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Family Profile


Key Person STATUS

Lovely Joy Gallido Key Person 29 Female Married Service Crew

Donamike Gallido Husband 29 Male Married Porter

Prince Lymichael Son 7 Male Single Student


The Gallido Family is a nuclear type of family, which consist of a father, Mr. Donamike
Gallido, a 29-year-old porter, a mother, Mrs. Lovely Joy Gallido, a 29-year-old service crew in
restaurant and their son Prince Lynmichael Gallido, a 7-year-old grade 2 student.

Home and Environment

The family resides in a congested area in Brgy Bitik, Valenzuela City. The house structure
is a small studio type room, wherein it includes a dining room, a bedroom and a reception area in
just one area of the room with no division. The room structure is cemented. It is just like a boarding
house type shared by different families.

The group identified some of the problems in the aforementioned family/community. First, their
water drainage system is inadequately placed and cannot hold the waste enough that might lead
to acquiring certain diseases. Second, inadequate ventilation, however, their lightning is good.
Third, one comfort room is located outside and is shared by other families in the compound. Fourth
lack of windows that may lead to faster transmission of airborne diseases if ever. Lastly, their
house cannot accommodate the number of the families residing in it. Their home is quite small
for them. On a positive note, their water supply is from Maynilad that they utilize for cooking,
hygiene and for other stuffs. Furthermore, water used for drinking is mineral water that from
nearby water station.
Structure and Function

A. According to structure – NUCLEAR FAMILY

Family is composed of a husband (father), wife (mother) and their unmarried child.

B. According to naming system – PATRONYMIC

The family uses the father’s surname.

C. According to residence – MATRILOCAL

The key person’s family lives near the domicile of the wife’s side.

D. According to authority – EQUALITARIAN

The authority is more or less equally divided between husband and wife.

E. According to family set-up – DEMOCRATIC

The family members respect each other’s decision and ideas.

Basic Areas of Family Function

A. Biologic:

The couple has only one child. If someone in the family gets sick, they seek
medical assistance in the barangay center or hospital by using their Phil Health membership.

B. Economic:

The main source of income for the family:

Lovely Joy Gallido - employee at Sizzling house service
Donamike Gallido - Helper at Uratex

C. Education

Mrs. Lovely Joy Gallido is a highschool graduate while her husband, Mr. Donamike Gallido
is a college graduate.Their child Prince Lymichael Gallido is 7 years old, Grade 2.
D. Psychologic / Affection

Lovelyjoy and Donamike provides love, care, protection and support to their child.

E. Sociocultural

The Gallido family gets along well with the neighbors but they prefer to stay inside the
house and have some time and more interaction with the members of the family like having
karaoke in their room as a family bonding because both parents love music.

Stage in the Family Cycle


- The Gallido Family is composed of a couple that rose as mother and father as well as
husband and wife. Marital satisfaction is likely to be low at this stage.
- The child start going to school.


1. Suppling adequate space facilities and equipment for the expanding family.

2. Meeting predictable and unexpected costs of family life with small children.

3. Sharing responsibilities within the extended family and between members of the
growing family.

4. Maintaining mutually satisfactory sexual relationship and planning.

5. Creating and maintaining effective communication system in the family.

6. Facing dilemmas and reworking philosophies.



1. Accepting marital system to make space for children.

2. Taking on parenting role.

3. Realignment of relationship with extended family to include parenting and grand

parenting roles.
Family Psychodynamics

Lovely Joy was born in Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center in Santa Cruz, Manila and
has been residing in Barrio Bitik, Valenzuela City where her family resides. His husband,
Donamike was born in Alcantra, Romblon and has been residing in Dalandanan, Valenzuela City
since before they met. Both Lovely Joy and Donamike finished their secondary school at
Valenzuela National Highschool, where their relationship started in year 2006. Donamike was
able to finish the first year of his college course computer technology at Datamex College in
Valenzuela City; however, Lovely Joy was not able to continue into college. It was November 26,
2011 when they decided to get married and a year after Lovely Joy gave birth to their first child
Prince Gallido.

Donamike has a stable job in Frabelle Company at Navotas City for 9 years before he was
reassigned as a porter at Ermita, Manila due to conflict with his supervisor. Lovely Joy on the
other hand is a full-time housewife after they were married until their first child was born. Later
on, as their child grew up Lovely Joy decided to find a job to earn additional money for their family.
She is currently a food service crew in a restaurant in Marulas, Valenzuela City 3 months from
now and her shift is usually from 6pm until 4am. Even if her schedule gave her a hard time to get
along with her family, she make sure that they could still spend quality time with each other
whenever she is free from her work.

When Donamike is at work and Lovely Joy is taking a rest back from her work, Lovely
Joy’s mother who is just in their neighborhood is in charge of taking care of their child Prince. Her
mother accompanies their son in going to and from the school every weekday. Moreover,
whenever their family is in stressful life events her mother is always the first person she asked for
help. Lovely Joy claimed that their budget was sufficient only for their daily needs like food but
not for emergency situation. She also mentioned that most of her and his husband’s salary is
accounted for their debt and their budget for leisure was trimmed to make way for the important
things they need. Despite of this situation, both Lovely Joy and Donamike make sure that they
can still give what their child needs.
Impact of Illness in the Family

According to Lovelyjoy, there are no present ilnesses in her family. Index patient
apparently had inherited her Goiter,a thyroid disease, from her mother side but she was able to
regulate her thyroid hormones during an attack in her pregnancy with Prince by attending regular
check ups with her OB-Gyne and side by side an Endocrinologist to reduce possible risk of the

When Prince was around 4 years old, he had few asthma attacks. Apparently, the index
patient was able to managed Prince’s condition by consulting to the nearby Health Center and
was advised by the doctor-in-charge inhalers for her child. Recenlty, Prince did not encounter any
asthma attacks after. She didn’t have to buy supplies of inhalers because it was provided by the
said center.

There was also a time when her husband, Donamike, had been complaining of frequent
pains with his stomach. Accodring to Donamike, he had been feeling a burning sensation on his
hypogastric region in the evening. Being asked of what is his remedy to reduce the pain, he would
take commercial Calcium Carbonate Magnesium Hydroxide Famotidine or Kremil-S and would
buy it over the counter in a nearby sari-sari store without any consultation from a doctor.
Apparenlty, pain was reduced and he felt comfort at medicating self.

The last confinement within family members was the time that Lovely Joy’s delivery which
was 2012 at Valenzuela Medical Center.

Their medical practices were basically consultation when one member encounter a
serious illness but mostly self-medication if mild to moderate illness.

Sociocultural Factors Involving Health


The family lives in a compound with Lovelyjoy’s younger siblings and apparently, she has
a very good relationship with them. With regards to her younger siblings, the usual conflict that
they encounter often are the small fights that her child, Prince, and her 6-month niece, Charissa.
She doesn’t usually stay outside of her home, she would rather stay at home at take care
of her 6-month niece and her child, Prince.

With regards to social factors involving health, she usually visits the health center right
away for health consultation and education.


When in comes to superstitious belilefs and cultural beliefs, Lovelyjoy is aware of it but
does not follow it. For instances, there is a practice at her home, that when her mother visits their
place, she was not allowed to sleep with her hair wet beause it might cause headache but insists
to sleep because she’s tired from her night shift duty.

Her family is a Roman Catholic and attends mass on a Sunday if her duty will not coincide
to their five o’clock routin. Prince, her chiild, was baptized in a Roman Catholic Church. According
to her, she is a aware that the church tackles about health related issue and she agress with it in
most cases.

Economic Status of the Family

Social Class: Lower Income (but not poor)

The Gallido Family is classified under the Lower Income Class (2017 Family Income and

Expenditure Survey (FIES), Philippine Statistics Authority). The key person, Lovely Joy Gallido,
is a full-time employee being one of the sources of income in the family. The family’s source of

income mainly originates from the key person’s husband, Donamike Gallido earning more. He is

working as a porter in Uratex, and he earns approximately P 7000/month with both of them there

is a combined income of approximately P 10,000-11000/month, which was smaller compared to

their combined income when Donamike was with his former employer it would had reached

around P 15,000. The family obtains their food or grocery budget from their combined monthly

income. With that budget, it currently divided for Water and Electric Utilities worth P 1,500; Food

and Grocery worth P 2000; and the rest is meant for paying money that they borrowed amounting

to P 8000 in a month that they used when her husband lost his job three months ago. The key

person described their daily expenses as tolerable and “kasya sa pang araw-araw”, explaining

that their income justifies their expenses on a daily basis.

Family Tools and Presentation

Family Genogram

Amaso-Gallido Family
Bario Bitik, Valenzuela City
November 17, 2019

Family APGAR I
2 1 0
A That I can turn to
my family for help ✔
when something is
troubling me
P With the way my
family talks on ✔
things with me and
shares problems
with me
G That my family
accepts and
support my wishes ✔
to take on new
activities or
A With the way my
family expresses
affection and
responds to my ✔
emotion such as
anger, sorrow and
R With the way my
family and I share ✔
time together

ADAPTATION – Lovely Joy is able to rely on her family some of the time for help and support.
Since her husband has a stable job, they can rely on him for their daily needs (food), utilities,
and their child’s need. She also has a job in a restaurant at Marulas, Valenzuela as food server.
She mentioned that her salary from her job is for their daily basis and debt.

PARTNERSHIP – Whenever there is a problem or decision-making arises within the family,

Lovely Joy’s family can always discuss it with each other. She can always consult her husband
every time they need to make a decision which her young child could not yet handle. There is
also equal domination of the household with husband and wife.

GROWTH – Lovely Joy is satisfied with the way her family accepts and supports her wishes to
take on new activities or directions. This is shown by the way her mother supports her when she
had her job and takes charge in the house and her child while she’s away.

AFFECTION – Lovely Joy’s family was able to express affection and responds to her emotion.
The same way Lovely Joy shows affection and support to her family especially to her husband
even though they are not always together due to work.

RESOLVE – Lovely Joy mentioned that they (Lovely Joy & her husband) make sure that they
could spend time with their child whenever they are free from work and spends quality time with
their family and relatives every occasion that they can get together.


Who lives in your house? If you do not How well do you get along?

stay with your family, list the

person/persons to whom you turn for


Name Relationship Age Gender Well Fairly Poor

Donamike Gallido Husband 34 Male ✔

Prince Gallido Son 7 Male ✔

If you don’t live with your family, list

the persons to whom you turn to for


Name Relationship Age Gender Well Fairly Poor

Mother Female ✔



Lovely lives in a one She is very busy with her Communication is one of the

compound where she treats schedule in work and do not key factors to prevent

every one of her neighbors have time to have leisure time problem in their family.

as if they were part of her with the family and neighbors.

family. She maintains a Encourage Lovely to have

good relationship with some break with her work and

them. have some quality time for

herself, for her family and for

other relatives.


Lovely adopts the cultural Encourage Lovely to continue

values and cultural practicing the cultural values

practices that the Filipino and beliefs of the Filipino

have. Some of these came

from her mother-in-law.


Lovely is a Roman Catholic. She believes in God but Encourage Lovely and her

She attends church because of the lack of time, family to continue to cultivate

activities if she has a spare she does not have time to go their deep faith in God and to

time. She influenced her to church to attend mass. actively participate in at least

child to devote time for the every Sunday masses as a

Lord. way of their bonding as a


Lovely Joy is working as a Sometimes the family’s Educate the members of the

service crew in a fast food income is not enough to cover family on how to budget their

chain. Aside from her all of their basic needs. Their monthly income. Encourage

salary, she is also receiving salary is just enough to pay them to open up savings

money to her husband. She their depth. account as their emergency

is able to budget the money fund

she receives for food,

water, electricity

educational needs of her

child and medicine.


Lovely Joy Is a high school She is not knowledgeable Educate the family on how to

graduate. She is able to about her condition. She is maintain healthy life style and

comprehend and carry out suffering from thyroid problem how to prevent diseases.

jobs within her capabilities and she stop her medication Maintain proper hygiene.

to help or add support to due to financial problem and Inform them the value of

the family’s finances she doesn’t take it a serious staying healthy and advice

condition the patient to consult to the

doctor about her problem and

continue her medication.


Lovely Joy lives near the Due to unclean environment Advice the patient to allocate

health clinic, so it’s easy for and crowded area, the family some of the budget for
her to have an access to is prone to diseases like medication because not all is

medical staff or doctor. She communicable disease. She cover by medical insurance.

pays for health insurance is facing financial crisis for her

like Phil health medical checkup and


Application of Primary Health Care

With our conversations with Lovelyjoy and her family, we found out that they value health.
According to her husband, the moment he gets sick, their monthly income will decrease and it will
be costly if he gets admitted to the hospital so as much as possible, he eats on time and prefers
to be at home during his vacant time rather than going out for a drink a bar. And as for Lovelyjoy,
since her duty is night shift, proper sleep is what she lacks since she starts work around six in the
evening and goes home at five or six in the morning. Instead of going to sleep right away, she still
needs to prep up Prince for school and by time he leaves, that is the only time she can sleep. And
also, she also shared her concerns with Prince’s eating habit outside of home.

As per Donamike’s concern, we told him about what we learned in school regarding proper
health and wellness management. We educated him about proper hygiene and sanitation within
work and home. Since he is a porter, we advised him to wear proper gear like masks and gloves
during work hours so that there is minimal contact with pollution and potential microbes that can
cause illness. We also told him to wash his hands before eating and after driving. We also advised
him not to skip meals and take multivitamins. If there are times he needs to drink occassionally,
we advised him to bring his own drinking cup to prevent contact with others. We praised him for
staying home rather than drinking with officemates and friends.

With Lovelyjoy, we educated her about time management and giving a part of her
responsibility to her husband, Donamike in prepping up Prince in the morning. Since she works
in a night, she can prepare the food so that when Donamike need to cook it, the meat/fish is ready
for cooking. In the morning, Donamike should prepare Prince’s breakfast and baon so that they
won’t be bothered with the food Prince eats in school. Also, he should be the one to accompany
Prince in taking a bath if in case Lovelyjoy is still not around. We advised Lovelyjoy that she should
also drink vitamins before she starts her shift instead in the morning since she needs it more in
the evening. Also, we advised her frequent hand washing when she is working in the food place
to prevent spread of possible disease.

We also advised them to visit the health center regulary with or without concerns to be
updated with trends on health and wellness.

Application of Preventive Medicine

With Lovelyjoy’s previous Goiter, we advised to continue with her check ups so that it
wouldn’t lead to any other complications.

For the couple, we advised them to be more vigilant with her health since their turning in
their thirties and it is the best years to practice prevention in illness. We advised them to visit the
health and inquire about maintining their cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose serum levels
to prevent cardiovascular diseases and other related diseases.

Since Prince is in school age, we also advised the couple to go to the health center to
update his primary booster shots. We educated her about the previous measles outbreak, dengue
rates, and the return of polio due to lack of proper vaccination. Because of this, she was aware
that Prince should complete his primary booster shots so that he can prevent from having the said
childhood illnesses.

And also, we also told Lovelyjoy to educated Prince on proper toothbrushing and taking
baths regularly which is a way of preventing him from getting sick.

Floor Map







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