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Incident Report 192820868

Report Type
Incident Report Page 4 of 27
Date / Time Occurred Date / Time Reported
10/9/2019 09:20 to 10/17/2019 18:00 10/17/2019 18:00

On 10/1/19, this detective spoke with Baltimore County Animal Services Officer Franczkowski about
this investigation. ASO Franczkowski was able to verify that the business titled “Colony Cats of Bird River
and Beyond” was approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 509a2 charitable organization on
12/12/18. Further, the address listed for “Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond” was 10322 Bird River Rd,

ASO Franczkowski reported that Baltimore County Animal Services has received complaints from the
Maryland SPCA in reference to Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond. The business owner, Pamela
Arrington regularly brings cats to the Maryland SPCA to be checked and diagnosed by veterinarians at the
SPCA. On 9/25/19, a letter was emailed to Baltimore County Animal Services Officer Snyder
detailing concerns that the Maryland SPCA had with the condition of the cats that Pamela Arrington was
bringing in from Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond. In the letter, the following findings were provided:
· “Over the past few months she has brought us cats/kittens who emit a foul indescribable odor. She
often times has an odor as well. She has also brought us a few kittens who were in incredibly bad
shape and refused our medical services and offer to have these sickly kittens admitted into our
shelter program stating she could offer better care of them.”
· “There have also been separate concerns brought to us about her housing situation for her cats
stating the odor from her home can be smelled from the street.”
· “Between us (SPCA), BARCS and Baltimore County, she has an extraordinary amount of cats she is
a “caretaker” to.”
· “Our major concern is how many cats/kittens she is actually housing on her property. We are
concerned about a potential hoarding situation.”

ASO Franczkowski was able to provide this detective with Baltimore County Animal Control Case # ACCMP
-2019-08021, which was opened after the initial complaint was made. On 9/24/19, ASO Jost and ASO
Snyder responded to 10322 Bird River Rd for a re-check of the location. The officers were met at the side
entrance of the garage by Pam Arrington, who was identified as one of the owners of Colony Cats of Bird
River and Beyond. The following findings were taken from the officer’s report:
· “We entered the garage and we were immediately met with very high levels of cat urine smell and
· “My eyes and nose immediately started to burn and run and I had trouble speaking while in the
· “There was only a small opening that provided ventilation at the peak of the garage and there were
air purifiers running near the door, but they did little to help with the overwhelming smell.”
· “The garage was lined with dog crates, a cat condo, traps and transfer cages, housing cats in each
one (some 2-5 in one cage.)”
· From what I could tell, at least 50% of the cats in there had signs of URI (Upper Respiratory Infection,
runny eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and congestion) and at least 4 appeared to be in critical condition.
· One cage in particular housed a calico cat that had a litter box with at least 6 piles of feces in it. Pam
mentioned that she was in the process of scooping the cages but it was unknown when was the last
time that she had done it prior to our arrival.
· There were some cats that had either no water in their bowls or no bowls at all.
· Pam mentioned that there is one leukemia positive cat that is being housed in the small garage, but
the cat was not housed away from the other cages in the room. There was no way to 100%
quarantine the cat away from the possible contamination of healthier cats in the garage.
· From what Pam mentioned, there appears to be approximately 50-55 cats housed in the garage at
this time, with her home housing all of her personal cats.
· ASO Jost reported “I had a headache that was not present prior to entry that was brought on by the
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10/9/2019 09:20 to 10/17/2019 18:00 10/17/2019 18:00
ammonia levels in the garage and it took time for my nose and eyes to stop burning.
· Most of the cats are kept in dog crates, some by themselves but most have 2 or 3 cats sharing one

On 10/1/19, this detective spoke with ASO Franczkowski about the conditions that ASO Jost and ASO
Snyder found at 10322 Bird River Rd. ASO Franczkowski explained that although Colony Cats of Bird River
and Beyond had been established as a non-profit organization, the owners had not applied for a Holding
Facility License through Baltimore County. The Holding Facility License is required to house the amount of
animals that Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond has at their location.

Based on the observations of the Baltimore County Animal Services Officers, it is the finding of this
detective that the health and safety of the animals at “Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond” had
deteriorated to a point where the animals removal by Baltimore County Animal Services was appropriate.

Search and Seizure Warrant of Garage at 10322 Bird River Rd

Based on the findings of the Animal Services Officers that the sheer number of animals were confined in a
small space and that the animals were currently being subjected to criminal levels of animal cruelty and
neglect, this detective applied for a search and seizure warrant for the location known as 10322 Bird River

On 10/3/19, this detective responded to the Essex District Court to make an application for a search and
seizure warrant at 10322 Bird River Rd. District Court Judge Pate issued the search and seizure warrant at
1155hrs for the outbuildings and sheds at the location.

On 10/9/19 at 0920hrs, detectives from the Baltimore County Police Department, members of the Baltimore
County Fire Department and Officers/Veterinarians from Baltimore County Animal Services responded to
10322 Bird River Rd to execute the search warrant.

Present for the search and seizure warrant execution were the following personnel:
· Sergeant Gonzalez #4055
· Detective Koller #4830
· Detective Markel #5175
· Detective Nesbitt #3715
· Detective Podgurski #4948
· Detective Gensel #4982
· Officer Moroz #5822
· ASO Franczkowski
· ASO Jost
· ASO Snyder
· ASO Michaels
· Dr. Andrulis (BCAS)
· Several members of BCoFD HAZMAT, Station 14

Upon arrival, this detective attempted to locate a homeowner by knocking on all available doors to the
residence with negative results for an answer. While knocking on the rear door to the location, which
appeared to be the only manner of egress into the home, this detective observed large piles of trash and
debris scattered on the rear and side deck to the location. This detective was able to smell a pungent odor
of urine or ammonia coming from the home. As this detective continued to knock on the rear sliding door of
the home, the smell of urine and ammonia became greater, the closer to the location that this detective
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Date / Time Occurred Date / Time Reported
10/9/2019 09:20 to 10/17/2019 18:00 10/17/2019 18:00
travelled. This detective was unable to see far into the location due to the uncleanly status of the glass door
and area immediately inside the door. This detective was able to walk around the home and observed
several cats sitting at the windows of the home. This detective knocked on several of the windows in an
attempt to locate a homeowner with negative results.

At this point, this detective turned his attention to executing the search and seizure warrant on the sheds
and outbuildings of the property at 10322 Bird River Rd. This detective located a 30 foot by 10 foot garage
that was situated approximately 50 feet behind the residence. While preparing to enter the garage, this
detective was overcome with a strong odor of urine emanating from the shed. The urine and ammonia smell
was so strong that it was decided that this detective would have to suit up in personal protective equipment
to include a respirator to enter the garage. This decision was made based on the ammonia and bacterial
contaminants that were expected to be present in the air inside the garage. Once this detective was
properly equipped, entry was made into the garage via a small side door. Once inside, this detective was
overcome with the smell of urine, even though this detective was wearing a respirator. This detective was
immediately able to observe various sized metal cages that lined the entire walls of the garage. The cages
were stacked 2 high and contained anywhere from 1 to 5 cats. Most of the cages that this detective was
able to observe did not have clean food or water and almost all of the cages had litter boxes that appeared
to contain more feces than kitty litter. There were two small dirty windows on either side of the garage that
let in a minimal amount of sunlight. The garage had working lights, but they were not on when this detective
entered the garage. As this detective and ASO Franczkowski passed several of the cages, the cats confined
inside began to spastically thrash around the cage and climbed up on the cage walls. ASO Franczkowski
advised that the actions of the cats were indicative of animals that were experiencing starvation. After
several minutes inside the garage taking photos and chemical meter readings to ensure the safety of the
persons inside the garage, all personnel had to exit the garage due to the smell and to formulate a plan to
extricate the animals from the garage. This detective, with the assistance from members of the Baltimore
County Fire Department, was able to remove the approximate 30 cages from the garage. Once the cages
were outside, it was determined that there were 76 cats contained within the cages. A veterinarian from
Baltimore County Animal Services was on-site and was able to conduct a brief observation on the cats. It
was determined by the veterinarian that approximately half of the cats were suffering from varying illnesses
to include Conjunctivitis, infections, Leukemia, ulcers, and upper respiratory infections. Once the cats had
been removed from the garage, an additional search was conducted which revealed a white Styrofoam box
that contained a deceased cat. Based on the lack of decomposition, the cat appeared to have died recently
and was placed into the box. The box was not sealed, which would prevent disease from possibly spreading
to the other live cats in the garage. The box was then placed on top of a cage that contained several live

This detective and ASO Franczkowski responded to a smaller shed that was directly behind the garage that
housed the 76 cats. This shed measured approximately 10 feet by 8 feet and had two barn style doors.
Once the doors were opened, this detective was able to immediately smell the odor of decomposition
coming from several more boxes contained within the shed. Three more white Styrofoam cooler boxes, a
cardboard box and a kitty litter plastic bag were removed from the shed. The containers were easily
identified as vessels that contained decomposing animals due to the foul smell and the presence of a large
amount of flies, gnats and maggots that covered the packages. An examination of the contents of the boxes
and bag revealed seven more deceased animals that appeared to be cats in varying stages of
decomposition. This process took considerably longer because the smell associated with rotting,
decomposing carcasses was keeping the Animal Services Officers and this detective from completing the
inventory tasks quickly.

After several hours, the ASO’s and this detective were able to remove 76 live cats and 15 deceased cats
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10/9/2019 09:20 to 10/17/2019 18:00 10/17/2019 18:00
from the garage and shed. The following observations of the cats that were removed from the garage were
made by ASO Franczkowski and the on-site veterinarian, Dr. Andrulis and are as follows:

DSH – Domestic Short Hair DLH – Domestic Long Hair

Cage 1: (3) adult cats in a medium size wire kennel, 1 pillow covered in urine and feces, 1 litterbox with
multiple piles of urine and feces, 1 empty metal bowl.
Cats in cage: 1 - DSH Grey Tabby with White - MC# 990000003533080
2 - DSH Grey Tabby with White - MC# 990000003533078
3 - DSH Brown Tabby with White - MC# 99000000352686
Cage 2: (2) adult cats in a medium size wire kennel with a perch, 1 piece of carpet located on perch,
multiple piles of feces on the floor of the kennel, 2 empty metal bowls, and 1 cat toy/ball.
Cats in cage: 4 - DSH Lilac Point
5 - DLH Gray and White
Cage 3: (3) adult cats in a medium size wire kennel, 1 pillow, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and
feces, 1 empty metal bowl & 1 empty blue plastic bowl.
Cats in cage: 7 - DSH Black
8 - DSH Black
9 - DSH Black
Cage 4: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 pillow covered in urine and feces, 1 carpet square
under pillow, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces (no dry litter), 4 empty metal bowls.
Cats in cage: 6 - DSH Orange Tabby
Cage 5: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 pillow, 1 litterbox that appeared fairly clean, 1 metal
bowl with approx. 1in of water, and 2 metal bowls filled with dry cat food, cage was lined with carpet and
had an approx. 8in barrier around the sides.
Cats in cage: 10 - DSH Calico
Cage 6: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 circular animal bed, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of
urine and feces, 2 empty metal bowls.
Cats in cage: 11 - DSH Black/White
Cage 7: (2) adult cats in a medium size wire kennel, kennel floor lined with carpet, 1 litterbox with multiple
piles of urine and feces, 2 empty metal bowls.
Cats in cage: 12 - DLH Orange Tabby
13 - DLH Brown and White Tabby
Cage 8: (1) adult cat in a small size wire kennel, multiple piles of feces on the floor, what appeared to be cat
food soaked in urine, 1 empty metal bowl.
Cats in cage: 14 - DSH Grey MC# 981020021287137
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10/9/2019 09:20 to 10/17/2019 18:00 10/17/2019 18:00

Cage 9: (2) juvenile cats in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1
metal bowl ½ filled with dry food.
Cats in cage: 15 - DSH Black MC # 990000003533081
16 - DSH Black MC # 990000003533083
Cage 10: (2) adult cats in a medium size wire kennel, stained/dirty carpet lining the bottom of kennel, 1
litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty metal bowls, one of which contained cat feces and urine, 1
plastic red bowl containing approx. 1 inch of cloudy water with what appeared to be litter inside.
Cats in cage: 17 - DSH Brown Tabby
18 - DSH Grey Tabby
Cage 11: (1) adult cat in a small size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty metal
bowls, cat appeared to have very little space to move around.
Cats in cage: 19 - DSH Black and White
Cage 12: (1) adult cat in a small size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty
ceramic bowls, cat appeared to have very little space to move around.
Cats in cage: 20 - DSH Black and White
Cage 13: (1) adult cat in a medium size plastic kennel, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1
metal bowl containing dry cat food.
Cats in cage: 21 - DSH White with Black MC#990000003533070
Cage 14: (1) adult cat in a medium sized kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 empty metal
bowl, 1 metal bowl containing dry cat food, 1 empty plastic bowl, carpet lining the bottom of the cage.
Cats in cage: 22 - DSH Brown Tabby
Cage 15: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 2 empty metal bowls, 1 pile of feces on the kennel
floor, 1 ripped up carpet square that was socked with urine.
Cats in cage: 24 - DSH Gray MC#990000003526825
Cage 16: (1) adult cat in a small size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty metal
bowls, cat appeared to have very little space to move around.
Cats in cage: 25 - DLH Black Smoke MC# 990000002746536
Cage 17: (4) adult cats in a large size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 4 empty metal
bowls, 2 of which contained urine and feces, 1 empty red plastic bowl.
Cats in cage: 26 - DSH Tortie
27 - DSH Tortie
28 - DSH Black MC#990000003526774
29 - DSH Black
Cage 18: (3) adult cats in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 metal
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bowls containing dry food, 1 empty metal bowl, and 1 square of carpet.
Cats in cage: 30 - DSH Orange Tabby
31 - DSH Orange Tabby
32 - DSH Brown Tabby
Cage 19: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 pillow stained with unknown substances.
Cats in cage: 33 - DSH Tortie MC# 990000003532700
Cage 20: (2) adult cats in a large sized wire kennel/condo type cage with 2 perches, 1 litterbox, 1 metal
bowl with approx. ½ inch of cloudy water, 1 plastic bowl affixed to the side of the cage with approx. ¼ inch
of dirty water, 1 plastic bowl affixed to the side of the cage with dry food, 1 cat carrier, 1 square of carpeting.
Cats in cage: 34 – Bengal Short Hair
35 – DSH Brown Tabby
Cage 21: (1) adult cat in a small sized kennel, 1 empty metal bowl, 1 metal bowl containing approx. ½ inch
of cloudy water, multiple piles of feces on kennel floor, 1 fabric cat toy.
Cats in cage: 36 – Siamese Seal Point MC#99000003191876
Cage 22: (1) adult cat in a medium sized kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 empty metal
bowl, 1 metal bowl containing dry cat food, 1 empty plastic bowl, 1 dirty pillow.
Cats in cage: 37 – DSH Brown Tabby MC# 990000003532691
Cage 23: (1) adult cat in a small sized kennel, 1 litterbox, 1 metal bowl containing approx. 1 inch of
dirty/cloudy water, 1 metal bowl containing dry cat food, cardboard lining the bottom of the kennel.
Cats in cage: 38 – DSH Gray and White
Cage 24: (1) adult cat in a medium sized kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 3 empty metal
Cats in cage: 39 – DSH Gray Tabby
Cage 25: (1) adult cat in a medium sized kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty metal
bowls, 1 large pillow saturated with urine.
Cats in cage: 40 – DMH Gray and White MC # 981020017351972
Cage 26: (1) adult cat in a medium sized kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 empty metal
bowl, 1 metal bowl with approx. 1 inch of dirty water, 1 large pillow saturated with urine and covered in
Cats in cage: 41 – DLH Dilute Calico MC# 990000003051249
Cage 27: (3) adult cats in a large sized kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 4 empty metal
Cats in cage: 42 – DSH Gray Tabby with White MC# 981020025373333
43 – DMH Gray and White MC #9810200125360630
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44 – DSH Gray Tabby
Cage 28: (2) adult cats in a large sized metal kennel with a perch, 5 empty metal bowls with urine and feces
inside, 2 plastic bowls with urine and feces inside, 1 plastic food/water dish with feces inside, 1 large pillow
saturated with urine, 1 carpet square with piles of feces and saturated with urine, multiple piles of feces on
the kennel floor.
Cats in cage: 45 – Unknown Breed MC # 98102001616122
46 – DSH Black
Cage 29: (3) adult cats in a large sized metal kennel with a perch, 1 empty metal bowl, 1 empty plastic
bowl, 1 plastic bowl with approx. ½ inch of dirty/cloudy water, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces , 1
carpet square.
Cats in cage: 47 – DSH Brown Tabby
48 – DSH Brown Tabby
49 – DSH Black
Cage 30: (1) adult cat in a large sized metal kennel with a perch, 1 metal bowl with approx. ½ inch of
dirty/cloudy water, 1 carpet square & cat bed on perch, piles of feces and vomit on kennel floor.
Cats in cage: 50 – DSH Black MC # 981020017808669
Cage 31: (1) adult cat in a small sized metal kennel, 2 empty metal bowls, 1 large metal bowl with ¼ inch of
dirty cloudy water, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces.
Cats in cage: 51– DSH Black MC # 99000003533061
Cage 32: (2) adult cats in a large sized metal kennel, 1 empty metal bowl, 1 plastic bowl with urine and
feces, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 small stained/dirty carpet square.
Cats in cage: 52 – DLH Black MC#990000003533077
53 – DSH Calico MC#990000003533076
Cage 33: (1) adult cat and (2) juvenile cats in a medium sized metal kennel, 3 empty metal bowls, 1 metal
bowl with approx. 1 inch of dirty cloudy water, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces.
Cats in cage: 54 – DSH Dilute Tortie
55 – DSH Dilute Tortie
56 – DSH Gray MC#99000000353304108
Cage 34: (1) adult cat in a medium sized metal kennel, 2 empty metal bowls, 1 metal bowl with 1/2 inch of
dirty cloudy water, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, feces on kennel floor.
Cats in cage: 58 – DSH Brown and White Tabby
Cage 35: (2) adult cat in a large sized metal kennel with a perch, 2 empty metal bowl, 1 carpet square
covering the kennel floor, 1 large pillow, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces.
Cats in cage: 59 – DSH White (One eye) MC # 981020017621396
60 – DSH White with Gray MC # 981020017617502
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Cage 36: (1) adult cat in a large sized metal kennel, 2 empty metal bowls, 1 large stained pillow, 1 litterbox
with excessive urine and feces, and 1 scratch pad affixed to side of kennel.
Cats in cage: 61 – DSH Black and White MC# 981020025374482
Cage 37: (2) adult cats in a large sized metal kennel, 4 empty metal bowls, 1 litterbox with excessive urine
and feces, 1 large pillow stained with urine and feces, 1 sheet hanging from top of kennel stained with urine,
1 scratch pad affixed to side of kennel.
Cats in cage: 62 – DSH Brown Tabby
63 – DSH Brown Tabby
Cage 38: (2) adult cats in a large sized metal kennel with a perch, 1 empty metal bowl, 1 litterbox with
excessive urine and feces, 1 metal bowl containing ¼ in water with feces inside, 2 cat toys, 1 sheet hanging
from top of kennel stained with urine.
Cats in cage: 64 – DSH Black and White
65 – DSH Dilute Calico
Cage 39: (5) adult cats in a cat condo, 4 empty metal bowls, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces.
Cats in cage: 66 – DSH Gray Tabby with White MC #981020017786185
67 – DSH Gray Tabby with White MC # 981020017794411
68 – DSH Gray Tabby with White MC # 981020017791984
69 – DSH Gray Tabby with White MC # 981020017331735
70 – DSH Brown and White Tabby MC #981020017617301
Cage 40: (1) adult cat in a small sized metal kennel with a perch, 2 metal bowls containing ¼ inch of cloudy
dirty water, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 cat bed.
Cats in cage: 71 – DLH Black and White
Cage 41: (1) adult cats in a small sized metal kennel with a perch covered in card board, 1 metal bowl
containing 1 inch of water and 1 metal bowl containing what appeared to be remnants of wet cat food, 1
Cats in cage: 72 – DSH Black and white, MC # 990000003533082
Cage 42: Escapee cage. (1 cat that was not counted)
Cage 43: (1) adult cat and (1) juvenile cat in a large sized metal kennel, 1 metal bowl containing ¼ inch of
cloudy water and 1 metal bowl containing what appeared to be remnants of wet cat food, 1 metal bowl
containing a small amount of dry cat food, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, kennel floor covered in
wet litter and food.
Cats in cage: 73 – DSH Brown Tabby MC# 990000003533064
74 – DSH Tortie, MC # 990000003533062

Cage 44: (2) adult cats in a large sized metal kennel, 2 empty metal bowls containing a small amount of dry
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cat food, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, kennel floor covered in litter fecal matter/vomit.
Cats in cage: 75 – DSH Black/ White, MC# 981020025330611
76 – DSH Black
Cage 45: (1) adult cat in a medium sized metal kennel, 1 empty metal bowl, 1 litterbox with excessive urine
and feces.
Cats in cage: 23 – DLB Black and White, MC# 990000003526863

Deceased Cats
Styrofoam Cooler - located inside of the rear shed containing one deceased cat.
77 – DSH Black MC#981020017346093
Styrofoam Cooler - located in rear shed containing eight deceased kittens.
78 – DSH Brown Tabby
79 – DSH Black
80 – DSH Black
81 – DSH Black
82 – DSH Black
83 – DSH Brown and White
84 – DSH Brown and White
85 – DSH Brown and White
Styrofoam Cooler – located in the garage, containing one deceased cat.
86 – DSH Brown Tabby MC#990000003532692
Cardboard Box - located inside of the rear shed containing two deceased cats.
87 – DSH Brown Tabby
88 – DSH Black and White
Pet Food Bag - located inside of the rear shed containing one deceased kitten.
89 – DSH Brown Tabby
Styrofoam Cooler - located inside of the rear shed containing one deceased cat.
90 – DSH Calico MC#981020017495942

Search and Seizure Warrant of Residence at 10322 Bird River Rd

This detective and ASO Franczkowski also considered the health and well-being of the remaining animals in
the residence located at 10322 Bird River Rd to be in peril. This finding was based upon the observations
made of the conditions of the home that were present during the execution of the search and seizure
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floors made it impossible to walk freely throughout the room. This detective was able to observe two crates
on the floor of the bedroom that contained two mixed breed dogs. The cages were surrounded by debris
and did not allow for any type of ventilation to enter the cages. As the Animal Services Officers were
extricating the dogs from the room, they observed several cats crawling through the trash and debris on the
ground and eventually hid under the bed. The Animal Services Officers then lifted up the mattress and box
spring and approximately ten cats were discovered hiding. The ASOs were able to capture most of the cats
in the bedroom; however, there were a few that remained hidden in the trash and debris that could not be
caught. After the cats that were free in the bedroom were captured by the ASOs, they heard the sounds of a
cat coming from a small pet carrier that was lying on the floor. A search of that pet carrier revealed a cat that
was wedged in a pet carrier with a large amount of blankets. The cat appeared to be suffering from some
type of medical condition and there was a foul odor coming from the pet carrier.

This detective continued to assist the ASOs with the documentation and recovery of the animals within the
residence. In a room at the front of the residence that was separated by two double doors, approximately 30
more cats were discovered in cages and running free throughout the room. As was the case with the
previous cats, the conditions that the cats in cages were found in was abysmal. Almost all of the cages had
litter boxes that were overflowing with feces and water and food bowls that were empty or contained fluids
that appeared to be a mixture of urine, food and feces. The entire room smelled heavily of ammonia and
you could see the particulate in the air as the ASOs worked. In another room that was off of this main room,
several cats that appeared to be blind were freely running around the room.

This detective and the ASOs responded upstairs to a loft area that contained approximately 25 cages and
an additional 20 cats. The cages and the cats were kept in conditions that were consistent with what had
been found in the rest of the house. This detective noticed a smaller cage that appeared to be designed for
a small rodent or animal that was on a shelf in the upstairs loft. A closer inspection of that cage revealed
what appeared to be a decomposed small animal that had died a significant time ago. The ASOs advised
that the hair/fur that was observed in the cage with the decomposed animal resembled a Guinea Pig.
Photographs of the decomposed animal and the cage were taken.

It was also discovered that a bird (Cockatiel) was located in a cage in one of the rooms of the residence.
The cage was clean with fresh paper in the bottom of the cage and food and water were present. This is
significant because it demonstrates that the owners of the animals, Cox and Arrington, have the ability and
knowledge to care for animals correctly.

After several hours, the ASO’s and this detective were able to remove 74 live cats, 59 deceased cats, 2
dogs and 1 bird from the residence. The following observations of the cats that were removed from the
garage were made by ASO Franczkowski and the on-site veterinarian, Dr. Donatelli and are as follows:

DSH – Domestic Short Hair DLH – Domestic Long Hair

Cage 1: (3) adult cats in a large size wire kennel located on the kitchen counter, 1 blanket and 2 cloth type
cat hideouts, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1 metal bowl containing approximately 2
inches of water, 1 metal bowl with dry cat food 1 metal bowl with remnants of wet cat food.

Cats in cage: 91 – DSH Black and White MC# 990000003533100

92 - DSH Black and White MC# 990000003533093
93 – DSH Brown Tabby MC# 990000003533095

Cage 2: (1) adult cat in a medium plastic pet carrier, floor of the carrier was covered with a wet puppy pad,
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and fecal matter, 1 empty plastic container, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces and a pair of
latex gloves.

Cats in cage: 110 – DSH Black MC#990000003532696

Cage 3: (3) adult cats in a large wire kennel with 2 perches, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2
empty metal bowls on the floor of the kennel & 1 bowl containing food on the 2nd perch and 1 bowl
containing approximately 1 inch of water on the 1st perch, the bottom of the cage was covered in urine and
feces that had been stepped on/ smashed into what appeared to be ripped up paper.

Cats in cage: 100 – DSH Black and White MC#990003051256

101 – DMH Grey
102 - DSH White with Gray MC#990000003313562

Cage 4: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 empty
plastic container, 1 metal bowl containing dry food, 1 metal bowl containing approximately 1 inch of water
that appeared to have litter in it. The floor of the kennel had what appeared to be dry fecal matter and litter.

Cats in cage: 103 – DSH White with Grey MC #990000003533085

Cage 5: (1) adult cat in humane cat trap, 1 plastic container with dry food and 1 empty plastic container,
Trap floor was lined with paper. No litter box present.

Cats in cage: 147 – DMH Black #990000002746538

Cage 23: (2) adult cats in a large sized kennel, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1 empty
metal bowl, 1 metal bowl containing remnants of wet food, paper lining the bottom of the kennel.

Cats in cage: 2 unknown black cats

Cage 24: (1) adult cat in a medium sized kennel, 1 metal bowl containing approx. 1 inch of water, kennel
floor lined with paper.

Cats in cage: 165 – DMH Black MC#990000003166892

Cage 7: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1 empty
metal bowl, 1 metal bowl with approximately ½ inch of dirty water, 1 metal bowl with dry cat food.

Cats in cage: 111 – DSH Brown Tabby MC# 981020023002363

Cage 8: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1 empty
metal bowl, 1 metal bowl with dry cat food, kennel floor covered in litter and what appeared to be dry fecal

Cats in cage: 112 – DSH Brown Tabby with White

Cage 9: (2) cats in a large size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 metal bowl with dry
food, 1 metal bowl with ½ inch of dirty water, multiple piles of feces and litter on kennel floor.
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Cats in cage: 113 - DSH Dilute Tortie
114 - DSH Grey Tabby MC# 99000000287416

Cage 10: (1) adult cat in a medium plastic carrier, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1 metal
bowl with dry food, 1 metal bowl with 1 inch of water.

Cats in cage: 115 – DSH Grey Tabby MC#981020013044896

Cage 11: (1) adult cat in a large size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with multiple piles of urine and feces, 1 metal
bowl with dry food, 1 metal bowl with 1 inch of dirty water.

Cats in cage: 116 - DLH Black

Cage 12: (3) juvenile cats in a large size wire kennel with 2 perches, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and
feces, 2 empty metal bowls, 1 metal bowl with dry food that contained litter, cage floor covered in ripped up
paper and piles of feces.

Cats in cage: 117 – DSH Black and White

118 – DSH Brown Tabby
119 – DSH Brown Tabby

Cage 13: (3) cats in a large size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty metal
bowls, cage floor covered in litter.

Cats in cage: 121 – DSH Brown Tabby

122 – DSH Gray Tabby
123 – DSH Black and White MC#990000003166893

Cage 14: (3) cats in a large size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty metal
bowls, cage floor covered in paper.

Cats in cage: 124 – DSH Brown Tabby MC#98200362927125

125 – DSH Brown Tabby
126 – DSH White

Cage 15: (1) adult cat in a medium size plastic carrier, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 1 metal
bowl with approx. ¼ inch of water, 1 metal bowl with dry food, 1 pile of feces on cage floor.

Cats in cage: 127 – DSH Brown Tabby MC#990000003060783

Side room: This room appeared to be relatively untouched by the cats in the rest of the household. The
cats housed in here were all blind. There was also a bird housed in an appropriate sized cage in the room.
The room housed a couch that had piles of feces smeared on it, a rug with the same, and shelves with
family photos and mementos. When the couch was pulled out to catch the cats, there was garbage stashed
under along with piles of feces.

Cats in cage: 128 – DSH Black MC#990000001899505

129 – DSH Black and White MC#99000002874173
130 – DSH Gray MC#981020017622031
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131 – White and Grey MC#981020017363778
227 – Cockatiel

Cage 25: (1) adult cat in a small cat carrier, 1 bowl containing what appeared to be a type of soft food, 3
blankets, cat had no room to move.

Cats in cage: 145 – DSH Tortie

225 – Brown mixed breed dog MC# 985112003355036
226 – Black mixed breed dog MC# 985112003355344

Cage 16: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox, 2 empty metal bowls.

Cats in cage: 95 – DSH Torbie MC# 990000003526772

Cage 17: (1) adult cat in humane cat trap, 1 empty plastic container, trap floor was lined with ripped paper.
No litter box present.

Cats in cage: 150 - DMH Black

Cage 18: (1) adult cat in a large size wire kennel with 3 perches, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces,
1 metal bowls containing urine and feces, 2 empty metal bowls , 2 empty plastic bowls, 1 puppy pad on
cage floor soaked with urine.

Cats in cage: 105 – DSH Black and White MC# 985112003445314

Cage 19: (1) adult cat in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty
metal bowls, piles of feces and used litter on the kennel floor along with a cat food can lid.

Cats in cage: 158 – DSH Orange Tabby

Cage 20: (2) adult cats in a large size wire kennel. 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty metal
bowls, old (dry) and new feces covering the kennel floor.

Cats in cage: 143 – DSH Torbie

144 # 6359 – DSH Dilute Torbie

Cage 21: (1) adult cat in a large sized kennel, 1 empty metal bowl, 1 metal bowl containing dry food, 1 litter
box with excessive feces containing a metal bowl, ½ of the kennel floor lined with cardboard.

Cats in cage: 142 – DSH Tortie MC# 990000003413692

Cage 22: (1) adult cat in a large sized kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 3 empty metal
bowls, 1 metal bowl containing urine, kennel floor covered in piles of feces and litter.

Cats in cage: 104 – DSH brown tabby

Cage 26: (1) adult cat in humane cat trap, 1 plastic container with water, 1 plastic container with dry food,
trap floor was lined with urine stained paper. No litter box present.
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Cats in cage: 148 – DSH Black

Cage 6: (2) adult cats in a medium size wire kennel, 1 litterbox with excessive urine and feces, 2 empty
metal bowls.

Cats in cage: 108 – DSH Black MC#981020025436627

109 – DSH Grey and White MC#990001899507

Cats that were not caged and had free roam of the home were as follows:
94 - DSH Brown Tabby MC#990000003304103
96 - DSH Brown / White MC# 990000003413691
97 - DSH Grey/ Dilute Tabby
98 - DSH Brown Tabby MC# 98200363795636
99 - DSH Grey MC# 990000002319709
106 - DSH Brown Tabby MC #981020021414458
107 - DSH Grey/White
120 - DSH Grey MC# 99000002970088
131 - DSH White/Grey MC# 981020017363778
132 - DSH Orange Tabby MC# 981020013083629
133 - DSH Torbie MC#986112003801531
134 - DSH Black and White
135 - DSH Black and White MC#981020025315050
136 - DSH Grey Tabby MC#99000000287262683
137 - DSH Black
138 - DSH Black and White MC#981020017346937
139 - DSH Orange Tabby MC#981020023804874
140 - DSH Grey MC#981020023812206
141 - DSH Black and White
146 - DSH Grey/white
149 - DSH Orange tabby MC# 990000001892013
151 - DSH Calico MC#985112003800964
152 - DSH Black and White MC#990000002311125
153 - DSH Orange tabby MC#981020013094736
154 - DSH Brown Tabby MC#981020013140365
155 - DSH Black and White
156 - DSH Brown Tabby
157 - DSH Snowshoe MC#981020017286777
159 - DLH Black MC# 990000003309123
160 - DSH Duff
161 - DLH Black and White
162 - DSH white with tabby
163 - DSH Brown Tabby
164 - DSH Grey and white MC#981020023077672

Deceased animals found in the freezer located in the kitchen are as follows:

166 - DSH Brown Tabby

167 - DMH Black and white
168 - DSH Black
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169 - DSH Black
170 - DSH Black
171 - DMH Black and white
172 - DSH Orange Tabby
173 - DSH Tortie
174 - DSH Orange Tabby
175 - DSH Brown and white Tabby
176 - DSH Buff
177 - DSH Gray Tabby
178 - DMH Black
179 - DMH Calico
180 - DSH Brown Tabby
181 - DSH Brown and white Tabby
182 - DSH Black
183 - DSH Black
184 - DSH Brown Tabby
185 - DSH Brown and white Tabby
186 - DSH Black and white
187 - DSH Torbie
188 - DSH Brown Tabby
189 - DSH Brown Tabby
190 - DSH Brown Tabby
191 - DSH Brown Tabby
192 - DSH Black
193 - DSH Black MC#990000001899502
194 - DSH Black
195 - DMH Gray
196 - DSH Gray Tabby
197 - DSH Black
198 - DSH Black MC#982126051535957
199 - DMH Black
200 - DMH Gray and white
201 - DMH Brown Tabby
202 - DSH Black MC#990000003533094
203 - DMH Torbie
204 - DSH Black
205 - DSH Brown and white Tabby
206 - DSH Buff
207 - DSH Buff
208 - DSH Brown Tabby
209 - DSH Gray Tabby
210 - DMH Black
211 - DMH Black
212 - DSH Brown Tabby MC#990000003304110
213 - DSH Tortie
214 - DSH Brown Tabby
215 - DMH Black and white MC#990000002874174
216 - DSH Black and white
217 - DMH Black MC#990000001899501
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Veterinarian: Dr. Andrulis

Intake Exam:
Dr. Andrulis examined Briver 74 on October 9, 2019. Briver 74 was estimated to be a 1 year old
female torbie DSH. A microchip number was found. She was noted to have a Purina
body condition score of (2/9) weighing 4.14lbs with a left ear tip. A review of her medical history noted that a
month previously on 9/13/19 “Oceana” ID with the same microchip number was examined at the
MDSPCA and found to be emaciated weighing 4.3lbs with live fleas.

Briver 74 was routinely vaccinated and dewormed. She was tested for FelV/FIV (neg/neg) and treated with
a topical flea preventative. A recheck was performed on 10/23/19 where she was found to have gained a
significant amount of weight. At 6.0lbs her BCS had improved to 4/9.

Briver 74 was admitted to the shelter with evidence of malnutrition and dehydration. She had lost weight
after release from the MDSPCA on 9/13/19. Over a two week period with proper nutrition and sanitary
housing she has gained over a pound of weight (28% weight gain). These facts, along with horrendous
condition that Briver 74 was found in,
prove that she was suffering from neglect at the time she was seized from the garage on Bird River Road.

Briver #145
Approximate 8 year old, spayed female, tortoise shell DSH
Not Microchipped
Veterinarian: Dr. Andrulis

Intake Exam:
Dr. Andrulis examined Briver 145 on October 18, 2019. Briver 145 had died overnight and was
estimated to be approximately 8 years old. She was noted to have a Purina body condition score of (1/9)
weighing 3.4 lbs. She was found to be extremely underweight with her hip bones and ribs protruding.

Briver 145 was admitted to the shelter with evidence of malnutrition and dehydration. Unfortunately she
passed away as a result of severe malnourishment and lack of care. Based on the level of her emaciation it
can be concluded that her body condition was a result of neglect that took place over a 2-4 week time

Briver #148
Approximate 3 year old, spayed female, black DSH
Not Microchipped
Veterinarian: Dr. Andrulis

Intake Exam:
Dr. Andrulis examined Briver 148 on October 18, 2019. Briver 148 had died overnight and was
estimated to be approximately 3 years old. She was noted to have a Purina body condition score of (1/9)
weighing 2.5 lbs. She was found to be extremely underweight with her hip bones and ribs protruding and
had copious ocular and nasal crusting indicating a severe upper respiratory infection. .

Briver 148 was admitted to the shelter with evidence of malnutrition and dehydration. Unfortunately she
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passed away as a result of severe malnourishment and lack of medical care and treatment for her
respiratory infection. Based on her emaciation her condition was a result of neglect that took place over a 2-
4 week time period.

Findings by this Detective and Animal Services

Many of the cats seized from 10322 Bird River Road were exhibiting symptoms of Feline Upper Respiratory
Infection (URI), additionally 8 cats tested positive for feline Leukemia (FELV), 4 from the garage and 4 from
the home.

URI virus may be shed in saliva or secretions from the nose or eyes. Susceptible cats can get an infection
by direct contact with another infected cat or by environmental exposure. URI is caused by one or more viral
or bacterial agents, usually affecting the nose and throat. Symptoms of URI include sneezing, runny nose,
runny eyes, sores on the tongue, lips, nose or roof of mouth, fever, lack of appetite, decreased energy and
lethargy. It is extremely important that cats with URI’s be housed in clean, low stress areas with access to
adequate food and water to enable them to recover.
Feline Leukemia (FELV) in many cats, results in suppression of the immune system making the cat less
able to defend him/herself against a wide range of infections that would not normally cause problems in
healthy cats. The virus is shed in saliva, nasal secretions, urine, feces, and milk of infected cats. Cats are
exposed to FELV infection through other infected cats, either via prolonged close contact or through bite
wounds. There is no cure for FELV, only management of symptoms, the only sure way to protect cats from
FELV is to prevent their exposure to FELV-infected cats. Symptoms of FELV include loss of appetite,
progressive weight loss, poor coat condition, enlarged lymph nodes, persistent fever, pale gums and other
mucus membranes, infections of the skin, urinary bladder and upper respiratory tract, persistent diarrhea,
and eye conditions. Once a cat has been diagnosed with FELV, careful monitoring of weight, appetite,
activity level, elimination habits, appearance of the mouth and eyes, and behavior is an extremely important
part of managing the disease to ensure a proper quality of life.
Cats that are experiencing stress from environmental factors may be more susceptible to illnesses and
diseases due to their immune system being suppressed. Conditions such as lack of sufficient food and
water, a clean housing area with sufficient space, being housed in close proximity to other cats without
barrier in most cases will cause a cat to become stressed. Because there was no separation between any of
the cages, or separation of the free roaming cats from the caged cats, all of the cats housed in the garage
and house were exposed and susceptible to illnesses and diseases that others might have. Ideally, cats
showing signs of illness should be kept separate from healthy cats to prevent the illness from spreading.
Best practices for limiting exposure is to isolate a new cat from the other cats in your household for at least
1-2 weeks to minimize the risk of transmission of any infectious diseases. Cats that test positive for FELV
should be kept separate from all other cats (sick or healthy) to prevent the spread of the incurable diseases.
Keeping cats together in unsanitary conditions may lead to the spread of other illnesses and diseases such
as Feline Panleukapenia, which is a highly contagious, often fatal, viral disease of cats, this virus is shed in
all bodily secretions such as urine and vomit, and stool.
It is the finding of this detective that the owners of Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond, Garriott Cox and
Pamela Arrington, are responsible for the following criminal acts of Animal Abuse, Cruelty and Neglect that
were observed by members of the Baltimore County Police Department and Baltimore County Animal
Services during the execution of both search and seizure warrants at 10322 Bird River Road, 21220
(10/9/19 and 10/17/19.)
CR 10-604
Abuse or neglect of animal
(a) A person may not:
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(1) overdrive or overload an animal;
(2) deprive an animal of necessary sustenance;
(3) inflict unnecessary suffering or pain on an animal;
(4) cause, procure, or authorize an act prohibited under item (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection; or
(5) if the person has charge or custody of an animal, as owner or otherwise, unnecessarily fail to provide the
animal with:

i. nutritious food in sufficient quantity;

ii. necessary veterinary care;
iii. proper drink;
iv. proper air;
v. proper space;
vi. proper shelter; or
vii. proper protection from the weather.

The investigation by this detective revealed that Garriott Cox and Pamela Arrington, owners of Colony Cats
of Bird River and Beyond, committed Abuse or Neglect of an Animal by:

· CR10-604(a)(2) - A person may not deprive an animal of necessary sustenance.

During both search and seizure warrants that were executed at 10322 Bird River Rd, 21220, numerous cats
were discovered locked in cages, without food or water. Further, a large amount of cats had recently lost a
significant portion of their weight from the last time they were observed by a veterinarian.

· CR10-604(a)(3) - A person may not inflict unnecessary suffering or pain on an animal.

During both search and seizure warrants that were executed at 10322 Bird River Rd, 21220, the conditions
that were observed could be described as unsanitary and abysmal. In the garage, cats were kept in cages,
sometimes multiple cats to a cage. The cages were littered with feces, vomit and rancid food and water. The
air quality was poor and ventilation was non-existent. In the residence, cats feces was observed on multiple
surfaces and open overflowing litter boxes were sporadically situated throughout the house. A large number
of cats were confined to cages without proper water, food or clean litter boxes. Trash was strewn about in
the bedroom where several cats were found hiding in the debris.

· CR10-604(a)(4) - A person may not cause, procure, or authorize an act prohibited under item
(1), (2), or (3) of this subsection
During both search and seizure warrants that were executed at 10322 Bird River Rd 21220, it was apparent
to this detective that both Garriott Cox and Pamela Arrington were knowledgeable and complicit in allowing
the conditions of the areas where the animals were kept and stored to deteriorate to the levels that were
observed on 10/9/19 and 10/17/19. Further, the both Garriott Cox and Pamela Arrington were
knowledgeable and complicit in the deteriorating health of the animals that they were responsible for.

· CR10-604(a)(5)(i,iii,iv,v,vii) - if the person has charge or custody of an animal, as owner or

otherwise, unnecessarily fail to provide the animal with: nutritious food in sufficient quantity,
proper drink, proper air, proper space and proper shelter.
During both search and seizure warrants that were executed at 10322 Bird River Rd, 21220, numerous cats
were discovered locked in cages, without food or water. In the garage, cats were kept in cages, sometimes
multiple cats to a cage. The cages were littered with feces, urine, vomit and rancid food and water. The air
quality was poor and ventilation was non-existent. In the residence, cat feces was observed on multiple
surfaces and open, overflowing litter boxes were sporadically situated throughout the house. A large
number of cats were confined to cages without proper water, food or clean litter boxes. In some cages, the
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amount of feces, urine and vomit did not permit the animals to have an area to stand or sit without laying in
the feces, vomit or urine. Trash was strewn about in the bedroom where several cats were found hiding in
the debris.

The investigation by this detective revealed that Garriott Cox and Pamela Arrington, owners of Colony Cats
of Bird River and Beyond, committed Aggravated Cruelty to Animals by:

CR 10-606(b)(2)
Aggravated cruelty to animal
· A person may not intentionally cause the torture of an animal to wit: Cats contained in the
garage and residence of 10322 Bird River Road, 21220 and the property of the owners of
Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond, Garriott Cox and Pamela Arrington.

It is the finding of this detective that the owners of Colony Cats of Bird River and Beyond, Garriott Cox and
Pamela Arrington caused the torture of the above animals by:

Depriving them of proper sustenance

The starvation was so severe that some of the cats had lost several pounds since their last veterinarian
visit, which had just occurred within the last six weeks. Further, once the cats were being properly cared for
at BCAS, they gained significant amounts of weight in a mere two weeks.

Conditions located at the garage and residence

Several of the cats had developed upper respiratory infections that were not present on their previous
veterinarian visits. The lack of ventilation and space between cages suggest that the cats developed these
ailments while suffering, long term, in the conditions that were present.

Euthanization of Briver 38
Briver 38 was found to be kept in such an emaciated state that the animal had to be humanely euthanized
to end its suffering. Due to the fact that this cat was not microchipped, it is unknown how long the cat
suffered in the emaciated state.

It is this detective’s finding that the preceding statements are evidence that several animals suffered grave
injuries and even ultimate death, due to the inactions and conditions that were present at 10322 Bird River
Rd, 21220. Garriott Cox and Pamela Arrington’s actions and a lack of a sanitary, healthy housing situation,
inflicted severe pain and suffering, which satisfies the torture element of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals on
several of the animals on their property.

On 10/3019, this detective completed the initial supplement for this Animal Cruelty Investigation and
submitted it to the Baltimore County States Attorney’s Office for review.

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