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SIOP® Lesson Plan Template 2


THEME: Health Sciences

LESSON TOPIC: The Importance of Hydration

-Students will be able to define and know key vocabulary terms when they are asked to
use the terms on their water droplets.

-Students will be able to summarize what they learned throughout the course of the
PowerPoint presentaton on their KWL charts and water droplets that will be provided to

-Students will be able to summarize what they learned about the benefits of drinking water
and staying hydrated.

-Students will be able to recognize the benefits of drinking water.

-Students will be able to prove understanding by writing facts on the importance of

hydration that they learned through the PowerPoint presentation, either on their KWL chart
or on the water droplets.

LEARNING STRATEGIES: 1.)KWL Chart: Initiate a discussion with students regarding the
content that is going to be discussed to determine background knowledge. This is also a good way
to see the growth of what students have learned.

2.) Think-Pair-Share: This activity increases classroom participation. It prevents the eager
students from shouting out the answers and it provides the wait time that some ELL students may
need to think about their answer. During “pair share,” students are allowed to discuss their
answers with a partner without the fear of being ridiculed in front of their classmates. While
discussing in pairs students elaborate on their answer or think of new ideas. Everyone is engaged
and held accountable. When students are brought back to a whole group they are prepared to
engage in a discussion.

3.) Stand and Share: Used as a good review strategy of what all the students in the classroom
have learned.     

KEY VOCABULARY: Dehydration, Health, Hydrate, Hydration, Water

MATERIALS: PowerPoint Presentation, Poster Board for Tallies, KWL Chart for each table,
Worksheet to go along with the PowerPoint Presentation (1 for each student), Directions for
Waterdroplet Activity,Waterdroplet Cutouts (4 for each student), worksheet for students to record
their observations on how much water they are drinking over a two week period (1 for each

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SIOP® Lesson Plan Template 2
student), blue and black markers, and tape (to tape the water droplets on the board in the front
of the classroom).

Science Text and library books on the importance of hydration: students will be allowed to read
curriculum content in their own native language.

Alternate Materials: The students will have support from pictures and videos throughout the
PowerPoint presentation.

(Building background)
The instructor will have a poster board at the front of the classroom and will ask the students for
a raise of hands of how many cups of water they consumer per day. The insturctor will ask the
students if they drink 2-3 cups of water per day, 4-6 cups of water per day, 7-8 cups of water per
day, and finally if the students drink 9+ cups of water per day. Ask students why they think
drinking a lot of water throughout everyday is important once this activity is over. The instructor
will take about three answers from three different students following this activity.

Create a KWL chart gathering students input and ideas on what they know and what they want to
know about the importance of hydration.(After the lesson is complete and the students have a
better understanding about hydration). The students will be split up into two tables and each
table will have to create their own KWL chart. The students will be asked to fill out the "What I
Know" and "What I Want to Know" portion prior to the lesson and the "What I Learned" after the
PowerPoint Presentation has concluded. Once each table is finished the instructors will ask the
students to place their KWL Charts at the front of the classroom and as a class we will compare
what each table wrote and important key takeaways.

Introduce key vocbulary that will be used throughout the lesson: dehyration, health, hydrate,
hydration, and water. These vocabulary words will be presented in the beginning of the
PowerPoint presentation and the students will also be given a worksheet with each defintion so
they can use this as a reference throughout the lesson and activities. The students will be asked
to use the vocabulary terms on the water droplet activity so the instructors can get a full
understanding of which students know the vocabulary and which students still need assistance.

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)
The instructors will ensure that all students within the classroom understand the vocabulary
words, they will ask the students to put a thumbs up if they understand or a thumbs down if they
do not understand, once they finish going over them. The students will also be given two
defintions to understand each word in case one of the defintions does not click with students.The
instructors will focus on vocabulary words and concepts by having students view pictures and
taking notes on a worksheet that will be given to them in order for the students to follow along
throughout the lesson. The instructors will model "I Do, We Do, You Do, for students to view the
processes and actions required for each activity. Students will be asked to brainstorm ideas for
their KWl chart with their group. The instrucotrs will take the two poster boards and put them on
the board to go over once each group has completed it to the full extent.

Each student will be given four water droplets and will be asekd to record four facts about what
they learned throughout the lesson on the droplets. On these water droplets they will need to use
at least two vocabulary words that the instructors went over. They can use their key vocabulary
terms worksheet as a reference when completing this activity. The student will then pair share

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SIOP® Lesson Plan Template 2
with the student sitting next to them and once each pair is finished every student will have to
share one water droplet at the front of the classroom to the whole class.

Each student will be given a worksheet and they will have to record how many glasses of water
they drink each day. They will record their answers on a sheet of paper that will be provided to
them and record their answers for a 2 week period.(This will be used during the extension process
which will not be presented in class due to time)


(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
Students will be provided books to read on why hydration is so important. In shoulder partner
pairs, they will be asked to hypothesize why hydration is important for the human body to
function and how dehyration is very bad.

Students will be split up into two separate tables, and as a table they will have to come up with
ideas in order to fill out their KWL chart. Once the lesson has concluded students can compare
what they already knew about hydration and what they learned.

The students will be given four water droplets to record facts about hydration from the lesson.
Key vocabulary must be used here. (directions will be provided to students on a separate


(Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)
Students will be assessed informally and formatively by the two instructors throughout the lesson
by close observation. The instructors will constantly be obersving the students and checking for

Students will be asked to create four water droplets and on each of the water droplets students
will be asked to write down one fact on why hydration is so important. On these water droplets
students will be asked to use key vocabulary they learned throughout the lesson.The instructors
will ask the students to use at least two key vocabulary words on two of the four water droplets.
During this process students can look at the KWL chart's at the front of the classroom along with
their worksheet they filled out during the PowerPoint presentation as a reference. Students will
present their water droplets with a shoulder partner first and then to the class. Once they present
they will be asked to place their water droplets on the front board using a piece of tape so
everyone can see.

Students with further their knowledge on what they have learned by writing a small two page
paper about their observations on how much they are drinking during the two week period. In this
paper students will discuss several key concepts and ideas. First, the students will discuss what
they observed about their drinking habits over the 2-week period. If they are drinking not enough
water, or exceeding the amount of water they should be drinking and really keeping hydrated.
Next, the students will explain the activities they undergo during the two week period. These
activities could include participating in sports or just watching television on the couch at home.
Students will explain why they should be drinking more water during certain activities in order to
stay hydrated. Finally to conclude, the students will refer back to their worksheets they were
given when the lesson was presented to them and explain the importance on why keeping
hydrated is so important using key vocabulary.(this will only take place if time allows for it)

© 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP® Lesson Plan Template 2
(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2008. Making Content
Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model.)

© 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

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