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Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College

S.Y 2019-2020

Title: Comparative Analysis between the usage of Bottled water and Water fountain
among Grade 11 students

Name (optional): ______________________________________ Sex: M F

Grade and Section: ___________________________________

Instruction: Kindly put a check in the box of your choice/answer.

a. Personal Always Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I find water at the water fountain dirty
2. I find bottled water healthier.
3. I find water fountain healthier.
4. I find the quality of water more convenient.
5. I find more important the brand of the bottled
water I buy.
6. The condition of the water fountain of the
school is in condition.
7. I am satisfied with the taste of the water.
8. I find it more safe to drink.
9. I find it more eco-friendly.
10. I am satisfied with the health concerns.
11. I look forward on quality of the water.
12. I look forward on brand of bottled water.
b. Performance Always Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I always buy bottled water
2. I always drink at the water fountain.
3. I understand with the market cost of the
bottle water of our school.
4. I inclined to refill the used bottled water I
bought and use it.
5. The use of water fountain increase more on
water consumption.
c. Final Grading Always Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I decide to refill water bottle using water
2. I decide not to refill water bottle using water
3. I have find that it is more better to use.

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