SHADOW SERIES - Accepting The Rejected Self - Ho'oponopono

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7:36, Fairday, 11/19/2010 1st, Mayan day 8 Caban/Earth

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Who and what am I this morning? What is different? I had the wisp of
a dream fragment as I awoke this morning. Things are looking up for
that. I am glad. I was in a class of some kind.

You know, my friends, there are dreams, and then there are dreams.
We also leave the body at night and go to classes. This much I
remember from the past. Not always, but that can be more real than
symbolic - remembering that.


The Ascended Masters teach that, in the etheric plane or dimensions,

congruent with and just above our dear earth, are their retreats - like
sacred cities we may visit in the night. This is not for everyone, but
for those souls on the path Homeward. Entrance is not guaranteed.

One can make request to be taken there, though. They hold regular
classes for the mankind of earth - among others, I’m sure. Heck,
we’re the ‘Others,’ for that matter. Anyway, I think the information
about which angelic or Ascended Master retreat is where, is congruent
with which city or area is available on - The Summit Lighthouse

The one I remember, right now, is that of Archangel Michael; it’s over
Lake Louise, I think - in Banff, Canada - from the pictures of the area,
a heavenly place in its own right. Anyway, if you have recall about
being in a classroom environment, being taught spiritual lessons -
don’t be so sure it’s not rather accurate. Not all dreams are symbolic.
Sorry for going on as if I know what I’m talking about. What a laugh.
Me with close to no dream recall. Oh well. It is what it is. I have no
complaints. Complaining is no way to greet Life. Everything has
meaning, has blessing hidden within it - even NOT getting what we
want holds many a blessing. It can take a while to unwrap the
package, is all.

The flaming maple tree is bathed in the morning sun. How truly
beautiful - seeming actually radiant - as if lit from within. OMG, what
a display - and just this one tree. The delights of our earth go on
endlessly. May our eyes of heart open to see them, every one. May
our mind clear and be cleared of the blockages to sight - true vision -
vision of the Light underlying all that we see.


This has been an interesting time for me, this last 10 days or so.
During that time I’ve had something happen which is so rare - yet
happen multiple times. I’ve been seen by others in a negative light.
They’ve seen darkness, imperfection, even evil in me. Very

Now, remember, always, that this is no judgment or complaint. This is

simply a looking at what is - a being with that. In the last days I’ve
had a dear friend see enough darkness, here, to want to break away;
to have the love remain, but cease outer contact. That’s pretty

Then, there’s another not-quite-so-close friend who’s been chipping

away at what she sees as wrong or imperfect in the way I look at the
world. This has gotten intense enough for me to want to break away
from her. How interesting is that?!

Finally, a visitor who came to my YouTube site began leaving

comments on my videos, telling people I am a reptilian in hologram
disguise. Right - what do you say to that? I tried to speak with this
one - responded to the comments. No go, though - quite attached to
his view.
Well, everyone is sovereign. We have the right to put our personal
world together our own way. He is entitled. I wish him well.


So, rather than looking out at all these people as having problems of
vision - I look to the self. What am I hiding from me? How am I
looking at my world and not seeing correctly? What is the message all
of this brings?

Of course, it’s not what seems obvious in each instance. I’m not evil.
I’m no reptilian - well, that I know of. Anything’s possible, my friends.
We’ve all got surprises in store. Best not to be attached to one single
way of viewing the life. Finally, my choices are my own to make - I
don’t need to be ‘fixed’ by the friend.

Thus, I can both navigate the seeming outer happenings as heart

guides me,, yet also be looking on a deeper level, within. Things that
happen in threes, especially, deserve our focused attention. They are
speaking. What is this saying to me?


In each instance, I am aware that the person is projecting their self

out upon me - projecting what they reject in the self out into their
external environment - that would be me, in these cases. The mind
would like to say, okay, it is their ‘fault,’ not yours, and have you
move on.

Well, thank goodness for being observant. We don’t ignore threes.

Ah, I sense the mind has some fear, some discomfort with this. It
wants to say, “Well, it’s natural, when you’re becoming more of Light,
more intensely that, that this would stir up the darkness in others -
cause them to project this stirred up darkness on you.”

Do you see the self-justification, the finger-pointing in that? The

wanting to run away - not stand up and be sovereign - not look within?
Not own my own shadow? Okay, so I reject that. The advice of mind
is less than useful, anyway. Moving on - looking deeper. What is

In each case the friend or person is projecting darkness on me -

seeing either evil or imperfection there, then rejecting it. Ok, they
have that in common. What do I see? What is this telling me? I own
that Higher Self brought this my way. I own that it is for my true
benefit - surface appearances aside. That’s just the wrapping paper.
The gift’s deeper in.


So, let’s spread my identity out farther - I am each one of these

people. They are an aspect of self I have rejected - so it’s had to
come to me ‘externally’ - an aspect of self that sees darkness in
others. I am not been owning that. What do I get when I welcome it
in? Let’s have a look.

There is some, heretofore rejected aspect of self that projects its

darkness onto others. I am doing that. I own it. Since vision does not
come for me right away, I will do some ho’oponopono on it - take it in,
ask forgiveness, say I’m sorry and mean it - from the heart. Finally, I
will say ‘I love you,’ then thank you. Be right back :)



Ah, I see, right away, something I didn’t see before. The close friend
who rejected me for the darkness she projected here - as I looked at
that I immediately saw how there is personal fault in seeing my friend
this way. By looking at her as being one to project her own darkness
on me, I have seen her as less than the perfection she is.*

So, just as she looks at me and sees imperfection, so have I done this
with her. There is no difference, really. Both are one. Remember the
Observation Problem - I am that friend. That is just me, externalized.
I AM doing that - no external one exists.
So I say, OMG, I am so sorry. I am sorry for seeing your world, and
anyone in it as being anything less that the perfection You create. I
am heartily sorry, my God, for my terrible error. Please forgive me,
dear Source. Please forgive me for seeing in this way, this dark way,
spraying imperfection all around - as it it was outside of this self.
Please forgive me. I am so sorry.

I love you, oh my God - most merciful One. I love and adore You. I
love you in and as the friend. I love you deeply and fully, oh my God.
I am Love - You are Love - all is but Love, and nothing else. Please
forgive me. I love you. I’m so sorry.

Now, let me look at that situation, again. What do I see? I see - well,
almost nothing. The situation has vanished, or is in process of
vanishing. I see it all returning, into this heart. I see some of it still on
its way. I see nothing external, now. When I look to the friend -
there’s simply empty space. There’s nothing there.


Let me move to the next one - the critical friend - the one constantly
correcting me, trying to change the way I look at things, at the world.
Let me own that - that rejected aspect of self. Let me admit that is
but self, mirrored to me, there. Let me let that in.

OMG, I am so sorry I have rejected this aspect of myself before now. I

admit it in fully, now, and I am so sorry for being so terribly critical of
others - for seeing them in a less than perfect Light. They are all
perfect, my God - this I know. Your creation is ever perfect.

Thank you so much for using it - your creation - to show me myself -

to show me this critical side of self, this rejected part. Thank you for
bringing me that very one who could best illustrate this rejected
aspect of self to me. Heal my rejecting vision, my sight. Thank you so

Now, help me see the rejected aspect of self in the actions of the
friend - help me own that. Help me realize how it is this self who sees
others as being wrong all the time - as being less than perfect. Help
me realize that I am that - that is what I have done, there. I have
thought I knew better than others.

In the guise of reaching out to help correct the error I saw in their
vision, I have been terribly pushy, I have been critical. Help me see
and own this, oh, my God. Even if I have not done so much of this,
overtly, in this life, I know that doesn’t matter one bit. I have done it
in other lives, other selves I know that is myself, there, my God, and I
am deeply sorry for that.

Again and again I have seen your creation in a less than perfect light.
I have cast my own darkness without, on the beauty and perfection of
what you have made. I have falsely accused it of being dark and
imperfect. I have thought myself so much better than others. I have
elevated the self, the personal beliefs as being the only right ones -
the obviously correct ones. I have blindly rejected what others have
to say.

That is the other part of this one. Not only did I see this imperfection
in others, not only did I tell them about it, repeatedly, in so many not
very subtle ways, but then, when they would try to share their hearts
with me - would try to tell me what they saw in me - I would
absolutely reject what they said. My ears would be closed wide shut.
Oh, no - it was always the other that was wrong.

Oh, my God, I am so sorry for that, for that terrible way of being, of
rejecting the beauty of your wonderful creation. There, it stood before
me, in all its perfection - trying to show, to tell me something about
myself - and I rejected it. I saw it as the other - as just their problem -
as obviously not mine. I am so sorry for that arrogance, oh God.
Please forgive me. Please, please forgive me. I am so sorry. I am
sorry I was so blind I did not see, did not accept what You were trying
to show me, out of your great Love.

Please forgive me, oh God. Please forgive these very clear errors. I
do now see them in self - see that I have committed them. I see and
accept the seeming other as this self. I am so sorry. Please forgive
me. Please heal me from that.

I love you, oh my wonderful God. I love you, dear friend whom I now
see as self. Oh, I do love you. I love you, Life, that came to teach me
this way. Please forgive me for rejecting you, for not seeing you, and
the beautiful messages you came to deliver. Please forgive me. I
deeply love you. Thank you.

Thank you so much. I am forgiven. I feel that. I feel the movement of

that. I feel the situation dissolving. I see it melting. Oh, thank you so
very much. I am so grateful. Was anyone ever more blessed? I don’t
see how. Thank you, oh thank you, oh God. You are so generous, to
grant sight to the blind this way. Abundant thanks.


Okay, I know this goes a bit long, my friends, but I’m just about dying
here, to find out what I will uncover in the accusation of being
reptilian. OMG, what a hoot this is. So let me go take it on.

Okay, I see myself in that one - I see the self as projecting out upon
others a tremendous darkness, an evilness only seen in the other -
never in self. OMG, what have I done, here? Please forgive me. I see
how hard my determination is, here, to see this in others. If it is not
there, then I will invent it - I don’t care. I’m so convinced in my own
innocence, I put my guilt on the others. Please forgive me. I didn’t
see this.

I see how, just as this one would not listen, would not be convinced,
that is just exactly me - that is how I have been. I see and accept this
- if not in this life, then in others. I reject it no more - I own this part of
the self. Please forgive me, oh God, for the harm I have done - the
innocent ones I have accused, then perhaps persecuted. I am so
sorry, oh God. Please show me more. Help me take this on fully -
reject no aspect of it. Help me see self in this, oh God - no matter how
bizarre it appears.

I have also been prejudiced - terribly prejudiced. Afraid, perhaps, to

put that prejudice on others, I’ve put it on another race - one I’m not
familiar with. I’ve made them out to be monsters - the not-self. I’ve
judged every one of them - without ever a conversation or a question -
without ever giving them a chance.

On the wrongs done by some of their kind, I have crucified and judged
them - found them guilty and condemned them to death and
extermination. Please forgive my hard, fearful heart, oh God. I did
that. Please forgive.

Help me see this in self. Help me to truly own it, oh God. Just saying
the words does little or nothing. I must see this, fully in heart. Bless
me, oh God, to own this as aspects of self. Stop me projecting it-
rejecting it. Help me own this shadow, this dark side of self. I am so
sorry, Lord. Please forgive me. Please heal all harm that I’ve done by
being this way - in this life or others, please heal all harm.

Forgive me, Lord. I am sorry for my judgmental ways. Though I may

have resolved much of this, in this last life before ascension, yet do I
know I have done this before, oh God - otherwise it would not appear
in my world. I take responsibility for this. I own this. I am so sorry, oh
God. Please forgive me, and heal all others who have been harmed
by me. Please forgive me, those others - I am so sorry.

I was the imperfect one - but I didn’t see it. I blamed it on you. I
persecuted you, accused you wrongly. I’m so sorry. Please forgive
me. I did that. I’m sorry. I made literal monsters of you, in my
projections - projecting my own inner monster ‘Out there.’ You were
innocent. I’m so sorry. Please forgive.

Oh - I feel this one deeply - I feel it going, as through a time tunnel,

back through numerous lives. I feel it reaching back, way back into
time. I must have carried this sort of vision and acted from it for
many long lives. I feel it vanishing, now - back into heart, or some

It’s not exactly that these things go back into heart. They go into
nothingness. It’s just that there’s a ray connecting them to heart that
is active. I see the work being done that way. I see things vanishing.

OMG, I am so grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your
forgiveness. I am so very grateful to see these things vanishing away
like this. What an amazement. Oh, my God, thank you so much. I am
delightfully grateful - delighted. Thank you, oh thank you.

Cleans, oh cleanse me deep, internal vision, oh God. Let it not be

enough that I seem to see clearly in this life. Go to the deep within of
me, oh God - cleanse me there. Help me see clearly, oh God. And
thank you so much.


OK, this has been very long. Thank you for staying with me. I’ve
never done this in written form, before. I’m not at all experienced -
this time around - with ho’oponopono. I am grateful, though, in its
basic simplicity.

How very easy it is to apply to literally anything. We acknowledge the

wrong - we own it. We say we’re sorry - and mean it. We ask for
forgiveness - then offer thanks. That’s the heart of it - as far as I

I can tell you I feel this acting in me. I know doing it once isn’t
enough. This must be pursued, or the mind will just come right back
in and take over vision, again. The mind has a powerful momentum
on that. The mind is what’s wrong with us - the programming it’s

Thus, one must pursue through heart deeply this cleansing. You don’t
bathe by giving the washrag one stroke. It take some rubbing, some
repetition to come fully clean. I must practice this new way of seeing -
what I have been shown - until I’m thoroughly clean - until all the
records vanish away. I know I’ll feel that. I know I’ll just know.

Thanks for bringing these ones into my life so serendipitously, dear

Source. Thank you so much - for showing me the hidden aspects of
the self.

Love and Light. Be blessed in your Light - the Light of your heart.

* It doesn’t matter that she did that. This is still relevant - still me.


9:07 am, 11/19 2nd -
10:14 am, 11/19 3rd -LIVE

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Ho’oponopono, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, surface

appearance, Love and Light, healing across time, deep inner healing,
the Shadow, The Observation Problem, projecting our darkness,
judging others, being critical, seeing imperfection, perfect vision,
accept not reject, sovereign being, refusing to see, video journal,
awaken or enlighten, Source God or Spirit, heart over head, changing
perspective, watch or observe

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