Reflection #2 - Concerning The "Type Focus" Personality Assessment

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Reflection #2 - Concerning the "Type Focus" Personality Assessment

Based on the assessment that I received regarding the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory
dimensions, I chose to focus my reflection on the fourth preference, which is judging or

Judgers tend to approach life in a structured way. To be specific, Judgers prefer to make
plans before taking any actions, prefer to live with a sense of control instead of keeping their
choices open. There are many characteristics that could be used to describe judgers. For
example, judgers tend to be organized and responsible. If a judger receives a task, the first thing
appears in a judger’s mind is to make a detailed plan by classifying and organizing this task.
Once the judger feels comfortable and has a sense of control, he/she will start working on the
task by following the steps created on the plan precisely.

Perceivers tend to approach life in a flexible way. On the contrary, perceivers do not like
to make plans before moving. Instead, perceivers like to understand and adopt the world by
staying open to new experiences and information. There are also many characteristics that
could be used to describe perceivers. For instance, perceivers tend to be relaxed and
spontaneous. They are able to quickly adapt and fit into different groups based on situation
requirements. If a perceiver receives a task, he/she will not make any specific plan about how
to get this task done with high efficiency and accuracy because perceivers like to keep plans to
a minimum. Therefore, perceivers are able to stay open to new information and respond to
whatever happens.

According to the assessment result I received, I would conclude that I am a judger. In

work settings, there are definitely strengths associated with my characteristics and preferences.
For example, I like to set goals and make plans before taking actions. Setting goals and making
plans not only help me completely focus on one task, but also help me avoid rushing before a
deadline. Moreover, I will be fully responsible for all of the tasks I might receive from my
manager. Namely, I do not like to ask someone else to do my work and I will not start a new
task until I finish the current one.

At the same time, there are also limitations associated with my characteristics and
preferences. For instance, if there are some unpredictable changes happen to my task, I may
not be able to respond quickly and timely, because I tend to stick to my plan and expect my
plan to work perfectly till the end. Additionally, I might miss or eliminate new information
during the working progress because I am completely focused on completing my goal. Also,
because I tend to finish one task before starting a new one, this working habit could reduce my
efficiency in certain situations. Particularly, if I am signed to different projects and all my
projects have different deadlines. As a result, I may not be able to maximize my efficiency by
managing my time effectively and working on several projects and at the same time.

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