로 가질 수 있는 동사

 begin, start, prefer, continue, love, like, hate

* To 부정사 / 동명사를 취하면서 의미가 달라지는 동사

(1) I forgot to call Jane. I forgot calling Jane.

Hackers Grammar Start-17강

 remember, regret

(2) I stopped talking to Jane. I stopped to talk to Jane.


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